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2551449 No.2551449 [Reply] [Original]

Do you feel that the old school tank control fixed camera Resident Evil games are under appreciated these days?

How could people honestly not love these gems that have been so important in video game history?

>> No.2551463

5 generation in general seems to get overlooked and even hated by modern gamers.

>> No.2551468

it was undeniably the awkward phase of gaming

>> No.2551471

Only a modern gamer would say this.

>> No.2551472

With how unstable 1st to 3rd generation was I'd so no. Outside of arcades.

It was the revolutionary and standard making generation more so then the prior.

>> No.2551474

Because they're awkward controls.

I understand why they decided to use tank controls to avoid problems with sudden camera angle changes. But that's a problem that should have been fixed before launch. Unless they honestly ran out of time to fix camera placements.

>> No.2551481

My major gripe with tank controls, even back then, is that it takes a lot of time to turn around (when you want to face an enemy, or flee).

I really enjoy the way Shenmue handles it, though - the "walk/run" button is relocated to the (right) trigger, so the player only has to deal with ←/→ on the d-pad (and diagonals for sharper turns). This makes controlling the character about as easy as steering a car in modern racing games. A bit weird by today's standards, but definitely more manageable than holding ↑ all the time.

>> No.2551483


I don't really think that's true though - there was a 180 turn command that you could use to great affect always.

>> No.2551485

A lot of modern gamers just prefer to play games that conform to a style they are used to already or can pick up without much effort. Tank controls just aren't used anymore so modern gamers don't know how to deal with them and aren't willing to learn because in some ways it contradicts their natural instincts. If they are controlling a character in third person they are most likely used to 3d platformers or adventure games like the 3d Mario games or Ratchet and Clank or whatever. Whereas tank controls provide the same perspective but without camera control and with much different control over the character in such a way that it might make the player feel like as though they are being unfairly handicapped.

>> No.2551502

yeh survival horrors were so great that with each new RE installment they strayed more from resource management into straightforward action games.
IMO these games were most fun when you unlock the short minigame at the end. 4th survivor, mercenary mode, etc

>> No.2551510

Sure, but then you're still slightly off-track and running along a path you did not really intend to follow. It mitigates the issue a bit, but it's not unusual to have to stop and re-adjust your direction again (or bump into walls, furnitures, etc., and yet keep going because you'll slide alongside it anyway so, whatever).

>> No.2551527

everywhere I look the original RE games are revered and respected, especially since the series has gone a bit to shit nowadays. though it's true that this board has a particularly huge hard-on for those games

>> No.2551532


>game has awkward controls
>oh my god how can you have standards, you must be a modern gamer, it's not allowed to criticize my childhood classics

You're such a fucking faggot goddamn

>> No.2551534

I hated tank controls and fixed camera then and I hate them now. I'm glad they are pretty much dead.

>> No.2551551

Because no analog controllers yet to exercise long rage angular precision.
Because it's basically first person shooter controls, in third person fixed camera.

>> No.2551573

typical modern gamer

>> No.2551582

True enough but 5th gen was when the home systems started the transition to full 3D. I think a lot of things in games these days are taken for granted. A lot of people forget just how awful the camera used to be in so many early-3D games. It was a real learning experience for both devs and players.

>> No.2551591

I still can't understand how people have issue with them. All the enemies have very obvious tells, traversing is easy as shit.

Are they expecting to play DMC or something?

>> No.2551624

Same. Early 3D was one of the darkest days of gaming.

>> No.2551643

Its simly not all that pleasant.

Its a system that developed before people had a clear idea of how 3d movement would work.

>> No.2551668

I loved them and I still love them.

Fixed camera allowed nicer looking background graphics and maneuvering around the zombies and monsters added to the survival horror experience. If you complain about RE tank controls, I can't take your videogame opinions seriously at all.

>> No.2551671

Casuals can't take 10 minutes to get accustomed to a different control scheme. It's the reason games are all homogenised shit these days.

>> No.2551675

no, that isn't how things work, important doesn't give things an automatic pass to being liked no matter what. Some games don't stand the test of time. Others were just bad in the first place, in fact there are plenty of games that were important for being the first to use certain ideas or interfaces, but are not actually good. (though I am NOT saying that's the case with the resident evil games) And then you have this thing called personal taste, which means people might not like games you love, despite how good you personally think they are, and the other way around. You can't go around forcing people to like things just because they are "important". Both here and /mu/ need to learn this.

