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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2572813 No.2572813 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any retro games that offer quite as much freedom as Elder Scrolls? I'm aware of the earlier Elder Scrolls titles like Daggerfall, but I'm curious what else might be out there.

>> No.2572817

Monitoring this thread.

Martian Dreams and Savage Empire come to mind as far as being able to steal whatever you want, kill whoever you want, and generally ignore the story line completely as much as you want.

>> No.2572836

>steal whatever you want
Morrowind is hardly a retro game but I remember when I was a kid going at my friend's house and he shows me this game.. start playing and realize you can steal forks and plates and everything.. my mind was blown I was hooked.

>> No.2572839


Come to think of it, I think this is true of Ultima in general. I know you can steal from treasuries and murder NPCs in Exodus and Quest of the Avatar, at least.

>> No.2572874

Same here, only I was mad when it turned out not a lot of places would buy stolen items.

>> No.2572893

I love magic in Morrowind, you can do almost anything. I still can't make myself play a sluggish, boring warrior when an unarmored pure mage is so cool. Add collecting lore books and pretending to be a scholar for best effect.
Unarmored is definitely a skill I miss most in the sequels.

>> No.2574257

Might and Magic 6 is what you want.

>> No.2574292

Wait... didn't MW have like only 3 songs?

>> No.2574385
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It has several. If I'm not mistaken, there are actually a few pieces that are missing from the official soundtrack, maybe because they didn't have a very long runtime in the first place, or maybe because it wouldn't fit to one CD.

>> No.2576272

it has more but vanilla morrowind plays only the same 3 tracks in a row. I hate /v/ for riding the dick of this game so baldly. it really has a lot of glaring flaws like that.

>> No.2576309
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I don't think it's too difficult to eventually become good at everything in Morrowind.

>> No.2576601

I love how the game gives you that wizard feeling. Collecting scrolls, potions and books and putting everything in your Wizard lair, all those special spells to mess around with.

Very few games made me feel like that. And the Mages guild quest line is great too.

>> No.2576918

Am I the only one who never grasped the concept of decorating their houses?

>> No.2577295

Nothing beats Morrowind because if there is a flaw you can fix it very easy.

>> No.2577305


>tfw you can stack chameleon enchantments

My best armor was my set of exquisite clothes with 20% chameleon each. It was like I became a god.

>> No.2577317

I just got sanctuary and laughed as nothing could hit me.

>> No.2577326

That's what I did before I learned I could stack. Sanctuary was fucking based.

What made chameleon great was that if you were at or past 100% nobody would even be alerted unless you talked to them, and they'd forget you were even there when you ended the conversation. You could slaughter entire villages and nobody would bat an eye. It was a massive gamebreaker.

>> No.2577383

Yeah, Morrowind allowed you to do some hilarious gamebreaking shit without exploits. That's why I sometimes gave myself a handicap and played through the entire game wearing bonemould.

>> No.2577419

You basically had to. I'd do a no magic run as a straight-up barbarian to balance things out a little. The sequels fucked magic. Not sure if they had to. Sure, it broke Morrowind, but Christ it was fun discovering new shit.

>> No.2577461
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it just happens accidentally as you acquire more and more loot.

>> No.2577490

Maybe I'm just an oddball for not looting anything I can't sell or use. I've seen some really impressive houses though.

>> No.2577503

>Add collecting lore books and pretending to be a scholar for best effect.
I'm definitely going to do this when I create a new character.

>> No.2578771

Langrisser 2

>> No.2578791

>playing as anything other than a warrior
>playing Morrowind
There are better games in the series, Daggerfall and Oblivion for instance.

>> No.2578873

10/10 would almost reply to a troll post again

>> No.2578974

to answer OP: no, there's nothing like Morrowind.

Let's just have a Morrowind thread.

>> No.2578992

morrowind will be the apex of the series forever.

oblivion had a shot, but the locations are way too drab.

morrowind had so much character.

skyrim is just a huge setpiece with unforgiveable consolelization

>> No.2579001

Morrowind had a terrible setting that hurt it. Instead of medieval European castles and lore there was ash and people wearing crustacean armor. It was just off. Daggerfall and Oblivion are the series peaks.

>> No.2579048

This all make sense in universe though. Obviously different locations in this fictional world are going to look different.

>> No.2579203

I agree, actually. I could never get into Morrowind, simply because I find the setting terrible and unappealing.

I don't like Skyrim much either, but it's still a less shitty place than Morrowind

Oblivion was the series peak in terms of setting / ambience with its classic medieval fantasy style.

>> No.2579220

N'wahs, everyone.

>> No.2579237


There was a massive amount of lore in morrowind and all of it was more interesting because of the unique setting

>> No.2579247
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>> No.2579648

This post left the taste of muck in my mouth.

>> No.2580192

All you fags are forgetting the Ultima games. In Ultima six I had my mind blown that I could interact with anything, moving furniture/ lighting candles etc. Ten years before Morrowind.

