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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2477847 No.2477847 [Reply] [Original]

We recently had a thread about the crazy/retarded price trends
(see >>2455612 ).

Just found this(don't know if it's a popular channel or what, i have no clue and don't care of all the YouTube "scene"..) saw this which is quite scary if true:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKHk5U8tmfw

Some resellerfags who didn't knew about it might now exploit it too.. seriously eBay should fix this asap, somehow.

>> No.2477867

>Some resellerfags who didn't knew about it might now exploit it too
It wont effect anything. You only need 1-2 resellers to make this happen there's already 1000s on ebay.
>seriously eBay should fix this asap, somehow.
They make money from this. What do they care? It was fixed when ebay actually had auctions.

>> No.2477882

i got called an idiot in the recent purchases thread for buying a bootleg of Little Samsom at $50 but look at this!


and then look at this


>> No.2477885

That's what people are asking though.

>> No.2477886

Still less than they cost when they were new.

>> No.2477889

i mean hell, here's a shittier bootleg that looks more obvious and costs more then mine


here's mine tough. >>2477650

>> No.2477890

Some games. Others not. And most of these games aren't close to new condition.

Which is another huge fucking problem. Assholes don't take condition into consideration.

>> No.2477893

>the guy on the left starts masturbating at 4:21
>finishes at 5:08

>> No.2477904

Can't unsee

>> No.2477905

People who care about the actual games just use emulators and flash carts these days. The only people this affects are ones who want to get into the collecting aspect, and if that's your deal then raising prices are ultimately a good thing.

I like that this board has both people who defend reselling, like the guy in the last thread who defended buying up everything he could for reselling purposes "because otherwise someone else would!" and it's got people like you crying about how prices are sky rocketing. It's great fun to watch you all complain.

>> No.2477907

>not just being a millionaire and buying out one of those "every game ever made" sales that come up every now and then

>> No.2477910

I like to play on the real hardware. But for NES and SNES it doesn't matter too much to me. For a few reasons.

>> No.2477924

Which is why I mentioned flash carts.

>> No.2477928

Oh boy, another thread for millenials to shitpost about game prices, my favorite.

>> No.2477947

It makes sense. There are too many newbies and teenagers into the hobby, both of which have no fucking clue what games should sell for beyond what ebay tells them. Quality? Who knows! Quantity produced? Who knows! They only know what is on ebay or jump on whatever YouTube person or forum poster says is a "hidden gem." I imagine you also get trend followers who just buy what they think is currently popular or what other people are buying, and similarly pay what they see other idiots paying and never put their foot down and say no, I won't pay $25 for a random GameBoy game. The sad part is while the history on Price Charting should indicate that this title is currently overpriced, investor idiots think it is a hot commodity that is soaring in value, so they buy it up. Hopefully this reckless, uninformed behavior is a sign of an upcoming crash, but as long as idiots keep paying, it'll probably stay stable or go up at least for a time. I do think a crash is coming, and thank fucking god. I collect, but because I love owning the legit carts just like I have since playing the NES as a kid and even more when I started to focus more on collecting in the early 2000s, not because I want to resell.

>> No.2477967

I considered doing this on a few retarded games "because". Seems like it works...

>> No.2477985

Bwha ha ha ha ha ha ha this is hilarious. Stupid ebay buyers.

>> No.2478000

only dirty millennials think like this

>> No.2478003

If you don't play on real hardware you don't fit in on here. Simple like that. You're NOT welcome, get out.

>> No.2478010

You sure are somehow retarded.

>> No.2478019

I'm pushing 40 buddy. It only seems to be the kids trying to buy these all up that are running into the problem.

>> No.2478023

The problem is nowadays ALL are referring to the prices on eBay. So the prcies get high everywhere.

>> No.2478026

>40 year old failure that can't afford real cartridges
>forced to compromise
>tries this hard to delude himself rather than deal with his failure

>> No.2478031

simply epic

>> No.2478032
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More like,
>based 39 year old who bought everything physical he wanted when the prices were good and is now plenty happy to emulate the rest.

I'm just having a laugh at your misfortune, is all. :)

>> No.2478037

They're late to the scene, have disposable income for the first time in their lives and are literally complaining about each other inflating prices.

>> No.2478040

>Shenmue 1 and 2 prices

>> No.2478041


How's third world?

