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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.39 MB, 1328x360, 1434161784555[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2467074 No.2467074 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2467076

I really don't care what it looks like, but I just hate the blur and screen tearing on lcds.

>> No.2467078

so retro games have always looked shit?

>> No.2467083

I'd be curious for a survey of Famicom/NES developers to see if they took RF signal quality into consideration when making games. Early Famicom ports like DK and whatnot looked closest to the second to last pic (PVM quality) before they ever looked like a blurry RF image since they were originally arcade games displayed on RGB monitors. SNES and Genesis supported RGB out of the box.

>> No.2467090

>Early Famicom ports like DK and whatnot looked closest to the second to last pic (PVM quality) before they ever looked like a blurry RF image since they were originally arcade games displayed on RGB monitors

I dunno about that one m8. Have you actually seen old arcade game cabinet CRTs? They didn't exactly use top of the line tubes on those things. You can hardly make out scanlines, if at all. Of course, they still looked nice thanks to RGB output, but they looked nothing like a modern PVM.

>> No.2467112

why "should" they look like the third one

i don't get it

>> No.2467113

when i emulate them they always look like the first picture

>> No.2467117

imo emulated looks best in bilinear+25% scanline. just looks sexy as fuck 2 me.

>> No.2467124

>so retro games have always looked shit?

It's better to say "what sprites looked like". Because that's a single sprite very up close. Like 5cm from the screen with your nose basically touching it.

At a normal viewing distance, of like 5 feet, everything looks pretty sharp.

>> No.2467127
File: 233 KB, 410x275, 1429390742771[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nearest neighbor

>> No.2467129

Nose to the screen, you can see scanlines on my TV even through RF. They aren't ridiculous PVM ones, but they are clearly there. Troll thread anyway, but just saying.

>> No.2467142

3 is the best

>> No.2467151

>wanting to emulate visual artifacts from inferior display technologies because of a addiction to nostalgia

>> No.2467152

Use xrgb mini with scanline and it will look like 2, pixelperfect

>> No.2467157
File: 309 KB, 1000x562, IMG_0440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool troll thread with people that don't know what real hardware looks like.

>> No.2467158

>not emulating properties of the superior displays that the games were intended for because it looks better

It didn't look like the PVM shot in my childhood but that doesn't mean that isn't the best looking one.

>> No.2467160

2 should only be used on a 480p CRT to make it look like 3.

>> No.2467162


"Best" is subjective, and many would disagree with you, therefor go fuck yourself.

>> No.2467168
File: 104 KB, 424x424, 1274474073145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2467170


It's the best because it's not blocky like the first one, but not blurry like the last one, and the lines have some bloom on bright colors that keeps it from looking too line-y like the 2nd shot.

If you don't agree, you're just simply wrong.

>> No.2467174
File: 114 KB, 1024x764, IMG_1528 BVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him
PVM/BVMs have solid black bars.

So do most Sonys. Having bleeding into the scanlines probably means your set is way too bright.

>> No.2467181

they all look like shit

>> No.2467195


Old console games used a lot of CRT tricks in order to get games to look better or display more colors than was possible with the basic computer hardware.

Take a look at these side-by-side comparisons:


>> No.2467236
File: 168 KB, 768x1050, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES was supposed to be blocky, just look at the early covers. Technical limitations prevented speedlines and more than 3/4 colors.

>> No.2467237

I don't care if it doesn't look accurate, I'm just sick of people using "retro" as an excuse for shit graphics.

>> No.2467238

laura b is cute

>> No.2467249

>googled laura b

I thought this was /vr/, not /b/.

>> No.2467251

The "blurriness" was the devs using component and the shitty aspects of CRT monitors to create smoothing. It's supposed to look like that. I like the pixel art so I stick with RGB, but to each his own.

>> No.2467256
File: 21 KB, 289x292, Nzs3Q8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly how I run my emulation.

>> No.2467257

You probably (I hope) mean "composite" RCA cables, not component. And CRT monitors are sharp and display raw pixels. I used to play emulators on the things all the damn time.

>> No.2467263

you're on the list now buddy.

>> No.2467346

I get /vr/ may be pretty focused on on-topic discussion but, you really wheren´t aware of candydolls?
Do you hate your groin or something?

