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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 320x240, x240-Umg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2519458 No.2519458 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related. I bought this recently so I could have something nice and simple to play with my non-gaming girlfriend, but when this game gets past level 11 or so it gets borderline impossible. The ghosts are as fast as motherfuckers and the power-up lasts less and less time with each round, to the point where they don't do anything besides reversing their direction when you pick it up.

On the other hand, her reaction time and gaming sensibilities are getting a little bit better each time we play. We do Columns, Columns III and Streets of Rage 1/2/3 every now and then as well.

>> No.2519465 [DELETED] 

Play something fun then anon. Like play something girly like kirby. Or fun like metal slug x with lowered difficulty and Max lives. Not to be that guy but pac man is fucking boring. All the other arcade classics had something that wasn't just

>faster enemies.

>> No.2519469

>but pac man is fucking boring
Subjectively, we find pacman fun. Also, thanks for not contributing to the thread at all.

>> No.2519508

>pac man is fucking boring
The plebs are taking over.

>> No.2519510
File: 17 KB, 640x448, 44871[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with Mickey Mania.

>> No.2519525

This may be called out for trolling, but it's not at all. For the most part I recommend forgetting about retro games. They're mostly balanced far too hard for someone like your girlfriend coming to them new. If she keeps playing, she may get generally better and then be able to go back and experience old games but at least for getting her into it, I would stick with newer stuff. A lot of the "casual trash" that hardcore gamers complain about is actually pretty good for getting new people into the hobby.

When I first started dating my girlfriend she didn't play any games whatsoever and thought they were overall just wastes of time. I tried introducing her to a few things with little success. Then one day I sat her down in front of Peggle and said "just play." She said she didn't know at all what to do and again I said "just play..."

Three years later and she's hooked. She doesn't play all the same kinds of games, but we have great sessions of Puzzle Fighter 2 and she can whoop my ass at Dr Mario and played through Plants vs Zombies 10 times in a row.

>> No.2519530

Some of the turtles games, turtles in time starts out easy but the boss fights can end you.

Maybe pick up some shooters. Parodius comes to mind as a friendly looking one with a "wacky japanese" style

>> No.2519551

Wasn't asking for advice.

>> No.2519563

Apologies then.

>> No.2519568


>> No.2519570

Introduce her to magical drop, it's easy to pick up and learn, fast as hell and the skill ceiling can be quite high.

>> No.2519585
File: 634 KB, 667x1000, happy-dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're looking for more games that look friendly but are crazy hard? Might as well troll her with Ecco.

>> No.2519609
File: 84 KB, 637x439, Umihara03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umihara Kawase

The difficulty is somewhat up to the player, depending on the route you choose, but just completing the game in the most straightforward manner requires a certain mastery that most platformers don't ask of the player. Some of the levels will seem impossible until you've practiced for a long time. Best of all is that it's not a twitchy game or one that is focused on beating enemies.

>> No.2519632

Adventure Island

>> No.2519712
File: 56 KB, 320x300, MilonsSecretCastle_(13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milon's Secret Castle. Bought this NES cart way back in the day because it looked like a cute game to chill out with. Turned out to be hard as hell, and even very frustrating in parts. I eventually beat it, by sheer perseverance (and also because it's really a cute game and I wanted to experience the entirety of it).

>> No.2519767
File: 29 KB, 256x224, Pocky_&_Rocky_SNES_ScreenShot1.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can get your anus ravaged with her in co-op!

>> No.2519769

They only look friendly in the first and sometimes second levels

after that they turn pretty dark.

>> No.2519809
File: 18 KB, 640x468, Ecco the Dolphin_Sep17 23_37_53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? You get a bunch of levels in the temperate waters which are all really pretty and inviting. Ocean might be a little scary but then you're onto the gorgeous glacier areas with that serene music. Then it's Altantis which is all these lovely ruins and a beautiful sunset. I suppose you could consider the prehistoric levels dark, but I always thought they just looked super cool. The real darkness doesn't come till the last couple of levels when you're in the ship.

Either way it was a joke though and OP sounds like a bit of a dick. I'd like to see his girlfriend's irritation at trying to play Ecco though, that would probably be funny.

>> No.2519818

Probably the barren and desolate feel, and the ocean being in distress after the storm. Everyone pretty much got their shit wrecked.
Second game starts with the Asterite dying, Vortex invading Earth and Ecco being transported to a fever dream future that's so alien it's disturbing.

>> No.2519823
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>> No.2519828

Granted Ecco 2 is a dolphin dystopia, it's creepy from the start. I would still say that even with the early events, outside of the ship levels and maybe the prehistoric ones that the whole game at least looks friendly and inviting to outside eyes. I could be biased though.

>> No.2519837
File: 23 KB, 320x224, fz2dx-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire series is a non-stop rape train. I actually have managed to beat a few of the original Fantasy Zone ports, and Fantasy Zone II DX.

>> No.2519847
File: 58 KB, 640x480, harmufuluparko1618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute'em-ups are surprisingly hard, in general.

>> No.2519864

>the whole game at least looks friendly and inviting to outside eyes.
But does it really? Literally everything is trying to murder you, and is very good at it.

>> No.2519890

Yeah, but it appears deceptively friendly. Jellyfish meandering about, an octopus, some clams and schools of fish.
Sure the jellyfish will sting you, the octopus will slap your shit if you piss it off and move too fast, the clams are probably going to end up being poison ones and the school of fish you dart into after almost dying from that all turn out to be puffers that kill you...

but it LOOKS friendly and inviting. At least to me it does, but I love underwater shit. Isn't that what OP is looking for? Games that look to his GF like they'll be friendly and inviting but are actually punishing?

>> No.2522073

He brings up a good point you know

Ms. Pac Man shits all over Pac Man in every single way