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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 13 KB, 256x224, hourai-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2524741 No.2524741 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have one of these.
I'll start with a favorite of mine; Hourai High School.

Also, your games don't have to be entirely unknown, just something that isn't a household name like Final Fantasy or Tales. Thus things like Earthbound, Legaia, and Live A Live can be discussed here as well.

>> No.2524828

Final fantasy 7

>> No.2524846

Funny guy.

Cool idea OP, I never heard of HHS, is it a DQ clone (by the looks of it)?

I will say Musashi no Bouken which is a DQ1 clone except you get a wacky AI controlled tanuki companion.

>> No.2524856


so the Tales series is too popular but Earthbound isn't?

I think you're vastly underrating Earthbound's popularity

>> No.2524878

The battle system is similar to Dragon Quest, but other than that the gameplay is pretty different.
Here's a great article about the game which convinced me to play it originally.
The Mother trilogy for the longest time only had one game released in America and it was a cult classic, it didn't become "popular" until the internet really took over and anything that was a a cult classic suddenly became incredibly well known due to vocal minority hivemind.
Also, the Tales series is pretty popular in the US. Tales of Symphonia was one of the Gamecubes best selling titles iirc.

>> No.2525173

>Tales popular in US

Guy, you don't know what its like being a tales fan then. Take your assumptions elsewhere. Symphonia and Vesperia are the only two that ever got advertised well enough, Symphonia got cover to cover in NP, and Vesperia got gaming monthly and internet covers.

Fan since Destiny II (Eternia) if you think this series is well known in the US, think again, Namco NEVER markets the tales of series out here, and it gets passed off as generic trash compared to a big name like final fantasy, or even persona.

Localization is a bitch too, we're lucky we even got hearts R, and look how it came, completely stripped of everything that made it unique, and on a platform already well into its deathbed.

Tales has had shit sales all the time. so don't go off thinking its a popular series. because in hindsight to the general public, its not.

If lloyd got into smash half the world would go "Who?"

>> No.2525180


Tales aside, I'm pretty sure there are Final Fantasy games less popular than Earthbound.

>> No.2525185
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it's under something alright...

>> No.2525190

Sadly this.

Tales got popular lately with Graces/Xillia because it's the only decent choice when your others are all the kusoge moe-moe desu shit "RPG" novels compile hearts shits out.

>> No.2525195

and yet Tales is getting forced down that route because its the only way they can compete with the competition. just look at Zesteria.

>> No.2525197
File: 132 KB, 500x665, tumblr_nqi5w9HACP1rsj89go1_500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Tales.

Fuck you. Tales of Phantasia.

>> No.2525201
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Most underrated JRPG of all time: Inindo - Way of the Ninja. KOEI does an open ended JRPG set in feudal Japan. Roam around Japan as a samurai looking for work and get into all kinds of shit doing doing pretty much whatever you want whenever you want to do it (aside from a few points where you're forced to do certain shit for story purposes). Think of it as the JRPG equivalent of Uncharted Waters. Solid gameplay, insane amounts of depth.

>> No.2525206

>way of the ninja
>you play as a samurai
Makes sense.

>> No.2525212

There might have been some ninja shit in it, I can't remember. You can recruit guys into a party, so some of the available dudes might have been ninjas, though again I'm kinda drawing a blank there. Focus is definitely on samurai stuff though. It's definitely one of the deepest JRPGs on the SNES though and I even saw an American release so you don't have to worry about translation patches and shit.

>> No.2525217

>I even saw an American release

IT even saw an American release

>> No.2525227
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I am always surprised noone talks about Day of the Idea.

>> No.2525246
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Because I get it confused with Maka Maka and that game is a buggy piece of crap. Both are kind of interesting for their setting and bizarre art direction. I really wish there were more console rpgs with modern or urban settings, medieval fantasy was pretty tired by the 1990s.

>> No.2525253

Oh christ, I remember playing that weird game on emulator back in high school.
I remember getting stuck after getting the sumo guy and gave up.

>> No.2525267

Chaos Seed (though it's in it's own genre really, it's part RPG at least)
Burning Heroes
Arabian Nights: Desert Spirit King
Super Shell Monsters Story
Dual Orb II
Lagrange Point
Cyber Knight, both of them.
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons

This game (it's actually a pirate cart that seems to have a surprising amount of name differences between versions, so I'm just linking to the translation patch):

>> No.2525271

this game was a neat surprise when I found it going through my rom collection out of boredom a few months ago. I didn't finish it but it killed a good 10 hours for me.

>> No.2525274

Not to mention how shafted we got when it came to the PS1 era ones that actually were translated.

Destiny 1 effectively chopped off half the story when it got rid of skits though let's face it, the translation itself could've been a lot worse, and then there was the voices of Eternia.

PS1 Phantasia in either patch is the best translation we have on PS1 just about.

>> No.2525283

Glory of Heracles 3.

