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File: 159 KB, 750x470, Chrono_Trigger_Artwork9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2477771 No.2477771 [Reply] [Original]

Just started Chrono Trigger for the first time. Loving the music and the gameplay. I just got Robo and I'm back in the past.

>> No.2477852

I think Ayla is adorable.

>> No.2477872
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Best team.

>> No.2477896
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You're in for a real treat, anon. Just have fun and don't spend an excessive time grinding: some at /vr/ think the game is too easy for their sensibilities, hardened through a spartan, no-holds-barred suburban upbringing.

>> No.2477937

I'm so glad I wasn't a jaded kid with 4chan when this game came out. It was really special playing through this the first time. From start to finish it's just great, rarely a dull moment.

>> No.2477969

I love that all the artwork is Akira Toriyama. That blonde girl makes me think of Launch.

>> No.2478035

>I think Ayla is bangable.


>> No.2478045

She's really cute, in a non-sexual way

>> No.2478056


>tfw best girl was non-existent in dbz

>> No.2478065

>don't spend an excessive time grinding
Lol, good luck trying to defeat Magus if you didn't grind your ass off.

>> No.2478075

On the DS version I did a Workman's Wallet challenge, where I gain no XP whatsoever. I got all the way up to Magus and gave up because bringing down his massive healthbar would probably take 40-50 minutes. My best attempt got him down to about 1500.

I'm pretty damn sure someone with enough insanity, luck, and patience could pull it off.

Only grinding I did was hunting the Nu for AP, and he doesn't give XP anyway.

>> No.2478124

I've never killed more than "what was in the way" on this game, and it always came out roses.

Lightening 2 always comes when in Magus' Tower, and Luminare in the underwater base.

>> No.2478129

If you grind in this game, you're doing it wrong. It's easy as piss.

>> No.2478135

>Lol, good luck trying to defeat Magus if you didn't grind your ass off.


Squaresoft usually has insanely good exp and level curves. You are almost always well prepared to take on anything that comes your way as long as you fight the battles as they come.

If for some reason you ended up missing a bunch of fights because of dumb luck and not hitting the aggro points then sure, you're going to have a bad time. Also if you have bad gear or bad accessories then you're going to have a bad time.

>> No.2478150

If you want an RPG with low-power challenge runs, Square are by far and wide the best option. Seriously, look up some FFX challenge runs and see how fucking insane they get.

>> No.2478474

Op here just beat those two kids in the woods that fuse together. Really liking this game. I'm not a big RPG buff so I don't feel too overwhelmed.

>> No.2478485

I loved chrono cross but ct is just too 16bit for me, I can really get into such games
no h8

>> No.2478520

You need to grind a bit at the hunting range in the prehistoric era if you want to buy the gear.

I can also think of a few bosses besides Magus that can wreck you if you don't farm for xp and/or items beforehand ( Golem Twins, Masamune or Giga Gaia for example ).

But yeah, the game is pretty easy overall.

>> No.2478528


Fuck off faggot.

>> No.2478530

Wtf are you even doing here?

>> No.2478541

Not all retro games are 16bit

>> No.2478547

Sure but 8/16 bits games are what we talk the most here.

>> No.2478607

You die, you go to hell and you die.

>> No.2478642

>always loved Ayla
>hated marle and wished she would be lost somewhere in time never to be found again
>Ayla marries that fuckboy at the end
I actually am a cuck kill me

>> No.2478682

If I'm going to play only one of the following:
>Chrono Trigger; Crimson Echoes
>Chrono Trigger: Flames of Eternity

Which one is the better one to play?

>> No.2478823

Flames of Eternity is more well-balanced, as well as more finished, but I kind of have a soft spot for Crimson Echoes because of me being on Chrono Compendium.

>> No.2479263
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>> No.2479268

They're both shit.

>> No.2479293

Ayla make good snoo snoo

>> No.2481630

How long is this game casually?

>> No.2481642

It's not too long. If you know what you're doing, you can 100% it with all side quests and best ending in well under 30 hours. It could take you longer on your first time through.

>> No.2481660

Probably like 15-20 hours, but that's just an estimate and could be woefully wrong

>> No.2481797

I beat it in 2 days on my first playthrough but I did use my emulator's fast forward key to speed up battle animations.

>> No.2482634

OP here, just finished Magus' Castle!!

Really loving the game so far.

>> No.2482675

You're about a third of the way through. Some serious shit will go down around two thirds of the way through.

>> No.2482729

only a third? Holy shit.

>> No.2482746

nailed it. chrono + ayla a must but I'll switch around robo with marle or frog

>> No.2482749


>and here class, we see the mysterious faggot in it's natural habitat

>> No.2482803

I finally got around to playing CT about a year ago. Absolutely incredible game, a solid 7/10. Everything about it was fantastic except the gameplay.

>> No.2482825

Yep. You'll know when the serious shit happens. After that, the game opens up with some optional quests and several different paths to the end.

>> No.2482828

>/vr/ - faggot habitat

>> No.2482830

First time playing as well. Just got beat by the Golem and sent back into the past.
Loving this so far, too bad I had you know what spoiled for me.

>> No.2483045

If he wants to play shit, then I figure he should play the most well-polished turd of the bunch.

>> No.2483503
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frog is a hero

>> No.2483516

Sweet MIDI of Robo's Theme.


>> No.2483529

Yo, it's weekend time so game time. Im the Foe/CE anon

I don't want to play shit; I kinda assumed that they were at least decent. I'll just give them a pass instead. Thanks bros.

>> No.2483695
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CT got me hooked on video games. Various friends had Atari, NES, or what have you when I was growing up and while I thought they were cool I never had the particular urge to keep playing. Then one of my buddies showed me Chrono Trigger and it -moved- me. The combination of the music and the amazing colors just did something to me that triggered a feeling of actual wonder and awe. I wanted to explore this fantasy world and know its story and people.

>> No.2483754

For hacks, they're not too terrible, but those are pretty low standards indeed. Compared to the original... yeahno.

>> No.2484156

How the does the speed stat work? What does having two stars mean ?

>> No.2484176

The speed stat determines how fast the ATB fills for that particular character. Higher speed = ATB fills faster = more actions per combat

Stars in speed = 16
Stars in anything else = 99

>> No.2484181

Having ** in any stat means the stat is at its maximum possible level. IIRC, 16 is the max for speed. Higher speed fills that character's gauge more quickly, letting them attack more often.

>> No.2484463
File: 121 KB, 616x517, evilzeal_rslade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've almost finished the Black Omen and I just reached the part where I have to fight four bosses (possibly more) in a row without any breathing time except for when Lavos has to change attack modes. Good God this shit is annoying as fuck.

>> No.2484489

OP here. I just went straight to fighting Lavos. What a horrible mistake.

>> No.2484564

Hopefully you're starting in the Present? You can go through the dungeon three times and get a boatload of stuff, like Tabs.

>> No.2484571

Why would you do this? The game is fucking over after you have beaten Lavos.

>> No.2484582


>> No.2484584

Well, the other endings are fun to see.

>> No.2484668

I'm actually in the Antiquity. Did I do wrong?

>> No.2484679

Yeah, I'm so happy that there was a cutscene after. That's really awesome of Square to do something like that.

>> No.2484694

Not th same guy but as I understand it, if you work your way back through the timeline you can do multiple times. If you do it in the past then it has already been cleared in the subsequent time lines. Like the medallion chests.

>> No.2484720

Well I really don't feel like going through all that shit again so I'm OK with this.

>> No.2484723

If you roll through NG+ once or twice and get ultra leveled, you can experiment freely to see the alternate endings and find things that you missed the first time, and it won't end up taking you all that long. It's a lot of fun to mess around with this game.

>> No.2484728

Alfador is the entity.

>> No.2484732
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>> No.2485314

Because, as I said, extra loot; getting three Prism Dresses and Helms (at least three Helms) on your first playthrough is pretty helpful.

>> No.2485317

No wonder Kato likes Magus so much.

>> No.2485421

You get 3 Prism Helms from a sidequest and you never need more because you can't use more than 3 characters in battle. Having more than 1 Prism Dress is also useless unless you really want to use multiple girls against Lavos instead of far more powerful characters like Chrono and Robo

>> No.2485501

Is it true that playing through the game a certain number of times unlocks the worst ending?

>> No.2485508

There is no worst ending aside from getting the special game over from failing to beat Lavos.

>> No.2485718

The ending where everyone are reptites is pretty suckass.

>> No.2485907
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Best girl coming through

>> No.2486050

Just curious, what was your favorite team up for taking on Lavos at the end. Mine was Crono, Marle and Ayla. Spammed the shit outta Final Kick, Cube Toss, Falcon Hit and Luminaire.

>> No.2486346

OP progress. Chrono just sacrificed himself. I'm trying to bring him back. I got his clone but now I don't know where to go?