>> No.2580195

your plebeian opinions really make me cringe
i hope you're baiting

>> No.2580318
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>Instead of medieval European castles and lore

When it comes to fantasy, medieval European aesthetics are a turn off for me. That, and the usual assortment of orcs and elves stuff.

It's so common, and so few games in the genre divert from it. It's particularly disappointing in that nothing in the video game medium restricts visual creativity, yet we are stuck with the usual cut-and-dry Tolkien bullshit again and again.

>> No.2580321

Tolkien isn't a medieval fantasy, though.

>> No.2580446

Yeah that's a fair point. But you know what I'm getting at, right?

>> No.2580528

Is openmw in a playable state?

>> No.2580543

Yeah, I'm pissed off when Tolkien gets called out for his "generic" world. Fucking plebeians, Tolkien is a masterclass and deserved his place in the canon of western literature, his aims were totally different from almost every writer of "fantasy" that came after. In the first place he didn't write escapism.

>> No.2580552

Looks that way.

>> No.2580554

>Oblivion was the series peak in terms of setting / ambience with its classic medieval fantasy style.
I'm just glad they went for that instead of the jungle it was supposed to be!

>> No.2581326

I wonder why so many people are stuck in the mindset that something has to be unique to be good. There's nothing wrong with having a standard Tolkien-esque fantasy universe every now and then.

>> No.2581352

"Tolkeinesque" is a big step down from actual Tolkein

I like Lovecraft but anything "Lovecraftian" tends to get pretty cringey too

In conclusion I could do with fewer elves and dwarves in my RPGs, no slight intended against LotR

>> No.2581356

Been replaying Oblivion recently and the thing that bothers me most is the fact that just about everyone looks and sounds the exact fucking same. The fast travel sort of kills it for me as well. I feel I'm missing out on a lot of exploring by being able to warp to the point closest to my destination and basically running in a straight line.

>> No.2581407

>everyone looks and sounds the exact fucking same
not to mention those ridiculous plastic playmobil faces

>> No.2581675

>Fast travel
Nothing is FORCING you to use it, you know. I didn't even know it existed until like 6 months after I started playing.

>> No.2581891

Morrowind had a wonderful setting that elevated it. Instead of medieval European castles and tried same old location there was exotic land and people wearing cool crustacean armor. It was just awesome. Morrowind is what put the Elder Scrolls appart from other fantasy video game franchises.

>> No.2581951

Shitty argument. If it was disabled it would be fine, like if I had a OP item I could throw it away. But you're way too tempted to teleport to that objective 3 towns away.

>> No.2581968

Yeah, Skyrim is honestly a much better experience, but it's not like it's hard to make a better game than Oblivion.

>> No.2581972

Unique things are not necessarily good but, in many cases, they are interesting or amusing.
Morrowind's setting was something completely new to me and I liked it. I'll admit, finding some quest locations in wastelands was bullshit, however towns and races were great.

It comes from the guy who loves Gothic series.
Speaking of which - Gothic games have open worlds, OP. They don't offer as much freedom as TES games though.

This is one of the reasons I didn't want to play Oblivion.

>> No.2581975

TES fans are pretty insufferable with the whole "new game sucks and last one is retroactively amazing". Morrowind sucked compared to Daggerfall, then got promoted to best game after Oblivion which universally sucked. Now with Skyrim Oblivion has turned into a good game. It's retarded. Whatever you think of Skyrim it's superior to OB

>> No.2581978

Because if no one took a chance on anything we would still be cavemen and never develop entertainment outside of dancing around a fire.

>> No.2581982

Yeah, thank god for the modding scene, though.

>> No.2582003

Yeah, as cool as Oblivion was it was pretty goddamn flawed. You need to mod it a bunch to make it good.

I'll say that Shivering Isles was overall much better than the base game itself, it felt more imaginative and fun, dungeons were better and not as much of a waste of time like most caves back in Cyrodil.

>> No.2582009

How is it a shitty argument? There isn't anything forcing you to use it. If you don't want to use it, don't. That simple. Maybe you should practice self control.

>> No.2582029

Morrowind had fast travel without mods and I used it all the time because I couldn't be assed to manually walk to to my stronghold all the time.

Fast travel is only a problem if you can't control your impulses.

>> No.2582072

No, I'm pretty sure Morrowind was better than Daggerfall.

>> No.2582081

but doesn't the ultima games have that whole karma system where if you do bad things it will negatively impact interactions and stuff in the game?

>> No.2582083
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Wizardry VII: Crusaders of the Dark Savant gave you quite a bit of freedom as well.

>> No.2582085

Leveled enemies and rewards are another thing Oblivion did wrong. Leveling in general was insufferable due to how slow it was. Only being able to train stats five times per level was insufferable. I much prefer Morrowind's "how deep are your pockets" approach.

>> No.2582089

If you had even just a decent grasp of how bartering works, building up a fortune in Morrowind is not very hard. Especially if you know where to find expensive shit.

>> No.2582094

>Martian Dreams
>look this up
>it's an ultima spin off game
>but is sci-fi instead of hard fantasy
this sounds like it could have potential, to be honest western fantasy based RPGs kinda rub me the wrong way, but I love anything sci-fi, but there is too little of it when it comes to retro wrpgs.

