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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2554598 No.2554598 [Reply] [Original]

>hoarding ROMS are like, bad to you
>you have 1000s of games you end up barely touching
>you don't ever get invested in anything. playing loses all magic!
Maybe this is an americlap thing or something? I never had anything like this happen to me. When I was growing up I had piles of floppies with amiga and dos games, hundreds of pirated ps1 cds, millions of mame, nes and megadrive roms on hd. I still found time to play a bit of everything, even beat some games legitimately without savestates and still enjoyed myself.


>> No.2554606

Yeah, it's hogwash that comes from people trying to make themselves feel special for only having a tiny handful of games.

>> No.2554610

That came out a bit wrong. What I'm saying is that america never had a culture of piracy, which is why having a huge Steam or ROM library feels so weird to you guys.

>> No.2554618

>Be me
>Mom's got cool gamer boyfriend
>Every time I format my computer or something he brings over his game case
>DVDs labelled "Snes Goodset" "Nes Goodset" et cetera
>Some of the most complete romsets you could ever ask for

Had a pretty good childhood in retrospect.

>> No.2554619

>you have 1000s of games you end up barely touching
this ones kinda true. When I have hooked up everything to my TV I'm more inclined to go on if I lose.

>> No.2554630

>Some of the most complete romsets you could ever ask for
I'd hope they were complete if they were fucking goodset.

>> No.2554642

>What I'm saying is that america never had a culture of piracy

In that case what you're saying is wrong.

>> No.2554663

When the nukes fall and electricity goes out everywhere I'll be out in my garage pounding brews and playing roms via gas powered generator. You will want to play a certain game while your hair falls out and you slowly die of radiation poisoning, but you wont be able to because you didn't hoard. When you die you will be so sad.

>> No.2554672

This is indeed my mentality.
I used to really love trying out a new game.

With roms, I have literally tried almost every single game on SEGA/SNES/NES (not counting jap games) and the magic is gone.

>> No.2554678

they had with VCRs, bootleg animes and godzilla movies, with metal music

archive.org is a pirate culture site

>> No.2554680

nah we had roms already for a long time

>> No.2554708

>What I'm saying is that america never had a culture of piracy
This is one of the wrongity wrongest things anyone has ever said on /vr/. While it's true that in Asia and East Europe piracy was rampant during the 8 and 16 bit years, there was definitely a strong scene in the US that came about with imported cartridge copiers and early homebrew. And PCs of all stripes had an incredibly vast pirate scene, almost unbelievably huge in the 80s and early 90s during the heyday of the dial-up BBS.

>> No.2554709

awesome :^)

>> No.2554713

Good point, I forgot about the PC warez scene.
I still think it's harder to find bootlegs in america though, like how most people playing the ps1 are still using legit pressed cds and modchipped consoles are hard to find. If you owned a ps1 why wouldn't you chip it? It's unreal to me.

>> No.2554717
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Not that it completely disinterests you from playing, but rather, it doesn't quite feel the same. A "cheaper" experience. Yeah, you can play the game in it's entirety, Yes, you may even have a gamepad, but it's not the same as using a physical copy.

Cartridges (with physical art), console levers and buttons, weird accessories and addons, all that and more is present with hardware. It's not much, but it's the same reason why people like system boot chimes. It's just the aesthetic of it all.

And you can still play emulators, nothing stopping you from doing so. Is having a collection a bad thing now?

>> No.2554718

I mean hell, there are still people who refuse to download roms because it's illegal. What the fuck.

>> No.2554726

collections start to become more of a hassle the longer you try to keep it. you begin trying to collect literal garbage just for the sake of completeness, like those snes mario edutainment games or failed consoles like the cd-i just because you gotta have that complete the set, man

>> No.2554741
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I'm a fence sitter when it comes to this. I don't mind roms, but I like owning physical copies of games that really had an impact on me, or that I go back and play frequently. But I also don't want a huge stash of clutter. So I devised these six shelves.

Basically anything that fits on here, is good to go, anything over I find something to swap out. I don't see much reason to own more then maybe 30+ games per library at max, because at that point, I should be content with what all I have to play.

Though I don't just limit myself to that, if I find I don't enjoy a game anymore, I sell it along with some other games, then use that money exclusively to go shopping for other used titles i missed out on.

