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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2586783 No.2586783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which was more white trash? The Genesis or PS1?

>> No.2586789

White trash?
What a stupid thread.

>> No.2586790

Considering the only guy I knew who lived in a trailer had a fucking Genesis. Its gotta be the Genesis.

>> No.2586791

The Dreamcast.

>> No.2586795

My poorer friends were never Nintendo fans.

>> No.2586807

Er, I did grow up white trash. Trailer parks, occasional homelessness and all that fun stuff. We did own most major consoles off and on, though. My brother often traded with other kids in the neighborhood, so we'd have an NES for a few years, then swap out for an SMS or maybe a Genesis at some point.

Most of the other kids I knew had an NES and / or an SNES at the very least. I don't think I actually knew anyone else who owned a Genesis. I was the first of my friends to get a PS1, but I was a nice guy and lent it to them on occasion. I know what it's like to do without.

Unfortunately I never could afford a GameCube back in the day, so I kind of missed out on that. Since they're super cheap on the reseller market today, I bought one a couple of years ago and got to play the hell out of Smash Bros. Melee for the first time ever.

One of my neighbor kids lives in a pretty broken down house. I had a PS3 a while back but decided to give it to him so he could at least have one nice thing for himself. I'm more of a retro gamer anyway, so it's not like my PS3 got much use.

>> No.2586810

Genesis because if you had one your parents were divorced

>> No.2586812


>> No.2586818
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Neither, OP. The Tiger Electronics LCD handhelds were the video games of poor people of all ethnicities.

>> No.2586834


>> No.2586838

bonus if they were the ones from mcdonalds happy meals

>> No.2586857

PS1 was more white trash because the kid next door when I was a kid had a ps1 and his parents were drug dealers.

>> No.2586867

Is white trash code for "superior to Nintendo's mediocre rival system and excellent at making fanboys butthurt"? If so it's a tie.

>> No.2586872

This is a surprisingly accurate assessment, at least among my childhood friends.

>> No.2586879

it's code word for primarily white trash people owning it.

>> No.2587072

The problem kids at my school had PSs while the normal good kids had N64s from my observation.

>> No.2587139

Then neither

>> No.2587196

Genesis, in my personal experience.

There was this trashy kid at my elementary school; shaved head because he had lice constantly, parents were constantly wasted so he had to come to school alone, picked on little kids because he could - the usual. He used to track down people who brought their brick Game Boys to school and bug the hell out of them to trade them for his Genesis, which he'd totally bring the next day if you said yes, guys, honest. He'd always whine about how his Genesis was broken and that he wanted to pawn it off onto some stupid kindergartner though, so nobody ever bought into it.

Guy was always mean spirited and a total moron. Probably broke that poor Genesis by pissing on it.

>> No.2587201


Genesis, easily. it was the the trashy poor white kids and immigrants that barely spoke english who predominately bought that console in my area.

>> No.2587202

It's scary how accurate this is.

>> No.2587208


Yep, I knew a kid who lived with his pop in a run down apartment across the street. We'd play his genesis in his shitty trash covered room.

>> No.2587212

I guarantee you every post in this thread is by an upset Nintendo fanboy who is too young to have even grown up in the Genesis or PS1 era.

>> No.2587216


You say that as if growing up in the PS1 era was a feat. I still consider the 5th gen fairly recent and consider people who grew up with it still kids.

>> No.2587219


oddly accurate... perhaps it makes sense in some psychological way... buying a Genesis was a way of rebelling against all the normal kids with Nintendos... just like it was only my friends with divorced parents that smoked weed in high school... Genesis was for rebels. lol

>> No.2587224
File: 1.49 MB, 3920x2120, nintentrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White trash kids had those dumb as Nintendos that came out about ten years after Nintendo came out.

>> No.2587251

>You say that as if growing up in the PS1 era was a feat
No, I say that as if 12 year olds from /v/ are spilling over into /vr/.

>> No.2587256

>ten years after Nintendo came out.
Spotted the white trash.

>> No.2587264

I always felt that

Nintendo = Classic Rock
SEGA = Punk

was a good analogy. In that Nintendo is boring mediocre shit that's overrated by people who just don't know any better and think that what they hear on the radio is all there is to music.

>> No.2587268

Genesis had some slammin' ass games. Sonic the Hedgehog, Shinobi, Street Fighter. Only games I remember from PS1 was that loser ass Cubix racing game and, the astounding cult classic, LSD Dream Emulator (makes it less white trash).

>> No.2587271


Very bad, broad and wrong analogy, please never write about music again.

Let's face it /vr/: the poor kids owned only 1 system.

idort was always the way, and still is.

at least now you can emulate all the SNES and Genesis games, so why do you insist on this futile console war?

>> No.2587274
File: 874 KB, 1160x1160, 1394489776124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In that Nintendo is boring mediocre shit that's overrated by people who just don't know any better and think that what they hear on the radio is all there is to music.

Because classic rock is limited to what's played on the radio.

Just like Nintendo is limited to Mario.

>> No.2587278
File: 54 KB, 400x400, m_2139980_aO6YYDzmFs38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2587279

Except you, the glorious Genesis/PS1 master race specimen.

>> No.2587280

I have every major system because I'm not a faggot console warrior.

>> No.2587281

You're definitely an idiot if you bought everything past 5th gen.

>> No.2587282

Neither am I, but I don't talk down on everyone else. But I will call you out on your superiority complex.

>> No.2587289

>not owning a DC, PS2, Xbox and Gamecube


It's not a complex if you're genuinely superior. Not that I'm saying I'm great or anything, just that console fanboys are shit.

