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File: 116 KB, 850x1250, Sf33soe sean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2606456 No.2606456 [Reply] [Original]

Why is that Sakura can do the Hadoken whenever she wants but Sean can only do it for his super?

>> No.2606460

Sakura's more practiced at it. If Sean was popular enough to have stuck around he would probably get a normal one eventually as well. Unfortunately he's the Lucky Glauber of Street Fighter.

>> No.2606474

Because Dan >>>>>>>

>> No.2606543

sean was so awesome

>> No.2606547


He was pretty cool, just one Shoto too many.

>> No.2606570

Well, he was originally going to be the only shoto. Ryu and Ken were added in at the last minute. Then Akuma didn't get added until the second game.

>> No.2606574

japs can do what blackies can't

>> No.2606685
File: 42 KB, 384x224, sean-end-sf32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2606743

Sakura is japanese, Sean is not.

>> No.2606845

Ken trained him wrong on purpose. As a joke.

>> No.2606868

Sakura's move is self-taught, it isn't a Hadoken per se. It's less stable, and Sakura doesn't know how to control the output (the further it travels, the weaker it is).

Sean looks like a slacker. He trains under Ken, but never learned anything useful.

>> No.2606892
File: 13 KB, 140x120, Sakura-spinkick1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like Sakura's hadoken is even a full one. Same with her cute little tatsumaki, she learned from watching Ryu.

>> No.2606893

>Sean Matsuda was born in Brazil, though his paternal grandfather was Japanese.
Can't escape the genes

>> No.2606898

I would argue that Sakura (and Dan to an extent) is a natural savant in Ki control.
But Ken and Ryu have had years of training under a great master like Gouken so they have much better control over their techniques and can throw them more consistently and at different speeds.
Sean seems like a talented fighter, but a real beginner in this style. Even moreso than Sakura so it isn't suprising that he has to put all of his power into throwing one.

>> No.2606913

Because Brazilians halfass everything.

hue hue hue

>> No.2606987

Ken's fireball isn't what Ryu's is. Ken has focused more kicks and punches than fireballs.

>> No.2607026

>and Sakura doesn't know how to control the output

What? She's the only shoto who actually can CONTROL the output. You don't see Ryu Ken or even Akuma able to charge this shit

>> No.2607035


All of them can charge their hadokens

>> No.2607046

Yes, because they are capable of doing it consistently that's kind of the point of control philosophically speaking. Of course gameplay wise it means you actually have control over the output.

>> No.2607085

gameplay wise it means you accidentally do charged hadoukens when trying to recover into a shouryuken

>> No.2607492

Why god, Why!?

>> No.2607494

He is huezilian.

>> No.2607608


The interesting thing about how fireballs are depicted in SF is that the greater the mastery of ki, the more stable the fireball. Dan has the most pathetic fireball in the series, as his level of mastery is so low. Sakura's fizzle out pretty quickly. Oni's fizzle out as well, to show how he has lost control over the satsui no hado. Gouken can throw them one-handed, while Ono has tracking fireballs using his non-bound arm, etc.

>> No.2607621

Hadouken is a secret technique which can only be mastered by the most dedicated, talented, and Japanese of martial artists, whereas every random shmuck who goes through basic training in the American military figures out how to create sonic booms with his bare hands

>> No.2607625

Man, Sean is the victim of the most brutal nerf in fighting game history.

I don't know if that's even an exaggeration. He went from top tier to absolute shit tier.

>> No.2607640

>7/8ths Brazilian, born and raised in Brazilian culture
>b-but he's Japanese!

>> No.2607662


There are 2 known Sonic Boom users in the history of the world. And only one can call them self a master of the technique. The other has to use both hands to make a Sonic Boom. Hadouken is statistically easier to pick up and learn.

There's been reports of a blue haired Mick Jaggar wanna be running around in france who can do something similar too.

>> No.2607716

Just like Portugal

>> No.2607737

it's really something to watch high level second impact.

>> No.2607852
File: 305 KB, 971x750, Sakura_Kasugano_by_SeriojaInc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look, I like Sakura but the fact remains that if a school girl, prodigy or not, can mimic one from WATCHING it then the S Boom is the more complicated move.

Unless Sakura is secretly Taskmaster

>> No.2607992

I'm not deep in Street Fighter lore. What's the explanation for Guile and Charlie/Nash being able to conjure up "Sonic Booms"? Is it some other form of ki mastery much like the satsui no hado, or just them swinging their arms really fast?

>> No.2608000

>Is it some other form of ki mastery much like the satsui no hado, or just them swinging their arms really fast?

Who gives a fuck about how sonic boom are "conjured up", really?

>> No.2608004

People have an easier time mastering ki in the SF universe (given enough time and training), even without a master (like Sagat or even Zangief).

