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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2576704 No.2576704 [Reply] [Original]

As someone who generally didn't get into PC gaming until the late 90s I've always wanted to get into some older PC games, but have trouble with how a lot of them aged. For the most part I've been able to look past those aspects of action or strategy games, like Doom or HOMM, but with RPGs it's a whole different story. What are some older (let's say pre-Baldur's Gate) CRPGs that you'd recommend for someone trying to get used to playing older RPGs?

>> No.2576707

Well the one you posted has some of the biggest and best dungeons of any rpg ever. Plus an enormous game world 100+ hours of gameplay, and tons of customizability. Are the graphics that much of a turnoff?

>> No.2576715

They were good then but nowadays they're nigh-unbearably hideous, even if you have low standards.

Also the gameplay has issues in its own right that have been done millions of times better.

>> No.2576726

Well I played through M&M6 for the first time earlier this year and very much enjoyed it. The models are ugly but endearing in some ways.

If graphics are a significant barrier for you in enjoying games, then maybe older PC games aren't for you. You'll be missing out on way too much.

Not sure what you don't like about the gameplay and who did the real time/turn based hybrid blobber style better. Maybe you can let me know so I can check out some new games.

>> No.2576737

People regularly come on here and say that Fallout 1 is borderline unplayable, and that one doesn't really even require a manual so I don't even know. I'm solid if I don't have to look up spell names and keymappings, and even that's manageable.

>> No.2576738
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Silver is a pretty cool game, even if it's a port of a DC game.

It's got an interesting combat feature for the time, where you do different attacks based on how you move the mouse (sort of how later Harry Potter games did with spellcasting).

>> No.2576748

With Might & Magic in particular I don't mind the actual world/dungeon viewer that much, it's mostly things like those character portraits and the UI design that really turn me off. Another one I've been trying to play lately is Darklands, which I love the concept of but can't seem to get past the combat being pretty bad.

>> No.2576754 [DELETED] 

Back to /v/, /leddit/ scum. Nobody loves you. Commit sudoku.

>> No.2576768
File: 101 KB, 640x749, 564606_45698_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like Baldur's Gate, this plays like a direct gameplay predecessor. Very user friendly.

I'd recommend running the sound exe and setting it to midi, btw.

>> No.2576774
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Sorry, but no amount of memes will change the fact that this game looks like it was made by Chris Chan.

>> No.2576791
File: 152 KB, 630x630, fh-630x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may look funny, but it's still the GOAT.
don't forget dat music

>> No.2576796

This seems like one of those things that's so bad/cheesy it's good. Stick with it.

>> No.2576890

Am I just damaged since the first thing I noticed wasn't the shooped guy in the second character portrait, but the fact that the first character holds both the Cube from the Tomb of VARN as well as the Harp from Dragoon's Cavern, while being quest objects from dungeons 50+ levels apart?

Also, it looks like shit because it's their first attempt at paperdoll inventory. M&M8 has it more convincing, for minotaurs at least.

>> No.2576941

I didn't even notice Billy until you mentioned it. But you are damaged anyway for frequenting this Vietnamese relievo board.

>> No.2576973
File: 96 KB, 546x700, 1421_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albion is good for starters.
For most of the story your characters are fixed and there are very few stats to train so it's impossible to fuck up.
Concepts like magic are slowly introduced
Your range is limited for most of the game so you won't get lost or stranded that easily.
Furthermore there are no permanent conditions like death and you get multiple save slots should something problematic happen after all.

>> No.2577123

>hating on zoltan
fuck you kid, those character portaits are so goofy they are awesome. I actually avoided M&M6 because of that and damn was I missing out, they may look dumb but they are cheesy and funny as hell.

>> No.2577681

try might and magic 8 then. it has better graphics and its much easier to play.

>> No.2577765

>Kids today complaining about games like M&M6
>I grew up with the PC version of M&M2, where you had to refer to the manual to know what the hell spells were and what they did

Feels kinda good, I'm capable of playing games the modern generation can't even comprehend.

>> No.2578421

I think MM 3, 4 and 5 aged better than the games afterwards up to 10 did. The cartoony style just works, while 6 - 9 just look goofy and dumb.

>> No.2578425 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2578428

Ok first off. I assume by "PC" you mean "IBM compatible". If you want to play 80s stuff like Ultima, you really want the Amiga or whatever version of those.

>> No.2578471

IBM is fine for Ultima if you get the fan patches for graphic and sound. Only better options are the engine remakes and in some cases the FM Towns.

I'm not sure whether to recommend starting with Ultima. You could start with 1 to learn the basics and then move upward the series (possibly skipping 2) to see how new things are introduced.
Or you play Savage Empire and Martian Dreams as a simplified version of Ultima 6 and 7. It could be worth waiting for Nuvie to support them though.
Underworld is a beast of its own that everyone should play but it was way ahead of its time so it's not very representative for pre-BG.

