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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 98 KB, 400x299, sor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2556862 No.2556862 [Reply] [Original]

Just reminding y'all the 3D Classics version comes out tomorrow.

Also, Beat 'em Up general, because why the hell not.

>> No.2556884

Will they add the version selection in the options menu? I don't see Nintendo complying with what essentially is a "Blaze Upskirt mode On/Off" option.

>> No.2556893

It's not made by Nintendo
Here is an interview of the people who made it


>> No.2556896
File: 124 KB, 800x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see what not

Nintendo have loosened up a bit

We can only hope they'll let us beat up homos if SoR3 makes it to 3DS

>> No.2556906
File: 3 KB, 148x200, 12961_sega-streets-of-rage_200s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt it's going to be censored and / or retain a shit translation. Nintendo wouldn't want to risk provoking a lynch mob of soccer moms with any "suggestive content" on its platforms.

>We can only hope they'll let us play as homos if SoR3 makes it to 3DS


>> No.2556913

That story about how the lead programmer on 3D SoR returned from vacation with Stage 1 of SoR2 running in 3D (on PC, but still) is awesome. M2 da king of remasters.

>> No.2557190

SoR3 > SoR2

This is objective fact.

>> No.2558518

Implying the whole underground train section of 3 isn't the most boring stretch of game in any beat em up ever made.

>> No.2558524

>Nintendo have loosened up a bit

the fact that you think this is what counts as loose is sad

>> No.2558663
File: 10 KB, 200x190, main_bk3team.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2556884 >>2556896 >>2556906 >>2557190 >>2558518

It would be nice if they'd eventually release SoR3 with some kind of version mixing options (original layouts with 'overseas' costume palette swaps / the harder, somewhat bullshitty layouts of the international versions with the original's storyline, etc)

>> No.2558671
File: 5 KB, 320x224, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's way too many "showstoppers" in that game, even without the stretched out difficulty of the non japanese version; the train section, the bulldozer, the bomb labyrinth in a way, even the dock section in which you remain on a single screen and beat like 3 zodiacfuls of Donovans.

I respect the game for trying different stuff, but it just doesn't flow nearly as well as the second one.

>> No.2558689

Bare Knuckle 3 > SoR 2 > SoR 3

>> No.2558692

>i can't handle games with a decent difficulty

>> No.2558696

Nah, SoR3 tried to innovate more, but SoR2 is just so much more tighter all round. Everything in that game feels refined to near perfection, and you don't have the cheap deaths/filler parts of SoR3. SoR3 had some great innovations with running attacks which powered up, a whopping seven characters in total to play as (still one of the biggest rosters for a beat em up) and some alternate endings, as well as a more overarching story, but the difficulty, cheapness and tedium of certain sections has held it back from being a classic in the same way SoR2 is.

>> No.2558702

>but the difficulty, cheapness and tedium of certain sections has held it back from being a classic in the same way SoR2 is.
See >>2558692
SoR3 is just slightly harder than 1, the thing is that SoR2 on default difficulty is just too easy.

>> No.2558720

Back to /v/eddit where you belong.

>> No.2558724

I am not the /b/aby crying because a game is too hard.

>> No.2558747

>muh difficulty
Difficulty junkies like you are not true gamers. You don't even like games, and you only play difficult ones to make it feel like you're doing something worthwhile because you know you can't do anything else of any variable skill.

This is a fact.

>> No.2558754

Nice projecting faggot, and you tell me to go to /v/?

>> No.2558762


See, you even admit it. "Projecting" is a codeword for correct. Now fuck off back to the rest of your hivemind.

>> No.2558763

Goddamn you are retarded. No doubt you think a game is bad just because you suck at it.

>> No.2558769

And you only think a game is good because it's difficult, hence you are not really a gamer, and your opinion is invalid.


>> No.2558774


The point is that having a decent challenge isn't an obstacle for the game being good, besides there is always easy mode for people like you that can't handle a decent challenge.

This isn't even /v/-tier.

>> No.2558778

>decent challenge
Learn to speak English.


Another codeword for being correct. Why don't you give up? You've already lost so many times, now it's just embarrassing.

>> No.2558787

Ok, average SoR2 fan.

>> No.2558791

Will be buying it tonight. Love SoR2.

