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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 9 KB, 259x194, hexen 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2566604 No.2566604 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/, can we have a thread dedicated to horror games or games that feature horror elements or had a horror theme? Pic related is hexen 2, a dark fantasy. It's a pretty fun game which scared the crap out of me as a kid.

>> No.2566969
File: 53 KB, 412x500, Shadowman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever people say that 3D platformers can't appeal to an adult audience, I inform them of Shadow Man.
A fantastic metroidvania with a voodoo theme.

>> No.2566991

Horror didn't really start coming into the light until PS2 era unfortunately. While theres some decent horror themed games, they're more like, Castlevania style horror-action games as opposed to "true" horror.

>> No.2567085
File: 18 KB, 330x327, Shadow_tower_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to turn around and go back up to the surface at the start
>that slow realization that you are never going to make it out of this cursed tower, buried in ground

>> No.2567086
File: 63 KB, 515x451, covenant family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but I'd recommend Clive Barker's Undying to anyone who likes horror-themed FPS.

>> No.2567147
File: 33 KB, 288x224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can live with that

Jump scare resource management adventure games aren't the end all be all

>> No.2567196

>hello! i am 12 years old and i have no idea how i got here

>> No.2567314

You should never post on this board again.

>> No.2567329
File: 10 KB, 300x262, nes_sweet_home_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play pic related, it's gonna make you shit your fucking pants.

>> No.2567338

This is a game that's been in my backlog for 10 whole years. Someday...

>> No.2567367
File: 45 KB, 350x333, 427062_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know about the prophecy

seriously though, play it, i finished both the pc and n64 version; it's not perfect but hell yeah immersive.

>> No.2567393

Y'all motherfuckers need Waxworks

>> No.2567581
File: 13 KB, 451x307, 1338835835395-clocktower1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clocktower 1 was one of my games that scare the shit out of me.

>> No.2567587

I was so mad when I found out bloodborne wasn't this.
I absolutely loved how there was no BGM--the silence really added to the atmosphere.

>> No.2567694

Waxworks graphics were so fucking scary but most of the gameplay was just complete bullshit.

To me, it was the kind of game you played with a guide plastered to your thighs, checking out all the cool deaths and looking up that BULLSHIT WEIGHT PUZZLE

>> No.2568409
File: 13 KB, 414x360, Ft13-NES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can deal with some really cheap jumpscares, friday the 13th for the NES is almost decent. One of the better LJN games.

>> No.2568601
File: 58 KB, 640x767, blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood is pretty much a love letter homage to the horror genre.

>> No.2568642
File: 85 KB, 640x803, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alone in the Dark (1992)

god tier soundtrack, most lovecraftian game ever and the inspiration for Resident Evil.

>> No.2568665
File: 155 KB, 500x346, Castlevania 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it really counts as horror but I just beat Castlevania 64. I swear to Christ, that Duel Tower will haunt me till the day I die. That shit was more frustrating than any of the stages on NES. Just about tossed my controller through the TV.

>> No.2568693
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow of The Comet and Prisoners of Ice are two pretty neat Chtulhuian point and click adventures that set the atmosphere in the right way, lots of people forget about them when naming graphic adventures, don't know why

>> No.2568708

If we're talking NES jump scares, no game beats Dr. Chaos.

>> No.2571172

Awesome game
Remake when?

>> No.2571175

>Remake when?
If we are really lucky, never.

>> No.2571206
File: 104 KB, 900x900, SweatingGodofWar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat silence
>Dat sudden bone clacking noise
>Dat feel when you know Skellies are coming for you
>And you are in a tight hallway
>Dat feel when you hear a noise who haven't heard before
>Dat feel when Berserkers' CLANGCLANG can be heard from across the room

>> No.2571319

Weird game. Start as a boring TPS then it becomes a Metroid game where you collect stuff with the new ability unlocked. Very good game. Just slow to really start
And avoid the awful ps1 version

>> No.2572112


Game controls like shit though. How I fix? PC version

>> No.2572118

By using a controller

>> No.2572123

Also, is there a bigger world on the N64?

