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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2473515 No.2473515 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it's okay to use reproduction labels on a game that has a bad label?

>> No.2473517

If it's completely fucked why not?

>> No.2473524

If it's as bad as the one in your picture than yes. I prefer my collection to look nice. If you are just gonna sell the game on ebay or something then let the buyer decide.

>> No.2473527

Fuck no, OP are you stupid?

Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5nem_alP4o

>> No.2473530

I'd leave it that way.

If you want a nice looking cart with a reproduction label to display on your shell use any Madden or Fifa game and pretend it's Earthbound.

>> No.2473535

>shilling Youtube Celeb that Speculates


Yes, why you shouldn't? if only there was a database for Good scans for NES labels, cause trust me, it can be a pain making a repro label.

>> No.2473550


Why shoudln't it be "okay"?
Because the national /vr/ agency will come through your door?
If your label is fucked up, replace it. As far as I am concerned you could even take an edding and write the name onto that label surface. It#s your game, and will still play fine. If you put your games in boxes when not in use it won't matter, but if you like to present them better get a nice repro label for aesthetic reasons.

>> No.2473553

Just use a knife to carve the name of the game on the cartridge. Also, carve your own name on there so your friends can't steal it.

>> No.2473567

Absolutely not. The game becomes utterly worthless. Gaw.

>> No.2473569
File: 288 KB, 969x511, snes_earthbound_label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you realize it's no longer collectable, go for it.

>> No.2473585



Geez, and here i tough we buy games to play and enjoy them.

>> No.2473592

Clearly the game is unplayable if the label isn't the original in mint condition.

>> No.2473593

Yeah yeah. If you aren't going to sell it scratch that bitch off and rub some goo gone on it. For people who do collect it's like using brasso on an old coin.

>> No.2473602

A real collector wouldn't buy a cartridge in that condition in the first place.

>> No.2473606

I mean, what's the point of playing games when you can covet their plastic shells?

>> No.2473609

Not as their only copy, no.

>> No.2473610

What's the point of having a plastic shell when you can download a ROM and emulate?

>> No.2473613

There's no such thing as a "reproduction" cart. If a cartridge that was born with a Jurassic Park sticker on it identifies as an Earthbound, then it's an Earthbound and you should respect that.

>> No.2473619
File: 42 KB, 960x886, 1428844144479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, enough being sarcastic. Yes, OP, it's perfectly acceptable, especially in your case.

Here's a legit question for all you collectorfags out there: if you could print off a brand spanking new label indistinguishable from an original label (let's say same manufacturing process) would you still buy it? Or does the label itself heave to be carbon dated to the same age as the mask ROM inside?

>> No.2473620


I smirk'd


>> No.2473625

I wish I had a Starman boyfriend.

>> No.2473726

If I made an exact copy of an original Earthbound cartridge, atom for atom, is it a reproduction or an original?

>> No.2473772


A philosophic problem known as Theseus' ship.

>> No.2473785

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.2473789

If I have to replace parts of my NES over time until the whole thing is replaced eventually, is it still the same NES?

No one cares, gb2 Philosophy 101.

>> No.2473792

Collecting mass produced products is fucking stupid, ESPECIALLY if the thing is perfectly reproducible, and I don't care how much grief it causes the idiots who buy into it.

>> No.2473795

That's actually not what he said.

But in both cases the answer is no, and in both cases the answer is it doesn't matter.

>> No.2473804

Over time, you replace every single cell in your body.

How can we be real if our eyes aren't?

>> No.2473809

Using repro labels is okay if it says on the label, clearly:"THIS IS A REPRODUCTION LABEL" or something like that. INB4 "it doesn't look nice that way", no it fucking doesn't, if you want a nice label then go buy the legit fucking label.

>> No.2473810

Quantum mechanically speaking, yes, they are indistinguishable. Fundamentally you can't, for instance, distinguish two electrons from each other by calling one A and thr other B. All you can day is that you habe two electrons. This is actually very important for proper statistics when doing QM. So the Ship of Theseus is the exact same ship even if you replace every thing on it (assuming perfect atomic copies are used). No philosophy needed, science resolves this question.

>> No.2473815

>no it fucking doesn't, if you want a nice label then go buy the legit fucking label.
Or they can buy a nice reproduction label and you can cry and bitch and moan impotently on the internet like the useless nerd you are.

>> No.2473816

Day=>say, habe=> have

>> No.2473818

This is not a carbon based life form. It's apples to oranges.

>> No.2473821


you can't distinguish them scientifically, but philosophically you can.

so philosophy is needed.

>> No.2473823

I've threatened to call the police on a reseller who was selling a reproduction label on a legit stadium events. And that fucker had a sticker explaining the label was a reproduction on it the next day.

>> No.2473830

so you made him explicitly say it's a reproduction, but you didn't stop him from selling clean reproduction labels, because you're an impotent, probably smelly, probably virginal, nerd.