>> No.2551679

All phases of gaming are awkward for one reason or another, since gaming trends and innovation are constantly in flux, and yes, this even goes for modern games.

>> No.2551690 [DELETED] 

>You can't go around forcing people to like things just because they are "important"
Nobody forces you to, you just get told that you have shit taste, and rightfully so

>> No.2551691

I know you are trolling, but important isn't the same as good

>> No.2551754

analog stick killed the tank controls

>> No.2551835

>but important isn't the same as good
Not really but that's a whole other topic.

Truth to be told most of the people who are seriously bothered by tank controls to the point of calling a game bad because of those are usually people who won't bother actually learning to play a game when they find out they need something more than their current skillset.
But I guess I'm part of the "old guard" here so I'll not comment further.
As far as I'm concerned the only problem with tank controls was the slow turning speed, all the rest worked mighty fine and I've never had problems, if anything, the transition to more fluid movement was difficult for me, especially in games like DMC where some parts have fixed camera, but again, it's just that I wasn't used to it.
Back then it was a nice compromise between nice graphics and (cinematic)gameplay, it worked fine for me and a lot of other people so I don't really see why you would call them shit unless you were a millennial who never played through games that really had stiff controls and high learning curve like Alex Kidd.

>> No.2551874

People like to simply pick up and play games instead of having to learn specifics. Learning ain't fun to the majority.

>> No.2551898

As you pointed out, the problem is simply the mindset.
Tank controls are good for games that need them, like earlier RE for example. Stick tank controls in a modern game like Tomb Raider and it's plainly obvious they're shit and it's only fair to call the game bad, or badly designed.
That adds on to the mindset. You can't play an older game made with dated hardware and from a differing period of society and expect it to hold up perfectly with things being released nowadays. If you go in with expectations you're gonna be disappointed one way or another. Games should be played for what they are and not for what you want them to be or think they should be.

>> No.2551902

but most modern games require more learning than games like this ever did

>> No.2551905

It's a mixed bag. I can remember games that were pick up and play easy and I remember games that you needed to study the booklet to learn how to perform a simple task

>> No.2551916

Tank Controls are definitely not given the appreciation they deserve.

What I hate about any game without tank controls is that your movement tends to get fucked up by the camera moving. With tank controls the camera can change position freely but your movement stays the same: pushing forward on the stick/pad is always forward for your character.

With non-tank controls though if the camera suddenly moves then which way is "forward" on the stick/pad suddenly changes and you might even do a 180.

>> No.2552079

Fixed cameras is one thing but the tank controls were never good.

You know all the camera angles were 100% static, right? No adjusting them, because the environments in the old games were all pre-rendered images, there are no angles but the ones they rendered and used as backgrounds.

What, you mean you don't understand why people have issues with incredibly stiff and clunky controls? They're not called tank controls because they're solid as one, they're called tank controls because it feels like you are steering a threaded vehicle or a forklift, not a person.

>> No.2552084

And thank god.

>> No.2552093

yeah, but my point more was that modern games are pretty much still like that, and sometimes even worse due to being more technically complex.

>> No.2552112

Tank controls are bad but that doesn't make the game itself bad. I like Resident Evil and would love to play through it but the controls feel very stiff and unnatural, to the point that they seriously detract from my enjoyment of a game, I should really not have to stop dead in my tracks to slowly align myself in the direction I want to go, no human ever would do this, certainly not when in danger and chased by aggressive creatures.

Of all the things that truly date Resident Evil, it's not the graphics, they are fine, it's not the wooden voice acting, it's not the cheesy live action intro (which frankly I love), it's really the movement controls that dates the game the worst, and I understand that it's an artifact of being the earliest game of it's kind and that the PS didn't even have analog sticks at the time, but how can you play a later game, go back to RE, and not think that these controls are atrocious?

I think that RE4 did some mistakes, and that the later installments aped it too much and in the wrong way, but the controls and steering is superior to the old games in every single way.

>> No.2552117

>Learning ain't fun to the majority.

Which is why the average American is such a retard these days.

>> No.2552136

That's more to do with public schools in the US being shit at their jobs, they're not good at teaching and they also try to hammer in the notion that "you're unique and you matter" no matter the person or circumstances.

