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2580546 No.2580546 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best main series Dragon Quest game?

>> No.2580607


>> No.2580616
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>> No.2580623


meant to say Lufia 2

>> No.2580647


>> No.2581671

why are dragonquest titles always associated with hentai

are these games actually crap and ppl just playde them in their teens for the boners?

in any case, as i have missed out on these in my preteens, which DQ should i play, and o which platforms for a better hardon?

>> No.2581850

I'm going to go with 5.

Chronologically is usually the way to go.

SNES or GBC for 1-3, DS/Mobile for anything else. Unless you want to go with NES for 1-4, which is perfectly fine. Either way VI's SNES fan-translation was never completely finished, so you should consider the official non-japan release for that.

After that we never got VII's remake so just use initial releases for the rest.

>> No.2581856

meant to quote

>> No.2581875

I still prefer v ps2, if only for the music. You get everything else but the wife and 2 monsters (arcdemon and jailcat)

>> No.2582278

which one has these two chicks?

>> No.2582284


>> No.2582320
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They look like this in the game

>> No.2582341

what are their names so I can google them from remakes?

>> No.2582364

>why are dragonquest titles always associated with hentai
Because popular things generate more hentai than unpopular ore more obscure ones?
The Dragon Quest series is one of the most popular game franchises you can find in Japan, with lines forming outside of stores during releases.

>> No.2582365

Maya and Meena

>> No.2582381
File: 462 KB, 864x924, cm____maya_and_meena_by_saburox-d579fsz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maya and Meena
huh, well these results are questionable. still, thank ya kindly.

>> No.2582386

could be worse, could be inflation

>> No.2582528

How is that not? At the very least that's not a human baby growing in that oversized beer belly.

>> No.2582569

Well, the Dragon Quest world has a bunch of non-humans, so they could be having centaur babies or something.

>> No.2582572

Mara and Nara.

>> No.2582665

wow, that was some CSI level of image upscaling on the artists part then!

seriously now, did they base hentais off some manual pages or what?

>> No.2582725

I have been trying to break into this series a little more, guess I'll play 5 next.

How would you guys rate Dragon Quest Monsters?

>> No.2583017

Concept art

>> No.2583125

I like them more than the main series. They all tend to be light on story, but the breeding can get addictive with all monsters having potential if bred the right way(more or less, family traits become more important in the endgame).

First DQM features random dungeons with the final areas being like retconned story parts of DQ1-6. DQM2 is more like traditional DQs with set worlds and mini dungeons, but also has a randomized endgame with the key system.

>> No.2584556

Are the Gameboy Color versions of the first 3 games playable by today's standards?

>> No.2585545

I played 1 recently on it and it was decent

>> No.2585571

Should I start with 4 or 5?

>> No.2585606


5 will get you emotionally involved like no other DQ. If you like that kind of thing go ahead.

>> No.2585960

Just started playing DQ V ps2 today .the music is pure soundgazm and the think looks really good. So far I just made it to the fairies after 1 boss

>> No.2586164

4 inspired the best erodoujins for sure, as evidenced by the OP's pic for sure. I almost wanted to vote for it for that reason alone. I ended up going with 5 though, not only because of the high quality of doujins in THAT series, but mainly because the gradual growth of the protagonist (and the really intense scenes such as the dad dying, having kids, being a slave. I'm surprised to see 8 so high, though the 16-bit-gems episode implied that most people got their start in the whole series from that game, since it was free or something. I haven't played very deep into it but I imagine 7 is the best overall in the series.

>> No.2586960

Just started 4 on DS and goddamn these accents are real annoying