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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 56 KB, 600x338, EarthBound-Beginnings-West-Ann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2569768 No.2569768 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game any good? Should I buy this?

>> No.2569807

No, it's shit and you shouldn't pay for roms. Seriously, the gameplay, music, and graphics are pretty terrible.

>> No.2569887

>you shouldn't pay for roms
I guess you're saying you shouldn't pay for video games at all, considering how they are all ROM's.

>> No.2569896

Ignore him, pretty sure he was just shitposting

>> No.2569929
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>Should I buy this?

>Paying money for digital copies of old games that have been available via emulation in the West for years

>> No.2569942 [DELETED] 




>> No.2569949
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>Mother a game on the NES
>Earthbound a game on the SNES
>not retro

>> No.2569954

Earthbound is very overhyped. I never got much satisfaction out of it, personally.

>> No.2569958

Don't pay for the ROM or call it earthbound beginnings, but yeah it's a good game.

Get a repro or a flash cart. Play it on the real NES.

>> No.2569989
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>the gameplay, music, and graphics are pretty terrible.
How to spot a millenial who has never played any NES game besides maybe some Mario on retroarch with save states and filters.

>> No.2570121

Something that the retards in this thread never bothered to consider: Nintendo could be using this as a chance to test the waters for another Mother game, like with Sin and Punishment on the Virtual Console. So what if Itoi said Mother 3 would be his last game? Sakurai said the same thing about Melee and Brawl.

>> No.2570150

>don't call it earthbound beginnings
I hope you're not one of those fags who insists on calling it earthbound zero

>> No.2570168

I don't know how to feel about Mother. I enjoy the atmosphere, but the gameplay isn't very good even for an 80s DQ clone. If you play the official version here, then you deal with pretty bad grind getting in the way of that atmosphere. If you play the GBA re-translation by Tomato, then you can use the Easy Ring, an item which doubles experience and money from every battle. Unfortunately, this makes the game a total cakewalk, and any sense of difficulty or progression is destroyed.

Then again, I'm not really convinced that the gameplay is something worth playing it for, but rather the music and the world and just the overall experience. I think that it's an interesting game, I just don't think it's a very fun game to play.

I hate to suggest watching it instead of playing it, but I suspect that a longplay of the game would be better than actually doing so yourself, unless you don't mind the rather dull gameplay. I suppose you could also buy it just to support the series.

I wish there was a comprehensive romhack that re-balanced the entire game, so that you didn't have to choose between obnoxious grinding and an effort-free theme park.

>> No.2570182

Sure, and maybe in 20 years they'll actually release it in English, provided someone else doesn't translate it years after the fact. When the fuck has Nintendo done anything using common sense in the last decade or so?

>> No.2570196

How about a simple romhack that only gives a 50% bonus with the Easy Ring?

>> No.2570210

Maybe, I wonder sometimes if it wouldn't benefit more from an outright remake, a total re-imagining. But then I don't see where they wouldn't change so much as to not make it like the original anymore. The 50% increase might help at least.

>> No.2570272


If you just want to experience the world, music, and story, then I think playing with the Easy Ring on is the best option. Watching a longplay of an RPG is so tedious, I can never keep my attention focused on it and end up zoning out or doing something else instead... At least when I'm playing an easy mode RPG, I can explore the world at my own pace and stay engaged the whole time.

>> No.2570937

Maybe a better question would be if you should buy it to show Nintendo people care about the Earthbound series.

>> No.2570946

I played it! I played the series in reverse order, for nobody fucking cares why.

I played it on a gba emulator on my phone after I patched mother 1+2 to be in English.

Honestly if you have enough money to buy it, and you've played/ enjoyed other RPGs and other games in the series, then why not.

>> No.2571384


The problem is that Itoi just didn't really care about level balance so you spend over an hour just grinding multiple times. GBA Easy Ring is the best way to play it since by that point most JRPG had some idea on level balancing and so most grinding was put away.

>> No.2571441
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A new Earthbound game wouldn't necessarily have to involve Itoi for one (though it would be weird without him), and it's not like Itoi couldn't make some completely different kind of game with mannerisms similar to Earthbound.

Shit though, who would you get for a new Earthbound if you couldn't get Itoi? I guess you could go and get Takeshi and then make the game absolutely batshit and borderline unplayable, based on ideas he provided them when he was drunk on cheap sake and crunching BBQ potato chips half of the time.

>> No.2571451
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>Then again, I'm not really convinced that the gameplay is something worth playing it for, but rather the music and the world and just the overall experience. I think that it's an interesting game, I just don't think it's a very fun game to play.

That's what I thought about Earthbound (Mother 2) when I first played it trough, but recently, in memory of Mr. Iwata, I played it through again (without too many cheats at all this time), and managing food, MP for healing, and the rolling HP meter, is actually very unique and fun, stuff like a Territorial Oak or Atomic Power Robot exploding violently and you having to hurry to end the battle before your party member's HP rolls down is actually kind of exciting.

