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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2563885 No.2563885 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /vr/. As someone who is very interested in playing a lot of the old games I missed on systems like the Genesis and SNES growing up, I've been struggling a lot lately over the decision whether or not to stick with emulation, or to go out and buy the physical cartridges/systems. Here's the pros and cons of each as I see it:

Emulation pros:
>Free of charge
>More convenient
>More customizable
>Able to play games unavailable in your region easily
>Able to play ROM hacks and fan translations easily
>Can use any controller you want
>Extremely high accuracy, even cycle-accurate in the case of systems like the SNES, meaning now discernable difference between gameplay on console or on emulator

Emulation cons:
>Most systems from Gen 5 and up have terrible emulation
>No "authentic" experience

Physical pros:
>100% accuracy since you're playing on the real hardware
>Playing games within the limitations of the original hardware ensures that you get the experience the devs intended

Physical cons:
>Playing games out of your region generally requires modification
>Limited to controllers produced for that system
>Displays limited to what ports the console had

Getting flash carts seems to be a great middle ground, but that's still a large investment in itself.

Which path do you prefer /vr/, and why?

>> No.2563892

no one can tell you emulate on the internet, who gives a shit

>> No.2563893

I don't understand what point you're trying to make

>> No.2563895

I'm emulating, however I do like original carts so I get some cheap when I can. I say emulate, OP. There's not much reason to go out your way to but hardware especially with the emulated prices.

>> No.2563901

Well since the game play differences will not be significant, it comes down to if you want to collect physical games or not. Are you interested in the novelty? The authenticity? Hunting down good deals? If not, then emulate.

>> No.2563904

That's really what I'm struggling with. From a financial and practical standpoint, emulation is clearly the way to go. A lot of the reasons to get the physical games is for reasons that aren't quantifiable or tangible. It's easy to look at $0 for EarthBound vs. >$100 and think the choice is obvious, but the feeling you get from having the phyiscal cartridges and playing the same way people played it when it was released isn't something that can be quantified. I guess it's hard to determine how much that's worth to me, since there's no way of measuring it.

>> No.2563910

from this post I can almost guarantee you will be happier buying physical. Not many people even feel or notice what you're looking for. Sure you'll have a lot less games, spend more money, and it will be less practical. But nothing beats that warm true feeling of owning the cartridges, playing them with the authentic controller on a crt TV. It's 99% psychological, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

>> No.2563914
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Emlation is the most viable way. having a real console and games is good but fucking overpricing for games or even finding is the badest thing.
Also if you want a phsical copy must that your favorite game and not because is "rare".

>> No.2564274

>More convenient
When you start playing "a lot" you'll find out how inconvenient it is to find out something doesn't work, you have to fuck with settings to get it to work, etc.

>Extremely high accuracy
Again, when you start playing "a lot" you'll find out how wrong this myth is.

>Can use any controller you want
You can buy a $50 adapter to use the correct $1 controller. lol.

If you already have a decent PC emulating is cheap. Likewise if you already have the consoles and flash carts playing on original hardware is cheap.

>Limited to controllers produced for that system
There are adapters and some several early systems can share controllers.

>Displays limited to what ports the console had
Mostly an issue with emulation. Most consoles have composite and RGB which gives you the choice of plugging into any TV ever made in your lifetime with average quality video or a quality TV for better quality. Plugging your PC into a TV designed for retro games will probably be too complicated for you.

I prefer to emulate when I want to play on the go and play on original hardware at home. A dingoo is smaller than an famicom cart.

>> No.2565140
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>they are mutually exclusive

Emu first. See if you like the game. Collect when you find a deal. This thread is pointless.

>> No.2565146

Collecting is obviously better, but the price just doesn't payoff for it when you need to drop serious cash for essential games

>> No.2565154

If you're broke or a general fedora tipping cheapskate/enlightened one Emulation is a great option.

If you want to get into collecting real carts the single best option is to:
>Find a console, hookups and controllers
>Get a CRT (Totally optional step, my HDTV does all my old system no problem with no input lag)
>Get a Flashcart

Then from there you can start hunting down your favorites.