It's a little known fact that one of the FFVII writers actually got his job thanks to this game, and it's a big thing in Japan. You may find a stray element or two in there.

Also Sliva Saga. Did you want more games that use Dragon Quest 3's battle system? Here you go!

>> No.2525286

I actually did not expect anyone to know about this game, haha.

Okay, everybody knows Terranigma and Illusion of Gaia, but everybody seems to ignore the prequel Soul Blazer.

And how about Jungle Wars 2 and Young Merlin? Noone talks about them. Young Merlin was done by Command and Conquers developers and Jungle Wars 2 has a cool soundtrack.

Solid Runner is another cool RPG that doesn't play in a medival setting.

>> No.2525324

Untranslated ones that should catch your attention.
>Tenchi no Uta
>Aretha series
>Tadaima Yuusha Boshuuchuu Okawari
>Beasts & Blades
>Glory of Herakles (A few have been translated but many still are)
>Silva Saga
>Last Bible 3
There are probably more but I only listed what came to mind.

>> No.2525326


How long is it?

>> No.2525328

>Silva Saga
1 and 2 have been done, as well as the Ys-like prequel.

>> No.2525347

On this board, as well as the rest of the hipster internet that hates everything popular, this is definitely true.

>> No.2525349

Or rather overestimating Tales' popularity

>> No.2525353

*Tenshi no uta

>> No.2525365

Well damn! I know what to play this weekend, thanks for telling me.

Oh and another untranslated game:
>Verne World

>> No.2525536


I'm assuming the original Japanese title was different, but there was more of a market for "ninja" stuff in America at the time.

>> No.2525540


I started playing this a few months ago but stopped. The job system is really cool and it has an awesome setting, but the encounter rate is ridiculously high. Like sometimes you move one pixel and find yourself in an easy as fuck battle. I guess that's way fast-forward is for, though.

I might start playing again after I beat FF1

>> No.2525547

The excessive DQ-style text during battle is a turnoff, that was archaic even back then.

>> No.2525593

>there will never be a Godfrey Ho movie game.

>> No.2525851

English dub of Tenchu is the best I can do. Skip to 40 second in:


>> No.2525884
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>No Destiny PS2 release

>> No.2525917

the word "underrated" is not synonymous with the word "unknown

How could somebody underrate something if they've never even heard of it? Please consult a dictionary before using words that you don't understand.

>> No.2525920
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Minelvaton Saga

>> No.2525969
File: 119 KB, 320x580, MetalMaxReturnsBoxArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Max

Sandbox JRPG where you go around fighting cyborgs and cyborg mutant beasts on your tanks in a HnK desolate world.

>> No.2526268

This really hurt what with the PS1's released result, it would've been a chance to actually get the whole game. People are working on translating this though.

In that case, I guess you could say Legend of Dragoon belongs in this thread.

>> No.2526285

At least you could turn off voices in eternia

>> No.2526290

Forgot about albert odyssey 1 and 2

>> No.2526292

Not him but i thought the translation got dropped?

>> No.2526293

>rebirth never

>> No.2526318

Fuck, I didn't know that.

Being a tales fan is suffering.

>> No.2526339

There's the Suikoden series which is usually renowned for it's price but should actually be known for the fact that its much better written than 90% of RPGs.

>> No.2526343

>JRPG equivalent of Uncharted Waters
Well i'm fuckin sold. How have I never heard of this?

>> No.2526351

I was thinking of playing Daikaiju Monigatari but literally all I know about it is the name, the box art, and that's it a JRPG.

What am I in for?

>> No.2526457

It isn't that great aside from the production values. A fairly average Tales game all in all.

It is the best of the ones that haven't been translated though. Minus the Destiny remake maybe, I've never played that.

>> No.2526654

In dialog only.

Luckily not only are both the retro ones on PSN, but there's a massive bugfix patch for 2 (and a minor one for the first to make spells that do nothing work) if you're into that.

>> No.2526985

What other type of writing should I care about.

>> No.2527006

REALLY cool "job" system on that game with all the clubs you can join.

They REALLY need to translate Metal Max 2 because Returns is an awesome game.

Just keep in mind that it's not a trade sim or anything. It does have a similar vibe though. The game is bafflingly obscure given that it came out in America.

>> No.2527107

It's still going, but progress is supposedly going to be slow for awhile.

>> No.2527634

Bump for interest

>> No.2527697
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Some say it's just another bad PC port, but I think it's really good.

>> No.2528125

Its the psp version their translating right? I forgot

>> No.2528164

Why aren't more jrpgs set actually in a Japanese setting

>> No.2528303

I really appreciated the battle system in legaia. It allowed you to make combat as complex or as simple as you wanted.

>> No.2528704

>ywn read Tale Phantasia
Why do I bother to continue life?