It's true that the world and setting is the main course of Earthbound, but the gameplay itself is actually pretty fun if you get used to it.

I haven't played the NES one really, but I hear it's supposed to be bogged down by absolutely staggering amounts of random encounters.

>> No.2571673

no, you should buy an overpriced repro cart from scumbag reseller

>> No.2571815


2 decades lmfao. And people think Nintendo actually translated it from the ground up recently. Mother 3 isn't gonna get localized niggers.

>> No.2571819


He's right. Better to own the repro'd version on NES. That's what I have, and I only paid $25 for it. I'd rather shell out the extra 15 for a hard copy that can play on my NES (hardware) rather than a fucking 2 decade old rom dump.

>> No.2571857

>Mother 3 isn't gonna get localized niggers.
Honestly, with how they've finally put EB on virtual console, as well as Mother, I think it's more likely than ever, especially given that Nintendo sees that there's an interest, given how many has bought it on VC.

I'm not saying it's definite and that it's going to happen, but if there was a time for them to do it, that would be now.

>> No.2571863

I couldn't even get past Frank. Don't understand why this game gets praised so much

>> No.2571865

Them throwing Mother 1 on there was nothing to them. Everything was already done so it's like them putting Mario 1 on there. Not saying it's not likely but saying "well they put Mother 1 on there so that must mean we are getting Mother 3" is meaningless. Because them doing Mother 3 actually makes work and Nintendo doesn't want to do the work.

>> No.2571878

It's okay. but it's only a short DQ clone. Only reason to play it is if you really want to know what happened before Earthbound, even though the games aren't connected too heavily. It still has little pockets of Itoi humour, although not as much as the other 2 games so it can be worth playing it for that too.
Wrong game buddy, also you suck at Earthbound.

>> No.2571882

It's not just the fact that they'd have to translate from the ground up like THEY DIDN'T do with mother 1, but it would also be a licensing nightmare because of all the murrican' references present within the game. Seriously anon, do yourself a favour and play the fan translated gba version because it's top notch shit and I doubt Nintendo could do any better than them.

>> No.2571909

>you suck at Earthbound
and here i thought this was a mature board

>> No.2571916


>I can't get passed a boss in this game because he's too hard, fuck this game and I can't understand why people could possibly like shit

This anon >>2571878 was right. You're shit. If you can't even take correct criticism than you need to redefine your own definition of mature.

>> No.2571936
File: 51 KB, 838x627, worst-video-game-ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankie isn't even that hard.
Just heal up after his robot throws a punch, or get his pattern down and get on the defensive when you know it's gonna punch.

You know who's much harder? The Kraken, fuck that nigger. Final boss was tricky but I could get through him without him wiping my party. But at the time I had met the Kraken he would just consistently wipe my party and I'd barely make a dent in him.

That 3rd strongest mole was also a bit hairy, taxing on my resources, but not impossible to manage.

I meant more in that they sold quite well on Virtual Console and that there was market interest.
There's much more appeal for them now with actual sales showing interest then back when some people sending them fan-mail about a game that they sold in the 90's, now they have cold hard cash and cold hard numbers to look at, I just think that it speaks much more for Mother 3's case.

>play the fan translated gba version
I hear it doesn't emulate properly, that there's a boss battle where you have to sync something with the beat of the music and that it doesn't work properly with an emulator, making the game unbeatable.

>licensing and legal issues
Wasn't this a bit overblown? I mean, people talked for years about how they couldn't rerelease Earthbound on Virtual Console because it'd be a legal minefield, but then they did, and they didn't even change anything.

>> No.2571945


Huh? Emulation isn't the only way to play it. It can be played on hardware, so just do that instead.

>> No.2571965

The fan translation has been fine on emulator since release

>> No.2571972

EB Zero sounds a lot better personally.

Still better than buying an overpriced ROM at all.

>> No.2572027

But how do I translate on a GBA cartridge?

>> No.2572041
File: 36 KB, 428x383, 1437277546726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's better to pay a reseller 140 something dollars for the old cart than to pay 30 for the VC release

>> No.2572075

You buy a flashcart

>> No.2572078

I have never used a flash cart before.
Emulation seems like an easier solution for me.

>> No.2572086
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>Paying 30 for a fucking ROM

>> No.2572098


Honestly M1 would be the best indication that we would be getting M3 soon because honestly, where was the demand for EB0 before it was announced?

>> No.2572106
File: 25 KB, 500x376, 1437963540464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who beat this game with the easy ring

>> No.2572113


You can emulate it with zero difficulty however if you want to play it with perfect timing and whatnot a GBA flashcart is your best bet.

