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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2606980 No.2606980 [Reply] [Original]

Could you guys keep an eye on my lunch for a moment? Thanks.

>> No.2606985

Sure I'll look after that Pig's head for you.

>> No.2606992

Thanks, bro

>> No.2606996

>not the snes version
And I don't think it's the PSX version, either... that makes you a very, very bad person who should leave and never return. Ever.

>> No.2606997

I've yet to play this beloved game despite always seeing it at my cousin's house when I was a kid. Always passed it up for FFIV and other games whenever I was there.

SNES or DS version?

>> No.2606998

Feck off you golly whomper. I'll play whatever version I damn well please.

>> No.2607037


DS version is better in every way besides translation, which is pretty soulless. I'm pretty sure you can just patch over it with the SNES one if you have a flashcart at least.

>> No.2607049

ds version is the same as snes with more bonus content and cutscenes.

>> No.2607094

It's quite a bit different, though. Different translation, font, additional anime fmv, new endgame sidequests, bonus dungeon (admittedly weak), new final boss (which ties into Chrono Cross), monster training & battling game which is an ezpz source of tabs.

>> No.2607115


The only reason to not choose the DS version is if you REALLY love the SNES translation, and since you've never played it it's not like you have an attachment to it.

Otherwise the DS version is better in every way.

>> No.2607132

>that ties in with cc.
why though? seems like bait if we aren't going to see anything come of it.

>> No.2607139

>portable platform
>better in every way

Jesus Christ, no.

>> No.2607143

Probably a lot of people missed the hints when CC came out. I've seen people unironically saying that it doesn't have much in common with CT

>> No.2607148

You can play both in an emulator either way

>> No.2607205

>seems like bait if we aren't going to see anything come of it.
What do you mean? It ties in directly with the ending of Cross.

>> No.2607236

cool opinions

>> No.2607247

This is probably sacrilege, but I'm okay with the DS port taking away Frog's ye olde dialect. It was out of place, given how no one else from 600AD talked that way nor did Frog himself prior to be being transformed.

>> No.2607248

The DS translation is fine. There's a few things I personally prefer from the two versions but it did keep a bunch of Woolsey's better decisions and was still lighthearted. Nowhere near as dry as the FFVI GBA translation.

Aside from being affordable and portable there isn't really much difference.
The DS extra dungeon and Lost Sanctum are fucking terrible and aren't worth touching, and you can just Youtube the anime cutscenes if those interest you.

>> No.2607295

>Aside from being affordable and portable there isn't really much difference.

The menu being on a separate screen makes it a lot less cluttered.

>> No.2607298

It also wasn't how he talked in Japanese anyway, he's just polite.

>> No.2607305

>The menu being on a separate screen makes it a lot less cluttered.

try playing on a non ant sized TV

>> No.2607385

The DS version of Chrono Trigger is the best version. Deal with it.

>> No.2607391

Nobody should care about Frog's accent disappearing. It was kind of slipshod to begin with, and as the other anon pointed out, not even present in the Japanese version.

It breaks verisimilitude to have only one person talk Ye Olde Falfe English Accent when nobody else is doing it.

>> No.2607398

>Defeat Gato
>Steal Lunch
>Profi... Easy XP!

Ahhh... one of the early exploits in the game

>> No.2607407

>not grinding in the forest and resting at home instead

>> No.2607409

I grind in the forest for some levels, then just stomp Gato in the face for awhile until I have enough points to try for the chrono clone

>> No.2607434

One thing I like about the DS version s pretty minor, but it's worth noting. It's Robo's comment to comfort Lucca at the end of the game.

>Lucca, YOU have taught me these emotions. Thank you.

>You are the one who taught me to consider the feelings of others in that manner, Lucca. I am grateful for that.

We clearly see throughout the game that Robo does have emotions. The original line seems odd when he's clearly distraught when his friends start to beat him up.

>> No.2608261

Shut up faggot.

>> No.2608421
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>DS version

>> No.2608428

Remember when we used to talk about retro releases of games? I do. It was nice.

But now we have re-releases with new content or massive changes on non-retro systems in full discussion.