>> No.2582106

The fast travel in Morrowind seems much more restrained until you know your way around. Stilt riders and boats blend well with the environment, then there are the Mage's guild teleports, intervention spells as well as mark and recall.

If you're sent to some obscure cave or tomb it's usually a matter of getting to the nearest fast travel point and making your journey from there through open seas or winding mountains, often going the wrong way.

Compare that to Oblivion where you can warp to any minor location you've already passed. If you haven't been somewhere already it's usually just a matter of going to the next nearest place and running in a straight line through a field for a few minutes.

Now that I've written that I suppose it's not the fast travel to blame but the damn map marker.

>Go to this particular cave. Here, I'll mark its location on your map.

>Go to this particular cave. To get there you need to go to some town then follow one of the roads and try not to get lost. Hope that helps.

>> No.2582109

oh wait, it's also based on the victoria era, has actual people from the time frame in it, and rasputin is an evil alien overlord for some reason... this sounds awesome, lol

>> No.2582116


read this, you idiot


>> No.2582120

Well, Cyrodiil is also pretty dull to travel through with the entire place being without almost any natural obstacles. The game also instantly lets you know if you're near anything, so finding locations are hardly a discovery like it was in Morrowind. Then there are also the caves and the castle ruins in Oblivion that are always a waste of time to explore.

>> No.2582124

>Yeah, I'm pissed off when Tolkien gets called out for his "generic" world.
I think it's less the work of Tolkien it's self that gets ire, but the way modern interpretations mold it into being this generic, king arthur-esque, nights of the round like universe

>> No.2582126
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I always felt Morrowind seems very different to anywhere on Earth. The only real-life creature I remember are the rats (a staple of every TES game). I'm pretty sure horses are mentioned somewhere, something along the lines of "No horses here in Morrowind but in other parts of the empire, sure".

Then came Oblivion with bears, wolves, horses and a bunch of other stuff. The mythos pretty much ended there.

>> No.2582130


>> No.2582173

Lol, confirmed for never playing the previous entries. Daggerfall has all of the usual fantasy stuff. The province of Morrowind is just weird like that, every continent is different.

The lore also isn't very consistent between games, it's mostly non-game related writing

>> No.2582184

There were no horses in Morrowind because the grass there was poisionous to them.

>> No.2582213

Isn't basically every Elder Scrolls game lore rape?

>> No.2582249

Now that's fucking cool.

>> No.2582302

That's Oblivion dude.
In Morrowind you can sell anything to anyone as long as
>You didn't steal the thing from that specific dude
>The dude buys that kind of item

>> No.2582309

Yeah, iirc right now they are in the bugfixing and optimization phase, and most plugins work.
I can't wait until someone makes a fork with oblivion-esque physics to make archery and combat in general more fun.

>> No.2582310

>No transport method other than fast travel
Ussing a Almisivi Blessing and then jumping fom boat to boat to mage guild to objetive is comfy as fuck. I really miss that.

>> No.2582318

Yeah, and most of the fast travel in Morrowind has a logic behind it and you have to work to get to the tricky places. Or you just get levitate and shit all over the thousands of hours the devs put into the landscape just like the devs intended.

>> No.2582328

Why did you link back to me? I never said fast travel was the only method. In fact, I've actively argued that it isn't at all required.

>> No.2582338

It isn't required, but they don't give you any other options besides walking.
In Skyrim you can at least use transprts and shit, you HAVE options. I think. I haven't played it yet.

>> No.2582340

They give you Horses though.

>> No.2582348

Most of which are far slower than a player with high speed and die far too easily for their cost. The only horse worth mentioning is received in a guild quest, so you either sink ten hours in a guild you may not be interested in or you have your horses dying constantly.

>> No.2582375

>Horses dying constantly
Who really gives a shit? Steal one.
Slow? Fast travel, like, for real, Bethesda's bad for making an immersive game.

>> No.2582380

What the hell man
>Hey yo I dislike fast travel
>"Well uh don't use it"
>But the only other option to travel faster is even slower than walking!
>"Then fast travel, duh"

>> No.2582385

they give you a scroll that lets you jump like a mile into the air pretty early.

then of course I used exponential alchemy mechanics to beat the game in less than an hour and skip all of the plot

>> No.2582392

I really don't know what else to say. If you don't like horses or walking then fast travel. You've already said those are your only options. It's quite literally this simle:
If you don't like fast travel don't use it. If you don't like horses don't use them. If you don't like walking don't. If you don't like any of those options don't play the game.

>> No.2582397

Is your only defence against critic to the game that? "Don't play it"?
I can fix it with mods, and I do when I play oblivion. What irks me is how much lazy that was from the developers.

>> No.2582407

Then install the carriage mod and get over it, like, why are you even jumping into this argument? I'm saying if you don't like fast travel then don't use it. Nothing is forcing you to use it. FACT. You don't like horses, walking, or fast travel OPINION.

