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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2480019 No.2480019[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What retro games have you been introduced to because of /vr/? Which ones did you like?

>> No.2480217
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>> No.2480280

Because of /vr/? That's hard.
Maybe terranigma?

>> No.2480289

Games /vr/ introduced me to:
>Disciples II

Games from the above that I liked:

>> No.2480310


>> No.2480312
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>> No.2480332
File: 2.00 MB, 3000x1688, Shantae-Half-Genie-Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shantae 2 years ago. Was a great discovery.

>> No.2480335

youngfag? how can you have not heard of doom

>> No.2480357
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This game and Guardian Legend

>> No.2480360

mostly pc98 and western computer stuff
I already knew everything about home consoles

>> No.2480414

I knew but not played

>> No.2480435

Terranigma, some msdos games
>which ones did you like:
Terranigma was bretty fine so far, haven't beat it. I really like the PQuest games.

>> No.2480490

Sweet Home for me. Awesome mix of rpg and horror that I rarely get to play.

>> No.2480837

Shadowman 64.
I really liked it. Was almost like a Metroid 64.

>> No.2480883
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That's a tough one, you see, the time I discovered emulation clashes with the time I first came here. So a lot of my (still increasing) backlog came from /vr/.

If I had to say one that I'm definitely hyped to play is the hole Ys series.

>> No.2480890

/vr/ has yet to introduce me to anything I haven't played before and have any interest in.

That sounds like I'm bragging but it's actually sad if you think about it.

>> No.2480893

>/vr/ has yet to introduce me to anything I haven't played before and have any interest in.
>That sounds like I'm bragging but it's actually sad if you think about it.
I'm the same.

Is it supposed to be sad because /vr/ sucks so much or sad because you're such a sperg you've already played everything?

I find good new old games all the time, just not through here.

>> No.2480905

Jumping Flash and it's sequel. I still can't believe I chose to miss out on these when I was younger. I was a stupid kid.

>> No.2480910

> just not through here
Then where?

>> No.2481078

Not that guy, but I know exactly what he means. The only game /vr/ ever introduced me to was a Chase H.Q. rip-off that I can't even remember the name of. I've play way too much stuff and I suspect that's true about much of the regulars on this board.

>> No.2481087
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This and I love it. One of the greatest games I've ever played.

>> No.2481091

That has got to be one of /vr/'s favorite games and probably it's favorite "obscure" game.

>> No.2481096

I'm with you.
I played the shareware when I was younger, but never really more than a level or 2 before just pumping in cheats. Didn't really enjoy it.

I watched the IGN playthrough with John Romero and later the Double Fine Devs play. Then going into the Doom threads I found the downloads and thought I'd give it a shot.

Turned out I enjoyed playing it, and appreciated the game.
Prefer Doom to Doom II, and not really all about Nightmare mode with its monster wave style gameplay, but they were enjoyable to play through.

>> No.2481112
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Shatterhand, which has since gone on to be my favorite NES game.

>> No.2481119
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Most doombabies are like him. They jumped onto the /vr/oom bandwagon because of /vr/ and think they're cool for doing so. That's why they keep circlejerking the game ad infinitum. They think it gives them 'gamer cred' and that they're special for playing something literally everyone had played before the rise of the XBL generation. If it wasn't for /vr/ they'd still be playing COD and Halo all day.

>> No.2481120
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Nothing cause I'm the elite of the elite.

>> No.2481124

Or maybe they just haven't gotten around to playing it. There's so many games to play, is it really that shocking they were busy their whole life playing whatever the fuck else they wanted all that time before they got to Doom?

>> No.2481125
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I'm not elite but I respect you!

>> No.2481126 [DELETED] 

>Or maybe they just haven't gotten around to playing it.
Isn't that pretty much what I said doom baby? Did I hit a nerve? :^)

>> No.2481136 [SPOILER] 
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I was about to respond seriously to your post.

>> No.2481139

Have either of you played the new vita game? Tempted to purchase it, but I'm not a huge platforming fan in general and am waiting for the price to come down.

>> No.2481141

I deleted it myself tbh m8. Doombabies aren't worth it. Everything that was needed to be said has already been said :^)

>> No.2481145

Playing a game late doesn't make you some Halo chugging casual. There's a ton of factors that could have fallen into them not playing Doom until recently one of which being that it took until the original Xbox for it to actually get a nonshit console port which was hidden in the collectors edition of Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil.

>> No.2481149
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>playing Doom on consoles
>literally confirming that he's an XBL baby

>> No.2481152
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Are you just going to keep making broad generalizations in a piss poor attempt to fit in or are you actually going to reply properly?

>> No.2481157
File: 77 KB, 604x419, apocalypse-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. These are also the ones in the Doom general that thought the E3 Doom 4 demo looked good.

>> No.2481340

Metal Storm. It was mentioned in like every NES thread.