That way I'm not spending a dime, and I get to keep some great classics. I may decide to invest into some flash carts like an everdrive to keep some of the other titles still. but thats somewhere down the line.

>> No.2554743
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That's mainly because people that collect for completeness are idiots. Some other guy will always have a bigger collection than you, and that's why you should only collect what you care about.

For example, I'm currently collecting for the 32x because I'm on a smaller budget and there were only a handful of good games. If I wanted a complete set for the 32x (which I don't), it wouldn't be hard to find a place to store the games anyhow.

Either way, collecting for the right reason has intrinsic value, which is all that actually matters.

>> No.2554753

Lots and lots of people did chip their consoles, though. Imported Chinese chips were extremely cheap and common, especially on the coastal cities. I lived in San Francisco and there were several places in the late 90s that sold Hong Kong pressed Playstation bootlegs, usually for $5 or 5 for $20. I have hundreds from that time.

>> No.2554754

Collections like this make me sick. they're not even impressive, they're just depressing because the owners won't do anything with them, just let them rot on his shelves for bragging purpose..

>> No.2554757

meant for>>2554743

>> No.2554759

>Collections like this make me sick.
You need to relax, Anon-kun. It's some other guy's games, he can do what he wants.

>> No.2554764
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B-but I don't collect for the sake of collecting I just explained that.

>> No.2554767

Ah nevermind.

>> No.2554809

zaxxon motherbase 2000 is the best game on the 32x, check that out

>> No.2554831

And we are free to comment on how he wastes his time. I mean, It could mean a lot to them, and there's no real way of telling if they play with their collection at all, so all we can really do is infer what we can from the image. From what I see, that guy lacks direction in his collecting, just buying more games because he has the console.

>> No.2554859

>What I'm saying is that america never had a culture of piracy, which is why having a huge Steam..library

What the hell are you on? What does having a Steam library have anything to do with Piracy?

>> No.2554862

I have a game library, not a collection. Aside from a few boxes, the games I have are games I play. All of them.

>> No.2554881

no you're wrong. piracy in America just recently became mainstream. back in the day only super nerds or mexicans pirated.

>> No.2554906

You must have either not been alive or very young during the 80s and 90s, because it existed. Saying things like "only for nerds" just proves you don't know, and weren't around before the WWW.

>> No.2554909

Music and Anime were duplicated all the time back in the 80's and 90's. Granted it was crappy VHS and cassette tape. CD players in cars weren't very common until mid to late 90's. I had all of my audio CD's on tape in my car. When Napster came around everybody was pirating, even old people. If you asked most people they would say "it's not illegal if I delete it after 24 hours" which of course is complete bullshit but it made people feel morally justified.

>> No.2554913

Well yes, that's why I bothered mentioning that they said 'Good{insert console here}' on them.

>> No.2554919

You're a fucking idiot. The warez scene was fucking huge back in the day, some of the groups are still even around, like Razor 1911 and Fairlight.

>> No.2554931

Emulators and roms have been around since the mid 1990s, dingus.

>> No.2555137

What terrible thing happened to you that you stopped spending your time enjoying these games and took to spending it on 4chan bitching about the disorders of a handful of hipster kids?

>> No.2555151

I had sex and also getting old. I think thats when I stopped enjoying video games as much. I haven't had sex in 5 years and I still have not recovered from the mentality that Im wasting my time in lala land. I'm still clinging on to it tho.. in hopes.

>> No.2555175

>>hoarding ROMs [...]
>>[...] loses all magic!

So because I'm American, I'm against hoarding ROMs? Wow, I didn't know that! Cool! What should I do with my ROM stashes I've been building over the past ~15 years, though? The file tree structure's so meticulously organized like by an autistic museum curator... and they're spread out over multiple HDDs & devices. I probably even own a few 1.44 MB floppy disks with 2001 ZSNES and a handful of ROMs saved to them. It'd take forever to find & extinguish those.

>> No.2555181

>napster was used only by "super nerds" and/or Mexicans

top kek, my dad was on fucking kazaa in his 50s, and he's borderline computer illiterate

>> No.2555191

I'm pretty sure my mom wasn't a nerd or mexican.

>> No.2555196

I saw idiot girls in college who can't even print use napster back in the day.

Don't make shit up if you weren't there.

>> No.2555232

jesus that's horrifying, hope I never have sex

>> No.2555253

I had a friend who used Bearshare, and she had to ask for help plugging in the mouse because 'it stopped working'.