Americans can learn, it's just that the state can't teach people very well. Private schools produce miles better results, believe me.

>> No.2552146

I think that the tank control of Dino Crisis 2 is VERY under appreciated these days.

>> No.2552151

Fixed camera is the one retro thing I don't miss, ever.

>> No.2552163

I played through and loved Alone in the Dark but find Resident Evil very hard to play. I don't think it deserves any excuses for being old.

>> No.2552189

Tank controls add both tension and precision to Resident Evil and Tomb Raider. Their abolition was the beginning of the end for both those series.

>> No.2552514

Streaming Resident Evil 2, Leon A Scenario on Twitch.
Come watch and enjoy the retro fun.


>> No.2552519

Only a moron would say this.

>> No.2552524

I usually hate when people say this, but are you literally autistic

>> No.2552531


>> No.2552539

I'm pretty sure you must be the one who's autistic if you haven't caught on to his joke yet

>> No.2552575

>I think that RE4 did some mistakes, and that the later installments aped it too much and in the wrong way, but the controls and steering is superior to the old games in every single way.
It's actually pretty much the same for no reason I can work out. You can use the dpad for everything but aiming and it will play the same. It's silly and a bit of a waste.

>> No.2552605

Tank controls aren't so bad in a full 3D environment. Tank controls in a pre-rendered environment on the other hand make me want to shoot myself.

>> No.2552609

I love the games and I miss the old style RE, but I don't really miss the controls.

I agree with him and I'm primarily a 4th gen guy, wat nou?

>> No.2552625

You suck at controlling the camera

>> No.2552663

tbf most games without tank controls don't have sudden cuts from one camera angle to the next.

>> No.2553025

What the fuck is wrong with /vr/
I hope you guys are shitposting.
I fucking love tank controls.

>> No.2553029

>Tank controls in a pre-rendered environment on the other hand make me want to shoot myself.

It's BECAUSE it's pre-rendered you need tank controls you dolt. You need a uniform sense of direction so when the camera shifts you don't make a b-line for a wall.

>> No.2553032

Coming from Wolf3D and Star Control,
I don't mind tank controls, at all.

>> No.2553038

>What, you mean you don't understand why people have issues with incredibly stiff and clunky controls?

Well that's what I have issue with. I don't see how you can call them either of those unless you're spastic.

You can steer and change direction while moving incredibly easy, you don't have to stop to realign yourself ever and there's very little peril that needs you to have ninja reflexes to escape from.

>> No.2553042

Yup, FF7 tried to split the difference and was kind of a pain in the ass.

>> No.2553892

what's so important about Resident Evil? It was turned into one of the worst movie franchises of all time?

>> No.2553929

I dunno, I never really struggled with tank controls. It was more timing that I had issue with in the situations of Resident Evil games.

I used to speedrun the hell out of Resident Evil 2 (1:35.26 being my best time). Now my skills are a bit rusty.

>> No.2554008

The only thing that is spastic is the way characters move in early 3D games with tank controls.
It makes sense in Star Control because you command ships, not human beings.

>> No.2554012

This is a very good question, actually. I used to think they were important because they defined survivor horror but that kind of survivor horror was relevant for less that two decades and Alone in the Dark actually did it first(or just before).

>> No.2554052

Maybe people just have different opinions than you?

>> No.2554059

>makes sense
it doesn't have to? just that the controls are natural for previous games and that makes it easy. it's just the way it was for some.

>long rage angular precision
the issue i have with resident evil or alone in the dark is that the character's front facing can be unclear at times due to the fixed camera angle or body/torso movements. even pointing some of the weapons/guns doesn't actually point them at the absolute front.

>> No.2554373

I can deal with tank controls but I always really hated them.

>> No.2554490

I knew someone would comment on the words I picked for this. By makes sense I mean it is acceptable in the context of the said game because you command spaceships.

>> No.2554648

I actually like RE clones a whole lot, though due to the success of RE in the 5th and 6th generations, the control-scheme became pretty overplayed. The genre was pretty saturated by the time Code Veronica came out.

I've never minded the controls, and RE4 was my first RE. Some of the complaining sounds a little like whining to me, but I understand that it's not a "natural" way to control a character in 3D space.

