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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2597183 No.2597183 [Reply] [Original]

post em

>> No.2597224

I remember when my "boss" was going on one of his selfrighteous little rambles and saying something along the lines of "if someone would give us $70 for that xbox, good, if they're only willing to cough up $30, get the fuck out!"

This wasn't in the previous decade, though I'm not sure if it was before the current retro bubble.

Fucking freeseller scum.

>> No.2597240
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>> No.2597243

>50 dollars for an old piece of niche furniture
Doesn't seem that bad to me.

>> No.2597245

How long before people start selling homemade, hand-labelled CD-R copies of R@RE games for $20 a pop, calling them "repros?" Hell, given them each a number/number, call them LIMITED EDITION, and you could probably double that.

(Does a plate of pho ingredients count as a salad?)

>> No.2597247

We're already seeing it with PC Engine CD games.


>> No.2597263


yeah I hear there's a lot of Bootlegged copies of Ginga Sapphire floatng around

>> No.2597267

>With the release of our third caravan shoot’em up

"Our?" I'm sorry, but from a brief search it looks like Force Gear was a shooter within Tokimeki Memorial? How can they say "our?" I also like how there do not seem to be prices advertised on the page.

I guess people are paying for the art and package design? I just don't get it. At least with cartridge repros you presumably need some soldering skills or something. Don't most people know how to burn CD-Rs?

>> No.2597270

>At least with cartridge repros

Don't give them any credit or any defence

>> No.2597276

I've heard there are more bootlegs than legit copies.

>> No.2597289

I'm no fan of repros or any selling of the work of an unaffiliated pro developer, ROM hacker, or homebrew game developer, but the barrier to entry to making homemade "reproductions" of CD games is so low that it baffles me that anyone would actually buy them for more than the cost of a blank CD-R. I guess the big question is do people actually buy these things, or is it just wishful thinking?

>> No.2597291

It'll never happen. At least not with the retro systems. Maybe get away with it on Turbo CD and SEGA CD but not Saturn or PlayStation. You can't really mimic the latter two.

Aren't these the guys making actual pressed CDs? They're not cdrs.

>> No.2597294

fun fact, the cunt who runs PCE Memories is the one who had those Sapphire booties made :) He's also a huge cunt who profits off of other peoples fan translations.

Did I mention he's a huge fucking German cunt?

>> No.2597295

they're not CDRs, these are pressed/stamped discs.

>> No.2597297

I agree. The fuck, OP? Go tell Mark about the frigging thing.

>> No.2597298

I think if they make it obvious that it's a reproduction, and include something a little extra over what a real cartridge would have, that mitigates it.

>> No.2597304

>Aren't these the guys making actual pressed CDs? They're not cdrs.
That doesn't make it any more legit, or the guy making them any less of an asshole

>> No.2597306

Man fuck off. If I made a translation and someone went of their way to have PRESSED CDs made of it I'd be happy as fuck.

They aren't CDrs you idiot.

>> No.2597308

How's it any different from reprro carts?

>> No.2597309

This isn't true, but there are quite a few bootlegs floating around. Thankfully, it's quite easy to tell them apart from the real thing:

There are also bootleg Dracula X discs, but these are far less common.

Again, these aren't CDRs, they are pressed discs.

A pressed disc will not only last longer than a CDR, it'll cause less wear on your console and looks better on display.

You can clearly see in the various review videos that the discs are pressed:

>> No.2597313

So you want other people to profit off of your work without your consent?

>> No.2597317

If I translate a rom and I put the translation out there what's wrong?

>> No.2597320

That's a fun story, can you tell us more about this? I've been doing some recon on them and it does appear that they are based in Germany (email is anime4ever.de, lol)

>> No.2597325

People seem to think they have the distribution rights to someone else's illegally altered and redistributed IP/code because they translated some lines of text, like that dickbag who translated Mother 3

>> No.2597330

Nobody has the rights here. Except the original developer.

>> No.2597337

Exactly. Even if you can't sell it yourself, seeing someone else profit from work that you made for free is pretty much like getting cucked. If the creator doesn't mind, I guess that's up to them, but yeah.

>> No.2597341

Maybe in a few years you'll understand.

You don't put shit out for free then get mad when people use said free shit.

>> No.2597345

Pretty much. Once you put it out there, people can and will use it as they please, especially when you have zero rights to the translation and illegal game modification you made.


>> No.2597348

It isn't just using it. It is using it for profit.

>> No.2597351

>freeseller scum.

Uh oh, these vr has repeated that so much, it's just gotten completely weird!

>> No.2597353
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So let me get this logic straight.

You're upset because you can't legally take ownership of someone else intellectual property because you translated a few lines of text. Then you even further upset because someone is illegally remarketing an ancient product that is out of reach for many people and thus making it in reach for people.

>> No.2597361
File: 273 KB, 1203x379, ebay02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only $2.01 each for a goddamn shred of cardboard! WOW!

>> No.2597375

Is he a cunt, though? Sounds like a cunt.

>> No.2597378

>People seem to think they have the distribution rights to someone else's illegally altered and redistributed IP/code because they translated some lines of text, like that dickbag who translated Mother 3
I thought he made a translation patch rather than distributing a translated ROM, and he encourages you to import a copy of the actual game, and that the translation is for free.

I think he basically only takes credit for the translation, which I don't think is really unfair.

>> No.2597381

You actually sound more supportive of people who sell repros/hacks for profit than the people who actually make them. You seem to criticize those who make translations and other hacks as engaging in illegal activity while saying that people who profit from them are doing some great service.

I've never distributed a hack or a translation in my life, but I can easily see where someone who made something for free for others to enjoy for free would get pissed at someone looking at that data and using it simply as a means to suck even more money out of collectors.

>> No.2597391

>You seem to criticize those who make translations and other hacks as engaging in illegal activity
They are if they're trying to make some profit or otherwise.

>> No.2597395

yeah how dare he wish to operate a profitable business. everyone should sell everything at cost!

>> No.2597435

People on this board who complain about resellers and ebay prices have never had to deal with concepts like expenses and operating costs, overhead, or employees.

>> No.2597442

That has little to do with ridiculous ebay pricing on games. However, I do think that collectors and newbies are just as responsible (likely more than) resellers for the ridiculous pricing. Resellers who hold stuff hostage for stupid amounts that no one will pay or scalp cheap games just to make money don't help, but if there weren't idiots out there willing to pay too much for shit, it wouldn't happen.

>> No.2597447

we are anonymous, we are all brothers and sisters, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us

>> No.2597468

That doesn't justify overcharging buyers on shipping.

>> No.2597476

>People on this board who complain about people that complain about resellers and ebay prices have never had to deal with concepts like expenses and operating costs, overhead, or employees


>> No.2597479

Hopefully GameStop's new retro game store will keep retro gaming priced from being artificially inflated. Even their prices are a bit hefty though.

>> No.2597484

He actively monitors and reports people trying to sell reproduction carts, submitting copyright claims in order to have sale listings removed.

I think that extends slightly beyond just "taking credit for the translation"

>> No.2597486

>go to eBay
>$5 SNES cart
>$40 shipping costs

>> No.2597487

it is 2015. does this still happen?

here's a tip. buy the cart, leave negative feedback and low seller ratings. the seller's account will be terminated once they get enough low ratings about shipping costs.


>> No.2597490

I suppose that's kind of autistic of him, but he does mean well.

I just think that it's something he should have expected to happen once the patch was available, of course less savory people will take advantage of it.

>> No.2597495

how does he "mean well" when he's knowingly submitting fraudulent copyright claims? he doesn't have any copyright to the product.

moreover, people buy these because they want a physical cart. they don't want a ROM/emulator or a flash cart. why does he care? because he translated it? it's "his"?

he should make his own repros and slag off, then.

>> No.2597504

yeah he wont make another one and shitbay would definitively do some shit at all.

>> No.2597505

Does the guy distribute the patch for free? I'm asking because I do not know.

>> No.2597506

>slag off
Foreigners trying to understand IP morals and laws is funny.

>> No.2597537

>fraudulent copyright claims
I don't know, what's the legality of flash carts? I mean, it's not like Nintendo or Itoi gets any of that money if you buy a repro on Ebay.

It's probably on the behalf of the devs he submits those, not because they're using his translation.

>> No.2597539

Report the listing.
eBay has an excessive shipping policy and they will pull it.
a cartidge that weighs less than 13oz is super cheap to mail

eg. super castlevania IV weighs 2.6oz, even with lots of packaging it would not weigh more than 10oz which is around $4 first class; it also easily fits in a flat rate priority for $5.

>> No.2597542

He does, but he added a slide in the opening screens of the translated ROM stating that it's provided in good faith and that you're strongly encouraged to at the least purchase an actual GBA cartridge of the game.

I think he's naive, but it's clear that he feels strongly about the matter.

>> No.2597550

A cartridge fits in a priority box.

To ship a boxed game or a CD properly costs a bit more. Generally around $10-$15 due to box size.

>> No.2597554

either way $40 is without a doubt excessive.

>> No.2597559

Ya and there's a report button for that like some other anon said.

Though I haven't seen an insane shipping cost item in awhile. At least one that was a scam and not a joke.

>> No.2597560

Shouldn't be more than $4 for USPS Priority on a single game in the lower 48, any boxed game or CD can fit in a Flat Rate Priority envelope or box.

>> No.2597567

>CD can fit in a Flat Rate Priority envelope
And your the assholes I leave negative feedback to.

And you need a medium size priority box to ship a CD game. They don't fit in small.