>> No.2578510

>Talking about an old game on a board dedicate about an old game is equal to wearing a hat.
I don't get it.

>> No.2578560

I think it was the pretentiousness of intimating that the newer generation is retarded or something when they're probably just better off than we were regardless of being more exposed to a greater amount of toxic culture and being even more coddled with technology.

>> No.2578576 [DELETED] 

le epic memez, bro

>> No.2578609

>People regularly come on here and say that Fallout 1 is borderline unplayable
What? You've got to be kidding.

>> No.2578757

>The cartoony style just works, while 6 - 9 just look goofy and dumb.
To be fair it's on the advent of 2.5D and 3D, almost every game look goofy that time. Also, I actually enjoyed 10.

>> No.2578776

I don't think I've seen that happen before. Worst I've seen is stuff that is easily replied to with Fixt.

>> No.2578815

Lands of Lore is pretty solid and simple, makes for a pretty nice introduction to 2d fps rpgs I think.

And really, who doesn't want to travel the world together with alien Sean Connery to save Patrick Stewart from the evil scrotum witch.

>> No.2578826


Maybe I exaggerated a bit but still: >>2573241

Even re: OP, I've never played MM6 but the earlier ones are pretty user-friendly for their time, not great by modern standards but it's all downhill from there. If you have the interest these games are not really rocket science, I think people just don't get over the initial shock.

>> No.2578846

For me the problems with MM6 comes from just how fucking hard it is. I can easily play stuff like Daggerfall without any problems, and for the most part I find it really easy(well, dungeon navigating aside). But MM6, I just cannot find a way to get an edge in. Feels like I need a lot more levels under by belt no matter the direction I go in, I either get killed by a hoard of 300 enemies after kiting for half an hour shooting spells and arrows, or die by a single overpowered one.

It's like there isn't a chance for your characters to get enough to face even the starting enemies.

>> No.2579397

the graphics in Xeen are good, but the sound effects are pretty ridiculous

>> No.2580867

If you want to play a Might and Magic, play 7, not 6.

6 was the "revolutionary" one that gets all the credit but 7 is better and more "pleasant" if you ask me.

>> No.2582831

>but nowadays they're nigh-unbearably hideous

Not really. In fact, I prefer them over a lot of the indie-game graphics that have come out.

>> No.2582940
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A lot of them that aged very well. Notable first person crawlers (since you're talking about MM6) are DOS classics like Anvil of Dawn, Ravenloft: Stone Prophet and other gold box games. The pastebin of the dungeon crawling general on vg lists a bunch of them, but it's pretty barebones

>> No.2582950
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If you seriously think that then maybe you just don't like older RPGs? Believe it or not you don't have to enjoy everything that's considered classic out there.

>> No.2583054

>For me the problems with MM6 comes from just how fucking hard it is

Honestly its not that hard. It has FUCKHUGE hordes of enemies so if you're in a zone that is over leveled for your party unless you know the combat system well you are going to get raped. My advice would be to follow the mainquest until it directs you to Castle Ironfist (this is realistically less than 5 minutes into the game if you're not walking around and taking in New Sorpigal) Once you're there visit the castle to get a reward for turning in the letters and then immediately go get bows/bow training for all of your characters, it makes the early game so much fucking easier. From there take the quests relating to clearing out the two newb dungeons around New Sorpigal. (start with Goblinwatch)

In terms of literal difficulty generally speaking the further west and north you go, the more powerful the monsters are. I'm literally in the middle of my first playthrough of the game and the only times I've found to be completely unable to move forward is when I've gotten a wild hair up my ass and decided to go exploring in areas that were clearly too high level for me. In that case I just back tracked and worked on some quests in my journal before coming back later to rape face. One thing I will say is if you don't have a cleric shit is going to be unpleasant at times so keep that in mind.

>> No.2583057

in MM6 Paladins and Druids heal just as well as a Cleric, so they're not exactly essential. The Cleric has higher base spellpoints and gets more with Meditation, though.

>> No.2583070

Clerics can use Light and Dark Magic, which are by far the best schools of magic in the game. This plus their ability to dispel status effects makes taking one borderline mandatory for a first time play through I feel.

>> No.2583076

Anything you can do with a cleric you can do with pala/druid+sorc, and you're always going to have a sorc in your party since it's the most OP class in the game.

>> No.2583079

Sorcerers can learn Light/Dark too, and Sorcerers can dual wield knives like a fookin legend. Granted, Clerics can wield more armor. But only wimps need armor.

>> No.2583769
File: 12 KB, 230x230, 1393815576919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How easy would it be to create a MM6-7-8 like ?
I mean, with basically the same graphics as the 1999 one, shouldnt be too hard nowadays right?
Why isn't anyone doing it?

>> No.2584335

because everyone prefers the ultra indie hardcore permadeath random pixel clickfest