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2470362 No.2470362 [Reply] [Original]

I recently started playing Fallout 2 and I keep dying of unexpected reasons, I suppose it can be cause of the radiation but i don't have the pop up box that warns me in the screen, just the character screen warning.

>Can't travel nor rest because I die in the next 3 hrs.
>I'm in Klamath, where nobody seems to have radaway or radX.
>I lost almost all my perception points by using healing powder.

What /vr/ suggest is my cause of death or what can I do.

>> No.2470389

git gud

>> No.2470415

better post in the fallout thread m8; I haven't played this game in more than a decade so I don't remember, I'll probably give it another run soon...


>> No.2470903

What the hell did you do to get yourself radiated in the first place?

The only way I can think of is either running around the reactor in Gecko or getting hit by gold geckos a shit ton of times.

>> No.2473226

>I lost almost all my perception points by using healing powder.
fucking retard

>> No.2473425

Just restart the game since you're still in Klamath, the first town in the game after the tutorial village.

Your character build is also terrible enough to warrant a restart, so you can also fix that while you're at it.

>> No.2476512

This, tbh. If you're going to play a batshit blind character (1 PER, really?) at least make yourself proficient in some area. Any area, really. All you have is a jack of some trades that can't really do anything. I see you tagging non combat stuff- so why 6 STR and END? If you're trying to avoid fightan, go with high AGI (and the bonus move perks) and low STR/END. You tag science but go with average INT. Speech tagged and no fighting skills, yet average CHA.

Really, do yourself a favor and restart the game and think your character through this time.

There's that area in the village at the start with the dog. Also, the caves under klamath(??). And the vault where Smiley is trapped. He probably went to sleep for a couple of days in there although I'm not sure the game lets you rest in radiated areas.

>> No.2476519

> 1 PER, really?

Your reading skills are awesome.

>> No.2476525

Oh wow, that totally invalidates everything else I said.

>> No.2476538

I stopped reading there. Why would I trust someone who can't even read?

>> No.2476552

And why would I give a flying fuck whether or not you "trust" me? Am I talking to you, retard? Is that your post at the top? Go bother someone else for attention.

>> No.2476638

>Being this butthurt

Look, man, it's not my fault you didn't actually read the post at the top.

>> No.2476661

Are you really so assblasted you'll return to a thread where you got #btfo, in a desperate attempt for attention? So sad.

>> No.2476669
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>> No.2476682

I think you quoted the wrong person.

>> No.2476835

See, this is why nobody like you tripcunts. You waltz in here and shit on somebody that's trying to help, ignore what they wrote and then prance around like a retarded jester because you spotted a mistake, providing nothing of value yourself. We already knew you were desperate for attention on account of the trip in an anonymous board but this much really just screams "massive faggot".

>> No.2476841

Because god forbid we attract another one of you faggots.

>> No.2476850

>All this butthurt