Give it a year or so, and we might as well fold back into/v/

>> No.2608452

You mean exactly what I was talking about in >>2585587, the marginalisation of the original userbase has begun? The thing that everyone else was saying wouldn't happen? The thing that would signify the death of /vr/ in its entirety? That?
And it's started in only ten days of the prediction, too. Wowee, I'm a regular Vidyadamus, huh? All predictin' what was obviously going to happen 'n shit.

What a shame that the reports system isn't taken seriously, janitors don't enforce rules and mods don't care. Enjoy your >>>/v2.0/, Anon!

>> No.2608459

You're an autistic faggot. Its a port.

>> No.2608462
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>bonus dungeon (admittedly weak)

>> No.2608464

No, I don't.
We've been talking about remakes and ports since the beginning.

>> No.2608472

>New in-game content
>New ending
>Rewitten dialog
>Renamed locations
>Renamed items
>Renamed monsters

It's far from just a port. Again, not retro.

>> No.2608481

And since when are non-/vr/ ports allowed here?
Never, that's when.

>> No.2608486

And we never should have.
But because the janitors fucking suck and the mods don't care and the reports system isn't taken seriously, we're kinda stuck, huh?

>> No.2608506


Since always:
> Board Rules
>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.his board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.

Remakes and ports not on retro systems violate the board rules, as the language is in no way unclear. It's just hit-or-miss in enforcement.

>> No.2608514


You guys are delusional. I think this might actually be the first board ruined by autists rather than trolls. 50% of all posts on this wretched board are "NOT RETRO".

OP: Let's talk about Chrono Trigger
Turbofag: NOT RETRO

>> No.2608519

Following board rules is autistic and delusional? What a strange world you live in.

>> No.2608524
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This. I understand adhering to the rules, but this bored is getting annoying with people with sticks up their asses. /v/ doesn't come here because it's a slow board, doing a quick shitpost then leaving. But you guys make it bad by crying wolf every time.

>> No.2608538

Excuse us for not wanting to talk about 7th gen games and consoles.

>> No.2608541

Talking about remakes and ports of retro games is okay.

>> No.2608559

Tastes like chicken!

>> No.2608587 [DELETED] 
File: 896 KB, 500x281, not retro reeeeeeeeeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2608603


>> No.2608723

Most on topic thing in a while

>> No.2608735

i luv drama queens

>> No.2608865

I imagined the siren sound from that guardian in the food storage room when I read this.

>> No.2609270

If English is your primary language of communication, you ought to get tested for brain damage because your reading comprehension skills are utter shit.

Then stop posting off topic things. :^)

It's not.

No. It's ruined by shitty janitors who don't do as they ought, mods who don't care and reports that go unanswered. Stop posting off-topic shit here.
This board was not made for 6th gen discussion.

>> No.2610038

As pleb as it is, I have no intention of sitting in front a screen all day playing games, I have things to do. I want a 24hr addiction I can balance with my life not something that completely consumes it.

The DS port was my first playthrough and I still felt he was distinctly "olde english" if that makes any difference.

>> No.2610040

>new final boss
I still haven't fought that fucking thing, is it hard?

>> No.2610070



>> No.2610097

I have Chrono Trigger on a 2014 PC how buttmad are you?

>> No.2610110

Kill yourself

>> No.2610201

It is still a port not a remake.

We have general rules that should act as guidelines to be followed as closely as possibly, but getting angry and spazzing over the tiny semantics like you run the kingdom of /vr/ is ridiculous.

Many of us who grew up with these games are very interested to hear from others how the ports compare. And are interested in playing ports and remakes as another way to experience our pasts.

If someome starts a ff4 snes thread, I see no harm if someone mentions that they think the ds remake is the best version.

Should a thread be allowed to be started specifically about ff4 ds? No. But I see no harm in it being casually memtioned, or even slightly talked about, in a thread relating to ff4.

Get out of the basement, lose your virginity, cut off that greasy ponytail, and lighten up.

>> No.2610354

>faggots getting mad over CT version
I hate this meme, and this is the only game that has it. Not even FFVI is this fucking autistic.

>> No.2610373

Ports and rereleases have been discussed since day one you cocksucker.

>> No.2610378

>le not retro meme!!!! XDDDDD
Worse cancer than retron threads

>> No.2610381

Backseat moderating is against the rules too, ya chump.

>> No.2610417
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That tiny text...

>> No.2611085

Yeah, it's good.