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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 960x540, Bill Gates in Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2512829 No.2512829 [Reply] [Original]

These games are getting REALLY realistic

>> No.2512842



>> No.2512871
File: 102 KB, 298x300, dsfgdsgdsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bill no longer runs microsoft

>> No.2512879


what does he run?

>> No.2512890
File: 2.24 MB, 1896x1080, QSUiXRp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>windows 95 is THE game platform

someone need to sample that in a vapourwave track

>> No.2512893


>> No.2513378

meme music genre

>> No.2513760

And they've improved tenfold since he left dumb frogposter.

>> No.2513764


>> No.2513773

this is a real thing

>> No.2513789

oh right progressively worse operating systems since winblows 98 SE are an improvement. top kek kid.

>> No.2513809

dude fuck off with your gnu linux circlejerk

>> No.2513840

jesus christ you're just as bad as those retards into politics. Just cause I don't think winblows is on the same level it used to be doesn't mean I am a unix fanboy. Just cause I am not a retarded faggot communist does not mean I am a "conservative". How stupid are you people, how do you go through life?

>> No.2513848

eh, it's been downhill since windows 7.

It's too bad Linux is so awful, otherwise i'd switch.

>> No.2513858

replace 7 with 98se and you are correct. XP was a small step up from the huge drop after 98 but it crashed even harder after that. I am using windows 7 right now and it's shit. It's the best option available and the best OS but just because its better than even worse shit doesn't mean its not shit. Contrary to what one of these simpletons would like to believe >>2513809. If you don't suck the dick of a shitty version of windows you're a unix fanboy.

>> No.2513859

both of you are complete retards, fuck off

>> No.2513862

So should I do the free Win 10 upgrade?

Heard Win 10 is nothing but the ultimate NSA spybox :S

>> No.2513868

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He, combined with Warren Buffet, have donated at least $30B for charity.

Fun fact, Steve Jobs only gave $1.1M of his fortune to charity.

>> No.2513878

bill has always been a bigger baller than jobs. Steve jobs is a glorified shill.

>> No.2513883



>> No.2513885

>he thinks he has any privacy

Yeah, you have the RIGHT to privacy, but everything you've ever done of any significance has been recorded - the gov't knows where you live, can track your purchases to see where you go, knows where you work and your income, and that's just through the basic paperwork you submit to them without any warrants or search procedures needed since you voluntarily gave up that information.

That said, I don't think they're going to give a shit how often you visit /d/ to jerk off to diaper-wearing dickgirls.

>> No.2513892

Apparently he's only gonna give his kids a million each and give the rest to charity, kek.

What a dick. If I was his kids I'd be fucking pissed. Fuck that shit, AT LEAST give me a fucking billion you bastard.

>> No.2514021
File: 236 KB, 691x625, 1432749320820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2514025

I just now realized he's not wearing an Obi-Wan costume.

>> No.2514026

>Steve Jobs only gave $1.1M of his fortune to charity.
Well he did make Pixar exist.

>> No.2514061


More of a school shooter costume. Kind of prescient considering the time the video was made.

>> No.2514068



>> No.2514095

>I am using windows 7 right now and it's shit

You're not impressing anyone by hating on something just cause it's recent, kid.

>> No.2514104

That's a funny way of spelling George Lucas.

And Job's contribution was to turn them into a failed computer manufacturer. Then Disney bought them out and turned them into an animation studio, of which Job's was happy to take 5% and do fuck-all with it except cash in the dividends.

So again, thanks for nothing, Jobs.

>> No.2514201

How much did you give, faggot?

>> No.2514205

ur mum

>> No.2514452
File: 125 KB, 640x496, 1426703581553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone cares

>> No.2514471
File: 126 KB, 1170x1085, 1406781566208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slowly reading through Masters of Doom this month as my toilet book
>open this thread
>suddenly gotta shit
>open Masters of Doom
>chapter I read is about this very video

>> No.2514484

they're watching you

/vr/ has you

>> No.2515127

>door sound looping in the background

Nice editing, Microsoft

>> No.2515141


>> No.2515149
File: 466 KB, 1280x1707, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a good book, corgi friend?

>> No.2515163

Not him, but yeah it is.