Charlie is supposedly much better at ki mastering than most characters in the series, even if he never received any formal training. Guile learned from him, but since he had a bad temper and quit things easily, he didn't master the Sonic Boom to the same extent Charlie did.

Like, there's a run-of-the-mill brawler (Cody) that can conjure a tornado. And he only ever had karate training. The rest was punching people in the face.

Useless trivia: Dhalsim's fire is an illusion. It doesn't actually burn, but someone hit by it will feel like being burned.

>> No.2608016

Interesting. I never really gave all these magical projectiles much thought. So everyone in their universe can potentially translate their ki to take some tangible form depending on their form of training and character/personality?

>Useless trivia: Dhalsim's fire is an illusion. It doesn't actually burn, but someone hit by it will feel like being burned.
That's actually pretty neat. I assume these kind of details are expanded on in the various manga and info books rather than in-game?

>> No.2608017

What about extending his limbs, is that an illusion? Because me wife does yoga and she can barely fit her legs behind her head.

>> No.2608024

It's Hamon.


>> No.2608040

Some of it is from the manuals or artbooks (search for All About CAPCOM).

About the "tangible form" and "personality" thing, it's described somewhere that those attacks "feel" different from each other. Being hit by a Tiger Shot has a cold, hard feel, while a Hadouken is warm and brunt.

More useless trivia:
- Balrog (Boxer) is so strong that he killed one of the elephant's on Dhalsim's stage with a single punch.
- Mel (Ken's son) and Datta (Dhalsim's son) are penpals.
- Ken is Guile's brother-in-law (their wives are sisters).
- Charlie's glasses are for style points - Air Force pilots can't use glasses.
- Although Dan is a joke in the tournament, he's actually much stronger than a normal person. His father was a formidable fighter.
- Chun-li is a fan of Fei Long.

>> No.2608043

His extending limbs are actually a reference to a kung fu movie called Master of the Flying Guillotine (or something like that). There's a tournament in the movie, and the fighter representing India can extend his limbs. It's probably on youtube.

>> No.2608049


>> No.2608059

The capcom developers said that dhalsim is not based off the Yogi from Legend of the Flying Guillotine. It was an original idea they made

>> No.2608071

She did learn the entirety of Dan's style.
(Then subsequently decided to forget said style because it was so weak)

She could probably pick up any style if she wanted. Even the Satsui no Hadou.

>> No.2608114

Take it easy sperge, was just pointing out some trivia.

>> No.2608129

>Ken is Guile's brother-in-law (their wives are sisters)
This is the weirdest one, for some reason.

>> No.2608230
File: 74 KB, 400x571, sagat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Hibiki was murdered by Sagat. Dan's grudge towards him stems from this fact.

>> No.2608236


That's pretty common also.

>> No.2608265


>> No.2608269

Also apparently Sagat felt guilty about it and let Dan beat him.
Dan of course doesn't realise this and constantly gloats about his victory to him every time they meet.

>> No.2608273

Also forgot to mention that I think the reason Sagat killed him in the first place was because Go Hibiki was the one who took Sagats eye out in the first place, and Sagat kills him in rage.

>> No.2608279

I have this idea in my head of Sagat someday just sitting down with Dan and just apologizing and talking it out with him.

>> No.2608293

Well you have to remember that Sagat was in a very dark place at the time.
He'd been humiliated and scarred in a fight with Ryu (he won the fight but Ryu's cheap shot shoryuken gave him major anger issues since it damaged his pride), and he became a shadaloo member so he could have another shot at Ryu (he felt his reputation as the strongest fighter was in ruins when he realised how much potential Ryu has.) . Go Hibiki taking out his eye in battle must have sent him over the edge and I could imagine Sagat absolutely brutalising him.
Of course over time Sagat has calmed down and learned to respect other fighters, particularly Ryu, but he probably carries around a lot of guilt from his Shadaloo days. (However he'd never show this because of his massive pride, and remains stoic)

I've always wanted to see Dan become a worthy fighter, re-challenge Sagat, and earn his win legitimately. Ultimately both finding resolution.

>> No.2608634

I bet, and all those dreamworks/pixar ripoff movie creators claim that they've never seen the stuff they're blatantly plagiarizing.

>> No.2608637

Nishitani said Dhalsim's stretching was more based on the Zoom Punch from Jojo. His stretching normals are all even named "zoom something-or-other".

>> No.2608710

Because it's kinda forcing a connection that didn't have to be there.
>Hmm, these two guys are american, there MUST be some connection between them.

>> No.2608902
File: 3.11 MB, 1024x2700, time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2608907

Because Sean has his balls

>> No.2608919

Deepest lore.

