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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 310 KB, 1280x800, rct-threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2584192 No.2584192 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>2566724

General pastebin: http://pastebin.com/zcjSWDuj

Help site with the above info in a nicer layout (downloads for the game and other resources):

Current contest is to make the best rollercoaster in a 15 x 15 square, scenery and landscaping allowed. Previous entries are in the old thread.

>> No.2584203
File: 138 KB, 492x324, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for shitty AI

>> No.2584213

Motherfucking go-karts, man.
Everybody loves motherfucking go-karts.

>> No.2584216

Well it goes underground so who wouldn't

>> No.2584249
File: 1.09 MB, 2700x1700, FlightOverLuci-Delsole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting my sumission for the contest here: >>2579626

Well, it allows for one to drive relatively freely and beat one's friends, so no wonder that it would be popular.

>> No.2584259
File: 273 KB, 1108x745, 1438412026108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting my submission as well

>> No.2584278
File: 1.76 MB, 2229x774, Fuzzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2584284
File: 2.40 MB, 2142x1907, Ilithiad Curseweaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And repost.

>> No.2584292
File: 171 KB, 1089x953, Funk-Mountain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blatant repostin'

Here you go

Was asleep, here's the map for those that wanna check it out or get those objects.
You'll need this custom ride even though i didn't use it.

>> No.2584313
File: 395 KB, 1920x1017, SCR5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting as well.

>> No.2584319

what did I miss guys, been diggin holes for 3 weeks

>> No.2584330

Apparently, we're having competitions. Also, dueling coasters seemed to be the coaster flavor of the month but that have kinda gone away by now.

>> No.2584334

>create go karts that are entirely underground
>low excitement rating

Does it have to be aboveground more or something?

>> No.2584383
File: 244 KB, 1366x768, SCR4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /vr/ct feel about RCT3 scenarios in RCT2?

>> No.2584387

you absolute madman

>> No.2584392
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, photon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost for contest

>> No.2584408


It's a gigantic fucking pain in the ass because having RCT3 open at the same time as RCT2 turns the game into a slideshow for whatever reason and I'm not an autistic fuck that remembers every little detail

>> No.2584432
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, SCR3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed some things

Is it too late to enter the 15x15 cause I was thinking of making it for my first park then.

>> No.2584436

there's still time to enter

afaik it's not closed until the imgur gallery and strawpoll are posted

>> No.2584448

I just realized the fuckton of guests stuck at the circus exit

Also my mechanics are bouncing away every time they gets to the entrance of the guitar coaster, why won't they repair my shit

>> No.2584452

They go into the exit.

>> No.2584457

It's a known bug with OpenRCT2. Either use an older build or use RCT2 until it's fixed.

>> No.2584458

Someone said build 1061 (openrct2.com) works, try that.

>> No.2584465
File: 1.14 MB, 1597x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one notices the track behind the waterfall

>> No.2584470
File: 29 KB, 632x432, IWantToGoOnSomethingMoreThrillingThanMiniRollerCoaster1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just done some messing about while trying to get a idea for the second submission, and I found out pic related.

>> No.2584504


then there will be LITERALLY NO REASON to play rct3 anymore

>> No.2584510

But muh water parks.

>> No.2584513

God damn it.

>> No.2584524
File: 308 KB, 1366x768, SCR5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All I have left to do is stick the rides in and tweak the objectives a bit. Anyone know if there's a way to build rides in the scenario editor? I assume OpenRCT2 allows you to do it, but I'm only using it for taking screenshots since it's been buggy as shit lately.

>> No.2584553

Would a mini suspended flying coaster be okay for the 15x15?

>> No.2584561

any coaster you want

>> No.2584562

If I use the older builds can I keep my current park? I'd rather not lose progress.

>> No.2584612

Damn homie at this rate you'll be winning every contest soon

>> No.2584637
File: 328 KB, 1030x796, silver mountain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repostan' 15x15

>> No.2584653

It's stuff like this that make me wish you could copy the surrounding landscape when you save the design of a coaster

>> No.2584669


halp pls, this is important if anyone wants this to see the light of day.

>> No.2584685

create the scenario without ridea, then play it, build the rides, then convert the saved game into a scenario

>> No.2584730

Where are all the trees around the middle?

>> No.2584743
File: 51 KB, 508x191, saves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to play the map first, then use this tool.

>> No.2584854

>been diggin holes for 3 weeks
You've been translating LNs?

>> No.2584901

As long as you don't delete your save files nothing will be lost.

>> No.2584902

I tried to make a compact woodie, something I can quickly place down at the beginning of scenarios and get good income from. First attempt at doing something like this that wasn't a shuttle loop deal, how'd I do? What should I name it?

>> No.2584904
File: 116 KB, 1021x546, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would probably help if I remembered to attatch the pic

>> No.2584925
File: 121 KB, 1021x543, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a couple edits, maybe the increase in ride time isn't worth the few bits of excitement the loop gives

>> No.2584930

...Tiny Forest Snake?

>> No.2584935
File: 123 KB, 1018x544, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all around better, the .03 excitement lost is a tiny price.

That'll do.

>> No.2584952

I, uh, okay..

That was kinda meant as a joke about the dumb thread on /v/ yesterday.

Comfy little coaster though. Try the articulated trains to boost excitement a bit.

>> No.2584960

Oh I didn't see that thread.

I did the default train since that'll be the main one in most scenarios. The stats with that train are 6.13 excitement, 7.24 intensity, 4.11 nausea. Loses speed faster though.

Any ideas for a non joke name then?

>> No.2585082

New OpenRCT idea:
You know how you can't use a costers whole scenery, even when only one piece is missing? They should make a "use available scenery" button, where it plops down the coaster with the scenery available to the scenario, and leaves out the unavailable scenery.

>> No.2585092

Hmm, take screenshots?

>> No.2585095

Use two PCs? I mean you can run RCT2 on a taoster so every other PC will do.

>> No.2585098
File: 295 KB, 1858x1057, 17973301462108733440_2015-08-03_00001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly meh

>> No.2585106

The start is pretty cool, even if the ending feels pretty average. Maybe replace the MCBR with a heartline roll, since its a short ride already.

>> No.2585131

How do you make these ? Do you use a specific scenario ? Or a tool I'm unaware of ?

>> No.2585137
File: 294 KB, 1084x674, Lillehammer_Bobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go on a Bobsleigh coaster. They seem maximum comfy.

>> No.2585240


>> No.2585264
File: 274 KB, 800x600, SCR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my 15x15 coaster if it's not too late

>> No.2585359

I made another video.


>> No.2585378
File: 112 KB, 596x350, 1363929178941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2585380

Some of the links on that site, such as the downloads for addons and such are broken,

>> No.2585384
File: 322 KB, 531x471, 1438208509457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2585385
File: 559 KB, 1858x1057, 17973301462108733440_2015-08-03_00004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2585386


>> No.2585392
File: 161 KB, 534x627, TOPESTKEKEST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2585395

Is there a jungle map/scenario? I have an Idea...

>> No.2585516
File: 1.49 MB, 3464x1856, SCR16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guy think? Seems like a rough map. Not a lot of room.

>> No.2585519
File: 48 KB, 197x205, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty good.
I like the themeing.

>> No.2585542

Maybe if you didnt cover half of the thing when taking the screenshot we'd be able to comment.