Flashcarts are just good overall investments because they let you play games that are virtually unobtainable (Earthbound, EVO: Search for Eden, Wild Guns, Crusader of Centy, Little Samson, Mr. Gimmick, and dozens more that are insanely priced) without breaking your bank. They also allow access to a lot of cool homebrews (Battle kid, Battle kid 2) or romhacks (There aren't that many good romhacks), or roms with translation patches or games that simply didn't make it stateside (Seiken Densetsu 3, Bahamut Lagoon, Terranigma)

Yeah theres reproductions, but I think the flashcart is the single best bang for your buck. I even own repros (SD3, Bahamut Lagoon, Terranigma) and still think you'd best be served with a flashcart.

So the tldr;
>Console with hookups and controllers

>> No.2565170

I used to collect, but with RetroArch and Kodi playing everything on my living rooms media center became so comfty that I havent touched my bulky CRT tv setup in a year or two. May end up selling everything non-essential

>> No.2565181

>Again, when you start playing "a lot" you'll find out how wrong this myth is.
Cycle-accurate emulation for SNES certainly isn't a "myth". I have a feeling you have no idea what you're talking about.

>You can buy a $50 adapter to use the correct $1 controller. lol.
Or buy a $50+ console to do the same, and be hugely limited in games to play with that controller. Also there are no first-party controllers that are a dollar, for any system.

>Likewise if you already have the consoles and flash carts playing on original hardware is cheap.
A decent flash cart is > $100. Even if you have a toaster made in the past 5 years, you can play any game up to Gen 5 for $0 additional cost. Emulation is far cheaper.

I'm still undecided but your attempts to discredit the pros of emulation are pretty off the mark.

This option seems more and more appealing to me the more I think about it. Although nothing is emulated on flash carts (except some special chips or mappers), does it still have that "feel" of emulation? By that I mean, does having access to every game on the system lead you to value them less? I guess when it boils down to it that's the main problem I'm having with emulation. I feel like I haven't earned the games I play so I feel less satisfaction when playing them and rarely complete them.

>> No.2565301
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GOD TIER: RGB through PVM/BVM -Flashcart/Modded Consoles
HIGH TIER: RGB through CRT component/Frameister -Flashcart/Modded Consoles[Non 3D Emulation]
MID TIER: Svideo/Composite through CRT -Flashcart/Modded Consoles [3D Emulation]
LOW TIER: RF CRT -Childhood collection
CUCK TIER: Cheap hdmi upscaler/Retronshit/Walfarts plugnplays/etc -MUH COLLECTION

*Apply common sense for things like SFX chips/Arcade hardware/and exotic shit

>> No.2565321
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Collecting is pretty nice but I will probably always emulate earthbound or get a flash cartridge.

>> No.2565551

>The SNES is "a lot" of consoles like the Genesis
It's not a feeling I have but rather conclusive facts that you have no idea what you're talking about.

>b-b-but muh one emulator that requires a fucking mainframe to run full speed
fuck off kid

>> No.2565561
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Emulation, flashcarts, and collecting all have their merits.

I'm an avid Game Boy collector, and I have a lot of other real hardware systems, some modded consoles, and a shelf full of games. Why choose one or the other? I can enjoy playing cheap, fun games like Magical Quest on 100% real hardware, switch over to a translated Jojo's Bizarre Adventure on a flashcart, and fire up super mario world on my laptop when I'm bored. Emulation lets you get your hands on games and systems that would be otherwise far too expensive to practically own, such as Arcade machines, weird old obscure consoles, Virtual Boy, whatever weird shit you're into. Flashcarts let you play hacks and translations of games on real hardware, as well as allowing you to play those games that reach completely ridiculous prices, like Mr. Gimmick, Earthbound, etc. And collecting for a system you love, or even just a series you love can be incredibly rewarding as a fan. Why limit yourself.

>> No.2565579

clean that shit up off the floor you fucking monster

>> No.2565632
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>> No.2565681
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>not playing with your consoles japanese-style in front of the TV on the floor, in reach in case you need to reset the game or switch the game, and you don't have to worry about short controller cords

Japan's got the right idea, man.

>> No.2565689

If you enjoy playing on a real system but dont want to shell out a lot of cash to buy actual games just mod your console or get a flash cart

>> No.2565696

>not keeping consoles in their boxes in locked glass cases, as the developers originally intended.
You kids are seriously sick in the head.

>> No.2565717

Are you going to post those facts or hope "fuck off kid" qualifies as a legitimate argument?

>> No.2565791

well if you grew up back then you get a seratonin release and nostalgia happiness that comes with feeling like you're 12 again.