>> No.2608931


Well there IS a Dark Sakura, in Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter

I mean, that's not even remotely canon, but still

>> No.2608934

Damn, this shit writes like a movie.

>> No.2608952
File: 123 KB, 498x622, sagat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the only reason Go Hibiki took out his eye because Sagat was strong arming him into paying protection money

I don't know where people are getting the idea that Sagat isn't a villain. He may not be Bison tier but he was a criminal for a very long time.

>> No.2609027

People can change, he may have been a real bad guy before, but I think he's matured and come to a few realizations about himself and life.

He's done bad things, and I think he actually knows that, I'm sure he regrets some of them.
I'm not saying he's a saint however.

>> No.2609331


Dan's style isn't weak. Dan just was never taught it properly because his dad died. Go managed to rip out Sagat's eye after all.

>> No.2609362

Go was a muay thai fighter, not a karateka.
Dan's style is a bastardization of Ryu/Ken's, it has nothing to do with his dad's. Dan did study under Gouken for a time, but he was kicked out because he was consumed with vengeance, which Gouken did not approve of.

>the only reason Go Hibiki took out his eye because Sagat was strong arming him into paying protection money
Isn't that just from the UDON comics? I don't remember that explanation being in the game canon.

>> No.2609397

Sagat is reformed in SF4. He's living with Monks now helping take care of children if I remember his SF4 ending right.

You can't take back a murder, but you can still help others. That's probably how he's gonna live his life out now in the SF timeline.

>> No.2609478

>I don't know where people are getting the idea that Sagat isn't a villain.

From Capcom. They retooled his character in Alpha to the point where they retconned his Shadaloo affiliation in SF2. His brief affiliation with them in Alpha is now meant only to show how lost he was. He's become yet another "lives for the fight, wavers between honor and glory" character.

>> No.2609491


>> No.2609567

Wtf? They just glossed over it like that? What about all the human trafficking and fucking MURDERS? He had merely "lost his way" for all that?

>> No.2609660

Killing Dan's father is still canon, but his being part of Shadaloo was very brief; Alpha 2 shows him taking a leave of absense (allegedly that's the only part of his ending considered canon by Capcom), and by Zero 3 he walks away from Shadaloo entirely because Bison's brainwashing of Ryu was going too far. The latest iterations of Super Turbo scrub away any telltale signs that he was ever considered a Shadaloo lord in that time frame and boil down to just another "I must continue to train for the next time I battle 'him'...!"

Street Fighter's not the pinnacle of storytelling, of course, but it's kind of sad what happened to Sagat--I think Capcom tried to give him some redeeming qualities to make him more appealing as a selectable fighter, but in doing so whitewashed everything that made him a distinct character and made him generic as fuck. In current canon, his most noteworthy function is facilitating motivation for DAN.

>> No.2610191

Cody's apparently as strong as Akuma, story-wise.

I don't know how that makes sense.

>> No.2610260
File: 171 KB, 780x770, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's funny and great if true

What was Akuma like as a kid? Does he have any formal education and has he ever held a paying job? Does he live somewhere with toilet paper?

>> No.2610268

Stronger, actually. He apparently can hold his own against Oni, Akuma's final form.

>> No.2610375

>didn't approve of
>style literally had killing in the name
>it works by channeling and controlling what is basically your inner evil
>the perfection of controlling this form is fucking AKUMA

How did he have a problem?

>> No.2610393

Vengeance is the path of darkness. A true warrior kills just for fun, not to out of butthurt.

>> No.2610412

>for fun
No, it's because for some reason killing people with that style powers you up.

>> No.2610437

Basically he didn't want Dan to become the next Akuma.
Tapping into the Dark Hado is very tempting, and essentially fast-tracks you to power, but it can also drive you mad and it's all consuming.

Ryu taps into it without fully realising it because he becomes enraptured in the primal instincts of battle, and he's a really nice person not motivate by anything particularly dark at all.

Gouken despises how Akuma embraced it and killed his master to grow stronger. He refuses to teach it, and allow anyone to be drawn to it.

>> No.2610573

IIRC Gouken modified the entire martial art to remove fatal aspects, while Akuma embraced the martial art's original form/intent.

>> No.2610606
File: 38 KB, 400x512, gouki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sorta mimics Fatal Fury, where Terry Bogard (karate hobo) is stronger than his brother Andy, a ninja that trains everyday with a master. See? A blondie (Cody) and a ninja (Guy).

Actually, most people seem to remember Akuma as purely evil, but that'sjust his outer image. He doesn't shy away from society, and on anything that is not related to battle, he's just a normal person (although much uglier).

Pic related. Yep, it's canon.

