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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2503524 No.2503524 [Reply] [Original]

>"you can go fast!" They said
>go fast
>die instantly

>play SMW
>run fast
>dont die instantly

Its funny how much better you can Make a game when you focus on making a good game instead of selling your game on 90's attitude.

>> No.2503537

quite literally git gud and stop with your shit baits

>> No.2503574

remember you can curl into a ball when going down slopes

>> No.2503594
File: 52 KB, 498x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple things

1) fuck off and die with your shit console war bait, stab yourself in the scrotum and bleed to death slowly

2) more than a few Genesis/MD games feel like tech demos for hueg sprites and/or fast scrolling. I love Revenge of Shinobi but it's worse than Sonic for not being able to see where you're going and having blind jumps. Ecco is like that too.

>> No.2504148

>still doing this mario vs sonic bullshit
It's like I'm really reading gaming magazines from the 90s!
Is Mario vs Sonic even a thing anymore? I see them in games together more often than I hear fanboys arguing about it.

>> No.2504159

Unlike in the modern boost-to-win Sonic games, speed in classic Sonic games was a satisfying reward for overcoming enemies and obstacles when running through the stages. You fuck up, you get stopped and you have to accelerate again.

>> No.2504187

>boost to win
The only modern Sonic I've played is Generations but I disagree with this notion.
Yeah you might be able to finish the stage but you still have to memorize the game just like the old ones if you want to take the fastest route. If you don't know when to jump and what enemies to hit, etc, you're just going to fall down to the slowest path and possibly off the stage.
>the boost to win argument is bullshit as the game definitely rewards you for memorization of the stage

>> No.2504202

Seriously. Sonic is the second easiest platform game, after Kirby.

>> No.2504227

So basically the argument here is that all sonic games should only have one button that accelerates , no obstacles, and just consist of a blue sphere speeding from left to right for hours. I'm not a huge fan of sonic either, but anyone who makes this argument must have no hand-eye coordination whatsoever.

>> No.2504249
File: 75 KB, 472x344, dr robotnik calls sega to voice his concerns about the recent changes to sonics arm color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and just consist of a blue sphere speeding from left to right for hours
Make it happen SEGA.

>> No.2504274
File: 128 KB, 864x573, tumblr_ls73g3ijfJ1qfb9zao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling your game on 90's attitude.
I would personally like more radical games with 90s attitude.

>> No.2504275

I'm playing Sonic 3D on the 3DS right now, and man, it''s fucking bad.

You start off the game in one of the best levels in any video game. It's very open, allowing you to pick up speed pretty easily, there aren't bullshit spikes at every turn, and even if you do fuck up, it's petty easy to recover.

Then the immediate stage and the one after that take place in shitty, cramped hallways full of platforms you have to wait for and blocks you just have to stand on to proceed. And the minute you start picking up speed, there's always a spike or an enemy that can't be jumped on that you have very little time to react to, or one of those aforementioned moving platforms, meaning even if you memorize the entire area, you're going to be standing around doing nothing.

Then the next area is Labyrinth Zone.

Seriously, what the actual fuck were they thinking with the first game? Their incredibly lucky it's a very pretty game and has fantastic music. If it didn't, I don't think it would've caught on as much as the series did.

>> No.2504312


>console war
>for consoles that have been off the market for like 15 years

>> No.2504390

God please no.
It's bad enough that they had Sonic ride a fucking skateboard in Generations. They might as well have put a slice of pizza in his hand too.
90s "tude" is responsible for such abominations as Bubsy and this ass hole. Though compared to the aforementioned offender, Cool Spot is a saint.
There are so many failed mascots from that time period. Crash Bandicoot, Socket, the list goes on.
The only one I can say was actually kinda cool was Vectorman.

>> No.2504393

learn to jump you dumbass. also, fuck off back to >>>/v/ because nobody cares about console wars bullshit here.

>> No.2504394
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forgot my pic

>> No.2504405

>There are so many failed mascots from that time period.
>Crash Bandicoot
What? He was more or less the unofficial Playstation mascot. People loved Crash.