>> No.2554670

>not a "natural" way to control a character in 3D space
as >>2551551 said,
people played wolfenstein 3d and doom with keyboards. it has the same movement controls only with a different viewport.

>> No.2554815

You could strafe in those games, and use the mouse to turn, it was also from a first person perspective which is very much different from a 3rd person perspective with a fixed camera.

It's not at all the same thing and you shouldn't even begin to claim that it is.

>> No.2554821

That different viewport is the key here. In Wolf 3D and Doom, when you pressed up, your character always moved forward because there weren't fixed camera angles. You don't open a gate, enter a room and suddenly move towards the camera when you press up, instead of moving away from it.

>> No.2556589

>first person movement is at all comparable to third person movement with a static camera

>> No.2556656

turn left, turn right, forward, backward.
it's fucking the same in regards to movement.

>> No.2556662

I'm already willing to drop the subject but you have to bump the thing after almost a whole full day just to whine about a comment.
See >>2556656.
>B-but it FEELS different
Noone cares about how you feel, its about mechanic, press one button to turn left, another to turn right, and others for forward and backward. That's it.

>> No.2556834

Perspective makes a monumental difference to how you control a game, because it is key to how you orient yourself in your environmemt, again, Wolf3D and Doom both feature mouse turning, as well as mouse movement, along with strafing, straferunning, seamless transition between both, running backwards, angled and sideways.
This had native support from the start and if you played these games with keyboard only and no strafing then that is you handicapping yourself.

It does not at all compare to using a DPad or two analog sticks from a fixed third person perspective.

>> No.2556889

i'm not an art student or a hipster that had a mouse in 1992. default wolfenstein 3d strafe also moves really slowly. and i don't play resident evil with analog sticks.

if you think they're different, fine.
for me the input is the same, producing the same output.

>> No.2556946

I like tank controls but I admit that they're an acquired taste.

>> No.2557036

>default wolfenstein 3d strafe also moves really slowly
Not if you use the run key to strafe.
Or the mouse to strafe, in which you can actually produce some very rapid and precise movements as you can double them up with the assigned strafe buttons on your keyboard.

And it wasn't rare to have a mouse then, not everyone did, sure, but that doesn't mean the game wasn't best played with one.

Romero himself played Wolfenstein 3D exclusively with mouse and keyboard and the PAR times are derived from him.

>> No.2557057

nigga got baited hard

>> No.2558476

I just thought the tank controls were just games being new. there was no way to put camera control and regular movement in the same game due to ware limitations and because developers were still learning. We were still in an age were Donkey Kong's 3D wasnt really 3D, but we still crapped our pants every time someone saw it.

>> No.2558619


I never had any problems with tank controls. I remember when me and my buddy played Resident Evil for the first time after it came out, controls were never an issue, and pretty quickly we were skillfully dodging zombies left & right.

Resident evil was pretty responsive too. I'd understand people having problems with Alone in the Dark though. (still a great game)

>> No.2558632


I don't know if they're an acquired taste as much as some people just can't wrap their heads around them. I see similar complaints about the pre-III GTA games.

>> No.2558661

I can play the old GTA games decently, but I never felt that they controlled well, driving was always kind of iffy, especially with fast vehicles (for instance you're pretty much guaranteed to crash the super bike and be thrown off), and doing any kind of precise walking/running could be bothersome.

Also, the pistol was fucking useless in GTA1, you'd be lucky to align a good shot on a target that's even remotely mobile (and even with a stationary target it could be tricky; as the target then starts getting mobile once you miss). Getting the machinegun is practically mandatory if you need to shoot anything.
The AI were pretty much perfect shots with the pistol though.

>> No.2558761


A lock on feature would have been nice, for sure.

>> No.2558798

Honestly, not even that is necessary.
Either mouse support, or a projected target/crosshair that lines out to aid in your targeting. Could be anything, could just be that when you equip a gun, a small little red line representing a laser sight projects, just anything to help give you a clearer idea on where your shots go.

I really like the original Grand Theft Auto but it's not an easy game to get into at all times.

>> No.2559052

Does anyone have the generations of gaming pic?

>> No.2562074

I actually prefer tank style with analog sticks in the modern RE games. And it's available in all of them as a control option.

So, no, analog stick didn't kill tank controls.