>> No.2585601

There's actually a similar bug in RCT1 where if you have solid scenery covering a tile (e.g. four quarter-tile barrels) the train will keep going forever until you stop.

>> No.2585618

>all that money

>> No.2585624

maybe a bit small, but looks comfy as fuck

>> No.2585637
File: 680 KB, 1920x1080, SCR1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well repost my submission. When's the contest over?

>> No.2585640

Maybe when this thread die, in a week or so.

>> No.2585709
File: 1.81 MB, 1562x1028, etihadairways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostin from last thread

>> No.2585713

I couldn't be bothered to make it bigger tbh. Maybe I should.

>> No.2585758
File: 8 KB, 322x329, animulaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2585761

Hey is additional scenery outside of the 15x15 still legit?

>> No.2585767

The coaster is the only thing restricted to 15x15

>> No.2585776
File: 3.69 MB, 1962x1370, doomcult4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked this game back up a couple months ago and have been hooked! I beat all the scenarios (RCT1) and now I'm working on a free form sandbox. I'm glad there's a board like this, I've enjoyed see what other people have come up with. There's been some truly impressive shit posted here.
I decided to incorporate a 15x15 into my sandbox. I've never messed around much with vertical coasters, even when I was younger, but I'm rather pleased with how this one came out. I'm still tweaking the scenery and landscaping a bit.

>> No.2585779

>Earl S.
Cold ass nigga

>> No.2585794
File: 52 KB, 510x680, 1400857477324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2585809
File: 856 KB, 2888x1568, SCR6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, here it is:


High Flier has been butchered because apparently RCT2 and RCT3 use different proportions. Deal with it.

>> No.2585818

This is fucking gold.

>Earl S.
His smile and optimism: gone

>> No.2585852
File: 93 KB, 640x427, 1410046833632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is fantastic

>> No.2585858


>> No.2585869

So, can Mine Train Coasters have only one Station? I want to built seperate Exit/Entry stations and it just doesn't let me place the exit.

>> No.2585873


>> No.2585885
File: 49 KB, 500x347, PixieDust4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just mashed up two of my favourite threads here on RCt, thanks for the laugh!

>> No.2585895
File: 194 KB, 1280x768, minetrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh worked for me, don't mid the stats

I don't care if you don't count it, it's just extra building anyway

>> No.2585928

welp, I have no clue why it didn't let my build. Maybe OpenRCT jerkyness.

>> No.2585937
File: 1.62 MB, 3464x1856, SCR17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2585975
File: 85 KB, 573x247, midway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post midway games

>> No.2585978
File: 14 KB, 251x237, d997ad035c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2585990

So when are we getting these in a RCT game?

>> No.2585998
File: 52 KB, 467x413, ndn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2586004

This feel weird to say but RCTW looks better and better by each production blog, it actually looks like it's turning into a good game. Also, they should not be to hard to implement in OpenRCT2 as long as someone could do the modeling and animation.

>> No.2586009

I've seen a Skiball attraction in the form of a stall, but it's functionally no different than a priced restroom.

>> No.2586019

I'm gettin' fucking pumped for RCTW and Parkitect

>> No.2586026

I'm personally not a fan of Parkitects design, it just does not look right to me. Warming up to RCTW however.

>> No.2586032


Also can whoever downloads this tell me if it's too easy/difficult compared to vanilla RCT2 pls

>> No.2586069

looks good so far

>> No.2586076
File: 1.30 MB, 1480x951, BelfastExpress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took the 2 station train idea earlier and made another 15x15, don't care if the extra buildings don't count

>> No.2586083

When all these new games are released, will we have to move the thread to /vg/ or will we be allowed to stay here on /vr/? I don't want to move to /vg/ ;_;

>> No.2586090

now is not the time for fear, that comes later

>> No.2586101

>that fucking air powered coaster racing it

>> No.2586108
File: 1.16 MB, 1085x895, scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2586183
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x990, Compo park 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would something like this be good for your needs?

>> No.2586209
File: 175 KB, 1365x706, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on

>> No.2586212
File: 42 KB, 250x250, I-Sawyerously-hope-you-guys-don't-do-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entrance is the wrong way round you ding dong

>> No.2586213

Wh-What? Are you joking?

>> No.2586216

Do you not see the fucking banner on the entrance facing INTO your park?

>> No.2586218

Fuck... I'm an idiot

thanks though

>> No.2586265

I made a scenario, can you guys critique it for me?


>> No.2586285

You forgot to export object data.
You can include it in the options menu.

>> No.2586295

sorry I think it's the resolution

>> No.2586297

looping shuttle coasters, pay per ride

>> No.2586312
File: 466 KB, 1920x1080, SCR37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the station.

>> No.2586392
File: 18 KB, 492x479, absolutely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No block sections

>> No.2586442

Oh shit, sorry here


>> No.2586487

It's cool, but it's a hell of a lot bigger and taller than it needs to be.

>> No.2586493

A "design a park from the same base scenario" contest could be a good idea.

>> No.2586525
File: 36 KB, 444x322, 1409088071464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using dropbox or mediafire

Fucking pleb.

Also I think there's already a scenario in the vpack called Rolling Hills.

>> No.2586592
File: 432 KB, 2560x1600, Haven Luxury Resort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway to use custom mp3s or wavs for ride music?

I want to convert a YouTube video (easy enough) into a file for the game and make it for a near future themed park on top a skysraper(s).

What I will convert: https://youtu.be/TJy9N7yy9zk

>> No.2586593
File: 126 KB, 185x224, 1435268778221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw realizing the 256 scenery object limit will be removed in OpenRCT

>> No.2586595

I've seen Doom 4 discussion in the Doom threads on /vr/. We'll be safe as long as the new games don't take over the thread and crash it with no survivors.

Technically RCT2 isn't a retro game according to the rules of this board as it was released in 2002, so we're already "breaking the rules" most of the time.

>> No.2586605


>> No.2586615

This maybe? Don't know if it works because I haven't used it myself.

>> No.2586629

>If you replace it, it will only be the length of that song

Time to copy paste a bunch of times.

>> No.2586639

Actually, with a recent change to OpenRCT2, it should be the length of your song.

>> No.2586643

>le epic giving the D philosopher man

>> No.2586656

I thought that meant it wouldn't loop

>> No.2586668

No, scratch that, it seems like it's just looping at the filesize of the original song. There's probably code somewhere else that's preventing it then.

>> No.2586725

>all of the hardcoded limits will be removed
Praise the heavens

>> No.2586736
File: 546 KB, 1030x796, trains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These trains are way too close to each other.

>> No.2586778

Minecart rides should only have 1 train friend.

>> No.2587183

Is it cheating to use 8cars to warp time ahead a year because i dont want to wait an hour for the end of the next year to beat the scenario?

Big Pier is extremely basic anyways.

>> No.2587184


>> No.2587186

I had 700 guests at the end of year 1, and the requirement was 600 at the end of year 2. Pretty much the entire park was filled with rides by the time September rolled around.

>> No.2587220


>> No.2587263
File: 50 KB, 500x375, 1437256327148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look at that screenshot you posted for a while and tell me why

>> No.2587290

This is an interesting scenario, you start out with absolutely nothing, not even a single ride or stall, and you have to research your first ride. Goal is 2mil park value.

I started with Motion Simulators, what's the max i can price these? I got them at $5.