>> No.2597589
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I find its the opposite here. Resellers usually give good deals (under ebay prices) because they often get the games really cheap and their profit margin is big even if they dont sell it for a ridiculous price. Its the fucking people that post classified ads here that think common games and consoles should be worth 2-3x ebay prices

>> No.2597604

I operate on these rules when it comes to digital media
>No advertising, its fine with really close friends but everyone else gets the my "friend let me borrow it" routine or the I cant remember, it was a while ago
>Is it available for purchase locally or will be in foreseeable future? if yes, just buy it. if no, then the creators don't care about you not paing them anyway so no loss.(mother3 aint coming out in US. so its ok)
>are there remakes available? if yes, maybe buy it depending on quality. and it would be ok to DL copy of original. if no ok to dl.
>secondhand does not benefit creators, buying secondhand is not any more moral good than dl a copy (relating to unavailable games). I only buy secondhand to have the actual thing for ...i dunno tangibility reason.
Generally my whole basis of thinking is really an economicly based one, just because some idiot in japan doesnt want to release a entertainment in the USA means they arnt going to benefit from it so what difference does it make if I DL it?

>> No.2597636

well when all your shit sits on the shelf for years and years and overhead piles up don't be surprised when your store goes belly up.

>> No.2597638

I always pack mine in cardboard, my feedback is excellent. I've been selling CDs for years, that's my main business so I've learned how to satisfy customers.

>> No.2597658

Profitable? What the fuck do you know about that bunch? Okay, they *styled* themselves as extremely bushinessey, but so what?

Learn2readingcomprehension, I said FREEseller scum, and that fucker was indignant at getting around ordinary market price for things.

>> No.2597686

trust me, ebay will close your seller account if too many people rate you poorly over shipping.

source: i'm on my third account after having two closed due to babies crying about shipping even though I ship everything 2-3 day flat-rate.

>implying Mato has any copyright claim whatsoever

he's not a legal representative of Nintendo, nor does he have copyright over any part of the product, thus it's a fraudulent claim

i've shipped hundreds of CDs in bubble mailers and never had a single problem. stop being autistic

even amazon ships CDs this way.

>> No.2597692

>i've shipped hundreds of CDs in bubble mailers and never had a single problem. stop being autistic

And I've left well over 20 negative just this year to you assholes.

>even amazon ships CDs this way.
Who buys shit from Amazon?

>> No.2597696


That guy is just the worst.

>> No.2597702

>Who buys shit from Amazon?
Uh, everyone, millions of people each second. Amazon is like 90% of my sales, about 30 each day. The rest is split between Ebay, Rakuten, and foreign markets.

>And I've left well over 20 negative just this year to you assholes.
Good thing there's seller forums for blacklisting buyers, which I can also do in my front end.

>> No.2597709

>And I've left well over 20 negative just this year to you assholes.

did you want me to ship it inside of a 40x40 ft briefcase?

assholes like you make me want to stop selling anything online

>Who buys shit from Amazon?

>> No.2597727

Too much to ask for a simple box, some padding, and add in a layer of bubble wrap in the jewel case for you resellerscum huh?

>> No.2597751

"Reseller scum", sorry I make my livelihood on the secondary market. It's either hoarding like a collectorfag or being reseller scum, there's no winning.

Like I said upthread, I pack mine with piece of cardboard on both sides and ship in flat rate bubble mailers. I get maybe half a dozen complaints a year but that's just Postal Service buffoonery. And then I get the occasional asshole buyer like you who is impossible to satisfy; I give them a full refund, sometimes even more (Amazon allows sellers to do this), and they still leave negative feedback. That's fine, it doesn't affect my rating. I do warn other sellers about that buyer, though. Rest assured that's happening to you.

>> No.2597760

Well if it's too much for a simple box I hope the sellers blacklists me.

>> No.2597790

So yeah, how many of you guys profitably sell carts containing hacks or homebrews made by other people?

>> No.2597794

I've never sold one and wouldn't, not to mention you could get your account pulled if someone complained about bootleg merch.

>> No.2597846

>Fucking freeseller scum.

Have you sold anything ever, that you bought from someone else and did not create for yourself?

Congratulations, you are now a reseller scum as well.

>> No.2597884

Perhaps you should ask sellers how they intend to pack the item first, instead of assuming they'll meet your ridiculous standards.

>> No.2597886

Asking for a box is ridiculous standards. Oh reseller scum. You're funny sometimes.

>> No.2597906

asking for a box when it isn't fucking necessary is a ridiculous standard.

unless it's a fucking sealed copy of Delisoba Deluxe, a CD does not need to be shipped in a fucking box.

You must be completely insufferable in real life, some kind of hoarding autist that lives inside a gigantic cardboard box.

I used to sell repros but I stopped, it just isn't profitable after fees when I have to spend 30m-1hr to make each game on top of everything else (cleaning, burning ROMs, assembling, testing, listing, shipping)

it's maybe profitable if you live in like fucking Poland or something. I just sell extras I pick up here and there to pay for the hobby

I'll gladly blacklist you, please provide your ebay and amazon IDs.

>> No.2597914

Do you know how many fucking jewel cases get wrecked because of reseller scum like you?

There's a reason I want it shipped in a fucking box.

>> No.2597916

I have never had a single jewel case wrecked ever.

jewel cases cost 10 cents at a record store or you can buy like 50 of them at Office Max for $5.

get over yourself you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.2597920

Do you live in a third world country or bumfuck Alaska or something? I ship hundreds of cds each month in standard USPS bubble mailers, and I can count the number of complaints so far this year on one hand.

>> No.2597921

Right let me just buy your game and then when it gets to me destroyed it's ok because I can just buy a new case.

Reseller scum ladies and gents.

Thank god for ebay returns.

>> No.2597923

eBay charges fees for shipping now so they don't give a shit.

>> No.2597952

they do, i've had two accounts closed over it

just leave bad feedback and eventually the seller will get banned if they make a habit of it

shut the fuck up you cunt, you're worse than a broken record at this point

>> No.2597963
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Reseller scum tears. mmm

Got another 2 pending this month. Though these were assholes labeling discs as like new.

>> No.2597969

>It's either hoarding like a collectorfag or being reseller scum, there's no winning.
Honestly though what the fuck is with this board and that shit? People here fly off the handle like you kicked their fucking dog if you own more than five games, or prefer physical media.

>> No.2597997

I imagine it is mostly younger posters who've only ever played old games via emulation and/or don't realize that not everyone who collects games started from scratch in 2013 as the result of a fad. If people prefer emulation, that's fine, but everyone here knows about emulation and not everyone collects out of ignorance of alternatives.

As for reseller hate, I think it is mostly people pissed at the prices and blame it on people who resell games. I'm absolutely against shady sales tactics or people who would attempt to manipulate the market, but without people who sell their games it would be a lot harder for me to get some of the stuff I want.

>> No.2598006

Well, you clearly don't fit in here if you need explaining.

>> No.2598014

Not sure on your age. Ever play magic? It's like that but worse.

>> No.2598024

Cry about your boogeyman a little harder, friend.

>> No.2598132

>tales of greed
One upon a time, in a town made up almost entirely of children, there was a small meeting room where the adults would come together and discuss their childhood toys. They met and discussed in peace and happiness, for a time.
One day a magic looking glass named the Tube of You showed the the adults toys to the children. And the children wanted them. So they went to the meeting place to learn of these toys and were shocked by what they found.
The adults were not given these toys by their parents. They were not even given gold with which to buy the toys. They toiled long hours delivery scrolls, looking after their neighbors young and overturning Macs of Bigness.
The greedy children stormed the meeting place shouting "I want! I want!" and posting messages denouncing the merchants who would not give them their wares for free.
And the whole place went to shit and no one lived happily ever after. The End

>> No.2598173

Blow it out your ass!

Reseller scum hoard whatever they can in hopes of someday in the distant future charging exponentially more for it.

But I was talking about freeseller scum.

Freeseller scum NAG everyone "hey, you don't need your old tech, it's just a burden to you, do the socially responsible thing and give it to us!", after which point they usually just end up scrapping it anyway.

Fucking freeseller scum.

>> No.2598191

Okay, so what in your mind is the ideal situation? People finding rare games and giving them directly to you? I guess I don't understand what people want when they endlessly complain about the used games market. To you, everyone is a hoarder, reseller scum, or otherwise somehow not fit to own or sell the games you covet.

>> No.2598221

Holy shit, how the fuck are you managing to construe things so massively dramatically backwards from the nasty experiences I'm reporting? Wow, have you got some axe to grind that you insist on turning everything around 180 degrees like that!

Well, since you're putting me on the spot like that, I guess my ideal situation is all the fucking POSERS ravenously chasing some pretentious badge of righteousness, the shits that drive the demand for all these varieties of such crap, shutting the fuck up!

>> No.2598238

>all the fucking POSERS ravenously chasing some pretentious badge of righteousness
Settle down, cupcake, I think the only one grinding an axe is you.

>> No.2598240

This is exactly what I'm talking about, this ME ME ME attitude that you're entitled to games because you're somehow more authentic and deserve it more than anyone. Other people are reseller scum or posers, but not you!

>> No.2598254

Not the guy above.

All I want are auctions back. Not this BiN garbage with tons of set prices and resellers never budging.
If you're an asshole listing games at BiN prices you're reseller scum.

Also the reseller scum making a big deal about how it's too much to ship a CD in a box is another kind of scum. Stuff like Saturn games should always be shipped in a box.

>> No.2598302

Fuck you, yeah I have or had games, so what? If you scumbags who are hellbent on giving me shit, expecting shit out of me because I'm "game privilidged" or some bullshit like that, you've got another thing coming! If some fuckers think they can impose on me bullshit ideologies about what sort of attitudes I'm supposed to have to life because they're paranoid I'm going to get too entitled with games or game related things, I'm not going to back down. Scumbags.

