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File: 673 KB, 800x600, sonic_3_and_knuckles_by_icha_icha-d2qpqmt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2556436 No.2556436 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a classic Sonic thread?

I just played through Sonic 3 & Knuckles for the first time and I have to say it was much better than I expected. I've played Sonic 1 and 2 before, but had never tried 3 and had only played a little of S&K when I was like 7. S3&K feels like a totally different kind of game from the first two to me, and I gotta say I like it a lot more. I finally understand why people used to hold this series in such high regard. Honestly, I was really just shocked by how much fun I ended up having.

I've cleared the game with Sonic + Tails, and just started a solo Tails file a little bit ago. Once I'm done with that I'll give Knuckles a go. I do have a question though, I saw that on my completed file I can select any zone. Can I go and farm chaos emeralds in that file? Like just select Mushroom Hill Zone over and over since the bonus ring is right at the start? Would I have to finish the level once I get the emerald or does it save the moment I leave the bonus game? And if I select Mushroom Hill Zone and turn the game off, next time I play do I have to pick up from there if I use the same file or will I still be able to select any level?

Anyway, what are your favorite zones and why? Mine is probably either Lava Reef Zone or Sky Sanctuary. The second act of Lava Reef is just gorgeous and all of Sky Sanctuary just felt great to play through.

>> No.2556438

I think that you have to finish the act for the emeralds to get saved

>> No.2556452

Ah, thanks. I can still abuse the level select to go straight to the bonus though? That would be really helpful with getting the final area. On my first playthrough I was only able to get like 3 chaos emeralds despite finding plenty of bonus rings. Get blue spheres is probably the easiest kind of special stage in the original Sonics, and it's still tough to beat.

>> No.2556465

I think you can but check it (I haven't played the game in more than 10 years maybe)

>> No.2556574
File: 53 KB, 1162x1578, Genocide2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is probably Hydrocity, act 2 specifically. There's a lot to do in that zone, and the music is probably the best out of the entire series in my opinion.

>> No.2556617

nice jpg

>> No.2556624
File: 26 KB, 317x216, DUSTH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved it from some Sonic fan site back in like 1998, so it's not gonna be the best of quality. That was back when people were still discussing Genocide City Zone. Just like this little grainy gem..

>> No.2556709
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A box of blue spheres turns into rings if you surround it with red spheres, in case you didn't know.

Keep going and collect all 14 emeralds, play as Knuckles, and try to collect all emeralds as all characters, especially as solo Tails. You still have a long way to go and the game will keep amaze you.

>> No.2556717

I've played Sonic 3 & Knuckles more than any other game, and I'm pretty sure I still haven't seen every corner of every level.

>> No.2556798
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>> No.2556823

Sorry, after a few cons...I can't even see sonic without sensing smells and grunts from it's autistic/aspie fan base,

>> No.2556836


I still think it's weird that both sonic 2 and sonic CD had cut desert levels

>> No.2556865

My only complaint about S3&K is that it's too easy.

>> No.2556869

My favorite stage is hill top zone from sonic 2

>> No.2556876

B-but that barrel!

>> No.2556885

>sonic CD had cut desert levels

It didn't, that was just an assumption. Now, the 2011 did have a cut desert level, but it was basically Dust Hill redux.

>> No.2556934

Sonic 2 is probably the best one. S3&K has a bigger feeling to it, but I don't think the game is as well-designed although I enjoy Knuckles.

I also like how the first two Sonic games look more.

>> No.2556938

Just bought Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles CIB for my Genesis. I've already played S3&K on my computer but the actual experience of putting the cartridges together will be exciting:)

>> No.2556942


honestly the best way to play it these days is running Sonic 3 Complete on a flash cart, but that's just my opinion.

>> No.2556985


Buy a calendar from 1995, get all your con memories erased and immerse yourself in what Nintendon't.

>> No.2557004

What went wrong with Knuckles Chaotix?

>> No.2557006

Nothing? It's really fun once you get into it.

>> No.2557008

the concept wasn't a good idea in the first place.

>> No.2557023

People expected a traditional Sonic game and were disappointed. The trick is realizing it wanted to be its own thing and forget about Sonic while playing it.

I also think a little more development time and less arguments with SoJ would have benefited the game, but you can apply this to just about any 32X release.

>> No.2557032


This. Although I would argue that Sonic CD was the pinnacle of the character design. Sonic looked sleek, but not floppy sleek like he does now.

>> No.2557034


It was a 32X game. As far as sales go, it was doomed from the start.