>> No.2504417

3D Blast has a very fucking steep learning curve. Because of that wonky isometric view something as simple as jumping on an enemy is super hard. And platforming sections where you have to watch your shadow like the one in Rusty Ruin that puts you back a section if you fall are maddening.
The Genesis OST is great and the Saturn OST is meh. 3D Blast was the first sign of Sega's inability to make the transition to 3D platforming. And to make matters worse they canceled two 3D prototypes and just re-released 3D Blast for the Saturn in a pathetic attempt to compete with Nintendo.
It's not a bad game once you learn to compensate for the awful controls but that can be said about Adventure 1 and 2 as well.

>> No.2504434

(past tense)
And where is he now?

>> No.2504441

I've read that the designers made Marble Zone slow was because they wanted players to have a break after the speedy first level. Maybe it was a good idea at the time, but it doesn't hold up well after you get used to going fast. Star Light Zone is a great one too though.

>> No.2504448


He was talking about the 3DS version of Sonic 1.

However, 3D Blast is pretty good. However,

>The Genesis OST is great and the Saturn OST is meh

Is absolutely false. The Saturn 3D Blast is superior in every way.


Like Sonic CD, both OSTs are good, but the Saturn one edges out the Genesis, and the Saturn's graphical improvements make it the objective winner.

>> No.2504449

Crash was a very big deal in the late 90's. He probably would have continued to have success if Sony had the license and Naughty Dog continued the series. Vivendi/Universal kept the license and the series just became a pile of mediocrity from there so people stopped caring.

>> No.2504453

For a kid who played 2 first. Going back and playing 1 wasn't fun at all.
Where's the sooper spin!?

>> No.2504457


Yeah, they were afraid going fast for both levels would freak people out. Also Marble Zone teaches you all the other shit you don't learn in GHZ; Green Hills is like the intro level to get you eased into the game, and Marble Zone is the tutorial.

>> No.2504462


>people call the Down+Jump move the Spin Dash


>Jump = Spin Attack
>Down while Moving = Spin Dash
>Down+Jump = Super Spin Dash


>> No.2504486

That's good, it sounds like something from the US version of Sonic CD's soundtrack.
I still prefer the Genesis version though. You chose a bad track too because Rusty Ruin is one of my favorites.
I do like this though.
So many Sonic games have great house music.

2 favorites from the genesis version

>> No.2504536


At least we can both agree that both versions are pretty good, and 3D Blast is under-appreciated.

I'm still pissed the Saturn version hasn't had a re-release.

>> No.2504548

Probably just because the Genesis is easier to emulate than the Saturn.
If you really want to start a flame war we can argue over which Sonic CD ost is better.

>> No.2504598

Just like how my grandfather still hates North Koreans, some people can never let go.

>> No.2504619

That argument should have bitten the dust when Nintendo started releasing Sega games.

>> No.2504669


Ah, but here's the thing: like Sonic R, a PC version of the Saturn 3D Blast already exists. It was made back when Sega was pushing their games out on PC.


As for Sonic CD, my opinion is that the US OST has excellent tracks, but you lose a pretty key part of the game's sound design since the Past tracks are still the Japanese version. Play the game with Jap tracks, then listen to those sweet US tunes later.

Sonic Boom is objectively superior to You Can Do Anything though.

>> No.2504687

>Sonic Boom is objectively superior to You Can Do Anything though.
Fucking this.
I think I'm in the minority judging by how few videos of the Metal Sonic race feature it, when I say that I think the US version of Stardust Speedway Bad Future fits the race so much better.

I can't decide which is better, they're both so good. On the one hand I love house, on the other hand I love how dark and gloomy the US ost is.


>> No.2504703

Was it Sonic 2 that was mainly worked on by STI and CD was mainly developed in Japan? Or the other way around?

>> No.2504705


Oh god I totally agree. US Stardust Speedway is so much better.

>> No.2504721


Best song on either Sonic CD soundtrack incoming.


>> No.2504731

Yeah that is a good one. Tidal Tempest has some of the best tracks in the game. That track you posted I believe is the longest one in the game. Most are only about a minute but that ones like two and a half minutes. I think the only one longer is the special stage theme.

This one is just so gloomy, I love it.

dat guitar solo

>> No.2504736
File: 39 KB, 600x450, Carl_Brutananadilewski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I suck at a game so it's bad
Get off the thread Egoraptor.

>> No.2504772
File: 368 KB, 624x346, PrevRecSonic01-624x346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait thread? nice bait op real fucking clever.