>> No.2582410

I only mentioned that I don't like the lack of alternatives.
If I am being as anoying as I now think I am being about this, I am sorry. I am tired and in that "Gets obsessed with small things" moment.

>> No.2582439

Zenoclash was bland as fuck, though.

>> No.2582894

The entire game is flawed... I guess everyone is a game designer. We all have our own games and engines. Fuck off with yer modshit excuses.

>> No.2582935

>Use Fortify Restoration Potion bug
>Upgrade Amulet of Talos
>100% cooldown reduction on Dragon Shouts
>Travel by repeatedly using Whirlwind Sprint
Good times.

I played Skyrim for a good month or two and NEVER used fast travel or horse. Especially after discovering abovementioned bug.

>> No.2582953

Nah, Morrowind is so easy to mod that anyone can learn to mod it.

>> No.2582962

I played vanilla expansion-less Morrowind about a year ago and finished it and explored most of the continent. The game is amazing as it, the main problem is bugs and broken skills like Unarmoured that they should have fixed in a patch long time ago. I'm just now playing GOTY with a new char and Code Patch bugfixes, it's great. It's a totally freeform game in a wonderful world and soms of the best lore and cultural conflict I've seen, especially since it revolves so much about an alien xenophobic religion.

Personally, if I don't enjoy a game on its own I won't bother installing a million mods like an autist. I love Morrowind.

>> No.2582980

Scroll of Icarian Flight would boost your acrobatics by 1000... but only for 7 seconds.

You would be airborne for so long that the duration of the enchantment would wear off, and when you hit the ground you die because you don't have the acrobatics to survive a fall of that height.

>> No.2582989

You could pop another scroll before you hit the ground or aim for the ocean, but it's hardly the best way to travel early on.

>> No.2583024 [DELETED] 


And then you make a 100 pt jump spell and use slowfall for the same kind of fast travel on a smaller scale.
MW certainly had fun ways to traverse the land.

>> No.2583027

And then you make a 100 pt jump spell and use slowfall for the same kind of fast travel on a smaller scale.
MW certainly had fun ways to traverse the land.

>> No.2583493

>Morrowind should've been yet another generic medieval fantasy game
how can someone have opinions this bad. The alien feel everything had was basically the best part of the game

>> No.2583624
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This has a bit of a downside. Many mods are of questionable quality or try to cram too much junk into a single esp. Not to mention shitpacks like this MGSO thing with absolutely no regards to consistency, it really triggers me when I see people recommending this shit. Especially to first time players.

>> No.2583662

The best things with mods in Morrowind are that they are optional or you can just pillage the resources for your own use.

>> No.2583669


Yeah that looks bad. What the fuck is with the blurring these mods love to do? Do people think that makes it prettier?
I don't see the point of playing Morrowind with HD textures personally. The game looks nice still. Unlike Oblivion.

>> No.2583679

You can still improve the vanilla experience. For instance I use mods to increase the draw distance since the max setting in-game isn't very high.

>> No.2583685

This looks like shit because it looks entierly out of place with the game palette and has zero grit in a world that is pretty filthy looking.

>> No.2583698

I feel the same, the only mods I use other than unofficial patches and bug fixes are graphics extender and higher res vanilla armour. I tried to replace all the textures with one that was recommended on here and it looked horrific.

>> No.2583728
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This soulless mouth-breathing zombie is the worst offender imo.

He also happens to look exactly like this kid I knew in high school, who was a complete idiot.

>> No.2583795

>36 fps
top kek

>> No.2584107

Never ever. I absolutely fucking hate how it looks AND it eats far too many FPSs to just leave it mindlessly in the background.
The only things I hate more are bloom-esque effects and that idiotic "The image blurs if you move the camera quickly" thing. I can play doom without getting dizzy and the blur thing instantly gives me motion sickness.

>> No.2584112

Blur In videogames is just stupid. My eyes already does that for me.

>> No.2585225

Wow, that looks terrible.

>> No.2585235

Except that's a depth of field effect, not a simple blur.

>> No.2585236
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You mean depth perception. I like it. Motion blur on the other hand can go fuck itself.

>> No.2585239

It still looks like shit in videogames and serves no real purpose except the notion of making it look more like a movie. What if I want to observe things in my surrounding without blur fucking it up? I shouldn't have to operate like a fucking camera man to take in everything and I hate that modern games are doing this.

>> No.2585248
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If you don't like it, disable it in the options.

>> No.2585256

I'm just saying that I hate it in modern games where I can't turn it off.

>> No.2585306

For consoles, I think motion blur is used to mainly hide the low FPS.

>> No.2585318

>Unarmored is definitely a skill I miss most in the sequels.

it's not a skill and should have never been one.
besides, you can play a robemage in Skyrim and just get by casting stone and ebonyflesh all day every day.

unarmored is basically a shaolin monk skill and it's just really unlikely anybody in TES games pursues a training like that.

>> No.2585372
File: 56 KB, 500x750, 1966814_616612755117674_6136756092801995799_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still the best TES game.