>> No.2478051

>hoards the toys his parents bought for him as a child
>thinks that proves that he's not a failure

>> No.2478063

Well, I guess he has things related to a mutual interest that you presumably do not. I sometimes wonder if there are moving goal posts when it comes to an emulator user's acceptance of collectors. You have old games and don't emulate everything? Wow you sure waste money since of course we are all teenagers who started playing this stuff when GameGrumps set up shop. Oh, you actually bought or received most of your things years ago when they were cheap or new? Then you're a loser who can't move on.

>> No.2478067

>he didn't deny it

>> No.2478072

Nice greenext samefag accusation, but I'm actually not the person you first replied to. That being said, I am a loser, sure (why else would I be on 4chan?), but not because I like owning physical copies of rare old shit.

>> No.2478117

The man who can't collect Picassos collects Ferraris.
The man who can't collect Ferraris collects retro games.

(Only applies to those of you collecting to impress, of course)

>> No.2478128

Although the price explosion sucks and is unfair, just remember: you're less shafted than if you were only into brand new games.

>> No.2478136

The last thread was good because it tried to identify the factors that made 2013 the year that the retro market exploded. This thread is just typical, run-of-the-mill bitching.

>> No.2478171
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doing fine thank you.

>> No.2478172


>All this Entitlement.

>> No.2478179

You're making fun of people buying games off ebay and collectors in general when you have NES games wrapped in plastic.

>> No.2478180

For a retro game board, you all strangely seem to hate people who have retro games.

>> No.2478190

>implying i dont play or have played those games cause they are wrapped.
>what is taking care of my games.

bitch, got Alfred Chicken CIB for $6 and Panic Restaurant for like $11 back in 2011 and 2009 and have played them.

>> No.2478193

>seriously eBay should fix this asap
No one at eBay cares about your pathetic manchild problems.

>> No.2478194


is not like i fucking buy VGA shit

>> No.2478202

I'm just done with "gaming" in general now. Modern games are designed to make me feel like a badass with minimal effort, so they're all hallway simulators filled with cannon fodder.
And halfway decent old games all cost twice as much (or more) as they used to for no reason.

Well actually, there is a reason, it's just stupid:

>modern games suck
>normies "invent" retro gaming as a thing
>they start buying things up
>Prices go up
>Collectors panic like retards and buy everything they can get their hands on
>prices climb some more
>scummy resellers notice the trend, so they buy even more stuff
>prices start to sky rocket
>morons on craig's list and eBay decide anything on a cart is made of fucking gold, and prices become hilariously high
>scummy resellers start charging $55 for copies of FFVII, one of the the most common games on the market that went for $17 or less a few years ago
>people now attempting to create "demand" by generating hype
>prices continue to go insane
>morons panicking some more and buying, buying, buying...
>no end in sight

I bought a copy of Dino Crisis 2 for less than $10 2 years ago. This year, the same game goes for $45 or more...
It's disgusting, and it's just not worth it anymore. I'll just burn copies of games I like to disc and or emulate them. IT's not like paying up to resellers makes the original companies any money anyway.

>> No.2478209


Probably a combination of jealousy, trolling, "people who do things differently from me are retarded," people projecting their own situation onto others (either it be amount of disposable income or the belief that others are young and/or didn't get into older games until the past couple years and therefore had to buy every single old game at currently inflated prices), and some good old fighting for the sake of fighting because 4chan. Most of these arguments can work to describe both sides in some way, but whatever. It is fun to argue and criticize sometimes since everyone knows where we are and at the end of the day most people don't really give a shit what you do to play your games.

>> No.2478234

It only works if people are actually buying it, I myself have the only copies of a certain rare but undesirable game on eBay after buying all the ones available. They've been up for a year at an inflated the price and not one has sold, neither have other copies appeared. There's some chick that I've seen in local facebook groups getting in on the reselling business and just looking at her posts she barely understands pricing for games, or tries to get over retail on shit she bought. If she wanted retail she should go sell online but she said she doesn't like fees. Says her prices are at a steal, when it's just a shit copy of Golf at the price of over $10.

>> No.2478290

Pigheaded personalities probably exacerbate the problem, too. I would not be surprised if some resellers sit on games and demand high prices because they saw one sell before for an inflated fluke-price and insist that they don't want to undersell their stuff or that they "know what it is worth," so they continually relist the item at a dumb price over and over simply out of stubbornness and pride and not wanting to feel like another seller had a better sale/the buyer is "winning" in the deal.