>> No.2587294
File: 160 KB, 1019x763, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic once again.

>> No.2587295

What scenario?

>> No.2587339
File: 178 KB, 1021x763, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Researched a Magic Carpet for more variety, and a Spiral Slide to get money out of those that can't afford the $6.50 I charge for Motion Sims. At the very least it means a little more profit. Only employee is a lone janitor, putting off hiring a mechanic as long as I can. Going to research a couple shops.

Ex Nihilo Park, I think it's in one of the scenario packs

>> No.2587369

The only janitor keeps walking into queues and walking between the same 3 squares, never leaving until I forcefully remove him. Is there a way to fix this outside of removing patrol?

Researched first stall, which was a bathroom.

>> No.2587374

Scratch that, even if I remove patrol he does it.

>> No.2587396
File: 186 KB, 1021x767, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what the park looks like after one year. Finally out of the red, but the peeps refuse to pay $6.50 after about 5 months or so, meaning I have to replace them.

If you guys don't want me filling up the thread with this shit, just tell me

>> No.2587405

Eh, keep going. Entertainment is better than nothing.

>> No.2587416
File: 162 KB, 1016x585, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First food stall is a Pretzel Stall. At least this means no litter for now, but I gotta get a drink stall of some sort as fast as possible.

No real incentive to expand the park so far, due to only 3 rides

>> No.2587435
File: 242 KB, 1019x767, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a Lemonade Stall now, that'll take care of the shops for now, might research an Information Kiosk eventually for that sweet umbrella money.

Made a drowning pit for bad guests, with this much money I think i can afford to buy up some more land, maybe place a couple more motion sims

>> No.2587457
File: 310 KB, 800x600, SCR38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to do a Movie themed coaster

>> No.2587471
File: 435 KB, 1023x763, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't put it off forever, had to hire a mechanic on May year 2.

Going to research a coaster soon, wasn't able to get it in time before the game started researching another ride. Here's hoping it's something good like a Launched Freefall

>> No.2587478
File: 1 KB, 156x72, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2587481

can you buy land?

>> No.2587485
File: 2.87 MB, 720x405, gg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to get out of Maze
>Maze was great!

>> No.2587487
File: 268 KB, 1019x767, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Placed three of these bad boys down as fast as I could, priced at 10 bucks a ride. Might even plop down 3 more.

You start with 1 square of land, and all land is $33

>> No.2587491

Also the first coaster researched, a Virginia Reel. I'll skip out on this one.

>> No.2587519
File: 278 KB, 1011x767, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to research a Cash Machine so I can squeeze even more money out of guests. Souvenir Stall is no Information Kiosk, but it'll do. Once it starts raining, I'm gonna be rich.

Launched Freefalls are putting in some SERIOUS work, I'll be able to build a decent coaster once something without spinning cars appears.

>> No.2587548
File: 400 KB, 1015x761, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up researching a Drink Stall. Thanks for nothing game.

Went ahead and bought a ton of land, essentially doubling the size of the park, to stick a premade Spinning Wild Mouse on. In the middle of typing up this post a Wooden Wild Mouse was researched, so I went ahead and placed three Mouse Boxes, fairly priced at $5 a ride. There'll be time for creativity later.

>> No.2587550

>no pool on the roof
>no rides that take advantage of the height


>> No.2587554

up the game speed (you can go up to 4x speed) with openrct and then go back to vanilla when ur done

>> No.2587557

Is OpenRCT stable now? Last time I regularly posted here it was just starting out.

>> No.2587560

There is a stable version available. The recent unstable bulds seem to fuck with the guest Ai.

>> No.2587574

The game is insistent on giving me every variation of the Wild Mouse.

>> No.2587587
File: 178 KB, 1019x773, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I'm just researching whatever. Three of those Motion Sims are going to be going once I get something else.

>> No.2587732
File: 415 KB, 1280x720, Game is hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the 15x15, does it need to have min/max of 15?

>> No.2587774

Max is 15x15, you can have any size equal or below that

>> No.2587865
File: 15 KB, 304x408, 126879694568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw having every single piece of scenery and every ride available

>> No.2587871

Luna Park

>> No.2587875

The cash machine will take a while to research. I was a 3000 guests when I got it.

>> No.2587884
File: 52 KB, 386x249, 1410139058879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2587964


Very Scenic, Aye....

>> No.2588004
File: 21 KB, 686x514, SCR18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally safe to leave the train now, friends :^)

>> No.2588006
File: 166 KB, 1858x1057, SCR19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't mean to quote
also, sanic speed monorail

>> No.2588014

Tis a shame that structually that building would be collapsing with that corner piece missing.

>> No.2588018
File: 736 KB, 1280x717, Luna Mid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started that one with just a fucking toilet built because I didn't realise that I had to research ANYTHING.

I built the most beautiful toilet the world had ever seen.

Imagine this but without al the other rides.

>> No.2588023

ha, IRA jokes

>> No.2588025

Do the people actually queue for the Toilet?

>> No.2588165


>> No.2588228
File: 211 KB, 1280x768, SCR17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post spaghetti

>> No.2588292
File: 22 KB, 529x342, SCR20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw "Guest Favorite" is missing in OpenRCT
why tho

>> No.2588296
File: 694 KB, 1280x720, Intro stages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an idea to make all the stages of Rayman 2, with different coasters or whatever.

Here are the first few


>> No.2588304

>those ratings
this is turning me on

>> No.2588305
File: 614 KB, 1280x720, Ssssssssam!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2588307
File: 679 KB, 1280x720, Bayou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2588309
File: 639 KB, 1280x720, Ly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The scenery is not super impressive yet but I wanna really get going on Sanctuary of Water & Ice

Any fun ideas for the later stages?

>> No.2588331

Nice Rayman references nerd

>> No.2588382

... really?

>> No.2588385

That little start helix is neat as fuck

>> No.2588419

you are such a fucking artist, welcome.

I would splurge out about how accurate those are to those stages (massive rayman 2 fan myself) but i believe I would be deviating. just know the first 2 "levels" look ass but bayou and marsh look fantastic imo, keep going

>> No.2588420

FUCK, meant to call you an autist, now I seem like a suck up...

>> No.2588421
File: 58 KB, 1399x856, plunge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2588527
File: 42 KB, 480x336, why-cant-we-have-both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2588539

>do this with a water slide
>make a single open (i.e. non-enclosed) bump at the bottom

>> No.2588540


This looks great but you really need to work on fixing the actual mountain so that it looks more natural. Those giant flat sides really could use some proper slopage.

>> No.2588608


'Name it Double Dragon and it'll do.

>> No.2588610
File: 145 KB, 239x270, 1405778688259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on ride photo right before the brakes

>> No.2588617

>what is popularity

>> No.2588624

Nope, not the same.

>> No.2588678

>those paths
bad start, son

>> No.2588703
File: 473 KB, 1920x1080, SCR39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2588718
File: 5 KB, 209x241, aretha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wide paths

>> No.2588724



>> No.2588809

>using manlet-tier paths

>> No.2588816

Yeah I'm starting to notice it was a bad idea. I got money onhand now, so I'll fix it up when I start playing again.

>> No.2588847

>I've never played RCT2

>> No.2589036
File: 6 KB, 282x178, relax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /comfy/ here?