>> No.2585406
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>> No.2585417 [DELETED] 


The problem with these is that they turn Morrowind into a lush place with forests and grasslands. That's not how MW geography is, especially around Seyda Neen.

>> No.2585421

The problem with these is that they turn Morrowind into a lush place with forests and grasslands. That's not how MW geography is, especially around Seyda Neen. The screenshot doesn't invoke "filthy swamp" to me.

>> No.2585426


Yeah no, you don't know what you're talking about. Khajiit unarmored fighting is a style that monks use. Which you'd know if you asked any of them, of course.

>> No.2585467
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It ain't exactly canon, but it sure is pretty.

>> No.2585481
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I really liked Morrowind's sense of place and lore, but it was the art direction rather than the setting I think that hurt it. It was like a lot of late 90s/early 00s games that way: trying to do something new and fresh but lacking the aesthetic appeal of the familiar or inviting, often in part because of graphical limitations.

>> No.2585645

Morrowind isn't an inviting place though, that's kinda the point. Everyone hates your foreign ass and you have to cooperate with hateful xenophobic slave-owners who barely consider you a respectable being depending on your race. Sure, you get to synpathize with them durinf the coirse of the game, and learn their fascinating history and religious practices, but the game doesn't even try portraying most of the Dunmer as cool people, and that's really awesome. The Empire isn't great, but I'd still go with the western way of doing things any day, like I would IRL.

>> No.2585683


>> No.2585771
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>Morrowind isn't an inviting place though
Not what I meant. I mean inviting as something aesthetically designed with hours of hours of player interaction in mind. Which Morrowind isn't because, even given the awesome concept art they failed to implement it in a pleasant enough manner, so even if it looks much more interesting and original on paper than any Elder Scrolls game before or since, it looks and looked so fugly back in the day that I was repelled even when I wanted to like it.

>> No.2585887

>even given the awesome concept art they failed to implement it in a pleasant enough manner,
I have to agree in this.
>You'll never cover yourself in silk so floaty that arrows get stuck in it before reaching you
>You'll never walk in an ashstorm with your cool cape flaming behind you until the winds get a little too fast and you discover the wonders of flight
I really fucking love the aesthetic of the concept art for morrowind, and if I could I'd make a game around it.

>> No.2585898

They were making a game rather than a movie. You have to compromise a lot of artistic dreams to make it all come together with something as detailed as Morrowind was for its time. Hell, they originally wanted all of Morrowind to be in the game but had to settle for Vvardenfell.

>> No.2585910

I remember playing this as a kid and getting pissed because I would always fatigue or I would get caught doing something and get one-shotted by the guards.

Might have to try playing through it again since I have more patience now

>> No.2586717

If you guys are going to roll new characters, I would suggest you pick major and minor skills that cover all your attributes. Then focus on levelling one skill at a time at least five times, so when you level up you can apply maximum bonuses to an attribute. Train a skill related to endurance first so you can gain major boosts to hp in the long run.

>> No.2586728

There is no skill related to luck, so you can only ever put 1 point into it every level. Put a point on luck every level early on so you can eventually max it.

>> No.2586732

>You have to compromise a lot of artistic dreams to make it all come together with something as detailed as Morrowind was for its time.
Exactly. That's why they should have made something like Oblivion first, a setting where the tech of the day would have been sufficient enough instead of a subpar rendition of something more marvelous.
Part of good game design is to know the limits and work within those parameters.

>> No.2586767

That's a flawed logic. If you keep procrastinating your magnum opus to wait for the ideal conditions the project will never take off.

If Morrowind would have been as jarring as Oblivion was I would rather not have it at all.

>> No.2586881

This, that's what Romero did for Dai-Katana, and it did not end up a fantastic product.

>> No.2587064

Thanks :)

>> No.2587931
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Your welcome dude.
If you want to fast track skilling and levelling, set up camp in the Ghorak Mansion in Caldera. Caldera has a mages guild, which makes the town accessible. In the Ghorak Mansion is a scamp named Creeper who is a merchant with 5000 gold. You'll pick up some expensive shit along the adventure, and his gold will replenish every 24 hours.
So don't waste money buying shit from vendors, earn tonnes of money selling expensive stuff to creeper, and then spend the money at trainers.

Don't bother so much about paying trainers to raise your armor related skills though, just wear armor of the type you want to raise and let a mud crab (or a bunch of mud crabs) wail on you for a time.

>> No.2587945
File: 455 KB, 1920x1080, winning at morrowind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2587965

Taken from TUESP wiki @ http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Level

>For each level, a short explanation of the character's sudden, if not unexpected, increase in power is shown along with an illustration of adventuring gear, and the attribute multiplier list. While you rest, you will choose three of the primary attributes to increase. Usually one or more of the attributes will have multipliers next to them, meaning that those attributes will increase by more than one point if you choose them. The multiplier for each attribute is determined by the total number of times that skills governed by that attribute have increased since the last level up:
>No skill increases = no multiplier (1 point)
>1–4 skill increases = 2×
>5–7 skill increases = 3×
>8–9 skill increases = 4×
>10 or more skill increases = 5×

>> No.2587986


Being autistic about leveling is only going to make you quit this game, there's no reason to do that. Pick skills that cover most of the attributes and just play the game naturally. The initial skill choice is the most important choice and your character will advance well enough if you aren't dumb and picked shit like athletics and acrobatics as major skills.

