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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2474170 No.2474170 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2474178
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>> No.2474194




>> No.2474201

SONY is fucking killing is this year, FUCKING KILLING IT.

>> No.2474216

You're the second person I've seen incorrectly say this. I've yet to see an actual exclusive worth playing.

>> No.2474231

>an actual exclusive worth playing.
Shenmue 3, you cancerous namefag.

>> No.2474238

oh yay, a game I will have to buy a console that I don't want to play, thank you sony.

Also, why the fuck does this need a kickstarter? I am so sick of big companies abusing kickstarter to promote shit they would have otherwise just made anyhow.

>> No.2474240

So the logic is it's killing it this year because of a game (that's also on PC) that will be out in... 2 years? And maybe at that? Damn, son. It's 2015 and you haven't realized console wars are fucking retarded??

>> No.2474241

Its going to be on PC

>> No.2474245

Im currently trying to play Shenmue on my Dreamcast. Am I missing something? I mean i just started it but I dont know if I can go on, its quite boring...

>> No.2474246


I mean games that will ONLY be on the playstation.

>> No.2474247

dude I dislike the kikestart model too but this is probably the most legitimate use this thing ever had

>> No.2474250


It's strange anon, you have just to interact as if it was real life, it's not a game for everybody, but after you will finish it you will know if you hate it or love it, try to complete it.

>> No.2474252


Shenmue 3 ?

>> No.2474253

Joe from Game Sack is going to have a heart attack after hearing this news.

>> No.2474256

>Crowd funding
>Not a exclusive


>> No.2474257

What part of exclusive don't you understand? PlayStation exclusive means a game that will only be playable on the PlayStation.

>> No.2474259


Yu couldn't do the game because nobody would found his game, for once this method is going to get him results.

>> No.2474260

Last Guardian, you jizz gargling faggot.

>> No.2474263

PC also.

>> No.2474265


So not shenmue ?

>> No.2474273

>most legitimate use
how is a huge company using kickstater simply to built up hype for a game in any way shape or form a more legitimate use than a small company or a single person using it to actually get money that they NEED to make a project with?

>> No.2474276


Come on man, you still didn't play it, leave the hype out.
There have been many games in the past as exclusives well worth to be played.

>> No.2474280

PC is not the PlaySatation though, Shenmue will be on both so it's not an exclusive is what they're saying.

Right. I personally don't like the idea of exclusives anyway, in this context especially it's a mess, like how Shenmue 2 is exclusive to the Xbox.

>> No.2474281


Is a huge company behind this ?

>> No.2474283

Yeah the page was down when I posted that, I didn't realize sony was behind this.

>> No.2474284

can you not fucking read, Sony is behind this

>> No.2474286

>Shenmue 2 is exclusive to the Xbox.
it's not

>> No.2474287

>sony was behind this.

Uhm fuck this, they will not get my money, i was almost going to do it in the last days, but this is the kind of shit i don't want to support.

>> No.2474290

Whoops, you're right. I don't know why I thought that.

>> No.2474291

it only took me a few minutes after you posted to post my own message, and the kickstarter was certainly up. don't fucking lie

>> No.2474292

The Kickstarter is basically just preorders for the game, nothing more. They're not really using that as their sole funding, just as a way to ensure there's interest.

>> No.2474296

durr hurr it was giving out 503 errors like crazy just now.
Who gives a fuck about saving face on an internet forum?

>> No.2474298

No I was getting connection errors as well.

>> No.2474302

Still no.

We'll see how good it is.

No? That would mean the opposite of PS4 exclusive

Isn't it just what the name suggets: A kickstarter? A little 2 mil to get development moving smoothly?

>> No.2474305





No, Ys.net is behind this.

>> No.2474320

it's a proxy for Sony yah dork

>> No.2474331

If it was a proxy for Sony it wouldn't be on PC too, right? I don't even know I just want muh Shenmue.

>> No.2474334

Sony and PC have been working together for awhile now. FF7 Remake will likely be PS4 and PC.

>> No.2474335

>I don't even know I just want muh Shenmue
you are part of the problem, fuck off

>> No.2474337


I'm paying $500 and you can't stop me.