>> No.2555295

Well, it happens. I will tell you what I told to a friend of mine that was feeling the same.

Stop playing. Really stop for a while, maybe for months or even years.

Stop playing until you feel like you want to play so bad.

The magic will come back

>> No.2555374


>> No.2555387

I download them one at a time... sometimes three when I'm really feeling frisky.

>> No.2555391

haha noice b8 m8. We stole all this land... you think we aren't pirates.

>> No.2555397

Considering that around the time Bearshare was still in use PS/2 mice were still in use you would still need to completely power down the computer for it to recognize the mouse, so this is actually a pretty common problem.

>> No.2555416

I am a PAL friend who has recently got into buying boxed Japanese copies of games that have sentimental value to me. I have also been buying NTSC consoles with Everdrives.

Am I a bad person because these boxed Jap games are destined to sit on my shelf and be admired for decades to come?

>> No.2555420

See, I bet you haven't even played Orb 3D or Big Nose Freaks Out or Krazy Kreatures. There's enough stuff in the NES library that even if you're writing an emulator for it you still won't have a reason to look at it all.

I've only ever loaded 532 games (including the 5 years I've been writing an emulator) and there were over 700 officially released in the US.

>> No.2555442

Am I a bad person for keeping the calender page from the day my brother died?

>> No.2555456

Am I a bad person because I keep the first women I ever fucked in a series of jars on my mantle? Arbitrary questions for meaningless assholes.

>> No.2555463

Who cares?

I download what I'll play. Why should I care if somebody has the entire GC library downloaded?

>> No.2555465

What the fuck, dude.

>> No.2555472

Because you gotta catch em all... AIDS included...

>> No.2555473

I was kidding... I've only got your mom on my mantle. I had to picture Justin Bieber while I boned her.

>> No.2555489

Some day your entire family will be dead and I can make fun of you.

>> No.2555495

What family?

>> No.2555506

I think emulation has massive value to a lot of the young adult /vr/ userbase, I got into it from a copy of VisualBoyAdvance handed round on a floppy at school in like 2002. Completely blew my mind at the time, ended up finding many more emulators and playing to completion dozens of classics I'd never heard of. Bizarrely nostalgic, really.

Was on dial-up at the time and it took like fifteen minutes to download a 16-bit game and days on end to download something from the fifth generation. There wasn't as much opportunity for hoarding back then but I do see the argument now. As people have alluded to though hoarders exist in both the digital and physical realm and it's an unfortunate fact, but there's nothing wrong with digging through a massive pack to find a gem (Like Nitro Ball on MAME, fucking A!)

>> No.2555515

You didn't just materialize out of nowhere, kid. You have a mother and father, you have grandparents, you have at least 1 aunt or uncle, and you most likely have siblings.

>> No.2555516


When I was a kid my uncle got me a snes emulator and a fuckton of games for it. It included a bunch of bootleg hentai games. I had an amazing childhood.

>> No.2555523

All dead. You never lived where I lived. Family is a luxury for those who haven't seen the darker side of humanity. I have friends I would die for. No family though you pampered faggot.

>> No.2555529

Kek, sure, kid.Let me guess, you're Bruce Wayne.

>> No.2555547

Whatever you choose to believe. Whatever makes you feel better. Not all of us were born in the U.S. Some of us got here on a refugee status. Live in the real world kid. You might not see it in your bubble but your life is cheaper than you think. Troll harder faggot. You'll get no more responses from me.

>> No.2555551

The only one trying to troll here is you. I say trying because I saw through it right away. Take a picture of your suroundings.

Oh wait, you live in your mom's basement so that would just prove your wrong.

>> No.2555657

Kek, been observing and he never did reply. Troll harder faggot.

>> No.2555752

Posted this in another thread, but it's relevant to this one, too:

>play Commodore 64 game on a pirated disk
>music for the scene intro is heads and tail above the music in the game itself
Looking at all the odd nicknames that scroll by during these intros, it makes me wonder whatever happened to some of those people.
In jail?
Gone home to become family men?
Still hacking the planet?

Judging by the music in some of them, hopefully electronic music artists.

>> No.2555779 [DELETED] 

WTF are you trying to say nigger?

