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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 167 KB, 1024x616, neogeopocketcolorcrystalblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2585747 No.2585747 [Reply] [Original]

Just got this in the mail. Holy shit, is it smaller than expected, but that digital stick is absolutely god tier. I knew what I was expecting, and yet the stick surprassed my expectations.

Don't have any games yet, but according to /vg/ last week this is the list I've come up with of must-own games:
Fatal Fury: First Contact
Magical Drop Pocket
Rockman Battle Fighters
SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters Clash
SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium
Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure

Also, I realize the Crystal Blue appears more green, but wanted to know why that is. Is it because the ABS plastic yellowed over time, giving it a more green color than blue, or was it always that color?

>> No.2585749

Oops, meant /vr/, /vg/.

>> No.2585808

King of Fighters R-2 is better than Fatal Fury (which is also fun) and both Metal Slugs are great especially 2nd Mission.

>> No.2585810

The stick on that thing is amazing, yeah. I'm not sure if any company ever made better arcade sticks than SNK.

>> No.2585813

See if you can't find a copy of Gal's Fighters.

The final boss still fucking cracks me up fifteen years later.

>> No.2585908

just got cardfighters clash first and worry about everything else after you've spent like 100 hours on that game

the stick is the best part of it and best stick on just about any fucking controller/console every i god damn love it and wish i could get a usb controller like it

>> No.2586049

Why cant we have a homebrew handheld with this stick?

>> No.2586081

Cotton Fantastic Night Dreams is cool.

>> No.2586359

Your list is missing Gals Fighters and Samsho 2

>> No.2586439
File: 41 KB, 444x449, pokekun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rockman Battle & Fighters is definitely not must-own, unless you just like Megaman.

Everything else on your list is awesome. Be sure to also get Ganbare Neo Poke-kun. You may not enjoy it until you're fully indoctrinated into NGP but it'll give you feels once you are.

>> No.2586486

>the stick surprassed my expectations.
Welcome to the NGPC master race. Yeah, the stick is really good, everyone should try it once. Aside from the great games it really makes the NGPC the little handheld that could.

>> No.2586936

B&W NGP is even smaller.

Wonderswan is even smaller still (about the size of a Genesis cartridge.)

>> No.2589294

>Wonderswan is even smaller still (about the size of a Genesis cartridge.)

Are you kidding me? Damn. I thought it was bigger.

In any case, I just bought Match of the Millennium as my first NGP game. What am I in for?
My favorite portable fighter so far is MMPR for the Game Gear.

>> No.2589340

I got a NGPC when I was like 10 on Yahoo (lol) but still after it failed and played it way more than my GBA. Then got really stoked when EB Games started selling games for it to clear out stock.

Your list is good. I really liked the Metal Slug game and the Mech RPG (though I don't know how well it stood the test of time).

Match of The Millennium is best tier...Also liked to Samurai Showdown a lot.

Also my good friend and his brother had two... with a link cable...
RIP friend ;(


>> No.2589373

>Match of the Millennium
A fuck fucking time.
Its a great fighter without even taking in to consideration that it's on a handheld.

If you like fighters, the NGPC is just a fun little system.

>> No.2589384

>B&W NGP is even smaller.
Is it? I never noticed. I didn't even realize a few of my NGPC were slims until I read that they made a smaller version.

>> No.2590203
File: 164 KB, 800x1000, ngp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little smaller, and runs on AAA cells.

Had no idea there was a slim model. Or maybe I did and I completely forgot. This black one is the only I ever had and I need to replace it. Whacked it a few too many times for insubordination an now it sometimes spontaneously resets.

>> No.2590206
File: 125 KB, 800x700, swan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out it's a little bigger than a Genesis game. maybe a half inch longer, but about the same thickness. B&W WS turns out to be about the same size as the B&W NGP. But about 2/3 thickness. Note NGP underneath the orange WS in the pic.

>> No.2590269

Since I'm a pleb, is the WonderSwan English-friendly? Was always interested in one but didn't know if any of the games were in English since it never existed in the West.

>> No.2590341

Not him, but not really, there are a bunch of arcadey games that don´t require any moon. But most games are text heavy.

>> No.2590670

Fudge. Maybe I'll recheck the WS list I had saved and see if most are non-moonrunes. If so, I may get one, but I'm in no rush.
The Neo Geo pocket was the last non-Nintendo/Sega/Sony handheld I wanted to try, and now I have one. I should probably spend some time acquiring games for it and playing them before committing to another handheld.

>> No.2590723

>No Dark Arts: Beast Battler
>No Bio-Motor Unitron
Come on, you'll want a LITTLE diversity

>> No.2590897

I found out after i got one last year that wormlights are basically non-existent.

you pretty much have to do a frontlight mod or play it in sunlight. I was playing mine with lamp light but the glare was annoying.

>> No.2590908

Yeah, I don't know where I saw a worm light for it but I thought there was one. Oh, well.

>> No.2591024
File: 66 KB, 160x289, 102040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apparently they did make them but good luck. The last two on eBay sold over $75.

>> No.2591158

Pretty much like any other Japanese game you've encountered. RPGs and most non-action oriented game will be fully in Japanese. Others will often have English menus, or isn't so complex that you can't figure things out yourself.

>> No.2591172
File: 3 KB, 158x185, mallp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude ur fucking shit theres tons on ebay for around 10 bucks

>> No.2591187

Find me a Worm Light for the Neo Geo Pocket that costs $10. I would thank you.

>> No.2591201


>> No.2591207
File: 17 KB, 1163x160, eBay Page Not Found.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, bud.

>> No.2591214
File: 493 KB, 2085x2399, 1436074031045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing what the link spells

>> No.2591258

No idea, rare Pepe.

>> No.2591286
File: 48 KB, 450x300, silly-friends-playing-video-games-and-laughing-at-home-on-the-couch-at-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he actually got tricked

>> No.2591387

Cheeky cunt. Lel

>> No.2591738

Thats the first time I've ever seen a WS next to... anything. I always figured it was more the size of a GBC or so, no idea it was so small.

>> No.2591770

Same I figured it'd be the size of a GBA or so. I guess it's pretty small

>> No.2593273

Maybe a stupid question but I can't check. Is there an English patch for The Last Blade?

>> No.2593282

The game already supports English, it wasn't released in NA but it was in Europe

Also what the fuck is with the captcha bouncing back and forth lately?

>> No.2593667

Fuck. Wait, I meant another game. Now I can't think which...

>> No.2594362
File: 114 KB, 1000x650, ws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next to my iPod, the Wonderswan looks downright huge

>> No.2594612

The iPod's really tiny though, and the screen takes up most of the space. Considering that the WS has a smaller screen and buttons, it's tiny as heck.

>> No.2595357

Jeez but the ipod is so small