>> No.2598312

I tell about experiences with reseller scum with full expectations to get things for free.

You respond construing that I must want people "finding rare games and giving them directly to you?"

You're turning things on they're head like that, and somehow you're not grinding an axe, trying to piss me off? Hah.

>> No.2598381

so can a crt flyback transformer be removed and replaced with higher quality parts?

>> No.2598390

The shipping you asshats.

>> No.2598416

I'm actually fine with this.

>> No.2598420

USPS Media Mail is your friend. The CHEAPEST way to send CDs/DVDs within the US. Just lie and don't tell them that they're videogames, because vidya doesn't count for some ungodly reason!

>> No.2598495

This. 100%.

Magic has the most cut-throat secondary market i've ever seen. The autists on this board would have heart attacks if they had to put up with magics bullshit.

>> No.2598504

man you are either hopelessly autistic or a troll.

>> No.2598506

What country in Eastern Europe are you from? You're hilarious.

>> No.2598507

I don't know man. I think video game shit is a bit worse. If you factor in modern shit with the amiibos anyway.
But we do lack the instant buy out when a new set comes out so all the individual card sellers can get their stock. And damn can card values fluctuate in an instant.

>> No.2598527

I've sold cards on ebay and sometimes i've listed a buy-it-now and i checked 12 hours after i listed it and theres 3 more listings all a penny less than the last

>> No.2598532

Ya that shit is rampant. Really the only comparison to video games like that are the amiibos.
I change my opinion. The market for Magic is worse but only by a bit.

>> No.2598540

what the fuck is that anyway? seems like gay little plastic shit from my drunk googlings

>> No.2598543

Plastic toys from Nintendo with chips to do shit in games.
It's an American thing were it's nuts.

>> No.2598574

Speculator and collector bait. In that regard they're like retro games that you can still buy in stores.

>> No.2598721

Went into my local pawn shop, Cash Converters.

Recently got a NES so a few staples would be cool.

They happen to have a stack of NES games, which is good as they only come in like once every 6 months.

Mario Bros 3


Going to stick with getting them cheap rummaging through boxes at car-boot sales though people who just want shot of old junk in their attic.

>> No.2599573

>Saturn games should always be shipped in a box

Reseller who pained this guy's ass here; I agree with this statement, but no one ever specifically said Saturn (or Sega CD) games during their massive ass bleed all over this thread

I'm sorry I am smarter than you
I'm sorry I make more money than you
I'm sorry I'm able to obtain more and nicer things than you
I'm sorry you're poor
I'm sorry you're so angry
I'm sorry you're obsessed with "reseller scum" to the point where you had it inked on your hand, and give yourself a handy with said hand every night while you whisper "reseller scum" as you bust a nut into your own open, eager mouth

Buy It Now is the way to go!

>> No.2600121

>All I want are auctions back.
eBay's "auction" format is piece of shit, so that's never gonna happen.

>reseller scum
Your impotent manbaby rage won't change anything.

>> No.2600186

>Cash Converters


>> No.2600192


>> No.2600198
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>> No.2600218

I don't understand who these people are. I can't imagine they're collectors, are they just people who fall into game merch and decide to make some cash?

I've sold tons of shit at both garage sales and online websites, and even if I needed all the money I could get, it never felt right to me to gouge people and try to exploit collectors. I'd much rather have it go to a home where it will be loved and appreciated.

Like those fuckers in like antique stores selling a loose Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cart for 10 bucks. What greedy assholes.

>> No.2600254

You know how much money I spent for my salad for lunch today? $12.

Other people aren't greedy, you're just cheap.

>> No.2600261
File: 123 KB, 487x385, wuwuwuwuwuwuwu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like those fuckers in like antique stores selling a loose Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cart for 10 bucks. What greedy assholes.
>10 dollars
>a lot of money
>Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
>a rare cartridge

>> No.2600267

Wow haven't seen this modern gamer logic here in /vr/ in awhile.

>> No.2600286

Seriously if you are whining this much about a measly $10, then you probably have bigger problems than being "ripped off" buying games.

>> No.2600291

Yep you're 100% modern gamer logic.

"it's just $10, anon." Fucking lol.

>> No.2600306 [DELETED] 
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>measly $10

yes goy the new map pack dlc is only $14.99. What are you, poor?

>> No.2600307

>are they just people who fall into game merch and decide to make some cash?

Probably. I work at a restoration company (basically the guys who fix your house when it floods/burns/hails/etc.) and we often have to deal with damaged content. We throw out a lot of stuff that is still functional but has cosmetic damage and the customer doesn't want it back. Sometimes stuff falls off the back of the truck on the way to the dump.

>> No.2600308

I realize that's more than you make in an hour ac McDonald's, but for someone with a real job $10 is nothing.

>> No.2600313

Not every sees $10 the same way as you do. Even the rich aren't necessarily quick to part away with their money, no matter how little it is relative to their wealth, if they realize the deal isn't a good one.

>> No.2600314
File: 164 KB, 476x700, 1422731659984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, that's too damn much for salad.

>> No.2600317

Maybe if you live in bumfuck, kansas, but here in NYC $12 is on the cheap end.

>> No.2600325

If you're really that strapped for cash, then there's an alternative - emulation! It's even free!

But if you want to get into ocllecting, then you have to pony up.

>> No.2600328

Do you live in Ukraine or something? Some of us have jobs and disposable income, I often spend more than $10 when I eat lunch at work. I buy a $3 latte every morning and tip the cute girl a buck. If I see a game I want, I buy it, it's not a big deal. This is just a normal adult lifestyle.

>> No.2600336

Shit man. Everything is pricier in New York. Out of curiosity, isn't the pay on average higher in NYC to compensate?

>> No.2600337

For me yes since I work in Finance. But I have no idea if the McJobs a lot of posters here have would pay any more.

>> No.2600362

>$13 bucks on shit I don't need
I'll stick to my homemade sandwich and water.

>tip the cashier
did you clap when she served the food too?

I live in London if you're interested

>> No.2600374

Some people have a thing called standards.

>> No.2600406

>Like those fuckers in like antique stores selling a loose Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cart for 10 bucks. What greedy assholes.
Is this bit supposed to be ironic or something?

>> No.2600414

I don't get it, what's the "jewry" here?

>Oh what's that?
>Some old videogame, Super Mario, looks pretty old, we could probably sell it for something like 10 bux
>Yeah that sounds alright

I mean, come the fuck on, do you genuinely picture some guy rubbing his hands and going
>Nyuehehe, I'll scam that bastard out of TEN dollars

Is 10 USD -really- that unreasonable to you for a dime a dozen videogame? Are you sure the greedy person here isn't YOU? It's not like you're looking at someone charging 1000 dollars for a Little Samson cart or something, or 100 for Pokémon Red, I'm pretty sure whoever was selling it looked at it and thought "It's worth a two 5 dollar bills I guess"

>> No.2600423
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>I mean, come the fuck on, do you genuinely picture some guy rubbing his hands and going
>Nyuehehe, I'll scam that bastard out of TEN dollars


tbh I'm not even making fun of the game costing that much(that is the other anon), I'm making fun of the dude who was using the "it's only 10$, I buy x, y, z for more on a daily basis, fucking poorfag" argument.

>> No.2600425

(it isn't. let the collectorfags be mad and the emufags bask in their inherent glory.)

>> No.2600483


>pony up


>> No.2600486

>did you clap when she served the food too?

As stupid as it is. People who work at food places in the USA get paid shitgarbage wages, tips help them survive

>> No.2600489

Hey fuck off fag, I think every pony should pony up. The world would be a much better place if we believed in the power of friendship and tolerance.

>> No.2600521

>Bumfuck, KS. NYC is awesome.

I live in KS. I have a house with a yard in a nice city with good people. You live in NYC and have an overpriced rat infested apt in a crime ridden city that smells like piss. Maybe you'd know how the rest of the country hates your city if you ever left the state.

>> No.2600842

>Current Bid $49.99
>Shipping $200

>> No.2600915

Know how the rich get rich in the first place?

They don't say "it's just $10"

>> No.2600923

I'm from michigan, and I loved NYC. Speak for yourself man.

>> No.2600974

>I mean, come the fuck on, do you genuinely picture some guy rubbing his hands and going
>>Nyuehehe, I'll scam that bastard out of TEN dollars

And what do you call making a pointless derivative movie, that only differs from what it's a remake of by having more modern delusions promoted more heavily?

>> No.2600976


>> No.2600985

>poorfags, third worlders, and kids
I'm laughing so hard at you attempting to justify your $10 you saved. I make about $60k a year, I'm not rich and I don't buy a ton of frivolous shit, but I also don't have to give a second thought when I do want something. Being able to treat yourself is just part of being a financially responsible adult.

>> No.2600986

Yeah sure, the 1% got that way by skipping lunch and not buying vidya, keep fooling yourself.

>> No.2601010

Yeah, you're right, the 1% got that way by not denying themselves that daily lunchtime martini and playing lotsa vidya!

>> No.2601023

>live in Rural Canada
>town is less than 2k people
>pretty much nothing to do day-to-day
>make 100k yearly working in forestry industry as a higher up
>My house cost me 250k on a 10 acre lot just outside town, bought it outright after saving for like 4 years.
>almost all the food here is no-name brand so its cheap as dirt

Literally spend like 1/3 of my salary per year, including frivalties like video games and shit. I have like 560k in the bank last I checked. Its reached a point where I've considered buying the Mobile Home Park, and a shitload of other properties just because I can, and have them as rental incomes.