>> No.2473839

umm, no not at all. The cover art was from the PAL cartridge, and the region coding was NTSC. When I asked him about the label he said to me that it was the genuine USA label. I took a double check on my phone, just so I wouldn't get angry and flip shit over nothing. I then saw that I was right and I started going off.

>> No.2473853

>Threatened to call the police

Who wouldn't have done shit.

>> No.2473858

The difference between a repro label and a genuine label is easily within the 3,000 dollar area. I say I would have had a pretty strong case.

>> No.2473860

>perfectly good reproduction thread degrades into debates over quantum mechanics and philosophy


>> No.2473863


I would have laughed heartly and asked if you could film that complaint and upload ot on YT, trying to explain to them what the hell a repro label is and what exactly is your problem with that old cartridge.
Would've paid money to see that.

>> No.2473864

I think what he meant was you have to report it directly to interpol. The police aren't trained to handle this.

>> No.2473867
File: 106 KB, 559x405, Andromeda_Galaxy_relative_to_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you distinguish them philosophically if the physical world we live in doesn't allow such a distinction to be made? This isn't just speculation either. Look up fermion and boson statistics in comparison to classical physics. If you could distinguish electron A and B, then the world would be a very different place fundamentally because the math works completely differently.

>> No.2473873

>I say I would have had a pretty strong case


>> No.2473876
File: 296 KB, 576x432, 1362718495589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who sets the price? I could shit in a box and say it's worth over $9000 dollars. Doesn't mean it is.

>> No.2473886

>Do you think it's OK to replace the rotten wooden planks on my ship?

>> No.2473898
File: 6 KB, 275x183, bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy retarded argument batman!

>> No.2473908

Officer: "So on average this game goes for $152 dollars on ebay, but with a new label it goes for, uh, there don't seem to be many people advertising new labels. Let's say $2."

>> No.2473909

This video by Pat and Ian is pretty relevant too I guess.

>> No.2473912

OMG me too! :3
Starman a cute, Cute!

>> No.2473919

adding to the stupidity...

>> No.2473923

Yeah, I agree, it sounds pretty stupid.

>> No.2473927

I know, right? The whole idea of some fat neckbeard calling the cops because muh lable is just flat out retared.

>> No.2473929

no, it's just that your argument makes such little sense, I have a very hard time taking it seriously.

>> No.2473932

This seems like a perfectly good place to ask. Where do I go for a Genesis game label that isn't on thecoverproject?

>> No.2473934

How does one get a quality label printed, with the nice plastic gloss and everything? I have a few NES games with crap labels that I wouldn't mind replacing just so they look nice among their counterparts.

>> No.2473939

Depends. Are you doing that for yourself? Then yes.

Are you doing it and planning on selling? Then test it before with a game you have with a nice label. Once you manage to print a label that looks just like that one, then use the same technique with the one you originally intended.

And then sell it as mint for thousands of dollars. If somebody is willing to pay that kind of money, I'd trick them without second thoughts.

If I were to sell it to a friend or a nice guy for a fair price, I'd warn them before.

>> No.2473940
File: 201 KB, 1600x1200, 1434256676010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please enlighten us how you price video games.

>> No.2473946

You call the police and turn yourself in, counterfeiter.

>> No.2473949

Ebay auction listings, easy peasy.

>> No.2473950

That, or Kinkos.

>> No.2473953

So back to >>2473908

>> No.2473964


Too bad that comment wouldn't help you. They at first definitely would ask for some kind of proof of
-that assumed loss really being that high
-that piece of paper leading to that loss
-the seller having done anything in the first place/ you not having changed sth.
-the cart being worth that much in itself at all

Some busy police officer with no interest in that obscure "retroe" or what ever thing discussing with what he will see as some weird nerd over why his still functioning intact cart with no visible faults is now somehow "magically" worth less. Then courts which have no effing idea of this stuff too being bothered by this obscure case too. Man THAT WOULD BE FUN.

>> No.2473967

Pointless argument is pointless once again.I live in Canada myself, so I like to price gouge people by about 15-30 bucks on popular games that are worth 30-50 dollars, because our shipping and importing fees are so high, even though I bought them in the states and brought them over, LOL.

>> No.2473972

You kinda just demonstrated the prices are pretty arbitrary. My point exactly.

>> No.2473975

There are still base prices to go off of. If I can sell donkey kong country for 40-50 dollars, i'm going to. That doesn't change the fact that it's a 20 dollar game though.

>> No.2473979



>> No.2473987
File: 85 KB, 397x333, B63oM.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you can find some dumb schmuck to buy your worthless crap doesn't mean the court will agree to damages based on >>2473979

This guy gets it

>> No.2476004

what the fuck

>> No.2476019

A reproduction label is a small one off expense.
Meds to allow an aspie to deal with a damaged label are a larger and recurring expense.

>> No.2476092

in my opinion this condition isn't worthy collecting anymore. Considering that it's absolutely fine to replace the label, just don't sell it.