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2608973 No.2608973 [Reply] [Original]

In the NES SMB1, when you smash a block as Big Mario, you drop down immediately. It works the same way in SMB3.

However, in the SNES smb1, when you smash a block as Big Mario, you continue floating upward a little bit. So, for instance, in the picture i uploaded, if you were to smash that block you would run into the ? block next to it, preventing you from continuing your momentum. Strangely, this physics change was not applied to SMB3 (snes version).

What are your thoughts on this?

Does this ruin the snes versions of SMB1/LL for you?

>> No.2608976

yes and no.

it would bother me but everyone has a fucking copy of NES mario so we can just play that version. if im playing all stars its because I wanna play mario 2 or 3.

>> No.2608991

I didn't really like it,
It just feels like you should fall straight down like with every other block since that made more sense physically, also when you break a a block and move up slightly most of the time you will just hit the side of the block next to the one you broke killing your forward momentum instead of the nice smooth angular movement you get in NES

>> No.2608995

How did they miss that? Shamefur dispray

>> No.2608997

I've always consider All-Stars to be practically unplayable.

>> No.2609026

How come?

SMB2 and 3 are fine, in terms of physics.

>> No.2609037

Problem solved.

>> No.2609038

There's a patch that fixes it.


>> No.2609040

I've personally never cared for the graphic overhaul and I think the music sounds terrible in All Stars.

>> No.2609043

>implying i would touch a filthy hack

>> No.2609059


Your loss.

>> No.2609069


>> No.2609087

From the author's notes, it seems like less of a 'hack' and more of a 'bug fix'.

>> No.2609220
File: 150 KB, 500x333, 1434655530514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitch about thing in game
>other people try offer help/ fix for said game
>denies help and scoffs at options
You're a massive faggot OP.

>> No.2609408

>being this butthurt

>> No.2609410

>being this elitist.

>> No.2609416


Cool, I'll try it

>> No.2609504

heh i like it, it could even make harder some of the hammer bros fights.

>> No.2609507

What makes the All Stars version of SMB 2 or 3 so much better?

>> No.2609527

I'm not literally autistic or a speedrunner so it doesn't bug me.

>> No.2609528

It makes no difference to me either way. Mario isn't Sonic, it doesn't matter if getting a powerup breaks your forward momentum.

>> No.2609532

It was a programming error, nothing more. A number was positive that should have been negative. Or maybe the number was negative when it should have been positive. Either way it was just an oversight that made it to production because nobody probably noticed it.

>> No.2609791

Did they bothered to fix it with the Wii rerelease?

>> No.2609839

Nope. It's there to stay.

>> No.2609979
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lost levels do

emulators on wii with component

>> No.2610272

8bit mario has the spiny egg attack pattern completely fucked up, wouldn't be surprised if it was 8bit mario that had the brick bashing backward https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-jwlt24NLo

>> No.2610291

Even after 20 years I never would have noticed this if you didn't make this thread.

>> No.2610319

There's a reason I don't ever bother with All-Stars, besides it also having terrible music.

Been playing deluxe though, and besides the tiny FOV the game is fucking ace.
>SMB2j with that tiny FOV
Mother of god.

>> No.2610325

It's a bug, pure and simple.

Just throw the fixed version on a flashcart if it bothers you a lot.

>> No.2610341

There is some kind of bizarre lag in all-stars and lost levels or whatever. I don't play that shit homie.

>> No.2610374


lol I beat SMB2 on Deluxe (Super Mario Bros. for Super Players as they call it)

Damn that shit was hard. Even the original SMB is pretty hard with the tiny viewing area.

>> No.2610383

Also mario's jump arc seems different and slightly slower to descent to me. The fact you can't speed jump over the 4-1 over the piranha plant pipes really bugs me.

If you think about it most sequels or ports of games from the NES era are a lot slower on the SNES. Was it the trade off for graphics?

>> No.2610390

Super Mario Bros. and Lost Levels from All-Stars always felt like cheap knock-offs to me. From the physics down to the sprites and music, everything always felt just off enough to make me prefer the NES originals.

Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3 however are damn good re-releases.

>> No.2610391

The discussion wasn't about whether it was fixed, it was about the game as it was released.
Shut up.

>> No.2610395

Actually the NES version was the glitched one and in all stars they just fixed the glitch.

>> No.2610410

You get used to it, but fuck man. So many blind jumps.

Challenge mode is fucking godlike though, goddamn.

>> No.2610453

That's really interesting.
Like 4-1 right now is basically a sonic game. You hold right and you push jump sometimes.
With this is in place you might have to slow down or stop to avoid some of the spinys.

>> No.2610461


pretty sweet, always found the spinies lacking difficulty

to topic: Never really bothered me that much, as many are saying most of the time i would play 2 or 3 for the nice graphics, also have them on nes so if i want to nostalgia farther back i just play them

Did anybody here enjoy the battle game in mario 3 as much as i did? we used to hang out at my place with a few beers and beat the shit out of each other

>> No.2610549

It's a bit annoying but with the bugfix patch that >>2609037 and >>2609038 provided, I now vastly prefer the All-Stars version over the original.