>> No.2587989
File: 66 KB, 600x447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your character will advance well enough if you aren't dumb and picked shit like athletics and acrobatics as major skills.

>> No.2588003

for real acrobatics has got to be the easiest single skill to train in morrowind

all you gotta do is hump a mountain for like, a minute



>> No.2588024

That's cool, play the game however you like.


Kill all the mud crabs? I tell you my friend, that's not how you armor train.

>> No.2588029

Why waste time on mudcrabs when you could just be playing the game? You will get there eventually.

>> No.2588057
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, morrowind!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do other things during a mud crab mosh. Watch movies, talk to friends, cook food. Occasionally I'll heal.
Also I think it's kind of funny. Morrowind is a goofy and broken game, which is why I love it.

>> No.2588059

Sounds redundant. Might as well go out and adventure.

>> No.2588067

just in case one of our intrepid adventurers gets a hankering for crab meat after their exercise, I thought I should mention

that maybe one of them might possibly be a very rich wizard in disguise

>> No.2588080

Punch the very rich mud crab. Lure him to your hoard hovel far across the land. Than cast calm creature on him.

>> No.2588103

nowadays I can't be arsed to play these games properly, and I'd just use console commands to spawn him wherever I want him

>> No.2588842

I've played this game for five years without ever training, and I still got overpowered from level 20 onwards. Stop talking like Morrowind's combat is actually challenging.

>> No.2589247
File: 38 KB, 338x435, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2589902

everything is a pushover when you set the difficulty slider to easy

>> No.2590637

If you are just bad at least have some self awareness, this is Click Fast, the Game.

>> No.2591407

Should I play morrowind or oblivion ? I have a couple weeks to kill

>> No.2591476


While I really enjoy Morrowind for its atmosphere, the pacing has some serious issues. New characters walk and run at a snail's pace, and the accuracy of attacks is calculated behind the scenes. Even though your weapon is physically connecting with the target, 9/10 times, you'll still miss. You have to develop on your character quite a bit before you can move more swiftly and be able to hit enemies with decent accuracy.

Oblivion and Skyrim try to use a more fluid approach. If your weapon physically comes in contact with something, it's a hit. Characters generally all move at the same pacing, which makes traveling from point A to point B entirely on foot much less tedious than in Morrowind.

So that's just something to consider. If you don't want to put up with Morrowind's statistical accuracy system and slow pacing, then Oblivion may be a better place to start.

>> No.2591529

Do you think with the mods it makes a big difference ? I see some people saying X or Y is unplayable without any mods ?

>> No.2591560

You could just give yourself a bunch of gold with the console, and then train your major and minor skills at some trainers to give yourself maybe 5 levels or something if you want to get an easier start.

Also, whether or not you choose to play with mods, you WILL want the codepatch, it fixes a few gamebreaking bugs as well as stops the game from intermittently crashing (as the original game will).

>> No.2591583

>select a weapon class that you like
>select race that has a bonus to that skill
>put skill in Major

Wow, such a horrible system, it's like I've never had to do this in an RPG! You should just be able to kill everything, what were they thinking?!

>> No.2591607

the only essential mod is the one that removes cliffracers

fucking god damn cliffracers


>> No.2591613

>not just going into the Construction Set and changing the Cliffracer entities from Aggressive to Passive and never having to worry about those assholes

>> No.2591656

there's this mod that spawns passive and aggressive creatures randomly.
moar balanced imo. and no more music switching every three seconds.

>> No.2592023

Just bought the game. Does race matter? I want to roll a scout/thief type class and the Nord looks the most appealing but seems like everyone would go with the Bosmer or Dunmer

>> No.2592041

Bosmer are shit in every single game they're in

I'd probably go with Khajiit or Argonian

>> No.2592230

Since not many people are answering your question. Check out the Gothic series. First game is great. Sequels are hit or miss and I believe you don't want to touch anything after 3. Lurk around on /vr/ more and someone might post the infographic for which ones to to play (don't have it saved on this comp, sorry)

>> No.2592274

turn off that blur shit and you're pretty much guaranteed 60
and if you're okay with 30 you can do all kinds of crazy shit without blur

>> No.2592281

>I'd probably go with Khajiit or Argonian

Only if you don't like shoes, or helmets.

>> No.2594503

Morrisons doesn't respawn monsters of you don't tody away their bodies. If you never remember be the dead cliff racers they eventually go extinct. Thank god.

I loved Morrpwind but I think it would be a little to slow to play now. It's a bit of a lonely feeling game as you only have text based interactions with people other than the occasional generic 'hello' from people you walk past.

I do remember putting all my gold into getting a spell or something enchanted that would unlock 100% so that I could open any door in the game. I then looted all the vaults in Vivec to get cool ebony armour and piles of treasure. There were lots of exploits like that.