>> No.2572116

Get a rom hack of the game that has better balancing so you don't bust your balls playing this game.

>> No.2572124

I played the gba version. I actually didn't use the ring, and didn't find the grind as difficult.

The final dungeon was the only part a little difficult. Some enemies were bullshit though. I had to steal mp several times to get through the atomic bombs they throw at you.

I did use an online map in the factory. Tried to "draw" my own map but failed at it.

>> No.2572126

I thought the vc release was priced $8

>> No.2572143

No I call it the earthbound prototype or Mother.

>> No.2572163
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>implying the cartridge isn't literally containing the rom
>implying I'm going to pay 140 dollars for a rom on a cartridge which needs a machine I don't have, necessitating even more money, and then having to hook that sucker up to my TV, which being a modern TV, requires a special box or old consoles will get noticeable input lag

Yeah, I'd rather pay a 30 for having it on my Wii than pay maybe ten times that (or more) to play on the fucking cartridge.

>> No.2572183

Oh right, even bigger reason, it's pocket change, compared to a wad of bills and a bunch of hassle.

>> No.2572190

or you can just play in an emulator and NOT pay for it.

>> No.2572270

I do.

I'm just saying if I have a Wii then there's just no real reason for me to not spend 8 piddly dollars on the VC rom instead of spending hundreds on the real cartridge, console and setup.
That's money I could have spent on guns or food.

>> No.2572360

or hack the wii put retroarch on it and get glorious 240p, plus free.

>> No.2572365

The shit is a retroarch?

>> No.2572382

>In this thread, morons who don't know what google is

>> No.2572417

So the game is actually possible to finish in an emulator without any real issues?

>> No.2572423

The extra hit thing helps but isn't needed. It just does a bit more damage but you can still easily play it without it.

>> No.2574989

Well, I began playing it, and I noticed that sometimes I get double hits on enemies, does that relate with the music somehow?

>> No.2574995

There's a rhythm game with each hit that allows you to hit multiple times. Playing on emulators tend to make it annoying to do since you have a very slight delay that messes it up. But even if you can't get it down the game is still 100% beatable and enjoyable.

>> No.2575001

If you're having trouble getting the combo attacks, try using vba-m or vba-rr and setting the speed to 98% that should get rid of the input delay. Duster has a spell that adds a metronome to the music that makes timing hits easier.

>> No.2575010

Hmm... I'll see if I can figure it out later.
Is it possible to just learn how to do without the proper sync or is it just impossible?

>> No.2575158

Welp, I guess I'll just settle for randomly tapping the attack button during the attack sequence and hope that game interprets it as proper input.

Seems to work 1/4 or 1/3 of times.

>> No.2576236


>> No.2576245

Well, the newest version of vba-m is supposed to fix the timings, I have never really tested it though, you're on your own.

The solution *I* personally found was setting the emulated speed on vba-rr to 97%. I also used this to fix Rhythm Heaven. Also turn off vsync.

>> No.2577076

Well, I'd hate to bump a /vr/ thread with content that isn't strictly /vr/, but I've gotten to chapter two, and Duster isn't doing too hot.

Not finding a lot of healing items, got slammed by a tombstone. Do I just need to grind and git gud (and get items), or do I need to figure out when to use his thief tools?

>> No.2577953

>Do I just need to grind and git gud (and get items)
Most likely. Probably best to learn to perfect the beat combo system and fight mice since they can sometimes drop cheese. And remember Duster loves cheese

>> No.2577965


>complaining about difficulty on a JRPG

yeah i love those extra hours of grind.

Nintendo rather than dumping a 25 years old ROM they should have tried a remake. It would have been nice.

>> No.2578414

I kinda figured things out, went through Osohe castle, came back with Wess, discovered I had missed a basemement area, which Wess refuses to go down into. Can I go down there later after fighting with the pig masks?

>> No.2578417

lol actually it's the same rom that was already available on the internet

>> No.2578423

Also, the beat combo thing is a bit of a hit and miss thing given that it doesn't emulate properly. I got it to work a few times against the Clayman, once scoring 16 hits.
It seemed to work a good bit more reliably when I had IRC and GMail open in the background, bringing VBAs speed down to 98%, so I guess anon was right.

>lets put a shitload of effort into making what's essentially a new game for a market that's probably not very big
They uploaded the ROM on VC because it was basically zero effort and cost on their part.

Is it a flawed game? Absolutely, but sometimes there's rain before shine.

>> No.2578446

It's been awhile since I've played so I don't remember. Still, it's so nice to see people play this blind since Mother 3 does have a tragic yet wonderful story with lots of twists.

>> No.2578453

Itoi would have to agree to work on it. And after all the problems Mother 3 had he just doesn't care enough to do it.