>> No.2478292

>>modern games suck

Anything you just said is basically completely invalidated by that statement.

It really sucks because while you make some good points, you're clearly just delusional.

>> No.2478293

>have a vagina
>trade sex for retro video games

Sucks for you boys. Hope you have deep pockets

>> No.2478313

Better deep pockets than worn out ones.

>> No.2478320


Here's your reply.

>> No.2478326

At least I got a reply, unlike you.

>> No.2478339

Well hey there little lady. Would you be interested in my mystical ninja?

>> No.2478375

the ninja is my penis

>> No.2478413
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I think he has a valid opinion.

>> No.2478447
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I have little doubt that resell sharks are doing this.
Agree, the last thread was interesting.

All I have to say when I see these threads, generally, is wait for the bubble to pop. And if you can't wait and must play on the actual hardware then be thrifty. Don't feed the sharks.

>> No.2478729
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What annoys me is stuff like Little Samson. I've played it on an emulator, it's a great game. Though, I'd like a real cart for my collection of games I like, so I can play them on real hardware. Little Samson is just rising and rising to a price where a lot of us don't want to pay. Artificial prices rising and rising which was created by scumbag resellers. The game is rare, yes, but it's not worth $750

>> No.2478738

reminder that i got a bootleg for $55 from thailand and looks as good as the real deal.


>> No.2478740

The price is high now, but certain games like Little Samson have always been uncommon to rare anyways. Not like Zelda or Mario or any number of extremely common games with inflated prices.

>> No.2478751


>tfw got Little Samson in 2007 for $25

What the fuck is wrong with this world, I can sell my copy for 2200% the price I paid, unless we're in zimbabwe things shouldn't inflate that dramatically in less than 10 years

>> No.2478759 [DELETED] 

How's wizardry?

>> No.2478776

Still, LS has rised hundreds of dollars since everyone has been popularizing one of the rarest NES games

>> No.2478816

Popularizing it as*

>> No.2478836


>> No.2478898

I find that shit hilarious. What the fuck is wrong with people. If you are buying for rarity, you can get stuff a lot rarer for a lot cheaper. If you are buying it just to play it, buy the Japanese version or get a flashcart. The only way I can see buying it at that price is if you are trying to complete a NES collection, but even then holy fuck. Collect something better or at least narrow your focus to things that don't include trophy piece bullshit.

>> No.2478904

The nip version is still like 450 bucks for little samson. Some games are almost equally expensive in JP or ENG.

>> No.2478913

>The only way I can see buying it at that price is if you are trying to complete a NES collection, but even then holy fuck. Collect something better or at least narrow your focus to things that don't include trophy piece bullshit.

hold on, i want to ask, seriously, do you guys assume that most people want to have like, say, the entire NES library of worth a damn games, i am asking this because, i myself own already like 120 Nes titles (including famicom titles and even 2 bootlegs of Snow Bros and yes that Lickle repro is mine) and i made a list of games that are worth a damn, and honestly, there's only less than 50 titles left.

I only aim of having the games that i want, and yes some of them are the after sought games, some of them i already own and good real legitimate deals on them, like Shatter Hand, Kickmaster, Darkwing Duck, Gargoyle's Quest 2 and others, and for many games i actually bought their Japanese counterparts raging from super cheap to reasonable prices, like Gun Nac, and Japanese Rockin Katz and Adventure Island III.

So in my case, i really see no point in owning a flash-cart for the NES.

I do own the Super Everdrive and i am considering the Mega Everdrive, mainly because with SNES, getting a decent game at a good price or cheap, is pretty much fucking impossible now, and i keep watching SNES titles that don't sell, mostly mediocre garbage.

>> No.2478918

Baby mad he didn't buy Shenmue when it was still under $30.

>> No.2478921

i mean geez, a while back i bought the Japanese version of Sword Master, and i considered to be expensive at $50 (i don't count shipping) while a US copy is sold at $95, i mean there's indeed a difference between the US and JPN versions, but damn!.

Also the japanese version is LITERALLY the same game as the US version which only change being the copyright credits on the title screen, no joke.

Plus it's "one of those games", you know, one that you might either regret buying or not find enough replay value, regardless of it's quality, i own the game, it's a decent title for sure, but not really worth that price, not even it's japanese price.

And what happens if you didn't like the game per say?

>> No.2478925

A flash-cart is always worth it.

If you can name even 25 games that are above 10 dollars in price, you can justify the cost of a flashcart.

