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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2508940 No.2508940 [Reply] [Original]

Ep 3 > Ep 2 > Ep 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ep 4

Quake thread if you like.

>> No.2508946

I liked episode 4

>> No.2508956

I liked it, too, but I liked the others way more.

>> No.2511340
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, fallen1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump because we need more Quake threads on /vr/. So are any of you guys interested in the custom Quake map scene?

>> No.2511345

also, pic related. it's from a map called Fallen From Grace by a mapper named Sock. Phenomenal map, would definitely recommend checking out. You can download it from Quaddicted.

>> No.2511367

Downloading it now actually, played Quake 3 a bunch but never played Quake 1, only Doom.

>> No.2511387

How do I bunnyhop? Feel like I'm doing it but can just never do it as good as those speedrun guys can. They seem to be going faster I must be doing it wrong.

>> No.2511438

I can do it somewhat quick but it's variable with my level of concentration. Keep practicing! E4 maps are ideal for learning best practices because of their hallways.

I need to finish up Kona's maps and get past early-2000s stuff. Surprises there aren't more Coagula/void-style maps being made nowadays.

>> No.2511445

I am, I mostly go on func_msgboard though

It's amazing it's still alive after all these years

I'm starting to love Daz's videos, he's the only LPer that doesn't have an annoying voice, never gets mad and only laughs when maps throw ridiculous bullshit at him, and always has something interesting to say about level design.


>> No.2511462

It helps that Daz is employed as a level designer and is more into discussing tenets of mapping and individual styles. Sock is obnoxious by comparison (though he's not wrong about most things and good competition with CZG and others).

Func's doing great things between Map Jams and the Retro Jam series. I need to start tinkering with an editor once my odyssey's just about done.

Rankings? E2 > E1 > E3 = E4. Armagon's better than Eternity but the latter starts off much better, with Armagon peaking closer to its middle.

>> No.2512218

Wait what? Daz is a proffesional level designer? For what company?

>> No.2512245

You know how Doom has those maps where you have to kill a shitload of monsters? Is there an equivalent for Quake?

>> No.2512392

prob unlikely m8
quake isnt reall a game where you can take on a huge amount of enemies at once
at least i dont think it is
enemies take way more damage to die and your aoe weapons aren't as strong/don't have as much range, nothing like bfg etc

>> No.2513087

It just doesn't really work in Quake because ammo doesn't penetrate monsters like in Doom, in which you can kill multiple enemies with one SSG for example. If you're looking for a Sunder like experience though, try Warpspasm. It features incredibly big maps with tons and tons of monsters and it's very difficult.

>> No.2513148
File: 644 KB, 800x601, gauntlet of fucking shamblers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd have to have tons of ammo in it. Ammo management is whole different beast in Quake than it is in DOOM.

If you have ANY ammo in DOOM, you're good to go. If you're down to just shells and shamblers/vores start dropping in, you're basically fucked.

Pic related.

>> No.2513434

Ep 2 > all

>> No.2513701

Agreed, Romero wins in here as you might expect. He also made the first map for each episode and all of those are very memorable.

>> No.2514386

Eh, it can happen. Run around hipdm1 and you'll find it's easy to accidentally spawn all 130+ monsters and end up having to fight them all at once.