I'd have to use one of the improved graphics packages now as it's just a bit too dull to look at quite often. The first mod I ever got was for better bodies and faces because they were so crude looking in game.

My main memories of Morrowind are the hours spent wandering around those deserts with the red wind obscuring everything you could see.

One of the best things about Morrowind was that there were few or no protected characters. It becomes tiresome that so many are invulnerable in Skyrim because they are 'vital' to some quest to find a pair of old shoes. You could kill anyone in Morrowind, if they were vital for the main mission you'd have to find another way around or realise that you've ruined the game, there was even message to appear to say you'd broken the prophesy and doomed the world, if I recall correctly. Most of the time killing NPCs just resulted in minor quests not being possible, which is much better than making them indestructible.

>> No.2594507

>"some random NPC" is unconscious...

I like to rampage every once in a while and that totally kills the mood. I could see them taking that a step further in the future by having it apply to the player as well.

>> No.2594509

>one of the main things I hate about Skyrim is that it doesn't allow you to break your game by killing quest essential NPCs, unlike Morrowind

>> No.2594513


The most essential characters are really hard to kill, you can't do it by accident. Skyrim protects everyone on the prettiest of quests. I'd rather have realism and consequences for violent action rather than character made indestructible because they have a quest to find some junk.

>> No.2594571

They only did that in Oblivion and Skyrim because the radiant AI would otherwise somehow get themselves killed in stupid ways.

>> No.2594573

There is a way to complete Morrowind even if you kill essential NPCs. There's alsp a shortcut if you reach a specific amount of reputation and Vivec calls you in, skipping most of the Trials. People even mwntion how the prophecy turned out wrong.

They really payed attention to detail with the MQ in Morrowind, unlike the linear movie questlines in most "open world" games that are more boring than just about any side quest.

>> No.2594593


Killing NPCs in Morrowind doesn't break the game, though. You can head straight to the final boss and kill him without doing any prior quests, assuming you know his whereabouts.

The point is that Morrowind is enough of a sandbox that you can get away with shit like this and still be able to finish the game. The later Elder Scrolls titles are linear by comparison.

>> No.2594920

You still need Wraithguard to effectively wield the weapons needed to finish the game. And that requires talking to at least one character.

>> No.2594949


From what I've seen of speed runs, the only thing you need to do is grab some scrolls of flight and maybe slow fall, fly straight to the final boss and kick his ass.

>> No.2594982

There's a lot of stuff going in those speedruns. The vanilla unpatched Morrowind had a glitch where if you switch weapons and armor really, really fast the stat boosts stack on top of each other. Stuff like speed and strength is gimped up to epic proportions.

Killing the heart of lorkhan is scripted, so you absolutely need to get Keening and Sunder to complete the game. The enormous stat stacking lets you destroy Dagoth Ur and the guy holding Sunder in one hit. I don't remember how you can equip Keening without taking enormous damage. It's probably either due to the fast switching or the stat boosting.

The same wouldn't be possible after a certain patch or in the GotY version. Speedrunners be crazy.

>> No.2594985

Oh yeah, link:


>> No.2594995

>Tolkien isn't a medieval fantasy

>he didn't write escapism

i wish somebody had told me that before i started reading Silmarillion, here i was becoming engrossed like a silly billy in a medieval European saga- & folklore-inspired world which i could've sworn was a break from reality.

>> No.2595002


It seems like I read somewhere that Morrowind is absolutely beatable even if you kill every NPC in the game, and this is without exploiting glitches.

Now I'm curious. Has anyone documented these sort of findings?

>> No.2595084

True. Christianity is entierly absent.

>> No.2595163


The game intends for you to kill Vivec though.

>> No.2595165

The game just kinda suggests it, though.

>> No.2595441

I got lost after he nocliped through the wall, what the hell?

>> No.2595658

wrong again

>> No.2595721


Tolkien was above all else inspired by his deep Catholicism. Read his letters and essays on the concept of true myth, he took it very seriously. LOtR is at heart a story of temptation and sin of a fallen world.

>> No.2595850

When was this?

>> No.2595871

SaGa Frontier 1 and Legend of Mana.

The main complaint a lot have is that they are too open.

>> No.2595878

Still no.

Only one I could ever think of is Divine Divinity, and that isn't even retro.

But then again neither is Morrowind.

>> No.2595890

Shit I can think of, some aren't quite there (or retro):
>Romancing SaGa series, Frontier 1
>Tail of the Sun
>Divinity series
>Metal Max Returns

>> No.2595915

It's definitely not. Sunder and Keening cause enormous amounts of damage if they're equipped without Wraithguard.

>> No.2595917

Shit, this >>2595915 was in reply to this >>2595002

>> No.2595958

I think swapping weapons super fast makes this something you can ignore

you can also use alchemy to have so much Health and regenerate it so fast that nothing can kill you.

