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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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>> No.2470974

It's nice that Earth Bound is finally officially released in English, but honestly, I'm more excited because this opens the door for the completed Star Fox 2 build to be released as well, which Dylan Cuthbert confirmed to be 100% completed and has numerous changes made to the dumps that exist publically.


>"During development we received a copy of the mastered Star Fox 2 ROM to play, and it was quite a blast." This ROM would have been the final game, complete with QA tweaks and ready for a release that never happened. Cuthbert is keen to point out that this version is far superior to the numerous leaked prototype ROMs which are currently doing the rounds on the web - the leaking of which has been erroneously attributed to himself. "There are a few ROMs on the net in various conditions," he states. "But the ones I checked out are all old and they don't have the randomizing Rogue-like stuff working or all the encounters in place, so you don't really get the feel of the game we were making...Even after the decision was made we went ahead and completed it, taking it to be fully QA'd through Mario Club."

>> No.2470984
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This is nice. Finally the original Mother getting recognition and an official release outside of Japan.

I wonder if it's the exact same translation from the unreleased NES prototype or if they're going to rework it.
I assume it will have the fixed run button like the GBA version.

>> No.2470985

Only 18 years after the English prototype was dumped and disseminated! For fucks sake, Nintendo, just throw some money at Tomato and put Mother 3 on VC. At least that would make some sense.

>> No.2470992

>I assume it will have the fixed run button like the GBA version.

That was something added by Nintendo of America back in 1990. No way the digital release won't have it.

>> No.2470994


Yeah, the prototype has a run button (which IIRC was a debug tool and they decided to leave it) but it fucks up the walking speed on NPCs on the map. On the GBA version it's fixed, you can run holding the R button, but NPCs no longer look like they're having seizures.

>> No.2471001

meh, I still think it's just our current leaked build with debug functions turned off, such as the one that negates damage to corneria

>> No.2471005

>Earthbound beginnings
I love how they still think we have no idea that Mother is the real name of the series.

But I'm happy about it.

>> No.2471021

They should have just stuck with EarthBound Zero. I know that was added by the group that disabled to antipiracy routines when the game was dumped but I think it's loads better than Beginnings.

>> No.2471029

I can already see all those "y cant metroid crawl"-like posts on miiverse.

>> No.2471048

Nah, that would have been stupid from a marketing perspective.
>Some kids hear about 'Earthbound Zero'
>Go to google type 'earthbound zero'
>download the rom here!
>No sales for Nintendo.
With earthbound beginning at least kids won't accidentally stumble upon the rom.

All that said, anyone who buys this is retarded. A superior version with bug fixes / easy patches exists online. Why play an inferior version?

>> No.2471060

Hm. You're right. I didn't even think of that.

>> No.2471071

>All that said, anyone who buys this is retarded. A superior version with bug fixes / easy patches exists online. Why play an inferior version?
so they can fit in on the internet

>> No.2471079

Zero was a stupid subtitle too.

Just call it Earth Bound, its real name, and be done with it. With all these reboots coming out nowadays I think we can handle two games with the same name. Hell the original has a space in between the two words.

>> No.2471087


>bug fixes

what bug fixes? and what makes you think this VC release won't have fixes, in case there were any necessary ones?

>easy patches

Shame on you.

Anyway, what I really want to know is if it will have a reworked script or if it's just the same EBZero version.
I doubt I will buy it though, but a lot of people don't like emulating, and also a lot of Mother fans will buy it just to support the franchise in hopes of a Mother 3 release and/or remakes.

>> No.2471096

Honestly, I just wish they kept it as Mother.

>> No.2471118

Well for starters, Tomato's english translation has been inserted into the NES rom.
His translation is much more faithful than the OG english translation. Plus there are sprite restoration patches (the english version changed some sprites) and the run bug, where when you run, all the NPCs also run.

But the easy patch makes things MUCH more tolerable. I don't know how anyone plays without it. It reduces enemy encounters, quadruples exp and doubles money. Basically meaning less pointless grinding.

>> No.2471128


Oh, you mean the censorship, like the crosses and the blood. Yeah, that's a fair point then. We can already see in the trailer that the church in Snowman is crossless like in the original prototype.

As for the run glitch, I assume they will fix that as they did on the GBA release for Mother 1+2.

Easy patch is for pussies dude, no offense. Mother requires no grinding. I finished the game in sub-30 levels.

>> No.2471137

>All that said, anyone who buys this is retarded.
I want to see the official translation.

