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File: 34 KB, 478x264, Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2590436 No.2590436 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get why people love this game so much. I just finished it and found it exceedingly underwhelming. The music isn't as awesome as 4 or 5, the magicite system is exploitable as all fuck, and the story has already been done before. The Arena system is broken and there are WAY too many main characters to keep track of. I still think it's a great game and have no regrets with the purchase, but I'd still rather play 4, 5, 7, and 9.

>> No.2590478

>music isn't as awesome
nigga I bet you don't even dance mad

>> No.2590491

OP said that the music ain't as good, not that he didn't like it

>> No.2590496


Is it "magi-site?"

Or "magi-kite?"

>> No.2590501

It's Magi-kite.

>> No.2590510

FF6 is my least favorite of the retro series, spin-offs aside. I don't even bother to keep a copy of it around because I can't be assed to play it again.

The entire setting is just an ugly mismatch of steampunk, Out West and generic JRPG trash. The villain is an inexplicably nihilistic, omnicidal clown. There are over a dozen main characters, and few of them receive any development. There's no sense of character customization beyond being able to equip magicite and have anyone learn any spell. They're otherwise locked into specific class-based roles.

The only cool thing FF6 had going for it was the post-apocalyptic setting during the later half of the game. It's too bad Square never based an FF entirely around atmosphere.

>> No.2590517

That's because you played it in 2015. Time travel to the 90's and it would have blown your mind. It's as praised as it is for a reason. But not everything ages well.

>> No.2590520

Because mother fucking opera.

>> No.2590524

Like the magicite system

>> No.2590529

That's like one of three memorable moments in the game.

>> No.2590534


Don't know what you're talking about regarding the music though. The only FF game with a better soundtrack is 7.

>> No.2590537

So cheesy. I don't know why people cite this as being a serious or moving moment. The "voice" samples are ridiculous, and the climax is a fight with a cartoon octopus. I think the whole thing is supposed to be played for laughs, and that's how I always saw it.

>> No.2590543

The magicite system is exploitable because gamefaqs is a thing and they tell you to raise magic power as the only stat that matters thanks to the strength stat relying on level ^2, stamina being bugged and not doing anything, and evade being bugged.

When you played the game for the first time in 1994 you had no idea that this was the case and wouldn't have used magicite to just raise magic power. In fact I usually used it for HP/MP bonuses.

>> No.2590545

What's the best version of this game?

>> No.2590549

ios and gba

>> No.2590551

The thing that makes FF6 my favorite is that it is the only game that becomes completely non-linear in the last 1/3 of the game. The bad guy blows up the earth and you are left to explore it to find your party in any way you see fit. You found little gems as a reward such as the bum rush in a small forest.

It also didn't have any tedious tasks to get ultimate weapons/magic like fucking chocobo farming.

>> No.2590554

SNES original "Final Fantasy III" all the way. That's what I play. Mobile platforms are crap and the Playstation port is truly, truly heinous.

>> No.2590564

I couldn't dig it because of the mis-matched art directions.

Savin in your party? Chibi sprite.
Fight against him? Massive sprite.

Background art style and sprite art style are also oil and water.

People will defend it, but the game is an artistic mess. Deviant-Art bad.

>> No.2590578

I liked the magicite system it allowed you to make your characters a little bit customized but didn't take away from their innate class abilities. The only issue with it was for people who wanted every character to have every spell which just turns into a lot of grinding and fighting the same damn brontosaurus over and over. But that's the player's fault not the game. It's not necessary at all.

>> No.2590583

Did you play it when it had come out, or only recently? Did you grow up with older games or are you going back and exploring them for the first time. When it came out here there had virtually never been anything like that in a console game before.

>> No.2590596

Neither, I first played it ~1999 or 2000. It was the first FF game I played though, only Square game I played previous was Chrono Trigger.

>> No.2590604

OP here, I played it this month

>> No.2590606

And you clearly used gamefaqs or some other guide because you wouldn't know about some of the things you criticize in your OP otherwise.

>> No.2590612

OP again

Gamefaqs is what I use for metroid games, not a final fantasy game. Anyone with half a brain would clearly see how utterly broken magicite really is,

>> No.2590616

I have played this game multiple times and what exactly is "exploitable" about the Magicite system? I can't think of anything you aren't supposed to do with it.

>> No.2590621


When you know what you're doing, Magicite is capable of getting you to one-shot the final boss

>> No.2590625

The exploitable part of magicite is that you equip everyone - EVERY one even the fighters - with a mag power +2 magicite before leveling, with the exception of a few levels where you do HP+50% or MP +50%.

This is because battle power is a function of weapon equipped and level ^ 2, but magic effectiveness and many special skills (including the bum rush) are directly proportional to magic power. The only character where raising str +2 makes sense is Cyan, but most people tend to say to just leave him out of the party.

But you wouldn't know that without a guide, unless OP hacked into the game's code himself.

>> No.2590630

It's not that broken if you don't know about the mag + 2 exploit and don't sit there grinding everyone to level 60. For example, characters like Cyan or Sabin using Ultima only do about 3000-4000 points of damage, which is paltry for the 80 mp cost it has and certainly less than his quadra slice at that level.

The more exploitable part of the game is special skills that don't use MP like Blitz, and equipment loadouts that make characters practically invincible.

But if you're the type of guy to grind to high levels then it really doesn't matter what RPG you are playing, the game is going to be woefully easy.

>> No.2590634

That isn't an exploit, and I figured that one out on my own. You don't need to be some sort of genius to realize that magic power is more useful than many other stats.

>> No.2590638

I don't see how it's at all intuitive that you should raise the mag power of fighters/monks instead of str. I also don't see how it's at all intuitive that you would never focus on stamina or speed.

But sure, you figured out how to one shot Kefka all on your own in the first play through. I believe you.

>> No.2590673

Yeah, much more logical to equip espers that boost your "strength" score on fighters. Except those don't exist, because strength is a hidden stat and the way battle power works is cryptic and actually does require a guide.

The logical choice for a fighter is hp +50%. Which actually turns out alright, since the best sword bases damage on HP.

As for not thinking that people would pick up on how useful magic +2 is, that's laughable. The two "main" female characters are both mages and anyone would gravitate towards those espers.

>> No.2590684

Unless you're playing an rpg where you reach the level cap around the time you reach the final boss ofc.

Not sure how many retro rpgs do this but Etrian Odyssey does that pretty well

>> No.2590717

The patched GBA version on /vr/shares.

>> No.2590746

Shin Megami Tensei tends to do it as a rule. By the final boss, you're either at the cap, or your XP gains are so gimped you might as well call it a level cap.

>> No.2590786
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>> No.2590905

> espers that raise strength don't exist

That's false. It's called 'vigor' in the game but it's fairly easy to figure out that it's related to battle power in the context of equipment that raises it far before you get espers.

> The logical choice for a fighter is hp +50%.

Never dawned on you to try to raise stamina?

>> No.2590974

Nice bait OP.

I actually wondered if the hype I kept seeing for the game was true. Once I finally got around to playing it I completely agreed with the people that hyped it all this time. This was a game that deserved it's praise.

>> No.2591050
File: 622 KB, 800x933, 1410242875371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stamina is useless, unless you want to block instant death attacks that could be avoided anyway with MBlock, or you like gaining (and losing) more HP to regen (and poison)

EVERY CHARACTER 80-110 Speed & 80+ MagPwr MASTA RACE

>> No.2591715

Yes, I know this...but OP wouldn't know this his first playthrough without consulting some kind of guide.

>> No.2591845

Something people take for granted in FF6 is the mapping. They make heavy use of parralax, bridges, secret passages, and LOTS of innovative movements to the left and right. Entrances that could be approached from he side. Stairs that could be approached from the side. It feels really 3D, despite being made out of sprites. Not even games like Suikoden really figured that out.

