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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 420 KB, 712x944, 1425857017118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2477673 No.2477673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is every game with 'Blood' in the title good?

I just thought about this the other day. Blood and Bloodborne are two of my all time favourite games; I absolutely love them. I also love Rondo of Blood. Not retro but Vampire Bloodlines is a game that people also a game that people seem to really like.

What do you think /vr/? What other games have 'blood' in the title? Are they good or not? Let's find out.

>> No.2477679

We live in a world where bloodstorm exists and that game is bad

>> No.2477690

Castlevania Bloodlines is good though

>> No.2477709
File: 13 KB, 300x225, Captain-Blood[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood Omen
Captain Blood
Melty Blood

OP may be on to something.

>> No.2477713

Not /vr/, you jizz gargling faggot.

>> No.2477715

BloodRayne series is pretty trash.
Blood Will Tell is pretty garbage.
Hitman: Blood Money is shit.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood is meh
Blood: The Last Vampire is really fucking bad from what I remember.

>> No.2477717
File: 123 KB, 800x1042, 112011-iron-blood-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is every game with 'Blood' in the title good?


>> No.2477727

>Melty Blood
that isn't retro tho, also it's a pretty meh game unless you are one of those forever alones that drool over any visual novel ever made.

>> No.2477732

>those forever alones
well meme'd my friend :^)

>> No.2477746

you are the meming memer in this case, screw off to what ever hell hole you came from

>> No.2477760

>that "not quite cgi" artwork

>> No.2477764

Melty Blood is neither retro nor good.

>> No.2477786

'Blood' only.

>> No.2477801

melty blood was almost retro, it came out on the naomi board and they even had a dreamcast port planned at one point

>> No.2477912

I've heard mixed opinions for this game, though, so maybe someone thinks it's good.

One of the Daiva games is subtitled Ashura's Bloodfeud, they're all rather decent.

>> No.2477923

Vampire th Masquerade: Bloodlines = Good

>> No.2477938
File: 69 KB, 300x264, Waluigi Get Out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nigger if you want to be autistic, take it to somewhere it's accepted. There are plenty of websites out there that will accommodate your inferior brain.

>> No.2477990
File: 389 KB, 1500x1067, redjuice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about pic related.
I don't really like it, what about you? Do you think it proves that everything with blood in it is good, or do you agree with me that it is not good at all or even shit if anything at all.

>> No.2478042

Why is this thread even on /vr/? Asking a general question about all games (using a 2015 game as an example along with a handful of older titles) does not make a thread /vr/.

>> No.2478048

Somebody isn't doing their job, obviously.

>> No.2478153

Iron Blood's demo was my childhood and I have fond memories of it, not sure where the hate comes from. Later levels maybe?

>> No.2478168

How is Bloodborne one of your favorite games?

Did you even play Demon's or Dark Souls?

Bloodborne literally gutted them and put them together into a shit package.

>> No.2478176
File: 13 KB, 256x224, boogerman-title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is every game with 'Booger' in the title good?

>> No.2478182

So... PS4 is retro now?

>> No.2478196

I don't know why but if you go back and play Demon's Souls the controls are extremely fluid and your character moves fast, and most actions flow together and conserve momentum. With each successive "sequel" it seems like everything gets heavier and stiffer, you move slower, there's more strange lag or cooldown after and between actions, and the enemies more and more have this "canned" feeling, using auto tracking and only really performing well in the places they spawn at. You lock in the timing of their pattern and that's it.

I think they did a lot of it just because they were trying to churn out more games and ran short on ideas, as well as trying to make the game more stable for online play and server lag, but if they can regain the flexibility that they forgot, the games will get a lot better.

>> No.2478197

It's just a picture, don't lose your shit

>> No.2478214

Your autistic attempt at facetiousness only strengthens his assessment

>> No.2478216
File: 284 KB, 904x904, taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro so all I'll say is you're an idiot and are probably salty that you don't have a PS4. Bloodborne = Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls II. The only shitty one is DaS2; the other three are all great.

>> No.2478221

>enemies with Auto-tracking
Literally killed a lot of my interest to do the extra content in Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2.