>> No.2555793

I'm trying to say pirates have good taste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFqBkSJOYOQ

>> No.2555810 [DELETED] 

Stop apologizing nigger. I disregarded you long ago. Go suck a faggots dick.

>> No.2555817

>What I'm saying is that america never had a culture of piracy
Dude, what?

Show how little you know about the US. Its a bit more of a backroom and though friends endeavor, but its not like it isn't EVERYWHERE.

I remember buying pirated full version dos games on floppies when I was ~10 or so. Most local computer shops had shit like that, some you just had to ask.

>> No.2555828

That guy that responded to you first is a huge faggot.

>> No.2555871

>Other guy makes a claim he can't back up
>I'm a troll somehow
Oh yeah, 4chan.

>> No.2555971

haha you're still here.

>> No.2555985

Why wouldn't I be? I'm not the one who got #BTFO for trying to make 3edgy5me comments

>> No.2556001


>> No.2556017
File: 24 KB, 736x656, pizza_steve_3_by_firefun123-d76hr4v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First pirating experiences? sure heres mine
>Playing SMB Deluxe on my neighbors color gameboy
>it dawns on me "I wonder if the GBC play OTHER NES games on a re writable cartridge?"
>get on the schools computer in the early days of the internet, firewall only filters out porn to search for this possibility
>Discover emulation
>Entire education flushed down the toilet

>> No.2556046

Still here...

>> No.2556227

Who here still hoards ROMs and emus on CD-Rs? I can't be alone.

>> No.2556327


Back in the 90's our entire classroom used Napster, even the dumb thugs. It was either Napster, Quake or GTA 1, hardly anyone actually studied. Good times.

>> No.2556365

Fucking nigger.

>> No.2556410
File: 273 KB, 640x2414, brave was right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2556476

It must be an Americlap thing because that's how it is with me.
>find out about emulators through a friend
>computer is in family room
>have to brave through angelroms and cherryroms and shit with hentai banners and ads on the side
>vote 4 times for hentai sites to get download link for snes game
>play it for 20 minutes
>go get another game

Also I've never emulated with a controller, just a keyboard, so maybe that's why.

>> No.2556481

I see you really took "dont copy that floppy" to heart

>> No.2556495

They say that the law says that you can only have a ROM for a game you don't own for 24 hours
so I figured out a way around that. they say you have to delete the ROM but not the save file
so I delete them daily while playing them but keep my save file and download it again later when i'm ready to play

>> No.2556498

Yeah dude, kinda like how you can steal a car, but as long as you give it back in 24 hours, you'll be fine!

>> No.2556501


>> No.2556503

This is honestly true for me, i have no idea why. I suppose its the same reason I collect vinyl records, it just feels more enjoyable. That being said, when my PSP worked I played a ton of roms on that so I think its just emulating on PC feels weird.

>> No.2556520

I really hope you're joking. I really hope a lot of you are joking.

>> No.2556523

Whatever you want to call it, it's still thinking you'll be fine after committing a crime if you fix it in 24 hours. Even when I was 12, I knew the whole 24 hours thing was bullshit.

>> No.2556728

You can't even get to the ones in the middle.

>> No.2556734

Oh god I'd forgotten all about that voting shit

>> No.2556767
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>not going to archnacho and tortilla godzilla's quality roms

>> No.2556776

i emulate but i cant imagine why people hoard roms, its completely pointless.

>> No.2556813

Why wouldnt you? is the question.

Gee I can have every game on the console downloaded in one 1 gig package, but nah I think I'll just download a few games.

People these days have 500gb to 8 TB storage.
There is no reason not to download them all if you enjoy retro games.

>> No.2556924

Actually it just turns out that most of those games were just really really bad.

>> No.2557052

>I have every game and have to scroll through them all to find the one I want.
OK, statistically half, but do you see why it might be good to have just what you play?

Doesn't mean you can't "hoard" the ones you don't play in an archive but we all know we're talking about faggots who load every [][]1[]!U{J][][hax}[swahili)(!$#Imacunt()}[{] version of every rom on their SD because #imsucharetronurdlolxd

>> No.2557093

I do every translation and us released game up to the 5th gen+mameset(w/o gambling hentai games and clones)+n64. It takes up about 60gbs which is a paltry amount of space. I have that collection copied over on my laptop, wii, and android TV box and sync a saves folder across all platforms. Honestly it would take longer to pick out the games I like than it does to just have everything. And its useful when you wanna try new games. It keeps you from having to download it. It also doesn't take long to go through yo find what I want. If I'm feeling frisky I can even just start typing out the name of what I want in retroarch/mame.