>> No.2486368

>Chrono Trigger was conceived in 1992 by Hironobu Sakaguchi, producer and creator of the Final Fantasy series; Yuji Horii, director and creator of the Dragon Quest series; and Akira Toriyama, famous manga artist and creator of the Dragon Ball series.

>> No.2486383

Like a lot of these jrpgs, the main problem is being focused on narrative and lacking any challenge or incentive in the combat systems. I don't think I even used a potion before Magus. You can buy any equipment you want as soon as you can too.

Is Dragon Quest the only series that gets this actual jrpg gameplay right Any other game I've played it's basically yawning between story segments and watching battle animations.

>> No.2486421 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 960x720, 1434925952924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a hint.

>> No.2486705

I just got Chrono back. I'm level 40. Should I go face Lavos or do all the side quests first?

>> No.2486717

If you do all of the side quests, you'll get the best possible equipment for each character.

>> No.2486729

You should do the Black Omen, it's one of the actually kinda difficult places in the game.

>> No.2486738

>implying lavos destroying humanity is not the best possible future

>> No.2486754

It's like the only difficult area in the game.

>enemies with fucktons of HP
>bosses with life shavers
>tons of gold studs by stealing with Ayla

>> No.2486780

You can also steal from the ruminators to stock up on megaelixirs.

>> No.2487668

I was doing the reptites in the middle ages and it's actually pretty difficult I find.

>> No.2488053

Robo, chrono & frogo

>> No.2488086
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 28-FATE86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if not the 'Robo future' Belthasarwould never make Fate fromRobos parts Based on the oldMother Braincircuit boards. Also I just realize that Fate is Asari

>> No.2488619

if you use twin-charm or whatever with Ayla and Marle, every single sub boss in the black omen will give you tab items to raise stats.

Maxing out Robo's speed will basically make everything in the game a cakewalk, since he has that crazy OP multi-target heal and hits like a truck.

>> No.2488673

You can also fight that tubster thing over and over to get unlimited power tabs.

>> No.2489013
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OP's status. Just finished all the side quests. I failed at saving Lucca's mom. Tomorrow I face off against the Black Omen and then Larvos. Chrono, Robo and Ayla are around level 45-46

>> No.2489073

And the game is easy enough already, so doing something like fighting Lavos with Ayla, Marle, and Lucca is a perfectly viable option. I've done it before, and would gladly do it again. Having optimal equipment for everyone gives you a lot more freedom in who you want your endgame party to be, regardless of who's "more powerful".

>> No.2489658

Just occurred to me that I never solo lavos

>> No.2489687

I did it once with a Mop. Not gonna lie, it felt pretty good; had to use a fuckton of Elixirs both for healing and for MP restoration, though (primarily used Confuse for the fight, highest single-target damage Crono can make).

>> No.2489692

Nice, just pardon my faggnes whats Mop?

>> No.2489709

Joke weapon for Chrono, it's the weakest sword in the game.

>> No.2489714

Yup, weakest weapon for Crono. Can only be found by charming a Nu, so many players don't even know it exists.

>> No.2489718

Wait, you can fight a fucking Nu? Where?

>> No.2489724
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Off the top of my head, in several places:

In prehistory, in the Hunting Range. When it rains, a Nu shows up in one of the corner of the maps. The corner it shows up at is random, so you gotta run for it when it starts raining. Just talk to it and he'll fight you. The first time you defeat it he'll give you an accessory.

In the Middle Ages, a Nu may appear randomly in the Cursed Woods. You have to trigger an encounter with another enemy while it's on-screen to be able to fight it, however.

You could also fight Nus in Zeal, in a secret room that opens up when you open those books that summon elements in an specific order ("water summons wind, wind makes fire dance", I think?). You get to fight six Nus, and if you defeat them you get either tabs or an accessory that unlocks a secret technique. You can't do this after Zeal is destroyed, though.

IIRC they don't net a lot/any EXP, but you do get a ton of TP for defeating them. And yes, charming any of these will net you a mop.

>> No.2489746

A cleaning utensil used on floors

>> No.2490237

Spekkio also turns into a Nu for his hardest form at the End of Time.

>> No.2490286
File: 186 KB, 756x1057, lavos_by_tenpoundpixel-d7b4xdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here!!! Just beat The Black Omen and Lavos and holy shit what an awesome game!! I absolutely loved it. Very amazing for a snes game.

>> No.2490325

Glad you enjoyed it. Now you can do NG+ and try to find the other dozen endings.

>> No.2490360

I was so into CT when I played it in circa 2000 that once I finished it I started reading fanfiction about it (same thing happened with FFVII).

>> No.2490392
File: 16 KB, 256x224, RadicalDreamersEnglish12_00037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how that feels! Glad you liked it.

If you're into visual novels/choose your own adventure books-style games, be sure to check out Radical Dreamers, it's the sequel and it's also on the SNES. The story, atmosphere and music are really cool, but if reading is boring for you you won't like it at all.

Or just go and try out Chrono Cross.

>> No.2490440

Oh sounds cool!! I want to check it out

>> No.2490460

can you send me an english emulation??

>> No.2490525


If the link doesn't work for whatever reason just search for "Radical Dreamers" on emuparadise.me

Bear in mind though, the game is pretty slow burn! You break into a mansion looking for treasure, and while it's all connected to Chrono Trigger it unfolds like a mystery. It has a kinda eery atmosphere to it. It's not a game for everyone. Chrono Cross is a remake of sorts of this.

>> No.2490556

does he? I thought he turned back into his original weakest looking form

I guess I can't really remember

>> No.2490561
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He becomes a purple/pink Nu.

It's technically very, very hard to see Spekkio's ORIGINAL weakest looking for, most players will probable see a Kilwala (that furry dancing thing), but if you get there on level 9 or below he'll be a frog. But it's hard to go through previous bosses below level 9, you have to go out of your way to do this.

>> No.2490685

Speaking of Spekkio, how much trouble did you have with his first meeting, where you're supposed to hug the wall and circle it three times? It always takes me several tries, the first time I thought I was doing something wrong.

>> No.2490756

As a kid, I was stuck on that part for months. English was not my native language, and I guess I didn't really understand what "clockwise along the wall" meant. I remember trying over and over to go clockwise. I distinctly remember going clockwise on the light circle of that room a couple times.

I replayed the game twice I think up until Spekkio's magic stuff. When I FINALLY got it right it was the best thing ever. I still remember how happy I felt I could finally move forward.

>> No.2490805

I did it my second time, not sure what I did wrong the first time.

>> No.2491107

Spekkio confirmed for world's most rewarding English teacher.

>> No.2491121

The side quests are pretty fun, if you skip them you miss out on some good boss fights and story stuff.

>> No.2491397

he's a dick who plays an asinine word game where you're supposed to go around the room 4 times instead of the 3 times he tells you to because there are 4 categories of magic

he's really a fucking cunt

>> No.2491805

>he didn't save Lara

>> No.2492153

>ayla marries that fuckboy at the end
This almost ruined the game for me.

>> No.2492193

>...and Ayla get big angry at Kino because he no make good snu-snu

If I'm remembering correctly, in the main ending Kino actually brags a bit about how they've been getting bizzay.

>> No.2492208

As if there is literally anyone in the universe that's alpha enough to top Ayla

let her have her pretty shota

>> No.2492261


>post yourfaces when you discover that crono descends from ayla

>> No.2492346

But it's marlie that is related to Ayla

>> No.2492348

Why not both?

>> No.2492359

Don't you have to save her to get lucas best gear?

>> No.2492361

Careful now, or you unless the rule 34 in here

>> No.2492365
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>> No.2492380
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>> No.2492403

oh please Ayla is the one who's dominant. She fucks who she wants.

>> No.2492798

Is this still considered incest?

>> No.2492809

that's what he said

>> No.2493856

What's the best version of the game right now? I played it years ago and don't remember much, and I want to replay it now. But a bunch of versions came out. Are the extras or improvements worth it or should I stick to the original

>> No.2493859

I played it on an emulator on my wii.

>> No.2493874

That doesn't help me very much.

>> No.2493880

If you're fond of the original SNES version, you can just stick to that. It emulates perfectly if you don't have a physical copy.

The DS version is also good. You'll get some debate on the optional extra content and the differences in translation, but the DS version is the best way to experience the Toriyama cutscenes without the horrible PS1 loading times.

>> No.2493890
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>> No.2493892

I guess I'll just emulate the original and watch the cutscenes on youtube. Thank you.

>> No.2494248

This pretty much. There is only a few of them anyway

>> No.2494928
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best friend robo

>> No.2495276


Compendium fags! Seems offly dead these days

>> No.2495304


Lost Sanctum is shit. Dimensional Vortex is great

>> No.2495323

Pretty much. I stopped frequenting it after some weird bitching contest started between one of the members who fancies himself a philosopher accidentally triggered huehuehue a rape victim and another one of the regulars started trying to harass him at every turn because the guy refused to apologize. I visit once in a great while, but even when I do, I usually don't do much. The last significant thing I did there was start a thread about off-the-wall theories and headcanons (I started it with Lavos being Crono's father), and before that was me arguing that the reason why Crono is more susceptible to the Chaos condition is because he's retarded.