>> No.2572705

>from the creators of king's field
Well that dampens my excitement. Please tell me its better than that shit

>> No.2572714

lolque? Bloodborne hardly has any BGM, only during bosses really.

stop being dum

>> No.2572749 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 640x485, FF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any of the Fatal Frame games

>> No.2572761

How has I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream not been mentioned yet?

>> No.2572829


This is not retro.

>> No.2574683
File: 253 KB, 300x452, Resident_Evil_1_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. Is it just too obvious?

>> No.2574768


>> No.2576191

So is pre-2000 your cut off point or earlier?

>> No.2576192

As much as I dislike the trend, I'd appreciate seeing an HD remake of Clocktower.

But I shudder to think of how wrong it could go.

>> No.2576194
File: 378 KB, 1000x625, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you'll accept mods, the Half-Life 1 mod "They Hunger" was pretty spooky

>> No.2576196


Fuck yes it was. I have that on Dreamcast.

>> No.2576201


Are you being serious? Is this bait? Are you a troll? Are you 12? Are you lost?

What is this post?

>> No.2576202

>tfw Phantasmagoria 2 had a cool idea, but went to shit at the end
I fucking love these cheesy horror point and click games, damn it.

>> No.2576240

I would recommend Realms of the Haunting, it's a nice little point-and-click/FPS hybrid with spooky atmosphere. I haven't finished it, but the little I've played has.been very enjoying.

>> No.2576242


Man, I hated that mod. I thought it was tedious, dull, shitty, and generally bad. Also not spooky in the slightest.

>> No.2576753 [DELETED] 

Tried playing this but couldn't get past the god-awful control scheme, which is a shame because the story had a lot going for it. The control scheme has to be played to be believed.

Beat Alone in the Dark though which is kinda considered to be in an informal trilogy with SotC and PoI (same writer, Hubert Chardot) and it was good.

>> No.2576776
File: 190 KB, 256x335, Project_Firestart_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the most underrated survival horror game in the industry. It is the first game to cohesively set the standard for what survival horror games are today and came out roughly the same time Sweet Home did.

>> No.2576812

>I'm an adult who somehow never learned how to identify even obvious bait

>> No.2576831

the best of them

>> No.2576846
File: 145 KB, 640x480, harvester-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted about Harvester in one of these threads a while ago, and I finally got around to playing it.

I really enjoyed it. I've never played a game quite like it. It has some bullshit point-and-click stuff to it, but it has a really great foreboding atmosphere and the FMV cutscenes are like Tim and Eric sketches.

>> No.2576850

I literally can't play scary games, are the older ones less scary, it seems so?

>> No.2576851


>> No.2576869

You were always a kidder, Steve.

>> No.2577090

I know what u did there m8 ;)

>> No.2577106

i just did splatterhouse 2 on the megadrive
is this the snes version ?

>> No.2577109

this game has some great social commentary

.."shit on a stickeroo!!"

>> No.2577149

scariest voice acting ever. I was so immersed that I actually thought I was going to be a jill sandwich for a second.

>> No.2577821

Arcade original of the first

>> No.2577831

Fuck remakes. I'm glad there's a sequel in everything but name coming though.

>> No.2578215


Please tell me more.

>> No.2578219

There is no super nes version, actually. Only a cutesy one on the nes, if I recall correctly.

>> No.2579218

Deathwish is required


>> No.2579546


It looks good

>> No.2579941

BloodBrones basically next gen Nightmare Creatures

>> No.2579970

Pinball had a whole bunch of spooky skeletons.

>> No.2579973
File: 129 KB, 560x840, haunted_house_pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it ate my pic.

>> No.2580437
File: 6 KB, 384x272, zombi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My nigga!

>> No.2582719

keep this thread alive

>> No.2582814
File: 167 KB, 1600x1200, Heretic_II_Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beginning section of Heretic 2, in the diseased city, was pretty creepy.

>> No.2582963


I remember that I played this in chunks because I had to muster up some courage to continue. Great mod.

>> No.2582972
File: 462 KB, 1151x1845, ja-ga-ta-ra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2583028
File: 687 KB, 1461x1314, 1438074076620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2583579
File: 49 KB, 592x333, system-shock-2-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

system shock 2 can be scary as fuck. low lighting, 10/10 sound design. spooky and disturbing enemies.