>> No.2471139

I wouldn't count on them doing any bug fixing. Remember that all other games that have been released on VC are the same as the original release EVEN if later rereleases are improved.

>> No.2471143

Also remember that the dump we have now isn't a 100% completed rom. It's a very, very, practically final prototype, but a prototype nevertheless. I don't doubt that they will do nothing to fix any bugs in 2015 but it's not outside the realm of possibility that things may have been fixed in 1990.

>> No.2471163

Nah, that's the final version. Ready for copying and distribution:

>> No.2471691

It's because Mother 2 still has huge influence in the fanbase. You can see it all over the Mother 4 fangame they're making.

>> No.2471696

Even in Itoi's interview all that matters is Earthbound. He has to stress the point that this is related to Earthbound.

>> No.2471703

>tfw still no love for the 3DS VC
I hate it

>> No.2471726
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>Digital re-releases of old games

>Not making new games in the franchise

Fuck this.

>> No.2471730

Is it going to be the prototype that was originally meant to be released in America or is this a retranslation of the original Japanese version?

>> No.2471749

I've already finished the whole Trilogy but I still bought it to support the Mother franchise.
Nintendo has apparently finally realized there's a cult fanbase for it here in the west between getting the original on VC and this release of Earthbound Beginnings. After giving up completely on the chance of a proper Mother 3 translation or other future projects for the series we finally have a way to tell Nintendo we'd buy it beyond petitions. Not to mention potential VC released for other products that never saw the light of day in the west.

And even if it leads to nothing I can at least say I own the game now. I tend to physically pick up games if I enjoyed them while emulating and was never able to do that for the Mother franchise between two of them being Japan only and Earthbound being ludicrously expensive.

>> No.2471758

>wanting more Mother games even though Itoi wouldn't be involved

This is like asking for a new Metal Gear now that Kojima is gone. Just let the series rest peacefully. Better to die great than to fizzle out with shitty sequels.

>> No.2471760

It's already out and I can confirm that it's literally just the prototype. They didn't do anything whatsoever to the translation, at least from what I can tell in the first several minutes.

>> No.2471762

What about the b dash? Does it function like in the gba remake?

>> No.2471764

Nope. It's literally just the prototype. No obvious alterations so far.

Considering the GBA version has a way better fan translation, you're probably better off just playing that. I bought the VC version just to support the series, though it would've been nice to find out they had put some actual effort into it (they didn't).

>> No.2471779
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>> No.2471782


Yeah - just let the company endlessly re-release games and cease all creative function, cool.

Not that I don't think companies nowadays LOVE fucking up sequels to great classics, but hey, they should at least try.

>> No.2471803

If you seriously think a Japanese company will EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES put ANY effort into making a "new" game EVER again then you obviously don't pay any attention to the state of the Japanese video game industry.

>> No.2471808


as opposed to western devs?

>> No.2471810
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they already did the whole mother without itoi thing with contact on the nds and it didn't turn out so well

>> No.2471815


Dude - Street Fighter 4 pretty much revitalized the fighting game scene. While it may not be exactly "new", depending on what your definition of that word is, it was groundbreaking that that series continued on.

>> No.2471820


It has a sort of Mother vibe (more like StarTropics actually), but I wouldn't really call Contact "Mother without Itoi".

Although I agree with you, without Itoi, Mother is kinda pointless, it's a very personal series of games.

>> No.2471824

You act like Mother is Nintendo's only franchise.

Also, really? Your argument is seriously "they should make it anyway even if it sucks"? You would rather Nintendo milk a franchise to death with shitty sequels instead of just doing something else?

>> No.2471829

That was quite a few years ago.

The Japanese video game industry is in much worse shape. No matter how much "sequel-itis" there is, in japan it goes far beyond that and has to do with their publishers' priorities now being more about mobile gaming and stuff like that.

>> No.2471840

>No matter how much "sequel-itis" there is

what the fuck is a "sequel-itis"?

Also, I dunno, I don't really see the western industry in a much better shape than the japanese one.

>> No.2471841

Will never happen. FX-Chip..

>> No.2471842


Wasn't really that long ago, 7 years - which is nothing in today's console lifespan. Not to mention whatever iteration of it that just came out adding new characters.

Retro games can carry on though, if they're dealt with care and respect. But I do agree, most are flat out raped today.