>> No.2587292

PS2 is 480i trash.
XBOX is dlc trash.

>> No.2587303

The only SMS owners that I knew including me were in middle to upper class families. I knew more kids with NES and SNES whose parents divorced than those with Genesis, although I had an SNES as well. This is a super retarded generalization because the more money your family had, the more likely you were to own both. Everyone owned a PS1. If you didn't own a PS1 you were a retarded zealot who missed out on a shitload of great games.

>> No.2587305

>PS2 is 480i trash
Who cares as long as the games are good?

>XBOX is dlc trash

Which original Xbox games have DLC? None I own.

>> No.2587307

>Who cares as long as the games are good?
I don;t support shit tier devs and 480i is a nuisance to anyone that's not a casual retard.

>Which original Xbox games have DLC? None I own.
So? Fuck that. I'm never owning the console that's solely responsible for bringing DLC to console gaming.
The games and controller aren't that great. The system overheats and dies easily.

>> No.2587315

>You're definitely an idiot if you bought everything past 5th gen.
Is this you?
>PS2 is 480i trash
>I don;t support shit tier devs and 480i is a nuisance to anyone that's not a casual retard.
What resolutions do you think everything ran from gen 1-5? Most were less then 480i. Why don't you do everyone a favor and create a tripcode so you can be blocked?

>> No.2587319

>What resolutions do you think everything ran from gen 1-5?
Figured you were a dumbass kid. Nowhere did I say the resolution was bad.
PS2 first console?

>> No.2587320
File: 712 KB, 922x1064, Nintendo_fan_on_MGS5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Nintenyearolds whose parents were too poor to afford multiple consoles

>> No.2587324

This is how I picture every single person who thinks the N64 is a good console.

>> No.2587325

You know you're on /vr/ not /v/ right?

>> No.2587326

You figured shit. I'm a different person who read your dumbass post. There's nothing wrong with 480i. You need to go back to /v/ and stop shitting up /vr/

>> No.2587328

IDK about the PS1 but no shit the Genesis was the more nigger/white trash console.

>library heavily stacked towards arcade ports, sports sims, and fighting games
>marketed as this cool tough guy console unlike that faggoty Nintenyearold stuff

>> No.2587329
File: 44 KB, 450x333, ds-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying this whole thread isn't shit-tier bait to begin with.

>> No.2587330

>There's nothing wrong with 480i.
It's shit for video games
>You need to go back to /v/ and stop shitting up /vr/
Naw take you PS2 fucking shit back there and don't come back.

>> No.2587331

Really? This thread made me think otherwise.

>saying PS1 and Genesis owners are poor is fine
>saying Nintendo fanboys are poor is over the line

Good to know.

>> No.2587334

the whole thread is shit. But you know you're bringing in Nintendo trolling with MGS5 of all games.

>> No.2587343
File: 220 KB, 800x630, This is what Wiinies believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you know you're bringing in Nintendo trolling with MGS5 of all games.
Nigga, that wasn't even me you're replying to.

>> No.2587345

If you play games based on screen resolutions you're retarded. I don't know any other way to put it. My PS2 sits right beside my Dreamcast and Gamecube, btw.

>> No.2587348

I wouldn't necessarily say white trash since that limits it to only white kids but the whole kids with divorced parents had a genesis thing is entirely accurate. And later on when I was in high school, the loser kids with divorced parents who smoked weed at 15 and dropped out had an Xbox while the super white bread lame kids had a GameCube. Everyone else had a PS2.

I enjoy every console I mentioned above though.

>> No.2587349

Where did I mention resolution?
This is exactly why 6th gen shit needs to stay in /v/. These dumbass kids don't know the difference between interlaced and progressive.

>> No.2587353


I had one of these. Asked my mom for a super nintendo and she bought this instead.

>> No.2587354

Meanwhile the true patricians had PC games as a kid.

>> No.2587360

So fucking true. My parents are happily married and I always had Nintendo products growing up.

>> No.2587368

1985-1996: Normal kids with healthy social lives and sex lives for the older ones
1996-present: the lame kids, "nice guys" etc

1994-2000: The somewhat weird kids who still managed to make a few friends.
2000-onward: NORPs to the fullest

1991-2001: kids from broken homes

Every year ever: almost no friends and social skills, probably still lives with parents while never saving money because he puts his autismbux into his machine. Overweight.

>> No.2587383

>anecdotal evidence makes it true

fucking retard

>> No.2587389

It's okay. It's not your fault your parents got divorced, just your fault they were ever married in the first place

>> No.2587390

^That. It requires more skill to set up and run a PC game than "Insert cartridge. Press power switch."

>> No.2587401
File: 65 KB, 599x288, yc0ujPI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1985-1996: Normal kids with healthy social lives and sex lives for the older ones
Bob Chipman and Tom Preston says hi!

>> No.2587425

>Where did I mention resolution?
Where you said 480i was shit for video games.

>> No.2587441

That's not resolution.

>> No.2587442

Remember when we used to have mods?

He's talking about interlacing, not resolution. He's still a fucking retard though.

>> No.2587461

I get that PS2 was babies first console for many people. Doesn't make what I'm saying retarded.

>> No.2587679

I found this thread funny because I had a number of friends with different financial backgrounds possessing different consoles.

And then people got all butthurt about it.

>> No.2587715

That's so funny, I'm laughing so hard right now

>> No.2587747

something something neogeo

>> No.2587752

what was the name of the thugs who sold neogeo in the u.s. i remember them having a website still up with all they pictures