Especially if you're playing a more stealth build and have to avoid enemies... it can be pretty spooky

even has literal ghosts

>> No.2583597

It's not possible to be a Jill Sandwich. You CAN be a Chris Sandwich.

>> No.2583601

They aren't ghosts; they were very specifically pointed out, very deliberately, that they were NOT ghosts.

>> No.2583603


How do you enjoy this? It's such a bad game. Nightmare on Elm Street is a lot better, and that's saying something.

>> No.2583641

its dark soul debil great grandfather

>> No.2583646

dafuq are all these games?

>> No.2583657

if you encounter Barry in the hallway before you encounter him in the shotgun room, he won't be there to rescue you, and you'll need to do the same shit Chris has to do to get the shotgun, so yeah. you can be a Jill sandwich.

>> No.2583726

Who else is building a horror library for late September/October ?

>> No.2583763


What's the matter, you need constant psychedelic twitch action?


I don't know man, I played the game some time ago, and it was never spooky. The very end of the game was pretty well done, but that's it... I know it's considered amazing, but apart from Shodan itself, the game feels mediocre to me.

>> No.2584679

Looks interesting, though I have no clue what any of those games are.

>> No.2584946

Are you me?

>> No.2584964

>I don't know man, I played the game some time ago, and it was never spooky. The very end of the game was pretty well done, but that's it... I know it's considered amazing, but apart from Shodan itself, the game feels mediocre to me.

It's the jump scares. That's it.

>> No.2584969

REmake turned up great

>> No.2584979

I always thought The House of the Dead 1 took horror more seriously than all the sequels mainly because of the dark gloomy atmosphere outside and the science lab in an old mansion and the intro.

>> No.2584985

My horror library is an all year affair, mainly cause I drag my feet to start a new game.

>> No.2585007


One of the best mods ever for any game.

>> No.2585026
File: 17 KB, 754x650, snip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I enjoyed Clock Tower.

Any recommends that have similar themes or just a dreary atmosphere?

>> No.2585164

The Retsupurae of SotC was great


>> No.2585178

>two faggots commenting a commentary
I'll pass.

>> No.2585182


But there are no jump scares...

>> No.2585289

I'm playing it right now and have already been jump scared by turning around and seeing enemies right next to me.

>> No.2585441


I don't think that qualifies as a jump scare.

>> No.2585442

Never played it but I watched a longplay, seriously great atmosphere.

>> No.2585449

Shadowman was fucking scary when I was young tbh, the sounds especially.

>> No.2585508

it made me jump. it was a scare. thats the definition of a jump scare.

it doesn't have to be a scripted cut scene jump scare to count.

The moment in resident evil where the hands pop out of the wall

The moments in the red forest of STALKER where you hear footseps and something materializes out of thin air and starts attacking you with tentacles.

its all in the environment of the game.

system shock 2 has a great environment of isolation, you almost never see another living person, instead absorbing the events through audio logs and the carnage left lying around

>> No.2585631

This guy >>2585289 nailed it.
The enemies have a nasty habit of popping up in your way and if you're immersed in the game it's pretty scary. You can never let your guard down in the game

>> No.2585647


Well... I always thought I was a chicken when playing horror games, but you guys take this to a new level.

>> No.2585850

sounds like you dont immerse yourself as fully as we do. some people just cant let go

>> No.2585859
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 229616-thief2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hexen didn't scare me much, but Thief was something different...

>> No.2585985 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 616x720, 11156388_10204233793426834_5792765536730370422_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clocktower snes.
Was 'I have no mouth & I need to Scream ' ever on a console?

>> No.2585993

David Schwimmer looks intense

>> No.2586160
File: 48 KB, 640x440, damnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking loved this game as a kid. Never made it past MAP06 back then though.

>> No.2586485


Please tell me how to immerse myself.

>> No.2587084
File: 24 KB, 800x500, Hellraiser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish there was a Hellraiser game.

>> No.2587143

I thought Paranoia was a bit better and less
>shoot the zombie till it falls over
which got boring fast.

>> No.2588036

i dont think its something you can learn.

some people can fully get into a games atmosphere, and believe they're actually there.
some cant

>> No.2588060

Drugs, lack of sleep, sensory deprivation

>> No.2588670

oh yeah, weed helps

>> No.2588698

I lost my ability to immerse in video games when I was in middle school.