>> No.2471849

>I don't really see the western industry in a much better shape than the japanese one

Japanese devs are either going out of business or scaling back console support. In America there are plenty of devs closing their doors, but the big ones are still profitable. Not the case in japan.

>> No.2471857

Mother being over is completely fine. All three games are excellent, and there's no need for more official titles. That having been said, Mother 4 is looking neat.

>> No.2471873

Anyone who is buying this game to show Nintendo that they care about Mother is wasting their time.
Nintendo knows. Earthbound on VC was consistently the #1 game. They've heard and seen the fan support.
This is just a VERY cheap cash grab. Heck, I'd wonder if they even bothered to fix the copy protection stuff.
... That would be hilarious if they didn't.

>> No.2471876

>what the fuck is a "sequel-itis"?
egoraptor's clickbait youtube series

>> No.2471885
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I'm pretty sure most of the big japanese ones are still in the business as usual.
And even though some of them face trouble, like Sega (yet they are still localizing Yakuza 5, crazy!) or Konami (and they're still releasing MGSV, one of the most awaited vidya this year), others like Nintendo, Capcom, Bamco... hell, Atlus (which is owned by Sega but functions independently publishing their own games) are all pretty alive and releasing stuff/planning to release a lot of stuff in the future.
And more often than not, the games those companies release are actually worth playin, unlike most of what EA/Activision/Ubi release.
The way I see it, yes, western companies (the big ones) are the best at marketing and getting big numbers, only on release date though, their games tend to not sell so well over time. Whereas japanese games have a slower selling pace. Most of them don't sell too much initially, but then continue to sell over time, becoming profitable.

On a side note, the whole indie/kickstarter thing is more of a western thing (although some of the most acclaimed indie games, like Cave Story or La-Mulana are japanese, but that aside), I believe the record on having the fastest funding on kickstarter right now was Bloodstained, from Koji Igarashi, a japanese dev.

>> No.2471894 [DELETED] 

>Konami (and they're still releasing MGSV, one of the most awaited vidya this year)
loooool you didn't get the news? they are focusing on gambling machines now

>> No.2471906


looooool yes dude, why do you think I mentioned them about facing trouble? however, get with the news:


they've been doing pachislots and mobile ports since a decade ago. and this isn't stopping MGSV from being released.

>> No.2471912

I didn't read your post through, sorry 'bout that

>> No.2471921
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>paying for roms

>> No.2471971

It'd be a more definitive version that Earthbound Zero.

Then there's that the version for the GBA that has a better translated patch, but has that 4:3 aspect ratio due to it being on the GBA.

I think that's worth a shiny nickle.

>> No.2472034

>definitive version that Earthbound Zero
It's already out, and it's literally the same prototype rom people have been playing for almost 20 years. No changes whatsoever.

Why they did this instead of releasing Mother 3 is just baffling. I can only assume it's because they didn't have to do any work translating. Mother 3 would need a new translation, since they'd sooner commit sudoku than acknowledge Tomato's work.

>> No.2472046

>tfw we'll never know what became of Ninten and his crew

>> No.2472054


I don't see how they would now acknowledge Tomato.
The guy has a website that advertises Mother and Nintendo's products, does not encourage piracy and said that if Nintendo's ever officially releasing M3, he'd put down his own translation.
He also said he'd let Nintendo use his translation without charging.

>> No.2472064


They'd have to call it "Earthbound 2."

>> No.2472068

>they'd sooner commit sudoku than acknowledge Tomato's work

What are you talking about? IIRC Nintendo knows about Tomato and they even invited him and his team to NoA HQ to hang out. Lots of Nintendo employees openly praised his work.

If anything, I'd say chances of them using his work are actually really high, since it would be FAR less work and cost way less to pay a few people rather than pay a full-time team to do it for an admittedly niche game that won't rake in a ton of sales.

>> No.2472086

It IS Earthbound Zero.

>> No.2472098


I was lead to believe it was flawed here.


>The EarthBound Zero ROM has a good number of changes, censoring, and mistakes with plot details and dialog. The text in the EarthBound Zero ROM is also very dry due to limited NES resources.

>> No.2472112

>A superior version with bug fixes / easy patches exists online. Why play an inferior version?
Because now that an official version has been released and is supported, it means you're stealing by using the other rom. Also with no sales, that translates that no one is interested in the game, thus no reason to bring over Mother 3. So if you give even the slightest shit about Earthbound/Mother and aren't an entitled thief. You'll buy this game.