>> No.2589041
File: 168 KB, 1280x768, SCR4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2589078
File: 170 KB, 478x207, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2589142
File: 34 KB, 217x216, ss+(2015-08-05+at+01.18.53).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's too crowded here
>the scenery sucks
>I paid too much for this shitty balloon
>Launched Freefall 1 looks too intense for me
>I can't find the exit
>my feet hurt

>> No.2589148
File: 68 KB, 680x682, 1330556472419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>my feet hurt

>> No.2589164
File: 207 KB, 787x470, WeeRoot Flyers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post kiddie coasters

>> No.2589267
File: 303 KB, 1364x638, Caesar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.2589272
File: 751 KB, 1920x1080, SCR40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got beat by a $2000 piece of shit

>> No.2589386

>1 minute, 4 seconds

>> No.2589398
File: 290 KB, 1024x768, SCR99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2589402

Is that whole park woodies?

>> No.2589405


>> No.2589414

circuits son

>> No.2589545

Post space-themed parks

Need some ideas for mine

>> No.2589565
File: 46 KB, 1003x510, Baby-Shaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2589573
File: 48 KB, 468x351, russian grinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2589582
File: 57 KB, 586x438, 1438212579366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 8.11 Intensity
How in the fuck?

>> No.2589587
File: 1.04 MB, 504x447, SUPERFAST JELLYFISH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2589598
File: 342 KB, 1273x1585, Columbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this awhile ago.

>> No.2589618

Do you guys know of a way to unlock just an atm or add it to the RCT1 scenarios?

>> No.2589643
File: 527 KB, 1030x796, space area.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space-themed area in a large park.

>> No.2589652

in openrct2 you can add anything to any scenario through the console

"open object_selection"

then close the console with ~

>> No.2589653

did the train make it back to the station on time for breakfast?

>> No.2589659

you can open console through ~ as well if you can't find it in the menus

>> No.2589662

Hmm, I wonder if it's possibe to make a giant rocket off of the back of a Tower launcher that doesn't look like ass.

>> No.2589694
File: 626 KB, 1273x696, rct4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my attempt at making a suspended swinging coaster with at least marginally rideable stats (E>I and Nausea < 9), and I gave it some weak "mars colony" theming with the tiny selection of default scenery in the scenario.

>> No.2589704

thats awesome for a swinging coaster. the scenery is simple, but i think it all goes together well, even the monorail fits imo.

>> No.2589717
File: 126 KB, 1739x724, Antfarm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a thing 2x15

The equation for g-forces seems to be something like (g-force intensity * duration) = intensity. So i assume because its so short it doesn't drive it high enough up.

>> No.2589721

well fuck, that is clever

>> No.2589727

god damn

>> No.2589756

how did you get the land to be like that?

>> No.2589772

If you look closely, you can see that they're just scenery pieces that look like land.

>> No.2589774

There's a bunch of objects that look like various ground pieces. So you need to build it up, its a pain. You can get them from this post.


>> No.2589790

How far apart do you space your restrooms? I try to keep at least 2 on my screen at all times but there are still so many people who need to go to the restroom. Really wanting that best restrooms award.

>> No.2589904

Can you repost the original of this? I didn't get a chance to save it from the last thread.

>> No.2589907
File: 384 KB, 2447x940, FLAOT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.2589909
File: 52 KB, 700x466, laughing clams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2589925

That looks great, cool name too.

>> No.2589929
File: 625 KB, 3750x2917, 1369113939074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks homie

Alright, so I was out of town for the last few days and had to save the submissions to my phone, but I couldn't get the names of a few people from the last thread. I'll post a list of the coasters that I'm missing names from, and if you could reply claiming your creation that would be great. Any that are still unaccounted for will be credited as Anonymous.

Cave Explorer
The Forgotten Keep
Prison Escape
Barf Mountain
This is a thing

Also just a reminder that the contest is still open until the end of this thread. Thank you and good luck!

>> No.2589930
File: 379 KB, 1293x906, SCR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always feel proud of myself when I come up with a decent name. Really like this one for some reason.

>> No.2589954

Expanded the park for once I actually get more rides, deleted a couple Motion Sims. Really just waiting on a selection of coasters now.

>> No.2589956

it's kind of interesting how you used 8cars to make all the rides invisible but idk it seems kinda hard to play like that

>> No.2589958
File: 94 KB, 1025x765, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell

>> No.2589970

how is this done? The caves and such

>> No.2589975

I think you're thinking i'm someone else

>> No.2589976

Or you missed the joke.

>> No.2589979

It's late, so i did

>> No.2589989
File: 479 KB, 1293x906, SCR5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the money printiest coaster type? Only realized how how many trains Verticals can have on rotation compared to other types which have maybe 2-3 trains.

>> No.2589997
File: 106 KB, 534x716, good old break seat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The triggersrct2tools guy hasn't answered my mail yet, but I found something:
Any ideas on how to edit the sounds? I guess I could ask /g/'s stupid questions thread if I need to.

>> No.2590009
File: 45 KB, 1780x153, css1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have tried importing it to audacity earlier.
It's still deformed, maybe I chose the wrong frequency but I can identify some sounds in there.

>> No.2590012
File: 1.02 MB, 1281x802, Launch HQ 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my very first collab entry.

>> No.2590015

Did you import the css1.dat into audacity?
I'll try, too. maybe wen can figure something out.

>> No.2590016
File: 739 KB, 1291x833, [Profiting Intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory reply.

>> No.2590023

Choose "Effekt" then "Tempo/Ronhöhe ändern" and set it to -50%

Signed 16-bit PCM, Little Endian was the way I imported it, you probably did, too. It's the default.

>> No.2590024

Yep as raw data. 22050Hz
I guess the main problem is that I can't export it to the original format.

>> No.2590026

> set it to -50%
I guess that does the same as setting the frequency to 22050Hz

>> No.2590030

Try exporting it as "andere unkomprimierte Dateien" > WAV 16-bit PCM and rename it to .dat
I'ts worth a try.

>> No.2590031

no. Try it to export as "RAW (header-less)". and probably 16-bit PCM.

>> No.2590041

I could try that
can't find that option

>> No.2590046

results in sound driver error.

>> No.2590054

That option is also under "andere unkomprimierte Dateien"

>> No.2590065

Minecart Madness is mine

>> No.2590068
File: 21 KB, 508x429, andere unkomprimierte Dateien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selecting "andere unkomprimierte Dateien" only leads me to a prompt to add metadata.

>> No.2590071

alright, I found it.

>> No.2590075

And it actually works. Now I only have to edit it and see if it still works.

>> No.2590079


>> No.2590081

Yeah sorry. forgot to mention that you have to click the "Options" button after selecting.

>> No.2590087

Straw Poll: How long have you been on /vr/ct?

I'm interested.

>> No.2590093
File: 349 KB, 1280x720, RCT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to fix this mistake I made on RCT2? The guests are coming onto the map in completely the wrong place, I must have accidentally clicked there when making the map. I've tried converting save to a scenario the editing the scenario but it hasn't worked. I'm seriously starting to doubt there is a way but any help would be welcome.

>> No.2590105
File: 290 KB, 1151x867, 1398526672392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting early work
Cut out the Toilet flush. Worked nicely. I guess I gotta be carfull though. The spikes between the sounds are probably important

>> No.2590114

For the least amount of effort, Corkscrews that only have a half loop for track, and nothing else. Extremely easy to afford, fits almost anywhere, zero effort, and it prints money. It's nowhere near as much of a moneymaker as your pic is, but for low effort, it's the way to go.