>> No.2467356
File: 25 KB, 433x422, 1247256335637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're all are making me curious

please STOP!

>> No.2467420

Oh man, im seriously scared of googling for candydoll pics. Ive seen some, sure, but something makes me think that the cops will show up at my door if i deliberately search for that stuff.

>> No.2467441
File: 132 KB, 405x400, 1368406615014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camera sensitivity != human eye sensitivity. Things blur more to the eye than this picture would leave you to believe. Although you can get up close and see scanlines on a CRT, they aren't this pronounced.

>> No.2467446

Please save the pedo shit for other boards, you sick fucks.

>> No.2467458

>not appreciating photography art and the innocence of youth
Who's the 'sick fuck' here, eh?

>> No.2467475

I know nothing about candydolls, but the very fact that it is named candydolls makes me doubt the purity of the photographer's intentions.

>> No.2467484

Nah, he just means the halation. The scnalines are there, but the bright colours stand out far more than the bars unless you get right up close or use a camera.

He's also correct about the PVM's looking better than the alternatives.

>> No.2467537


Mostly I agree with you, but light gun games don't work with new TVs and can't be emulated.

>> No.2467542

Do you also play old handheld games on terrible LCD screens because that's what the games were intended for?

>> No.2467543

I actually like the look of pixels and prefer it on modern displays compared to CRT as long as the ratios are correct and there isn't any distortion

>> No.2467556
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1080, p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2467557

Aspect ratios *are* a distortion. The devs intended for the games to be perfectly square, non-1:1 aspect ratios are a limitation of the technology.

>> No.2467569

Those are just North American localized covers, though. Says nothing about what Nintendo of Japan intended.

>> No.2467587


>> No.2467590

>pixel art = shit graphics

>> No.2467593
File: 109 KB, 640x480, mm3comp-mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on the system. Some had very wide or narrow resolutions that would work best when squeezed to 4:3. Japanese computers used 640x200 which was displayed as 16:10.
It also depends on the game, sometimes the art was intentionally elongated to become square in 4:3. Ultimately it appears that most didn't give a shit about the small difference between 16:10, 4:3, 8:7 or 1:1.
Look at this for instance. The button elements and minimap look like they're supposed to be stretched to a square shape but at the same time this port was produced at a higher resolution with square pixels, hence the borders on the screen.

>> No.2467615

You should really learn to read. No where in my post did I mention I hated pixel art.

>> No.2467619

No, you should really learn to articulate your thoughts better.

>> No.2467624

Alright next time I'll put a big trigger warning that I don't hate all pixel art even though it should be obvious considering I'm posting on /vr/ of all boards.

>> No.2467635
File: 16 KB, 442x335, 1340238981133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about next time you don't be a retarded cunt and just post exactly what you mean instead of posting vague whiny bullshit, and instead of throwing a hissy fit when someone incorrectly assumes what you're trying to say just clarify what you meant.

>> No.2467642

>and just post exactly what you mean instead of posting vague whiny bullshit

How exactly is saying "I'm just sick of people using "retro" as an excuse for shit graphics." vague? The only way I could see it being considered vague is if you've never seen a retro inspired indie game which isn't my fault because that's what the OP picture was talking about.

>> No.2467705

Not the bitch you're menstruating with, but how is insulting the use of a term in the title of the fucking board not going against the general trend or belief here. Fuck me you must be simple.

>> No.2467729
File: 210 KB, 640x480, 1398606012-sortie-japon-famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are just North American localized covers, though. Says nothing about what Nintendo of Japan intended.
Funny, NOJ seems to think they're blocks too. #BTFO

>> No.2467750
File: 68 KB, 640x480, g1WCzs8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scanlines are there.
The bleeding effect is from the set being very bright. You can do the same thing with a slg.

People that say you can't see scanlines just don't remember them. Or weren't there to remember them.

>> No.2467756


Just do it. Absolutely harmless. Unless you think of a cute girl in various costumes posing in front of a camera or standing there in a bikini (you know. like you can see on EVERY FUCKING BEACH EVER) as being somehow "questionable" or "risky" (which tells a lot about the VIEWER, doesn't it?).

Also Retro Games

>> No.2467806


>> No.2467862


Her name is Lera.