It's kinda fun seeing ZeaLitY show up on GameFAQS and be aggressively helpful to people who don't understand particular facets of the series, though.

>> No.2495379

>accidentally triggered huehuehue a rape victim
Women ruin everything

>> No.2495458

what did he say to "Chrono Trigger" her? ;)

>> No.2495695

I forget exactly, it's been awhile (I think it happened sometime in '13), but I remember him basically telling her that, yes, rape is a terrible thing and nobody should ever have to go through it, but she shouldn't let it be some all-consuming weakness, she should grow the fuck up, stop letting the horrors of her past affect her life, and look more at what good things come in the future.

She and the white knight went off on him about being an insensitive prick, for which I don't entirely blame them; he was pretty casual when he was talking about it, and the bluntness his words had could definitely be seen as offensive, but that they didn't even acknowledge that he was trying to help, regardless of how much he was actually helping, kind of bugs me.

>> No.2496025

if you pick up all the techs for completion's sake then you should be adequately leveled

does it count as grinding if I go for all the techs?

>> No.2496065

I did that and maxed out everyone's strength stat, even the characters that don't have strength factored into their attack. Max strength, speed, and magic on everyone. Wish the game had tabs for other stats than just those three.

>> No.2498039

Something like this, yeah.

>> No.2498147

You still get the Green Dream though, regardless of what happens.

Speaking of this scenario, I've had a hankering to do a fic where Magus, Marle, and Ayla are the party that goes to Ozzie's Fort, and Flea, being obsessed with beauty, sees nothing but raw, feral power (and thereby beauty) in her. As the battle goes, if you kill one of them but don't get the others fast enough, they flee in the battle with the three of them. Flea is the one who retreats, and spends a long time doing little more than pining over the beautiful creature who handed her ass back to her. Eventually her longing and despair are enough to get a Red Gate of her own, which takes her to the Prehistoric era. I wouldn't be surprised if Ayla wouldn't mind having another husba... wi... concubine.

>> No.2498258

Did you opt to fight Magus at the cliff on your first playtrough?

>> No.2498285

Magus dies every time.

>> No.2498294

Considering the time period Ayla is from, she's not even the same species as Chrono (human). Banging Ayla is an act of bestiality.

>> No.2498437

I chose not to fight him, and that's what I recommend to everyone on their first time through (without spoilers).

>> No.2498457

Not OP, but also my first playtrough. This game is awesome, just got the wings of time.

>> No.2498470

Chrono + Ayla + Frog is a great team.

>> No.2498515


>> No.2498869

This, both frog and robo are great healers / attackers

>> No.2499223


>> No.2499941

Robo's never gonna give you up.


>> No.2501586

I've been playing Chrono Cross and I keep question myself what was the whole team intention by making it the sequel of Chrono Trigger. Seriously.

>> No.2501930
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>deez nuts

>> No.2502920
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You realize that his whole gimmick is that he is a counter boss and that you can easily defeat him at level 1 w/health accessories if you're super careful about when and how often you attack him?


>> No.2502936
File: 34 KB, 500x295, 8b8092b72e49fbff864746a8993906e8.500x295x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayla x Robo with a jealous Lucca looking on.

>Lucca secretly crushes on Robo for being a big robot and says lewd things while fixing his parts
>Robo doesn't understand this shit at all
>Ayla meanwhile is just challenging everyone to strength fights
>Robo accidentally outstrongs her by virtue of being a 9' tall robot
>Ayla gets super competitive but eventually relents, admitting Robo is the strongest
>Ayla promises herself to Robo as strongest husband and chief
>Robo doesn't get what the fuck is going on
>Lucca jealous rage
>Ayla and Robo warming up to each other while Robo still doesn't get whats going on
>Ayla explains to Robo they need to fuck
>Robo says hes not properly equipped and leaves to go bother a desperate Lucca
>Lucca is overjoyed to see Robo paying attention to her over Lucca
>"Lucca, I need mechanisms to fuck"
>"Oh Yeah~?"
>"To fuck Ayla, to make babies"
>Lucca destroyed, she runs around finding sperm to use in her weird robo dick machine
>Fic ends with Ayla having a baby, people ask Lucca who she got sperm from
>Cue Ozzie laugh

>> No.2502978

I wouldn't call that easy, but yeah it can be done.

>> No.2502992

>not benching Crono

>> No.2503003
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Still means that you can succeed in the game without grinding or excessive grinding.

What team would justify this? The one that can use Grand Dream?

>> No.2503028

>Still means that you can succeed in the game without grinding or excessive grinding.
I wasn't one of the guys saying you needed to grind. It's not a hard game overall.

>> No.2503058

Best team is Ayla and Robo because, at least in the DS version, they both get access to auto-9999 attacks that proc semi-regularly, allowing you to punch through bosses with very high defense, i.e. Lavos's Core, very easily.

Crono has some pretty good hard hitting nonsense and access to "Life".

Marle though, can work as a healer and keep the both of them put together and use "Haste" when the enemies are wrekt.

Marle & Ayla can also steal from enemies quite well.

>> No.2503079


It's hard to fit marle into a team that doesn't have crono and lucca in it, outside of that she mostly fits into teams without crono, ironically.

Robo and Ayla do infact make the best combo to have with crono in the party, its the most effective party in the game, in either version, but access to robos 9999 damage weapon as well as the dragon tear to boost his damage, and aylas item that increases her crit as well in the DS version, pretty seal the deal.

The game is easy enough that you don't have to have these considerations though, but crono / ayla / robo is by and far the best party combo in the game.

Now if marle had an actual stand alone multi target heal, shed be more usable, given that shes supposed to be the healer type and has shit else going for her, it doesn't make sense that robo has this and way better offense than she does on top of it.

>> No.2503084

Frog has heal which targets everyone.
Robo has the same thing and a double tech with Frog for a stronger all heal.
The lack of haste hurts a bit though.

Robo also has the problem of having abysmal speed until he gets his endgame upgrade but your party is usually determined before then, and his super 9999 punch isn't available til then anyway.

Items will typically replace anyone who wants to use single target magic.

>> No.2503119

The thing with heal beam is that it's retarded strong. Give Robo all your magic tags and speed tags and you won't regret it

He's unstoppable.

the only time I didn't find team C/R/A to be the best was when I was fighting Lavos in the ocean palace, where he drops spikes on you for like 800 damage.

Ayla's MDef is piss without special armors, and I had to use C/R/L. Lucca stronk

Frog Magus and Marle all suck

>> No.2503137

>Magus suck

Its funny that hes shit because of his equipment.
His stats all cap before any other character, except Chrono maxes speed first.

But his skills are pretty meh in the late game

>> No.2503143

I always figured it's because he's optional.

Like it doesn't really matter much if he allow him to join the team or not. The only other reason to defeat him is the add his entry into the beastiary.

>> No.2503190

In his defense, aside from having high base stats(that don't matter after level 50) his spell damage modifiers are higher than other characters.

Making him like a Reverse Chrono, he has strong magic(Luminaire has the highest spell damage in the game still), and meh physical skills. Where Chrono mostly had a lot of interesting physical skills.

>> No.2503238


Magus is very useful on the sidequests like death peak.


chrono/marle/frog is an effective, underrated team (arc impulse, double cure, haste).

I agree with what you said about marle. she may have alot of double/triple techs, but her usefulness is nerfed by single target heals. if her heals could switch between single/multi shed be alot better.

I also think frog should've had an ultimate water spell which was weirdly missing from the game.

>> No.2503243

Maybe thats what Summon Giant Frog was supposed to be?

>> No.2503249

I don't even bother with combo attacks. It's more efficient damage-wise to use each character's ultimate magical attack in sequence, except for Frog.

>> No.2503253

Frog's worked off his HP, so if hes at max HP it does tons of damage.

Or was it if he was at 1hp

>> No.2503256


the giant frog is physical damage.


it was inverse. the less HP Frog has, the more damage it does. it can be highly effective, but it's situational.

>> No.2503257

I thought CT was a solid game, but I don't love it the way most people do.

Probably because I'm not of fan of silent MCs, especially in story driven games.

>> No.2503267


>don't like silent MCs

Me either, I don't feel the need to self insert into games where you don't have lots of choices at any rate.

It works more as a WRPG thing than a JRPG thing.

Self inserting in JRPGs is more of a power fantasy type thing I guess.

>> No.2503279
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I didn't really ever think of Crono as a self-insert, I just think that they made him silent so that they didn't have to give him a quirky 90s radical personality.

We were spared what could've been horrible character schlock.

>> No.2503290

Which is why I like to use him so much. He's the absolute number one candidate for the Gold Stud if you only have one, because being able to nuke anything and everything for the low, low price of 2 MP is delicious, 5 MP if you wanna just spam his ultimate all day.