Since you've named a lot fairly expensive games such as Gargoyle's Quest 2, Shatterhand, Kickmaster, and Gun Nac, without even mentioning the Big 2 of Mr. Gimmick and Little Samson. Which their cost alone is probably 3-4x that of a reasonable flash cart.

>> No.2478934



how much you wanna bet that the ending bid on this auction it's gonna be double of even triple of the "cheapest" BIN price.

Thanks bid snippers and shill bidders...................sigh

Bought my copy on a humble abandoned store back in 2009 for $11

>> No.2478947


Oh, I'm 100% behind buying imports, with my interest in them starting back in the early 2000s. I know I said the thing about a flashcart, but I don't own one myself. I buy real games, though again, mostly imports and mostly things rarer than Little Samson (despite paying significantly less for each item than what that goes for). I was just saying the only reason I can see spending that much for a retail release NES game is if you are trying for a full set for the sake of owning a full NES set in NTSC-U cartridge format. Other than that, I guess if $750 is so inconsequential that you don't mid spending that much at once on a single game, then I guess I can understand it. Though I guess I'm glad that people who plop down that much for LS apparently aren't interested in buying what I buy.

>> No.2478951

but that's the issue, i already own Little Samson >>2477650, yes, it's a bootleg but jesus, even for the $55 it was still worth in my eyes, because in my eyes, and like i said, i already own many titles that i wanted and are usually already inflated or "Must Own", but me, look, i live in mexico and here i got lucky to got a lot of these titles at really good prices, i am not even joking.

plus, and this may be a shocker for you but I really dont care for certain games like Power Blade 2, Flinstones Suprise at Dinasour Peak, and, yes, i am going to say it, Mr Gimick!.

heck, Ducktales 2 was one of the first games i bought back when i started rebuilding my NES library, and i clarify you, i do refer to them as library since i don't really collect just to "Collect", YES i have played almost all of my titles more than just a casual play-trough, trust me on this one.

And you want to know how much i paid for Ducktales 2 back in the day, common take a guess.

>> No.2481668
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Canada's the best country in the world, thanks!

Good try, but I picked that up in a pawnshop in Toronto in 2000 for $50. I got Darius Gaiden, Astal, Gungriffon and Clockwork Knight 2 at the same time. It was a good trip.

Back to the original point that started this all though. Back then emulation was still pretty shitty, but these days it's near perfect. I can hardly remember the last time I actually used my Nomad. The PSP emulates anything of that era except the SNES and some GBA stuff pretty well perfectly.

If people want to collect, that's cool. More power to you, but I really don't think it's worth getting worked up over it if you're just looking to experience the games themselves. Emulation is more than fine for that.

Also to your original point, I did get my first Genesis and SNES as gifts from my parents and I still have them, but I fail to see anything wrong with that.

>> No.2481673

>Canada's the best country in the world, thanks!
Be quiet and keep being America's hat.

>> No.2482861

It went for $415. That's a bit higher than what it's listed for currently on PriceCharting, and like all games, that's how this inflation works. People paying way more than they should.

Sucks for me too because Panic Restaurant is one of those few super-expensive games I actually want to own eventually. Good game.

>> No.2482875

top fucking kek. I do this, not to that level of success but it's real nice lining my pockets with hipster collector cash while I sit back and emulate the games I want because I'm not retarded.

>> No.2482952

>I was wrong about everything I said so now I'm gonna pout

Awww, cheer up

>> No.2484194

I blame the big bang theory.

>> No.2484512

That may be it in part, but I think it has more to do with retron. It allowed mid-life-crisis 30 something ex-casual gamers to relive their youth without having to figure out how to get real hardware hooked up, or figure out a computer/emulation.

>> No.2484576

>nomad for fiddy bucks
not bad, they've only doubled in price and you can still get ones that need to be capped for 60 to 80 if you shop around

>> No.2486123


>> No.2486137

Maaannnn ... fucking price gougers. There's only one good non-GameStop vidya store in my area, and they've got kickass gear, but the fooking prices, m8. It's unreasonable.

The consoles themselves are actually not that expensive, nor the accessories, but the games, good god.

F-Zero SNES cart for $15 (not bad comparatively, but still considerably more than I'd pay), and even though they had like 7 Dreamcasts for sale, the only Dreamcast game they had in the whole store was Grandia II for $49.99. The fuck out of here, man.

