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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 207 KB, 600x597, Syphon Filter [U] [SCUS-94240]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2563182 No.2563182 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2563185

It's fun but don't expect anything groundbreaking

>> No.2563189

Great games but they definitely show their age. Easily some of the best shooters of their time. Extremely detailed large environments, tons of animations, great textures, tons of weapons, and really good balanced multiplayer. Criminally under rated games.

>> No.2563202

They were good games for the most part. I just didn't like the plot much.

>> No.2563217

first level alone has 3 escort segments and one fetch quest

>> No.2563253

A step up from Bubsy 3D.

>> No.2563413

>tank controls


>> No.2563452

Have you ever actually played a game with tank controls?

>> No.2563482

Great series before it left the retro period.

>> No.2563508

Syphon Filter 2 was the best of the series really fun playing again to unlock cheats. Definitely great music and BGM during the stages you will enjoy every minute of SF but #2 is the best by FAR! LOGAN

>> No.2563514

Yep. What are you going to do? Teach me a lesson about tank controls. Go on. Show me how retarded you are

>> No.2563550
File: 74 KB, 1024x768, be438e4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Syphon Filter's taser will forever be one of my favourite weapons in games.


>> No.2563635

ah yes, Syphon Filter's tank controls, named as such after those famous strafing tanks, right? Part of the same battalion as the jumping, somersaulting, swimming tanks that Tomb Raider took after.

>> No.2563642

we should coin the term mecha controls

>> No.2563672

I have a copy sitting on my shelf. I don't know where it came from, nor have I even played it.

Fucking spooky ass haunted shooty game.

>> No.2563782

Tank controls with strafe buttons are still tank controls.
Silent Hill had strafe buttons too

>> No.2563801

is that the game where one of the first mission is to defuse a bomb in a subway?

>> No.2563848

Lol, I spent a good junk of one Summer just doing this.

>> No.2563852


>> No.2563951

It's a lot worse than I had remembered. Just stuff like draw distance, the climbing tasks, automatic mission fails. Enemies are braindead so the game tries to surprise you by having them respawn implausibly behind you. There's just no good reason to go back to SF.

>> No.2563960


we're still waiting for you to present an argument

all you did was express your dislike

>> No.2563972

This game was the fucking bomb back in the day.

Tazing terrorists until they caught on fire. Every. Single. Time.

The variety in weapons, the places you went to.

Then halfway through the game discovering you could shoot the weapon right off the guy's hands. I was like, Holy shit this is advanced as hell this is awesome.

>> No.2564115

It was good but it's now unplayable

>> No.2564156

Great game, but really easy. I don't remember any particularly difficult segments. The auto-aim system is gamebreaking, somehow

>> No.2564163

I usually don't like tps but SF trilogy is one of the few which actually got me, all dat TECHNOLOGY like >>2563972 shooting hands or destroying glasses and lamps, shit is satisfying as fuck.

>> No.2564190

No Syphon Filter thread is complete without this.


The entire music collection from all games, including the PSP games.

>> No.2564816

thank you very much anon, music was always top tier in whole series

also, i'll probably get a lot of shit for it but SF3 is my favorite

>> No.2564837

That series was what broke my faith in the game industry. The first game was kind of shitty but then again so was just about every ps1 game so I played it through anyway. Then the second game was pretty great, one of my absolute favorites at the time. When the third game was announced I was hype beyond belief. And then it got delayed. And then it got delayed again. But then it finally came out. I still remember how happy I was to see it on the shelves, it was in the case that was like two ps1 cases put together on a hinge for multiple discs. A Syphon Filter game that long, I could hardly wait. Over-joyed I bought it and raced home to play. And then the most disappointing moment of my life at that point. It was just levels from the first two games again. Why? Why couldn't it be a new game? It wasn't even two discs, it just used the first case as space for the manual. I never fully trusted another game developer ever again.

>> No.2564865

A friend of mine used to send his parents mental by just constantly burning people with the taser in that game.

>> No.2564895

I'm looking for tissues for you, mate. Will keep you posted.

>> No.2564904

Every thread, there just HAS to be some ass hat who claims that the PSX was shit, and yet they owned one and played TONS of games for it...

Yeah, OK bud. I bet you're just a fucking Sega fanboi (or worse, nintentoddler) who just wants to shit on something that other people like.

Well good for you son. You won. You got my response. Good on you. Bet that'll fill that void in your life, eh?

>> No.2564913

>sega fanboy
I refuse to believe these people even existed past the Genesis. But if you mean to imply that I insulted the Playstation out of some vague attempt to prove the Dreamcast was good, you are mistaken. While a very large majority of ps1 games are awful, the very worst ps1 game is still better than anything on the dreamcast. Even Shenmue wasn't that good, despite getting its dick sucked off at every opportunity. Stay triggered.

>> No.2564918

Syphon Filter gives me some very specific vidya memories. On my home we had a N64, but my cousin had a PS. Whenever I went to his place, I'd always ask to go to his room and play games.

I replayed the first SF on my PSP the other day. It was harder than I remembered it, but I had tons of fun.

I also vaguely remember playing Syphon Filter Omega Stream on the PS2 and being disappointed, mostly because getting 100% in that game required you to play online and you can't do that anymore.

