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File: 30 KB, 418x389, batman-forever-snes-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2547480 No.2547480 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this game so bad? How can you make a bad Batman game?

>> No.2547482


>> No.2547483

I dunno about the SNES version but I wouldn't consider the Genesis one bad. It was just really fucking boring and dragged on forever but as far as controls and combat went there was hardly anything wrong. Hell I liked the idea of putting a fighting game's combat into a beat em up.

>> No.2547484

>licensed game sucks

How shocking. Are you looking for a full accounting of what is wrong with Batman Forever or what?

I mean the biggest problem is that it's essentially Mortal Kombat: Batman Edition complete with MK AI for the bosses.

>> No.2547507


>> No.2547537

I actually really liked the vs. mode on the Mega Drive version at least. Can't talk for the SNES. Me and my younger brother used to play it quite a lot.

>> No.2547539

Anon who grew up with the SN?ES version here.

Fuck the SNES version. One part at the beginning needed you to use the grappling hook to go to the second floor but young me couldn't figure out how the fuck to do it.

I'm glad the angry video game nerd reviewed it and let loose the same frustration I did.

>> No.2547541

limitations of the platform and the devs not giving a fuck. the PS2/Saturn versions of the were not bad

>> No.2547543


>> No.2547546

i disagree, i couldnt get into that game at all

adventures of batman and robin for the genesis is amazing though as is the batman game for nes

there are a good number of licensed games that are still good, granted theyre in the minority. Universal Soldier is a good one, mostly though because its turrican reskinned

>> No.2547552

>i disagree, i couldnt get into that game at all

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to say it's good either. It's just in the middle zone between good and bad where there isn't really anything exceptional from either side of the spectrum making the game extremely boring.

>> No.2547602

i see what youre saying. I guess technically there was nothing really wrong with the game. Maybe if i played it as a child I wouldve given it more of a chance, but its not very captivating to play.

>> No.2547621

select then up on the dpad
If you push both in same time it doesn't work
Yeah, shitty Mortal Kombat playability and you have to figure because the manual doesn't say anything

>> No.2547652
File: 47 KB, 480x360, Acclaim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Acclaim, the publisher, is why it's bad. Almost every game they published is bad. Their business model was to buy popular licenses and then release games based on them as soon as they had cool looking screenshots, regardless of whether or not the actual game devs felt the game was ready. The moment gamers stopped trusting licensed games is the moment Acclaim started hemorrhaging money and went bankrupt. Appropriate, because whenever anybody thinks of "worst licensed game ever" there's a strong chance it's either an Acclaim game or a LJN game. Those two companies put out so much licensed shovelware that it completely eclipsed the actually good licensed games coming from Japan where the devs weren't rushed (and also probably worked 12+ hour days, crunch time all the time).

>> No.2547653

>wouldn't consider it bad
>it was just really fucking boring and dragged on forever

>> No.2547654

It blows my mind that people have fond memories over Acclaim and THQ when they published like five ok games out of a mountain of shit.

>> No.2547660
File: 31 KB, 640x360, 1435640526644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never played a game that wasn't just completely bland without any standout positive or negatives? There's nothing about the actual mechanics I could say are bad about Forever but at the same time the game never really bothers to do anything good, it's just the bare minimum required to make the game play causing it to be a complete bore.

>> No.2547663


Oh, and western devs with Virgin Interactive were putting out good licensed games as well. The cool thing about game development is that it's such a hard and under-appreciated, under-paid job that the only people who stick with it are very passionate about gaming. Unfortunately, it's incredibly difficult and unlikely to make a good game no matter your intentions if your publisher forces you to have the game ready by the absolute nearest holiday season and knows nothing about game design besides the fact that good screenshots sell games.

>> No.2547713

>muh grorious JAPAN
>muh evil corporate conspiracy
Fuck off weeb

>> No.2547758


If it makes you feel better, I think western devs are making better games today than the Japs are. But you can't tell me, with a straight face, that the Japanese weren't putting out more fun console games than the West was during the 8 and 16 bit eras.

I'll concede that sometimes corporations are right to put the squeeze on game devs 'cuz some of them, like Double Fine, might do something like waste an exponentially larger-than-expected budget on making half a game when left to their own devices. However, they had to learn from the failure of companies like Acclaim before they became enlightened to the fact that games need more than attractive screenshots and a license to sell well.

>> No.2547763

>Appropriate, because whenever anybody thinks of "worst licensed game ever" there's a strong chance it's either an Acclaim game or a LJN game

Acclaim was LJN

>> No.2547765

>How can you make a bad Batman game?

By taking Mortal Kombat, turning it into a sidescroller, and making it drag on forever.

>> No.2547775

Truth hurts
Fuck off cunt

>> No.2547779

This honestly would've been a lot better on an arcade with a stick setup.

>> No.2547780

I know that NOW obviously

>> No.2547785

Japs were unrivaled up to the PS2 midlife. They lost it in the PS3/360 era where the west gained an advantage. The industry is mostly shit these days, but most of the anticipated games for the next couple years are Jap.