As for the game itself it was fine. I don't think it was anything special (and it would have probably been a good idea to put sonic and tails in instead of like, bomb and heavy or whatever) but it was fine.

>> No.2557039

My problem with it was the level design.

A lot of it just felt dead to me, like Dr. Robotnik couldn't afford too many robots, so he just hoped for the best with what little he could make.

It wasn't an "awful" game or anything close to that, but it did feel underwhelming.

>> No.2557046

Sonic = Mighty
Tails = ********** (also known as Wechnia)

They were always there, but the developers were told to drop them in favor of other characters, for whatever reasons.

>> No.2557059

>I still think it's weird that both sonic 2 and sonic CD had cut desert levels
If only we were fortunate enough to have the S&K desert level cut.

>> No.2557062

I think Sonic CD has some cool art direction, yeah. I just wish the level design wasn't so frustrating. I don't think it's as bad some people make it out to be, but it definitely holds the game back. It's the worst of the classic games for me, but it's still good.

>> No.2557068


Weird choice. What is it you like about the level? The music? The design of it?

It's always been one of my least favorites. It's not really fast enough to be fun and it's not really tricky enough to be challenging. The music isn't bad though.

As far as 2 goes I've got a hard on for Mystic Cave.

I would say my favorite zone of the original trilogy would be Labyrinth Zone, which probably seems weird coming from the guy who just complained about Hill Top not being fast enough. It's something about the music, the color palette and the design of the level that just totally immerses me in a way that no other level really does. It's one of the few places in any game that would consistently scare the shit out of me as a kid, but at the same time leave me in awe. The music is a weird combination of upbeat, and chill with a kind of cool tribal vibe to it (it reminds me a lot of the Zeal music from CT).

The level design itself it pretty great, it's the first level in the game that really makes you slow down and take things a little more seriously because death is always just a few seconds away. And the looping sections just add a sense of vastness that doesn't feel like filler (even though I understand it primarily was). The other thing that I always like about Labyrinth Zone was it seemed to add some kind of alien lore to the sonic universe; where the fuck was this place? Who built it? Marble Zone could just as easily be on earth as Green Hill Zone, but Labyrinth Zone was a thing of its own.

The two spiritual successors to Labyrinth Zone (Tidal Tempest, Hydrocity) are great levels in their own rights and always remind me of how Sonic 2 could have been 10/10 if it hadn't fucked up the underwater level so badly.

>> No.2557070

>I do have a question though, I saw that on my completed file I can select any zone. Can I go and farm chaos emeralds in that file?
>Like just select Mushroom Hill Zone over and over since the bonus ring is right at the start?
>Would I have to finish the level once I get the emerald or does it save the moment I leave the bonus game?
I'm fairly certain it saves the moment you leave the bonus game.
>And if I select Mushroom Hill Zone and turn the game off, next time I play do I have to pick up from there if I use the same file or will I still be able to select any level?
You'll be able to select any level again.

By the way, if you get all 14 emeralds (7 chaos + 7 super) and replace the Death Egg Zone, you get to play the 14th level, Doomsday Zone.
This sounds like some elementary school recess style rumor, but this is actually true.

>> No.2557074


What don't you like about the level design? The backtracking?

>> No.2557078

Sandopolis? I hate those ghosts.

>> No.2557080

>Sandopolis? I hate those ghosts.
The ghosts in act 2 were obnoxious, but the level before was worse. It was just so dull.

>> No.2557084

Which songs do you guys like the most from the game?
I really like the act 2 of the first level, the act 2 of the second level and the one from the lava level, in that order.

>> No.2557090


Samefag from >>2557074

Thinking about it the art direction is by far the best thing out of Sonic CD and it's really too bad the gameplay holds it back because it's honestly the direction Sonic should have gone.

Just a little darker, a little more gritty. No one is asking for grimdark Sonic *cough* Shadow *cough*, but a little bit of grit in the Sonic franchise is exactly what it needs. Mario can never really pull of grit because it doesn't really suit his character or established setting. Sonic CD was gritty Sonic done right.

>> No.2557091

I didn't play that level a lot.
Basically when I was a kid, I was probably somewhere around 7 or 8 when I started playing sonic games but I couldn't beat them so I just downloaded save states and played the levels I liked haha.
S3K was definitely one of the games I played the most but I only beat it a few years ago on my PSP by using the save state function a lot.

>> No.2557131

They're worse depending on which character you play as. I forgot which though. I know it's a difference between Sonic and Knuckles, because with Tails it'd be the same as it would be for Sonic.