>> No.2564924

The curse of newer generation vidya - depending on online services that no longer exist.

>> No.2564927

I'd give buttsecks for the chance to play my Xbox games online again. I miss the original XBL service.

>> No.2564928

Meanwhile Atari 2600 games will be playable until the heat death of the universe.

>> No.2564972

Poor man's MGS.
The first SF was particularly shit, especially that Monastery level that would never end.

>> No.2564974

>a stealth game compared to an action game


>> No.2564979

My sister had this game - she complained that you needed two extra pairs of hands to play it because the controls were just...no. This is a game that needed to be on a PC with a keyboard.

>> No.2564982

I never understood this.

What exactly made people believe Syphon Filter was a MGS knock off?

If anything, it's a better Golden Eye.

>> No.2564992


>> No.2565934

>or worse, nintentoddler
Well, coming from his posts he definitely seems like one, although I still hold both the ps1 and the Saturn in higher regard than the n64.

>> No.2565948
File: 1.80 MB, 384x288, 8RHKHYl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat running animation.

>> No.2565987

>Every thread, there just HAS to be some ass hat who claims that the PSX was shit, and yet they owned one and played TONS of games for it...

What's wrong with that? That's called being informed
You mean you hate game you never played? Are you a child?

>> No.2565993

>claim Syphon Filter 2 was one of his absolute favorite
>get accused to be a sega or nintendo fanboy

Are all sonyggers this autistic or it's just him?

>> No.2565995 [DELETED] 

I tried Syphon Filter because nostalgia from teenage years, holy damn did I not know what I was in for.

Looked like garbage, controlled like garbage.

>> No.2566148

Pretty much a good game, but didn't age too well. The best thing about it was the multiplayer on 3, my favorite game just for that.

If you didn't chose the granny, you were a faggot

>> No.2566235

Granny best VA, does she even taunt in multiplayer?

I don't remember many of them taunting, which is funny because the game has voice acting for almost all characters when you check the iso under psmplay.

>> No.2566258



>> No.2566298

The one thing I remember about this game was setting people on fire with the taser. Good times.

>> No.2566439

I can't get past the bridge level in Syphon Filter 2

>> No.2566443

I loved 1 and 2 but skipped out on 3 back in the day. Would it be worth playing now?

>> No.2566495
File: 50 KB, 539x229, AUG 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth a play, don't expect too much.

Afghanistan missions a best, pic related, best weapon in the game.

>> No.2566590


surprisingly good for a ps1 game

>> No.2566629

its the only good one in the series unless one is extremely into that theme.

my fav level is the one in the park under heavy rain. it has a great atmosphere.

>> No.2566632


>> No.2567808 [DELETED] 

New YoRk: Skʏes PᴀRkJɴG GᴀRᴀGe
09/13 22:00

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woɴ't pJeRce Jt. But ʏou've oɴMʏ Got oɴe GoᴀM ɴow:

>> No.2567817

Tazing people until they caught on fire. Enough said, I still remember 15 years later. The first game that jumps over the brick wall I always set ablaze.

>> No.2567818
File: 131 KB, 597x294, Syphon%20Filter%20Case%20File%2010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I adore this series.

>> No.2567853

Fun games. 2 is the best. They haven't aged well, but they're still fun to me. I like how they're played out like some kinda spy flick.

>> No.2567882

Low framerate and lock ons. It's nearly unplayable now a days.

>> No.2567964

and they still did it better than Vice City, kek

>> No.2567987

I spent hours and hours with this series as a kid. Some of my fondest multiplayer memories. Impossible to go back and play now though, the controls are incredibly laggy and the draw distance is really bad in a lot of areas (there's a jungle level in one of the games, I think the 3rd one, which is at night and you cannot see fuck all).

Still incredible for the time though. I loved how many different guns were in the game.

>> No.2568142

My best friend was the king at this game for unlocking everything etc. But I had his number in PISTOLS only 1v1 multiplayer fuck it was fun :"D

>> No.2568154


I played the shit out of the OPM demo.

>> No.2568283
File: 973 KB, 1440x1909, Syphon_Filter_USA_ADVERT_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved the print adverts for the games.

Also 2 had that wonderful taser advert on tv.

>> No.2568584

First two games are great and still fun to play. I feel bad for these people who apparently can't go back and enjoy them. Controls are solid and smooth, nice variety, and it holds a decent framerate with a pretty advanced engine (it has colored dynamic lighting, that's pretty cool for the time). Loved the mix of action and minor puzzle elements.

It's funny that people say Uncharted is an imitator of Tomb Raider when, mechanically, Uncharted/SF are actually much more similar. 80% third-person shooter with 20% climbing on ledges and shimmying your way around to the next area.

>> No.2568852
File: 543 KB, 320x240, photo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet you're just a fucking Sega fanboi
Fuck off. Segafags aren't as obnoxious as you make them out to be.
>(or worse, nintentoddler)

>> No.2570018
File: 247 KB, 1978x1994, Tyorma Prison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The taser:

The ad for SF1

>> No.2571057


That Taser advert never gets old. SF 1 is spooky.

Did any of the PS1 games use the Duel Shock configuration?

>> No.2571308

Scripted to death, forced stealth, tank controls. It really aged like shit. This franchise is dead for a good reason