>> No.2472118

but I can just emulate Mother 3 too
damn why are Mother fans such holier-than-thou fanatics

>> No.2472123
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>People complain for years that Nintendo doesn't care about Earthbound
>Out of fucking no where NoA releases Earthbound Zero
>All people do now is complain about the flaws and try to get people to pirate it.
You faggots are a real piece of work, you know that?

>> No.2472124

It's kind of funny.

Buying content is no longer as straightforward as it used to be. Before it was the means to obtain content, now it's more of just supporting the company. It's like donating now.

>> No.2472128

Because all you're doing is proving that Piracy does negatively affect sales and this is the one chance to get to show Nintendo that Mother 3 would be get enough sales to prove viable.

Yes, it's backwards bullshit, but at least it's within the series. When they pull of capcom level shit where you have to buy a completely unrelated game to get a game in the series you want to be released, released. Then we'll be in trouble.

>> No.2472136

I never really cared whether or not Nintendo localized the other Mother games since they were already translated by fans LONG ago. Y'all think I should be grateful because Nintendo is finally releasing them years after I played Mother 3?

If Nintendo had decided to localize Mother 3 in a timely manner then sure, I would've bought it. I owned a GBA. Now there's no reason for me to want them to publish Mother 3. I grew up and I don't own a Wii U. Don't give me that bullshit about "the future of the Mother series" or whatever, Mother has no future.

>> No.2472139

At this point it doesn't matter if showing Nintendo Mother 3 is viable. The game is already available. And Nintendo knew YEARS ago there was an audience for mother 3 and they didn't do shit. So screw them. If they want to release a buggy port of a 30 year old game and expect me to thank them then they'll be waiting a while.

>> No.2472146

So you've just proved is that you're an entitled thief and piracy does negatively affect sales with your complaint being' they should have released it years ago'

I assume you would have made a different excuse around the time of release like 'They should have had a demo'.

>> No.2472149

Is it still a tedious grindfest?

>> No.2472154

No, I definitely would have bought Mother 3 if they had localized it while they were still making games for GBA. Maybe try reading my post before firing off your canned responses.

>> No.2472162

I still say there's money to be made with Mother 3.

Just look at any other VC game, or even PSOne classics on PSN.

Those game have been emulatable for years, but they all sell.

Lots of people wrote Suikoden II off, that it will never come to PSN, and tons of people emulated it. Then when it came to PSN recently, people went crazy for it.

I've played through Mother 3 twice. If Nintendo localized, I'd absolutely buy it, as it's a game worth buying.

>> No.2472163


Not all Mother fans are fanatics like him.
The biggest thing here is Nintendo ackwnoledging the franchise and finally doing a proper release for Mother 1. The bad thing is that they didn't made any enhancements when they should have.

You say you grew up, then you should know that a lot of people like to pay for the things they consume. Because they can.
I know a lot of people who bought the GoG versions of old PC/DOS games even though they were already emulating them for years on DOSBox. That didn't stop them from wanting to support the original devs.

The EB Beginning announcement today had an introduction by Itoi. That's enough for fans of the games to be willing to pay for something they already played (and loved), and also show support for a possible Mother 3. Again, even if they already played it for free, they want to pay for it now to show their appreciation for it.

>> No.2472165

You only say that after the fact to give yourself cover. You seriously don't think anyone will believe a lie like that?

>> No.2472167

credit where credit is due, Nintendo won't be localizing anything.

>> No.2472169

Bro. I HAVE a dusty old GBA. I've got a bunch of shitty old games for it. I bought games on launch day like a good little consumer. I liked Earthbound. I would've bought that shit. Nintendo had their chance and they fucked up and now they expect me to be excited about the series 10 years after it died? lol

Tell me, are you this rabid about all video game piracy or just your pet franchise?

>> No.2472174

Big Earthbound supporter and the fact they just gave us Earthbound Zero with no warning, and we're getting more localized games via petitions 'Fatal Frame 5'. makes me hopeful we'll get other games like Mother 3 and more of the previous Fire Emblem games. So yes it grinds my gears when I see faggots like you saying they'd just pirate it.

>> No.2472182

I already pirated it, years ago. And I certainly won't buy it now because I don't have Wii U. Why do you even care whether they publish Mother 3? They're just going to steal the fan localization without compensating the people who worked on it. They're not going to expand the franchise in any way. Rather than rewarding them for making you wait a decade, you should tell them to fuck off.

>> No.2472184


You can't grasp the concept of someone not caring for Mother. It's fine if you like it and support it, but don't force it on others.