>> No.2557130
File: 487 KB, 3402x3402, Donkey Kong Junior CD Label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the older-gen collections backed up on DVD somewhere in one of my CD-DVD cases, but it's all on HDD now. A full MAME romset (roms, CHDs, snaps, etc.,) is around 500 gigs these days. Jeez.

*resumes hoarding*

>> No.2557196

Why would you scroll when most platforms have a search function?

Expanding upon that you can even find torrents with pre-configured frontends so you can find any game you want by any criteria you want.

>> No.2557238

Download all roms into an archive. Pick out games you want to play. Load these into working folder. Best of both worlds.

>> No.2557270
File: 181 KB, 1696x1035, pc98images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do that and it still looks like a mess.
I don't have problem finding them though.

>> No.2557290

>Maybe this is an americlap thing or something?

Why is it whenever something doesn't happen to someone they always gotta assume it's an American thing? Are we really that strange to the rest of the world?

>> No.2557341

fuck off

>> No.2557353

because it's easy bait, a better question is why do you people keep falling for it...

>> No.2557513

What do you mean "You people"?
Racist shitlord

>> No.2557793

Odd you make an issue out of a paltry amount of space and then point out what a a paltry amount of space it is but yes, space is not an issue with a library like that. Game selection is unless you're an emufag who can just "start typing".

So just "start typing"?

Sorry. I forgot no one on /vr/ plays on real hardware these days.

>> No.2557825

You realize we are in a thread about emulation, right?

>> No.2557883

Emulation on most platforms is near perfect. Why would I wear down my real hardware? Its stupid. Retroarch adjust resolution auto.atically and looks identical to real hardware on a CRT and much better on a flatscreen.

>> No.2557897

Because it will all stop working eventually anyway, and you should enjoy it now?

>> No.2557978

You realize you're wrong, right? Just joking. Of course you don't. Bet you don't even understand half the words in the OP. 25% of that is because you're too young to even know the platforms mentioned and the other 25% is because you're just too young to understand words.

>Emulation on most platforms is near perfect
This is what emubabies really believe. And I say "believe" because it really is a cult of belief based on scripture posted by some kids on the internet. That and a desperate hatred of people who have enough money to buy the toys they want.

>> No.2557986

Maybe you should just go ahead and point out what part of the OP wasn't about piracy, roms, and emulation.

>> No.2558004

>waaa the background star field in asteroids is running off a seed from my PC clock rather than the current impedance on a specific resistor
With snes, many arcade games, genesis, nes, Atari 2600-7200, GB/c, intellivision, etc etc. The emulation is damn near perfect by the original dev standards. Its literally justpetty shit that's difficult to fix like I listed that's wrong.

>> No.2558008

I just you know. Play my games instead of bitching about minor errors.

>> No.2558039

.*resumes hoarding*

>> No.2558101

Since we're talking about hoarding tons of video games;

>unable to decide what game to play next
>have been randomizing through a list of every game ever made (it's a lot), telling myself to play whatever it lands on, never works though
>have been doing this since 2012

I wish I could play video games again

>> No.2558130

>hoarding ROMS are like, bad to you
>you have 1000s of games you end up barely touching
>you don't ever get invested in anything. playing loses all magic!
Maybe this is an americlap thing or something? I never had anything like this happen to me. When I was growing up I had piles of floppies with amiga and dos games, hundreds of pirated ps1 cds, millions of mame, nes and megadrive roms on hd. I still found time to play a bit of everything, even beat some games legitimately without savestates and still enjoyed myself.

>> No.2558259

I agree that hoarding games that you've paid for is bad. It's a waste of money if you never get around to enjoying them. As for roms, having the entire library on hand is a convenience with no real downside. The problem is in ones own head.

>> No.2558336

>changing the subject
Maybe you should back to /b/

>waaa other people actually care if game play is accurate
As a casual who never played on original hardware you can probably enjoy the close facsimile that emulation allows better than I can. But that doesn't make emulation "near perfect" it just means you have low standards.