>> No.2591915
File: 95 KB, 563x598, 1438586967634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First ff was 12
>Played every numbered entry since then, but have still only beaten 12 and 13

I don't get it. I have fun playing them, especially 5, but it's like they have terrible staying power for some reason. I can never get hooked.

>> No.2591931

People have different opinions OP, you'll learn this someday when you leave your basement.

>> No.2591949
File: 1.06 MB, 512x448, 18-suplextrain2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was one of my favorite games growing up because there was nothing else like it, at least not that I knew of. Now it's my favorite FF specifically because of how fucking broken it is.

When I did Wind God Gau for the first time I couldn't stop laughing. And when I learned about the airship glitch and all the weird shit that becomes possible because of it....I still haven't tried that one. Last time I played through I got every Rage, so I'm done for another couple of years.

>> No.2591952

Except its entirely linear during a large portion of that.

You have to get Sabin. You have to get Edgar. You have to get Setzer and the Airship.

Sure, you don't "have" to get the other characters, but you're just gimping yourself in Kefka's tower by not getting atleast 3 other characters, it not just getting all of them.

The game expects you to have all the characters in Kefka's tower since it splits you into 3 parties, which basically turns your "completely open ended non-linear quest lines/side quests" into near mandatory bits.

I think thats the absolute worst offender of FF6's problems. Its tacked on as "sidequests" but they aren't. I can forgive magicite for being a boring blanket let everyone get all magic system. I can forgive the story being linear and pretty boring. I can forgive forced roles. But I just can't forgive the stupid recruiting your characters.

Maybe if having multiple parties in Kefka's Tower did something, gave you access to better gear, or super bosses it'd be worth it. But having to use -everyone- just to traverse the tower and not be completely fucking raped is dumb as fuck.

>> No.2591963

You and I have different definitions of linear.

Linear means A->B ->C. You have to do tasks in that order.

Non linear means I can explore and do tasks in any order I please, even if the tasks are mandatory.

Once you get the falcon you are free to explore anywhere. That, by very definition, is nonlinear.

>> No.2591974

You'd be hard pressed to just "luck out" and find shit. The game guides you around constantly giving you hints even in the WoR.

You can call it whatever you want. It gives you the illusion of choice, but really, if you just have to do everything anyways, its not really much of a choice.

I'd suppose you'd call the whole Terra, Locke, and Sabin scenario choice non-linearity as well?

>> No.2592007

Yes and no. The no is because you're basically playing 3 scenarios that occur simultaneously in the plot. That isn't the case when exploring the WoR.

>> No.2592009
File: 18 KB, 730x422, 1375147718610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the story has already been done before
actually FFVII came out after FFVI

>> No.2592012

Also the 3 scenarios don't allow you free exploration of the entire world.

>> No.2592015


Compare it to FF4, where your party changes in the exact same ways at the exact same points every time you replay the game. That's linearity.

And you don't HAVE to do everything. Only mandatory recruits are Edgar and Setzer. Plenty of people have beaten the game with only 3 characters, it's called the CES challenge.

>> No.2592017

>the story has already been done before.
Literally every story written in the last 100 years has been done before.

>> No.2592045

The 3 scenarios are slightly non-linear even though you eventually must complete all 3. Depending on what order you do them in and what you do, you can find better items that can affect how easy/difficult the other scenarios are.

Regarding Sabin:
You don't have to get Sabin. Just don't ever enter Tzen.

In WoR the only required characters are Celes (duh), Edgar, and Setzer. You can complete the game with only those three, and I have. In fact, the ending changes depending on who you do or don't re-recruit.

I'd consider that pretty non-linear. You don't need to do anything, it only makes the game easier. I don't know of many other JRPGs that let you outright complete the game with that many of the characters not there. Is it difficult? Yes, but after I did so many normal playthroughs of the game I was up for a challenge.

>> No.2592631

It's not the 'illusion' of choice at all. Once you get the airship you are free to go anywhere you like. Sure, the game drops hints as you find characters to guide you where to go next, but you don't have to follow them. Feel like putzing around on some island? You can do that. Feel like perusing the shops in every town? You can do that. The game offers the player a lot of freedom in how to proceed to the end of the game. The only thing restricting you is whether or not your party is strong enough to survive the enemy encounters, which can always be fixed through equipment loadouts and/or grinding.

If you don't like the fact that the majority of the main quest involves recruiting your previous party members, then to each his own. But the game certainly cannot be called linear by any stretch of the imagination.

Also, I'm a little surprised that you would criticize a game for making you use all of your main characters. Why is that a bad thing? They are there for a reason and it's not to sit on the sideline and auto-gain levels when not used.

>> No.2592658

Final Fantasy VI - Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition

>> No.2592752



>> No.2592781


agreed 100%, totally overrated. but then again i think alot of people have this opinion if they didnt play it back in the day.

e.g. back then i played the shit out of earthbound/CT and not FF6, and plenty of people think those are overrated as well, so it's all about perspective.

>> No.2592831

Can confirm, I played all three of those games around the same time as a kid and no amount of overrating by other people will make me shit on them.

>> No.2592842

the same can be said of pretty much the entire series up to 7

>> No.2592880

Yeah, me too. I played the big SNES rpgs as a teenager and FF6 is unimpeachable in my mind. I don't really care what people think, it's pretty much perfect as far as the SNES in the mid 90s.

>> No.2593239

I did the same and my favorite FF is always a toss-up between V and VI. V is just way much more fun for me to play but when I consider emotional impact because of FFVI's music, I always choose VI.

I have to agree about the magicite system though. The WoR is also pretty barebones and could have done with more unique dialogue and events.

>> No.2593415


Don't worry, it's because the majority of FF games are highly overrated.

The recent ones you mentioned are of course complete garbage, but I can understand why you would be able to complete those and not the others- Cinematic presentation makes a difference. When you just have to sit there and read speech bubbles... The shitty fanfiction-quality writing and cringeworthy cliches become much less tolerable.

The early Final Fantasy games were great, but as soon as they started focussing on the story they screwed it all up- Mainly because the stories always fucking sucked. Most people lap that shit up because they played it when they were kids and didn't know any better.

Final Fantasy 6 is one of the worst in the series in that regard IMO, or at least, it has aged the worst. In theory it's one of the most daring and mature the series can offer, but the medium of a 16-bit game just does it no favours, in retrospect. The try-hard story focus really detracts from the gameplay. The PS1 era titles suffer the same issue, but they have at least some form of animation to help engross the player, not just little chibi sprites and text bubbles.

>> No.2593547

Wait is this FF3 or 2?

>> No.2593551

This, except I was a kid and just couldnt be assed to story my video games at the time. Attitude changed when HL came out.

>> No.2593691

>The early Final Fantasy games were great, but as soon as they started focussing on the story they screwed it all up- Mainly because the stories always fucking sucked. Most people lap that shit up because they played it when they were kids and didn't know any better.

This is why I can't take most JRPGs seriously. They're trying too hard to make their stories deep while at the same time trying to appeal to causal gamers. You can't have it both ways. It's difficult to convey a deep story with elementary school level writing.

>> No.2593704

Are you fucking kidding? The appeal of jrpgs is that the story is light and fun. You fags are seriously retarded.

>> No.2593717

Final Fantasy VI was released in the US as FF3.

That is Terra riding Magitech Armor as seen in the intro to the game.

>> No.2593720

I don't get it either. For some reason people can enjoy shit like Dragonball and Naruto but when it comes to videogames the stories are criticized like they aspire to be literature.

>> No.2594249

>The PS1 era titles suffer the same issue, but they have at least some form of animation to help engross the player
I guess this is the difference between people who grew up with the game and people who didn't. At the time it came out, FF6 was an extremely expressive game. The poses, sprite animations, direction of events... all of it was top-notch. Maybe not on the same level as, say, Chrono Trigger, but still more cinematic than 99% of anything else out at the time.