>> No.2590120


Searching for the very first pic I ever posted in one of these threads, reveals to me that this was the first time I came to /vr/ct/.

>> No.2590125
File: 226 KB, 821x703, Shot0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish all these cool track pieces for the Bobsled would be available in RCT2

>> No.2590137
File: 442 KB, 1236x893, Shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2590193
File: 130 KB, 546x707, devased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it doesn't actually work. The game starts up and works nicely but all the sounds in css1.dat are gone even if I cut nothing out. I just didn't notice it at first.

>> No.2590197
File: 527 KB, 1591x959, SCR21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP Alpine resort.
Any recommendations for attractions which fit into this theming?

>> No.2590202
File: 41 KB, 304x174, ouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2590209

bump for this guy's problem >>2590093

>> No.2590213

keep your heads down, kids!

>> No.2590225

Thanks, bumping again

>> No.2590420

>tfw no one rates my coaster

>> No.2590439

What do entertainers do in RCT2? I've always wondered about this. I know they walk around and shit but do they have a purpose? Do they make guests happier?

>> No.2590440

>Do they make guests happier?
Yes. Also happy guests are more likely to spend money on merchandise.

>> No.2590470

Any takers on this?

>> No.2590473

Keep guests happy so they won't wreck your lampposts/bins/benches. Also they buy more things.

Entertainers in queue lines stop guests from wanting to leave too, as it keeps them distracted.

>> No.2590493
File: 11 KB, 1592x134, Wonderland-Demolition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How Australians demolish their coasters.

>> No.2590635


>Calling a coaster "... Mountain"
>Built on flat ground.

>> No.2590661
File: 6 KB, 928x87, fun times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually a cool storry

>> No.2590674

The format is signed 16-bit little endian @ 22,050 hz. Import/export it as such.

What are you trying to do?

>> No.2590712

Getting rid of disturbing sounds like the toilet flush for recording a video of the no borders collab.
latest post is >>2590193
Thanks for the info I'll look into it.

>> No.2590756


iirc this came up here not very long ago.

>> No.2590762

Finally fixed the guest AI on OpenRCT

>Guests now actually seek out the best rides
>Guests now actually look to fix their needs
>They search food stores when hungry
>They search bathrooms when they need to go

Its beautiful

>> No.2590770

The only way I think would work is to open the file as a landscape in the scenario editor and change it there.

>> No.2590774
File: 418 KB, 720x408, korra-point.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You trying to trick me?

>> No.2590780

>iirc this came up here not very long ago.
Yea I posted it, but the link describing the format 404d. But combined with what I learned about it in the meantime I might manage to do it.

>> No.2590796

Don't shoot your load just yet. There are still bugs (namely, the original one where guests congregate in an area with bad path layout), but it's a lot better than it was in previous builds.

>> No.2590816

It was funny to see 201 guests "heading to Bathroom 2" for a couple minutes, but as >>2590796 said, it can still be better.

>> No.2590840

To >>2590093:

You have an answer: >>2590770

>> No.2590927
File: 1.39 MB, 480x360, Happy guy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it actually worked, for real this time.
Unless I got my counting wrong and muted the wrong sounds but as far as I hear it works.

>> No.2591001

What did you exactly do to get it working?`

>> No.2591009

Now they only need to see transport rides as such. that would be my dream. To build nothing but a chairlift/railroad, no paths. And the people would not get stuck, they just use the transport rides.

>> No.2591017

Followed https://www.reddit.com/r/rct/comments/10wh21/2_muting_those_infernal_toilets/
taking the sound list from http://tid.rctspace.com/css1dat.html (starting at "lift 1" as 1)
Listening to the imported file with audacity to make sure the list is correct (it is but I think some sounds are missing at the end)

>> No.2591145
File: 1.07 MB, 2111x2222, Alpine Center.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, no real fitting rides to make a Ski Resort.

>> No.2591169

You don't look to have any real ski slopes.

>> No.2591202
File: 1.62 MB, 2492x1646, Contest 2 - The Last Wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made "This is a thing"

Also 2nd submission - The Last Wizard (of the Century) - Multi-Dimension Coaster.

>> No.2591319

Guess I'll put my name on mine

>> No.2591335

You could convert it into a scenario, it looks like a good starter game for other players (almost official even)

>> No.2591470
File: 756 KB, 1598x1002, Brave New World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/ct!

I've wanted to make a flying coaster, but didn't really know how to make it work. (I was listening to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVNFSFqGmL4)), and I got the idea of soaring around and through vividly-colored scenery. The colored "wireframe" beams are meant to be like portions of futuristic roads (think along the lines of Tron or something.)

This is merely a rough draft, the ground texture will obviously be changed, and the scenery will be tweaked, but if you want to r8/h8/etc, be my guests!

Also, for those interested, the stats are:
E: 7.64
I: 7.71
N: 7.37

>> No.2591474

I like your style. Keep us updated, also those are pretty nice stats for a flying coaster.

>> No.2591475


Thanks, and will do!

>> No.2591575

tfw never had the chance to go to wonderland. tfw all we have now are 2 shitty luna parks, movieworld with only 2 decent rides, sea world without the one good fucking ride it had and an actually somewhat decent waterpark.

I've never been to dreamworld

>> No.2591686
File: 1011 KB, 1850x1081, Brave New World (2nd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2591470 again.

I've been working on the aforementioned tweaks, and scenery updates. I'm a little hesitant on the direction I went after the 1st picture, so I saved this as an alternate design. Stats are included in the picture this time!

>> No.2591726

The scenery is pretty trippy, but that's a damn good flyer layout. Good stuff.

>> No.2591745

The colorful glass panes are OK, but that latticework stuff needs to go. It's like looking at pure cancer.

>> No.2591980

Seems.. Pretty good now.

>> No.2592185
File: 194 KB, 1129x528, niggas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder

>> No.2592258

>the brown one is a nigger
well duh

>> No.2592290

The creator of the game is ashamed of you. He really is

>> No.2592327

Was about to post exactly this for the guy making the flyer. You want the roll to go in the opposote direction as the banking.

>> No.2592328

take your shitposting to /pol/ or /v/.

>> No.2592340
File: 21 KB, 480x600, 5eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2592347
File: 338 KB, 845x846, SCR53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shitposting and help me name my crappy impulse coaster. Also h8/r8.

>> No.2592363

the double ended dragon dildo

>> No.2592382
File: 16 KB, 400x310, 9d90ce4f9e1f71ba6683e03d8c0a0bd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grimace: Ride of steel

>> No.2592383
File: 174 KB, 1492x1041, SCR25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2592421

No RCT 3 option, fuck you.

>> No.2592429
File: 153 KB, 611x544, helixes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom lel

>> No.2592430

Now do it without brakes

>> No.2592437
File: 31 KB, 300x200, OMG SO EXCITED CANT WAIT TO PICK UP NEW PASSENGERS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2592474

Funny thing is, that might actually be pretty cool to ride, as long as you're the one sitting on the left.



>> No.2592587
File: 51 KB, 471x467, glorious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a spiral coaster, there is no sitting left or right.

