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2467154 No.2467154 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really that bad?

I've been thinking about getting a VB, but if I cough up all the cash these are going for, I want to make sure I don't regret it. It may not be perfect, but I just don't see how it's as bad as people say it is. I think people spread their opinions on it when they haven't even actually played one.

>> No.2467164

The library is weak.
I loved it when I was a kid but haven't got my hands on it since it was new.

>> No.2467187

It is that bad. I have played it, when it was new even. Do you like staring at red LED lights? Because that's what playing a virtual boy feels like. There's like 3 good games for it, and they are in red and black. How bad things look can't really be over-stated.

>> No.2467202

The fact that the graphics are red and black doesn't bother me. If it actually hurts your eyes and/or causes headaches is another thing.

>> No.2467204

I don't remember getting headaches from it or anything. It just looks unpleasant.

>> No.2467217

It's expensive as fuck and has literally 2 good games on it.
So if you really feel like spending $200+ (if you're lucky) to play Virtualboy Wario Land and an obscure jap game, then be my guest.

It's basically one of those things that you buy to have in your "show case" as it were. That thing on top of your bookshelf, along with your Twisted Metal RC Sweet Tooth and "special edition" of MGS4. Things that you bought just to have and they serve no actual purpose at all.

>> No.2467219

>LED lights
>Light Emitting Diode Lights
You don't say?

>> No.2467280
File: 9 KB, 384x225, TeleroBoxer-07.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not as bad as people say, although it's hard to get used to it.
The system has 2 switches you can adjust the focus and inter pupil distance. It didn't cause me any eye strain or headache, but remember each person is different, some people experience motion sickness with it.

I bought it for $50 with some games a while back and haven't regretted it, the thing is pretty unique and I honestly like the games.
Wario Land is great, but my favorite was Teleroboxer.

>> No.2467348

It's a great system. I play mine every so often, and have a blast.

Gets a bad rap because people actually have to own it, and can't emulate worth a damn.

>> No.2467465
File: 39 KB, 325x486, Scanners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it looked really cool, and the games were fun, but fuck me because I get terribly eye strain. Didn't start bad when I at first, but now I hardly look at the thing because of some sort of aversion I've picked up to it. Sadness.

>> No.2467471

>Is it really that bad?
No. Ergonomically it's kind of difficult to get in a comfortable position, at least close to how you'd normally play games. The eye strain thing has been vastly overstated over the years, most likely by people who never owned one or even played it.

It was a neat effect for its time and it's a fun novelty. Too bad that it has such a small library but most of them are fun. I particularly enjoy the Tennis and Golf game. Wario Land is great, though I've only played that on an emulator.

I have no idea what they go for now, but if you can pick one up cheap, do it.

>> No.2467614
File: 5 KB, 384x224, ss_vbwl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody explain me, if it was a console aimed to virtual reality, why it had games without first person view like sidescrollers?

>> No.2467652

>a console aimed to virtual reality
It was never marketed as such, although it was called "immersive". Virtua Fighter wasn't about virtual reality either.

>> No.2467663

What's the point of making it a headset with stereoscopic effect then?

>> No.2467679



>each person is different
They're all pink on the inside

>> No.2467708


It's simply not powerful enough for proper moving fps 3D that also looks convincing aside from top down shooter "3D". Remember it has to calculate 2 pictures at once for each eye for "real" 3D. At 20 MHz that might have been enough for Doom but that does not translate well into 3D with its blocky flat graphics.
Just look at your pic- this out of Wario's perspective is absolutely out of its capabilities. So they did the best they could- static 3D spaces like Tennis and Teleroboxer and sidescrollers with 3D effects like multiple distances and swinging pendulums.

>> No.2467712

It has the best Wario game so there's that

Red Alarm

Mario Tennis

>> No.2467721

It's not worth it as a gaming device in fact I'm thinking about selling mine. I only paid $20 for it in 1998 and I still felt kind of like I wasted my money.

>> No.2467751

>Is it really that bad?
yes, it's a massive piece of shit. hope you enjoy eye strain, cause you're gonna get it.

>> No.2467920

haahah, it causes eye cancer ! XD kek!!

nah OP, it's just a meme to hate on the VB just because it was a colossal commercial failure, it's not as bad as people say but the thing is, very few people actually played them, and the teenagers that post on here only know about it because of AVGN videos.