Icing on the cake was a Liberty or Death cartridge for the Genesis. $79.99. You gotta be like fucked up.

>> No.2486159

you can literally buy a sealed copy of fzero on ebay for less than $20

>> No.2486173

This board is a bit fucking stupid, isn't it? I use flashcarts because I still own the original hardware, and bought a console or two more. If you collect cartridges or emulate, who the fuck cares? Isn't this board about discussing retro video games. Seems it's more MY WAY OF PLAYING IS BETTER THAN YOURS, rather than discussing the actual games.

>> No.2486195

That's what most 4chin boards devolve to.

>> No.2486362

Discussing the retro games in their most authentic retro form on a retro forum is fine. Calm yourself.

>> No.2487661

He's acting like a douche, but does kind of have a point. Many people here get a lot more worked up over the specifics of how other people are playing retro games than they should be.

>> No.2487725
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>F-Zero SNES cart for $15 (not bad comparatively, but still considerably more than I'd pay), and even though they had like 7 Dreamcasts for sale, the only Dreamcast game they had in the whole store was Grandia II for $49.99. The fuck out of here, man.

I think this illustrates the main problem with the retro games market. Which is fundamentally that a lot of people getting into it have an artificially lowered idea of what these games should be worth.

Remember that Star Fox retailed for $60. Finding it for $15 should be considered a steal. But of course, everyone these days assumes that a reasonable price for a 16 bit era cart is in the $5-$10 range maximum.

But you have to ask yourself, why is this? The answer is that back in the 16 bit days, even though video games were quite popular they hadn't reached the kind of wide spread cultural acceptance that they have now and were still largely seen as kid's toys.

Then the Playstation came along and suddenly gaming was getting more popular with college kids and dads. But the cultural memory still held that those older games were mostly kid's stuff at best and old trash at worst.

>> No.2487729
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The result was that between garage sales and pawn shops, there were masses and masses of old game carts floating around. Your average pawn shop owner or mom selling off her kid's stuff had no real knowledge of the games or their potential worth. They were just sold off as junk filler, five bucks here, ten bucks there, a big box full of shit? 30 bucks and it's yours, who cares?

And of course for many of us older collectors, the ones who had been teenagers or a little too young to buy what we wanted during the 16 bit era, this was fantastic. We knew these games were still awesome even though they didn't have gouraud shaded polygons and FVM cut scenes. So we bought them up in droves.

But the reality is that they were always worth more than the super low prices we were paying for them back then. The only reason they were so cheap is that not enough people knew how good they were and what they were worth. But now everyone knows, and more importantly, most of those original carts that popped up in garage sales and the like were long ago bought by people with the purpose of selling them for closer to what they think the games are actually worth. (dreaded resellers)

The reality is that this is just the natural life cycle of any collectible item. There's a point where it's not popular and so it's cheap and easy to come by. But once it becomes a collector's item and starts being collected by numerous people, supply dries up and prices go up and up and up.

>> No.2487732
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I would submit to you guys, that even though Star Fox for $15 feels like a kick in the pants, it's actually not that bad considering what you're getting and bear in mind there's a good chance that in 10 years that price will seem like a crazy steal.

Of course, the situation isn't nearly as dire as it sounds from that because gamers are in a wonderful position that few other collectors get to be in. We have easy access to near perfect emulators and complete rom dumps of full game libraries. Anyone who just wants to play these old games and experience them can do so in a number of ways. So the collecting of the physical products can just be left to the people interested in that aspect of it.

>> No.2487861

>Remember that Star Fox retailed for $60. Finding it for $15 should be considered a steal. But of course, everyone these days assumes that a reasonable price for a 16 bit era cart is in the $5-$10 range maximum.
>I would submit to you guys, that even though Star Fox for $15 feels like a kick in the pants, it's actually not that bad considering what you're getting and bear in mind there's a good chance that in 10 years that price will seem like a crazy steal.
>Not knowing that $60 back then arent $60 now
>back then the game was CIB.


>> No.2487867

Sixty dollars back then was more than it is now, poindexter.

>> No.2487894

Obviously, the price is going to be lower for a used item that's not in it's complete packaging. But expecting something that retailed for sixty dollars to permanently be sold for a tenth of that price isn't very realistic. Especially when it starts to be a collector's item. At this point you would expect to pay more for a boxed, sealed copy of Star Fox than you would have when it was released. All collectibles are like that.