You can't grasp the fact people want to support the games they like.

>> No.2472185

They ain't supporting shit. All they're supporting is Nintendo's cash grab. There will never be another Mother game. Not a real one, anyway.

>> No.2472189

That's a shitload of assumptions. First off, they'd do their own translation since that's one of the reasons Treehouse exists. Second, their legal department wouldn't allow something as stupid as stealing a fan translation, so that claim is wholly without merit. If the games prove to be profitable, there is a chance they might bring it back.

I'm alright with people calling Earthbound shit, that's their opinion. I can't stand pretentious faggots who steal the game and have no intention of supporting the series when it gets an official release saying it's the developer's fault, like >>2472185 is.

So you're just a bitter faggot. Didn't Earthbound teach you about keeping the faith?

>> No.2472190


You call it cash grab, they call it supporting the game.
I didn't even mention future games, just supporting the game they like, in this case Mother 1.

I already gave you the example of people buying from GoG.
Same thing.

You can hate all you want, but these people will continue to pay for the games they like.
Same as the other guy, he can keep bitching, but you won't care and won't buy it.

You two should shut the fuck up already.

>> No.2472191

The worst part about this, is that this was an opportunity to fix the game and give folks that had already played it, a new/different experience.
Instead they took the laziest way out possible.
It's a rom dump of a buggy game.

>> No.2472195


I wouldn't call it buggy, it's still perfectly playable, but I totally agree with you.
At LEAST they could have fixed the moving speed of NPCs when you run, like they did on the GBA.
I can't confirm myself but people here are sayig it's the exact same EB0 ROM without fixes.

Now we still don't have a "definitive" version. GBA has the fixed run button, and EB0/Beginnings has the best sound and full screen ratio.

>> No.2472196

what bugs? I don't recall any faults with the prototype besides the exp rate being ridiculously low towards the end, if I'm not mistaken they actually fixed that in the gba version.

>> No.2472197

I don't really care about convincing him but just because I'm not stupid enough to fall for Nintendo's bullshit doesn't mean I care less about Mother than he does. Like I said, if they actually released these games when they were relevant I would have bought them. Now it's clear that Nintendo does not give a shit about Mother, so why should I support Nintendo?

If I believed that buying Earthbound Beginnings would lead to Itoi working on Mother 4, then yeah, I'd be all for buying it. But I doubt most of the people responsible for Earthbound's greatness will see any of the money from this, and Itoi himself probably only gets paid to make appearances like we saw during the announcement.

>> No.2472205

Since it's just EB0 it has the same issues that EB0 had. Ridiculous difficulty, grindy, low exp, low gold. Run bug (which also increases encounter rates).

>> No.2472209

>doesn't mean I care less about Mother than he does
Not buying official releases of a game and then making excuses as to why shows you really don't care about the Mother series at all.

>> No.2472217

I care, I just don't see any reason to give money to Nintendo. It's not going to support Mother in any way. Y'all too delusional to see that. You think that if you buy every version of Star Wars then Lucas will bring back the originals and Han will shoot first.

>> No.2472231
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Well, I wouldn't say Itoi making Mother 4 is 100% impossible. It's likely 95% impossible.
A lot of things change over the years, people do. Itoi never said he's not EVER doing M4. He said he's not doing it, full stop. He might change his mind in the future.
We might see a new original game by him, who knows?
I'm sure Itoi is seeing bucks from each ROM sold, Mother games have his name all over the copyright on their title screens. Plus, he's in pretty good relations with Iwata (speaking of which, he's one of the big people responsible for EB's greatness).

That said, it's perfectly fine if you don't wan to support Nintendo now because you think they took too long. You're entitled to your opinions. I'm not buying it either, but I don't think people who want to support its official release should stop and pirate it, let them support it if they want.

>> No.2472237

No you don't, and it's disgusting that you'd just give up thinking nothing good can come out of this because of your bitter cynicism. The fact you're still responding is pretty evident that you lack any sort of conviction since you wouldn't care otherwise.

You aren't an actual fan of the series, and to even imply you're as passionate as me for the series is downright insulting.

>> No.2472261

alright fine, I care deeply about Mother but I ain't no zealot like you are. Believe what you want dude but defeating me in a holy internet forum war isn't going to bring back the 10 years you waited for Miyamoto to recognize you as the One True Fan.

There's a ton of engineers listed in the credits for the Mother games too but they're not getting paid.