>> No.2468024

>I bought it for $50 with some games
Damn, nice. They're going for over $100 in good condition without any games wherever I look

>> No.2468042

Most people here are poorfags, and it isn't the same while emulated. Therefore, it's "bad" to /vr/

Really though, had some neat games. Red Alarm is still fun, has the best Wario game made yet, and the boxing game is the only one I've enjoyed since Punch Out.

>> No.2468292


That even with VBjin and Oculus Rift?

>> No.2468304

That probably would allow it to be emulated just fine. However, that requires an expensive hardware purchase to emulate. Might give it a try though.

>> No.2468315


I ask first then look it up and found this.


It seems worthwhile if you want it for more than that, otherwise it's just as well to have a VB and a flashcard.

>> No.2468616

It's still bad. Emulating it can't fix that.

>> No.2469730

it's actually really decent

>> No.2470235

surprising how contradicting the comments are

>> No.2470252
File: 307 KB, 604x604, Screenshot_2015-05-20-02-01-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most people who own one, myself included, generally have the opinion that it's a neat novelty with a handful of fun games. There's a lot of parroting of opinions in VB threads by people who have never played one IRL.

Pic related, it's my VB.

>> No.2471002

There's a lot of parroting that people often parrot in these threads. Just fired mine up because it's been forever. Yup, 5 minutes in and my eyes feel like shit, not because of the red, but because of the 3d effect. Bleh.

>> No.2471047

>It may not be perfect, but I just don't see how it's as bad as people say it is.

>I think people spread their opinions on it when they haven't even actually played one.

That's exactly what you are doing.

>> No.2471187


One of those consoles that's significantly better via emulation. A standard feature is monochrome color setting, which itself improves the games a lot. The console is clunky, weird head thing you wear.

And there's like what, 22 games for it? The worthwhile games to play are really few. Warioland is one of the best.

>> No.2471191

I remember someone telling me around 2003 that they saw an unsold Virtual Boy, at full price in, either a Wal Mart or a Sears. They were considering buying it, but didn't.

>> No.2471203


Just look at this game. You just KNOW it'd be god damn glorious in full color.

>> No.2471210

And you know its miles ahead of the second best game on the system, and this doesn't represent that typical quality of a VB game.

>> No.2471228

I own a VB. I paid more money than what I should have and it's been collecting dust for the past year.
If you are a retro Nintendo freak then buy it. If you just want to experience what is like playing a VB then pass on it. In other words, as a collecting piece you will love it. As a retro gaming system you will hate it.

>> No.2471231
File: 10 KB, 384x224, Virtual Boy Wario Land-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah but Wario Land's art direction and setting was made so that it actually fits the VB's red/black color scheme.
All of the game takes place in underground caves which are mostly only lit by torches.
I think adding colors would kill the game's gloomy atmosphere, maybe it's just me.

>> No.2471282

Well, Faceball was going to be a game, and got canned, and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gytx-FT-hVk was like an dungeon crawl FPS

>> No.2471312

Got one back in the day when they were $20 on clearance at Blockbuster. Wanted to love the thing in all its stupid glory but it was painful to play. Not so much eye strain necessarily but my vision would remain red tinted for about 45 minutes after playing only a short session. It scared the shit out of me. Haven't touched it in over a decade. I would love to know if the technology in the VB is actually safe, medically speaking.

>> No.2471512

>because of the 3D effect
Did you try adjusting the contrast thing? The blurred 3d normally causes eyes to hurt

>> No.2471530

VERY small library with little worth playing. Massive pain to have to stick your face in a tripod mounted visor and not move to play the games.

The hardware is so inconvenient and the software is so sparse that it's just not worth spending money on. Either emulate or just forget about it. Save your money.

>> No.2471557

Yes in a way, but then that's why I'm asking questions by making this thread.

>> No.2471571

I figured laying down with it would be the best way to play it comfortably. Playing on a table seems awful, for the reasons you stated

>> No.2471586

But you're also entering it with a preconceived notion, primed to dismiss any negative remarks as coming from uninformed parrots. The majority of comments here have been negative yet you still seem poised to pick it up.

>> No.2471594

I like to brace it on a couch, and lay face down. Works amazingly.

Fuck. Now I gotta play some more.