>> No.2565794

Also you ever was in Japan?

>> No.2565905

I posted them. Can't into reading comprehension?
OP is about multiple systems. You're talking about one and pretending that some how negates the argument that some systems aren't emulated well. Anyone who fails so bad at logic doesn't know what they're talking about.

>> No.2565909


Buy a flashcart and have the best of both worlds.

>> No.2566431

When controller cables are so short, kinda a necessity. That player 1 controller just had a NES controller swapped in and a plug rewiring done.

>> No.2566435

actually, there is a boxed NES under the table with the PVM in that pic.

Agreed with the 'consoles on floor' panic being dumb, though. It doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.2566436


>> No.2566442
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Get the fuck over it.

Yep. Though I must say I am happy I added a little length to my cords, I still play on the floor a lot.

>> No.2566451
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>> No.2566452
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>> No.2566475

How is the Famicom connected to the monitor?

>> No.2566483

I'm jelly, looks comfy

>> No.2566574

Pretty nice through composite even. I think my amp circuit leaves the output a wee bit dark, even when set for 0 IRE blanking (the japanese NTSC standard). It looks great if you tweak up brightness on the CRT though.

My camera battery is charging, but I'll get you a pic.

>> No.2566634
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Pic related. Best I can manage with this camera. It looks a bit sharper than that and from the distance I sit at the scanlines are less noticeable. Playing close to the TV I'd definitely recommend a 14 inch PVM or I can personally recommend the Panasonic BT-H1390YN, which has very thick lines that aren't as pronounced. Very pleasant image for closer up.

>> No.2566637
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and if you meant 'how did I connect it' I AV modded it myself.

Here's a closer up picture of kirby. The scanlines are too pronounced close up on the 20L5 for my liking, but from a distance it's a good effect.

>> No.2566638
File: 1.78 MB, 2304x1728, kirby-pvm-closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic, sorry. here's kirby. The last pic was my AV mod.

>> No.2566639

You can buy an everdrive.

>> No.2566641

i'd wait for kevin horton (kevtris) to make his flash cart if you're thinking of getting a NES one. It'll have support for all mappers (you can even play lagrange point) and it'll let you emulate original game boy games on your NES as well.

>> No.2566643

Emulation. I've been a gamer since the goddamn Pong days and would never consider hacking up some ancient piece of hardware to half-work today when I have a fucking computer that can play things more than well enough right the fuck here.

Emulation > physical.

>> No.2566652

Same game through the Panasonic BT-H1390YN, taken close up.

>> No.2566663
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>no pic
>being this stupid
whoops. I had to use a jpeg factor of 72 on this to get it to 4mb btw, so here's the original.

>> No.2566667
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link to the past on BT-H1390YN

>> No.2566673

I'm all for flash carts really. The time, space, effort, and money of collecting I can better use on a nice setup.

Emulation is fine as well. I nostalgia for the old TV sitting in the floor thing, but can just plug an emulation box to the TV.

I just can't care to support people gouging old plastic for a living for what comes out to be no real difference outside of the Saturn...which you can mod.

>> No.2566687

P.S. note that on the famicom with a few games (mario 2 in particular) jailbars are an issue, kind of like with the top loader. Interference comes from the RAM chip just above the PPU, so if anyone feels like making a guide for relocating the PPU that'd be great.

>> No.2566695

How do you guys feel about virtual console games? I installed pretty much most of my favorite super nes games on my wii and I play them with the classic controller. I feel like I cant tell any differences between the virtual console version of games like link to the past and the actual hardware itself.

>> No.2566697

I'd rather have the game itself and play it on original hardware but there are two cons to this IMO.

- I'm too used to wireless controllers now
- People charge ridiculous prices for some games.

I know how wired controllers have less lag and all that jazz but at the end of the day I play games to relax and enjoy life, convenience plays a big role.

>> No.2566716

Virtual Console = emulation

Also, while they aren't terribly different, I have compared Wii VC to actual hardware on my TV before. There is a color difference on the NES for sure, and also remember that the wii does not output 240p for old VC games.

>> No.2566723

Retroarch Wii outputs different resolutions and allows you to adjust the pallet. But yes, VC uses a different pallet adjusted for a component output by Nintendo.