>> No.2516872
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, 1428542939458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's really good.

>> No.2517006
File: 108 KB, 736x981, 04f1b215be59264e115674b6f6fa5df5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masters of Doom is awesome.

>> No.2517209

>"... to clean up this DOS mess..."
I didn't feel anything was particularly messy with DOS, though.
Was very reluctant in switching over to Win95 and felt it was pretty unnecessary, especially since I would have to upgrade the PC to be able to run the games on it.

>> No.2518197

Messy for the developers.

>> No.2518961

I agree, progress isn't always a good thing.

>> No.2519017

>felt it was pretty unnecessary
had the same thoughts. >>2518961
although i won't say that progress and/or win95 itself isn't a good thing. it's just that there wasn't any perceived benefit of switching.

if it was intended to make it easier for developers, it surely isn't apparent to end users especially when it was dos' golden age.
games already look fantastic on the dos and win95 exclusive games doesn't look all that better, in fact most of the early win95 exclusive games looked worse. you would need a much better pc to be able to run win95 and even moreso for the games normally runnable on dos anyway, so there's really little reason to invest on it unless you have free money to spare.

>> No.2519023

>that door that keeps closing

>> No.2519026
File: 278 KB, 1200x900, slide_221713_890610_free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trench coat.

>> No.2519045

Not funny.


>> No.2519062

Philanthrophy is the greatest form of advertisement.

Gates has fucked public education in the US harder than anyone ever. He's still one of the biggest pieces of shit today.

>> No.2519073

Only on /vr/ can we get hipsters so huge they actually claim that helping people out is a bad thing.

>> No.2519074


>> No.2519076

Making fun of a national tragedy is the exact kind of humor /b/ would have. Maybe you should go there hmmmmmmmm?

>> No.2519086

i'm good

>> No.2519087

Couldn't they have found a better player to record? Guy can't aim for shit and that's saying something in Doom.

>> No.2519091

Ok let me put this another way. If you don't FUCK OFF RIGHT NOW I'LL MAKE YOU FUCK OFF WITH MY OWN BEAR HANDS!

>> No.2519094

>bear hands
Always gets me. Good one, lol.

>> No.2519095
File: 26 KB, 519x394, rebprofile1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I chuckled.
Also, Eric Harris was an avid Windows 95 user, along with Doom95. Pic related.

>> No.2519102

>bear hands

>> No.2519106


fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.2519192

Hey bro, check out my doom wad!

>> No.2519193 [DELETED] 

stop triggering me, shitlord
Downboated and I hope you get shadowbanned.

>> No.2519195


It'd be REALLY funny to see the author of this getting v& so hard

>> No.2519197

its been over twenty years, time to get over it, son

>> No.2519203
File: 18 KB, 460x488, 11036496_832527670159845_961629800885936474_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets just throw in a disclaimer real quick

>> No.2519208


fuck no
have fun in prison, son :^)

>> No.2519212
File: 707 KB, 364x687, CUTE!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2519223

The "monsters" are all adults. Not nearly as edgy as it could be.

>> No.2519225


dont give him attention, hes been posting his video in 4chan himself. its unlisted and it has less than 70 views

>> No.2519226

we must edgy edgier that ever edgerest

>> No.2519258


>> No.2519302

downloading Excel 95 now, looking forward to running it on my comp.

>> No.2519308

It probably looked better to folks who wanted to navigate a GUI, and a combination of advertising and heavily encouraged upgrading prodded developers into releasing games for it.

>> No.2519312

shotgun sounds like shit

>> No.2519365


>> No.2519408
File: 24 KB, 360x270, 1408067351599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are they now? Click here!

>> No.2519437

My friend told me American peanut butter is like that stuff you get in Reese's cups, is that true?

>> No.2520076

Really when you have as much money as he does it becomes literally impossible to spend it. So what do you do when you seemingly have an infinite amount of income. Just give it away. Once you cover your living expenses and everything you want what can you possibly do with all the extra money?

>> No.2520134

Yes, and funnily enough the parasites such as people from Monsanto and similar corporations aren't far away from these "charities". They talk about helping the "starving children" while making money for themselves.