For me, the FF7 style is much more distracting. The animations are slow and clunky, and the low-polygon character models look like ridiculous lego people. It's much easier for me to take FF6 seriously because at least the characters are cute. Seeing Vincent talk about his tragic past while he wears pointy elf shoes and his cape sticks straight out just looks stupid. And a vital component of drama, the characters' faces, is very much lacking in FF7. FF6 characters actually have expressions, but did you ever catch a glimpse of Cloud's face during dramatic moments? Dude is just staring off into space, even when he's supposed to be in great pain or under intense pressure.

I wouldn't say that FF really got the hang of cinematic storytelling until FFX, but FF6 is leaps better than anything the playstation era had to offer.

>> No.2594251

I blame xenogears.

>> No.2594325

I do think there's some nostalgia for a lot of people. I played the game the first time last year at 29.

I still enjoyed it. I think it has some of, if not the best, music in the entire series. Moving themes. Some of the characters are very good. I love sabin, edgar, celes, Locke, and shadow. I'd add Cyan but his way of talking annoyed me.They all have great themes too.

Kefka is a great villain. He legitimately makes me hate him, but you also realize he's just fucking around most of the time. He really touches a lot of the main characters. And...he basically wins. That's not a story that's really been done before.

There were a lot of adult themes and feels too. A characters attempted suicide, you can let one character die basically betraying him, you deal with another characters love interest being killed by the empire and feeling his guilt.The weight of responsibility for the throne vs wanting to be free. Getting revenge in different ways.

All of that makes a pretty memorable game.

I didn't like the amount of characters tossed in. I flat out hated some, but luckily you don't really have to use them except in one brief instance. Not my favorite ff, that's still 10 for me, but it's good and I liked the story much more than 7.

>> No.2594330

1) Anime is hilarious gutter trash
2) Jap RPGs are 90% filler battles so the story payoff should be proportionate.

>> No.2594331

>That's not a story that's really been done before.
Thanks for the laugh. This is officially the dumbest thing I've read all day.

>> No.2594468

OP here.

This is my problem with the game. It sacrifices its gameplay for its presentation.

>> No.2594480

3) you're a faggot.

>> No.2594735

I recently played Final Fantasy VI (first time playing any final fantasy) this past year for the first time and thought it was great. I just got a PS1 emulator on my android and was thinking of playing Final Fantasy VII. Is it really as good as people say it is or is it overrated?

>> No.2594739

Thou art so... odd.

>> No.2594750

>you can let one character die basically betraying him,
Haven't played FF6 in years, who is that referring to?

>> No.2594751

well it's a jerpger none of them have gameplay

>> No.2594797


Are you serious? How can we tell you if you'll like it or not? So you're saying that if somebody told you it's overrated, you wouldn't just play it for yourself? Ridiculous.

If you liked FF6, chances are you'll enjoy it a lot. Personally, it's among my top three favorite games of all time.

>> No.2594804

General Leo.

>> No.2594991


>> No.2594992
File: 178 KB, 480x640, DS_Golbez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think Square never once bothered to update this game and release it for 3DS? Because it was shit, it never sold well, and overall was a terrible game. The only people who praise it are the retrofags that pretend to love everything that appeared on the SNES for the sole virtue of being on the SNES.

It had virtually no story, had no central hero character at all, and the main cast was overstuffed with way too many useless or just pointless characters. The villain was a generic copy past nihilist type with zero motivation outside of being evil. There is no central conflict for you to get into or resolve, the quest is simply stop the bad guy because he is bad. It has to be the single most generic nothing of a JRPG I have ever seen before.At least 4 and 5 gave us such a massively complex story that they could not be told in one game. They also inspired sequels, animated series and tie in book series. This one inspired nothing.

None of the characters are complex in the least, I could not bring myself to care about a single one of them and this damn thing gave me at least 40 of them. All are incredibly uninspired, uncreative, and are a mixed bag of totally worthless in any game to stupidly overpowered making the game less fun. Add in a horrible ill conceived magic system that forces you to grind for basic spells for every one of the 300+ characters in your little army and this thing is a nightmare of forced gameplay just so they can claim it is 40+ hours.

At the very least Square understood their mistakes with this piece of crap and went back to what works best. Central hero character we can care about. A primary story that the player discovers and immerses into, and a main villain that has serious motivation outside of "I am evil grrrr!"

We should all take a page from Square's playbook and completely bury this little shitstain and forget it ever existed. Clearly they learned to move on and go onto much MUCH better things. So should we.

>> No.2595010

Look, if you are an adult looking to RPG video games released in the mid 90s, or any video game for that matter, to give you a compelling story then you are retarded. You want a compelling story? Go read a book.

The point of games like FF is that you get to explore a vast world. The events in the game just provide a backdrop for that exploration. The biggest thing FFVI has going for it is that it offers you unprecedented freedom in doing so in the last 1/3 of the game. Even the more modern FF's basically hold your hand through the whole game so that the emphasis is on yet another bad story, now with crappy voice over. Your ability to deviate from the linear script of events is extremely limited, and you have to wait until the 11th hour to be able to explore the world and do 'side quests,' many of which are repetitive and provide very little payoff.

> None of the characters are complex in the least, I could not bring myself to care about a single one of them and this damn thing gave me at least 40 of them.

The game gives you 14 playable characters, 2 of which are bonus characters. It's pretty clear that the central character is Terra, the 2nd tier characters are Locke, Celes, and Edgar, and then there's everyone else who has enough storyline to provide the player with a reason why they are tagging along.

What the game does not do is restrict you to using them in your party for most of the game. And that's a very good thing.

>> No.2595024

>It's pretty clear that the central character is Terra

That's not actually clear at all since she's away from the party for two vast stretches, and isn't even required to recruit for the ending.

It's an ensemble, why do we keep trying to pigeonhole it into something it really isn't.

>> No.2595075

>Because it was shit, it never sold well, and overall was a terrible game.
Look Mom, I'm posting on the 4chan!

>> No.2595085


Square actually commented that the reason they haven't considered a sequel or enhanced remake is because FF6 didn't have quite as high sales as some of the other games in the series. They were even surprised that FF6 had a cult following.

>> No.2595109

>The villain was a generic copy past nihilist type with zero motivation outside of being evil
That sounds like most FF villains and even most JRPG villians if you ask me. FF has a lot of shit villains.

The only retro FF villain that I generally like as a character in the main series Mateus from FFII and that's because of how successful of a villain he was, as well as just simply being an evil motherfucker. There was no brainwashing, no being an amalgamation of evil spirits, no magic/scientific experiments, no nothing. He just wanted to rule everything. Pandemonium is also one of the best themes in the franchise.

>> No.2595123

None of the FF games really sold well in the U.S. until FF7 came out and Square marketed the shit out of 30 second FMV clips.

>> No.2595125

I don't buy that at all. FF3 was Squaresoft's best selling SNES title. It had tons of coverage in Nintendo Power and was in their top 10 for a couple years. It had a rabid online fanbase on Usenet and the early Web. Squeenix is just retarded and doesn't even know what videogames are anymore.

>> No.2595128

> Not being forced to have someone in your party means that the story isn't about them.

Right. I suppose Chrono Trigger's central character isn't Crono, either then.

>> No.2595132

FF3 sold over 800k copies in the US, which is astounding for a JRPG in the mid 90s.

>> No.2595160


According to the novelization - which may or may not be regarded as canon - Mateus was possessed by Satan at an early age. Satan wanted to realize his ambition to rule both hell and the mortal world, using Mateus as a proxy. The plan backfires when Firion's party defeats Mateus, who dethrones Satan after his soul is banished to hell.

>> No.2595161
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It seems like you're putting too much energy into criticizing FFVI. I played through it for the first time last year and was quite impressed with the melodramatic mood & contemplative atmosphere. Some of the stronger set pieces I will never forget, such as Celes on the island, or Cyan trying to preserve some woman's spirit by sending love letters and signing them as her deceased bf. Finding party members in the airship's engine room. Terra wanting to give up and become a full-time nanny.