>> No.2588947

Killing Time on the computer, 1995. Probably the spookiest fps experience Ive had. Although Heretic and Doom got a little intense and spooky at that age.


>> No.2589052



>> No.2589056
File: 19 KB, 336x420, 1438546290375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2591742

So this game was lying dormant until recently with Zombi U, and then later being ported to the other platforms? Or is it just same name, different game?

>> No.2592629
File: 113 KB, 640x480, 34359-Laplace_no_Ma_(Japan)_[En_by_Aeon_Genesis_v0.95B]_(-Laplace's_Demon)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a horror RPG on Snes and several other systems called Laplace no Ma. It's translated on Snes, dont know about the others.

>> No.2592669
File: 352 KB, 800x670, suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Suffering bros ww@?

>That GOAT monster design

>> No.2592675
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>> No.2592678
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>> No.2592679
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>> No.2592681
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>> No.2592685
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>> No.2592687
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>> No.2592694
File: 43 KB, 800x461, triggerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2592696
File: 67 KB, 723x767, Suppressor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2592701
File: 113 KB, 1100x635, Gorger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2593030

But is it spook?

>> No.2595064

If this was a screenshot you took yourself, that wasn't the end of Clock Tower. It was the bad ending. There's a bigger game that doesn't end after 10 minutes.

>> No.2595079

I went for the spooks, stayed for the action

and I agree, one of the best monster design in a game

>> No.2595083
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does ghoul's forest count as retro?

>> No.2595105

They're different games by the same publisher.

>> No.2597319

>Wish there was a Hellraiser game.
What the fuck would you even do in a Hellraiser game? The movie doesn't give much leverage. Just don't solve the fucking puzzle cube.

>> No.2597450

Not him, but I could easily see it being a PC style adventure game like Sanitarium or even Clock Tower. Have the protagonist solving puzzles, occasionally being chased by Cenobites, and getting pulled into Hell and needing to solve the box. I'm surprised it never happened, actually; I imagine the licensing was too expensive at the time. There was a cancelled NES game that started development, but I'm not sure that they ever secured the rights.

>> No.2597461

>and getting pulled into Hell and needing to solve the box
The Cenobites don't show up unless you solve the box. They won't "take" you unless you solve the box or you're complicit in attempting to skirt the rules. They're not slasher villains.

>> No.2597464

Disregarding all of the horrible, horrible sequels.

>> No.2597594
File: 35 KB, 451x640, 1424421-nosferatu_wrath_of_malachi_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nosferatu would be a pretty solid choice... This game has some pretty nice atmosphere and the musix and shit at them events oh gawd!

>> No.2597649

My memory is hazy but didn't Pinhead just sort of show up when the story called for it? And I thought Kirsty sent him away in the first movie by solving the box?

In any case, it would easily translate to an adventure game. And yeah, that series really went downhill; the last one I saw involved a website and kids at a rave.

>> No.2597669

I think I in part remembered it wrong.
In Hellraiser 1, Frank solves the Lament Configuration and gets yanked. But he manages to get away. Then later Kirsty manages to solve it in her hospital bed, and flees from them until the cenobites realize Frank got away. They then get Frank, and try to get Kirsty, but she manages to unsolve the box and closest the portal before they can.

So once the connection is made, they will pursue the person until either they get them or the connection is broken and they're banished back to their domain. Which is never actually called Hell.

To put that in the form of a game, you'd have to have shenanigans going on where your character solves the Lament Configuration for some reason and then loses the cube. But I think the Hellraiser premise has been spelled out pretty well and it may not translate to a game well. You have plenty of games where you're being pursued. Haunting Ground and Amnesia for instance. Pinhead & Co don't add much beyond a constraint on your narrative.

>> No.2597786

The suffering made me shit my pants. Those creepy flashing images. Or the random phone calls from your son asking you to stop hurting him.......fucking done. Sonic get in here!

>> No.2597879

He was on a break, after all.

>> No.2597894

not trips
but its in there though

>> No.2598894
File: 369 KB, 2540x1429, SH1 -Darkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of Silent Hill
now THAT was a surprise.
The game that for a while being stole RE's throne as the spookiest horror game on the market, and brought the more psychological touch to the genre.