>> No.2610615
File: 177 KB, 825x1125, superstreetfighterv1pre07[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura could be OP if she wanted. If Ryu taught her honestly she would be just as strong as he is, if not more so. Dark Sakura in the MvC games retains her personality and this page shows her falling to the Satsui no Hado. The fact she can even access this is astounding. She's clearly some freak prodigy that no one wants to harness for some reason.

>> No.2610617

Actually the "Dark Sakura" from MvC isn't from Satsui no Hado. The original in japanese says "Sunburnt Sakura". That Raging Demon-esque combo she does in MvC is also in Street Fighter EX (another non-canon game).

I like UDON and everything, but some of their stuff is just fanwank.

Goutetsu (Akuma/Gouken's master) died happy, knowing his student had surpassed him. They were in a morally gray zone there.

>> No.2610621

Huh, I always had heard that it was Satusi. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.2610636
File: 113 KB, 624x459, evilsean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of their stuff is just fanwank
You haven't read chinese Street Fighter manhwa anon.

>> No.2610638

I don't think people who are interested in SF lore would say Akuma is PURE evil (that's Oni). Dark and demonic perhaps, but even he has some semblance of a moral code--he doesn't go around killing people for the sake of it, he looks for worthy opponents to fight to the death (theirs or his), and finds Bison's methods objectionable.

That said, I do find it hard to imagine him vested in anything NOT related to the fight or as a functioning member of society. My interpretation of that picture was that he lives out in the country somewhere, cultivating melons as efficiently as possible (to leave more time for training) and selling them in the marketplace. Kind of makes me wonder what he even needs money for; I doubt he has a cable bill and he probably lives off melons and fish he catches with his bare hands. I guess even Akuma has to pay taxes. When melons are out of season he starts wandering the earth looking for worthy opponents.

>> No.2610640
File: 155 KB, 556x431, codycrybabycuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cody's apparently as strong as Akuma,
No he's not, stop with this shitty meme

>> No.2610646

Having a healthier respect for the law doesn't mean he's not as strong.

>> No.2610652


Tier 1
Gouki, Gill, Oro, SFZ3 Final Vega
Tier 2
SF2 Vega, Sagat, Ryu, SnH Ryu, Q(hinted), SF4 Gouken
Tier 3
Ken, Gen, SFZ Gouki, Rose, Nash, Urien, Guy, Seth,
Tier 4
Guile, Chun-Li, Hugo, Balrog, Twelve (hinted), Maki, Abel, C. Viper, Sodom,
Rolento, Cody, Sakura, Juri
Tier 5
Adon, Bison, Cammy, Zangief, Dhalsim, T. Hawk, Alex, Eagle, Birdie
Tier 6
the twelve girls, Karin, Necro, Dudley, Lee, Mike, Geki, Retsu, Joe, Hakan
Tier 7
Blanka, Fei-Long, E. Honda, El Fuerte, Dee Jay, Ibuki, Makoto, Yun, Yang
Tier 8
Elena, Remy, R. Mika, Poison
Tier 9
Dan, Rufus
Tier 10

>> No.2610672

I read plenty of the King of Fighters ones.

>> No.2610681

It's probably to pay for travel expenses. Even Akuma needs a passport.

>> No.2610690

Not trying to start some shit, but Cody could beat 70% of the people on his tier, all together.

>> No.2610695

>Rufus at the same tier as Dan
Even if he's a fatso, Rufus is a serious martial artist.

>R.Mika anything except bottom tier
Even she herself says her skills are mostly theatrical.

>Blanka weaker than one of the dolls
>Fei-Long weaker than fucking Joe

>> No.2610707
File: 15 KB, 384x139, tan man and a boatman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Akuma doesn't travel everywhere by rowboat

>> No.2610713

You do realize that list is pure conjecture, and not official, right?
The closest we have to something official is some YT vid by Capcom, naming the 5 more powerful.
From what I recall they were Gouken, Oni, Oro, Gill and @3 Bison. Those are obvious anyway, but anythng on the other tiers doesn't have an official statement.

Not the guy you're replying to btw, but I'd put Cody at Ryu/Ken tier at most. Anything above that is ridiculous.
From what I recall, it was

>> No.2610718

You do realize that list is pure conjecture, and not official, right?
The closest we have to something official is some YT vid by Capcom, naming the 5 more powerful.
From what I recall they were Gouken, Oni, Oro, Gill and @3 Bison. Those are obvious anyway, but anythng on the other tiers doesn't have an official statement.

Not the guy you're replying to btw, but I'd put Cody at Ryu/Ken tier at most. Anything above that is ridiculous.

>> No.2610736
File: 18 KB, 340x340, 7cb84b8736923dc26ea3024e8d204314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dislikes: short nails
Every time.

>> No.2611057


I love that Akuma's canon job is that he's a street fruit seller.