Its just boring up here, so if I can have some of my childhood games its not so bad.

>tfw one day I'll own this whole town.

>> No.2601024


consider hiring me to keep your game collections in order and to do you personal online bidding to complete your collections...

>> No.2601180

Have you tried estimating the shipping on that thing? It's maybe 4 feet tall, 2 feet diameter, and made of a combination of plastic, metal, glass and wood. Its sheer physical dimensions is going to add on extra costs; you won't be able to disassemble and flat-pack it. Plus the package will probably be even bigger when you add enough padding to prevent it from shattering even further.

And if you read the description, he states he'll refund the difference if shipping comes out less. 5000+ feedback and 99.9% positive, I think I can trust him on shipping charges.

>> No.2601231

Dat unfulfilled life

>> No.2601237

>you'll be rich from saving on the occasional small expense
Well yes, of cours- NO that's not how it works you dumb faggot.

>> No.2601240

That's putting out a product for a market.

We're talking about someone who got a used copy of Mario/DuckHunt and put a 10 dollar pricetag on it in his antique store, I mean, is this AT ALL comparable, and is 10 bucks for an old NES cart REALLY a big deal?

>> No.2601281

>have phd in maths
>300k starting job already lined up
>could literally get any job I want

fuck off poorfag.

>> No.2601282

>occasional small expense
except that anon wastes small amounts of money everyday, which adds up very quickly.

>> No.2601283

>lives in Jew York™
>making fun of third worlders

oh the irony.

>> No.2601286

they get paid shitgarbage wages because their job is about as important as an lcd screen.

>> No.2601315

It's not going to make him rich

>> No.2601320

even so, fucker is wasting 100$+ on lunch every week. He must waste money on other stupid shit too while pulling the "I live in big city, so spending more is part of the job, it's not like i'm poor or anything" card

>> No.2601341

Well I don't know what to tell you, it just isn't that much money to him I guess.

And nice lunches can be pretty expensive I suppose, but to some they're worth it.

I still also don't get the fuss about 10usd for a NES cart.

>> No.2601373

I mean, know the value of games and don't get ripped off, but you don't need a 10-20 dollar deal on every single game. There comes a point in your life where you don't care whether a copy of Animorphs on the GBC is 3 dollars or 5 dollars.

>> No.2601383

Hold on here, I'm still trying to figure out why ten bucks for an old 8bit double cart is robbery

>> No.2601394
File: 70 KB, 750x563, 1415637817164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>10usd for an NES cart

"This game has jumped in value and is getting more and more expensive."

"How much is it going for now?"

"Oh I'd say the $20-25 range."

>> No.2601401

There's like a million SMB/DH carts in the world, if you don't want to pay 10 for one then don't, I'm sure there's places where you could find them in bins for 5 or less.

>> No.2601629

Actually, the Mother 3 translation guy is an industry professional who has actually translated real games. For money.

>> No.2601669

Not that anon, but I can believe that. His translation is high quality.

>> No.2601740

Yeah, I know, but my point was that even though he translated it as a labor of love, and I can sympathize with his reaction to pirates, I think he should have expected pirates to take the opportunity and make bootlegs using his translation.

>> No.2601742

That cat has a lot of money, he could afford to spend ten dollars on a NES game.

>> No.2601836

I heard a tale about a greedy faggot who thought someone should give him a Vectrex display stand for less than 50 bucks.

>> No.2601841
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edit for those who cannot read

>> No.2601857

>something heavy and unwieldy costs a lot to ship
A shoah, right in front of my very eyes. Can you believe the hutzpah of that goy?

>> No.2601876

Wow, once my carts appreciate in value a little more, I'll be a thousandaire for sure

>> No.2601996

>I can't read the posts ITT where it's been explained that shipping a big heavy thing costs a lot
This thread is irony at it's best. Greedy little shits who feel they should be handed anything they want for free bitching about greed.

>> No.2602343

Most snes games are over priced as fuck right now. I laugh at sixty dollar turtles in time. Common as fuck when I was a kid. Street Fighter two is twenty dollars wtf. Five dollar game. Castlevania and Contra at retarded prices too. I remember walking into pawn shops and seeing them all the time for ten bucks years ago.

>> No.2602408

I usually stick to Genesis and lesser known NES games, SNES is almost never worth it

Craigslist seems to have terrible prices, either reseller scum or people trying to offload entire whole lots of stuff they found in the closet for their combined ebay price

>> No.2603259

Nice excuse for whatever sort of fixation you have on her.

>> No.2603269

Wow the demand increased but the supply didn't? Then the price increased? Wow! I can't believe that happened!

>> No.2603320


This. It sucks but it is what it is.

>> No.2603351

ITT: poor people complaining that they can't afford nice things.

>> No.2603362

ITT: Resellers get defensive.

That being said, I think the best answer is just don't buy this shit or limit it to nice things that are what you really want. You are competing with newbies who really don't know what the fuck they are doing.

>> No.2603381

Seriously, people complaining about $10 NES games and then calling others who can afford a cup of coffee "reseller scum" is pretty funny.

>> No.2603553

That's not how you spell poorfags.

>> No.2603559

My ebay businesses is failing because of all these fucking poorfags wont pay $50 for my copies of duck hunt.

>> No.2603570

Have you ever tried shipping a large and heavy tube of glass and plastic?

Shipping costs rise exponentially with weight and size. Maybe if you were complaining about that shit condition console only genesis that had $200 shipping I would agree, but you're a donk.

>> No.2603591 [DELETED] 

That's not how you spell poorfags.

>> No.2603623

Nobody charged 50 for that though, an antique store is mentioned as having charged 10 (a very poultry sum), for a game they probably didn't know a whole lot about and were probably ignorant of it's actual value.

>> No.2603657

What's a reseller and what makes them all scum?

>> No.2603718

Bullshit. The faggots whining here regularly pay silly ebay prices. That's why they're so poor and butthurt.

>> No.2603845


>> No.2603863

... Monty Python's Flying Circussssss?

>> No.2603873

A reseller is someone who resells games. Doesn't have to be games in specific, and it can be anyone, even that grandma down the street you got your nes from for two bucks. The scum part comes from some requesting less than desirable prices for games, may it be eBay prices or much more so.

They're not all scum, some are just following the price trends unfortunately, and others are selling much more than said trend. Then there's those that sell under the water line, but meh.

>> No.2603874

Speculators who sell to other speculators, driving people who just want to play some games out of the market

>> No.2604334

Pseudoseller scum of all sorts are scum because of their viciously greedy, unscrupulous attitude. They see that there's money to be made in the merchandise sector, but they don't have what it takes to contribute to anything behind the retail chain, be it normal sales, production, repairs or whatever so they get smartassed and declare that the sales sector just isn't elaborate or aggressive enough and that far more money should be squeezed out of that corner. Hand in hand with this, they love to disparage non-sales people. This is also the attitude behind people out to sell other people's code, as /vr/ has taken extensive note of.

>> No.2604347

And now for something completely different.

>> No.2604516
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>a very poultry sum

>> No.2604519

If you can't afford your hobby, get a different one. Maybe pick up knitting or something. But don't shit up this board complaining about prices, it accomplishes nothing and only annoys others.

>> No.2604542

Top cock

>> No.2604817

If you just want to play games, use an emulator. There's no reason to buy carts unless you are collecting.

>> No.2605212

If you're trying to operate a profitable business then you shouldn't be kicking out customers who don't wanna pay $70 for a console that usually goes for $40.

>> No.2605236

Bills to pay?

>> No.2605253

Actually, they didn't kick anyone out. So, numerous people just ended up getting stuff by five finger discount.

>> No.2605271

Eastern European? What the hell makes you out to blame that? Like eastern europeans would even stand out?

Okay, there indeed was a guy from central asia, who would just work and work for hours on end. And there were two hungarians who would serve the place and would graciously let those running the place "do their thing". You want to make something of that?

>> No.2605276

>Like those fuckers in like antique stores selling a loose Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cart for 10 bucks. What greedy assholes.

Who the fuck cares? Do you need it?

>> No.2605285

Saw the Earthbound guide that came with the game for about $80 at a local video game store.

Secret of Mana was $130 I think.

>> No.2605361

Dude, he's just trolling you, stop responding

>> No.2605386
File: 430 KB, 790x944, GxJC0NA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck?

>> No.2605390

Fuck this shit. Sega CDs have been ridiculously priced for ages, even before the big retro boom.

After looking for years I finally found a working Model 2 at a recent convention for $40, and this was after heavy haggling with the seller.

>> No.2605392

that is only the tip of the iceberg, look up anything turbo grafx 16 related to know real pain. neo geo aes if you are brave.

>> No.2605406

If you can't afford it, use an emulator.

>> No.2605414

what the fuck these things aren't even rare

>> No.2605423

Everything is RARE to stupid newfags.

>> No.2605453
File: 163 KB, 640x480, 20150713_211233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reseller Scum Here.

Just picked up Final Fantasy 7 8 and 9 for a dollar each.

No Manuels

Tiny Scratches

Not Tested

Only 175 dollars

No trades!

(In case it's not obvious, im only joking.)

Its 300 dollars

>> No.2605470
File: 91 KB, 466x701, quality chinese workmanship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is this

>> No.2605471

I'm not the angry ahole but if you buy a game with the original jewel case. Kinda don't want it to break in the mail but a store bought jewel case who the hell cares.

>> No.2605475
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>> No.2605517


>> No.2605524

But you DO get mad when people SELL said free shit.

Same idea behind lawsuits in illegal sales of freeware (and the creation of most free/open sourced licenses)

>> No.2605526

You're just trying to silence me because you're afraid of the concept of freeseller scum.