You are right though. If people actually want to buy it and play it on their Wii U then that's fine with me. I think buying it on principle is pretty idiotic but whatever I guess even the church takes 10%.

It does irk me though that the fans actually did work hard to localize the unreleased Mother games though and they won't see a penny. Those guys are the ones who really deserve the credit for this. And I doubt there would be any market at all for Earthbound Beginnings if the community over at starmen.net weren't so freakishly hardworking.

>> No.2472280


Well to be fair, EB0 was 100% done by NOA, they actually spent money localizing it back in the day. And yeah I know not all the people who worked on it are getting a shekel from this re-release, but that's how it is.
Going to GoG again, many of these old PC games are now owned by different companies that just own the IP, not a single original dev.
Also, you assume the programmers and such actually got paid when they did the work.
The only guy that really should be paid for this is the creator, and Itoi is receiving money from this, I'd bet.

We still don't know what would happen if Nintendo ever decided to officially launch Mother 3 in english.

>> No.2472281

guys, why are you arguing so passionately about the way other people like to spend their money, a virtual console nes game is just 5 bucks. It's not THAT expensive.

>> No.2472292

You don't care about the mother series, you're just some butthurt faggot who thinks that Nintendo stole a translation. (Something that didn't happen.) and are now rationalizing like the fist of the north star, It's pathetic.

This copy is 100% from NoA. You're just a self-righteous moron with a ridiculous amount of self importance to think that Nintendo is using fan translations without permission

>> No.2472298

This is 4chan, not reddit. You don't have to hit enter twice to start a new line.

>> No.2472301

>this is the one chance to get to show Nintendo that Mother 3 would be get enough sales to prove viable.
Earthbound fans have been saying this shit for years and years. "Buy Earthbound to support it!" "Buy Smash Bros to show Nintendo you care about Earthbound!" "Buy Earthbound on the VC to support Mother 3!", and even "Buy Ness amiibos!" The best they've done is a much too late VC release, and now a VC release using an old translation that everyone played nearly 20 years ago.

Nintendo is insanely stubborn and slow reacting, and the fact that they didn't capitalize on one of the most rabid fanbase in gaming proves it.

>> No.2472303

>an upgraded port of a 25 year old game
>the worst game in a mediocre series that hasn't been relevant in almost 10 years

Wow, thank you based Nintendo.

>> No.2472310

okay to clarify yes I do know that EB0 was an unreleased prototype but it was the fans that brought it to the community and the fans who improved it and made it palatable for a modern audience

there were hard-working hackers within the earthbound fan community that kept support for Earthbound alive for 20 years and Nintendo was completely uninvolved but now they see a bunch of schmucks willing to drop cash for literally nothing. That's what sucks about this. Fans are the heart of Mother in the west and now corporate's asking you to prove your devotion and y'all falling for it.

>> No.2472313

>Finally the original Mother getting recognition
I'm not the biggest Earthbound fan but Mother 1 is a really dated RPG that I don't think a lot of people are going to be happy playing...

>> No.2472319


Not him but again, Nintendo did that localization. This is not the "EB Zero" hack. This is the original, plain "Earth Bound" (it appears they didn't even add "Beginnings" to the title screen, neither is the "Zero" of course).

And I agree with you, the fanbase is what practically kept Mother alive in the west. It's very romantic and all, but again, the world works this way. Nintendo did the localization themselves. They paid money for programmers and translators back in 1989/90 and then never released it, so they lost money with something that people enjoyed for free years later.
I think the Easy Ring is irrelevant by the way. I didn't find any problem with the game's difficulty, usual NES RPG flare.

What you say about Nintendo being ungrateful fucks who use other people's effort for money is if they released Mother 3 without paying Tomato and the other guys who worked on the translation. But Mother 1? it's 100% Nintendo. Sorry bud, they're right to charge for this.

>> No.2472326

They're acting now and that's all that matters.

>hard-working hackers
Now I'm just laughing at you. You're putting your own pride and stupidity against the greater good. Enjoy sitting on your throne of lies as the king of fools

>> No.2472329

that's what I meant when I said "EB0 was an unreleased prototype"

it's the fact that Nintendo was perfectly content to keep it out of our hands for 20 years that I take issue with, not whether they translated it

yeah dude they did fucking hard work, it's much harder to translate a game when you don't have access to the original resources. I know you ain't ignorant about this because if you're as devoted a fan as you say you are then you followed the Mother 3 translation blog with bated breath just like I did.

anyway what's with all the hostility dude, for someone who follows the holy teachings of the disciples of Saturn you sure are high-strung, you think it's a good way to honor the memory of Mother by talking down to people like that

>> No.2472330

You know, Earthbound fans are kinda suffering from battered wife syndrome.
They get beaten down and beaten down and they still keep coming back. And then they defend Nintendo.

