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2588152 No.2588152 [Reply] [Original]

Why did a number of Sega Saturn games never get released outside of Japan?

>> No.2588154

Because just look at it. That's p. gay, yo.

>> No.2588169

Bernie Stolar.

In fairness though most of them were pretty niche and weren't going to sell well enough to warrant bringing them over.

>> No.2588170

Because the Saturn was a commercial flop

>> No.2588175

Sad truth of life is that weeb games don't sell.

>> No.2588183

Amen to that, bud

>> No.2588184

Comparatively tiny install base everywhere else, plus shit NA management of the Saturn meaning it was commercially dead by the time many games came out.

>> No.2588185

Let us not mention the terrible 3D. N64 looks better than that trash.

>> No.2588194

Oh look, a sony fanboy..

>> No.2588196

"We want the spurts audience"

>> No.2588197

I played on N64 and this growing up. I never liked the way either systems' 3D looked at the time, but i put up with it because i was entertained by the 2D library on Saturn and the First-party stuff on the N64

>> No.2588201

I love the sat and he actually has a point. saturn games had no lighting whatsoever

>> No.2588207

Also the prerendered cutscenes on some of the games look distractingly pixelated in certain ports, like symphony of the night

>> No.2588216

This. I know a lot of Saturn fans like to vilify Bernie, but he was mostly right.

>> No.2588438

I'm not sure if he was right, but from the anecdotal reports I heard he was basically brought in to give the Saturn a dignified death and focus on the Dreamcast launch. Even if he wanted to bring in the jap games (which I don't think he wanted to, knowing his stance on jRPGs) I doubt he even had the power to do it. As far as I can tell his hands were tied. And people like to vilify Bernie Stolar but SEGA Europe didn't do jack shit either, and even the Working Designs Localisations didn't make it here. It really just looks like SoJ gave up on the Saturn for the rest of the world and preferred that everyone just focused on the Dreamcast really early.

>> No.2588457

Not disagreeing with you. but not in Japan it wasn't, it was number two there, outselling the N64. And guess why that was, they had the games.
The Saturn also had a terrible launch, particularly in the states. There were lot's of reasons why the Saturn failed in the rest of the world (it did okay in most of Europe though), but at least now we can appreciate the games it has, even if back then it was impossible to know they even existed.

>> No.2588458

He isn't wrong. I mean technically it could do good 3D, but only a handful of wizards could juggle all those processors.

>> No.2588460

SoJ replaced Kalinske with Stolar specifically to kill off Saturn in the US

>> No.2588464

Didn't Kalinske quit?

>> No.2588545

Like Panzer Dragoon.

>> No.2588551

Because the Saturn was selling well in Japan but not the rest of the world.

>> No.2588559

The answer to that is incredibly simple - Sega of America marketed to niggers and white trash, a target audience that was into NBA Jam and Street Fighter, not Final Fantasy.

>> No.2588567

>I know a lot of Saturn fans like to vilify Bernie, but he was mostly right.

Plus, if Sega were truly interested in the Saturn succeeding in America, they could have fired Bernie at any time.

>> No.2588571

Yeah (under duress) and SoJ replaced him with Stolar

>> No.2588575

Panzer Dragoon is a shitty Starfox 64 contender that never saw the light of day from the start.

>> No.2588578

I think he left under duress, but I don't think the stress he was feeling was for him to quit, but just because of the hostile nature of the relationship between SoJ and SoA (which still exists to this day), which would try to undermine SoA every step of the way and work against him. I think he just got bummed out with it and quit, but I don't they were pushing him to resign.

>> No.2588581

Panzer Dragoon was released two years before Star Fox 64.

>> No.2588584

Nobody was into Final Fantasy until VII (and I am counting myself among those nobodies, because face it, we were a niche even in the SNES days). Which, coincidentally enough, was released after Stolar left Sony, and ushered in the golden age of the JRPG at the same time that anime was experiencing a massive boom in popularity in America.

But yeah, Stolar was totally right, Americans didn't want that weeaboo crap.

>> No.2588585

Here's the question: which one became a successful franchise. I thought so.

>> No.2588590

Final Fantasy 7. That takes me back 18 years...

>> No.2588591

Take that back, faggot, Twinbee is amazing.

>> No.2588594

Square's SNES games were pretty successful in North America and they definitely did believe FF VII would be a hit here.

>> No.2588596

Twinbee is alright... just nothing amazing

>> No.2588597

Have you played Yahho? It's honestly a great vert shooter.

>> No.2588609

I doubt anybody committed sudoku over it

>> No.2588614
File: 60 KB, 419x508, 1371457023751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving the goal posts
Your claim that Panzer Dragoon ripped off Star Fox 64 is ridiculous and that's all the other anon was addressing. Not only that the original Star Fox ripped off Space Harrier / Galaxy Force, both SEGA games, which probably ripped off some other early Arcade Game.
And all of these games are good, Star Fox or otherwise, no need to be a weird cultist that still holds on strongly to these weird fucking allegiances to a company.
Chill son, enjoy video juegos.