>> No.2592682

I have this weird desire to actually ride a Toboggan coaster. Same with TOGO stand-ups. Is there any other suicide ride I should be aware of?

>> No.2592708
File: 71 KB, 598x398, are you feeling it now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool & fresh comes to mind. That one made it into RCT3. I think it was in one of the expansions. Wild! If i had to guess.

>> No.2592709
File: 244 KB, 1280x1021, deathawaits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2592710
File: 66 KB, 448x612, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or the other one someone posted some time ago.

>> No.2592715
File: 162 KB, 297x314, pacpanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that loop

>> No.2592717
File: 23 KB, 369x302, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the fun part.

>> No.2592735

I have RCT2+expansions from GOG. Am I getting anything new or interesting aside from crashes and bugs if I download OpenRCT?

>> No.2592740
File: 652 KB, 975x680, lumberjack falls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2592741


Also you don't lose anything. You can still play your default RCT2

>> No.2592758

absolute sex

>> No.2592759

That overhang looks so fucking painful. why do they build stuff like this?

>> No.2592775
File: 980 KB, 1296x792, ventolin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many thanks.

>> No.2592793

Novelty, anon. They build it just so they can say they did it.

>> No.2592814

Field Goal

>> No.2592837

Are there any maps that are based on space stations, or just generally in spess?

>> No.2592851

Move along grayshirt.

>> No.2592854

So RCT1 it is.
Could someone with RCT1 upload their css17.dat?
Also, Continue voting.

>> No.2592857

Joke's on you

I wear purple and yellow

>> No.2592921

will do if I can find it.

>> No.2592928


there you go.

>> No.2592948


>> No.2592950

Of course it would be RCT1, you're not hosting a funeral, are you?

>> No.2592959
File: 1.38 MB, 2159x1320, SCR54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, finally done with my 15x15. Took me like 10 tries to build something that did not feel forced. More or less turned into a mini collab spot.

That bump mid-hill look kinda dangerous, like the boats would fly of if it were not for the magic of RCT. Other than that, cozy as fugg :DD

Thanks for the ideas, while I love me some Dragon Dildos the thing actually looks like a field goal. Might have to do some recolouring however.

>> No.2592968

Looks great, and nice stats, too.

>> No.2592992
File: 159 KB, 2400x960, lumberjack-falls@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that's comfy.

Thanks! It's a recreation of the actual Lumberjack Falls at Wild Waves. In RCT it looks more dangerous than it actually is.

>> No.2593004

you see it in the image, the boat rides on a smooth track, only the water goes over the bump.

>> No.2593006

well not totally smooth, but a lot less wavy than the water

>> No.2593012

Huh. I hadn't noticed that, good eye.

>> No.2593131
File: 819 B, 189x23, ree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2593142

Any possible way for OpenRCT2 in Windows 10?

>> No.2593143

Install Windows 7/8.1.

>> No.2593152

>tfw I lost my snazzy Boardwalk Scenario
It was so lifelike, it had green water, unsafe rides and everything

>> No.2593196
File: 560 KB, 1858x1057, SCR26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living on the edge
>inb4 massive clusterfucks of boats at the station entry

>> No.2593202

RCT2/OpenRCT doesn't work on W10?
Absolutely fucking dropped.

>> No.2593212

what's new in the openrct2 devbuild?

>> No.2593217

Bugs :^)

>> No.2593221


>> No.2593225

Did it fix pathfinding and I just never knew about it?

Also, What's the consensus on food courts in this game?

>> No.2593231

Food courts are aesthetically pleasing, but less efficient than just sprinkling stalls everywhere since peeps don't really give a fuck what or where they eat.

>> No.2593247
File: 319 KB, 1514x750, rct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2593256

You may have a precise spot not covered by your cleaning team, like the exit of a coaster literally covered with vomit and beer cans

>> No.2593276
File: 67 KB, 380x380, no thanks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those food stalls in one spot

>> No.2593284
File: 80 KB, 1296x730, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For me it opens via launcher, runs, shows the command box, then crashes.

What do

>> No.2593290

Use the openrct2.com no launcher master race version, not the pig disgusting launcher version.

>> No.2593294

>information kiosk with one access point

>> No.2593306
File: 45 KB, 504x347, god damn i love learning how to read instructions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This PC\Documents\OpenRCT2\config.ini

>> No.2593345

How long does it take to get the logs back to the station. I'm assuming there's a station that lets them off at the bottom.

>> No.2593449

Damn, I want to create a scenario, but I autism too hard trying to make everything look good that's outside the park. what do

>> No.2593456

This is neat. Seems a bit sparse though, maybe some sort of plantlife can make that hill look less barren?

I do like it a lot though.

>> No.2593462
File: 2 KB, 300x300, PathMidwayWithIrregularCulDeSacs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So based on this, you should make all your Cul De Sacs face the BACK of the park?

>> No.2593492
File: 1.77 MB, 2560x1440, rct2-1440p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /1440p/ here

>> No.2593502

720p master race
And yes I have a 1440p monitor, but having everything in-game that small is fucking painful to play. OpenRCT should really implement some kind of pixel scaling feature for people with large monitors.

>> No.2593517

Or provide a loop or path back to the park frontage.

>> No.2593556

>OpenRCT should really implement some kind of pixel scaling feature for people with large monitors.
Play in fullscreen? Or use magnifier?

>> No.2593569

Is there a list of planned features for OpenRCT?

I'm fairly new to it. I hope they address the map size/guest limit at some point so I can finally realize my childhood dream.

>> No.2593572


whats your dream anon?

>> No.2593580

Pixel scaling would be great, OpenRA has it.

>> No.2593583
File: 65 KB, 262x199, 1431160973629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking hyped for the tibsun mod

>> No.2593584
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x723, OpenRA Nuke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right

>> No.2593604

I... I prefer ra2

>> No.2593606

leave this place

never return

>> No.2593614


I always wanted to build a massive park with zones decorated to each of the themes of the game. Every time I tried on the largest map size all of the zones would be too small to fit all my ideas without encroaching on another zone and the ~4,200 guest limit was way too small for the grand park I had in mind. I ultimately imagine having at least 10-15 times the map space of the largest possible map in RCT2 with a possibility of 50,000 guests. I have a great computer now why couldn't it handle that?

If Open RCT can solve these map size and guest limit issues I would pay money to whatever wizards are coding this shit from scratch.

>> No.2593617

I prefer ra2 as well.

The original was just kind of eh. Still better than 3, though.

>> No.2593642

When making a scenario, how much should scenery be taken into account inside park limits? I already have a general idea of what I want the park dimensions to look like, and general "challenges" I could employ. But I get lost when planning things like the entrance and everything outside those challenges.

>> No.2593654
File: 518 KB, 1363x647, scr8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing something horribly wrong here with my paths to cause this or is it just normal and comes with the fact that I have above 1000 peeps in the park?

>> No.2593656

Pretty sure the hard limits will be quite possible to remove. Especially the scenery and guest limits.

>> No.2593669
File: 54 KB, 338x185, Screenshot_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better angle

>> No.2593723

Looks alright. You could get rid of the planters and put more paths down, maybe that will spread them out a little.