>forces you to grind for basic spells for every one of the 300+ characters in your little army
I think you miscomprehended the battle system if you thought you needed to have everyone casting. I found it was better to find ways to use characters' skills to complement each other, such as initiating one of Gau's Rages so that he'll auto-attack while Cyan charges a Sword Tech.

It's also worth noting that EGM listed the game as #9 on their original Top 100 all-time vidya list and as #9 again on an updated list.

>> No.2595175


FF3 - 9th greatest game of all time released in N.A. (EGM, Nov 1997, issue 100) (FF7 = #21)

FF3 - 9th greatest game of all time released in N.A. (EGM, Nov 2001, issue 150) (FF5 = #12; FFT = #43; FF9 = #57; FF7 = #91)

>> No.2595225

Yea, but I guess that was too low in absolute terms for Square to bother.

TBH I think that an updated FFVI with modern voice-overs and movie sequences to explain the storyline would sell quite well. With a modern game they can even expand the game to flesh out more of the characters' story arcs. Aside from that, fix some of the broken things with the game (evade bug, stamina not factoring into defense, swdtech meter is independent of speed, sketch being buggy as shit, etc) and that would be enough.

>> No.2595235

She was only central for the first half of the first half of the game. She has zero story in the World of Ruin.

>> No.2595248

Let's see

>FF1-Remakes on the PSX, GBA, IOS, multiple adaptations and anniversary releases
>FF2-Remake on PSX with updated story, graphics, and anniversary re-release
>FF3-Complete remake on 3DS revolutionizing the combat system and story, novelization, multiple tie-ins
>FF4-Remake on 3DS with two sequels, novelization, manga tie-in, and phone game sequel
>FF5-Remake on 3DS, anime adaptation, manga tie-in
>FF7-three sequels, two prequels, two films, anime adaptation, two manga tie ins, novelization, two mini games, and HD remake next year

Square understands it is shit, why can't America learn that too?

>> No.2595254

Maybe FF6 was just so good that it didn't need to be re-made?

>> No.2595286

Man, backstory ruins everything.

>> No.2595295

>FF5-Remake on 3DS, anime adaptation, manga tie-in
But there is no 3DS game. FFV, VI and IX are arguably the most neglected games in the franchise.

>> No.2595303

>3DS remakes
Nope, DS only. Also FFV never got remade. The real reason why FFV/VI never got a similair remake is either because FFIII/IV DS never sold too well or simply because Square Enix changed tactics to those horrid iOS versions with terrible sprites instead of remaking them in 3D.

>> No.2595305

Drove me crazy that they made such amazing updates to FF III and IV but quit there. Then only made ios ports of V and VI with really lazy art direction.

>> No.2595314

Your list is so full of shit I'm very tempted to report you for general faggotry but I'll just remind you that FF6, like 5 got a iOS remake, there's a lot of stuff to add or correct in your blatantly false list but I'm too tired to do that.

>> No.2595350

I was pretty sure FF9 was the unwanted child of the series that Square pretends never happened.

>> No.2595375

it lives up to it's reputation as the best one in the series, but i played it when it was new so idk what you'll think

>> No.2595415

Having not finished FF6, I assume this is exactly like how Chrono Trigger turns out, i.e. there is a bunch of technically optional things, but all the major quests are straighforward and the bulk of the game is effectively linear with a bunch of points where you can decide to say, not do something or conversely, do something early.

In this regard I still find FFX's late game to the best in the series, as it does as fantastic job of cluing you into shit while leaving most things obscure, something the earlier entries frequently suck at doing, while FFXII is too generically MMO centric.

>> No.2595427

Nah. Basically the bad guy blows up the world. You start out being forced to collect 3 characters (you can actually skip one if you'd like, but you probably wouldn't know that the first time through).

You then get an airship and are told where the final boss is. Your mission is to collect all the characters and go defeat the final boss, and the game drops hints as to where they are located.

You can actually try to tackle the final dungeon at any time, it's just insanely difficult to do so without a full cast of 12 characters and everyone at least level 40.

>> No.2595450

>FF has a lot of shit villains.
It also has FFVII, which has the best cast of villains in the series, if not all gaming.

>> No.2595475

>the best cast of villains in the series, if not all gaming.
Let's see how many fall for this one.

>> No.2595483

I agree. Woolsey Uncensored Edition.

>> No.2595514

What makes you object to that?

>> No.2595559

you have to have him most of the time

>> No.2595603

I played it a few years back when I ordered the GBA version off amazon along with the old FFIII player's guide.

I thought it was pretty great all around, the environments were pretty cool, dialogue and characters were funny, for a turn based rpg the combat wasn't monotonous, the free form world of ruin has loads of secrets, and I really liked how (for the most part) there wasn't a main character completely hogging all the screen time and character development.

>> No.2595615
File: 50 KB, 170x170, FFVI_Terra_Branford_Menu_iOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lazy art direction
The portraits in the iOS version of VI were the only good thing to come out of that save for Edgar's smug look. If they made a 3D remake of VI, I'd love for them to base the models on the new portraits.

But Jesus Christ, those filtered field graphics, CG world map models and even worse than Deviantart-level edits of RPG Maker sprites were fucking horrid.

>> No.2595957

>up to and including 7

>> No.2595964
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>this whole thread
Can't wait until school is back in session and /v/ goes back to their cancerous board.

>> No.2596294

>Anything I disagree with is bait.

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.2596329

I recently played through FF6 and I'm in a similar boat as OP.

I liked the setting, atmosphere, story, presentation, ect. and can definitely see why it would be considered pioneering for it's time.

However, I found the gameplay to be a total slog. The battle system was slow(even on fastest setting), the encounter rate was high( random battles are a shit mechanic to begin with), the walking speed requires you to equip an accessory just to be bearable, it takes forever to learn skills from espers, and you can forget about having a balanced cast without copious amounts of grinding. Other major rpgs like CT, SMRPG, Lufia 2 and others totally wipe the floor with FF6 in the gameplay department, so you can't really blame it on the time period.

Overall it's worth playing, but somewhat overrated. Especially by people who shit on the ps1/ps2 FFs yet hail FF6 as a masterpiece.

>> No.2596359

That's a fair opinion. I disagree about the battles being slow, they're pretty fast if you have the speed turned up. And yeah, it is a grindy game but that was the order of the day; at least the game keeps it fresh with new locations, new enemies, and new skills all the time. Keep in mind FF6 came out before all those other games you mentioned.

Those speed shoes were bullshit, too.

>> No.2596903
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posting visuals

>> No.2596907
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>> No.2596910
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>> No.2596917
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heh heh heh

>> No.2596920
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>tips fedora

>> No.2596921
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>> No.2596928
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>> No.2596934
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>implying Ultros isn't the protag

>> No.2596939
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>> No.2596941
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>> No.2596947
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>> No.2596953

Stop, no one cares about your random screenshots.
How can you even use that window style without being disgusted? That's goddamn awful.

>> No.2596961

When I was 13, this game was epic. I didn't have internet or a huge library of games, so I could sit down and play through the tedium without getting bored. Also, because I was so young, I thought the story and the characterization was great.

>> No.2596973
File: 152 KB, 566x482, screenshot-1414640150852.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Squaresoft moved away from dialogue box color adjusters and loud, text-obscuring design options to forcing you to use drab grey as the only option (or bright-ass royal blue). A step backward, really.

I'm sorry these screencaps make you angry, though. Have you considered therapy?

>> No.2596985
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>ywn run into Vivi in Kefka's dungeon

>> No.2597029

If you think that random battles and exploratoin is a slog then you just don't like RPGs of the era.