>> No.2504776


yes it was bait

that video boiled my fucking blood goddamn

>> No.2504782

You only die if you suck at it. Also sonic games can be ten times faster than mario

>> No.2504783

What's this video all about?
That guy looks like a faggot.

>> No.2504792

clickbait vid by some casual indiefag

>> No.2504809

Already mad, not watching anymore of that shit.
>people in the comments talking about how it's misogynistic for Bowser to kidnap Peach.
Jesus fuck.

>> No.2504814


Also, press down, OP, you huge faggot.

>> No.2504828
File: 12 KB, 320x337, 1431880693548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that first gameplay clip

>> No.2504831

The Saturn OST is absolute trash. It's fucking terrible eurocrap.

>> No.2504848

>They never roll in any of the gameplay vids.
>Preconceived judgements grasping at straws to make sonic look bad.
>Said they were going to play all the sonic games (1-3). They didnt play 3.
>All their negatives about the game only exist because they suck at the game.
>You can die just as much in a mario game if you are new to it.
>Everyone agrees with them because they are from rlm.

>> No.2504854

I don't know about the other guy but the fat one never contributes shit to RLM videos when he's in them. He's either really quiet or just laughs a lot.
The ultimate act in hipster faggottry is to dislike objectively good things just so you can go against the grain.
Wow such unique tastes!

>> No.2504872

No it's worse than ever since now it looks to some like SEGA sold out and is colluding with the enemy.

>> No.2504898

Anybody autistic enough to think that way should just be glad they can still get Sonic games.
Though just because they dropped out of the console race, I don't know if that means they were ever at risk of actually going out of business. They still make arcade machines and shit. Do they still make slot machines?

>> No.2504901

you're mom is objectively a sloppy bbc cum slut

>> No.2504909

Go post about your cuck fetish elsewhere.

>> No.2504967

I don't think they've made a proper arcade game since after burner climax in 2006.

>> No.2504973

People are really retarded enough to expect the game to be just a straight line with no obstacles and no sections where you need to slow down?

>> No.2505038

what do you expect from nintendo fans

>> No.2505057

>driving on freeway
>coming up behind car
>don't steer
>smash into car

Fucking cheap broken garbage, how is anyone supposed to react to that?

>> No.2505075


You are correct. AidsMoby is a professional faggot.

>> No.2505079

If everyone in the real world was /v/.
>/v/ on the job
Alright /v/ we need you to go back into the warehouse and stock up the shelves.

>> No.2505080


Terminate your life.

>> No.2505087

DSP, is that you?

>> No.2505129

Says the guy who unironically posted a song using bad synth drums doing a braindead 4/4 computer beat with cheesy AWW vocals and a retard on a keyboard playing basic triads straight over and over. Extended for half an hour. Literally the definition of braindead. What a plebshit.

>> No.2505153



>> No.2505198

>If I use music words they'll recognize that my opinions are worth more than theirs!

>> No.2505206
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>> No.2505234
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>complaining about bad synth drums when the alternative is Genesis drums

>> No.2505243

Hey man, don't knock that Yamaha FM chip.
I love that game. Though I suck dick at it and can barely get past the first fork.

>> No.2505252

Wait a minute.
Yamaha made the audio chips for the genesis.
Yamaha made Hatsune Miku.
Sega has the rights to Hatsune Miku.
Sega did 9/11.

>> No.2505263



>> No.2505280

How else can I describe how rhythmically stunted, structurally unimaginative, wholly uninspired and dreadfully boring the music is?

>> No.2505282

I'm not trying to knock Genesis drums, just they weren't better than the "real" drums, if were talking strictly between the 3D Blast versions.

By remembering how the Genesis version of Rusty Ruins Act 1 sounded like generic arcade music?

>> No.2505297
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ITT: nincompoops

>> No.2505329
File: 22 KB, 193x252, qilby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dudebro shooter fans like yourself took over, along with 2deep4u storyfags.

>> No.2505336

It wasn't that steep. I played shit like Marble Madness, Snake Rattle N Roll, and Altered Space years before Sonic 3D Blast. Only faggots who couldn't into isometric platforming hated the game. Shame all Traveler's Tales does now is Lego Star Wars Reskin #531289 and we never got a successor to Sonic 3D Blast.

>> No.2505345

You should post that in the YouTube comments.