SoR > SoR2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> SoR3

>> No.2558794

>Ok, average superior individual

Good to know you know your place.

>> No.2558796

>one of the most overrated beat 'em ups
lol, i just can't get enough of you.

>> No.2558803

Another /v/ term. You might want to go back there.

>> No.2558808

Streets of Rage and Final Fight and Double Dragon, man. Never beat any of them, they're too hard and reward you for playing like a cheap asshole.

>> No.2558812

That applies to Double Dragon, but Final Fight and some SoR games are a lot more demanding.

>> No.2558827

>they're too hard and reward you for playing like a cheap asshole.
No they reward you for learning the game and playing appropriately. Fuck is it with all these pleb mentality posts here recently?

>> No.2558831

>Difficulty junkies like you are not true gamers. You don't even like games, and you only play difficult ones to make it feel like you're doing something worthwhile because you know you can't do anything else of any variable skill.
This is pretty spectacularly stupid. Go away.

>> No.2558837


No, you just suck at games in general.

These things are all about mastering, like games used to be.
I remember back in the day (mid 90's) I got so good at SOR2 that I managed to finish it alone on the hidden Mania difficulty level.
I played it again last year and got my ass kicked.

Its like riding a bike, you'll never forget but you do get worse if you don't practice :D

>> No.2558873

Somehow this thread got swarmed with faggots

You guys should be sitting at the eshop and hitting refresh over and over, not shitposting

>> No.2558879

>implying... something

>> No.2558906

he's right you know

>> No.2558907

SoR 1 = Batman Begins
SoR 2 = The Dark Knight
SoR 3 = meme

>> No.2558909

Yeah because being a buttmad casual fuck is being right.

>> No.2558912


>> No.2558926
File: 1.47 MB, 2212x2791, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2558927

Check the up skirt in the jp version and report back, anon

>> No.2558928
File: 1.91 MB, 2448x3084, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2558938
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm the English version shows. Perverts rejoice!

>> No.2558942

Meh, already own it on Steam & DSi emulator. 3DS sucks.

>> No.2558945

>DSi emulator
>coming anywhere close to the glory of a M2 port

Lol what a fag

>> No.2558953

I don't want to admit how many times I own this game


>> No.2558974

>up skirt
Holy shit M2 have a sense of humour. They fucking knew!

>> No.2559004

That is really funny.

>> No.2559020

Haha, that's great

>> No.2559060

Oh god M2 is so good.

>> No.2559324

Another awesome game for the 3DS Master Race. Poor shitards...

>> No.2559334

pls let's not shit up this thread with fan faggotry

>> No.2559338

Kind of surprised they were able to get away with the Schwarzenegger image for Mr. X these days.

>> No.2559438
File: 1.48 MB, 240x240, x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Axel/JCVD likeness is even more obvious, but the guy can probably use the attention these days. Anyway, it's just the cover artwork, not the in-game portraits or anything, like in Metal Gear 2.

Maybe they're holding out on us with the Golden Axe ports because of the voice samples being ripped straight from First Blood and the Conan movies, though.

>> No.2559498
File: 139 KB, 640x640, dainamaitodeka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been amazed with what they can get away with when it comes to cover art.

>> No.2559506
File: 55 KB, 329x484, Die_Hard_Arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand this cover. Sega went out of their way to get the Die Hard license for the American version and not Bruce Willis' likeness. Why did they even bother if they were going to half-ass it?

>> No.2559536

I'm guessing they got the MOVIE rights but not the ACTOR rights, kinda like what happened to the ps1 fifth element where they couldn't show bruce willis.

>> No.2559540

Wait, I think that was ps1 Apocalypse actually.

>> No.2559669
File: 77 KB, 374x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he got that, it's just a question of why

The answer being money, it happens all the time, see pic related

>> No.2559678

It's also the place where I lost my first live, the music is cool, though.

>> No.2559679

Oh, I see. My bad.

>> No.2559686


>> No.2559693

that was glorious. and genuinely funny

>> No.2559857


>> No.2559897

Seems I touched a nerve. I was right, as usual.

>> No.2561402

Looks like Clarence Boddicker

>> No.2561404

>Clarence Boddicker
I thought he looked like that agent from Marvel Avengers