>> No.2566729
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(if you like it enough, good for you. But I'd never do it when I can avoid it. I have a flash cart so I can nearly always avoid it.)

>> No.2566732
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He asked about VC, so I told him about VC.

I'll try retroarch. Last time I used my wii retroarch wasn't ported to it yet.

>> No.2566736


I don't agree with emulation. Games shouldn't be free just because they're 10+ years old.

I want the physical copy of games. I wanna have a game room. If you wanna save space you can always get digital versions of games, I suppose, but I like my physical stuff.

>> No.2566794

Collecting seems like a fun concept, but I'm already a toy collector and an avid boardgamer. These things take so much room and eat away so much of my budget that it's out of the question for me.

Also, I'm a fucking scrub and love my save states.

>> No.2566813

>I want the physical copy of games
In many cases, that's all-but impossible.

>> No.2566831

For consoles like the N64 and Saturn where emulation is far from perfect the actual console is best. And pretty cheap, an N64 w/ an everdrive and a few controllers+ram pack is under 300. And a Saturn can be had and modded for well under 100. Other consoles like the NES, Genesis, Gameboy, SNES, Turbografx, Master System, Game Gear, Atari, and Neo Geo have 100% or near 100% emulation there's little reason to wear out and use the original consoles. So from a gamer standpoint, emulation is fine. Hook up your emubox to a CRT and play away. Adapters for the original controllers are dirt cheap. I made my own to adapt controllers to the PS2 plug (pretty much all controllers can be adapted to it) and use a USB PS2 Twinjoy adapter to plug it into my Android TV Box. Which outputs RGB plugged into my CRT. It looks identical to original consoles as far as I can tell. So I keep my original stuff stored away and play on that.

>> No.2566845

i'm back, I tried retroarch.

I'm rather impressed. Gotta RGB mod my famicom sometime and see how good it is RGB vs. Component, instead of Composite vs. Component. :p

For now, I'll keep playing famicom, but thanks for telling me about retroarch's 240p mode.

>> No.2566849
File: 3.75 MB, 6054x2535, retroarch-comparison-nes-sidebyside-4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic.

Retroarch on Wii in 240p mode on right, composite modded Famicom on left.

>> No.2566880

(used nestopia 'canonical' palette, changed in 'core options'. Also disabled 'hide overscan' in core options, and set resolution to 512x240 in settings -> video, as well as disabling cropping overscan there.

>> No.2566881

>Gotta RGB mod my famicom sometime

t. I need to loot a Playchoice 10 machine

>> No.2566885


I am willing to pay for a game as long as it's under $150. If it costs a lot I will put it even deeper into my backlog but I'll get it eventually

>> No.2566886

I'd never thought much about RGB modding my NES or Famicom before, but now I kind of want to :p

The PC10 palette is not the same as the composite PPU palette. Get a NESRGB board for more accurate colors and to avoid ruining another piece of history.


>> No.2566893

>The PC10 palette is not the same as the composite PPU palette

I know that.

>> No.2566897

don't ruin historical boards for no reason. Get a NESRGB for fuck's sake.

>> No.2566910

>Get a NESRGB for fuck's sake

Weren't those the special in-house RGB units that Nintendo used to make the screenshots in Nintendo Power?

>> No.2566928

No, they're the things I linked to about 10 minutes ago.

If you're on a monitor with such little vertical height that you can't see it, here you go.


Nintendo people would often use a Famicom Titler for screenshots, though, or a Sharp C1 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famicom_Titler and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharp_Nintendo_Television).).

>> No.2567003

If you're a poorfag: Emulate.

If you're a richfag: Collect.

For everyone else, flash carts are the cheapest and best route.

>> No.2567059
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Emulation is cancer, the only way that you can say you've beaten the game is if you've beaten the real thing. If it costs too much, then grow up and get a job.

>> No.2567065


I'm poor and I collect. If you can buy modern games at 60 bucks a piece you can buy retro games. They're often cheaper anyway

>> No.2567114


>> No.2567128

For me it's a matter of time. I don't have time to play these retro games without save states and have no interest in playing one problem level 30+ times in order to "git gud". The money then becomes a no brainer as there's no point in me spending money on something I won't use.

>> No.2567131


I'm want to start collecting, but i want a region-free console and is Retron5 good for that?

>> No.2567134

It all depends on how your wife feels about it.