You have these huge wind ups and if your too early you get obliterated. Its especially apparent with bosses like Stray Demon and Smelter Demon.

I still feel Demon's Souls nailed it. Dark Souls 1/2 were good for a couple of replays, and Bloodborne was decent for a single playthrough but lacks any real replayability.

I have high hopes for Dark Souls 3. But its going to be what, 5 related games in <10 years.
>Demons, Dark, Dark 2, Bloodborne, Dark 3
Shit Demon's came out in 2009 (I thought it was 2007), damn man. Thats some fucking fast turnaround.

No wonder the quality has suffered.

>> No.2478240
File: 21 KB, 320x381, blood-pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's picture combines Blood's game cover with Bloodborne. It's therefore obviously a Blood reference, which is a 'retro' game.

There's plenty of good retro game discussion going on itt, about games with 'Blood' in the title, which is what OP wanted. Fuck off to another thread if this shit triggers your delicate neckbeard sensibilities. We don't need your derailment here.

>> No.2478242

Fuck off to /v/. Talk about retro games or piss off.

>> No.2478245
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, my bad I thought I didnt own it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own every -Souls game
>they are all Collectors Editions

Yeah bro. Sure. Bloodborne just isn't as good as the other 3. Dark Souls 2 isn't even that bad, its just got a couple of really really dumb things in them like being slow as shit until you level your ADP.

>> No.2478253

I really don't care. I love the game and have played all the games, too. Your opinion means fuck-all to me. I won't respond to you any longer because >>2478242

>> No.2478263
File: 109 KB, 650x650, damage control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damage controlling this hard

>> No.2478270

repoarted cos reasons

>> No.2478272

Well then, why not just post the cover for Blood without the Bloodborne/PS4 shit all over it?

>> No.2478276

Because it's cool :^)

Read the OP again, too, you autistic shithead.

>> No.2478291

What the fuck is all this non-/vr/ shit

>> No.2478307

>Blood: The Last Vampire
Isn't that an anime? I liked it.

>> No.2478310

Retro doesn't even mean what you think it means asshat

this board might as well be renamed to "middle-aged /v"

>> No.2478319

hahahahaha k

>> No.2478329

>retro doesn't even mean what you think it means asshat
No, retro doesn't mean what YOU think it means, dickhead.

Let me quote the sticky for you. You can't miss it on the main page of /vr/:
>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.

Demon's Souls is a good ten years too late and therefore doesn't qualify. If you're not at least comparing it to older games it has no place of discussion on this board. So yeah, fuck off back to /v/ manchild.

>> No.2478338


>> No.2478356

What kind of thread is that?

>> No.2478646


You have shit taste and it's absolutely pathetic that any criticism of Bloodborne is seen as "lmao buttblasted pc fanboy le goldface".

>> No.2478697

BloodRayne was fun.

>> No.2478726

/v/ pls go

>> No.2478753

OP is a /v/tard that has absolutely nothing to ad to this board, he still wants attention so he makes this thread to get replies.

Report and hide.

>> No.2478754


Fuck man, you just posted a really funny one actually.

>> No.2478798
File: 77 KB, 604x419, apocalypse-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some autist on /vr/ said I have shit taste

>> No.2478846

Bro its fucking sad when what the original guy said is true:
Any valid criticism of Bloodborne is almost always met with
>just jelly you didn't get to play it
then when you go into details as to why
>lol oh well man I'm having fun sorry you don't enjoy video games :^)

Bloodborne was the worst of it. I really feel like it was because tons of people bought a PS4 for it.

>> No.2478856

>stop liking what I don't like, it really hurts my vagina

Stop discussing Bloodborne here without accompanying retro discussion you silly autist.

>> No.2478862

>Hitman: Blood Money is shit
This whole thread should have collapsed under the pure retardation of this post

this is why /vr/ is a pointless fucking joke of a board

>> No.2478871

afaik the Janitor is fucking dead. So much shit gets through these days and nothing gets deleted.

>> No.2479027

just because other people also use a word wrong doesn't mean you're not wrong.

>> No.2479046

You sound like such a child holy shit.