>> No.2588632

Well fuck you too, faggot.

>> No.2588640
File: 16 KB, 150x206, time to commit sudoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Isao Okawa died of natural causes

>> No.2588650

Panzer Dragoon had three more entries in the main series that were all amazing games while the Star Fox series went downhill after 64. this is some shitty bait

>> No.2588672

Assault was pretty good, and Command was almost perfect were it not for the awkward buttons/stylus layout and time limits.

>> No.2588689

>Why did a number of Sega Saturn games never get released outside of Japan?
This is true of every console though. It's not like we got the Playstation version of Parodius in the US.

>> No.2588693

>Nobody was into Final Fantasy until VII
This just isnt true. Squares games were huge hits on the SNES, with FF3 selling close to a million copies. It was consistently in Nintendo Power's top 10 for a couple years.

>> No.2588818 [DELETED] 

>Why did a number of Sega Saturn games never get released outside of Japan?
Why did your parents never consider the benefits of aborting you?

>> No.2589123


what does weeb game even imply though? japan has released more successful games than America has.

>> No.2589145

What he meant was that weeb games don't sell well outside of Japan, idiot. Aren't you paying any attention to the fucking thread?

>> No.2589173

>Not disagreeing with you. but not in Japan it wasn't, it was number two there, outselling the N64.

It was number one actually (remember: Virtua Fighter 2 was the biggest thing ever at the time), but only for maybe a year, at best two. Then they killed it so they can launch the Dreamcast.

>> No.2589180

There are stories that by 1996 all he was allowed to do was to look out from the window of his office, and that's why he quit.

Good choice, since if he didn't, his career would have had "killing Sega" instead of "making Sega #1".

>> No.2589184

>Panzer Dragoon is a shitty Starfox 64 contender

And Starfox was a shitty Space Harrier clone.

>> No.2592283

Lot of people are gonna blame Stolar but the reality is even if someone more competent were in charge it wouldn't have changed anything because there was way too much infighting between the US and Japanese divisions. Sega of Japan were being really huge cunts during the Saturn's lifespan.

>> No.2592295

I think Stolar was perfectly competent, it's just the unfornate reality that the Saturn had to die if SEGA was going to have any chance at all of surviving. He got the Dreamcast off to an incredible start in the US.

>> No.2592323

>this backtracking

Star Fox is literally just the exact same game over and over. Even Star Fox Zero is just Star Fox 64, AGAIN, with a new coat of pain.

Panzer Dragoon however has one decent game and three fantastic games, then it died a dignified death. It's something Nintendo could really stand to learn from.

>> No.2592325

I like Star Fox a lot but Panzer Dragoon is clearly much, much better. That guy is obviously an upset ignorant fanboy who hadn't even heard of PD before this thread.

>> No.2592335


Not that retard saying Panzer Dragoon is shitty, it's one of my favorite series, but you're dumb to compare it to Star Fox. SF has range sections, and overall different gameplay. Yes, both are on-rail shooters but it's stupid to compare them saying one is better than the other, in the first place.

Zwei and 64 are both masterpieces.

I didn't like Assault and Command that much, but am hyped for Zero, partially because it IS similar to 64, unlike Assault and Command, and partially because Platinum

>> No.2592338

Not /vr/ but I imagine Zero will be awesome. There's a lot of talent behind it. Has Miyamoto had any involvement with Star Fox since 64? Besides making Dinosaur Planet into a SF game?

>> No.2592346

>Here's the question: which one became a successful franchise.
Implying commercial success is anything to do with how good a game is and no just successful marketing. Panzer dragoon dicks all over tard fox 64 which is basically fly paper for man babies.

>> No.2592472

This. Stolars job was building up the Dreamcast, which he did perfectly.

Unfortunately, they shat on an entire console generation in the mean time.

>> No.2592750

what the fuck is with all this bait and shitflinging

Panzer Dragoon is pretty impressive for a launch title. Lots of style, decent visuals. It's capped at 20fps, but it looks honestly nice.
look up panzer dragoon wizard mode

Sega was completely fucked at the time.
Kallinske couldn't do shit, SoJ had a hateboner for SoA, and Stolar didn't give a shit about the Saturn.

also, something like Twinbee sure wasn't coming out over here

>> No.2596120

Saturn > PlayStation

Sony has never had the best console in any generation, only the highest selling. They're like the McDonald's of video games, selling poison garbage to overfed idiots.

>> No.2596174

Being in a Saturn thread isn't an excuse to shit everything up with your hipster opinions.

>> No.2596639

it was a flop everywhere but Japan

>> No.2596671


same reason Bollywood movies don't make it to theaters in the USA... huge gaps in the cultural differences that leave people saying WTF AM I WATCHING.