Good for you. Not everyone needs everything to be perfect. I don't bitch that the quality of a $1 mcburger is less than a $300 mortons steak and can enjoy both. As long as you don't claim that burger is nearly as good at that steak we'll have nothing to argue about.

>> No.2558431

Specify the issues or stop posting then. You have yet to post any valid issues with playing over something like bSnes, Kega Fusion, puNES, Gambatte, Stella, or MAME perfect sets. Emulators where there literally isn't a game that doesn't work completely. Even incredibly minor timing issues are perfect in the listed emulators, along with them being clock accurate, rate accurate, and having accurate sound. bSnes and Kega Fusion in particular. bSnes as it has 100% compatibility even though the creator admits it's of little benefit. Kega Fusion being developed by one of the great programmers of the day. And puNES being accurate enough to be used on legit speedruns. It honestly seems like you're just trolling.

>> No.2558441

Even fucking Gambatte has compatibility issues with literally 5 obscure games, and there's workarounds for those games. And Gambatte runs on fucking toasters with this near perfect compatibility. You're really nitpicking if yo ucomplain about the state of emulation for consoles below 5th gen.

>> No.2558443
File: 433 KB, 640x480, 6-game4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have hyperspin set up

All my roms are ready to play, I like spending time trying new games.

>> No.2558478

Fun fact: PuNES and a bunch of other emulators scored higher in those accuracy tests than a real NES did.

>> No.2558485

Because a real SNES or NES doesn't have timing as perfect as these emulators due to entropy. That's how accurate these emulators are.
I always liked hyperspin, but it seems really difficult to setup. Is there an easy guide I could follow to get mine looking this good?

>> No.2558501

All timing on the NES is based on one master clock. If its timing goes off everything else goes off with it but remains perfectly synchronized. So basically "more accurate than the real thing" is pretty much a lie, at least for the NES.

The SNES on the other hand has two such clocks; one for the sound CPU and one for everything else. Since the main CPU and sound CPU send data back and forth, fluctuations could potentially affect synchronization to a degree where it could affect software.

All these clocks are crystal oscillators, which can be affected by stuff like vibrations, external interference, temperature or just age. I haven't ever heard of anyone with either console that didn't match up to the stock specs in that department. You do hear about things like early model SNES PPUs randomly breaking though.

The pass/fail thing is determined by the ROM being used. If it were written based on the wrong information to begin with, it could display pass when it fails and vise versa. The NES also has like four random power up states which can be detected and could affect tests.

It sure would be nice to have access to that library of 1000 test ROMs byuu wrote and has stashed and refuses to release.

>> No.2558514

I don't know shit about setting up hyperspin so I'm probably going to come off as retarded but why can't there just be one big dump file? >Hyperspin + emulators + roms + box art + intro videos + anything else you need

>> No.2558517

Setting up hyperspin on your own from scratch is fucking brutal.

I've always assumed people download it from somewhere pre-configured.

>> No.2558521

That's what I've heard. I would imagine that there is somewhere to download it all set up, but I've never seen a link for it. Just video tutorials on how to set it up from scratch.

>> No.2558523
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>what is entropy
just fuck off. Seriously, you have yet to even state a single use case where gameplay is impacted. It's like you don't actually care about playing games you just want to bitch about things that aren't actually possible to emulate. Real hardware doesn't last forever.

>> No.2558538

Different person bro. I can't even tell which side you're on any more.

That fixed width font is hideous btw.

>> No.2558539

Top kek kid.

>> No.2559047

I didn't change the subject. Where in the OP does it state that this thread is about anything other than piracy or emulation?

>> No.2559058

Different people are different, I find I get spoilt for choice if I download a romset. But if you don't then good for you.

>> No.2559193

In the part where he never mentioned emulation at all

>> No.2559249

He talks about ROMs and savestates

That implies emulation

>> No.2559701

>millions of mame, nes and megadrive roms on hd
>Nes and Megadrive ROMS

Dumb ass.

>> No.2560681

wrong board vlad

>> No.2560715

I don't understand...

>> No.2560783

>"Hurr durr u dnt reed da opie"
>*Quote from OP*
>"Duh i dun understnd"

>> No.2560929

>>vote 4 times for hentai sites to get download link for snes game
Oh man. What's the word for nostalgia that you don't actually want to relive? I got that right now.

>> No.2560993

It's called "trauma".

>> No.2561442

More than the usual quantity of air came through my nose.