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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 256x365, ShadowHearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2613506 No.2613506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this game literally impossible to emulate on pcsx2?
I either get disgusting black bars and black screen during a lot of battle animations, while using hardware, or huge slowdowns during battles and a slow fps ratio most of the time.

>> No.2613518

You have checked http://wiki.pcsx2.net/index.php/Shadow_Hearts right?
>not retro

>> No.2613541

I did,to no avail.
PS2 - 15ish years old games arent considered retro?

>> No.2613560


>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other games on platforms launched in 1999 or earlier. Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.

>> No.2613568

Depends on your definition. But the board sticky doesn't permit discussion of non-remake/non-old-game-port PS2 releases on the basis of it not being a platform that launched in 1999 or earlier. You can discuss the PS2 as an emulation device or in relation to the original PlayStation, Dreamcast, and its contemporaries (which happens often in console-war/history threads).

>> No.2613576


>> No.2613590

>Shadow Hearts
I mean it's a great game but...

Also modding a PS2 to play games of a HDD is piss easy, do that instead.

>> No.2613596

Koudelka, you should go play it.

>> No.2613617

Shadow Hearts was originally supposed to be a PS1 game so it's sort of half-retro. Ish.

>> No.2613628

Not by the stupid site rules no. Even though the game is literally older than 90% of this site's users.

>> No.2613642

Underage b& detected.

>> No.2613667

Explain how you came to that conclusion?

>> No.2613780

Nope. It's for the greater good honestly, just because if we allowed PS2 we'd have to allow XBox which means people could talk about Halo and Call of Duty and before we set these rules there was a bunch of Halo and CoD shitposting.

>> No.2613798

Damn, nobody has made a patch for this still?

>> No.2613812

The lengths people go through to avoid buying games...

Also, watch calling out non-retro threads, especially when you point out the rules. These a band of autistic warriors that'll start flooding this thread telling you how it's fine.

>> No.2613838

There is literally no reason not to allow GBA games since almost all of them use sprites. It's no different than discussing other games other than some arbitrary year.

>> No.2613850

...and here they are already

>> No.2613853

there's nothing you can do, enjoy your black bars

>> No.2613854

What's the difference then? How is one sprite based game from 1999 permissible but another from 2001 isn't? What about sequels that are part of the same series? We have to just omit discussing them because it came out a year passed some random deadline? This system is chaos.

>> No.2613857

what? I didn't say you were wrong.

>> No.2613860
File: 896 KB, 500x281, not retro reeeeeeeeeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2613923

Indie games often use sprites too, but you can't discuss a 2015 game just for using sprites.

There are also retro games that use models, but you can't discuss games from beyond retro consoles just because they use models.

>> No.2613958

>random deadline

That deadline is the literal point in time when the 20th century ends. It is a fantastic spot to say here and before, but no later.

>> No.2613987

No one in their right mind would claim a game from 2015 is retro. But in terms of technology something from 15 years is from the age of the dinosaurs.

>> No.2613995

But you said the year is arbitrary, maybe not 2015 but why isn't 2014 retro? Standards in technology have changed since then.

>> No.2613996

They look fine, actually, they just need an upscale and better framerate and they would look like early ps3 games.

>> No.2614010

If it's on a current gen system then it's not retro, I thought this would be obvious.

>> No.2614018

The PS3 got games in 2014 and 2015 and it's not current gen.

>> No.2614024

PS3 should be retro, I was underaged when it came out 10 years ago.

>> No.2614027
File: 29 KB, 500x333, 628843e8dbbe4d65d0ab6a08991836ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's true

>> No.2614028
File: 977 KB, 474x360, shitposting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're clearly underaged now.

>> No.2614030

Here we go again.

There's already a board for all video games. Just go there. Seriously.

>> No.2614031

23 is underage?

>> No.2614038

If you were 23 you wouldn't be calling the PS3 retro.

>> No.2614039

It's still being sold in stores and is supported by Sony, so yes it is.

>> No.2614041

I'm pretty sure Nintendo still supports repairs and such on its older consoles, does that make them non-retro?

>> No.2614042

It came out in my childhood.

>> No.2614043


>> No.2614047

a) they're no longer sold in stoles, b) they're not releasing games for them anymore

Support in this context means contributing to its library, not servicing them.

>> No.2614049


It still won't play my games with hd graphics, so no.

>> No.2614050

Ok, fine, I'm sorry the Ps3 isn't retro. But the Xbox 360 came out November 2005 and most certainly is.

>> No.2614053

And there are underage on 4chan who are still in their childhood, so the PS4 is retro to them.

>> No.2614054


Yeah, you are clearly not 23. You would have been AT LEAST teenager. But whatever, you were problably autistic back then too.

>> No.2614063


It's still supported by microsoft.

And even if it wasn't, do you even know what "retro" means? It means technology that isn't used currently anymore. So yeah, you can argue all you want that PS2 graphics are bad because you're a fucking child but the only difference betweeen it and modern consoels are muh HD graphics.

>> No.2614065



Why isn't PS2/Gamecube/Xbox considered retro then? Heck, maybe even Wii. They are not supported anymore.