Granted I strongly dislike the combination of tank and fixed camera angle in the originals. Whether it worked or not, you got used to it or not, or "added to muh ekshperience imershion" or not, it is awkward.

But over the shoulder tank controls are pretty good.

>> No.2562096

>wolf 3d
>mouse movement

not out of the box they didn't.

>> No.2562113

Maybe not movement at day one, but they both had native support for mouse-turning.

>> No.2562321

I'm confused by the number of people in this thread saying "It was fine, I grew up with it and didn't have a problem".

I'm 28. I grew up with it too, and I always found it a cumbersome and frankly ridiculous way to move around. I don't know as age really has anything to do with it.

>> No.2562339

PC snobs that can't get over different people enjoying games differently might get angry about this, but I always played Doom with a gamepad anyhow.

>> No.2562342

look at the amount of people on here that will get angry if you say dragon's liar was a bad game.
People want to hold onto nostalgia and won't admit that certain things were never good in the first place.

>> No.2562343

because a staggering majority of people on this board are, frankly, rather immature, and *think* age has anything to do with it, while using it as a crutch. It's a "no true scotsman" thing. It makes them feel big.

Of course, there are those who just say it regardless of their feelings because they want to stir shit up. Also to make them feel big. Or something.

>> No.2562351

on this board I actually feel like it's less about "feeling big" and more about being too tied to nostalgia and not wanting to let go

>> No.2562361

less nostalgia and more a misguided sense of credibility, I think. But that's not to say I actually disagree with you.

>> No.2562364

I always preferred mouse and keyboard, but playing Doom on the PS3, the dual analogs along with using the shoulder buttons for strafing, it feels pretty natural. Wolfenstein 3D also controls pretty naturally with a gamepad.

I don't know how well all the old console ports did this.

I once tried to rig up my cheapo PC gamepad to play GZDoom, and it did work, problem was that the sticks just didn't have enough sensitivity/were too slow for playing to be comfortable (also, any gameplay mod which features recoil by the means of lifting your view becomes cumbersome with analog sticks).

I guess I'll try again some day with a better pad.

>> No.2562370

Well, which Dragon's Lair do you mean? The original laserdisc arcade game or the NES game?

While you can argue that the arcade game is pretty limited in terms of gameplay, for it's time, it was a pretty unique thing just for the spectacle of it.

The NES game, on the other hand, is an atrocity and one of the worst of it's system, and you'd have to search under many a mossy rocks to find that one miserable gremlin who disagrees with THAT notion.

>> No.2562374

gamepads with sticks didn't exist in 1994

>> No.2562408

Well, there was the Atari 5200 controller, that had one stick. A stick that was guaranteed to break as you used it, no matter what,

But yeah, there really wasn't any gamepads with dual analog sticks by then.
I'm just saying that with a Dual Shock, which has two sticks, it controls pretty fluently, at least on the PS3.

>> No.2563175

Which Resident Evil games are good?

>> No.2563192
File: 3 KB, 160x144, zombie tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything but Gaiden has some redeeming features.

Being serious. Oh wait, Gaiden has some big titty zombies, if you're into that kind of thing. That's it.

>> No.2563206

For retro - RE1, 2 and 3
For non-retro - It's all subjective so just play them all and decide for yourself.

>> No.2563517

Gaiden has a lot of great ideas, and it really pushes the limit of the Gameboy Color in terms of graphics and sound, but the combat kind of bogs down the entire game.

>> No.2563545
File: 602 KB, 644x1210, RE3EpiloguesEnglishSheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dissing Gaiden
>when it has that OST


Anyhow I long gave up on RE OP. The problem is that pretty much everyone likes classic RE games for different reasons. I like them for the slow, comfy and methodical exploration, item management and hands down undisputed artwork and art style. Wheras most people hate those things because they include backtracking, limited inventory etc. Try venturing into /v/'s RE threads every now and then, its heartbreaking.

>> No.2563639

Just play the essentials. Which is RE 1-3. You need to especially play 1 and 2. 1 because it started the whole damn thing and the voice acting is so bad it's good. Seriously the voice acting is what made that game so memorable. 2 because it at the time had such a cool concept. Each character gets two scenarios. It also managed to have two big monsters. It did it so well to.