>> No.2605564

do you come across this often?

I get people trying to lowball but who says, Hey gimme that stuff for free? Like telemarketing targeting the elderly for bogus scams?

People have given me free stuff because they know I sell at the flea market but id never ask for free stuff.

>> No.2605598

He's still a little bitch for reporting auctions and etsy listings, though.

>> No.2605641 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it comes up regularly, though I've been in techie-ish circles where it's an issue. They started doing it over in Cascadia, where they actually were well organized and not so disrespectful of people and actually had an environmental mission.

>> No.2605647

I feel this. I knew I was super-fortunate to find a working Turbografx-16 at Goodwill for $3.99 last year.

>> No.2605650
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I don't even want that version of FF7, I'd rather play the PC port, but when I set out to get a retro-windows PC or two, fucking freeseller scum completely lockjawwed and bent over backwards to fuck with me.

>> No.2605659

Yeah, it comes up regularly, though I've been in techie-ish circles where it's an issue. They started doing it over in Cascadia, where they actually were well organized and not so disrespectful of people and actually had an environmental mission. But now, all these pretentious, selfrighteous imitators decided to bandwagon hop it.

>> No.2605693

Words fail.

>> No.2605695
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Forgot pic.

>> No.2605724

Sorry you live in Britbong land, anon.

>> No.2606039

HAHAHHAHA nice one anon

You got pics of the discs?

>> No.2606048

better hurry, that sale ends in 5 days

>> No.2606102

Are bootleg carts like those really worth that much today?

>> No.2606110

what thread are you in?
use your brain, newfriend.

>> No.2606126

Yeah, the patch is free. The guy is just trying to stop sales of reproduction cartridges, which is illegal. I don't see why he targets the one game that he actually did the work on translating, I guess because he made interest in a repro exist, so he feels he is responsible to keep them off of the market.

Either way it is a bit silly. I understand why you'd want to prevent repro carts for legality reasons, but it's not like the JP cart that they 'should' buy is useful to someone who can't understand Japanese.

>> No.2606136

I don't understand this thread, I sell on ebay and have never gotten a complaint or negative feedback. Usually just a bubble mail envelope is fine, if not then add a piece of cardboard around the case and maybe a layer of bubble wrap around that.

Out of curiosity, the guy that keeps going on about getting busted CDs, where do you live and what services do you buy from?

>> No.2606148

>Dr Mario
>Doctor Mario

I love pirate madness

>> No.2606149
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>$450 for a bootleg conversion
The Neo Geo scene is a fucking joke.

>> No.2606154

the things that get stock images, I swear

>> No.2606159


this is awesome, i want this to be a movie

>> No.2606162

Maybe, but 200 bucks? I guess it might, just hard to believe.

>> No.2606272
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I got the bigger one the tv stand. It's perfect but like a tard, I peeled off the Mario and Nintendo like 20 yrs ago. Is it worth trying to sell

>> No.2606591

I'm not. I love England.
Not even slightly.

>> No.2606618

I was about to make a separate thread, but guess this works well enough.

A month ago or so I decided to finally get rid of a bunch of games I knew I wasn't going to play anymore, and a lot of it was retro and semi-rare (FFIII, Secret of Mana, EVO, stuff like that) and since I didn't want to bother with ebay and shipping I just took the lot to a local retro games store near my house.

I had a ton of stuff I was getting rid of and in all it came to almost $500. He asked if I wanted store credit which was like 20% more, or just cash. I went for the cash and was very happy.

Then today on my way to work I noticed paper on the windows and door and a sign saying they were closing. It's probably just a coincidence but I can't help wondering if I had something to do with it.

>> No.2606637

They were probably already bad off.

If he thought the purchase was financially unsound but went through with it anyway that's his own fault.

>> No.2606651

Good point, and I assume that the prices he gave me for it were lower than what he assumed he could resell and he still has them. It was just weird, the place had been there almost 10 years.

>> No.2606656

Sure. Probably for like fifty bucks max, and that's being generous.

>> No.2606660

I threw one of those away 5 years ago, because mario looked so shitty I assumed it was some third party knock off.

I still don't know why they have any value.

>> No.2606667

>Global Shipping Program
Now THAT'S the real crime right there..fucking ebay..

>> No.2606670

$500 isn't going to make or break a small business. If that sum is indicative of their general policy towards buying games, though, then they were likely overpaying and losing a lot of money (worked out in your favor though).

>> No.2606769

For me the GSP is literally the worst thing to ever happen to Ebay, along with Buy it Now. Not only are the shipping/import charges ridiculous, Pitney Bowes is also notorious for losing packages, accidently swapping them and breaking items.

Worst part is, most american sellers just don't want to deal with international USPS shipping so they use the GSP, not knowing how shitty it is. I rarely buy from the US anymore.

>> No.2606779

Pitney Bowes has never lost or damaged a package because they have nothing to do with shipping, duder. They're just an electronic postage provider for the USPS.

>> No.2606809

Who handles the global shipping program? I could've sworn I've heard stories about global shipping opening and repacking items or something.

>> No.2606827

They handle the international shipping/repackaging. USPS sends the package from the seller to the GSP, are repackaged/sent to the buyer's country where they use a cheap courier to make the final delivery. There are plenty of cases where Pitney Bowes crams posters in smaller tubes or a pair of shoes arriving instead of the sent item due to them fucking up the repackaging.

>> No.2606862

There's different third party carriers for each country. Personally I don't sell using GSP because I don't want to sell to countries like Estonia; I list on ebay.co.uk for Europeans. 95% of all my items end up selling on Amazon anyways (they're cross listed on all markets) which is great, because ebay in general is a clusterfuck of problems for both buyers and sellers.

>> No.2606929

Anyone been on the receiving end of the Global Shipping Program? How much is added on top for shipping? Does it say in the item listing how much you'll be charged for it, or any clues? Or do you only see what the seller has listed for shipping, then after you buy, *boom* GSP fees tacked on. What does the shipping center do with the package? rebox, additional box, additional labels applied?

I do have some foreign (non-USA) buyers complain about the shipping after the auction(s) ends, particularly with multi-item purchases. Somewhere in the mix with GSP, they get treated as separate purchases and I'm unable to do the seemingly logical thing and ship it all in one box.

99% of the stuff I sell goes out in a standard USPS Priority flat-rate box. Yes, it sometimes means $2-5 more shipping on small stuff I could've sent first-class, but it's less trouble for me to have to hunt down the right box, and the buyer knows what they're getting into as far as shipping. Since I use a standard sized box, I'm wondering if it gets different treatment than other packaging.

The closest I've had to a problem after shipping was one buyer who filed a report that the game didn't yet arrive. But since records showed it passed through the shipping center, it was entirely eBay's problem to deal with and track.

>> No.2606964

You know you can opt out of the GSP.

I ship everything in flat rate mailers because then the price is up front and there's no surprises or delays while I get the final cost.

>> No.2606986

I know it's optional when you create the listing, I go with it because it's painless for me. Maybe not so much for the buyer, but it's their decision to hit the buy button.

However you can't back out of GSP once the auction ends. I called eBay once about doing that so I could ship multiple items (to one foreign buyer.) The only solution, and this was more or less advised by their service rep, is to cancel the sales, then relist the items.

I was going to make an arrangement with the buyer to relist the items as a set with a BIN set to their (combined) final bids, and schedule the listing to start at a time of their choosing so they could jump on it immediately.

>> No.2607003

see >>2606149, that's usually what it looks like to be on the receiving end. The extra shipping costs are combined with the original USPS shipping costs(if the seller doesn't overcharge for it) and can't be seen seperately. Paypal charges you twice if you buy something using GSP, one for the seller and one for Pitney Bowes.

The import charges seem kind of arbitrary, it differs vastly by country whether you get a customs charge or not. In the Netherlands I usually get past customs without a charge(unless it's from China) but with the GSP I would always have to pay customs.

>> No.2607014

No, I mean you can opt out of the GSP completely, not just when you create the listing.

Anyways, like I said, ebay isn't my focus because nearly all my sales are on Amazon and it's a better service for sellers and buyers.

>> No.2607525

I needed some money so I sold my copy of Pokemon Red on eBay for $20 or so with free shipping. I think the bidding ended at $25, but I don't completely remember. It had the booklet and everything, and I felt a little bad letting go of something I had had for a decade and a half that I remember sitting on the porch in the cold playing sometimes.

Now I feel like I overcharge and that I'm a piece of shit. I haven't listed anything else on eBay since then.

>> No.2607529

If anything you were undercharging. I could probably move a copy of red with booklet for $45+

>> No.2607534


This was about 2011, so I don't know if that would affect your pricing. I still have my copies of Silver and Gold, and a few other games. I never play them at all, so it's not like I'll really miss them.

Maybe I should sell them.

>> No.2607536

give it another couple years Pokemon Silver and Gold will be worth more than actual silver and gold.

>> No.2607738

I guess cause only Sears sold them. Yea Mario looked creepy. That's why I peeled it off

>> No.2607778

You could've have gotton an actual meal + more at some fast foood restaraunt and would have been more satisfied. Buying a salad for $12 is retarded

>> No.2607784

>they live on tips
Their fault, not mine. I'm not responsible for paying for their inability to be employed somewhere else or for their laziness that keeps them from working another (most likely "harder") job that wouldn't have them relying on tips. But i guess faggots like you who like to jack off to how much of a "good person" you are need these "good deed" opportunities. Fine, just don't go saying we all need to tip like you to stroke your ego even further

>> No.2607871
File: 55 KB, 401x460, the beetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread-derivatives/noodles/dumplings and fries does not make an actual meal. Salads at proper restaurants actually benefit from the over the top portion sizes affecting everything, though some shitty fast food saladlets may be a grossly different kind of item.