FF6 was actually the first game to even have a fast walk in it. Try playing FF4 or Sega's Phantasy Star 2/3 - the walk speeds are unbearable. Also, the battles in FF4 are even more of a slog because casting spells results in additional delays, and the delay is proportional to the spell strength. I suppose Squaresoft could have upped the default walk speed but they didn't for some reason. Maybe some play testers didn't like it so they kept it as an accessory?

As far as balanced characters: I never felt that grinding was actually necessary in FF6 to finish the game. You *could* grind to teach everyone ultima, all the level 3 spells, and life2/3, but that's not really necessary. I found that switching your party up on each task was sufficient enough to have everyone around level 40, which is high enough to beat the game.

>> No.2597030

Not him but your "jokes" are also fucking awful.

>> No.2597137

I actually played through FF4 recently too. I don't remember the default walking speed being as slow, and the encounter rate was definitely lower. Maybe that game didn't bother me because I played the US snes version where you could run from half the battles to get through it faster and still be adequately leveled for bosses.

I normally enjoy exploration but random battles spoil it for me. Also FF6 dungeons are mostly just hallways with forks so the game isn't really special in that regard to begin with.

>> No.2597252

The default walk speed in FF4 is the same as FF6.

Running is generally faster in FF4, but if you want to fight out the battle then they take a LOT longer, particularly once you get to the point where you go into the underworld.

>> No.2597272


The problem with games like this (movies, music and comics too) is that the explosion of internet use in the last 10 years or so has taken the popularity to ridiculous levels.

There was the original following, but before the internet and gaming became so prolificly fucking EVERYWHERE, the degree of praise the game got was more deserved and realistic.

After the internet explosion and everyone deciding that they're "gamers", ass hats who have no idea what they're talking about think they're experts because they played the game in question for an hour and read about the rest on the wiki page. Then, it gets plastered all over the internet as some kind of amazing game that absolutely does NOTHING wrong.

The reality is that it's a very well made game, and definitely worth it for JRPG fans and especially FF fans, but it's in no way THAT great. Its ultimately just a game, after all. It wont cure cancer or change your life.

And then we get people like OP here who read all that hype, believe it, play the game and then are dissapointed. Why? Because it's not as good as he heard it was, and it'll NEVER be that good. Ever.

Also: /thread

>> No.2597279

The only FF I havent played is V. How does it compare to VI?

>> No.2597292

The story still is great by RPG standards. No one's trying to say it's literature.

>> No.2597305

Always glad to see people with common sense on this site.

>> No.2597327

More story-driven and melodramatic.

Less character customization.

>> No.2597331

/vr/ is still one of the best boards on the site, although threads about FF and Zelda bring out the worst elements.

>> No.2597335

>Less character customization.

Are you shitting me?

Or do you mean the other way around?

>> No.2597373

>The Arena system is broken
That fucker sneezes me out of the arena every time, is there a trick to it or something?

>> No.2597386

If you fight chupon then you can't win an item for what you wagered.

It's broken because you can just reset the game if you lose. Also Shadow + Stryker + Aegis Shield + Momento Ring + force armor will wreck most enemies because of the evade bug. If you need elemental resistance use Mog + Snow Muffler. You get the Minerva you can use Celes to the same effect, just limit the spells you teach her to ones that are useful.

>> No.2597402

Im an autistic fucker when it comes to rpgs, altough I do enjoy them.
Im at the end of the world, the only member Im missing is Strago, but what I want to know is how do I make Gau effective? At this moment its plain garbage, any other character works better. What do I need?

>> No.2597403

Final Fantasy VI offers variety. Variety in game play, variety in characters, even variety in narrative. While a central plot exists, certainly, there's a ton of side quests and plots with their own distinct themes and style.

On top of that I have yet to encounter a game with as many likeable characters as this one has. In fact I'm pretty hard pressed to think of a single Final Fantasy VI character I don't like. Kefka, love, Terra, love, even Gau whom everyone seems to despise gets nothing but love from me.

Finally, and the most important thing, is the story itself. The plot is really what takes this game a step above other Final Fantasies for me. Namely; because you lose. There's no half-assing it. Your air ship gets destroyed, the map is forever altered, there are creatures and people from the World of Balance you'll never see in the World of Ruin and nearly every single sub plot you explore from the great change onward is constantly influenced by the fact the world ended. Society is over. Life on this planet will never be the same again.

In fact... Even if you take down Kefka, life might still die out in the World of Ruin.

At that point in the story the only thing that matters is finding your friends and it's only on your journey to find and rescue the people important to you that a sense of hopelessness washes away and you find yourself with a new goal at hand;

Destroy Kefka.

It's a fantastic execution that really sucks the player in and keeps them enthralled.

>> No.2597406

Magic Urn rage makes Gau a near invincible source of infinite healing.

>> No.2597413

>how do I make Gau effective?
You spend time training him on the Veldt. Unfortunately you've probably missed on on a few good Rages in the World of Balance. Gau is actually one of the strongest characters.

>> No.2597420

The shitty thing is that this takes a Looong time and there are really only like 6 rages worth getting.

Without a guide telling you which is best you also have the stupid task of trying 100s of rages to find the most effective ones.

>> No.2597424

True, he's not one of my favorites, just putting the facts out there. At this point I would assume that most new players use a guide.

>> No.2597430

Just use Stray Cat.

>> No.2598142

This version:

>> No.2598586

oh shit they're at 1.6 now?

>> No.2599435

Am I the only one that thinks Square went full retard when it started releasing spells that had -ara and -aga as the suffixes instead of 2/3 in the U.S?

I'm all for trying to do a better translation, but when you start using Japanese suffixes for spells you have passed the point of usefulness.

>> No.2599445

they shoulda went with thunder, thunderer, thunderest

>> No.2599539
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This version.

>> No.2599556

Given that it's magic I don't mind that they decided to give them more characterful or arcane names, using numbers in the names like Bolt 2 is a bit utilitarian

>> No.2599585

There's nothing Japanese about those spell names, though. The only reason they weren't used in America at first was because of English text limitations.

>> No.2599603

Well if they're not Japanese then what's the point? I've been playing the series for a long time and the change in naming convention made it confusing even for me.

It makes the series a lot less accessible.

> utilitarian
What in the blue hell are you on about?

>> No.2599634

>Gau is actually one of the strongest characters.

Just curious, does anyone know about back in the day, how commonly was Gau's god-like potential known about? If you know which Rages to get, then he's insane.

>> No.2599658
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Huh? Loss of customizable dialogue boxes in post-VI installments is an actual annoyance, fag. Even if not everyone shares your enthusiasm for unadjustable drab grey boxes, it was nice for those of us who appreciated the little details to change the colors or go with one of the design pre-sets.

>> No.2599662

It says they're up to 1.8. What version were you playing?

>> No.2599694

I presume that guy means that naming them Fire 1/2/3/etc is slightly immersion breaking and it feels more grounded in the game world to call it Firaga, especially if dialogue makes explicit reference to the spells.

>> No.2599713

utilitarian (juːˌtJlJˈtɛərJən)
2. designed for use rather than beauty

Calling a spell Fire 3 does the job. It tells you that the spell is one rank higher than Fire 2, but it is functional rather than fantastical.

There's also not really a problem with calling spells Fire/Fira/Firaga considering you'll get each rank of spell presented to you with like 10 hours in between and as soon as you get a new spell the initial instinct is to try it and see what happens. When you see that Fira is like Fire with a fancier animation and more damage you get the idea pretty quickly

>> No.2599919
File: 96 KB, 620x350, FinalFantasyVI-ZacGorman-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change your life.
I was contemplating suicide before I beat FFVI. Then I played it and the game showed me that even after great tragedies, you can go on living. It was a message that really hit me, and it is because of VI that I am alive posting on 4chan today.

But you're right, most Final Fantasies are guilty of having insane hype and explosively passionate and vocal fanbases that can kill the game for newcomers. Especially all the games after 5.

>> No.2600020

>I agree with it, therefore it's common sense.