>> No.2611061


More importantly, Akuma is the PERFECTION of controlling the Dark Hadou. That is not something normal people can achieve. Hell even Ryu can't do it, since his personality changes and he becomes Evil Ryu.

It's just plain dangerous to teach anyone other than Akuma how to tap into that power, because him and Gouken (who has the power of nothingness) are the only ones able to prevent its drawbacks.

>> No.2611067

>Goutetsu (Akuma/Gouken's master) died happy, knowing his student had surpassed him. They were in a morally gray zone there.
Plus wasn't it like a requirement to kill your master in order to complete your training, or something like that?

>> No.2611140

That'd be news to me.

>> No.2611241

This ain't Nanto Ho-oh-ken

>> No.2611245


Maybe that's what I'm confusing it with for some reason.

>> No.2611397

>Anything above that is ridiculous

He says about a series featuring a green jungle man, a robot cop, dictator's girlclone plot, and a guy with a hole in his chest still living. If anything beatpunch surpassing beatpunchiest is less ridiculous then that.

That said, powerlevel shit is cancer.

>> No.2611418

>Argues by changing context

Nice try, slick.

>> No.2612082

Cause Ryu willingly trained with sakura. Ken just showed Sean a tricks to get him to fuck off. Thus the shitty tatsumaki shitty two handed shoryuken. Plus Ken main's in shoryu, while Ryu mains in hadoukens

>> No.2612091

So he was trained wrong on purpose, as a joke?

>> No.2612147
File: 122 KB, 400x700, crackerjack-sfex2-artwork-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the hell is Cracker Jack in SFV?

>> No.2612171

My guess is that Sean wanted to do the flashy moves already, so he skipped learning the basics. Ken tried to teach him those, but since the kid just wanted to throw Hadoukens, Ken said fuck it and quit. Reminds me of this guy in my Tae kwon do class that only wanted to do triple kicks, and didn't even learn to stretch his legs correctly. He quit after two weeks.

Really, how bad you have to be to try to do a Shoryuken with both hands?

>> No.2612389

Which is funny cause he was like Ken tier in the first 2 iterations of sf3. They toned him down to fuckery in third strike. So we got another fucking dan

>> No.2612391

Arika owns the rights to the sf ex characters. soooo no Skullomania, no Cracker Jack ect

>> No.2612398



>> No.2612423

Arika's not exactly an industry juggernaut; Capcom should just throw some money at them to license, if not outright buy, a few EX characters. It'd be pretty easy hype for SFV.

>> No.2612441

As long as Alex makes it into V, I honestly don't care who is in

>> No.2612447
File: 63 KB, 600x800, birdie_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one go from this...

>> No.2612449
File: 360 KB, 434x650, SFAlphaBirdie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...to this...

>> No.2612451
File: 659 KB, 2000x1125, 16_cambirdieart02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and to this?

>> No.2612454
File: 29 KB, 620x413, birdie_sf6_official_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and this?

>> No.2612462

Apparently he was white in sf1 due do sickness

>> No.2612476

beaners dont have a lot of chi op all brown people are not the same. dont be so racist

>> No.2612479

The character tier and viability in-game has nothing to do with how strong he is in the storyline.

Oro is medium tier in 3rd strike and he is, alongside Gill and Akuma one of the most powerful characters in the storyline. And that's because he magically binds one of his arms to prevent himself from accidentaly killing the opponent, using both arms, his already immense power increases dramatically and he becomes unstoppable.

>> No.2612486

Capcom owns the characters too. Like Strider is co-owned by Moto Kikaku and Capcom.

>> No.2612491
File: 136 KB, 640x360, guile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could at least add new characters that are based after EX characters. Like Hakan is clearly based after Darun from EX.

Capcom hasn't forgotten about the EX characters since one of Guile's DLC costumes in USFIV is a nod to D. Dark.

>> No.2612501


Serious answer: Changes in artist/style/art direction

Not-necessarily-silly answer: It's not unheard of for a well-built individual to bulk up, and quite common for fit people to let themselves go later in life.

>> No.2612532

That's incorrect, Arika used the EX charcters multipe times, and Capcom has nothing to do with it.
Arika owns the characters, not Capcom.

>> No.2612539

>This video was created in a PC for this year's April Fool's Day

>> No.2612543

Well, fuck.
Have this instead then:
The point still stands.

>> No.2612552
File: 3.02 MB, 3974x2806, street fighters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skullomania has appeared in an Arika rhythm game (I think?).

At the same time he, and a bunch of other characters, were designed by Edayan of Rival Schools and Ace Attorney fame.

It's a tough situation.

>> No.2612573

any place I can download them from?

>> No.2612603

I'm just glad he's getting some spotlight, and is actually going to be a decent character to play now. I've always loved the dude but he was garbage in Alpha.