>> No.2528710

/vr/ doesn't really hate FF7 though? A lot of people on this board love it, and then a lot of people like it but say there are better games in the FF franchise. Then there are some who absolutely hate it

Weird that mulitple people have different opinions

>> No.2528729

Tengai Makyou, Shiren Mystery Dungeon, Sakura Wars and Vantage Master Japan would like to have a word with you.

And there are a lot more set in modern Japan.

>> No.2528742

>Tengai Makyou

4th Apocalypse is Western-themed, though (and it's awesome!).
That's something that's really missing in JRPGs, other than Wild Arms, and the one mentioned above (plus a single chapter in Live-a-Live) I can't really list many western-themed JRPGs.

>> No.2528756

I've not played 4th apocalypse yet even though I know it's considered a kamige in Japan, I don't think I will though, mechanically speaking Tengai Makyou is not really that good and if they take away the Japanese fantasy style there's little reason for me to care.

A pity because the games look very good and there are a few interesting things like random events like Matsuri, semi open world etc.

Metal Max can get pretty western sometimes, Rodriguez' bounty subquest was western as fuck even though it was clearly parodic.

>> No.2528787

Well, there are different classes. Samurai, ronin, priests, ninja, each of which has different subclasses, if I'm remembering correctly.

I played it a long time ago as a kid and was really impressed, I ought to get back into it as an adult.

My favorite part of the game was going to inns and looking for fights. You can just walk in and start throwing down with other patrons. I love it.

>> No.2528792


There's also the Bakumatsu Korinden Oni series.

>> No.2528995

No, the remake of Tales of Destiny is only on PS2, as far as I'm aware. You may have been thinking of Tales of Destiny 2, which does indeed seem to have an abandoned translation project.

>> No.2529006

Now that I look again, Tales of Rebirth also has an active translation project. I don't think the patch for it or Destiny PS2 will be done anytime in the near future, but I'm just glad they're being worked on.

>> No.2529337

Yeah, the amount of freedom you have in this game is shocking for a JRPG.

>> No.2529824
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I'll squeeze this "underrated rpg" in here as well

>> No.2529846
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>> No.2529857
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>> No.2530406

ya i was thinking of destiny 2.

>> No.2530607
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Fishing + RPG = Goodness!

>> No.2530621
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>> No.2530675

Pretty sure Wizardry Gaiden IV has a translation?

>> No.2530747

This topic deserves a friendly bump.

>> No.2531684

There's a project for the PSP version of Phantasia being done by the people behind both ToP patches, I know that much.

>> No.2531690

This is like proto-pokemon or something, with robots.

It's obvious where Game Freak got the ball mechanic from at least.

>> No.2532000

Mystic Ark

>> No.2532229

hey /vr/ whats that rpg that takes place in the future or maybe just the present where you're in a war and use machines (not metal max) and the guy on the cover is kind of androgynous and has short white or gray hair, and I think it was for the snes and I think it was Japan-exclusive but had an english patch.

>> No.2532234

nvm its front mission

>> No.2532538
File: 13 KB, 256x224, 689titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to talk unknown, look this up.

It's kind of a parody on the story, but it ended up ahead of it's time and quite in-depth in the gameplay.

>> No.2532556

Fuck, I remember playing this as a kid and loving the shit out of it. Like, that game that you have extreme nostalgia for, like it was a foundational experience which shaped much of your character.... but all I hear about it is it's shit, so I'm scared to replay it.

>> No.2532597

SaGa Frontier.

I know that it's very popular in the US, but I haven't really met anyone IRL that's played it. And I'm not a basement dweller

>> No.2533156

nes one is where it is at, me and my cousin probably finished it in record time

>> No.2533721

>very popular
Hell no. Most of the US ran away from it like the plague for a combination of two things:

>being quite obtuse compared to other RPGs brought over, because we never got the Romancing SaGa series
>Shitty documentation, the instruction manual was tiny while Japan got much more content, and no one really knew what the fuck they were doing until Internet saved the day

>> No.2533940

You are probably happy to hear that there are a ton of games in the series. 3 on the NES, GB and SNES. Plus a bunch of spin-offs.

>> No.2533994

It was terribly reviewed when it came out, as it was being compared to FF7 (which had come out a few months previous). FFT was released around the same time and no one gave Frontier a chance.

>> No.2534117

Speaking of Game Freak, their RPG Bushi Seiryuuden could always use more attention.

>> No.2534206

Wish the Horai High patch didn't break the game in spots, but I finished this game some time ago and enjoyed the fuck out of it all the way through.

Bitchin music too.

>> No.2537772
File: 34 KB, 480x360, harry potter gbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a JRPG, but an RPG I loved playing was the Gameboy Color Harry Potter games.

>> No.2540847

Is Hourai Gakuen translated fully ?

Soul Blazer was nothing exceptionnal. Only fans wanting more of Quintet ever play it.

>> No.2541078

I just started that game but I can't beat shit. I'm doing shit damages and getting up against multiple opponents who are about as strong as me. How the hell am I supposed to manage this ? I never even got to choose any class.