>> No.2472331

you guys defending starmen.net don't realize how fucking unbearable those circlejerking hipsters really are, the focus of the site isn't even about the games anymore

>> No.2472334

it was mostly tomato doing the bulk of the work, the translation was based on the already completed one from gamefaqs

>> No.2472336

>Defending a site that has nothing to do with the game except for one guy who did a bulk of the work.

And you wonder why people don't take you seriously?

>> No.2472337

mato's certainly the most famous but there were other people on the team you know

>> No.2472340

And none of them mean shit since Nintendo will do their own translation of Mother 3 when it comes out.

You faggots should be grateful that Nintendo didn't sue you to hell and back for selling bootleg merchendice of Mother 3.

>> No.2472341

The entire Earthbound fandom is based on the smug feeling people got from being the only person in their group of friends to know who the fuck Ness from Smash Bros was.

It's not about liking the games. It's all about smugness and feeling more knowledgeable than normies.

>> No.2472352

>it's the fact that Nintendo was perfectly content to keep it out of our hands for 20 years that I take issue with, not whether they translated it

I agree, it sucks.
But you were talking about hard-working hackers? dumping a ROM is not really that big of a deal, and the prtotype was owned by a rich collector who happened to own it and accepted to lend it to one guy to dump the ROM.
The hard work happened with the Mother 3 translation, but again, we're not talking about Mother 3 here. We'll see when (if) that happens.
I wouldn't approve of Nintendo using Tomato's translation, but again, for this release they have all the right to charge for it.

>> No.2472353

hey man, fuck you
I'm really grateful for the work they did translating Mother 3. It was one of the best experiences I've ever had playing a video game.

>> No.2472362

I'm saying it's because hackers existed and worked on Mother 3 (and to a lesser extent Mother 1 and Mother 2) that there is even enough interest in the Mother series now to justify releasing Earthbound Beginnings.

The whole community is built on a handful of very, very dedicated fans despite Nintendo's best efforts to sweep the franchise under the rug. Earthbound fans don't got nothing to prove.

>> No.2472364

>that Double negative

The Earthbound fandom would have found a way without you script kiddies. Don't get to full of yourself.

>> No.2472372


That's an acceptable double negative.

>> No.2472375


Hackers didn't work on Mother 1 and 2 dude, that's my point.
Nintendo are in their own right to release Mother 1 because they worked on it back in 1990.

Most Mother fans already played this for free, if they buy this again is as a kind of retribution.
I'm not doing it, but I can understand it.

I don't mind Nintendo taking 20 years to release it officially, what pisses me is the lazy work.
Imagine if they actually added the uncensored sprites as an optional thing, and the original Famicom-version designs of the dungeons, also as an optional thing. That, along with a proper, unglitched run button would make it a definitive version and I'd gladly pay for it.
However, $5 is not that much, I can understand people who want to show support of the series paying for the official version, even if it's just a ROM.

>> No.2472387

Actually it's not because it means they have everything to prove. Ergo, anyone who considers themselves a fan of Earthbound needs to buy Earthbound Beginning.

>> No.2472392

I think we can at least agree that Nintendo's low priority for Mother in the West has been disappointing at best. If I had a current Nintendo system I would buy it, but I don't, and I'm not going out of my way for it. If they release Mother 3 on the NX or as a mobile game (!) in 2020, I'll support that too. But the lack of care the series and it's Western fanbase has been treated with is appalling.

>> No.2472549

It's more along the lines of we know. But EarthBound is on the Wii U VC already. So putting Earth Bound on there could lead to some retail confusion for the masses.

>> No.2472572

Earthbound Advance?

>> No.2472702

Only took them 26 years

>> No.2472813

Well people need to realize that it's an NES RPG. Of course of it's going to be a bit different than what they're used to. But Mother 1 still has that quirky Earthbound charm to it, so I imagine once people gets passed the quirks of being an NES RPG, they'll feel right at home.

>> No.2472821
File: 27 KB, 2117x1022, ebz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playing the superior 25th anniversary version

>> No.2472826

I've tried to play Earthbound a number of times.