>> No.2600497

the wood panel text boxes always made be feel classy

>> No.2600510

You disagree with it?
You wouldn't take >>2597272 words as common sense?

>> No.2600546


>> No.2600582

There's nothing sensible about sayng that games WEREN'T mainstream before the turn of the century or pretentiously assuming most Internet reviews are from people who haven't played the game.

>> No.2600585

They COULDN'T have possibly played it if their review isn't consistent with MY personal opinion!

>> No.2600603


Deviantart bad? Don't even act like you believe that.

I played VI when I was a child and it blew me away. It was my first rpg, and no other game I had experienced matched it's scale and wonder. I went into it totally blind, and it changed what I thought games could be. It has a lot of problems, yes, but I played it during a very impressionable age and that's why I can still think fondly of it.

>> No.2600635

That's actually a cool story. But what I mean when I said "it wont change your life" was more akin to the fact that most people will play it and like it, but then life will go on as if they'd never even heard of the game. Yours is more of a personal things, honestly.
Also, I feel you on the suicide thing, man. I was planning on killing myself, until I heard a song on youtube, and I came back out of it. Wont say what song or band, because then Ill get called an edgelord and etc, but yeah.

I get the feeling that you don't understand my post all that well.

Yes, FFVI (and other games) were popular before the internet boom. Not disputing that fact. Hell, I even admitted it in my fucking post. But the reality is that gaming has become fucking HUGE in the past 10-15 years. If what we had before was "popularity" then what we have now is almost akin to religion in comparison (NOTE: I said "in comparison". As in, if you compare games' popularity from '94 and '15, you'll see a dramatic increase in users. Not implying that gamer "culture" is literally a religious thing at all. And I only say that because your reading comprehension seems to be pretty fucking bad.)

So games with 500,000 or more people who played them and loved them in the 90's generally have 2-3 million people going absolutely apeshit on the internet ranting about how masterful they are now.

You can be blind to this if you like, but that's your decision.

I'm glad to see that not everyone is a retard on this board now.

>> No.2600668

Because the original people who played the game were also responsible for the hype. If they hadn't written reviews or commented on the game, there wouldn't have been an dramatic increase in the popularity of this game in the first place. The praise the game gets today is no less real than the praise it had received in the past.

People often parrot and are influenced by each other's opinions. They also sometimes distort and exaggerate their individual experiences. I doubt this behavior is any different today than it was back then. The internet just made it easier for this to happen. How is deciding to play a game because of someone's positive review on the internet any different from deciding to play a game because your friend told you it's good?

There are also other factors responsible for the game's popularity such as brand awareness, marketing, post-purchase rationalization, etc. You can't blame only modern gamers for all the hype surrounding the FF games.

>> No.2601390


Because watching a shitty anime like Naruto or Dragonball, you at least get to just sit there and fucking passively observe that shit. Hell you don't even have to pay attention, you can zone out and spend entire scenes thinking about hot dogs, and just wait for the fun fight sequences.

A game expects you to fucking participate. A game FORCES you to take part in the fucking fan-fiction quality of overblown melodramatic bullshit. The game thinks you're actually going to give a shit- They are criticised as though they aspire to be literature because they DO aspire to be literature.

>Hurr but the plot of JRPGs is meant to be light and fun, not serious

>game still has half hour long dialogue trades and death soliloquies without a hint of irony

>vast majority of your playing time with any JRPG is spent negotiation and tolerating the forced plot exposition, mashing A through dialogue, rather than actually playing the damn game

Make your mind up fags.

>> No.2601524

I don't think so. I had a thick ass guide to FF3 and the book said to leave Gau and Umaro behind in all of the special missions (I left Gau and Relm, though).

Now that there's more info out there I usually end up leaving the special characters behind (I actually like Cyan because he's badass). If I can't be bothered to build up Gau then I leave Gau and Gogo. Relm has god tier magic power so can be used as a pure mage. Also, you can't build their stats with esper bonuses like the main characters, so they just become a lot weaker in the end-game and results in a lot of dying/used healing.

>> No.2601551
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100% RPG Maker games often have more consistent art direction than FF6.

Here's a good example. See pic related.
- Object Relativity: Enemy size is 'random' between combat and over scene. Kefka is a giant during this fight. Sabin fight is just as bad. Hell, the guys you fight while in mechs are as big as you!
- Art direction: Background is watercolor art direction, with smooth gradients and extremely soft edges. Characters are cell art direction and sprited with very hard edges. It looks more like childish stickers on a beautiful painting. Never have I seen a game clash so bad.
- Perspective: Character placement 'suggests' that the topmost is further than the closest. But all sprites are the same size. To even rationalize this based on scene perspective, Edgar would be 3.5-4x the size of Terra. I've yet to see this level of perspective abuse in any other game. Even FF4/FF5 manage it better, though they both have hit-or-miss on some bosses.

A fun game it may be, but it's a visual wreck. Saturated colors can be soothing and alluring, and it was 'the best that existed' back then, but god damn. As someone who has formal training in art, and then tried to play this game, it was absolute hell. If you like this art at all, than that has to be nostalgia talking.

>> No.2601553

> Perspective: Character placement 'suggests' that the topmost is further than the closest
Meant to say furthest

>> No.2601561

Every video game critic of the time gave the game glowing reviews for its graphics and visuals.

Punchline: You are being a nitpicky autist.

>> No.2601569

Not really, he didn't even mentioned how the tilesets clash. The 8bit games and the first two 16bit ones have much more consistent art direction and look better.

Citing video critics talking about graphics is laughable.

>> No.2601572
File: 137 KB, 361x317, Final_Fantasy_VI_battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Object Relativity

Literally every RPG through that era, and even many after it, did this. There are at least two distinct phases in an RPG game and everyone accepts that characters are rendered differently in each. Mostly this is due to hardware limitations and the way the overworld is rendered.

> Watercolor background

You picked a scene where they are fighting in a tundra. Wtf do you want it to be? Look at battles in caves or in grasslands and it looks more consistent.

> Perspective
You clearly have no appreciation for hardware limitations of the time. Even FF7 on the PSX didn't scale the characters depending on where you placed them.

>> No.2601574

It's almost as laughable as someone who took a college class or two in art trying to criticize a 16 year old video game's graphics because the sprites didn't render perspective perfectly.

>> No.2601579

Egyptians drew their people in different sizes because they wanted to stand out. It's called expresionism. That's why Kefka is huge, so you know he's the boss of the stage anon.

>> No.2601585

He had other complaints besides that one. The art assets clashing is absolutely true, and its why I've always thought FFIV and V looked better.

>> No.2601601

The SD sprite art style does clash with the increasingly detailed backgrounds, but not in a way that should break anyone's suspension of disbelief. And the contrast between sprites and backgrounds gets far far worse in FFVII.

>> No.2601602

This. My criticism is only at the largest offenders. I could nitpick it all day, but that's pointless. The stuff I pointed out was only the really egregious items.

>Literally every RPG through that era, and even many after it, did this. Mostly this is due to hardware limitations and the way the overworld is rendered.
Chrono Trigger, for example, most certainty did not do this. Nor did a myrid of action RPGs like Secret of Mana or Terranigma. I get that FF6 loads a separate combat screen, but that's no excuse not to manage object perspective correctly. Faria (NES), for example, had loaded combat screens but had appropriate perspectives in tact. The Phantasy Star series made the perspective sensible as well.

It's important for game designers to harmonize with hardware limitations. Doesn't matter if other games fail too.

>You picked a scene where they are fighting in a tundra. Wtf do you want it to be? Look at battles in caves or in grasslands and it looks more consistent.

Backgrounds changing art direction based on area is also pretty poor, when you don't change the other visual elements. Some other areas are better, like what you posted, but it's still light-based-edge as opposed to outline-based-edge, which does still clash pretty hard.

Look at the palettes between the background and the sprites. The background allows for fine gradients, sprites do not-- massive clash.