>> No.2610565

good point. considering that nintendo didn't bother "fixing" it for the wii release, it may have been intentional.

>> No.2610569

proof or source?

>> No.2610592

They also had an opportunity to fix it with the SMAS+World release, where lots of other tweaks were made but this was left untouched.

>> No.2610654

Excellent point.

>> No.2610693

Yep. Considering all the other fixes to the game, like giving the piranhas an actual hitbox, it was probably intentional.

>> No.2610698

>that nintendo didn't bother "fixing" it for the wii release
>implying they'd know the fuck they were supposed to do with an SNES rom

>> No.2610749

>implying they haven't altered SNES roms before

What is Earthbound, LttP, Mario RPG,etc.

>> No.2610757

>implying they didn't release like 3 revisions of the SNES game with bug fixes and even minor fixes to Text, but they left this "glitch" alone

>> No.2610764

That's why PAL releases run at the original speed, right? Oh wait, no they don't.

>> No.2610769

I don't know about A Link to the Past's changes, but EarthBound and Mario RPG legally had to be changed due to Japan's laws on toning down flashing objects on screen after the Porygon incident. Anime is the same way. It's why all the flashing from attacks from Dragon Ball Z were either removed or severely edited on Dragon Ball Kai. Zelda 2's another example. The flashing death screen was changed to just a static red screen on the GBA and Virtual Console releases.

>> No.2610771

The point remains; >>2610698 's assertion that Nintendo wouldn't know how to alter their own roms is demonstrably false.

>> No.2610784

I know, I'm just saying that Nintendo only seems to go out of their way to change games when they're legally forced to. Wave Race 64 is another one where they had to remove the Kawasaki logos; Revenge of Shinobi had to have even more censorship for its VC release by changing Sonny Chiba on the title screen; etc., etc.

I'm under the mindset that the SMB 1 All Stars thing is indeed a bug, and I'm certain Nintendo -could- have changed it in the Wii version, but they don't give a shit. They don't change things unless they absolutely have to.

>> No.2610789

Okay, I think we need someone fluent in Japanese to scour the Japanese net to find an interview or something from an actual developer to settle this once and for all

>> No.2610812

Toning down the flashing to reduce risk of seizure isn't news to me, but being "legally required to" is. I believe it's just Nintendo policing themselves. The most evidence I can find of "legality," which isn't quite a law, are television studios setting up best practices guidelines, which Nintendo probably also did for itself. It's true that I cannot think of any other beneficial changes to the games aside from covering up inaccessible features and the occasional typo fix.

>> No.2610814

This assumes it was ever addressed. You're better off just tweeting one of the game staff.

>> No.2610817

it always felt to me like gamemaker fan shit

>> No.2610968

And pointing out that a fixed version of the game exists is bad, why exactly?

>> No.2611030

He finds complaining about a problem more enjoyable than the problem being solved.

>> No.2611035


When will you manlets learn that the change was intentional

>> No.2611082

We're talking about "problems" and "fixes" in terms of OP's perception, calm down.

>> No.2611107

Nice deflection, but it doesn't answer my question. What's bad about pointing that there's a version with the original jumping physics for those who liked them?

>> No.2611126

Why not play the "original" game if you want the "original" jumping physics?

>> No.2611138

Because you might want to enjoy everything the All-Stars version boasts, too? Christ.

>> No.2611176

This >>2611138
Everything else about the game is great. For some, having the original jumping physics back is even greater, and which is what this topic is about.

If you or anyone else likes the new jump, then great. But why jump down the throat of someone who wants to play that version but have the mechanics feel the same as in the original game? Seriously, why? Just to be a dick?

>> No.2611190

All stars is so pretty compared to the originals though.

NES can have good color paletes, but SMBs are just really bland and boring. Subcon looks horrible in flat coloring compared to what the SNES did with it.

>> No.2612201

Anyone defending this change should try running through level 4-1 on the NES and then All-Stars as big Mario. You will notice that in All-Stars you
>can't jump over the Piranha Plants without stopping
>can't take the lower path under the bricks with the pit because of the loss of momentum

You can do both of these on NES. The change is arbitrary and most likely went unnoticed at the time, there was no "speed running culture" in the early '90s. This would explain why it was never fixed in early revisions and +World. As for the Wii release, they didn't give a shit. It's just the SNES ROM on a disc and still shows the SNES pad upon game selection.

>> No.2612206

>can't jump over the Piranha Plants without stopping
isn't that an issue with Pirahna Plants having retarded hitboxes though? I prefer the original ones for fluidity, but the All-Stars ones make sense.

>> No.2612219

It's always good when people realize that, most of the times, the original versions are better than remakes and recreations.

"Better" graphics aren't worth the loss of gameplay fidelity.

>> No.2612414

But the fidelity is better in the remake

>> No.2612517

I thought I was the only one who noticed this change! Not that I ever bothered to look it up, but I've never seen anyone mention it before. It completely ruins the remake for me. I'm glad there's a patch for it because I do really like the All-Stars version otherwise.

>> No.2612896

Could be, but it never felt wrong and is optional anyways. Choice and mastery is a large part of Nintendo's stuff and I don't know why they changed that. Anyone know if you can jump over those pipes in the hack fix?