>> No.2593747

just change the minimum wait time for trains to leave the staition

>> No.2593760

I just want overbanked turns

>> No.2593762

So what if it breaks down while one is still doing laps and the other is in the station

>> No.2593770
File: 23 KB, 279x440, for_real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use openrct2 just to disable brake failures

>> No.2593793

That's why you design coasters to enter the station at 29mph or lower. Crashes happen at 30+

>> No.2593809

>He hacks a game to make it easier.

>> No.2593839

>putting the entrances at the business end of the station
You've learned well.

>> No.2593842
File: 10 KB, 270x250, angrygoofy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to try out openRCT
>want to be able to make parks with lots of guests
the struggle is real

>> No.2593887

>Downloading the MEGA RCT2 file from the OP
>the % Keeps hitting 30, and then going DOWN

>> No.2593909

I will, soon. First I get a comfy 1200p 16:10 screen and then a 1440p one

>> No.2593910

Even better. now it hits 8% and auto resets

>> No.2593913

i bet there are other ways to get this game

>> No.2593919

Do you have a Cache limit for your browser? Since Mega downloads the files into the cache and then hands them over to download

>> No.2593920

Hm. How would I check this?

>> No.2593980

Is the /vr/CT site abandoned or something? Just about everything in the DL section is ded

>> No.2593984

I don't think it's finished.

>> No.2593987

Just wondering, because all the anonfiles links are dead + MBAM freaks out whenever I click on them, but I assume that's a false positive

>> No.2594032

Tiberian Sun is love, Tiberian Sub is life.

>> No.2594036

>Tiberian Sub

>> No.2594038

I just woke up, cut me some slack.

>> No.2594079
File: 7 KB, 316x187, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit i can get away with this

>> No.2594082
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>> No.2594087

I also have three Launced Freefalls at 10 bucks a ride

>> No.2594091

Brake failures are almost fucking impossible to prevent, I don't think it's a big deal if he disables it.

>> No.2594098

>cheating on a game as easy as rct2

There are several ways to prevent any bad consequences through good coaster design.

>> No.2594101

think it's about time the 15x15 contest gets wrapped up?

the entries seem to have dried up

>> No.2594107

We're less than 100 posts from a new thread, just hold on anon.

>> No.2594112
File: 27 KB, 240x232, d27fc87e26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do I even get started with openRCT? should I just use the release or are the developer branches stable enough and feature-heavy enough to make them preferable?

>> No.2594138
File: 716 KB, 1262x915, rct1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played RCT1 for a bit today. Not played it in a while, here's what I got just before the objective was completed.

>> No.2594142

maaaan, i hate being uncreative

>> No.2594152

>Space Rings

Why are these the worst ride on earth?

>> No.2594160

Something I never got;
Are the queue line TVs useful to keep the guests happy or are they just decorative?

>> No.2594186
File: 113 KB, 456x628, 1406251713868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 washrooms in a row

>> No.2594187

I kind of like the aesthetic tbh

>> No.2594191

they help

>> No.2594198

It would work better if it were 2, but 3 just makes you look like you're pandering to trans or familys

>> No.2594201

Love that woodie and the idea to put several bathrooms in a row is neat.

>> No.2594223

Hey /vr/ct. I made a time lapse of my attempt at Lunatim's Ex Nihilo park. Not tried a time lapse before but it was fun.

Things didn't go too well and the place stagnated as guests ran out of money.


Nothing impressive, just thought I'd share my shitty attempt.

>> No.2594231

Why does it end after 3 minutes? did you give up?

>> No.2594237

Yeah. All guests couldn't find places to buy food, even though I had shops. All the guests had no money on them and started complaining, and then I tried closing the park to get rid of the poor guests and re-open it but when I opened it no guests came back and the poor ones never even left.

Also I was recording at 1080p and 60fps and the file was gunna be HUGE because thats like 2 hours of gameplay right there.

>> No.2594246

i liked it! i'd say go for it again if ou can

>> No.2594250

I will, really fun. I will try a different scenario maybe, a native RCT2 or RCT1 scenario maybe, I'm a bit rusty.

>> No.2594253

i can't imagine its fast. i'd say do that rct1 scenario with the pyramid and mine coaster

>> No.2594257

Can block sections prevent brake failure crashes?

>> No.2594259
File: 776 KB, 1309x1017, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you should say, guess what I am playing right now. (not recording)

>> No.2594260

No. Just set up your ride to enter the station at 29 or slower

>> No.2594261
File: 2.69 MB, 200x200, 1438077376531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not recording

>> No.2594262

Why? Do they have bad stats? I never really check the EIN stats on rides without build mode.

>> No.2594264

How do I git gud at making rides

>> No.2594267

Why don't they prevent crashes? Pretty stupid tbh, because that's what they're for. At least to some degree

>> No.2594268

>that long-ass twist queue
It's like you want angry guests

>> No.2594270

I was referring specifically to station crashes. Block Brakes by design prevent crashes throughout the course because only one train can be in a section at a time

>> No.2594271

Yes, yes they can. If we're still talking RCT2 that is.


>> No.2594273

i flubbed and thought station crashes

>> No.2594276

Well, block breaks are not affected by any break failures.

>> No.2594278

never in my 10+ years of playing RCT2 have I had a station brakes failure crash on a block braked coaster

>> No.2594281

For a "gentle" ride they have nausea ratings higher than a lot of coasters, and under 2 excitement

>> No.2594301

I'm going to do an update push this weekend with better hosted links, now that it's actually on my own web server

>> No.2594306

You got any plans for scenario? Maybe Dinky park or Dusty Greens?

>> No.2594308

Good to hear! I was kind of annoyed that literally every link posted didn't work in one way or another for me. The game itself wouldn't DL because mega was acting up, and all the anon files were removed. Luckily, I found some reddit thread where all the links I wanted were saved

>> No.2594327
File: 2.31 MB, 813x1852, Silver Road.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last minute 15x15 contest entry!

I went on a spontaneous road trip with my mother and my grilfriend to Norway this week. We took the "SIlver Road" route through the mountains. The scenery there was incredible, so I decided to base my coaster on that landscape.

Also, this is the first thing I post on /vr/ct after lurking for some time.

>> No.2594438
File: 93 KB, 600x380, previon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to import cars from GTA San Andreas into RCT3 props? I need more variety in my parking lots.

>> No.2594460

Yeah, I haven't exactly updated it in over a year...

>> No.2594461
File: 3.18 MB, 200x200, 1438351200149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2594585

you win the best question award! unfortunately winning doesnt mean much in this case, as the host has no idea how to answer your question

>> No.2594623

Damn, that's nice.

>> No.2594669

I haven't done it before but i'd imagine it works like this:
You'll most likely need to import it into a 3d modelling package and set up the camera to whatever angle rct uses.
Then render out sprites for each angle, according to whatever conditions rct needs.
You can then package the sprites into an object with RCT2objecteditor.

>> No.2594743
File: 115 KB, 664x568, whats in the box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is talking about RCT3.
If it doesn't need to be the cars from GTA San Andreas I'm sure there are some CSOs for that.
Otherwise watch/read RCT3 CSO creation tutorials. And find a way to get the car models into your 3D software.
Can't spoonfeed, haven't done it.

>> No.2594941
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x720, RCT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my coasters. Am I doing good?

>> No.2594961

How did you manage to get a giga coaster to have such a low excitement rating?

>> No.2594993

does the mega download for RCT 2 in the op include open rct? or do i still need to add that?