>You clearly have no appreciation for hardware limitations of the time. Even FF7 on the PSX didn't scale the characters depending on where you placed them.
I have complete appreciation for hardware limitations, as that's what drives out beautiful synergies limited by the times. Again, look at Chrono Trigger as a great example of how to push the limits of hardware but have a visually cohesive game. Also, FF7 was closer, but still failed sometimes as you noted.

>> No.2601613

Expressionism works great when the whole work is expressionism, as was the case with Egyptian art since they used symbolism. A game with active navigation and world rules conflicts with juxtaposed expressionism.

FFVII has the 'saving grace' that, in combat, it's artistically consistent. It does abuse art rules, and should be no model comparison, but it's not on the same level of artistic bastardization as FFVI.

As >>2601585 said, IV and V did a better job keeping it together. Wrong at times, yes, but wasn't like FFVI. My gut is that FFVI just had different art teams for the aspects (combat backgrounds, environments, sprites) that weren't held together well by an art director.

>> No.2601639

> art rules

Future homeless peddling paintings of flowers guy detected.

>> No.2601640

I wouldn't antagonize the next Hitler if I were you.

>> No.2601645
File: 31 KB, 256x224, image141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Chrono Trigger did not do this.

You mean the fight with Zeal, Lavos, and T-rex didn't completely rescale and redraw sprites?

You are an idiot.

>> No.2601652

There actually is something to be said for the Ted Woolsey translation. It's because of him that Kefka is such a glorious bastard. ("There's SAND on my boots!"). In the US he's a top tier, beloved FF villain, but in Japan I understand he's more lower echelon.

>> No.2601653


Characters aren't bad either, but it's like Super Metroid, i.e. the atmosphere trumps the gameplay.

>> No.2601667

You mean, when fighting the transformed forms? They just didn't show the transformation animation, so is a terrible example. The queen you show there, for example, is clearly not the humanoid form she was in. You get teleported up and fight this new form, and that makes perfect sense. Lavos and T-Rex are the exact same. You don't run into a hedgehog sized monster that 'turns into' a full size lavos fight without story-based morph.

Outside that, the example you have is perfect to show how well it did it. Palette is consistent between characters and scene, as is the art direction (cell based cartoon style). Characters, environment, and enemy all adhere to a consistent Orthoganal camera perspective.

When you fight humanoids in Chrono Trigger, they remain normal non-deformed humanoids when they don't go through a plot-based transformation. Look at Dalton.

>You are an idiot.
Please don't act like a child and a troll. Even if you were right, this would be uncalled for.

>> No.2601708
File: 245 KB, 750x574, kefka__s_view__s_on_environment_by_ignore56-d37er2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the reason people like 6 so much was because it was the last final fantasy for Nintendo. All in all I give it a 6/10, just because of this guy.

>> No.2601717

B-but none of those bosses were rescaled...

>> No.2601745

you clearly dont understand the arguments or position of the anon you quoted

>> No.2601779
File: 6 KB, 240x279, sari.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand just fine.

My stance is that it is SOP for JRPGs of the era to use transformations in characters from the overworld to battle scenes. Not just Squaresoft - see pic related.

They do this because fighting a boss that is gigantic compared to you adds to the atmosphere of fighting an epic battle. It is not nearly as jaw-dropping to fight against the simplified sprites shown in the over-world that are rendered that way so as to not limit the player from the amount of content within the game.

You are criticizing FF6 for something that every turn-based JRPG of the era did. Even Chrono Trigger - it just didn't do it as often because its contribution to the genre was fighting enemies in the same world that you navigated.

The fact that you took a couple of art classes and feel the need to single out FF6 for this without realizing the reason for it is what makes you retarded. Also, you think that sprites can willy-nilly be scaled on SNES hardware while also displaying graphics from spells and enemy attacks. That also makes you retarded.

Everyone from the time thought FF6 looked fantastic - because it does.

>> No.2601790

made me laugh too much, thx

>> No.2601803

>- Object Relativity: Enemy size is 'random' between combat and over scene. Kefka is a giant during this fight. Sabin fight is just as bad. Hell, the guys you fight while in mechs are as big as you!

Says the guy who doesn't get that FF 1-6 are basically an Amano sprite gallery with an RPG wrapping.

>> No.2601809

I'm pretty sure you're arguing with a troll. No one can be that retarded. I can guarantee I'm both a more skilled and practiced artist than that guy is even claiming to be, and the stuff he's talking about is ridiculous. If he isn't outright trolling, he's too stupid to be worth your time arguing with.

>> No.2601812

You don't think SD sprites, pixel art monsters, and backgrounds that often look like digitized paintings isn't at all jarring? When displayed on the same screen?

I agree that the guy is too too extreme in his criticism and it is a little autistic, but FF6 is not at all graphically consistent. And it is not one of the more visually pleasing Final Fantasy games for it.

>> No.2601816
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't find it jarring in the slightest, no. At least when I played it back then on a CRT, everything blended really well for me and I consider it one of the better looking RPGs of the 16 bit era from top to bottom.

We all have different tastes though. If you or someone else finds it jarring and unappealing then that's just how you feel. There are no wrong opinions. But I think the game is gorgeous, personally.

>> No.2601825
File: 938 KB, 1401x2100, ma-31806278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even Chrono Trigger - it just didn't do it as often because its contribution to the genre was fighting enemies in the same world that you navigated.
Working examples? The ones above were not.

>Everyone from the time thought FF6 looked fantastic - because it does.
And everyone from Japan long ago thought pic related was amazing artwork. But as times move on, we can actually compare it to good work.

If your a practised artist and can't see the things noted above, then you're not very good. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but things like palette control and value edge contouring are 101 level items. It's why many self taught neophyte artists are picked out quick as 'like Deviant Art'.

>> No.2601838

This is some of mine. I'm good enough for what I want to do.

At any rate what you're talking about is personal. If it bothers you, that's fine but it's not objectively bad. You can throw as much of your reasoning at it that you want, but I think the game looks pretty great and I'm super picky about this stuff.

I maintain that you're probably just trolling. But whatever, continue if you like. Makes no difference to me if some random dude or lady out there doesn't like the way FFVI looks.

>> No.2601854

Lol at this art complaint shit. FF6 is fine. Most that play it dont study art. And when did having different opinions get classified as trolling? The only thing that looks remotely like a troll is this guy >>2601645 with the insult, and even thats reaching.

>> No.2601867

>and everyone from Japan long ago thought pic related was amazing artwork.
But it is pretty good. What do you find bad about it?

>> No.2601873

I actually like the spell suffixes. It's part of the FF signature like phoenix downs and gil.

>> No.2601878

> Gil

That's another one. It was GP in the original US release of FF2 (IV) and FF3 (VI). Should've stayed that way.

>> No.2601887


>> No.2601904

>And when did having different opinions get classified as trolling?

Is this your first day on 4chan?
It's even worse on /vr/ because people here are overly protective of games they have nostalgia for. I think they feel as if their childhood is being attacked or something when someone criticizes a retro game they like.

For the record, I thought FF6's art direction was great.

>> No.2601960

I was the one who called him a troll. I was feeling otherwise salty at the time, and regret having been as judgmental. But the forcefulness with which he was presenting what to me is a pretty silly argument and trying to play the "I studied art so I know aesthetics better than you, if you don't agree you're objectively wrong" card raised my troll flag. Something about arguing that something clearly personal like aesthetic preferences can be proven to be correct or incorrect often does for me.

At any rate, I'm sure he really does find the game that jarring to look at, but not everyone, even other visual people necessarily agree. I think the game is gorgeous, but by the same token if he thinks it's ugly as fuck, our opinions are both equally valid.

>> No.2602106

> "I studied art so I know aesthetics better than you, if you don't agree you're objectively wrong" card raised my troll flag. Something about arguing that something clearly personal like aesthetic preferences can be proven to be correct or incorrect often does for me.