>> No.2612604

series is DEAD TO ME until Q the best character comes back

>> No.2612678

I'm fine with his return, but I don't like how jokey his character is being portrayed; it clashes with the rest of the cast and general game tone.

>> No.2612684

meme fighter >>>/v/

>> No.2612970

CAPCOM already stated that Arika owns those characters. When asked by a fan if they had bought the characters since then (they appear in All About CAPCOM), they answered that they didn't, and had to ask Arika for permission to portray their characters in the artbook.

But the idea itself isn't dead. CAPCOM did a poll 1 or 2 years ago about possible characters for SF V, and most Arika characters were there. So they would consider putting someone in, if the character is popular enough.

Of course people fucked up and voted in Rainbow Mika or whatever.

>> No.2613093

Sakura can do the Satsui no Hado and has a obsession with Ryu.

Maybe she's ryu lost sister or half-sister.

>> No.2613116

Sure, and maybe Akuma is actually Ryu's father.

>> No.2613118

>Of course people fucked up and voted in Rainbow Mika or whatever.
Otakus are gonna otak. It's too bad, some of the EX character designs are really great. Skullomania deserves to be in another game, I think he'd fit in SF5's cast.

>> No.2613138
File: 40 KB, 366x638, Sakura_the_Hedgehog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she's a hedgehog.

>> No.2613146

"Sunburnt Sakura" isn't canon

>has a obsession with Ryu... Maybe she's ryu lost sister or half-sister.
That's a ridiculous conclusion to draw.

>> No.2613196

>CAPCOM did a poll 1 or 2 years ago about possible characters for SF V, and most Arika characters were there
They weren't actually included though.
Even SF1 only characters were, but EX characters were included nowhere in the list.

>> No.2615280
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Who Makoto here?

>> No.2615284



>> No.2615925

Like Strider, co-owned, needs permission to use them. Karin is also co-owned by Capcom and a mangaka.
Something easy to solve, as Arika is formed by ex-Capcom employees and the characters were created by Capcom.

Skullomania, Jack, Garuda, Hokuto... EX was developed by Arika because Capcom was busy with SFIII. Capcom should have used Edayan as the character designer for SFIII.
Can you imagine SFIII with Skullo and Hokuto?

>> No.2615974

>Can you imagine SFIII with Skullo and Hokuto?
Eh, I really don't see the appeal in this guy. I don't even know why people like him so much, was it his gameplay? I don't remember his moveset at all.

A worse designed Kasumi Todoh.

Though I agree that (for the most part) the EX characters had more ofa SF "feel" than most SF3 characters.

>> No.2615986
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Don't mind me, just the best EX character smoothly passing through.

>> No.2615989
File: 242 KB, 1190x810, tumblr_ld6kzihdFH1qd4q8ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capcom should have used Edayan as the character designer for SFIII.
They really should have. The EX characters are better designs and generally fit better in the SF world. I remember a lot of people being turned off by the "weird" characters in SF3.

>> No.2616010

I just did a quick research, seems like Edayan is listed as the illustrator, but not the character designer for the EX games. (he's only listed as a designer for Rival Schools)
Are you guys sure that these characters were really designed by him?

Also, Alpha 2 artwork is by him apparently. Damn, I always thought that was Bengus.

>> No.2616020

If it's anything like SF2 and Darkstalkers, the designs probably came from several different people on the game's graphics team.

>> No.2616105

At first I thought Dhalsim got a mohawk but it was just Zangief's chest hair

>> No.2616125

Oh damn, that looks kinda cool.

>> No.2616149

How exactly does he get in and out of that suit?

>> No.2618021

>A worse designed Kasumi Todoh.
Hokuto plays very different. And I like her design better, specially her EX2 design.

And Skullo moveset is excellent.

Ironically he wasn't the main illustrator. Bengus did the art for the first 2 games. All this >>2615989 was drawn by Bengus, but the characters were created by Edayan.
Edayan only did the character designs and some promotional pieces. And Alpha 2 artwork was done by Bengus AND Edayan.
Also, no one creates characters alone at Capcom. Like in all Capcom games, the main character designer was supervisioned by the Capcom art team led by Akiman, and their moves were created by different people with the main artist input.

>> No.2618431

I would do lewd things with her.

>> No.2618637
File: 51 KB, 395x250, AlexBeatBisonChampionDudley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God Tier:

Gouki, Gill, Vega, Oro, Gouken(Power of nothingness).

Tier 1:
Ryu(Satsui No hado and After Oro Training), Juri (FengShuiEngine), Gen(Killer intent). Q(hinted), Dhalsim (Nigga you dont understant).