Tell me your name I'll tell them to put it in the credits.


>> No.2474340

but FF7 is made by square enix, not sony themselves
>Sony and PC have been working together
do you think PC is an organization or something? wtf does this even mean? is this how modern gamers thing? wtf

>> No.2474347

Not retro.

>> No.2474348
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>> No.2474352

>/v/ shitposters spreading to /vr/

Man fuck this fucking thread. I came here to rejoice with my /vr/ bros but someone let the /v/ kids in.

>> No.2474353

how is arguing over a modern sequel to an over rated adventure game that hasn't aged well at all "fun" exactly?

>> No.2474354

Most Sony backed projects will hit PC but not WiiU or XBox.

Look at Bloodborne, they are letting PC get it.

>> No.2474358

I would say that the idea that you have to circle jerk over every thing in a franchise you like and anyone that doesn't agree are evil morons that should leave the board all together is more of a /v/ idea than anything else.

>> No.2474360

Rejoice my nigga.

>> No.2474365

these posts are the most /v/ things in this fucking thread, fuck off

>> No.2474371


>> No.2474384

>long awaited sequel finally announced
>let me be an epic contrarian and shitpost instead of just ignoring the thread

You can go back to /v/ now

>> No.2474407
File: 57 KB, 453x668, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play shenmue 3
>use forklift money to buy dreamcast with shenmue 1
>play space harrier

>> No.2474416

But it isn't retro. It isn't within the rules.

To be fair, even though I'm not a Shenmue fan and I think I only played it once or something (or at least watched a friend play it back when it was new), I can understand people getting excited over an unexpected sequel to a favored franchise. In the end, this is no more in the rules than a Yooka-Laylee thread and probably less rule compliant than even a Mario Maker thread.

>> No.2474423

Fuck the police it's fucking Shenmue 3

>> No.2474453

adam k admitted to backing $500. he's a serious shenmue fan


>> No.2474462

Am I the only one that would rather see this money go to a couple of guys in a basement somewhere that are going to make "Shenmue 3" (I put quotations signifiying an illegitimate sequel) for the Dreamcast (a console that is worth playing) than to see it go to the company who ruined video games and are most definitely going to bastardize a cult classic?

>> No.2474464


>> No.2474469

Probably not. There are a lot of idiots out there. Maybe you should start your own "couple of guys in a basement making Shenmue 3 for Dreamcast" kickstarter and see if it makes a million dollars in 2 hours...

>> No.2474473

You mean Ys.net? 'cause that's where it's going.

>> No.2474474

>to see it go to the company who ruined video games and are most definitely going to bastardize a cult classic?

Good thing its not? This is being independently developed.

>> No.2474476

meant to reply>>2474462

>> No.2474478

who the fuck is this and why should I care?

>> No.2474479

>the company who ruined video games and are most definitely going to bastardize a cult classic
Sony or Sega

>> No.2474486


Yes, because this company ruined games, right?

Jesus guys, at least do a little research first before you jump straight to bitching.

>> No.2474487

If Sega was in charge we'd be all about action arcade titles.

>> No.2474489

>the company who ruined video game
go screw yourself with your hyperbolic garbage

>> No.2474493

can't have shenmue without suzuki. Id rather see a brand new thing that's directly inspired by shenmue

>> No.2474498

I meant that >>2474473
post as in "you don't know what you're talking about too" bro.

>> No.2474506

Sorry about that, I knew what you meant. Quote just got caught up in it.

>> No.2474508

>calling anyone that doesn't agree with you a contrarian
>leave this board cuz u don't agree with me
>implying that this isn't /v/ behavior it's self

>> No.2474513

>the company who ruined video games and are most definitely going to bastardize a cult classic
huh, when did konami get involved in this?

>> No.2474550

Oh, how nice of Sony to LET a software developer release their games on other platforms.

>> No.2474554

guess they figured a year late pc release won't hurt their own sales like an xbone one does

>> No.2474558

Maybe they are hoping people will be sick of it by the time other platforms see it.

