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File: 60 KB, 800x600, final-fantasy-vii-cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2468894 No.2468894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This game is seriously overrated by nostalgiafags and weeaboos.

>> No.2468897

sure, I don't see why not

>> No.2468904

Is it? Oh, okay.

>> No.2468908

It pretty much singlehandedly changed the market for console RPGs, and probably all RPGs, in America, and to some extent all games in general as well. It's the forerunner of the oft-maligned modern paradigm of cinematic gaming, and it didn't do that because it was bad.

>> No.2468919

I don't like the game but even I'll admit it's the game that turned RPG into a legit genre in the US and maybe in other countries.

>> No.2468920

It is? Huh, how about that.

>> No.2468924

Like a lot of other 5th gen games, it was revolutionary for its time but aged like dog shit. Essentially unplayable unless you played it back in the 90s, would probably be great if they did a proper remake of it.

>> No.2468959

Pretty much everyone knows that.

FF is overrated in general.

>> No.2468983
File: 123 KB, 720x400, 1423693327476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Essentially unplayable

>> No.2469064

just checked it out, my copy seems to be identical to when I bought it in 1998. What signs of aging should I look for?

>> No.2469193
File: 33 KB, 300x209, therealdeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't expect highschoolers and frat boys to appreciate fine beer. And I definitely don't expect faggots to appreciate fine video games..

>> No.2469201

not all nintendo games

>> No.2469202

>OP Stated overrated
>Op never said bad

The negative responses i get when i call it overrated are overwhelming. The game itself is a good game but not as good as people jizz making it out to be. There are a lot of other great Final Fantasy games out there but it is always
>muh FF7
>only good FF game

>> No.2469205



The graphics might have aged a bit when cloud is running around in towns, but otherwise it still holds up pretty well, and the battles are still pretty. And the story is just as fine then as it was when it first aired.

>tfw first got a playstation when this came out, one of my only three games. no memory card to save

>> No.2469208

Played it for the first time last year, it was pretty fun.

One thing I didn't like was how useless a lot of materia was, especially by the end of the game. Also, the mini-games were all ass.

Otherwise, solid game.

>> No.2469217

I'll use this shitty thread to ask this. Is the Steam version of FF7 any good or is the PS1 version still the best?

>> No.2469219

there were a lot that were like, use it once, then never use it again

but that's honestly okay cause there were a bunch of useful ones and fun combinations and you could spread redundant ones among your party members.

>> No.2469227

PS1 version is better out of the box, but you can mod the Steam version same as the old PC version to make it kickass.

>> No.2469230

>singlehandedly changed the market for console RPGs, and probably all RPGs, in America
I don't see how FFVII had anything to do with Fallout and Baldur's Gate and such.

>It's the forerunner of the oft-maligned modern paradigm of cinematic gaming
That would be Metal Gear Solid and Half-Life. FFVII had pre-rendered cutscenes, yes, but that was old news by then.

>> No.2469242

What worthwhile mods are there? I'm not interested in ones that replace the models, I've never seen any that didn't look really out of place.

>> No.2469251

Did you miss the "console RPGs" part of that?

But it was more JRPGs though. JRPGs were a niche genre, and FFVIIs success made it mainstream and showed that the western world had an interest in these games, which made developers seriously consider localizing more of their games.

>> No.2469254

I didn't miss the "and probably all RPGs" part.

>> No.2469259

Well he was probably exaggerating, but FFVII was huge and the console market was a lot bigger than the PC market.

Not many people even knew what Baldur's Gate and Fallout was. PC RPGs were arguably more niche than console JRPGs.

>> No.2469287

The game being piss easy was a major factor of its success.