>> No.2567154

The retron 5 is terrible for playing games. It uses a fairly inaccurate emulator running on an SOC. But my wife loves it and buying it saved my marriage.

>> No.2567785

>Emulation vs. Collecting
Why not both?

>> No.2567792

>If you're on a monitor with such little vertical height that you can't see it, here you go.
This accurately describes modern laptop displays :<

>> No.2567797

What the hell is this board's obsession with wives and retrons

>> No.2567801

I like physical copies, just keeping even a small collection feels really nice.

However, I'll emulate or buy on Virtual Console if authentic copies cost too much. (Earthbound: >$150 authentic vs. $10 on the Wii U)

Please don't kill me for having a Wii U. New games can be just as good as old ones.

>> No.2567810

>Please don't kill me for having a Wii U. New games can be just as good as old ones.

Wii-U is seriously lacking games.

Hell, all of the current gen is pretty light on games. There are a few I've considered getting for Wii-U myself but my library is:
>Zombie-U (disc, with console)
>Nintendoland (digital, with console)
>Resident Evil: Revelations (this was before I got my PS4)
>Monster Hunter 3U (Reason I bought the console)
>Windwaker HD (because a friend was staying over and wanted to play it)

I've considered Bayonetta 2, and Pikmin 3, but everything else is pretty meh.

>> No.2567823


>Wii-U is seriously lacking games.

True, but most of those titles are very good of not solid at worst.

Smash 4, Mario Kart 8, 3D World, Bayonetta 2, New Super Mario Bros. U are all pretty good.

I really like Game and Wario despite it getting pretty mixed reviews.

Pikmin 3 and Mario Party 8 disappointed me despite favorable reviews. No reason why I didn't like Pikmin 3, and Mario Party 8 changed up the formula so now it's stupidly, boringly simple.

>> No.2567858 [DELETED] 

This. For some reason people can't seem to understand this, even people who are trying to save money. It seems simple

1. Play games. See what you like. Deepen your appreciation
2. Have $10? Start shopping! Hit the thrift stores, Facebook etc. Buy whatever's good. Maybe you'll like it maybe you'll trade/sell it
3. Have $100? Start thinking about flash cartridges
4. Have $1000? Decide between collecting games for your favorite systems, buying in large lots, or collecting rare systems and playing mostly copied games on them
5. Got $1000? Think about assembling complete collections

There's smart ways to play at every investment level but retards always want to live above their means.

>> No.2567860

This. For some reason people can't seem to understand this, even people who are trying to save money. It seems simple

1. Play games. See what you like. Deepen your appreciation
2. Have $10? Start shopping! Hit the thrift stores, Facebook etc. Buy whatever's good. Maybe you'll like it maybe you'll trade/sell it
3. Have $100? Start thinking about flash cartridges
4. Have $1000? Decide between collecting games for your favorite systems, buying in large lots, or collecting rare systems and playing mostly copied games on them
5. Got $10000? Think about assembling complete collections

There's smart ways to play at every investment level but retards always want to live above their means

>> No.2567861
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>> No.2567867

Ok yeah, but some hardware is just too rare or pricey for mere mortals to afford.

>> No.2567868

And sometimes there aren't enough good games on a platform to justify owning the real hardware.

>> No.2567870


>> No.2567872

Like why would you own a real TRS-80 just to play Scott Adams adventures.

>> No.2567874

>Smash 4, Mario Kart 8, 3D World, New Super Mario Bros. U are all pretty good.
Nope, they may retain a specific gameplay experience that WAS enjoyable and they can probe to be as good as the original user of said machanic but it's the same as the well known case of Street of Rage 3 being inferior to SoR2.

Smash, Mario Kart and both 2D and 3D Mario platformers are based on good games by temporal standards of the base game but as added content is the same but more gimmicky it demerits the full game.

I can accept every one of these games are fun but you are better playing any of the old versions of them just to save money -Specially in Mario Kart, where retconned tracks are effectively half of the content-

>> No.2567876

Yeh but who wants to play that gay ancient shit anyway.

>> No.2567878

Shante for the GBC
Nintendo World Championships
List goes on. I'm positive somebody around here can name 10 more good games that cost >$100>

>> No.2567903

smash is for kids. Mario kart hasn't been fun since double dash, I've played mario 3d world and new super mario bros before. Its all the same. I'm not going to buy games "just because" its the new version.