>> No.2474567

first off, sony has done this since the 90s
second off, this isn't /v/, take this discussion there please.

>> No.2474570 [DELETED] 

This isn't /vr/, take this discussion there, please.

>> No.2474575

Shenmue 1 has a 40 million budget
Shenmue 2 had a 30 million budget
Shenmue 3 will most likely have a 3-4 million dollar budget.
Yeah, I'll be interested when Sega actually decides to back this game.

>> No.2474586

the difference is that you don't NEED a budget that large to make a game like Shenmue anymore, it isn't 1995 anymore. Technology has advanced drastically since then.

>> No.2474592

Then why does Ryo look and sound like shit?

>> No.2474598

>let me shitpost this thread becuz reasons
Nice salt shitheel

>> No.2474601

Have you heard the voice samples on the dreamcast? Anything above that is god tier.

>> No.2474604

The newer tech is more expensive by several orders of magnitude. A game on the scale of Shenmue in today's movie with current gen tech would be hundreds of millions of dollars.

>> No.2474607


>> No.2474608

>Then why does Ryo look and sound like shit?
because it isn't a finished product, heck, it's still in very early development, you can't judge the game at all yet.

>> No.2474609

just...listen to his voice...
I'm hoping this was just a friend of his who did the voice as an alpha, and that they'll hire someone better.

>> No.2474610

this is complete bullshit

>> No.2474613

I think there are speculations of a remake of Shenmue 1 being included, so it's retro now, so go fuck yourself.

>> No.2474614

if you made a game with dreamcast graphics today then you'll have stupid shit like autists complaining about grass textures

>> No.2474616

Thanx for the heads up :^)

>> No.2474624

umm... where did I mention anything about making a game with dreamcast graphics

>> No.2474629

ummm... you are kind of a faggot
If anything, games are more expensive than back then because the expectations were raised so much higher.

>> No.2474635


>> No.2474989

Shenmue 1 isn't retro either.
>Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.

>> No.2475080

>people bought a ps3 for that game

>> No.2475082
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>PC is not the PlaySatation though

>> No.2475090

It clearly says games in 1999 and earlier, shenmue was released in japan in december 1999.

>> No.2475114

>any other games on platforms launched in 1999
>DC was a platform launched in 1999
>Shenmue 1 and 2 were released for DC
>not retro

>> No.2475116

I'm torn.
As a fan of the series, that was my worst nightmare, because we all know kickstarter projects of actual projects always end up being way worse than what people expected.

But then again, it's either a kickstarter project or nothing, since nobody will ever fund a game that half of the people say it sucks.

I don't know what to think. I'll probably wait for the release, wait for "let's play" videos of it, and skip to the end and see what happened.

>> No.2475132

What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.2475134

This isn't really a project that needs Kickstarter funds, they're essentially using it for preorders and to get people hyped. It was a smart move doing that for E3 for maximum visibility. We don't know how far along Shenmue 3 was in development, originally either.

>> No.2475165


The last one i played( pillars of eternity) ended being good, the same goes for wasteland, torment seems like another good one.

>> No.2475187

>Readying comprehension this great
Do you not see the thread at the top of the page that says "/vr/ rules" then later on says "DREAMCAST CAN BE DISCUSSED"?

>> No.2475190


>> No.2475195
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>> No.2475206


They didn't ruin videogames, just themselves.

>> No.2475220

So we're in agreement. The rules specify games on platforms released in 1999, which includes things like Under Defeat, released in 2006. Anyone complaining about Shenmue just has their panties in a knot. People sperg over dates, when dates are fundamentally unimportant -- hardware is.

>> No.2475225

>I'm hoping this was just a friend of his who did the voice as an alpha, and that they'll hire someone better.

Oddly enough, the stilted voice acting might work in the game's favor (I know the Japanese version supposedly had good voice acting), maintaining the game's original character while not having AAA "polish."

At first I worried that Suzuki has been out of the AAA development space for so long, that he'll make something that looks and plays like a "joke" compared to GTA V and the like. After all, part of Shenmue's appeal in those days was that it was the most technically advanced game of its time. Yu would need a 9 figure budget to wow us like that again, which isn't happening.