I distinctly remember beating the game by using Alchemy to push my stats and skills into the thousands and destroying the heart which actually regenerates all damage done to it rather than being unkillable. I just had to deal so much damage that it either did more than it could heal or instantly killed it by taking all of it's over 9000 health in a single shot

>> No.2595996

I had forgotten about how OP alchemy is. That is certainly a way to do it. Though without talking to NPCs it would be difficult to get enough ingredients to rocket your intelligence and health up. Still possible though.

And I think the swapping weapons thing falls under exploits, so that doesn't fit with what that other anon was saying.

>> No.2596006

Well, if you're going to use alchemy abuse any way then you're probably willing to use the item/ingredient duping glitch as well.

>> No.2596010

The anon I was replying to specified there was a way to beat the game while also killing every NPC. I assumed they meant without talking to them but I might have been wrong in that. The duping glitch you're talking about is when you buy ingredients and sell them back to increase the amount the vendor restocks, yeah?

>> No.2596018

>but the locations are way too drab.
They were gorgeous, regardless if they were meant to be something else.
Oblivion is Comfy: The Game

>> No.2596020

Yeah, that's the main one, but I think there were a few more duping methods. I love how Morrowind is full of random stuff like that. When you play it you're not just exploring the game's environment, you're exploring the game's code as well. No matter how generic Beth makes their games, the engine and the scrapcode will always betray them and leave fun things for the fans to discover.

>> No.2596023

>Whatever you think of Skyrim it's superior to OB

>> No.2596032

>and the accuracy of attacks is calculated behind the scenes. Even though your weapon is physically connecting with the target, 9/10 times, you'll still miss. You have to develop on your character quite a bit before you can move more swiftly and be able to hit enemies with decent accuracy.
You say this like it's a bad thing.

>> No.2596049

I love that too. There are so many small things here and there that can be abused. I always keep the first writ the Morag Tong gives the player because it can be used to absolve any crime in the game, unlike the other writs. And maxing alchemy with Ajira's two restore fatigue ingredients is a pastime almost tinged with nostalgia, so long has it been a staple of my playthroughs. It's the shame the subsequent games aren't nearly as elastic. And Daggerfall just fucks up saves right and left when you start messing with things too much.

I think Morrowind is the only game in the series that isn't generic. The setting itself also seems the most realistic, despite the giant mushrooms and suspended moons. Everyone is motivated by their own views and opinions and there really is a relative lack of 'because the story needs it' type storytelling. Hell, even the tutorial is part of a censusing process instead of a straightforward crawl through a sewer.

>> No.2597262

It is. Oblivion is a piece of shit all across the board compared to Skyrim.

>> No.2597269

Arter you finish Tribunal the apparition of Azura shows up and tells you that you should kill Vivec if he is still alive at that point.

>> No.2597372

You fucking serious m8?
Skyrim isn't a masterpiece but it's leagues ahead of Oblivion.

The writing in Skyrim isn't stellar but it's not as boring or bland as in Oblivion, it has way more interesting country to explore, the faces aren't fuck ugly and they have more than one voice actor per race.

I'm not saying I didn't have fun with Oblivion either but the game is monumentally flawed compared to Skyrim in terms of gameplay and engine, and to Morrowind in terms of writing, world and atmosphere.

>> No.2597959


I really miss hand-to-hand though. Why did they have to cut out kung-fu fighting from Skyrim?

>> No.2598048

>Oh boy a discussion about freeform retro vidya
>It's all shitposting about morrowind by autists who can't stand settings and art directions that aren't totally bland and generic
Thanks, Usama.

>> No.2598107

The whole vibe and setting of the game is actually the main reason I like it, which is funny because you bring up oblivion as being better when I can't disagree any more. Oblivion was a bland, unimaginative world that didn't really pull me in, morrowind on the otherhand? The game and the world is a work of art, morrowinds world is the equivalent of aphex twin, while oblivion is nickleback

>> No.2598172

>What is Caldera
>What is Pelagiad

>> No.2598875

Or you could just save and reload right before htting the ground, since the game doesn't record velocity.

>> No.2599248

Oblivion really was comfy as fuck, godly atmospheric music.

I like all TES games. They're all pretty comfy in their own way.

>> No.2599304

This is NOT fucking retro. Why are the mods leaving this up? This board is going to shit.

>> No.2599310

Technically this isn't a Morrowind thread though.

OP asked for retro games that had the same level of freedom.

>> No.2599328

So what? He used a Morrowind Pic in OP, every post in the thread has been about Morrowind, or even worse Oblivion, and even Skyrim?! Seriosuly what the fuck, this thread should be on >>>/v/ not on /vr/.

>> No.2599783

damn right you are.
fucking BG2 gets discussed as well because lol it's the whole BG series n stuff :3.
but when I wanna discuss the Shadowgate 2014 remake I can only do that if I make a thread about NES SG first.
but morrowind gets a fucking pass somehow. fuck that.

>> No.2599787

absolutely this. Skyrim is the best TES game yet.
any autist on /v/ will have to accept that eventually.

>> No.2599794

thank god for the glorious sounds and graphics overhaul. that was badly needed for this game. looks amazing. I don't mind depth perception.