>> No.2520143

For DOOM and other DOS games people got better frames in DOS since it uses less system resources

>> No.2521182

They are nothing alike. I don't even know what they do with the peanut butter in Reese's because that shit is like chalk compared to the peanut butter you buy in stores.

>> No.2523126 [DELETED] 

would play if you are a shill, continue shilling I'm interested

>> No.2524168

Less oils, more sugar.

>> No.2525876

I bet Steve Jobs couldn't do this:

>> No.2525889
File: 34 KB, 268x265, 1427859009274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I supposed to be surprised Jobs was a terrible human being? That's pretty much common knowledge, though he kind of got what he deserved in the end due to his own foolish decisions regarding how to treat his cancer.

>> No.2528123

Sierra obviously one of the pioneers eager to jump aboard.
Even their DOS games at that time have drop down menu bars and windows. And their Windows 3.1 games were just ports of their DOS versions.

>> No.2528173

Bill was MLG af, to bad he died of cancer. ;(

>> No.2528294

>though he kind of got what he deserved in the end due to his own foolish decisions regarding how to treat his cancer.

Edgy kids belong on another board buckaroo.


>> No.2530207
File: 200 KB, 500x500, 39b48f8a383a5909dd7851af933ab666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MS spent all this time to convince people to upgrade from DOS to Win 95
>even going as far to support PC game developers extensively when it came to transitioning
>now they're pissing it all away on the fucking Xbox
>PC gaming is supremely popular nowadays despite that

>> No.2531106

>have pancreatic cancer
>insist on maintaining diet which is inherently hard on your pancreas

No, nothing edgy about it.

It's like saying it's edgy when someone who pokes a bear with a stick gets mauled and you say "Yeah that's what was gonna happen and he brought it on himself."

>> No.2531125

If you're white you can go to school in a trenchcoat and nobody will mess with you

>> No.2531145

>Just cause I am not a retarded faggot communist
you just did it yourself, you don't have to be a commie to use linux...

>> No.2531202


As I have it understood Jobs just didn't give a shit about beating his cancer anymore. He knew he was going to die and wasn't interested in treating it.

>> No.2531271

They spent 2.5 billions dollars on Minecraft.
Imagine all the exclusives games they could have bought or made with that money for the xbox.

>> No.2531314

Well, that's his business then.

I can still hate him for other things, such as wanting to remove cooling units from computers for the longest time.

>> No.2531535

Imagine if they actually supported Windows as a game platform instead of treating Xbox like a golden child. Then again, I don't think Windows could actually compete properly with Sony, so I assume it's imperative that the Xbox exists. After all, those console ports from 7th gen came to be because the PS3 was hilariously underwhelming in sales, and Sony lost their iron grip.

>> No.2531567

>tfw you are just old enough to remember the GOAT Windows startup theme


>> No.2532410

When he was first diagnosed, his cancer was on a treatable state, but he decided still to use alternative treatments instead, it got worse an killed him.

>> No.2532428
File: 6 KB, 224x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2532562

It was like reading a wonderful tragicomedy.

>> No.2533207

>XP was a small step up from the huge drop after 98 but it crashed even harder after that.

If you turned off the Playskool theming, XP was just like 98 minus the daily crashes/reboots/BSODs.

Do you miss data loss, anon?

>> No.2533215

>Don't interrupt me

>> No.2533217

>Cheat enabled
>aim like shit anyway
wtf Bill? You were supposed to be the turbo nerd.

>> No.2533219

>Change drive to A: or D: if floppy/CD
>Choose location and set sound config.
>Run game exe/bat file in game directory.
>Impossible to install DOS games

>> No.2533363

So did he ever go to the next big Doom tournament?

>> No.2533675

>typical asspained apple drone

>> No.2533685

>It's like saying it's edgy when someone who pokes a bear with a stick gets mauled and you say "Yeah that's what was gonna happen and he brought it on himself."
haha, thanks for the memories

>> No.2534095

Steve was smarter. Still stupid, though.

Ha ha, look at those stupid billionaires giving their money away.

>> No.2534120

>How much did you give, faggot?
About 2 years, but I guess you have to deduct the 3 months I spent in a psychiatric facilty afterwards.