>> No.2547804

>American companies so shit that they Sudoku themselves with licensed garbage.
>Japan releases licensed games from Duck Tales to TMNT i arcades and consoles that are generally higher quality and more fun than their western counterparts.
F-F-FFuck you weeb

Just fuck off back to Reddit.

>> No.2547809

How about you fuck off back there.

>> No.2547827


Unrivaled in consoles and arcades, sure. West was making some GOAT PC games like Doom, Warcraft 2, and Civilization.

>> No.2547830

there are so many hacks which fixes shitty button mapping, it would be nice fix some retarded things and make this game enjoyable

>> No.2547849
File: 122 KB, 480x358, HelloPingu5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I played this as a kid on my Mega Drive, moving vertically was fucking atrocious, controls a shit m8.

>> No.2547860

>and make this game enjoyable
The controls are the least of BF's problems. Do something about the boring AI, shitty stage design, and tedious gameplay and then we might have something resembling a fun game.

>> No.2547874

>How can you make a bad Batman game?
by making a batman game

>> No.2547903


So basically scrap the whole fucking game and rebuild a new one from scratch that's inspired by what little light of potential can be seen in Batman Forever.

But if someone did that and without the Batman license (for legal reasons), would anyone be interested in playing it or is the concept of improving Batman Forever really only worthwhile to people who like that shitty movie and suffered the game?

>> No.2548006

Yes, because that's what he fucking said, you faggot. My god this is like the Yellow Cake of shitposting.

>> No.2548014

Isn't it also ironic that one of the better movie license games, True Lies, was put out by LJN?

I mean it's not perfect but it's actually fun, which is rare for an LJN game.

>> No.2548082
File: 48 KB, 450x338, jim-carrey-as-the-riddler-wallpaper-1346145677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit tier Mortal Kombat-esque controls in a beat them all / platformer
>goofy digitized sprites
>cryptic hidden stuff everywhere, from weapons to motherfucking controls
>based on one of the worst Batman movies ever ( Jim Carrey saved it from the disaster )
That's how you make a bad Batman game.

>> No.2548093

>Muh muh Pc
Just like now, nobody gave a shit about PC then.

>> No.2548102

>for the next couple years are Jap.
Such as? Please don't say dork soles.

>> No.2548103

>N-NOO anon you fuck off
Brilliant retort champ.

>> No.2548109

True but, to be fair, Japan was never really interested in PC gaming at that time.

Nips used to be god tier in terms of vidya but, right now, everything they make is just crappy animu moebait garbage.

>> No.2548112

FFXV and VIIRemake
GT sequel
Persona 5
NX Zelda

Cheer up, the west has Fallout 4 and another Ass creed will be here before you know it.

>Dark Souls 3 Whoops

>> No.2548131


Just the movie alone was trash why did you think the game would be any better? They're both shit the only difference is one of these items has jim carrey. The other doesn't.

>> No.2548141

>How can you make a bad Batman game?

ask rocksteady for the masterclass

>> No.2548169

I thought Tommy Lee Jones' performance was pretty hilarious.
Seems like he knew the movie was going to be bad so he just tried to make the most of it.

>> No.2548189

>had to resort to mentioning final fantasy three times

>> No.2548194

Glad i wasnt the only one. Fuck. I was loving the game up till then. Actually cracked this by raging at my pad. Kind of repeated this pad-rage till I figured out how to do it. And never forgot.

>> No.2548196

I managed to do it a few times by accident but didn't figure out how to do it exactly so I just gave up.

>> No.2548201

Ahaha. Snap!

>> No.2548206
File: 2.11 MB, 2100x1545, 2363653-snes_batmanreturns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why play this one when you can play pic related and the Batman & Robin cartoon game for Genesis and SNES

>> No.2548215
File: 425 KB, 320x263, nou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2548242

The vast majority of batman games are actually bad.

>> No.2548275

another anon who grew up with the SNES version

i didn't have a problem with that part as a kid. young me (as in, 5 years old max) could consistently get to the part where the stage was timed. not sure how many times i passed that stage but it probably wasn't too many. what pissed me off more than anything was the fact that i never figured out how the fuck to use those goddamn items you selected at the beginning of each stage

>> No.2548287
File: 6 KB, 160x160, AbeOik6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2548476

You forgot SFV. Don't remember GT7 being annouced either. Otherwise a solid list.

>> No.2548609

You can stop sameguying now.

>> No.2548628
File: 2.43 MB, 640x360, 1411563462555.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. It's a simple concept that somehow keeps getting fucked up.
That's not saying Batman himself is bad or anything, just that his games aren't fun.

>> No.2548632

i have fond memories playing this game as a kid with my best friend. the only thing we didn't like was that every special weapon had a different stupid input, and we only remembered one before i lost the manual.
>down-down-A for dat batarang

>> No.2548726

i had the same problem

>> No.2548908
File: 12 KB, 360x116, damn you got me anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2548953

>evil corporate conspiracy
Is greed evil?
>church says yes
>political view says no