The ultimate Water spell in the game was actually Hexagon Mist/Starburst (for the SNES and DS versions respectively), and was Queen Zeal's signature not-Hallation attack.

>> No.2503291


agree, they probably would've made Chrono a mix of Goku and "x-treme attitude". making him silent was probably the right decision.

although I wish Chrono would've broken his silence and delivered epic lines in the confrontation with the lavos core. that would've made it even better.

>> No.2503295

>The ultimate Water spell in the game was actually Hexagon Mist/Starburst (for the SNES and DS versions respectively), and was Queen Zeal's signature not-Hallation attack.

that's true, I just think it's weird that your team doesn't get an ultimate water.

pretty sure we discussed this over on the compendium before. I'm xcalibur on there. the internet can be a small place!

>> No.2503296

>Hexagon Mist/Starburst

That's pretty interesting.

>epic lines to Lavos

I would be okay with him shouting out the name of his moves when he used them.

I don't know what epic lines he could really deliver to an alien being that doesn't so much as say a word to him. Then again, everyone does have an end game speech when fighting the core.

>> No.2503297

He does at least have lines in the slideshow ending, but that's about it. If they were to have made it with voice acting, I would absolutely love it if they went the route they did with Ryu in Breath of Fire IV, how he mostly just made grunts, yells, and only the occasional cry of whatever his attack was. Nobuyuki Hiyama is the one I'd nominate to do Crono's voice.

>> No.2503301
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I like Magus, I just wish he had a smidgen more utility, like a drain HP/MP spell.
He doesn't really need a physical tech, I guess.
A slightly better endgame weapon would help though

>> No.2503312

That we did. I actually saw someone on GameFAQS who was making a rebalance of healing, partly to make up for Marle's lack of multi-target healing, and also partly because of her lack of an ultimate ice attack. The main thing that I think he's missing is that by the time the endgame rolls around, you already have enough items that you don't really need a healer on your team, since there's Lapis and Megalixirs, which you can farm at the Giant's Claw (and other places, Giant's Claw is just the easiest one for me). That's why Crono, Ayla, and Magus is usually my preferred team.

>> No.2503318

He gets one in the DS version that has a x4 crit ability, and it actually breaks three thousand on a typical critical. The only problem is landing them in the first place, and because of the fact that two other characters on that version have better effects with their criticals (Ayla and Robo), as well as having better things to do with his accessory slot, giving him the Dragon's Tear isn't exactly a great move.

>> No.2503335

There seem to be three Scythes of note.

The Judgement Scythe which can cause stop

The Doom Sickle, his old ultimate weapon, gains 100% damage per character dead. Making him even more of a solo-machine.

And of course, his DS weapon which gives him x4 Crit.

>> No.2503342

>I don't know what epic lines he could really deliver to an alien being that doesn't so much as say a word to him. Then again, everyone does have an end game speech when fighting the core.

yes they do. Chrono could say something like, I've traveled across time and space, and even through death, to fight you Lavos. your time has come!

megaelixers are kind of broken. they're so useful that they make it a bit too easy, kind of like Ultima.

chrono trigger was very well designed the first time, but there are ways to improve it. personally instead of newgame+, I would've liked to see an unlockable hardmode, which would've given it more replayability. but at least there are hardtype/level0 hacks which do this.

>> No.2503354

Unfortunately, some of those hacks make some of it either unreasonably hard, or they make it insanely difficult to have any kind of freedom in where you want to go. For example, the Lavos' Awakening hack I played has the enemies in the Sunken Desert (which you can access earlier than the other sidequests) breaking a thousand damage on my characters the first time I get there, which is absolutely ridiculous. Even Sewer Access was loaded with bad guys who were incredibly difficult to kill (I did it anyway just out of sheer spite towards those fish assholes). I mean, there's being hard, and then there's being a jerk.

>> No.2503356

I don't think it was, the connection to chrono trigger is minimal really. It feels like the connection to chrono was put in after the game was finished but before it was realesed .it's a good game just not necessary a sequel

>> No.2503358

It's always come across to me as a sequel, just not Chrono Trigger II.

>> No.2503361

>I mean, there's being hard, and then there's being a jerk.

definitely. difficulty requires balances. too easy is boring, too hard is tedious and frustrating. CT is on the easy side but it has a nice balance and curve throughout so that you don't have to grind, but the challenge is consistent.
ideally a hardtype hack should increase the challenge while keeping the same balance. unfortunately, I've noticed that romhackers tend to spike difficulty too high. they go overboard, and the balance of their efforts can be kinda weird. my experience with romhacks taught me that the original japanese dudes who created this stuff knew what they were doing.

>> No.2503364

This pretty much. It was a great game by its own mean especially since you are responsible for fairy holocaust, because you killed the hydra to save your friend, not so hero...

>> No.2503396

>"I've traveled across time and space, and even through death, to fight you Lavos. your time has come!"

This is so corny. Especially the repetition of "Time".

>> No.2503416

I love hearing other people's opinions which is why I feel ok saying I didn't like this game. There were some parts of the story I found farfetched, and I'm wondering if its because it's poorly written or I'm missing something.

First, it seems totally unbelievable that they would mistake Marle for their current queen in the past. For that to happen Marle would have to look virtually identical to someone from hundreds of years earlier. Too much of a stretch for me.

Also after fighting Magus for the first time, it just sends you back to the prehistoric times...Convenient huh? Seems like you go there for no real reason so the story felt cheap at that point to me.

Also did most people find the future and prehistoric eras kind of boring, especially the former?

>> No.2503429

>First, it seems totally unbelievable that they would mistake Marle for their current queen in the past. For that to happen Marle would have to look virtually identical to someone from hundreds of years earlier

I have met my doppelganger, who looks almost exactly like me, the only big difference between us at the time being that I was a little more heavyset. Our closest common ancestor was from over eight hundred years ago. Four-hundred years in a royal (and thereby incestuous to at least some degree) bloodline is far from impossible to produce offspring that are indistinguishable from their ancestors.

>Also after fighting Magus for the first time, it just sends you back to the prehistoric times

Because after you find out that Magus didn't create Lavos, you end up going to the only period that's available to the party which comes before the Middle Ages, that being Prehistory. It's convenient, yes, but it's like that because even if you were to have been blown out of the keep or even just warped to the End of Time, the very next place you would end up going, in terms of story development, would have been Prehistory. At least with how the story goes normally, you get a funny little dream scene about Crono being a lazy bum.

>Also did most people find the future and prehistoric eras kind of boring, especially the former?

Actually, no, I did not. Prehistory was, admittedly, rather short in its significance, although the two times you ever have to be there are very important. They were apparently going to include a sidequest there for Ayla that involved the unused Signing Mountain track, but never bothered to put it in, and while that would have been cool, it's hardly necessary (Ayla's already awesome enough on her own).

As for the Future, I found it far from boring, but it was undoubtedly almost cripplingly depressing, and in a few ways, horrifying. Geno Dome especially, what with seeing people being put through a meat grinder and that damned shrieking..

>> No.2503437
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>hundreds of years earlier
It was 400 years and I think 4 or 5 generations of separation.
It would really depend on the genetic makeup of the generations between the two.

We don't know how the Guardia Royal Family marries off its daughters since there's not really another Noble Family out there in Chrono Trigger world.

She may have been just close enough, maybe even the Chancellor yelled at the help to mind their own business. I think everyone who mentions the princess also mentions how odd she seems.Not to mention the King/Father in the 1,000 A.D. timeline is a distant fuckhole all the time to Marle, so maybe that runs in the family and is why the King didn't think Marle was TOO off, its not like he was aware of the time traveling thing.

The real plot hole was Marle's removal from the Time Line.
It was just strange that Frog deciding to not save the Queen is what sets off whether or not Marle exists or not. It makes sense but then you would think Crono & Lucca looking at each other and going "Hey, we need to save the Queen cause Marle is gone" would've brought her back.

>Convenient Warp to Prehistoria

They do say that there's an unseen entity controlling the warp gates and where they ultimately lead to. Maybe the Entity interfered in your darkest moment so you wouldn't encounter Lavos. This interpretation makes the most sense because the Entity brings you to the time when Lavos arrives.
I don't feel it was cheap, you go confront Magus who you assume brought Lavos into the world and was the cause of all the horrible things, only to have him tell you that you're stupid, the rug is pulled out from under you cinematically.
You then discover the true arrival of Lavos and figure out that its not him causing the warps(granted you don't get this scene until awhile after this story part but it is referenced).

Also this Prehistoric part is the event that a lot of Chrono Cross hinges on.

>> No.2503442

Ran out of room.

>Prehistory & Future boring

Prehistory's problem is that it only has two major story purposes and then isn't significant again. Even its end game dungeon is in another Era.
I never really found it to be tedious or boring. Granted in my younger years I used to rush through it to get the Masamune and always found the dino-fort and the electric counter nonsense to be obnoxious. I don't really mind it at all now.