>> No.2471694
File: 10 KB, 384x224, galactic-pinball-virtual-boy-screenshot-colony-pinball-field.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, this is the best way to play VB, better than letting it sit on your face since it ends up pressing your nose.

Place VB facing down on your pillow, turn off lights, smoke a bowl (inb4 dudewedlmao) and sink your face into surreal red and black 3D vidya.

>> No.2472116

>I would love to know if the technology in the VB is actually safe, medically speaking.
It's a Nintendo console, not a David Cronenberg film.

>> No.2472497

>But you're also entering it with a preconceived notion, primed to dismiss any negative remarks as coming from uninformed parrots.

Not really. I explained how I think I feel about it, but that doesn't mean I don't take in the negative as well. If I wasn't to be open minded and take in both sides, why would I have made this thread?

>The majority of comments here have been negative yet you still seem poised to pick it up.
I won't take the time to actually calculate, but I think the comments have been close to even. Also, nowhere do I show a fixed interest in picking one up after I say so in the OP

>> No.2473834

I received this as a gift from my Granmama back in 1990, when it was first released on Valentine's Day. BIG MISTAKE! I was at the dinner table with all 20 members of my family as we prepared to dine on the feast prepared to honor St.Valentine. I unwrapped the gift, and felt my groin clench at the sight of such a wondrous contraption! As soon as I slipped on the comfortable, lightweight, and practical gigantic clunky goggles, I was instantly transported to a world of Pure Imagination. Except it was red, and made the back of my head hurt.
Now as I said, back in 1983 we didn't have seizure awareness, so I immediately became a victim of the bright, flaring red lights inside the headset. My frail brain glitched, An unexpected fury of seizure-feces projected excitedly from my young anus, spraying my relatives around the dinner table, and ruining the Christmas ham. Instantly, the Virtual Boy made me a pariah in the eyes my kinfolk. The fact that I had been going through a rough phase where I WOULD NOT wear pants, or undergarments around company, hindered any chance to provide shield to my loved ones from my coarse fecal spray..And For this, I blame the Virtual Boy.
I was simply unprepared for this mind-bending experience the company Nentindo had bestowed upon me..The incredible, ahead-of-its-time, Hi-Def graphics the Virtual Boy provided was unfathomable in 1979, when I received this as a gift from my husband, Twain, for Hanukka. (unrelated to Hanukkah). The game was Mario Tennis. And the arena was my mind. I could not stop defecating. But I was hooked. The gameplay was fast paced and responsive, but so was the connection from my cerebellum to my sphincter;the virtual boy's vast and complex technology caused my brain to make my butt poop, and we suffered for this. that's how unprepared we were for this day.
1 star, because I almost died! In 1969, when this happened.

>> No.2474159

I got one the christmas season it came out. Honestly, it's not ac bad as people say. I never personally had any of the headache/ eye sight problems people claim to have gotten (But then again, that's just me)

Would I actually recommend someone to go out of their way and buy one to play it? Honestly, probably not.

Most of the games are very simplistic. They were basically slightly better looking GB games with a 3D effect. Wario Land is a fun game and definitely the best on the system, but everything else doesn't hold up quite as well. I personally think Red Alarm is the best game on the system after Wario Land, so if you really want to try one, see if you can get those two games.

And if you really just want to see the worst of the worst, see if you can snag a copy of water world. And try not to get it's two looping music tracks stuck in your head.

Red Alarm had a cockpit view. I guess that sort'a counts for something.

>> No.2474234

Wario Land games are one of my favorite game series, so the VB one is one of the bigger pulls for me wanting a VB. Of course I can emulate the games, but I like using actual hardware most of the time. It'll also give me a chance to experience the VB and the other games as they actually are, since an emulator can't emulate the actual experience. From what I understand, headaches and eye strain can be avoided as long as the depth/contrast stuff is adjusted right to clear any blurriness that would cause eye discomfort, and that you don't expose yourself to a lot of light right after turning it off. Although I feel it's possible it'll still make me feel like shit anyways.

It's hard to take in the comments when most contradict each other, so I think I need to experience it myself and make my own decision. Hope I don't regret it. Worst case scenario is I waste some cash, so if I can get one less then shitty eBay prices, I wouldnt feel bad about it. Craigslist is probably where I should try for a while at first.