I still think the first game's the best and most balanced of the original trilogy.

I personally played SS2 just few years ago for the first time, and it blew my mind. It may not be that spooky any more, but the atmosphere is great, and the game itself is superb. The other "Shock games" felt like major downgrades later on, and in general I had hard time believing how varied and complex games they could make in the 90s.

>> No.2598901
File: 1.39 MB, 200x150, 1429899903899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a spooky as fuck dream last night man

it was so scary :(

>> No.2598935

i was hoping, this was one of those pictures that look different in the thumbnail and it would show the demonic version when expanded

>> No.2598951

Thanks for the translations you nigger

>> No.2598987


For those seeking :

>> No.2599004

What was it about ?
I had a "spooky" dream too last night.
I woke up in a stopped old train wagon in a middle of a forest, and there was a fog all around. Nothing outstanding but it made think about it.

>> No.2599114

This game is fantastic. I think the point and click elements were done greatly as well, didn't look a walkthrough a single time. Though there were some unfair distractions like that army guy and bee lady who didn't have to do anything with the "plot" and were just there as distractions.
The overall atmosphere is really creepy and unsettling, everything is just "off" and the fact that the people living in Harvester act like everything is okay just makes it ultra eerie.

>> No.2599789

These are all visual novels in Japanese, for those curious.

>> No.2601720

Agreed. I've been raving about this game for years.

>> No.2601749

That's weird dude, it's a similar theme to mine.

I was lost in the British midlands (or something resembling the British midlands; you know how dreams are) with a suitcase and I needed to catch a plane at an airport. I had no idea where I was. At some point I was climbing up the side of a small cliff (yes, in the British midlands, heh) and as I got over the edge I saw a baby human skull in the mound. I freaked out because it meant that there was probably a psychopathic killer in the area. I was completely alone and the wind was cold and provided the only sound. I was surrounded by a bunch of empty, abandoned, decaying and small shed-like houses. I felt like some malformed creep would jump out, grab me and take me to his boiler chamber and I'd never be seen again.

I started walking really fast, looking for a main road. It was evening time and things were getting darker, sun was setting and everything had that blue twilight look, no street lights around. I found a road and as I approached it a bunch of Africans in suits drove past in an '80s convertible out of Scarface speaking in a strange foreign language. They didn't give the slightest shit about who I was and I was invisible to them. I was getting really worried that I'd miss my flight and be lost there forever.

>> No.2601751

>>2601749 continued

I found a Travel Lodge and walked into the reception area. I was surrounded by other travelers, all frantically speaking different languages and I felt completely lost and alone in the world. Things had gotten dark outside, too, and I still didn't know where my airplane was. All in all it was a horrible feeling.

It doesn't sound like the scariest dream and it wasn't. It was more depressing and filled with anxiety than anything else. When you write a dream down it doesn't seem like a big deal but when you actually experience while believing the surreality is all true it obviously fucks with you a lot more. The only real horror element the dream had was the baby skull in the shrubs as I got over the cliff which really chilled my bones.

>> No.2602058

absolute shit.

>> No.2602151


Thanks for that valuable input.

>> No.2602297

Is the PC version good? Anybody have a torrent?

>> No.2602692

>Whenever people say that 3D platformers can't appeal to an adult audience

People say this shit? That's the single most retarded thing I've read in a long time.

>> No.2602698


The game Sugita's brother used as a torture device.

>> No.2602702
File: 18 KB, 380x250, 8W_jyh3_fq4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill you if I could find you.

>> No.2602707

Who, what?

>> No.2603585

What a precise description ! What I love about dreaming is that they can be a great support for imagination. After my dream when I woke up I thought about it and "create" a video game. Thought about the story, how should be the gameplay to stick with the atmosphere, etc.

>> No.2603767

I love dreams, too, especially scary ones. Experiencing the horror you get in nightmares is something you don't get irl (and hopefully never will, of course, which I'm grateful for) so when you get it in a dream it's such a rush. The more vivid and trippy the better. I can watch horror movies and they'll have absolutely no effect on me. Having a scary as fuck dream on the other hand is the real deal and makes for a far more profound experience than a yawn inducing horror movie or video game. Though that recent demo from Konami, PT, was fucking amazing. Shame Silent Hills got cancelled.