>> No.2607883

I eat real meals, not unhealthy garbage from fast food chains. Good food is one of the luxuries, along with video games, I allow myself to spend money on. Haven't eaten at a McD or Taco Bell since I was a dumb kid.

>> No.2607989

I spent $150 on my sega genesis model 1, model 2 cd, and 32x combo.

>> No.2608104

>faggot ass fucking rabbit food
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, how can you be so retarded to call a fucking SALAD a "real meal"?

>You save money I can't, so you're a dumb kid!
Lel, you're probably going to die before i do anyway, and i can gaurantee you i get more full than you do (you know, which is the fucking point of eating at all) and am more satisfied with my meals than you. You shouldn't be mad, unless i offended you. Is facing the fact that you're stupid and are irresponsible with your money making you butthurt, are are you just sensitive faggot who can't take criticism, just like a fucking chld?

>> No.2608113

I had chicken thighs and onions in a sauce over rice for dinner. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with milk for desert.

>> No.2608118

>tfw have a lot of PS2/PS3 games and hardware that I want to offload since I'll realistically never use it
>Always get lowballed when I post prices
>Would way prefer to do trades, have a list of the kinds of stuff I'm looking for in the listing.
>Everyone just messages me with "Is this still available? Will you do 50% lower then your asking price?"
>Only time I had a really nice trade was in the BST here on /vr/
>Would post it on the BST but most of it is non-retro stuff and people get BTFO about it for some reason

I'm not even asking unreasonable prices, but if you think I'm letting a PS3 fightstick go for 20 bucks you're fucking insane.

I'm honestly thinking about making a Video Game Buy Sell Trade in /vg/ and seeing what fucking happens.

>> No.2608132

I never said anything about salad, I'm not that guy. I don't eat shit, neither should you. You seem pretty upset, though, you probably ran out of vape juice while watching Let's Play videos or something.

>> No.2608139
File: 25 KB, 615x369, 6ff15ccd-969b-454f-919e-1243e45ef865-bestSizeAvailable.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can gaurantee you i get more full than you do (you know, which is the fucking point of eating at all) and am more satisfied with my meals than you.
And then there's this fatty.

>> No.2608152

I apprecite the concern. And I don't smoke. I'm just responding to the hostility you unnecessarily, childishly lashed out with at a comment that wasn't even directed at you.

>You get full when yuo eat like you're supposed to, so you're FAT!
>be retarded like me, and not even realize the point of doing something even when I'm aware of what it is and that I don't even realize it!
Retarded, and then you end up staying hungry, thus wasting the money you spent on what you ate, then wasting even more money and eating even more again a bit later because you weren't fulll the first time.

>> No.2608313

> you end up staying hungry,

Have you ever had an actual salad, not just a few leafs of lettuce and tomatos? That shit fills you up, fam.

>> No.2608440

Sure. Just a few leafs (sic) and a few gallons of dressing that make the bacon bits and other shit you pile on look healthy.
No wonder you're full. And headed for a coronary at 30. Guess that's in a bit over a decade.

>> No.2608794
File: 41 KB, 594x396, John+Pinette+2011+NASCAR+Nationwide+Camping+Ne7fpEdqHPDl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salad's not food! IT NEEEEEEDS GLUTEN!!!

>> No.2609010

>Craigslist seems to have terrible prices, either reseller scum or people trying to offload entire whole lots of stuff they found in the closet for their combined ebay price
There's a reason for this. Last year I sold two SNES games. I tried to first sell them on craigslist. I listed them at about $50 below ebay BiN prices(total). Reseller scum is all that tried to buy them, and every single one of the fuckers tried to convince me to drop the price even more. I ended up telling them to all fuck off, and sold it here in the B/S/T thread.

>> No.2609058

That's the thing. That's the unfortunate part of today's game market. Let's say you are just wanting to sell something and don't want to charge an inflated price. You are fine with making a decent deal if you know the other party will enjoy it. The problem is that resellers who only care about games as a source of income are out there and will try to take advantage of you, not thinking of you as a fellow gamer or collector, but rather a schmuck who stupidly underpriced his shit that he will buy to resell for the high end price. As sad as it is, if one sells stuff for a deal, he is just setting himself up to sell to someone whose only interest in the item is selling it for the $50 profit that the original seller was foregoing.

>> No.2609113

I swear to god, you guys who get assblasted over "reseller scum" have the most convoluted logic to justify your attitude. I'm curious, what are your thoughts on used book stores or record shops? What about pawn shops? Is anyone allowed to profit from the sale of used goods?

>> No.2609138

We have a few Bootleg GB carts.
I have a 12-in-1 sports one, a Pink GBC one, a 8-in-1 with stuff like The Smurfs on it.
I think I have another 8-in-1 that had actually good games on it, but I think I lost it.

We used to get these from Europe.

>> No.2609143

It's mostly from personal experience dealing with people who are that aggressive. I know a guy who runs a vintage shop at reasonable prices, but his method is more advanced than the "RAWR RAWR COST PLUS HIGH-END" shitbags who don't understand the time value of money. If I knew him to act like that in acquiring his inventory, I'd probably hate him too.

>> No.2609307

What's your fucking problem? Do you want people buying games from you to fill out an application to see if their a "true gamer" enough to deserve to buy from you?

It's a business transaction plain and simple. Set the price where the market will bear it and sell it to a person who will pay that.

All this "discount but only if you're the right kind of person" BS is fucking insane. You are reading way too much int oa business transaction. You give guy thing, he gives you money. End of transaction. It's that simple.

>> No.2609313

Get a better job, McDonalds ain't ever gonna pay you $15/h

>> No.2609436

Don't get excited over it bro. He has neither games to sell nor money to buy games. He's just a naive child who knows best for the world.

>> No.2609441

>a guy (probably) many states away from you(if even in the same country) happens to finally find some cheap-reasonably priced games you would've never otherwise seen(after hunting through many garage sales, flea markets, etc. and spending quite the sum on gas, oh, and of course the hours spent learning which games are actually valuable)

>undercut other sellers

>some fags on /vr/ thinks this guy is worse than hitler

If you want dirt cheap games, get off your ass and go find them.

>> No.2609447

im not the guy you replied to, but when I sell video games/comics/collectibles I run across resellers and people who dont even play games. 90% of the time they are complete assholes to me and when they meet up with you they say they can only offer you half (how else would they make money reselling right) so most of the times I tell them to leave. If they do offer me a fair price (Im selling stuff cheap enough as it is) then I dont really care what they do with it as long as they treat me, the seller with respect

>> No.2609520


You don't understand how shipping works you asshat.

>> No.2609939

Yeah, they tend to charge extra for shipping because ebay doesn't skim from it like from the actual cost of the item.

>> No.2609959

Hey reseller. Did my comment really blast you that much? Jesus. Yes, I would rather sell my games to so.eone who would enjoy them. Are you so brainwashed by your reselling way of life that you can't understand that? I sell my stuff and I can sell to who I want for what I want. To be fair, I hardly ever sell games (I can think of one instance off the top of my head) because I buy what I want and don't resell for the sake of reselling.

>> No.2610247

Not true anymore. Ebay takes 10% off the bottom line now with the excuse of this discouraging people from jacking up the shipping.

Anyway, that shipping price in OP is a bit high, but not that ridiculous given the combined weight/size. Shipping really does fuck you up the ass after certain size/weight thresholds, and unless you're a big corporation who can negotiate shipping deals, it can cost an arm and a leg out the nose.

>> No.2610256

I've had CRT TV's shipped for <50 bucks.

200 is excessive, its also against eBay's ToS.

They do that to encourage you to use the "actual shipping" and print your labels through them. I was pretty pissed off when I thought I made a buck for every auction but it ended up actually costing me money because ebay took a cut.

>> No.2610339

>I know the weight, volume and cost of shipping everything
I think we all did when we were your age

>> No.2610434

Do you know where the object is being shipped and by who?

>> No.2610501
File: 18 KB, 198x201, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like those fuckers in like antique stores selling a loose Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cart for 10 bucks. What greedy assholes.

Is this really what millennials belive?

>> No.2610596


Millennials don't "believe" anything. They "know" everything.

>> No.2610656

Only because they suffer from infantilism.

>> No.2611017

Meh. I don't play games either. I just feel the need to have a fairly solid stash of games *just in case*.

Like with books. Except I do actually read stuff, just not as much as I wish I would.

>> No.2611086

That's why I started listening to audiobooks. There are tons of free stuff online due to public domain.

>> No.2611102

NC(non commercial) creative commons license:Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes.

>> No.2611198

this guy are sick

>> No.2611231

Audiobooks are different. Not unlikable, not uninteresting, just, different.

>> No.2611239

It's great if you have a hobby that involves some kind of craft. I like painting miniatures so that lets me take in a book every now and then. The tricky part is finding someone who does a good reading.

>> No.2614076
File: 67 KB, 590x523, Fruitlegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BuMp from the graveyard. Not retro but still pissing me off.

>> No.2614157

What's so heinous with these being $15 each?

>> No.2614158

That's actually the best price for the 5 because on eBay all 5 are going 175 NO OFFERS RARE VINTAGE PIKACHU NES

>> No.2614167
File: 183 KB, 1024x577, photobucket-7080-1359779746807_zps4b294591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're bootlegs. Notice the really thin ESRB logo on all of them which is a telltale sign of cheap knockoffs. All legitimate GBA cartridges have really thick, bold ESRB logos.