Which is also why I called him an idiot.

His argument is "I studied a year of art courses so I know better than everyone else. This is objectively bad artwork."

>> No.2602154

>His argument is "I studied a year of art courses so I know better than everyone else. This is objectively bad artwork."

I never said I 'studied a year of art courses', but rather I had formal training. Subtle but different. Also, I didn't claim to know better than everyone else, but rather that I could notice very well known design flaws when I could see them as a result. Young me couldn't, but old me can. Simple rationalization.

And yes, it's objectively poorly combined art components of clashing styles and methods. If you look at other posts in the chain, you'll see I'm not alone in noticing. This is the sort of composition that often gives a very negative visual feeling to armature games.

The actual artists behind the assets are quite good, however. The components themselves are quite impressive. And the concept art is incredible.

Technical linework is good, and great color balance. But the anatomy is abysmal and the perspective is broken (look at the bowl interior). It serves as a good comparison because it's the work of masters of the time and that after years of refinement and exploration we can now look back at the technical flaws and see how to do it better.

Despite some of the inflamed responses, I'm still impressed that this didn't turn into /v/ tier tantruming as a retort to my critique.

>> No.2602392

>And yes, it's objectively poorly combined art components of clashing styles and methods.

It really isn't. Your "critique", as it were, only analyzes on the level of a screen shot and doesn't address that an RPG battle field has more in common with a stage than a picture and doesn't consider the technical restraints involved when considering detail against animation. The backdrop isn't meant to mesh with the actors, it provides a visual cue as to the setting.

The only substantive thing to your argument is that you don't like how the character sprites, enemy sprites, and backgrounds mesh. That doesn't make the visuals objectively bad. If you can't get past Kefka having a character sprite AND an enemy sprite or the enemies appearing larger because they're more detailed, that's a problem on your end.

>> No.2603802
File: 2 KB, 256x240, Final_Fantasy_1_NES_Battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you OP? You only played the game recently? Have you played many other RPGs before? What kind of screen did you play it on? This whole thing is so strange to me. We were used to games like FFI, compared to that VI is breathtaking.

>> No.2603831

I like how the game had characters with unique commands but also let you customize them with espers.
I always stop playing during the world of ruin tho. I appreciate their attempt at merging linearity (wob) and nonlinearity (wor) but I just find the character fetch quest tedious as hell and the story just fizzles out. Meh/10

FF5 is my favourite snes ff, for what it's worth

>> No.2603854

FFVII had an amazing soundtrack. It shreds.

FFVIII had Breezy and few other good tracks.

FFIX was boring

Prior to it was too restricted and benefits from reinterpretation

>> No.2603890

>FFIX was boring
Wow... IX has my favorite soundtrack in the whole series. VI is probably a close second. VII's is good, but the something about the synth they used always sounded a little weird. Best boss battle themes by far though.

>> No.2603912

>VII's is good, but the something about the synth they used always sounded a little weird.

They used midis. That's just the ps1's soundchip. Personally, I think it sounds amazing.

>> No.2603921

>Loss of customizable dialogue boxes in post-VI installments is an actual annoyance, fag.

FFVII still has it.

>> No.2603928

>I'd love for them to base the models on the new portraits.

They're not new. They're just updated versions of the original Amano artwork and the portraits that are in the original game.

>> No.2603931

It's funny cause I actually bought CDs of the soundtrack a few months before the game came out and listened to them that whole summer. It does have some amazing music on it, but some stuff like the sounds used in Cosmo Canyon always sounded off.

It's still great, I just don't like it quite as much as IX which has my favorite regular battle theme in the whole series, Black Mage Village, Eiko's Theme, etc etc.

Really though every game has some songs I love and some I don't care for at all.

>> No.2603932

I wish they just plain used Amano's art in there.

>> No.2603939

All of the PS1 final fantasy games use sequenced music

Redbook audio would have meant less room for FMV

>> No.2603942

>Redbook audio would have meant less room for FMV

Ah yes; sacrificing an integral part of the game for a completely pointless one.

>> No.2603951


As if it matters. Those ports were so badly programed they're barely playable anyways. It's not as bad as what they did to the music in the GBA ports.

Square has a tendency to release the best version of their game first and then later find quick ways to cash in by porting them, but they never put anywhere near the same amount of effort in. They're just quick dirty cash grabs to make more off the game.

>> No.2604306

>I just finished it

Well there's your problem. Playing a 20 year old game and not expecting it to be a 20 year old game is pretty stupid.

>> No.2604984


What? They're not ports. You don't know what we're talking about, do you?

>> No.2604997

He thinks we're talking about the Super Nintendo games because of the OP picture. Discussion has moved on.

>> No.2606147

Do you... not know what a port is? The releases of FFIV, V and VI on PS1 were most definitely ports. It's basically just the PS1 running an emulator and that's a big part of the reason they run so badly.

The FF Origins game on the other had has actual remakes of FFI and II.

>> No.2608036

You fell for the fanboy circlejerking and hype. Don't blame you though since it happened to me several times, but as you can see, more often than not the reality is no match for the legacy. Learn from this and try to go in with neutral expectations next time.

But FFVI is still widely regarded as the pinnacle of the series, so it's only natural for OP to go in with high expectations. Saying "you only would have enjoyed it back when it was first released" only shows that most of the praise comes from nostalgia than the game's own merits.

>> No.2608357

Cause ff7 was awful, for many of the reasons people listed ff6 was awful.

>> No.2608661

Nah, OP is just an idiot. He doesn't get why people who played it when they did liked it as much as they did and he doesn't get why he's not as blown away by it. It's still a solid game, but it's very clearly a solid game from 1994.

But also a lot of his actual complaints with it are completely subjective. He doesn't like the music, doesn't like how many characters there are and thinks the story is cliche. So at it's base, all this is, is another thread of someone complaining that they didn't think they enjoyed something enough and are jealous that other people did.

>FFVI is still widely regarded as the pinnacle of the series

Also, this is not true at all. It has many, many fans, but what the pinnacle of the series is has always been hotly debated. For me it's II but for you or anyone else it's probably different.

>> No.2609112

>It's basically just the PS1 running an emulator and that's a big part of the reason they run so badly.

That would actually make it not a port.

>> No.2609747

It's not really a port. It's programmed to run on the PS1 with the Playstation buttons and all. What really killed FFIV-VI on the PS1 was the load times. I still prefer the SNES versions.

>> No.2610129

Which doesn't apply to its cast of villains, which are its best aspect.

>> No.2610178

/vr/shares, the fuck is that?

where can I find it?

>> No.2610219

It's. A. Fucking. Video. Game. Get over it.

>> No.2610263

>It's not really a port. It's programmed to run on the PS1 with the Playstation buttons and all.

Yes they are ports. That's exactly what a port is. A port is just any time a game is moved from one console or platform to another, where the original game has been changed only minorly to get it to run on the new system.

A remake is where they rewrite the code mostly from the ground up and recreate the game for a new system. Final Fantasy 1 and 2 that were in FF Origins were remakes. Final Fantasy IV, V, VI and Chrono Trigger on FF Anthology and Chronicles were ports.

FFVI being slapped on a disk with a shitty bit of code working as an emulator to try and get the SNES game to run on a Playstation it is actually a perfect example of a port.

>> No.2610264


>> No.2611189

I don''t even know which game you're referring to, but either way you're hilariously wrong. And I love both those games.

>> No.2611762

They originally wanted the battle model to be used on the FF7 overworld. They didn't because it clashed with the simplistic world map style, and they could not manage the higher polygon models throughout the entire game. The FF7 lego models are intentional, similar to the "chibi" sprites in FF4-6 representing the characters.

The enemies are given much larger, more detailed sprites because they are static and are supposed to be more elaborate or intimidating, etc. Player sprites are simplistic to include more animation and expression during battles.