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File: 164 KB, 640x640, Akumaj _Dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2473471 No.2473471 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to play this game on Yabause. Works fine, sound is good too, 60fps... but it looks like shit. Very pixelated and it seems the emulator has no filters, at least not included. Any way to add filters or plugins to improve the video?
Also saturn emulation i guess.

>> No.2473483

Pixelated? It's a 2D game, that's how it's supposed to be. Yabause is the most accurate emulator there is, but you could give SSF a shot. Honestly the Playstation version looks better, SS was an inferior port.

>> No.2473509

>looks like shit
SOTN is fucking beautiful. Definitely one of the best looking gen 5 games.

>> No.2473516

It looks like shit because he is using a joke of an emulator.

Play it on SSF or play it on the real hardware.

Do note that SOTN looked unimpressive on the real hardware too, it was a half-assed port, and they had to stretch out all assets due to the resolution difference, so a lot of sprites look like ass.

>> No.2473519

>Yabause is the most accurate emulator there is

>> No.2473543

>playing the shitty port of SoTN

It's not worth the few extra hallways.

>> No.2473549

holder hand and hit detection is.

>> No.2473557


Try it in Yabause's RetroArch core. Does it work? It might not as I hear that the RA version is buggy.

Use these bios:

RA has all sorts of display options and shaders. Try the CRT shaders. Use integer scaling.


Not when it's scaled to 1080p with nearest neighbor.

>> No.2473570
File: 134 KB, 712x522, SSF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yabause is the most accurate emulator there is
It's not the most accurate Saturn emulator, it's not even the second most accurate Saturn emulator.

I'd wager it's Yabause that's buggy, not RetroArch.

Use SSF. The most accurate Saturn emulator bar none, and it supports ye olde filters. Pic is Blargg's NTSC.

If you absolutely insist on using Yabause, at least use RetroArch and any of its elaborate selection of shaders.

>> No.2473732

The Saturn port looks like shit even on real hardware.

>> No.2475101
File: 442 KB, 1920x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're scaling it to 1080p? For one, you're not in the correct aspect ratio and your distorting the shit out of the game. Pic related.

>> No.2475104

is there any alternative to DaemonTools to run SSF since DT is confirmed malware at this point on

>> No.2475109 [DELETED] 

*correction* Wrong aspect ratio

>> No.2475112


How is that compared to SSF or whatever it's called?

>> No.2475113

Jesus christ, all you have to do is click one checkbox during install. That's it.

>> No.2475118


Or download an old version of SSF, it's probably more safe than the new ones.
http://www.oldversion.com/windows/daemon-tools-lite-4-46-1 (This probably still drops adware into your %TEMP% folder after installation, so check and delete it.

Especially the newest DT 10.0 is fucking shit and has most of its features locked.

>> No.2475119

Faggot, see >>2475118

And yes, that Sodomo shit (bittool.dll) still gets put into %TEMP% even if you uncheck all shit during DT installation.

And the version of DT before 10.0 has reposting on you turned on even if you unchecked it during installation, you had to manually uncheck it again in the program's setting.

Yuh "one checkbox" is bullshit, you're clueless.

>> No.2475121


>> No.2475123


>> No.2475125

Can't you just get Virtual CloneDrive?

>> No.2475339

IDK im starting in this saturn emulation thing. I used SSF and it didnt work. Gave me some message about "Disc unsuitable for this system". Also it appers that i cant use the numeric keypad and since i use a keyboard i need to config the freaking numeric pad to play.

>> No.2476560

Yabause is useful for its debugger, but a joke if you want to play games. Buggy, missing graphics, sound problems, uneven framerate, etc.

>Gave me some message about "Disc unsuitable for this system".

Which is what the real Saturn would give you if you used a disc that was the wrong region. Just turn off the BIOS and SSF will run everything region free.

>> No.2477379
File: 17 KB, 480x360, sotnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is hit detection better on the Saturn?

>> No.2477381

Im gonna try that. Do you know if there is a possibility to set up the keys in the numeric keypad? I usually go wasd for the pad but for the buttons i use the numeric kaypad and SSF doenst seems to let you congifure it.

>> No.2477390

I use WinCDEmu.

>> No.2477509


I looked up Gekka no Yasoukyoku on google and I found this


not sure what the fuck I just saw but I kinda liked it and the music reminded me of Castlevania... was this some sort of promotional video in Japan?

>> No.2477528


1080p can refer to 1440x1080p OR 1920x1080p.

>> No.2477546

Get a fucking gamepad.

Actually the newest test version allows you to remap all system buttons, I think.

>> No.2477583

Malice Mizer was a "visual kei" rock band that was huge in Japan, the gothic/romantic style was part of the genre. That's a single from their second album, recorded before SoTN was released. Shares the name but nothing to do with Caetlevania.

>> No.2477587

Toggle your numberlock

>> No.2477602
File: 947 KB, 590x886, FEat_gakt_influenciaparaTetsuyaNomura1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the singer in that video is Gackt, who would go on to star in the PS2 game Bujingai. Malice Mizer and visual kei in general was/is a huge influence on Tetsuya Nomura.

>> No.2478370

When people say 1080p, nine times out of ten, they are talking about 16:9. High resolutions are great for 3D but when you talking about 2D games that came out almost 20 years ago... Yeah, not so much.

>> No.2478396

oh yeah, far better, especially with stuff like down kick.

>> No.2478670

Does it work with SSF?

>> No.2479613