>> No.2578919

I just thought of a thing someone brought up before, Takeshi Kitano replaces Shigesato Itoi for Earthbound on the SNES, what happens?

>> No.2579207

Been playing through it with zero save scumming. I'm about halfway done with it. Yes its hard but its really not unmanageable. Are you people seriously this casual that you can't get through a JRPG?

fuck Duncan Factory and leveling Ana though

>> No.2579228

Not OP, but I while I didn't find the game particularly hard, I did find it very tedious and eventually just lost interest in continuing to play it.

>> No.2581948

>tedium is fun

>> No.2582767

Where the fuck did you get the idea that a Mother cart costs hundreds of dollars? They go for literally 20 bucks online

>> No.2582996

Breh, Earthbound is infamous for being overpriced.


>> No.2583832

Man, fuck Snowman. That place sucked.

>> No.2583838



>> No.2585174

For a flashcart maybe.

>> No.2585242

> It's like climbing up a steep mountain -- you have to keep climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, and then at the end you finally get to the top of the mountain, and you see the beautiful view.

>> No.2585354

I get exercise when climbing, when I grind endlessly against incessant random encounters I get the boredoms. It's not that Earthbound Zero is hard, it's just that it's very long winding, repetitive and dull.

Earthbound was just much better designed in that regard.

>> No.2587912


>> No.2587916

EB > Mother 3 > EB: Beginnings

>> No.2590121


>> No.2591454

>have Boney with me
>i need to heal him
>give him some Peculiar Cheese
>he doesn't like it and only heals him 20hp

BuuuuuuuullSHIT! Dogs love cheese, everyone knows this!

>> No.2592712
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>In the confusion, the Greedier Mouse stole a Pencil Rocket

>> No.2592918

>Dogs love cheese
yeah but it's not good for them.

>> No.2593153

How so?

>> No.2593195

Most dogs are lactose intolerant (diarrhea), but the main reason is that it's a very calorie dense food. Cheese flavored treats are fine, even a tiny piece of the real stuff occasionally, but you just shouldn't be feeding your dog people food, especially fattening ones.

>> No.2593251

Huh, my dog doesn't seem to do bad from cheese (though he seems to get an upset stomach from most kinds of bread), we usually give him his medicine wrapped in a slice of cheese since he loves the stuff and it goes down every time.

>> No.2593338
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>the gameplay, music, and graphics are pretty terrible

You've obviously never played the game, have you? The gameplay is literally every other NES RPG, which is a good thing. The graphics and music are also pretty charming. Other than the encounter rate and the grinding, this game is great.

Here are some of my favorite songs:

>> No.2593447

wow this thread is still going

>> No.2593626

Has anyone played Mother 3 on a flashcart? I got one and a Micro and I can't combo for shit, and I don't know if I just can't figure out the timing or if there's a desync.

I have almost all perfects in Rhythm Heaven on the same cart, so I'm pretty certain it's not a desync, but Mother 3 is also a large file that needs to be loaded specially.

>> No.2593635

The timing is different for each song, so that may be your problem.

>> No.2593653

I know that much. I'm just having trouble figuring out what the beat is. I'm only an hour in, so I can't use Duster's skill yet. I think there was one song where I was able to pick out one of the instruments to tap along with, but that's been it so far.

>> No.2593657

The rhythm combos are apparently pretty difficult when the game is emulated as they won't quite time properly with the music.

In some boss battles I've gotten the timing down properly (I scored a perfect 16 combo on the first clayman), and usually the processing of the emulator is down to 98% speed when that happens, which an earlier anon said would make the timing work much better.

Personally, I end up just rapidly tapping buttons during the attack sequence at a pace similar to the music (but not necessarily in sync). It works about one out of three times, typically only 2 or sometimes 3 hits, but I think that's decent enough.

>> No.2593671

I'm not emulating it, though

>> No.2593703
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BEST game i've played, it deserves all the overhype.

>> No.2593728



>> No.2593767

IIRC, it has to do with the number of letters in the character's name as to whether or not they will "like", "love" or "hate" the peculiar cheese, so Duster, Flint and Lucas all like cheese. I think in the translation process they might have messed this up by converting the names into English or changing them. Tomato (the main translator) didn't realize that it had to do with the amount of letters until the translation was already done with. It maybe have coincidentally stayed the same, but I haven't played the game in Japanese to be sure.

>> No.2593784

Nevermind, I looked it up. The letter count thing apparently got messed up in the translation process and now has no effect. In the Japanese version, depending on the amount of letters you give to your characters it will affect whether or not they like cheese. I doubt that they'll ever fix this even if they do another update to the patch.

>> No.2594365

Isn't flash cart a kind of emulation?

>> No.2594387


I wouldn't consider it emulation if it's running on original hardware.

>> No.2596610

not sure if genuine or shill

>> No.2596937

Shill for what?