>> No.2614179
File: 865 KB, 370x281, 1439424056656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I used to live in Coshocton. It's an 11,000 population town so it's weird seeing this image on a massive website like 4chan.

There's a chance I took this screenshot but... I don't think I did.

>> No.2615926
File: 556 KB, 1510x960, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2615942

Gross. And perfect evidence that "rare cool retro games" are mainstreamed and exploited as shit. I like how in the related items there is another copy for apparently less money, like the seller is assuming that her gross tits should make it sell for more.

>> No.2615956

The sad thing is, someone might actually go for this.

>> No.2615963

Fake tits are nasty. I'm surprised Ebay doesn't have some policy about that.

Reminds me of that weird fetish where people put pics on ebay that have a reflection of them nude in an object or something.

>> No.2615971

I don't see the problem here. Buying now.

>> No.2616001



It's a themed eBay account, guys. She takes pictures of the things she sells while flashing the goods. It's a marketing tactic, it's very effective, and you're all jealous/gay.

>> No.2616062

Wow, thanks for the explanation, Captain Obvious.

Fact remains that it's lame. More power to her and her buyers, though.

>> No.2616151
File: 197 KB, 3000x1688, m&#039;lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2616227

Thanks for the stupid overreaction about the realness of her tits, Captain Dumbass.

Don't act like a nimrod about human sexuality and then get butthurt when you get called out for acting like one.

>> No.2616253

>Started selling my collection over ebay to make room and generate some spare cash.
>Everything goes swell for the first 20 or so auctions. Only listing individual games, getting good pics of all angles, good lighting. Packing the games in bubble mailers after encasing them in another layer of bubble wrap to ensure they can ensure a body slam from Hulk "The African Apocalypse" Hogan.
>Then I start listing lots of the games that won't fetch more than 10 bucks or so on their own, with a few higher priced ones mixed in to entice bidders.
>Nonstop messages from resellers asking me to turn the auctions into Buy it nows, or offering me hilariously low amounts to close it early.

It's funny to see two 15 game lots go for about 120 a piece when I was initially offered 100 bucks for both. I just respond to them with a generic, "GOOD LUCK, HAPPY BIDDING!"

>> No.2616265

>hating the plastic fantastic wonders of body modifications


>> No.2616354

You guys will probably hate me but I have a snes cart copier and I make copies of earthbound and harvest moon then sell them as legit copies, undercutting others so that I get quick sales. I'm trying to think of other games to do as well as I can't do this forever. I sell a few to stores as well but I get massively less for them.

I have made probably 12k off it so far. I feel bad but I have massive medical expenses and this is making me money fast.

Hey for all you know you could actually own one of my repro carts. If you wanna check, open it up, I've stamped most with a CW.

If you want I can tell you the process and maybe you guys can do it yourselves.

>> No.2616364

>I have a cart copier
troll harder, retard

>> No.2616391
File: 188 KB, 836x453, Fantastic condition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had bought Shenmue 2 before E3, it was being sold for pretty reasonable prices before the kickstarter announcement.
£100 is $156 by the way.

>> No.2616396
File: 10 KB, 446x364, 222848493617_284838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I trolled you I'm sorry. Here's the cart copier.

>> No.2616409

>I'm surprised Ebay doesn't have some policy about that
eBay has plenty of policies that are rarely or never enforced.

>> No.2616418

>£100 is $156 by the way.
Oh yeah thanks for telling us that you f***ing Britbong, we'd have never figured that out on our own without your British wiseness intervening to save the day.

Holy freaking Christ.

>> No.2616421

The one on the left looks like it is for the regular Famicom, the right for MegaDrive.

>> No.2616426

Bitter female detected.

>> No.2616427

Wow, you're really pulling out all the stops tonight, huh anon?

>> No.2616431

Those tits specifically are pretty unappealing.

>> No.2616441

Yep, works for all 3 regions however.

>> No.2616443

I would kill for those tits.

>tfw tiny boobs

>> No.2616445

I fancy small tits, but there's lots of people who like big fake tits.

>> No.2616452

The worst are the fuckers on Craigslist selling generic Trinitrons for like $100. For a non-superfine pitch model no less.

>> No.2616453 [DELETED] 

Seriously? I'd bet my left fucking nut you have a Zelda wallet to show off to people to show them how much you've adopted LE EBIN NERDY RETRO GAMING CULTURE.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.2616467
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 1439757525202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of projecting there anon.

I actually feel better about myself know you are probably infinitely times more insecure right now then I am.

Thanks ^.^

>> No.2616470

>Calls people insecure
>Has to vie for attention by calling attention to the only interesting thing about her since she has no genuine interest in the hobby she's pretending to partake in
Fall off a bridge and die, please, thanks.

>> No.2616487

Someone's flustered. Try not to cut yourself on all that edge bro :^)

I'm sorry women have hurt you. Would you like a hug you poor thing?

>> No.2616489

>freaks out at the mere idea of a female being on your precious 4chan
Calm down you autist, everyone here is the same regardless of gender(read: a sad sack of shit). You're just making yourself look dumber than you probably already are.

>replying to angered autist who is probably baiting
Nice job there, lurk more and don't fall for such low quality bait next time you retard.

>> No.2616506

Nah, I would take the twins out for a night at town.

>> No.2616509

Randy Bobandy, please fuck off. Your attitude is killing the spirit of /vr/.

>> No.2616549

Calm your tits fucking Ameriburger, he was just being helpful, not everyone here knows the USD to GBP rate off the top of our heads.

>> No.2616551

I'm really sick of your shit, Randy.

>> No.2616562
File: 523 KB, 720x488, 1423000575808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought we chased you off, Randy.

>> No.2616573

Despite of all the tumblrism around this thread, I agree with you bro.

>> No.2616613
File: 40 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2616618

Frig off, Randy.

>> No.2616675

fuck off randy

>> No.2616679

We told you to fucking scram already, Randy!

>> No.2616706

ur def better mr. mike metei wannafag

>> No.2616763

Jesus Christ, just fuck off already, Randy!

>> No.2616904
File: 67 KB, 600x450, 1438362055970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make like a tree and fuck off Randy

>> No.2617195

Le fuck off le fucking Randy xD am I performing the maymay right?

You people are faggots.
It wasn't about the fact that she was a girl, it was the fact that she immediately had to mention her fucking tits that had absolutely zero pertinence to the discussion at hand. I love how these fucking white knights came out of the wood work to offer up their opinions and made it about her being a woman (protip: ironically Tumblr feminazis believe that everything that happens to women is because they're women, way to out yourselves you legbearded cunts).

You people immediately got defensive because le precious grill got told to keep her tits out of the discussion. That says a lot about the state of this board. Maybe next time stop acting like a bunch of desperate thirsty faggots and bother to actually understand what you're reading?


>> No.2617224
File: 464 KB, 1296x690, skerm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hereby declare this thread restarted.

>> No.2617227

TL;DR get over yourself.

Like seriously you are so upset by like a 5 word post you a 3 paragraph rant.

Take it here you faggot

>> No.2617229

Pshh I spent more on suits. You children/poorfags just need to stop being cheap and stop thinking you're privileged to these old kid games.

>> No.2617232

What makes you think I'm from /pol/, faggot?
That alone marks you as some Tumblrdweller, thinking that someone who immediately says something you dislike is, somehow in spite of irrelevance of politics, on a diametrically opposed political spectrum than you.
For the record, I hate /pol/ and I hate Tumblr. Yeah, as it turns out, your false dichotomy is bullshit.
Fuck off white knight faggot.

>> No.2617236

Why did he remove the innards from the cart?

>> No.2617242

Ok dude can we just get this thread on track no one cares about your meme opinion, this isn't retro at all.

>> No.2617247

>Describing things as meme
Copout as fuck and hypocritical at that.
You could at least admit you're objectively wrong.
Mentioning your fucking tits isn't retro either, I don't hear you bitching there.

>> No.2617259
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, 1439596284180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2617262

Sure friend.

>> No.2617361

presumably so you can verify it is in fact a prototype board.

I agree that it's probably unnecessary/stupid (shouldnt VGA verify this before freezing it in Carbonite?)

>> No.2617612

Randy, I defend tits because they are one of the finest marvels of this world. People also make fun of you because you give too much of a fuck about this.

>> No.2617653

The problem is not that they ever wanted to make money off of it, the problem is that others are making money off something you did for free.

That said, I actually think you have a legitimate copyright claim on a translation patch. It contains original code after all. Not sure what the situation is on pre-patched games.

>> No.2617660

Ugly virgin, your future lies in uncle sex

>> No.2617686

Why is /vr/ the most immature boards on videogames?

>> No.2617729

>Not sure what the situation is on pre-patched games.
This is why rom translators always release their work as IPS patches.

>> No.2617801

Tiny tits are cute though.
What size are you, A? B?

>inb4 Randy gets another aneurysm

>> No.2617929

Troll harder kid. Some of us actually have that and know what it does/doesn't do. Also, the guy who's web page you lifted that from has a pleb tier collection. Only one adapter, and the most common one at that.

>looks like
Yes it does, but it isn't. It's the interface that connect the drive to the mail unit. The reason it looks like a FDS RAM adapter is because the device can use an FDS or a standard floppy. You can actually load a Genesis game off of a FC card with this thing.

>> No.2617931

Not this Randy idiot, but was it really necessary for someone to bring up something indicative of their gender that immediately referred to an erogenous area? It seems somewhat immature that people defend that sort of behavior while immediately dismissing any criticism of it as /pol/-tier or with memes.

>> No.2617965

Most people on 4chan is not on the same level. Some people just like to mess with people for no reason, some people just like to have real conversarions and some people are just stupid.