>> No.2566609
File: 42 KB, 900x1125, Rebecca Nurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best RE girl post

>> No.2566672

0-3, and Code Veronica are good if you want to get into classic RE. Zero is worse than the rest because of the Item system but still decent, REmake can be subsituted for RE1 if you want without losing much and REDC only adds auto-aim IIRC.

4 is pretty fun but not classic RE, haven't played Gaiden, Outbreak, Deadaim, 5,6 or Revelations so can't comment.

seems like there too many RE games

>> No.2566970

i would break my dick off in her.

>> No.2566983

You and me both, brother!

>> No.2567035
File: 71 KB, 788x1400, rebbecca_chambers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys get me, I would do heinous things to her body.

>> No.2567091

Same here
I grew up with both the Alone in the Dark trilogy and Resident Evil. While I do love both games, I found AitD MUCH easier to control and handle (keep in mind I only ever played AitD on a Macintosh and have yet to play the console ports of it)

Maybe tank controls were meant for keyboards

>> No.2567108 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1332x634, 1437953216729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2567464

I think tank controls are fine, it's just that 15 years or so of the vast majority of 3D games having free analog movement can make it seem pretty shitty by comparison.

I don't think they're shit, but you can't deny that better control schemes have been invented since then. Or really, even what RE4 did is better. The controls are actually exactly the same, it's just the camera is always behind the character. It makes the game much easier to control, since your characters position is always consistent. You never get these weird situations where you're pressing up to walk forward, yet your character is running towards you, or off to the side. Even back then, I thought that was really odd.

But at the time, it was the best they could do. They wanted the characters actions to be slow and deliberate, and that was the best way to go about it.

Also, if I recall correctly, I think RE1 and RE2 did not have a quick turn around button, which made turning around a pain.

RE3 definitely had a quick turn around button, so that's probably why I like that game more.

>> No.2567502

Judging from the loading screens (opening doors, stairs) I think if they could make it a full first person 3D game they would've done so, but beautiful pre-rendered fixed background was better appreciated and sells more than primitive 3D polygons with low-res textures and spending a lot more time in development.

>> No.2567524

Personally, I have somewhat of a bias against pre-rendered backgrounds. Some of the early games with them are far from what I'd call "beautiful".

Walking on a 2D image but it's actually a 3D plane just always felt kind of weird.

And it seems in every game with them, there's always some room where you're walking down a hallway, and there's some door off to the side, and I can never tell where the door actually is, so I just keep running my character, which is just a mess of pixels at this point, into some other bunch of pixels, trying to figure out how close I am to the door.

Granted, it was mostly the early PS1 games that were like that. Later PS1 games managed to be very sharp and quite good looking. And they'd usually avoid long hallways and such, where it would just be really hard to see your character.

And why would you say first person? Every RE has been third person. Most PS1 games in general are third person.

>> No.2567556

"Beautiful" as in the artist can simply draw it in instead of having to put it on models with limited resolution texture patches. It was the trend and it appeals to more people, remember that full blown 3D environment was still very primitive.
And yes, meant the camera following the protag, regardless of it being first or third person.

>> No.2567562

You do know what first person means, yes?

First person is stuff like Doom or Quake where you're looking through the eyes of the character you're playing.

>> No.2567578

Yes. I already said I meant that loosely because it was easier than to say "camera movement type that is always following the player movement by the point of view of the protagonist whether the protagonist is visible on the field (making it a third-person camera view) or not (making it a first-person view)".
But sure just nitpick away and prove the internet that some anonymous is technically using a definition wrong.

>> No.2567592

You still clearly don't know the difference between third and first person.

Third person, you are not in the point of view of the protagonist. You are a third person. An onlooker.

Them being on the screen means you are obviously not looking through their point of view, which means it is third person.

There is no "looseness" here, you just don't know what third person and first person mean.

>> No.2567594
File: 37 KB, 562x230, tps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? Forget it.
I'm done with this thread.

>> No.2567609

RE2 N64 is best version because it can be played without tank controls. Fuck, I love that game.

>> No.2567680

>are under appreciated these days?

No if anything they have become over appreciated.

>> No.2567815

There is no horror in diving all over the place like an ADD addled spastic.

