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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2610986 No.2610986 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get into (non-touhou) shmups. What games should I start with. What platform? Is mame acceptable?

>> No.2611001

What do you mean acceptable? of course it's acceptable. Play a bunch and stick with the one you enjoy the most.

>> No.2611004

MAME is fine. Just play around until you find one you want to stick with.

I gave up on lolkek for now

>> No.2611015
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Mame is just fine, here's a little something you might be able to use:
Get Shmupmame if you haven't already. Feel free to ask more questions if the need arises.

If you like bullet-hell, I recommend Ketsui and anything Dodonpachi. It's a good idea to just play both of them casually at first.

We also have a shmup-thread on this board right now, it's over here:

>> No.2611023

there's some input delay on mame, which you can mostly get rid of if you press tab > slider settings > refresh rate and decrease it by 2 frames

>> No.2611031

You can check your input delay on MAME by holding down fire button, then pressing shift + p.
Press shift + P repeatedly as many times as it takes until you start shooting, that is your delay.
The Xbox 360 version of mushihime futari had an option to mess with the delays to make up for the HD tvs lag. They called the default option of 2 frames as "PCB".

>> No.2611071
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>> No.2611127

I highly recommend Blazing Lazers for the Turbo Graph / PC Engine.

>> No.2611141

Rayforce. Game's beautiful, the soundtrack is catchy and the difficulty progression is just right. The scoring system is very easy to grasp and is highly addictive. No obscure mechanics or frustrating chaining bullshit. It has a good Saturn port if you want to play it on consoles.

>> No.2611479

This. TG16/PCE has a ton of shooters and the controller has a turbo function by default.

>> No.2611489

Ships are flying N64 controllers.

>> No.2611558

MAME is the best thing for shooters.

Start with these:

Parodius series (best is probably Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius for SNES)
Gradius series (best is either Gradius III for SNES or Gradius V for PS2)
R-Type series (best is either R-Type arcade or R-Type Final for PS2)
Axelay for SNES
Twinbee series (best is either Detana Twinbee for TG-16 or Pop'n Twinbee for SNES or Twinbee Yahoo arcade)
Cotton series (not really a best, so just play whatever)
Guardian Legend for NES
Gun*Nac for NES
Zanac for NES
Aleste series (best is either Aleste 2 for MSX or Space Megaforce for SNES for MUSHA for Genesis)
Blazing Lazers for TG-16
Star Soldier series (best is any of the TG-16 games)
Donpachi series (best is DoDonpachi arcade or DoDonpachi DaiOujou [sp?] arcade or DoDonpachi Daifukatsu [sp?])
Guwange arcade
ESP RaDe arcade
ESP Galuda (and its sequel) arcade
Ketsui arcade
Mars Matrix arcade
Giga Wing arcade
1940s series (any of them should be worth starting on, though 1942 is kinda primitive by modern standards)
Space Invaders series (best is either original arcade game or Space Invaders '95)
XEXEX arcade
X-Multiply arcade
Strikers 1945 series (pretty much all the same thing so start on whatever)
Dangun Feveron arcade
Muchi Muchi Porn arcade
Deathsmiles arcade (and I guess its sequel)
Blazing Star arcade
Pulstar arcade
Twinkle Star Sprites arcade
Spriggan (the original for Turbo CD)
Recca for NES (probably my personal favorite of all time)
Noiz2sa for PC
rRootage for PC
Tumiki Fighters for PC
Parsec 47 for PC
Gunroar for PC
Torus Trooper for PC
Ikaruga arcade
Mu-cade for PC
Radiant Silvergun arcade
Progear arcade
Dogyuun arcade
Batsugun arcade

There's a bunch of others as well, but that should give you a nice start.

>> No.2611563

Gundemonium, Gundeadligne, Hitogata Happa http://store.steampowered.com/sub/11712/

>> No.2611585

Start with Graidus III arcade.

>> No.2611593

play compile games and dodonpachi first

>> No.2611595

I like R-Type, Raiden 4, Dodonpachi, Ikaruga, Gigawing, and a few others I can't remember. Just try a bunch in mame, pick one you like and play it for an hour or so a day until you get good. I like using save states between levels (blasphemy!) to speed up the git gud. Xbox 360 has a bunch of good ones too, and there are plenty of sticks for it that work well on pc. Tate your monitor. And if you are crazy use a crt. Also Crimzon Clover is fucking amazing, but not retro.

>> No.2611616

Here's my top 5, with reasons.
>Dangun Feveron (Arcade, no ports)
Extremely fast, quite different from Cave's usual bullet-hell fare (there aren't really that many bullets on screen, but everything including you is sanic fast -- there are slower speed options, but trying to play with the speed 1/2 ships doesn't make sense). Great graphics, scoring that even an idiot can grasp (speedkill everything, grab the disco men, don't let any fall off the screen).

>Rayforce (Arcade -- also on the Saturn as either Galactic Attack or Layer Section depending on region)
Very solid gameplay. You're descending to the core of the Earth to go blow it up. 10/10 graphics and sound. Cool laser lock-on system where you can shoot things beneath you, like Xevious on super-steroids. Relatively deep scoring that I haven't actually bothered to look into myself.

>Soukyugurentai (Arcade, Saturn, PS1)
it's like Rayforce but different, go play it
music by the same guy that did Radiant Silvergun's soundtrack and is similarly impressive
the PS1 port isn't amazing, but if emulating, you'll probably end up playing it that way

>Cho Ren Sha 68k (Sharp X68000, Windows)
This is probably the easiest game on the list, but god damn it's fun.
Godly soundtrack. Decent visuals (biggest issue is that the background never really changes, but the rest of the spritework is arcade quality). Fun, proto-bullet hell patterns: less dense, but faster. Stand in the center of the powerup triangles to collect all three.
it's also free
if running on Vista or later, make sure you set Win98 compatibility mode so the sound doesn't fuck up

>Mars Matrix (Arcade, DC).
Go play Mars Matrix. DC version is actually the best way to play.
It's actually really fun to get a good chaining path going, I love the game's super-loose cube chaining system. Doesn't look or sound amazing, but the thick, heavy patterns and cool bullet vacuum mechanic are fun

the ships are clearly two PS1 controllers taped together

>> No.2611640

>Go play Mars Matrix
Thanks Rob.

>> No.2611642

start with pink sweets
it's easy girly game for faggots, you'll beat it in a week

>> No.2611645

>grab the disco men
I don't even care about points but I still collect everything because the sound they make feels so good.

>> No.2611646

Slap Fight was my first vertical scroller and intro to shmups
R-Type got me hooked at getting good.
Thunder Force 4 is great.
Just a type you like and play it.

>> No.2611649

Oh, and throw Crisis Force for NES on there as well.

>> No.2611667

Here's my personal favorites

>Earth Defence Force (Arcade, SNES)
Beautiful backgrounds and decent music and the SNES port retains most of the quality of the original

>Blazing Star (NeoGeo)
This is the spiritual sequel to Pulstar. You do not have to go back to the start at the level when you die like Pulstar and most of the levels are much easier.

>MUSHA (Genesis)
The metal soundtrack of this game works so well with the genesis chip.