The Future, I never feel I've adequately explored even though I'm sure I've gotten everything of worth out of it.

Going onto Mount Woe used to annoy the shit out of me because its something of a difficulty spike. The mountain itself is easy but that red & blue boss before going up always gave me trouble.

>> No.2503457

Considering that the Entity has some respectable reality-warping powers, I think the reason why Marle disappears is because the Entity takes her away to, perhaps, the Darkness of Time, or some other 'safekeeping' place. It's a gambit, but if it works out in the Entity's favor (which it does), it inspires Crono and co. to try and fix everything. Kind of a stretch, but it does help explain why it's such an isolated incident.

>> No.2503468

I was just thinking of the possibility that Lucca & Crono inspire the Entity to begin to act in their favor.

The Entity is experiencing the current timeline, maybe they've experienced the bad timeline the whole way through and it wants to fix what it can't.
So The Entity is out there and existing, its annoyed that its planet(or itself if it is the planet) dies because of space cancer, then it notices Frog and the whole Kingdom randomly give up on finding the Queen, so it starts fixing the timeline.
Then you defy the odds and save her anyway and then its like "wh-what the shit".

Afterwards you're able to go back home, and then you go through the Trial, and then right where you need it the most: A time portal into the future.
The only other Time Portal allowing you to leave requires you to first see what the fuck Lavos does to everyone and gives you the goal of the game.

Its hard to say.

>> No.2503485


I'm trying to wrap my mind around both the CC Lore and the CT Lore.

Knowing the Timeline is basically "Alive" its possible that the timeline itself is possibly the Entity.

Since the Draconian Timeline is always angry despite basically existing in an outside dimension it stands to reason that the current timeline is also sentient.

Now, I would think that changing anything would then cause that timeline to die and another timeline to take its place, but I could just as easily see an agreeable timeline allowing you to change things for the better.

>> No.2503560


ofc it was cheese, if I actually tried I could come up with something better. still, chrono breaking his silence then wouldve worked.

>> No.2503563

you know about the deleted chanting mountain quest, right? You probably do, I'm mentioning just in case.

>> No.2503565

In one of the letters from Lucca in CC she explains that because they stop Lavos Day, they prevent Robo future from existing and that is way some people are mad about this, but FATE was created based on motherbrain and robo parts so, I am kinda confused whit this...

>> No.2503580

I do not.

Please elaborate.


This is actually rather simple.

Lucca is referring to the BAD future, the bad bad dystopian nuclear winter Future where people are starving in the ruins of their city domes was prevented by you in Chrono Trigger. The bad future was prevented, no one is mad about this.

There are various entities in the game whose existence relied on their Timeline happening, namely the Dragons are annoyed that the Human Future happened instead of the Reptite Future. These are the "people" who are mad about their timeline being prevented.

Essentially the ending of Chrono Cross makes it so everyone gets a good end, including Robo.

>> No.2503593

I actually tried this a few years back. Never played it on the SNES, but decided to emulate it. Only got a few hours in, before I quit.
I really do not see the appeal.

>> No.2503597

you know how in the end game kino just gives ayla's best equipment away to you? you were supposed to get it in a scrapped side quest like the other characters


>> No.2503603

Aside from the Lava it looked like a couple of the maps were straight lifted from Doom Mt.

>> No.2503608

>red & blue boss before going up always gave me trouble.

that was one of the harder bosses in the game. it really takes you by surprise.

this would explain it. personally it seems to me like the first part of CT (before going to the future) was storyboarded first and wasn't aligned with the rest.

prehistory could've had more content on the other side of the continent. there was potential there but they didn't make use of it. I remember there was a "singing mountain" area with its own music and quest but it was left out.

>> No.2503637
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All dat free space

>> No.2503648
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>> No.2503653

Chrono Trigger's battling system is not fun compared to traditional turn based. I hate how the enemy attacks even when you haven't yet. It makes the battles hard

>> No.2503659

wait mode, nigger, just open a menu

>> No.2503665
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>> No.2503685


'Wait' mode doesn't make it turn based. It just means enemies don't attack if you have a menu open, or something

>> No.2503694


Chrono trigger hard?

I know there are gamers of all types out there, but the biggest complaint for many about the game is that its way too easy, even on fastest battle speed / active.

At least for me the game is nearly perfect outside of how pathetically easy it is.

>> No.2503703

that's right, there's also a battle speed setting in case you are too slow to open a menu on time

>> No.2503705

Since there is no DQ thread up I'll ask here:

Does anyone know where to find Toriyama's art/artworks? Are there any artbooks?

Cause his old stuff was really fucking charming.

Then he kinda discovered photoshop and his shading went to shit. Draining said charm.

Then he kinda handed the artworks to his assisants.

>> No.2503707


I remember flying around there and being disappointed that there wasnt more stuff. they could've had a blue-haired tribe as the ancestors of Zeal, and maybe even tied in the frozen flame.

>> No.2503858

Well chances are most of us have been playing this game since it came out and we all know the quirks of the game.

New players are going to have the problem of possibly skipping sidequests, missing hidden items, messing up their chance at absorb damage vests, fighting the Twin Golems together for the first time, fighitng the Red & Blue Mystic dog dinosaur things on Mt Woe for the first time. fighting Magus the first time and spamming attacks on him etc etc.

Its easy now because we know how to manage all the quirks and what to do on what bosses.

There are some on e-hentai under non-H material: http://g.e-hentai.org/?f_doujinshi=1&f_manga=1&f_artistcg=1&f_gamecg=1&f_western=1&f_non-h=1&f_imageset=1&f_cosplay=1&f_asianporn=1&f_misc=1&f_search=Akira+Toriyama&f_apply=Apply+Filter

Otherwise google.

I was thinking about it earlier and they could've made it so that the Guardia Royal Line was easier to pick out of a crowd, that way you could've seen the whole Ayla -> Earthbound Chief -> Guardia King -> Present Guardia King -> Old Guy in the Dome lineage.

Another thing, I was surprised that there wasn't an Orange Haired, Blue loin cloth caveman, maybe even one for each of the cast, same with the robots.

>> No.2505324

Should i use a guide for the sidequests? i don't want to miss anything.

>> No.2505328

The old man at the end of time should clue you in to everything, the only strange clue is the one about "someone who needs your help" or whatever, he's talking about Queen Zeal.

>> No.2505562

So the ocean palace that is now floating is the endgame dungueon?

Also it's crazy, it traverse time, it's in every period.

>> No.2505583

Basically, the path through the Black Omen counts as the biggest and hardest side quest and part of the correct path for the best ending.

The spookiest thing about its transcendent nature is how some of the citizens on the ground react to it in each time period. They discuss it casually as if it was always there, since it always was to them.

>> No.2505656

>The spookiest thing about its transcendent nature is how some of the citizens on the ground react to it in each time period. They discuss it casually as if it was always there, since it always was to them.

I always thought that was cool.

>> No.2505692

I go through and beat it three times (starting in Present, then Middle Ages, then Dark Ages), if only to maximize all the stuff you can get from it. Once you figure out everything the first time around, it's suddenly not all that hard of a dungeon.

I really wish that it could have been accessible in the Future, and have the difficulty of monsters and other stuff increased.

>> No.2505746

>They discuss it casually as if it was always there, since it always was to them.

Really, that's crazy, i haven't checked, i'm currently doing a sidequest, to help some girl named Fiona.

>> No.2505751

Does the difficulty increase on different periods?

>> No.2505781

Is Magus overpowered? i don't want to ruin the game for me if i put him in my party.

>> No.2505796

A little, but he starts with Lv2 Magic (Fire 2, Ice 2, Lightning 2) so nothing special, although his later shadow magic is cool. The fun is knowing you're playing as Egdelord McScytherton who has higher damage than Crono, watching him glide over and slice an enemy to red pixely bits.

>> No.2505807

That's my problem, he is a mage but also does a lot of melee damage.

I think i would just stick with Lucca as my mage.

>> No.2505814
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>> No.2505816

By the time you get him, your mains are probably overpowered. At least Chrono should be. Nothing is really difficult during endgame except for Black Omen.

>> No.2505821

I revived Crono and everyone is about level 37.
Is my level to high? i haven't grinded at all.

>> No.2505825

I just started playing Chrono Cross and I really enjoy it so far. Just got through the manor, which was interesting the entire way through. Really looking forward to what happens next.

My favourite game is Final Fantasy 9, and this just feels like a very similar style of game with a different battle system. I say this, because when I original tried to play it 5-6 years ago, I turned it off because the battle system seemed stupid and dumb compared to CT/FF.

If this has convinced anyone to try it, make sure you find the battle tutorial in the starting village. It makes the whole game make a lot more sense and actually fun.

>> No.2505830

I love final fantasy 9, it's one of my favorites, never had a problem with the battle system.