Tier 2
Sagat,Chun Li, Cummy(Shes the killer bee and the next Vega body!), Nash, Ken, Seth (Fiveteen), Urien, Guy, Balrog(Shadaloo Top agent plz), Mike Bison(Shadaloo Top agent plz), Rose, Dudley(He his the world champion! and fight hand to hand against Reeyoou!), Alex (He kickd the Mike Bison Butt).

Tier 3:

Guile, Hugo, Codeh, Abel, C. viper (Gadget Costume), Sodom, Rolento, Adon, Fei Long, Dee Jay (He was among the few who killed a Seth), Mike Haggar. (he is not in the game but still), Decapreh.

Tier 4:
Fei Long, Trueno Hawk, Edmond Honda, Blanka, Eagle, Retsu, Birdie, Zangief (lost against Sakura), Sakura, El fuerte, Yun, Yang, Remy, Geki, Necro, Hakan.

Tier 5:
Lee, Joe, Karin, the Dolls, The Twelves, Ibuki, Makoto, Elena, Rainbow Mika, Posion.

Shit tier:
Rufus and Sean.

Hell Tier:

>> No.2618651

I would guess that Sakura has better control of her ki, since neither of them have been trained by the shoto's they want to train them.

I kind of wish Sakura and Sean could develop a Ryu/Ken kind of friendship/rivalry

>> No.2618838

Tier lists are for tryhard shoryuken.com nerds.

>> No.2618874

srk.com likes gameplay tiers though, they normally tell lore tiers to fuck off.

>> No.2618951

>Power of nothingness
I don't even know why they brought this up as a plot point. This is just emptying your mind of everything, not the antithesis of Satsui no Hado. Gen already did this (he survived Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu), and he was an old man with leukemia. And he didn't even have a projectile attack. Gouken is small-time.

I'm pretty sure Sean is the bottom of the bottom. He's even worse than Dan. And Rainbow Mika herself said her skills are all on pro-wrestling, her fighting prowess is almost nil.

>> No.2618952


Even with his beer gut, Birdie's arms are still built like a roided out monster.

>> No.2618961

While technically not cannon. where would EX characters be in this?

>> No.2618973

In EX, Garuda is stronger than Akuma.
Kairi was a shoto hobo in EX1, and became almost godlike by EX3.

It's kinda hard to find the (correct) plot for EX, actually. Did you know Hokuto, Kairi and Nanase are all siblings?

>> No.2618989

kasumi has rekkas ?

>> No.2618994

I knew that Hokuto is Kairi's sister and that Garuda is a being made entirely from souls of the victims killed by the Satsui no Hado. Also D. Dark having his shit fucked up by Rolento which turned him from a civil military man into Bane.

>> No.2619000

What's this Cody is stronger than Akuma/Oni in lore thing? Is he just a naturally strong guy without all that hocus pocus shit?

>> No.2619017

I'd Kasumi's rekkas, if you know what I mean.

Mostly, yes. People are overstating it, but Oni really says that if Cody took those handcuffs off, he would have had a pretty good chance.

>> No.2619018

When did that happen?

>> No.2619027

Pre-fight quote vs Cody:
"As long as you hold back, your destruction is assured."

>> No.2619030

In some games, yeah. She had really robust rekkas in 2002 UM.
I don't recall how she played in 96 though.

>> No.2619037
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>She had really robust rekkas
Are we talking about moves or her boobs?

Robust rekkas.

>> No.2619040

wtf is a rekka

>> No.2619050
File: 62 KB, 450x1100, latest[4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably not the Kasumi you're thinking of, dummy.

Moves with chain follow ups.
Like Fei Long and Kyo Kusanagi.

>> No.2619052

Fighting games are so much fun, but the tourneyfag community is awful and hostile.
Why even live...

>> No.2619053

Fei-long's three-punch sequence, the Rekka-ken. Because of that, in other fighting games, a similar move is also called a Rekka. Mature from KOF has Rekkas.

>> No.2619065

Oh, like Yori, K' and Karin. Thanks for explaining.

>> No.2619068



>> No.2619073

Nope. He did have follow ups to his fireballs, but those were something unique to him, not really considered rekkas as far as I know.
You got the other two right though.

>> No.2619125

Muscular-and-also-fat is not unheard of

>> No.2619147

Yeah, but that's bullshit. That's just him trying to taunt Cody into taking the cuffs of so the fight is less boring.

>> No.2619149


Yeah, they're called sumo wrestlers in most cases.

>> No.2619154


Cody is extremely strong, no one doubts that.

But it mainly comes from the fact that he willingly holds himself back with cuffs

>> No.2619161


Final Fight characters usually are shown stronger than SF characters as more of an homage to SF2's beginnings. They'll say Cody can whip Akuma but for story purposes never actually have that happen.