>> No.2567928

>Do you feel that the old school tank control fixed camera Resident Evil games are under appreciated these days?
Those controls are pretty obnoxious to get used to nowadays. I'm currently replaying the first 3 games and the controls are a goddamn chore.

>> No.2567931

That doesn't exclude anything the other moron said.

>> No.2567943

tank controls are how you control vehicles, which makes sense because they control like that in real life, and they accelerate instead of starting instantly (and stopping). i understand that in the early days of 3d they would try to use that with human characters, but honestly it wouldve been better had they just not made the camera angles change all the time.

>> No.2568015

It doesn't, but he's just trying to make a point while the other bitches about semantics.

I get it at first he meant that he thought RE would have been made a first-person shooter or a third-person shooter (over the shoulder) but the technology and their capabilities weren't there yet, so they used pre-rendered backgrounds in a third-person away camera but unlike say FF7, they used tank controls instead.

I just don't go to the fish market and complain to the seller they used math wrongly when they simply reduced the total amount I have to pay with what I give to get the change in negative value and that they know nothing about math.

>> No.2568032

>I think if they could make it a full first person 3D game they would've done so
They opted for 2D backgrounds to save memory. If they had gone for full actual 3D environments, it would have bogged down the game if they had more than even just a few characters on screen.

>> No.2568038

pre-rendering has nothing to do with it. silent hill 1&2 both have tank controls, and RE4 is literally RE3's control scheme with a new camera angle and a more advanced aiming system.

>> No.2568174

i remember grim fandango had some awful angles.

>> No.2568175

The tank controls are not unplayable.

That being said, I prefer the story, mechanics, lore, virus-science and characters of the older RE games compared to the newer action ones.

>> No.2568180

I think Tank Control is what made RE and Silent Hill so unique. You had to learn it and master it. It was something different. I feel that it also added an intense feeling when fighting things ( especially in Silent Hill ).
Hell, in Silent Hill 2 I still go nuts when beating things with the pipe, my adrenaline rises for every single encounter.

>> No.2568442

>pre-rendering has nothing to do with it.
It's almost certainly the reason Alone in the Dark did it

Silent Hill probably just wanted to retain the weird spooky camera angles

As for RE4, who the hell knows

>> No.2569219
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Alright resident evil tread!

>> No.2569601

I always loved how uncanny and fake he looked, that made him way more scary than any of the other zombies in the series.

He looks sort of like a person, but not quite, the eyeballs, the pupils, the glare, the lips and nose, it all looks kinda right, not too abstract or stylized, close enough to realistic that it hits the uncanny valley.

The way he peers over his shoulder with a completely blank facial expression sells this perfectly.

>> No.2569637

Wasn't that scene live action in the first game though?

>> No.2569647

Nah, only the opening and ending movies were live action, all other RE cutscenes were CGI or in-engine.

>> No.2569661
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The intro sequence with the cast call was, and it was super cheesy and 90's and my god how I love it.


They cut and censored a few things from the intro in the US/EU release, as well as making it black and white.

This is the original uncensored one.
Don't you just love the cheesy rock music over the cast-call?
Look at how badass Chris and Barry are, look at how adorable Rebecca is, look at how Wesker looks like Johnny Bravo.

The rest of the game either had it's sequences done in the engine, or there'd be a really fucking ugly CG animation playing.
The zombie there is a CG animation, but he actually works because of how fucking unsettling and terrifying he is.

>> No.2571305
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>> No.2571327

>Zero is worse than the rest because of the Item system
No it's not. Item system and switching of characters is much better take on RE formula than ammo crafting and Nemesis.

>> No.2571328

>but you can't deny that better control schemes have been invented since then
For 3rd person action-adventure games with static camera angles?

>> No.2571867

What is the essential RE where I can play as Claire and stare at her ass?

>> No.2571917

RE3 or Code Veronica.

>> No.2572636
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Hey do yah think cap com will re-release RE2 before its 20th anniversary? Or will the fuckers test my patience. Gawd! It's like fapping and never cumming!

>> No.2572656
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Dude that face was enough for me to turn off the game because it was that fucking scary!

>> No.2573507

Seeing how nomura wants to change a lot with ff7 remake, it might be better off if capcom didn't remake this game. Modern capcom is guaranteed to mess things up. Remember they don't have mikami to direct it like he did for the REmake. I know he didn't originally direct RE2 but I don't know of anyone else that could do a better job of a remake then him. RE2 REmake if remade now would probably be vastly different with how capcom is. I would rather them not mess things up.