>> No.2505836

Where did the thing with Flea being a futa or trap come from anyways?

>> No.2505837


No, Chrono Cross has the weird as fuck battle system. Read it again.

The introductory sequence in Chrono Cross with no context for the battle system makes it very easy for someone to just go 'what the fuck is this' and not even bother with it.

Well, unless they paid money for it, then they'd probably push through. They'd probably also have a manual.

Still, the battle system is stupid and obtuse without some sort of introduction to it, which the game provides a little too late.

>> No.2505841
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Did you even play Chrono Trigger?

>> No.2505842

Oh sorry, yea, i understand.

Never finished Chrono cross for the battle system.

But, this aside, i think the game was good

>> No.2505843

If you never do any grinding, then your level will never feel too high.

>> No.2505849

I haven't finished reading the thread yet. But I always gave my party items like Haste Helms and never used Marle. Unlike the spell the helms' effects never wore off.

>> No.2505851

I had problems doing the Fiona quest, it was a REALLY hard fight, but i did it.

And no, actually, i always feel weak when i fight bosses.

I like it this way tho, people said this game was easy, and a easy game for me is a killer.

I don't like games like Castlevania symphony of
the night where difficulty is for retards.

>> No.2505853


the black omen is sparkling in the sun today!

>> No.2505860

There are a lot of series I would love to see get a game like Chrono Cross. Like I'm not really interested in seeing what the party from the first game is doing but I would love to see more the world and other stories that are going on in it.

>> No.2505863
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>> No.2505869

I really liked the furture, depressing as it was. Wish there was a Fallout hack set in it or something like that.

>> No.2505871

>It was just strange that Frog deciding to not save the Queen

Maybe he attempted to but got killed because he was on his own and didn't have any backup like he would when he teamed with Crono and Lucca

>> No.2505876


I hated that place just for all the holes and warps in the floors. I've beaten this game at least 12 times, on just the DS mind you, and I still can't figure that fucking place out.

>> No.2505879

I wish there was more to do in the future.

>> No.2505887

I do wonder if this Entity is able to see the timeline from outside it or not. If not it could very well be that Crono & co's actions during prehistory and antiquity inspired the Entity to help during the later middle ages.

>> No.2505893

What did make me cringe was the scene where your party finds the CT party. I was thinking to myself how cool will it to be to see chrono as a full size model in this game, and then they throw the dwarf models of CT, da fuck? Just why?

>> No.2505896

>I really wish that it could have been accessible in the Future, and have the difficulty of monsters and other stuff increased.

You know you can hack, I'm talking game genie codes, and go through the locked door on the Black Omen in the future? The entire dungeon is in there unless you beat it in an earlier time period. It's strange out they left it in, at least I think, but they probably did that because it was less work to just leave it in.

>> No.2505915

Nope, it stays the same, and the only bosses that you can fight more than once are Queen Zeal and when she turns into Mega-Bekkler. All the other enemies respawn though, which means that you can Charm the Magic Tabs from the Aliens again.

Because in the Japanese version, Flea is a MtF transsexual, in the English version, she's just a crossdressing man. I've always figured that the reason why she refers to herself as a man is because, even if she knows she's a girl inside, she's come to terms with the fact that she still has a dick.

I liked it too, myself. The atmosphere of it may be some of the most soul-crushing experiences on the SNES, but that's countered by Robo Rick Rolling/singing to you, and the racing with Johnny is just plain cool.

>> No.2505919

>Because in the Japanese version, Flea is a MtF transsexual

my only question is how the player learns this, because I can't figure out how it would come up in the game.

>> No.2505928

Go look up her dialogue.

One of the characters goes "Hey, whats up with this bitch"
"I'm not a bitch, I'm a man"
"You're a man!?"
etc etc

>> No.2505931

Chrono, Frog, Lucca

Rate my party

>> No.2505936 [SPOILER] 
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Way to be original cucklord, I bet you also eat plain cheese pizza you faggot.

What, seriously? What are you a preteen 12 year old girl fairy princess waiting for your frog prince to come and save you?
Frog is shit, The Masamune is Shit even with the Hero's medal.

Not even using best girl? pic related.

>> No.2505943

Wow man, i don't want to play anymore.

>> No.2505950 [DELETED] 


iirc frog and lucca have the weakest double techs. I think they're even weaker than just using the single techs.
as much as I like the combos in CT, they are unbalanced sometimes.

like I said before, chrono/marle/frog is an underrated team. if you're going to use frog, go with this.

>> No.2505951


iirc frog and lucca have the weakest double techs, with the exception of frog flare.
as much as I like the combos in CT, they are unbalanced sometimes.

like I said before, chrono/marle/frog is an underrated team. if you're going to use frog, go with this.

>> No.2505993


People who use shit characters don't deserve to play Chrono Trigger

>> No.2505995
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Pic Related.

>> No.2506001

I never played Chrono Trigger until 2011, I actually liked it a lot.

Then I tried Chrono Cross. I didn't like it, so I put it down.

A couple months later I tried Cross again. I made it an hour in before putting it down again.

A few weeks later I sold Chrono Cross. I don't regret it.

>> No.2506012


they are good choices for dialogue.

>> No.2506153

See, this is something that makes me glad I'm a namefag, Anon's the one who's forced to blow Flea.

I'd be entirely willing.

Yes. Yes I would. I'd top, though.

And now, for something that should be in pretty much any Chrono Trigger thread at some point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ20N6syuwc

It's the version where the two songs are actually mixed together properly, not just having one slapped over the other. I honestly like it more than either of the separate songs. No lynching plzkthx.

>> No.2506191


you know what else belongs in every CT thread?


>> No.2506226



>> No.2506239
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>> No.2506884

There are times when I almost wish Mitsuda hadn't made music quite so awesome from the get-go, because now he's got a really high standard to hold himself to; Chrono Cross, if you ask me, is his only work that surpasses his masterpieces for Chrono Trigger.


I always thought this one was fun to listen to, even if it's kind of terrible.

I remember talking with someone on the Compendium about making the Black Omen into a Star Wars-grade spaceship, and we ended up estimating that it would be, like, two or three times the size of a Star Destroyer.

>> No.2507238

>we ended up estimating that it would be, like, two or three times the size of a Star Destroyer.


>> No.2507262

mitsuda's so good he's unemployed now

>> No.2507591

Just finished my first playthrough. What a great game.

>> No.2507841


If there was a god Motoi Sakuraba would be the unemployed one

>> No.2507870

Is Chrono Cross worth playing?

>> No.2507875


Yes, but don't go into it expecting a direct sequel to CT.

Its about as much a sequel as valkyrie profile 2 was.

>> No.2507931

Soon after you meet "Sprigg", it stops being worth playing

>> No.2507989

Looks the Black Omen is no bigger than a yacht.

>> No.2507995
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>Look at picture of "Sprigg"
>Read description

>> No.2508101

>Squeenix is loaded with so many assholes that mitsuda's unemployed now

A Star Destroyer is just short of a mile. The Black Omen is the size of a freaking mountain.

>> No.2508104

A mile in length, I mean.

>> No.2508106

Using estimations based on how things on the world map look compared to each other is no way to get a measurement when Crono is the size of a fucking house. Everything's kind of deformed and chibi.

>> No.2508172
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>but they probably did that because it was less work to just leave it in.

Or maybe because it's pointless to fight Queen Zeal and Lavos in that time period when the world has already been destroyed.

>> No.2508330

Whats the best version of CT to play? Ps1 snes ds? Never played it before and I feel like I should

>> No.2508393


At that point Queen Zeal has absorbed all of Lavos's power and Lavos himself has died sending all of his spawn into outer space, if the Mount Doom theory is to be believed.

Maybe the trade off in having a galactic time parasite ruin your planet is that it gives you an incredible insight into magic & science and lets you create a giant space station where you live as a God.

Those incompatible with the Frozen Flame are then left to die

>> No.2508414

Is Crimson Echoes worth giving a try? I heard that it was completed by a different person after the C&D from Square-Enix.

>> No.2508505

If you want the experience that most of us had the first time, go with SNES.

Avoid walkthroughs and spoilers. You shouldn't need them, as the game isn't all that difficult.

>> No.2508545

DS is the "best" version, but you lose a lot of cool names, and Frog loses his Olde Englishe accent. Frog was never supposed to have that accent in the first place though; the DS is a better translation

It's up to you between SNES and DS, but no one should ever play the PS1 version. 10 second load times to change screens, access menus, or enter/exit a battle

>> No.2508664
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Unfortunately, your only companionship comes from clones you made of your enemies, considering how unlikely it is that you could hold a conversation with, say, a Nomad or Alien.

>> No.2508671

First playtrough. Right now Im stucked with the Golem twins (Lavos Beckons). Having a lot of fun, though.
>inb4 git gud

>> No.2508678

Good luck on twin golem.
I was surprised to have as much trouble as I did fighting them.