>> No.2617984

Someone brought up an auction where seller had their breasts in rather conspicuous view in the pictures.

Someone said they were fake and/or terrible, someone else said they were envious and wish they had breasts like that, which made one person furious because I guess he's afraid of cooties or something.

If it was a listing where a guy had his huge bulge in a tight thong next to a copy of, I don't know, Dong Quest 64, and someone said "I wish I had a dick that big" nobody would have batted an eye. I don't think it's necessary to go REEEEEE when someone posts something pertaining to large breasts and someone said they wish they had breasts that size.

>> No.2618148

>Most people on 4chan is not on the same level
Unfortunately most people on 4chan is be on the same level as u.

>> No.2618178

It is what it is. If you make an ass out of yourself you are likely to be ridiculed here.

>> No.2618361

>was it really necessary for someone to bring up something indicative of their gender that immediately referred to an erogenous area?
And yet nobody bats an eye at the popular "my dick" response.

>> No.2618591
File: 35 KB, 616x316, retroVGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tales of greed

>> No.2618640
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>> No.2618648
File: 174 KB, 503x557, good collectible fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2618652
File: 227 KB, 1024x1439, 0808___16_04___power_glove_by_twistedmethoddan-d1nl2z1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2618663
File: 30 KB, 422x422, CX486SLCe-33MP small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.and obciously.

>> No.2618845
File: 385 KB, 1104x846, butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this guy. The most butthurt person on craigslist.

>> No.2618881

Why should somebody sell you a game for $10, when somebody else will buy it for $50?

>> No.2618882

That thing still flabbergasts me.
It would make SO much more sense to just set themselves up as publishers for retro style games, starting a brand new console is a HUGE risk and investment, especially if it's niche, ESPECIALLY if you expect a niche market.
If you publish digitally you would save so incredibly much money and time, and if needed be, a product can be patched after launch should a big problem arise, unlike with what they're going for, which will be expensive, super niche, reach a tiny market, and once the game is released, there can be no patches or updates, even if it's dearly needed.

It cost something like 150 when it came out, right? I think the idea was to make it more powerful so that the thing could handle bigger and better games, to compete with the rest of the market longer.

In theory anyway.

That guy might just be an idiot.

>> No.2619057
File: 113 KB, 634x886, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2619124

I was gonna say "Well that seems pretty reasonable, that's just 200 dolla-" but then I saw it was actually 3200 dollars.

>> No.2619394
File: 6 KB, 174x145, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That guy might just be an idiot.

>> No.2619526
File: 479 KB, 963x583, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2619538


Also, that shit is all worth maybe 2000 or 3000 assuming it's all in good condition, which is hard to tell with that image.

>> No.2619551

The 80's called. It found out you're the bastard who stole its systems and is trying to sell them for idiot-billion dollars.

>> No.2619556

>worth maybe 2000 or 3000

>> No.2619567

"Wont?" Did he have his very young child try to spell that out?

Yeah, something about that ad gives me a "he got that shit from a storage unit auction" vibe.

>> No.2619578

If I was generous.
Ok, so it's maybe closer to just 1000.

>> No.2619597
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>> No.2619603
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>> No.2619606
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>> No.2619608
File: 62 KB, 800x600, $(KGrHqF,!pEE63Yi!ovFBPBrQrwo9!~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2619637

I have 3 copies of shenmue 2
is it going for more now? lol

>> No.2619803

You forgot to add:
"I looked up the prices and I know what I have, don't waste my time, WILL NOT SEPARATE"

>> No.2620103

This is what happens when normies start buying up game systems after they read some fucking clickbait article saying a Sega Genesis is worth $2000.

>> No.2620125

I know what it is worth, I read an article on buzzlie about old valuable games.

>> No.2620170


I love how he's pointing at it like I can't already see what's in the picture.

>> No.2620180

He spelled "want" as "wont." Assuming English is his native language, I'm a bit surprised he can even navigate the internet.

>> No.2620409
File: 75 KB, 811x792, $_57-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone else using tits to sell vidya?

>> No.2620738

The misogynistic game industry.

>> No.2620928

Their knees are soggy indeed.

>> No.2620930

ill take ten

>> No.2620945

Retro isn't for sexual

>> No.2620960


>> No.2621032

Those are the same gross tits, anon.

>> No.2621042

you notice differencies in the esrb logo but not the glaring obvious "the pokemon company"?

>> No.2621118

It's just a strategy for getting more sales and it harms no one.

>> No.2621579

No. I already looked at that post when I asked. I refuse to look at it again.

I never questioned the practice I just asked what other sellers do it too.

>> No.2621657


God, why do I even bother discussing human sexuality on a site with self-confessed pedophiles.

>> No.2621674

Are you one of the women who does this kinds of sales, Anon?

>> No.2621687

Not liking big tits =/= being a pedophile

>> No.2621751

I was talking about her misshapen frankenboobs, idiot. If you'd ever had a real girl to begin with, you'd have realized what I meant.

>> No.2621805
File: 237 KB, 382x597, knowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, not liking big tits + not liking long legs + not liking big asses + not liking broad shoulders + not liking big muscles + not liking deep voices = being a paedophile

>> No.2621821

ill fuk u up mayne

>> No.2621839

>God, why do I even bother discussing human sexuality on a board for old video games
Probably mental issues.

>> No.2621931

Ausfag here, the retro scene over here is ridiculous everything is overpriced. Example

>> No.2621938
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That's an incredibly silly question.

>> No.2621983
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>> No.2622094
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Oldest trick in the book.

>> No.2622474

>Anyone else *on ebay* using tits to sell vidya?

>> No.2622496

It's truly awful. I have given up collecting PAL stuff (Aus and Euro) because of how insane the prices are. There are retro UK sellers who specifically target the Australian market and adjust their prices accordingly, we really can't get a break.

I am still collecting some 6th gen stuff in PAL format, but I have completely copped out and started buying up boxed NTSC-J games and consoles for anything older than that.

>> No.2623064

>i found it in a flooded basement
>but the house had no pets so its good quality

Not sure if troll or dumb

>> No.2623091

It's very clearly a joke.

>> No.2623528

>not knowing asia pal is a thing
>paying ebay prices

>> No.2624148

>just got back from trying to find some retro to play
>pick up FFVII black label and Spyro 1 for $10 each
>go to comic book store since I remember them selling retro
>Zelda OoT with box in near trash condition $100
>THPS 3 $20
>Majora's Mask no box $75
>FFVII shitty case condition $90

Holy fucking JEW. I know its not /vr/ but this greasy fuck was selling Mega Man Anniversary Collection on Gamecube for $110. Not to mention all his SNES and N64 games were WCW and other wrastlin games with stickers anywhere from $15-$25

>> No.2624173
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>No Manuels

>> No.2624832
File: 338 KB, 800x511, 45 dollars for trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about 7 rags that together sell for more then they would sell separately?

>> No.2624845

if you bought them all separately I mean

>> No.2624907

This is one of the reasons I hate local game stores.

>Shitty gamestore I rarely go to, usually go to see if theres anything good
>Bins with HUGE STOCK in all the pictures
>Its all Madden
>Literally every N64 game in the bin is Madden or WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASLIN'
>Not that some of the wrestling games on N64 are bad, but I have them all already
>Anything good behind the glass counter with an exhorbanant price.

2 300 dollar complete in box Secret of Mana's... yeah, those will ever fucking sell. Its really funny because literally having 2 copies of something like that should immediately devalue them in an effort to move product. But no. This guy is a total dingus.

Now the guy who owns the local store I actually go to tells me he has 7 copies of FF7 in the back, 12 copies of Legend of Legaia, and 4 earthbounds but only keeps 1 or 2 in the case at all times for that exact reason, to keep the "rarity" hype. We're cool and he's given me some deals mostly because I trade off my extras to him and its almost always 1-1 value, but I mostly buy kinda odd stuff thats not a big seller for him. He''s done me a few solids like selling me a Megaman X2 for 40 bucks because he bought it off the guy in front of me for 30, so he got a solid 10 bucks profit for literally 30 seconds of "work"

>> No.2624929

I had a retro game store in the mall near me

>$80 unboxed Conker's
>$70 Super Mario RPG, again, no box
But then
>$30 for an N64 with controller, expansion and OoT
>$15 NES U-Force with box
>$5 NES joystick and turbo controllers

Too bad it's been closed for a few years

>> No.2624956

Lots cost more because of the convenience of buying many things in one transaction. You are forgetting the time cost of having to look for and track down each of the individual items. That isn't greedy, it's Collecting 101, kiddo.

>> No.2625047

>selling half of his 20 dollar subscription for 45
>new but not so new that he didn't read them first
>cost of tracking down something that you can find for one dollar on ebay
>collecting worthless Game Informer

>> No.2626041

If you dont want it, then don't buy it, simple as that.

>> No.2626804

Spoken like true reseller scum.

>> No.2626852

So he should just give it to you?

>> No.2627378

Well he can start by not selling them for twice what he paid for them. Just for starters. I can't believe I am actually having this conversation in a greed thread. This guy is selling 7 magazines for $45, and not even good ones, or old ones, or sought after ones.

>> No.2627458

I'm not arguing whether or not a couple of issues of Gameinformer is actually worth that (not really), just that if you don't like his pricing, don't buy from him.

>> No.2627479
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>sits on games until inflation makes his prices appear reasonable
>thinks his cash cow finally paid off

>> No.2627490

I think you may have missed the point of this thread.

>> No.2630263

He did. He has no idea it's about greedy kids who want stuff for less than it's worth on the open market