>> No.2574081

Well said.

>> No.2574420

I just really love how he's so expressionless.
He doesn't roar in anger, he's not caught by surprise or afraid, he doesn't look confused, no loud moaning, no gritting of teeth, he hears something, he stops eating, he looks over his shoulder to see what it is, and he doesn't twitch one facial muscle as he peers at you with his blank face, then he gets up from his knees to move over to you.

>> No.2576492
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>tfw we're getting re release of Zero soon

>> No.2576515
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>> No.2576820

No. Whilst Resi gets too much shit for a game that's perfectly playable, 3D games their contemporaries had their growing pains and a ton of them were barely playable trash.

>> No.2577212
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>> No.2578463

They will ruin it if they don't put kamiya or mikami as director. They will ruin it if they don't stick as close to the source material as possible. If they pull a nomura the game is finished.

>> No.2579429


>> No.2580525

You don't need Mikami or Kamiya directing the thing. Mikami doesn't want to come back, and Kamiya will say "fuck remaking it, I want to make it better", and then we end up with Devil May Evil or some shit.

The producer in charge of doing the recent PC release of REmake and 0 was basically of the attitude "We're going to change as little as possible, because people are going to buy this for the game they remember." If they continue with that attitude, we'll basically be looking at a team trying to recreate the original basically shot for shot. They'll probably even include an option for Claire to be wearing those nonsensical pink denim shorts.

>> No.2580557

>They will ruin it
Should have just stopped there.

>> No.2583029

I'm all for it if they ditch the tank controls.

>> No.2583035

Yes they are, they lent a sense of limited mobility that helped the fer factor go up when more mobile enemies were attacking.

Like Hunters or lickers.

>> No.2583301
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I find it funny that a lot just hate them because of the tank controls, when RE4, the most acclaimed game in the series, still had them.

>> No.2584156
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>> No.2584175

I don't hate the game for having tank controls, I just hate the controls.
I still think the game has lots of merit otherwise.

>> No.2584180

Mikami is past his prime. The Evil Within was a fucking abomination. A literal clusterfuck of a game. It didn't know what it wanted to be, an action game, or a survival horror game. Its fucking all over the place.

>> No.2584571

The fixed camera was limitation imposed by prerendered backgrounds, not a choice made to make the gameplay/controls better.

Now that we can have excellent 3D worlds fixed camera's aren't need anymore as it should be.

>> No.2584573

RE4 movement feels significantly different due to the behind the back camera, so that's now really a meaningful comparison.

>> No.2585172

It's probably the same guy who argued that it's the same as Wolfenstein 3D because you can use the keyboard to turn yourself around like in Resident Evil.

>> No.2585191

>Do you feel that the old school tank control fixed camera Resident Evil games are under appreciated these days?
RE, RE2 and DC2 are still fun as fuck so probably.

>> No.2585210

It's about spatial cognition, or the lack thereof.

People just won't realise that if you put 2 hypothetical games side by side, one with RE1 third person fixed camera tank controls and the other with over the shoulder controls, the player character will move exactly the same around the play area/environment even if you only use 1 controller for both of them.
All because it "feels" different.

>> No.2585280

As a design choice, no one said "let's use prerendered backgrounds" and then after the fact realized it restricted camera angles. It's not like they couldn't render a fully 3d environment. It simply wasn't appropriate for the cinematic experience they were going for.

Look at Resident Evil Survivor or Dead Aim. Neither of those games benefited from having a free moving camera.

The fixed angles actually help in so much that they move the players focus to wherever happens to be important in a room and keep the game from becoming too claustrophobic. Your perspective is always outside looking in, as opposed to inside looking out.

>> No.2585368

But how you perceive the environment still matters tremendously, you can't just brush that off because it will radicly change how you interact with said environment.

Yes, it feels different, and for good reason, it is different. In 1st person you see what your character sees and you navigate from their perspective, with a 3rd person fixed camera you are watching as an onlooker, you see a lot of things you character can't see and provide them input based on this. 3rd person with an over-the-shoulder camera is again different, closer to 1st person but there's still things you see that they could not.

>> No.2585376

I don't think those games were bad just because of the camera.