I found a good strategy for killing them quite easy.

>> No.2508681

They're easy once you bait their copycat ability.

>> No.2508705

Wait, back in the past literally, or nostalgia?
>just started it for the first time.

>> No.2509040

There are several people in the thread literally playing it for the first time right now.

>> No.2509331
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This idiot stole my fucking moon stone and i don't know how to get it back shit.

I don't want to look a guide, fuck this asshole.

>> No.2509346

>go back in time to when he stole it
>fly around looking for places you haven't been to yet

>> No.2509378

If you've found who stole it, you could try teaching one of their ancestors a lesson in generosity.

>> No.2509471

I want to enter the black omen but i don't know which period to go.

>> No.2509476

Does the black omen work like other places where you can enter, get the treasures and stuff, then go back in time, do it again and get another copy of all the treasures?

You can steal a lot of tabs from the sub bosses there with twin charm so that sounds pretty worth it

I mean if the game weren't already piss easy anyway

>> No.2509523

Yes it does.

>> No.2509607

Good laugh, anon.

>> No.2509618

Mind blown. I figured you fought on the bridge, not on top of the fucking Omen.

>> No.2509627


As far as I'm aware you can't refight the sub bosses, but my most recent playthrough was of the DS version, I don't recall if this is the case for the original.

>> No.2509653

Just finished the game, so who is this ''Entity''?
Also, what happened to Schala? is she dead?

>> No.2509660

>so who is this ''Entity''?

Read the thread.

>Also, what happened to Schala? is she dead?

Play Chrono Cross.

>> No.2509671

I think the guns you fight outside at the entrance will always stay dead, but if you kill the other enemies and bosses, you can go back and time and kill them again until you get to 12000 BC

>> No.2509685

>Chrono Cross

Everyone say it's shit.

>> No.2509691

Think for yourself.

>> No.2509707

And everyone says CoD is the best game ever.

>> No.2509715

So it's like Ghost Trick?

>> No.2509726

The ending wear marle is a frog is hilarious

and probably the only ending where Lucca doesn't get cucked

>> No.2509735


>letting other peoples opinions drive you

It's my opinion that Chrono Cross is a very good game, but shouldn't be looked at strictly as a CT sequel.

In all honesty though, I don't get how people can't distance themselves from the little that connects cross and trigger that was thrown into it, and instead look at it as its own game, its a pretty exceptional game on its own, honestly.

>> No.2509750

The PS1 version was my first experience with the game. The load times were fucking awful, but even with that I still found a way to enjoy the game which is a testament to how great CT is. No one should ever have to go through playing it that way again though.

>> No.2509773

It's not shit. The first half is awesome. The 2nd is your typical, outrageous, "dragons" anime-style bullshit fantasy story

>> No.2509839

I'm more curious about the gameplay, how is it compared to Trigger?

I do like Chrono trigger gameplay but it was just too easy at the end.

>> No.2509870

(I'm the same anon you're responding to)

There is a kind of fixed level up system. You get small stat bumps (+4 HP, +1 Str, etc) at random times by fighting battles. It has the same "you see enemy on field and can usually avoid" thing as Chrono Trigger. I think there is a cap to your "small" stat bumps per star that you receive. You receive stars by defeating story bosses or sidequest bosses.

It isn't a difficult game, but they did make it so you can't really out level it on the first playthrough, though stars carry over into NG+. It's not difficult, like I said, but there are some battles that might give you trouble your first time.

The battle system itself is really good, imo. You have a choice of 3 attacks -- light, medium, or heavy -- and they power up your element grid, which are your spells. You can save your powered up grid, or you can use it as a finisher. You'll see what I'm talking about when you play it. Spells are bought or found as items (though each character has 3 unique spells which they get at certain star intervals) and you can assign them to slots. Some spells have their own level, and you need to place them in that level slot on your grid, +/-2, so a level 5 spell can be put in a 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 slot, and will power up or power down accordingly. There is also an area effect grid, which powers up spells the more of one color there is...

...this is really starting to be too many words. You can figure it out. It's a pretty cool system. There is just a very distinct point at which the game starts sucking, and it never gets better. The first "half" (more like 1/4 or 1/3) is awesome though, almost a 10/10

>> No.2509916

So the problem is the story?
It is bad because it's not like CT or it is just plain bad?

>> No.2509934


CT deals with time travel, while CC deals with dimensional travel. I don't think the story is bad, but its not as memorable as the CT story.

I find the biggest issue is the game has too many characters, when only a handful of them are useful period, and I think there is like upwards of 40+ characters, and chances are you will use Serge Glenn and Kid/whoever else, everytime the combination is available, so the roster size is pretty bad for how useful the characters actually are, also they don't get much story outside of when you recruit them.

There are a few bosses that could catch you offguard, some notorious like one with his holy dragon sword hitting you for well over a thousand damage when hp only goes up to 999 in this game and you won't even be close to that during this fight, but that has to do with preparing the right defenses for him.

Game has an amazing soundtrack though, I'd argue its better than triggers soundtrack. It also has one of my favorite areas in any video game, the dead sea.

>> No.2509957

I see, so there is too many character and not enough deep for them.

I'm going to start playing it tomorrow, i wanted to know why so many people would hate this game.

>> No.2509965

I'm this guy again >>2509870 >>2509773

The first bit of the game, like I said before, is almost 10/10. It's super good. If it was just an 8 hour game or however long that part is, I would rate it probably equal to, or above Chrono Trigger.

LIke other anon said, it has 43 (?) characters, and most of them are useless. Most of them aren't even cool as characters, let alone useful in battle. Like that anon also said, it has the best soundtrack ever.

I, however, do think the story is bad. The story for the first part is cool, because it's basically just Radical Dreamers.

After that, spoilers you switch bodies with the bad guy, Captain Ginyu style which might seem cool, but it isn't. This story arc isn't the absolute worst, but it's pretty bad. AFTER that, spoilers you switch bodies back to your body and then the game bullshits you with bullshit. It's honestly like 3 different stories rolled into one game, and not in a cool way. They try to connect them, and even worse, in the 3rd arc they try to make it a sequel to Chrono Trigger, which it clearly is not.

I think the first part is so good because it's essentially an expanded story of a game they made years before. They polished it, made it better(?) and turned it into a real game. The rest seems random and thrown together to make it "rpg length"

>> No.2510096

I think I've mentioned it in this very thread, but the main reason why I think so many people get butthurt about it (and subsequently see every little thing they can as a flaw) is because, even though it's a sequel, it's not Chrono Trigger 2, which, admittedly, a lot of people must have thought when they read the title.

I really like it, myself. I'd say it's one of the absolute best games on the PS1, not just PS1 RPGs, or even JRPGs. Chrono Trigger just set the bar so damn high that pretty much anything else pales in comparison, so no matter how good of a game Cross was, it's always going to seem like a lackluster game, undeserving of the name it was blessed (or cursed) with.

>> No.2510476


>They try to connect them, and even worse, in the 3rd arc they try to make it a sequel to Chrono Trigger, which it clearly is not.

This isn't necessarily true.
Everything that happens in Cross is deeply rooted in Trigger.

All of the "Act 1" and "Act 2" bits highlight subtle themes that weren't explored in Chrono Trigger.
The game never comes out and hits you over the head and beats you with it, but its there.

Afterall the guy who wrote Chrono Cross also wrote the Dark Ages in CT

>> No.2510516
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>> No.2510763
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Magus is pretty hot

>> No.2510771

I think that CT is a good game in its own right, most of the connections with ct seam kinda forced. Its like in xmen 3 they wrote Storms lines but in such a way that she can be removed or replaced because the actress was bitching about her pay . I think cc is much more about how our decision affect everybody even if we dont directly interact. To save kid you have to kill the hydra, so you go and do it as a great hero, but because you killed the hydra all the monsters relocate to fairy island. When you get there almost everybody is dead because of the monsters. So u are a hero for some but mega hitler for others. Even decision on how you interect with some will affect what chars you meat on the way ,like when you have to get to the mansion and there is a number of ways to get there. Even Pip? (honestly cannot remember what his name is )will change appearance and skills based on your fighting methods angelic or demon

>> No.2510773

That reminds me of that flash game where you play as Magus, remember seing it years ago on newgrounds

>> No.2511064


I don't think any of the connections seemed forced.

In fact you just explained one of the big undertone/subplots of Chrono Cross that originated from Chrono Trigger.

Do you remember the Kingdom of Zeal? You remember how you could see the Sun Shrine floating on that unreachable island?
Well theres a reason for that, originally the Kingdom of Zeal was in tune with Nature and the Natural World.
They got their power from the sun.

Queen Zeal seals it off because she grows infatuated with the power of Lavos, effectively she turns her back on nature in favor for a destructive, parasitic force.
In turn, where Reptites would've lived in harmony with the world around them Humans destroy and corrupt it. Thats the point of the Hydra Swamp, the Dwarves, Fairies and Demi-Humans.