I don't get bad dreams often at all however (which is also a good thing. Occasionally is nice but I wouldn't want these to be haunting me frequently). I'm usually just having threesomes with porn stars.

>> No.2603920

I know that's not a "new gen" board but I've found an indie "Silent Hill"-like game. It's called Banned Memories:
Yamanashi and it's currently in development. A demo is available.

Here :

>> No.2606889
File: 43 KB, 393x500, nocturne[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nocturne was breddy gud.
>can't install in win7

>> No.2606924

it does install. try that:


>> No.2607847
File: 71 KB, 614x613, 37724_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing this right now. Pretty neat. Had no idea From Software made genuine adventure games at one point.

>> No.2608901

Unfortunately those are fixes to get the game actually running. Many people won't get there: the installer itself will either not run (fixed via rebooting), or the install shield readying bar will get to 99%, get stuck there and kill itself after a while.

>> No.2609082


>> No.2609254
File: 82 KB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0722-071314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoyed the atmosphere and many of the puzzles. I like the memory based time travel gimmick of both PS1 games though think the first one made better use of it.

Too bad about the hunter concept not really feeling that threatening in either one. A bit disappointed they didn't manage some Resident Evil level shit with the key management for power stations.

Pic related was great though. Great use of transparency, it's really unsettling being pursued by something you can hear but barely see, and I'd get inte a panic whenever the bell radar intensified in rhythm and I had no idea where she was coming from.

>> No.2609265

Curious how that will look through epsxe with the settings ramped up. The first game looked pretty good. I like seeing the things the PSX didn't allow to be seen via compressing everything to a postage stamp and then stretching it. Lots of love that nobody appreciated went into most games.

>> No.2609391

I have the PS1 version and I hear it's absolute shit, but it's the only version I have. What's bad about it

>> No.2609401

Those are some damn fine graphics.

>> No.2609423


>> No.2609493
File: 2.61 MB, 600x480, scene.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An example of the first with the graphics cleaned up.

>> No.2612086


How the mighty have fallen...

>> No.2612712

I second this one. Great game which feels like a classic Hammer movie and it's available on Steam.

>> No.2612759
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2613184

hold on, is it possible for me to get an emulated version of all those games and play them?

>> No.2614391

A lot of industry people say this kind of thing.
Most people assume that 3d platformer = kiddy.
Even several people in the industry (specifically, Naughty Dog).

>> No.2614393

It's 6 burger bucks on gog.

>> No.2614631

that looks fucking rad. Im passing shadow warrior right now and im planning into buying blood after that.

>> No.2614659
File: 19 KB, 256x310, Sanitarium_Coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanitarium is a pretty solid entry, too. Psychological horror and a really good atmosphere.

>> No.2614661

The little joke told near the end of the game makes any inconvenience worth it.

>> No.2616103


and the Blair Witch games on the same engine, start with the first and play the other ones only if you really enjoyed it, they are not as good as Rustin Parr

>> No.2616113


Can remind me what it was? I can recall that there was some funny dialogue before the final showdown, but can't remember what exactly was said.

>> No.2616128

A murderer was taking his victim into the dark woods.
The victim said, "Mister, I'm scared of them dark woods."
The Murder said, "You're scared? How do you think I'll feel? I'm the one coming back out of the woods by myself!"

>> No.2619390 [DELETED] 


>> No.2619602

that game scared the shit outta me as a kid (34 now) that fuckin sound

>> No.2619615

not retro at all go ahead and ban me

>> No.2622320

page 10 bump

>> No.2624245

I immediately thought of this game, sadly it's not retro.

>> No.2624271

I did the same with HL1 mod Afraid of Monsters, still haven't finished it to this day

>> No.2624307

This game is really strange. I remember some part where you play as some sort of fleshy centaur?

>> No.2626205

It's not a centaur, it's a CYCLOPS with four arms.

>> No.2626298

Don't forget to put the papers out for Jimmy! You know how he gets!

>> No.2628152

This is really cool although most of the game looks like it's from mugen

>> No.2628229
File: 6 KB, 214x226, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive played and still am playing all SH games and finished the first few months back for the first time.
Its better than any game in the series yes even SH2.