>> No.2567914

Everything you said is reasonable except for one thing.

>Smash is for kids.

Have you even fucking looked into the depth of this game? Sure, it's for kids when it's a mindless button masher (which it can be) but it has an incredibly large competitive community because of all the different strategies and overall depth. People are still finding out new things to do in Melee.

Besides, they were definitely aiming at an older audience with Brawl, with it's T rating.

>> No.2567919

>butthurt smashfag detected

Smash is a party game. Everyone who takes smash seriously is a fucking faggot.

I don't own it because a few guys I know are super into it and when they come over to game thats all they want to fucking play. Its fucking boring.

>> No.2568275

Some asshat kept shilling a retron 5 talking about how his wife was on him to get rid of the extra consoles. She felt they were an eyesore. Every time one thread went down a new one was up talking bout "the wife." Bottom line... the retron 5 is a piece of garbage.

>> No.2568317

Exactly what game do you take super cerealy without being a faggot?

>> No.2568334

Mario Kart 64 is also a fantastic party game. In my experience bitches wouldn't play smash bros. back in the day. They loved them some peach though. There's a lot less attitude out of girl gamers when they lose a race as opposed to getting their face smashed in all day.

>> No.2568352
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Emulation of 16 bit systems looks and plays just fine. You can use filters to make things look more authentic but lots of people on /vr/ will tease you about it. I tend to use 25% scanlines and eschew anything that introduces blurriness, myself, but you do you. You can get an adapter and use controllers from the actual systems as well. This method will also allow you access to hard-to-find games as well as fan translations of imports.
Systems from the N64/Saturn/PS1 generation do not emulate well in my opinion. If you want to play those it is well worth your time to get the systems. For Saturn and PS1 you can mod them to play burned games and keep costs down. This is especially recommended with Saturn as the best games for the system are either imports or have had their prices for physical copies driven to insane heights on ebay.

>> No.2568359

More than half of the N64 and PS1 catalogs emulate decently. The problem is it's always the games like OOT and Golden Eye that fall flat on their face. The games you really want to emulate. Saturn is a lost cause however. I won't even bother. Original controllers are fine but I prefer to play my things like nes/snes on PS controllers and things like Mario Kart 64 on an xbox 360 controller. They work perfectly fine and feel a thousand times better than a dogbone or a brick.

>> No.2568608

>This accurately describes modern laptop displays :<

Yeah, I know. That's why I hope we get a 4:3 or 3:2 'retro thinkpad' when the polls lenovo is doing are over.

I bet it'll be 16:10, but at least it's better than 16:9 by a bit :\

It's not an emulator, it's a (mostly accurate) clone of the NES CPU/PPU. But the square wave duty cycles are swapped so NTSC games sound correct on PAL TV's (and wrong on NTSC systems), and most famiclones don't have all the pins of the nes-on-a-chip wired correctly so games like Castlevania III and Paperboy 2 don't work on them.

For region free buy a famicom or top loader, or grow a pair and learn to clip the pin on the lockout chip in the front loader. It's really simple and you never have to worry about region locks again.

>examples (of too rare and pricey hardware)?
ROB for the NES
Most arcade boards
NES top loaders
Shipping anything from Japan (my famicom set me back $40 on shipping; the console itself cost me $20)
Nintendo World Championships (NES)
Chrono Trigger nowadays. Local store has a copy for $120. (SNES)
Earthbound (SNES)
Shintae (GBC)
Gimmick (NES)

I tend to, if emulating SNES for stupid reasons (I have an actual SNES), do it on my wii and have actual 240p scanlines.

Don't forget you can't emulate Pokemon Snap properly unless you run a Dolphin with Pokemon Snap on the Virtual Console.

Therefore a gamecube/wii emulator is the only PC emulator that can run Pokemon Snap :\

>> No.2568782

No it doesn't.
libretro com/index.php/retroarch-license-violations/
It uses an inaccurate port of Fceumm which isn't even the best NES emulator to begin with. It's just a very quick NES emulator

>> No.2568834

Hm, it doesn't use a NOAC?

Because most NOAC's are pretty accurate (the ones UMC make), besides the sound being wrong on NTSC sets.

I did not know the retron actually had an emulator.

Anyway, yeah, the FCE* emulators are all pretty bad accuracy-wise. I love FCEUX for the debugging features though.