>> No.2505349

that's not what happened tho, naughtydog catered to the dudebro crowd themselves starting with jak and daxter 2

>> No.2505351

>not nincombots
You're not Robotnik.

>> No.2505363

Jak and Daxter still has a quirky cartoonish style reminiscent of old platformers. I wouldn't say that's pandering to dudebros. One because there are pretty colors. Two because cartoonish characters aren't as cool as bald space marines or tacticool first person shooter guy.

>> No.2505367

you know the story, they had cartoon woodland characters collecting stuff in the first game but it all got replaced by post apocalyptic industrial setting with guns and vehicles in the sequels

>> No.2505380

I actually did not know that.
And I now retract my former statement.
Now that you mention it, I remember him turning into some white eyed lightning shooting edge lord.

>> No.2505412

It's funny how must better you you can make a thread when you focus on making a good thread instead of baiting your posters with a troll attitude.

>> No.2505417

I feel like this thread has long since deviated from OP's faggottry. If anything it's a Sonic music thread.

>> No.2505428

Ratchet and Clank remains a cartoony series. However, it puts more emphasis on shooting than platforming.

>> No.2505898

>go fast
>die instantly
I'm pretty sure more people died on the first goomba than the first ladybug.

Summer >>>/out/

>> No.2507953




>> No.2508443

>Where's the sooper spin!?
In the 3D 3DS version.

>> No.2511037

Sonic1 isn't fast at all, and pretty much no one likes it all that much.
2 and 3 are fucking amazing though.

>> No.2511201
File: 991 KB, 1414x2000, Comix Zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I would love to see more 90s attitude games, but only if it's early 90s.

Like this one here. It's the first half of the 90s in video game form.

>> No.2511874

I was gonna say at least it isn't grinding boots, but while it's dumber in real life, at least those shoes make sense for sonic

>> No.2512441

Robotnik detected.

>> No.2512450

"Going fast was a mistake"

>> No.2512664

>on the other hand I love how dark and gloomy the US ost is.

I understand this completely, but that's why I hate the US soundtrack. It always seemed to me to be trying way too hard to be edgey for a Sonic Game, although of all the games from the Genesis period CD is probably the edgiest.

I find the US ost more... Atmospheric, but the JAP/PAL just sounds better to me - it's got the whole layered-ness of the Past/Present/Future tunes, and just sounds to me more "Sonicy".

Fucking aces for Collision Chaos, definitely my favorite of all the zones. My favourite:


Funny because I heard the remix version from After the Sequel first (unfortunately no youtube, download the soundtrack, or better yet, play the game) and when I heard the original I instantly fell in love.

>> No.2512670

Sonic has always been a subpar platformer.

>> No.2512675
File: 51 KB, 330x357, collapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't beat any Sonic the Hedgehog game

>> No.2512705


I never had enough reflexes or memory to get all the emeralds, but the games themselves aren't that hard, S1 final boss is the easiest.

>> No.2512734

Sonic 2 is easy.
Just don't do any special stages, and focus on collecting as many rings as possible.

>> No.2514882

>>go fast
>>die instantly

How bad are you?

>> No.2514923

>I've read that the designers made Marble Zone slow was because they wanted players to have a break after the speedy first level.

The real second level was actually supposed to be Labyrinth Zone, so I think that just supports your claim

Ya'll suck.

>> No.2514924

Try Sonic Adventure for DC.
Just to play this mini game makes it worth it.

>> No.2514939

Really sonic got really lame in his newer games. We need to go back to the past.

>> No.2514959

On a different note and since this is genesis music related.

Even though the genesis didn't really have the best sound it had that fast action music feel for everything.

Snes had better quality music but it was a different kind of music to me.



>> No.2515114

Saturn 3-D blast sometimes sounds like sonic R but with no vocals and most of the time less upbeat


Actually, i feel like sonic team in the past maybe decided to stick for a certain musical direction for some games. Sonic 1 and 2 sound similar, except sonic 2 feels more upbeat to go along with the faster gameplay.

Sonic 3 & knuckles and 3-d blast on genesis have a similar style too


>> No.2515665

Boost to win pretty much emerged when Unleashed happened since that was pretty much all you needed to do in the day stages.
Generations and Colors added in some extra platforming segments that would ruin you if you boosted.

>> No.2515668

Do you know that those shoes actually exist?

>> No.2515671

I miss crash.

>> No.2515672

'Scuse me?