>> No.2614067

ask moot, he came up with this stupid rule

>> No.2614068

The board rules define the line as consoles before 2000. That's all that matters here.

>> No.2614071


moot is not even the admin anymore.

Why don't we simply upgrade the goddamn rules.

Not wanting to be a prick, but come the next generation, there will be absolutely no goddamn reason to NOT call them retro.

What do the board gets by being retarded? Throw in the fucking GBA for christ's sakes.

>> No.2614072

If Nintendo released the NX tomorrow in a Saturn-tier fit of retardation and cancelled everything regarding the Wii U, would the Wii U suddenly be retro?

>> No.2614075

>there will be absolutely no goddamn reason to NOT call them retro.

The reason is to keep Halo and CoD off this board so it doesn't turn into /v/. If the GBA is retro that means the PS2 is retro because the PS2 came out before the GBA.

>> No.2614080


...That's so fucking retarded. Especially considering the Halo and CoD games ARE fucking retro, they even remade Halo 1 and 2 completely for the Xbox one.

>If the GBA is retro that means the PS2 is retro because the PS2 came out before the GBA.

And it is. The Wii and DS are practically retro too.

Maybe someday this board will learn that "retro", by definition, will always change as years go by. NES and SNES weren't retro back then you know.

>> No.2614081

yeah i wish those 90% would leave so this faggot jerpergeur shit leaves too.

>> No.2614084


For me, everything that has emulation is retro.

>> No.2614087

Not overnight, but in a year or so when stores clear out their leftover inventories, sure. It'd be by all definitions a dead system.

>> No.2614089

/v/ doesn't give a shit about cod or halo either. Like maybe your occasional thread full of 12 year olds but they are busy wacking off to shitty chinese cartoon not a real game games. It's to keep not retro shit like shadow of the colussus and ico and all that other fucking trash you kids think are "modern classics" the fuck off of here, cause they suck.

>> No.2614093


Get on with the times, gramps.

The shit you played when you were a teenager will be a fucking fossil someday. Deal with it.

>> No.2614096

I'd rather have a good board than one that changes with the times. If you want to talk about newer games, why don't you just go to fucking /v/? What's the difference between talking about Dark Souls now and waiting two years then trying to change another board so you can talk about it then?

>> No.2614098

yep, it's old, ugly and controls like shit, it's about as retro as the n64

>> No.2614103

>Ok, fine, I'm sorry the Ps3 isn't retro. But the Xbox 360 came out November 2005 and most certainly is.


>the Halo and CoD games ARE fucking retro, they even remade Halo 1 and 2 completely for the Xbox one

>> No.2614105

>If you want to talk about newer games, why don't you just go to fucking /v/?

Because /v/ doesn't discuss games? When's the last time you've been there? But boy oh boy do I sure look forward to the weekly /vr/ Let's Shit on Chrono Cross Thread! That never EVER gets old!

>> No.2614107

It's not fucking retarded, it's perfectly valid to keep faggots like you out.

>> No.2614108

I play more counter strike than I do retro. PS2 games just don't feel old fashioned though and I would say more n64 games don't either. Not because they are 3d or anything but because of the way the games play and new mechanics they introduced. There are plenty of old 3d games that still feel retro. I have a PS2 myself I really just don't want the ICO shitposting anything mentioning it is a shitpost, just like I am shitposting right now

>> No.2614109

but they do, you just don't know how to ignore shitposters

>> No.2614110

This isn't /v/ 2.0, kiddo. That's not the point of this board. Just because /v/ sucks doesn't mean you can post whatever you like here.

>> No.2614112

everything will be dust in the wind someday

>> No.2614113

Whatever I like happens to be video games, which is why we are all engaged in this conversation. We should open /vr/ up to more game discussion, not hold it back and let it stagnate.

>> No.2614117

you're mom is ugly old and used we should talk about her since she's probably retro too

>> No.2614120

exactly, I want a TRIGGER WARNING Safe space to talk about games from a specific time period not just older games. This place has its theme and that doesn't need to change. I don't know why these 18-24 year olds feel it so necessary we have to include them and that this is a only a nostalgia board and they cant have fun unless they get to post their green text stories about the time they bought some shitty licensed ps2 game and got mad.

>> No.2614121

So by your logic why NOT allow current-gen stuff, since it's video games which you happen to like? Why not let the newest releases like MGSV be talked about here? I mean it's not retro but who cares it's game discussion and you like it.

>> No.2614126

MGSV isn't retro but GBA is. There's no reason we shouldn't be allowed to discuss Mega Man Zero since it's so similar to MMX.

>> No.2614131

/v/ already exists.

>> No.2614137

>MGSV isn't retro but GBA is.

Who says?

>> No.2614139

Mighty no.9 is even more similar to megaman we should talk about that.

>> No.2614147
File: 53 KB, 152x132, le four million dollars face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I love bootleg threads like that.

>> No.2614150

no, you don't need to talk about mmz if you really really need to go talk about mega man zero that badly fuck off to gamefags or something. Stop being a fucking child.

>> No.2614151

Who says its not?

>> No.2614153

that looks like a ps1 game, i think it qualifies as retro

>> No.2614159

Who says anything? Why do we have rules at all? I want to post furry porn and gore on this board.