I can see the appeal. It has a very unique atmosphere and whatnot.

For me, I just sort of lost interest. The story seemed completely paper thin. I'd do a thing, talk to the guy that would tell me where to go, go do a thing, repeat for several hours. And the characters barely talked or did much of anything.

Coupled with some a pretty barebones turn based battle system, I just lost interest. For RPGs, either the story needs to be great, the characters need to be enjoyable, or the battle system has to be unique. If it has any one of those things, I can usually see it to the end.

This is one of those games where I really wish I could "get it" like the fans do. I hate the fact that I didn't like it because I feel like I'm missing out on something. I really loved Mother 3 though.

So I don't really know if I'm gonna play this Earthbound Beginnings. What with it being a NES game, I'm going to assume there's even less story, and an even more basic battle system.

>> No.2472830
File: 16 KB, 567x341, crow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to assume there's even less story
to be fair I only played Earthbound until the desert, but I'd say that Mother has actually one of the best if not the best story in an NES/famicom game.

>> No.2472848


Why do trees look like super mario pipes?

I also prefer the original's peanuts-like sprites better.

>> No.2472861

There's a lot going on in Earthbound that isn't stated explicitly.
This probably sounds really pretentious, but if you really do want to "get it" like the fans do, you should play it again and take it seriously like you would a good book or movie.
It isn't the sort of game where you do what is necessary to move from point A to point B and expect to get everything the game has to offer.

The game has a lot to say about America, humanity, morality, and video games themselves.
I liked the game on my first playthrough, but I didn't really appreciate it until my second playthrough when I stopped to think about what was going on.
When you're playing the game, you have to ask yourself questions like:
Who's leaving me those presents?
What does Buzz Buzz's prophecy actually mean (none of it literally comes true)?
Why does Mr. Monotoli want to hurt people?
Do I feel bad for Porky or do I hate him?

>> No.2472864

Itoi is the reason those games are good.
He is the soul of the series.

>> No.2472872

If you didn't play it as a kid, you sorely missed out.

Not that it isn't a good game as an adult, but it's a very unique experience that comes with playing this game when you're young.

>> No.2472917


This x1000.

>> No.2472928


So you're agreeing with someone who has a very hyperbolic opinion about a whole fanbase and who use the word "normie" unironically. Huh. /v/ gets some weird posters sometimes.

>> No.2472959



There. I just saved you five dollars.

>> No.2472976

Why do Emulatorfags have to act so elitist? Maybe I just want to play Earthbound on a Nintendo system the legit way. Pirating's fine when the game is unreleased in wherever you live, but it's available officially now and I want to support that.

>> No.2473194
File: 122 KB, 300x381, motheryari[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2473231

Earthbound is a game that will be experienced differently by every person.

It really encourages the use of your imagination. It doesn't matter that Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo maybe had a paragraph of dialogue total between the four of them. Those four were tight as fuck to me and I was attached to all of them.

>> No.2473238

>Earthbound is a game that will be experienced differently by every person.
Just like every game ever made.

>> No.2473346

What is this prototype you keep talking about?

>> No.2473382
File: 73 KB, 750x482, earthbound-zero-proto-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The unreleased "Earth Bound" (later re-named EarthBound Zero by the fans who dumped the ROM, in order to avoid confusion with SNES EB) localized by NOA in 1990 (which is the same ROM that's used for this EB Beginnings release) was commonly refered to as a prototype because it was never released and only 2 or 3 original proto carts exist.

>> No.2473389

Yeah, I was being fececious. I figured they were talking about the unreleased US version. I should play it again.

>> No.2473407

I think the only reason I enjoyed Earthbound as a kid was because I just liked walking around a modern world in a JRPG and making up stories and conversations in my head between the characters. Whenever i try to play it nowadays I quickly lose interest. I'm in the same both as you, except I can't help but label testimonies about Earthbound's magic as pretentious. Mother 3 is great but I've yet to play Zero except that it looks like it'll be a chore to play.

>> No.2473414

Sarcasm doesn't transfer well over the internet so it, instead, comes off as an earnest question

>> No.2473436

>Imblying dey ar de same peeple

>> No.2473440

I was actually expecting the only replies to be along the lines of "EARTH BOUND-FUCKING-ZERO TRIPFAGelevenhundredeleventyleven"

>> No.2476986

This might be like Chrono Trigger DS. Except without the added content. Which had one good thing and bad thing.

>> No.2477580

Are you newfriend or simply autist?