>> No.2595135

It doesn't include it, mainly because OpenRCT2 updates so often

>> No.2595143

Damn I wish when OpenRCT is done stuff like the Hypercoaster and Corkscrew Coaster get banked incline curves

>> No.2595187

>tfw I learned I could use those banners to keep the visitors from wandering off into the rest of the fuckhuge empty park.

All those years erasing paths for nothing...

>> No.2595192

Staff ignores them.

>> No.2595203


Speaking of staff, is there a way to make the patrol area smaller?

>> No.2595324

Anyone want to do a collab park?

I'm gonna do a map with some custom scenery pieces.

>> No.2595370

I'm on! iirc custom scenery can be exported together with the save file, right?

>> No.2595372


>> No.2595373

Yeah, it will be.

>> No.2595381
File: 337 KB, 1600x900, SCR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So decided to put my old park on hold for a few, the one with the compact Giga, and I decided to challenge myself to make rides that can only fit in 15x15 spaces. So anything that I can build freely is on the list. So I decided to build Go-Karts for the opening, how did I do? I took inspiration from Kaiser's coaster above and used it for a Go-kart setting.

>> No.2595387

hidden terrain?

>> No.2595389

The entrance sticking through a hole in the roof looks REALLY dumb.

>> No.2595407

Yeah, I agree with you there, wasn't really sure, how to mask the entrance to be honest.

>> No.2595414

Could just make that section of room taller?

>> No.2595435

They need to fix that shit in OpenRCT ASAP. Entrance and Exit should have the same height as the Station. It always bothered me how tall the Entrance is. You always have to build XBOXHUEG houses to not have the entrance stick out at the top.

>> No.2595442
File: 293 KB, 1600x900, SCR3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, that's the underground view, Also I fixed the issue with entrance issue.

>> No.2595448

>the bounding box of the entrance should be the same as the exit, never mind the fact that visually it's taller! fuck physics!
Just disable clearance checks.

>> No.2595454

Probably best Go kart size. Can't wait to see your 15x15 Golf course.

>> No.2595462

Where did I say that? They should just make one new entrance version that is small, to put it inside of scenery.

>> No.2595470

Use the log cabin/space/ice one.

>> No.2595508

I like that the track crosses the waterfall, I wanted to do that with my contest entry, but couldn't find a satisfying way of doing it.

>> No.2595524

>you now remember all those fake RCT cheats that were complete nonsense

This one's my favourite just for the ludicrousness of it:
>Hire Einstein in RollerCoaster Tycoon: To extend your research by leaps and bounds, find Guest #1 and rename him "E=MC2". Then find guest #2 and rename him "E=MC3". The two will meet and begin brainstorming. Shortly thereafter they will ask to be hired on as the park's research developers. Say 'yes' and pour your resources into the think tank. The following year, research and development will have grown by leaps and bounds. You will have all of the latest rides and nearly a billion dollars to spend!

>> No.2595542

"Download openrct2, a totally not keylogging app"

>> No.2595556

I agree -- make a 2x2 section inside the 3x3 part of the roof and raise it up one.

>> No.2595558

is that a BYOSF?

>Double wide

>> No.2595562

multiple wide paths are perfectly fine in RCT2

>> No.2595643
File: 198 KB, 640x375, bootysnatcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me pirates

>> No.2595754
File: 467 KB, 1019x769, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank fucking god, now I can actually research rides

>> No.2595810
File: 486 KB, 1600x900, SCR3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick update on the 15 x 15 Park I'm doing, I've got two rides so far, Go-karts and Rapids. I tried my best to join both rides together so it looks like they were made in a small mountain range, these are the results so far.

>> No.2595813

Call me weird, but I'd watch you play if you actually streamed

>> No.2595821

Haven't had anyone actually say that they'd watch me stream before, I would attempt to stream to see where it went, but I doubt people would watch me sit around for 2 - 3 hours planning out what I do before any actual building of the rides.

>> No.2595857
File: 639 KB, 1920x1080, SCR42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dueling gigas

>> No.2595864
File: 14 KB, 240x320, Absolutely Disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curve in the lifts
>level to steep with a turn in the drop immediately after

>> No.2595868

I just wanted to put something down to take up space

>> No.2595930

dont worry about him, just follow your heart

>> No.2595984

I left for a week and a whole 'nother thread is full. What happened?

>> No.2596103

we all liked posting while you werent here

>> No.2596115
File: 397 KB, 1280x720, 2015-08-07_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone. >>2591470 again.

After working on that flying coaster, I wanted to experiment more with the geometric scenery, and I got the idea to do a futuristic beach setting (Looking at it, it kind of reminds me of MegaMan Battle Network). This is just a little mock-up of what I have in mind. Thoughts?

>> No.2596130
File: 11 KB, 250x236, kronk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it


>> No.2596141


BN3 Blue was my childhood. Well, that, and this.

>> No.2596152

blue, blue moon, colonel, falzar was the only correct version selection

>> No.2596158

You actually just named every version I had. You've got good taste, anon.

>> No.2596182

The area with the toilet will probably be a guest trap.

>> No.2596287

I don't think so, it doesn't look like there's anything in any cardinal direction either way. Time will tell, though.

>> No.2596409

New to these threads, do y'all generally wait until page 9 or something before making threads?

>> No.2596412

usually until page 10

>> No.2596416

sounds good. I really should be playing the damn game though. Maybe it'll get those creative juices flowing If I stop playing Forest Frontiers

>> No.2596624

quick, what should my first buy be?

>> No.2596646

Build a Roller Coaster there and call it blood dragon

>> No.2596663


>> No.2596802

Literally nothing wrong with FF.

>> No.2596878
File: 468 KB, 1280x768, SCR18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really isn't for the contest, I just made it for the fun of it.
And even if I wanted to I couldn't enter it because of a weird piece of land jutting out in the back of it.

>> No.2596881

that's the best impulse I've seen

>> No.2597007

this is really cool

>> No.2597064

That is a very accurate reproduction. I live in Auburn, which is pretty close to that Wild Waves, so I did a double take. The cool thing about that bridge is that you get your shit splashed when a cart comes down.

>> No.2597089

Huddling on the bridge waiting for the splash is half the fun of Lumberjack Falls. I've never had a bad experience with that ride.

>> No.2597281
File: 42 KB, 500x353, risk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back into RTC.
Doing all the scenarios i never got to do when I was a kid. 1st and second expansion.
Looking at the shit you guys are making is pissing me off.
I wish I was this artistic.

>> No.2597334
File: 1.47 MB, 3552x2248, frankenstein2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait till you see new elements

>> No.2597338


>> No.2597343
File: 464 KB, 1280x768, SCR19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one.
These are actually fun to do.

>> No.2597360

what do you mean with new elements? like mods for scenery?

>> No.2597369

New Elements is a site for people who can't make good looking RCT scenery without a trainer and a clusterfuck of custom assets, and who treat RCT as a pixel art program instead of just using a fucking pixel art program.

>> No.2597374

pretty nice

>> No.2597419
File: 686 KB, 866x1399, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its okay anon. just show me on this doll where new elements touched you.

>> No.2597502
File: 228 KB, 736x602, 1747483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2597519

Unf. Cozy.

>> No.2597708

New thread!



>> No.2597808

Rs07 hype?

>> No.2597960

He's right though, NEdesigns is hella autistic, actually they're more "no fun allowed" than he was being