But I think Yu's relative ignorance vis a via "modern" game design will work to his advantage, especially considering the game will be developed outside of a corporate environment, meaning no pressure to make it as salable as GTA or something.

tl:dr: Suzuki's rust and the relative smaller budget of Shenmue III will likely result in "dated" or rough elements that will work to the game's advantage.

>> No.2475268

It'll be on Windows right?

>> No.2475271

I agree with this whole heartedly. If we're lucky this game could become the perfect storm.

>> No.2475302

Steam OS only

>> No.2475304

it was the most technically advanced game for about one year, until GTA 3 came along

>> No.2475314
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In case it wasn't perfectly clear, from the kickstarter page

>> No.2475317

Were you even born when Shenmue came out? They can't compete with GTA V. That isn't even a wet dream. Part of Shenmue's appeal were the textures and attention to detail. It wasn't the most technically advanced. I think you're ignorant and setting yourself up for disappointment. A simple continuation of Shenmue 2 with DC graphics and assets are what you should expect because it probably wont be more than that.

>> No.2475318

>Played FF7 a year ago, only thought it was okay
>Never liked Shenmue

Sony's conference didn't do much for me. I kinda feel left out.

>> No.2475325

Am I going to have to replay the originals on the Dreamcast, or do you think they'll do an HD rereleases of 1 and 2?

>> No.2475332

A game that's on more than ONE platform isn't exclusive.

>> No.2475346

It is if you're a console fanboy, PC doesn't count.

>> No.2475350

Why do people care about this trash?

It's QTE: The Fucking Original Game.

It was mainly hyped for that reason, too, and how 'cinematic' it was. It's cancerous trash.

>> No.2475351

lol at all that misinformation

>> No.2475352

>It's QTE: The Fucking Original Game
Actually that was Dragons Lair.

>> No.2475409

>Met the goal in less than a day
That's pretty fucking neat actually. I hope they meet some stretch goals like the shenmue 1 & 2 cinema stuff. I wonder if it'll be like the shenmue 1 movie DVD that came with the xbox version of 2.

Just go back to /v/ please. Your comment is better suited to the 1000 others like it there.

>> No.2475456

One of the Pokemon designers backed it with $10000 and took the "dinner with Yu Suzuki" reward.

>> No.2475468

>The newer tech is more expensive by several orders of magnitude

In the late 90s they had to spend 3 fucking years just building the engine specifically for the console.

Today they can license Unreal Engine and have that port done with immediately, they only have to churn out content.

>> No.2475478

why are you fuckers bumping this shitty thread that is against the rules.

it is in no fucking way retro.
you are ruining this board.

>> No.2475490


19 when it came out, bought it on release, and yes, it was the most advanced game in existence at its release. Every game Yu developed in the 90's set new standards, from Virtua Racing to Virtua Fighter 3. Shenmue was no exception, with the breadth of its game world, the weather system, and nearly everything being interactive. Something as simple as being able to turn on the light on your desk was a "wow moment," as silly as that sounds today.

Like I said, one of Shenmue's big selling points was its scope and that attention to detail you mentioned (which speaks to its technical brilliance). Now that Yu won't have the budget to compete with modern sandbox games, Shenmue loses one of its critical selling points for modern audiences who haven't played the the prior games. They won't understand what made the game/series special and will react like this >>2475350

Not that we should care, I was just making a point about how over expectation will just result in disappointment (thinking Shenmue will be a martial arts version of GTA V, which some gamers might expect given Shenmue's history of setting new standards), so I agree with you on that point.

>> No.2475492

Shenmue was the first game to call it QTE though.

>> No.2475503

wow man you're so knowledgeable about videogames
can i suck you're dick?

>> No.2475592

The QTEs in Shenmue have little to do with uninspiring events in modern games.
- They're not "Press X to Win", fail and the story path will branch accordingly (you won't die and restart at a checkpoint to try the same thing again and again).
- They make sense. They're used as cues for specific fight moves, using the same buttons (A for a kick, X for a punch, etc).

Recent games (such as say, God of War) tend to forget about all that.

>> No.2475753