>> No.2557142

I don't see anything inherently wrong about CD's level design.

I'm starting to think it's placebo effect, because so many people can't stand it. I can't help but just go "woah" every time I play it. It's not like you're supposed to get the good ending every single time, or destroy Metal Sonic projectors or anything, they're supposed to reward your exploration and make you feel like you've mastered the game, which is in itself a reward.

I'm more of a fan of the remake for the various bugfixes (although the audio quality is absolutely abysmal compared to the original).

I hope your "grittiness" isn't referring to the US soundtrack.

>> No.2557212


I'm pretty sure you only needed the chaos emeralds for doomsday zone

at least I remember playing it last time I went through sonic 3K and I'd only gotten like four or five super emeralds

>> No.2557231

>I don't see anything inherently wrong about CD's level design.
It's extremely difficult to backtrack--out right impossible in many places--and this makes it extremely difficult to explore.
However, at the same time the levels are also extremely difficult to navigate. It is difficult to go fast because the time travel signs boot you into a cutscene unless you break every so often.

The game makes it difficult to explore and it difficult to go fast. The player really has to struggle no matter how the intend to play the game.

On top of that, the Robotnik fights are a joke.

>> No.2557251
File: 44 KB, 350x526, metalpls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an actual challenge, therefore it's bad
the boss fights in sonic game were always a joke, at least they tried to be a little more creative this time instead of the typical "jump on his head 8 times".

>> No.2557254

Holy shit, I should read through my posts before I hit submit. How many fucking times did I use the word "difficult?"

Also, I want to stress that Sonic CD isn't a hard game. It's just hard to play.

>> No.2557306

Is there even a point to going to the future in Sonic CD? To get the good ending all you really need to do is go to the past, so the future levels seem kind of pointless (besides the cool and fun factor, which is still important I suppose).

>> No.2557334

You answered your own question. What people seem to miss is that Sonic is not the kind of game you just complete to dispatch satisfaction. You've got to experience the whole package to really feel an accomplishment, that includes, as I mentioned, mastering the game, make it your bitch. If you ask me, aside for the music (which is one of the things that make CD worth existing), it's just so you can experience an "advanced" version of the level, with no enemies/nasty boobytraps and tons of more fun, and who knows, you may even discover certain level quirks you never really looked for on other timelines.

You can fit all the puns and jokes you want on autistically replaying the same game over and over, but that's just how Sonic games are. I'm a big fan of S1, by the way.

>> No.2557368
File: 29 KB, 316x223, SonicCPU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The future has also more rings (a lot of the rings that you see stuck inside walls on past and present, can be obtained in the future).

And I also love Sonic 1, people tend to underrate it a lot lately.

>> No.2557372

Lava Reef Zone is one of the best zones in a Sonic game. Outside of that, I also like Tidal Tempest and Stardust Speedway from CD.

>> No.2557382
File: 118 KB, 652x1059, sonicmegacity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit dude, I remember those books! I had a bunch of them!

>> No.2557385


I could say it's because they wanted you to explore the levels in both the past and the future but honestly I think it was just that they'd already made the good/bad future versions for the third act and just figured it'd make the game feel bigger if they reused the assets for acts 1 and 2 as well.

>> No.2557417

That's a good point. There's nothing wrong with adding content to the experience for experience's sake, and it really only adds to the game's charm, while giving you more to explore and adds to the re-playability. Good games are meant to be replayed, after all.

>> No.2557457

Looking back at my post I see a little confusion and that I didn't even get to the point. For me to have fun replaying a game, it must look/feel the farthest away from dull. And that's what Sonic CD's level design, art direction, music/sound isn't, dull.

>> No.2557496

Where can I download this shit? I only find scam link on google.

>> No.2557580
File: 370 KB, 1162x1578, hsGWQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reverse google image search is your friend

>> No.2558081
File: 17 KB, 313x225, lost_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, it's not really something I kept because I liked the image, it's just a reminder of what those early days of being a Sonic fan on the internet was like. I have quite a bit of leftovers from that time.

>> No.2558367

Stage design is shit. Otherwise, it's actually pretty decent. Wonderful art direction and music.
but the stage design is really fucking bad

you only need the 7 Chaos Emeralds to access it

CD's stage design deliberately cuts flow. Namely so the player doesn't accidentally (or even intentionally) trigger a timewarp, but it's definitely annoying.

also, Wacky Workbench is probably the worst thing ever, fuck that level's layout

>Lava Reef Zone
You. I like you.

It and Icecap are easily my favorites.