>> No.2619172

Monster Cody from Streetwise could probably beat Oni

>> No.2619213

>Final Fight characters usually are shown stronger than SF characters as more of an homage to SF2's beginnings.

Yeah, no.

>> No.2619454


Brazilian japanese with an american first-name. Also, basketball and not futebol. Sean can fuck off.

>> No.2619462

>Charlie's glasses are for style points - Air Force pilots can't use glasses.

Why the fuck not

>> No.2619472

If you have any sort of visual impairment, you're out. When I was looking into joining the Air Force several years ago, everything was fine until they found out I wore glasses.

>> No.2619473

Because you are not holding glasses on your face in a 9g turn. You can barely hold onto the stick perfectly ergonomically designed so you can still hold onto it.

You can't have LASIK either (where they create a flap in your eye because the flap will tear off and make you blind in the middle of a dog fight), but you can have PRK if it's from a licensed Dr.

>> No.2619480


But...EVERYONE has eye problems. And I do mean, 99% of the population. I don't even wear glasses and I know it.

Sounds pretty retarded to me, a pilot could use some special glasses while piloting. Or lens. Especially if one of the requirements is having good vision, I bet a lot of people with glasses can see better than people who doesn't.

>> No.2619483


SF2-era characters bro.

Post SF3, i agree with you.

>> No.2619490

I'm sure there's some sort of cutoff, but they didn't tell me what it was. I went through a quick eye exam, and after they tested my right eye, they were like, "Sorry, but this is the only thing that disqualifies you." I was kind of bummed about it, but I didn't ask any further.

>> No.2619532

they can pick whoever they want to be a fighter pilot. So yeah, they can easily get that 1% then fail 95% of the applicants they have left and still have plenty of pilots.

>> No.2619610

There are way, way, WAY, WAAAAAYYYYY, more personnel than planes in the Air Force. The reason? Logistics. Air power is a ridiculously, hi-LARIOUSLY, beast-like thing to keep up and running. It's not that hard to be selective like that for pilots when selection pool is so huge relative to the equipment available.

You could still get a place in a non-flying role, anon. I know a guy who's basically a logistics foreman for armaments* with a comfy office job lined-up after playing his cards right and scoring well on his aptitude tests, despite having a vision problem.

*Protip: Watch out for the flares. The weapons are safe because those are obviously dangerous if not engineered to be handled safely, but people overlooked the things that are meant to burn so fucking hot that they trick heat-seaking missiles.

>> No.2619614

Well, one of the main reasons I wanted to join the Air Force was to be a pilot, in the end.

>> No.2619618

correction, he plays volleyball

>> No.2619640

I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, anon.

>> No.2619661

dude, air force/military is a terrible fucking career. He dodged a bullet.

>> No.2619671

But that bullet killed his dream.

>> No.2621193
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So when playing Remy I discovered that he played almost exactly like Guile. Storywise, is it a coincidence or is there a connection?

>> No.2621203

Charge character archetype. They're totally unrelated.

>> No.2621282

There is some evidence that he might be Charlie's kid. He dad was a fighter that disappeared, similar move set. But it's just conjecture.

>> No.2621297

Both Remy and Charlie use only one hand for their Sonic Boom attacks. Guile needs both of his arms.

>> No.2621397

Lots of body oil

>> No.2621420

Of course not
REMY story is exactly like Cygnus HYOGA from saint seiya the story is a blatant rip off

>> No.2621507
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Nah, Street Fighter's pussy couldnt handle something like that

>> No.2623327

Akuma most likely needs hygienic and nutrition products. You can live of the land, but if you want max gains and health you need a little more than that and he wants to be the strongest.

>> No.2623328

this is so stupid

>> No.2623330

He violates the law of conservation of energy all the time, maybe his calorie intake isn't actually that high

>> No.2623331

Just because Udon had him beat normal Ryu means shit

>> No.2623462

We're taking our sources straight from the actual games, retard.

Oni vs. Cody's pre-fight dialogue reveals that Oni thinks Cody has a chance if he doesn't hold himself back, and Cody's win dialogue shows that it was the most exhilarating fight of his life.

Cody's win dialogue against regular Akuma says that he was disappointed by the hype and that Akuma wasn't strong.

>> No.2623472

>Decides that these two endings are cannon out of the dozens of other endings in the game

>> No.2623821

You didn't need to buy "nutrition products" to get "max gains" in the past, and Akuma's pretty fucking old school (besides, max gains guys like Zangief or Birdie lose a lot of agility, a vital component to Akuma's fighting style). Akuma probably burns his facial hair off with his aura and doesn't give two shits if you think he smells like the countryside lake he bathed in.

>> No.2623962

>Akuma probably burns his facial hair off with his aura and doesn't give two shits if you think he smells like the countryside lake he bathed in.
>implying Akuma bathes