This is the reason for the entire plot involving Dragons, Reptites, the Future Dome and the entire area of El Nido.

>> No.2511073

Those don't match up, though.

>> No.2511384

It doesn't, but they are both Reptite Lairs

>> No.2511385

What's the best epsxe version to emulate Chrono cross?

>> No.2511386


>> No.2511392

Nevermind, it's working, and yea i use epsxe.

>> No.2511395

is there a better place to emulate?

Its been way too long since I played CC

>> No.2511404


>> No.2511587

And I wouldn't expect anything less than that from Kato, especially considering he's the one who wrote the Dark Ages in the first place.

>> No.2512010

When you come into Chrono Cross with a brand mentality you see a lopsided game with a lot of random and convoluted elements.

When you look at Cross through the lens of what Trigger tried to say then you see Chrono Trigger 2 all the way through.

Also Orcha. Why they didn't they censor him some shorts.

>> No.2512021
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can't unsee

>> No.2512173
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I hope you enjoy it, OP. Chatting it up with other random gamers I come across, "What's your favorite game" / "Best game ever made" queries get answered with Chrono Trigger a lot more than any other response I've heard.

20 years later, this game's characters, story, settings, and soundtrack are still completely fresh in my mind.I can only say that about two or three other games.

>> No.2512367
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Just found the full version of that pic, and holy shit, that's cool.

>> No.2512995

Heya /vr/ I'm about to replay the DS remake and read there is a new optional superboss. Does anyone have any advice as far as how to prepare for it as I play without having to grind too much in the end? Don't want to have to do loads of grinding like for some of the FF superbosses.

>> No.2513243

its in new game plus so you dont have to worry about it in a while

>> No.2514175


Well thats a pretty cool pic-

Why is Magus using a sword.
Did he mount Flea's head on fake flea's body?
Why would he use Ozzie, Slash & Flea's dead bodies like that, or are those literally "Ozzy Pants"?

What the fuck is going on with Frog? Is he dual wielding?

Bushido Crono looks pretty rad, the Rainbow Sword probably literally looks like that.

Marle, why is your hair silver? The fuck are you even wielding, is that a box with a crystal sticking out of it? Is that a robotic arm to support the massive weight of that box you're carrying?

Robo where the fuck is your left arm? Or is that literally "Doom Finger" hanging off your left side.

Lucca, why are you a Loli. Why are you holding a lolly. Where is your gigantic ridiculous gun made out of your Mother's legs or something.

>> No.2514214

I thought the same things, but I thought making a huge post about it was stupid.

It's just the artist taking license with the characters. It's pretty cool although I don't really like it.

>> No.2514572

>but I thought making a huge post about it was stupid.


Also they didn't do anything stylish with Ayla, that is literally how she really looks in the game.

>> No.2514593

do you just disagree with people for the sake of disagreeing?

>> No.2514639


I never disagree.

>> No.2514683

Is Nikki a good party member? i really like him, i use him as the mage of the party.

I would drop him for other character with better MAG stats.

>> No.2514705

Just use who you like.

>> No.2514713

What about that guy Glenn? i'm not too far in the game but he ovbiously is going to join me.

Is he good?

>> No.2514724


He has a very overpowered dual tech with serge, X strike, basically the same skill from CT between crono and frog.

Glenn won't join unless you do something specific at a point when the game sort of branches, and if you get him, he will still be unavailable for the middle part of the game.

Despite this, he is by and far the second best party member in the game, behind only serge, especially when you do his sidequest that ends up letting him dual wield.

Still he isn't needed to beat the game, since most of the hardest parts of CC occur during the point that you can't use him. There are solid alternatives to him as well, like karsh.

>> No.2514738

>like karsh

So i can recruit Karsh too? cool.

I don't know, i have Serge, kid, and Nikki

I have Kid mostly cause of his steal ability, and Nikki because his high magic stat, i don't think i will swap kid for anyone, but i'm looking for characters with high magic stat to replace Nikki.

If Glenn isn't good with magic i won't take him.

>> No.2514779
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That reminds me of the concept art.

>> No.2514782

I just noticed that Magus' armor has depictions of Ozzie, Flea, and Slash on his armor and sword.

>> No.2514784


Man, I know some of the characters are feminine but you should know an actual girl when you see one.

So you could've recruited Guile instead of Nikki for the part of the game you're in and Guile is a very dedicated caster to the point that he gets his spell slots in reverse so he has more higher level spell slots in the end game.

Nikki has the exact same magic growth/cap as Guile and on top of that Nikki also is a few points short of the highest strength cap in the game.
The trade off between them is that Guile has a gimmick where his heavy attack hits every enemy(albeit for shit damage).

So you probably have the best you can get for now.

Glenn's magic stat is 12 points lower than Nikki's, but hes an interesting physical attacker.

>> No.2514785

I don't like the battle system on this game, either give me a full action RPG, or a full turn based RPG, no something in between.

>> No.2514790

You have the option to make it turn based.

>> No.2514884

Are there enemies in this game that can be hurt only with magic like CT?

So far i haven't found anyone.

Also if i level up do the others one who aren't on my party still level?

>> No.2514901

All forms of play are viable. This is why you typically use who you want and not just the statistically highest powered characters all the time.
Their might be a couple of enemies but even the weakest caster will still do rather well in combat against them.

Bosses in Cross aren't tough because of some strategy gimmick, typically they are legitimately tough.

You level by defeating bosses and gaining Stars.
Everyone in your party will gain the same amount of stars that you currently have.
Stars determine your level and for every star theres a certain amount of bonus stat upgrades you can get by completing battles.

Using a summon and spending your stars doesn't cause you to lower your level and you can regain those stars by just sleeping in an inn.

>> No.2515091


Everyone gets the stars, but people not in your party won't get the "minor" stat level ups between the stars, but I think you can grind those out later on. Either way it makes little difference, they might end up having like 10 points less to a stat if you don't grind out every minor level each star you get, which is really only possible for serge anyway.

Sides I think everyone will hit damn near capped stats in new game+ anyway, and if they don't, like I said, they won't be missing so many stat points that it will matter.

>> No.2515227
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>Cue Ozzie laugh

>> No.2515332

I envy you. My first time through was magic.

>> No.2515390
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it has it's shortcomings and is no sequel to ct.

on the other hand, i think it is a fantastic, charismatic game on its own with a soundtrack that rivals or even tops ct's.

don't be a faggot and just play it. if you like it, good, welcome aboard and join the cc threads. if you don't, oh well, move on.

>> No.2515405

honestly don't worry about it, serge is so fucking powerful the other two characters you are using don't matter all that much so might as well use those you enjoy. there are only a couple bosses and the optional bosses where you need to get your shit togheter and work as a team.

>> No.2516193
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Is there any reason that lavos in CT ends up taking the form of an alien spaceman in a space suit? Technically I guess the right bit in the final boss is actually lavos, not the space dude, but I don't get it. In CC it still shows him as a variation of his large spikey shell form as the time devourer.

Did he just evolve or something? From a spikey shell creature to a giant bio mechanical creature to the aforementioned final form?

>> No.2516219

Lavos has been absorbing the DNA of every lifeform on the planet and humans appear to be the most domonate lifeform.

Perhaps in the last battle the center decoy was given a humanoid appearance that would make humans believe it was the true Lavos and go after it instead of the core on the decoy's right.

Perhaps it has been preparing that decoy form from the moment it started absorbing human DNA and the suit was just extra armor for it and the core as well.

>> No.2516229

>CC it still shows him as a variation of his large spikey shell form as the time devourer.
Well, kinda. Lavos appears spawn-sized and Schala appears like a child because it's "devouring time" (get it?)

I agree with >>2516219 regarding its humanoid "core", even though the actual core is the right bit.

>> No.2516305

I just finished Chrono Cross a few hours ago. It was my first time and well. I kind of like it as a game on it's own. I got to say I really enjoyed the first disc, but then the second disc happened and it was 'LOOK I'M THE SEQUEL' , the only part with potential was the Terra Tower but they fucked up complety there. I got the bad ending because I'm a lazy. I will replay it again to see how good is the whole re-play.

>> No.2516341

Lavos' humanoid form looks a lot like Cell in DBZ. He evolved into the perfect form.

>> No.2516642

I'm playing CC, my only complain so far is how easy this game is, i feel so overpowered, it's even easier than CT.

I hope the difficulty picks up.

>> No.2516790
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>> No.2516841


This guy, right here, will fuck you up, probably all in one swing, if you're not careful. There's another guy just before him that's pretty freaking hard too, Garai. With Garai, you'll want to bring Harle for her MoonShine tech, even though you'll have two Black characters against a White, because the amount of damage that the spell shaves off will save your ass. It went pretty well with her against Miguel for the same reason, although she still died, but it let everyone else live long enough to perk her and the rest of the team back up and finish him off.

One's mileage may vary, of course.