>> No.2467875

How about HD smoothing stretched to 16:9

>> No.2467895
File: 37 KB, 313x241, 1367491134863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said they weren't there, but as you pointed out, the brightness blurs scanlines out significantly.

What I was getting at is that cameras have different perception than our eyes. Just look at a video of a CRT and you get that rolling shutter effect that is imperceptible to a person. The only reason scanlinefags don't emulate that is because we don't notice it without the aid of a camera. Scanlines are similar, except you can actually see them if you look closely enough on some CRTs.

>> No.2467946
File: 1.21 MB, 2073x587, bleed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What I was getting at is that cameras have different perception than our eyes.
That's true but scanlines are there and I can see them. The camera picks them up. If you sit way back they disappear for the most part. Or if you're like most people that are casuals and just turn the brightness on everything to 11 then ya the picture goes to shit.

I use a XRGB and generally have the scanlines off. I don't like how they look on a large display with bright scenes. However, the picture is definitely sharper when you compare two images with and without them. But just looking at the image with no scanlines it's not something I can really point out.

You can recreate the bleed pretty well as long as you don't want really dark scanlines. I can't really capture the effect when using darker scanlines well with camera. But it doesn't look right to me. I've gotten rid of CRTs years ago so I can't compare the xrgb to a CRT directly but plenty of people on the net already have.

I don't see it with emulators much but when scaling real hardware you really see, especially in text, that these games were made for scanlines. 240p leaves blank lines naturally. When upscaleing the active lines can really clash with each other other. The scanlines help with that. I think it's a minor thing though.

>> No.2467992

Not sure about Nintendo, but Commodore intentionally used the shittiest monitors they could get a hold to make sure things still looked ok on them.

>> No.2468010

arguing about this shit is gay

>> No.2468459
File: 144 KB, 1920x1080, smassmb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with it?

>> No.2468480
File: 121 KB, 500x337, moyameto playing sonic 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I played most of my consoles on a shitty CRT TV over RF for years, until we replaced that and the new one had composite and SCART (though we only ever had the SCART->composite plugs to go in there anyway). Never saw a scanline on any of them, whether or not it was due to having a shitty TV I've no idea. They also never showed up on the big living room TV, and that was pretty decent for the time. We never had S-Video nor a TV with the ports for it though, so I've no idea whether that would have made a difference.

>> No.2468493

Seriously why the fuck can't you just let people enjoy what they enjoy

>> No.2468540


>> No.2468553

Why dont you use integer scaling
Non-integer scaling leads to "false" or "not exact" nearest neighbor
If you know what im saying

>> No.2468565

>people who emulate want to see scanlines

fucking why?

>> No.2468629

I'm picturing that in my mind and it's not pretty.

>> No.2468680
File: 3.74 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_1544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2468689

I can't decide if I like Off Road or Super Sprint better. Those are games that you just can't emulate, I loved the wheels on the arcade cab.

>> No.2468748

Personally I quite like the crystal clear sprites I get from emulation.

>> No.2469714

one on the right looks the best, they decent in quality going left

>> No.2470597

why all these euroniggers alwys talk about scart.
talking about quality and they even know about glorius NTSC.

Scart is not better than component.

>> No.2470770

>b-b-b-but that wasn't released in 1983!!!

>> No.2470784

You don't like
Ivan IRONMAN Stewart's Super Off Road

>> No.2471017

There is literally nothing wrong with NN, as long as the multiplication factor is an integer.

Not everyone has a supercomputer that can run all these fancy "realistic" filters. If you want the genuine experience of playing on a console with a CRT, play on a console with a CRT.

>> No.2471246

>responding to obvious idiotic bait

>> No.2471428


So, you play SNES games in 8:7?

Nearest neighbor is flawed, you either get non-integer scaling errors that result in uneven pixels or you get inaccurate aspect ratios, as retro games rarely used square pixels. Sharp interpolation filters like Pixellate or sharp-bilinear that only blur one pixel at most allow super sharp graphics without noticeable blur or uneven pixels.

>> No.2471709


my Trinitron looked much better than all of these actually
truly a wonder of a television

>> No.2471847
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x2448, DSC05275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trinitrons are indeed nice.

>> No.2471861

What is a PVM?

>> No.2471924

>I get upset at how other people enjoy content
Kill yourself kid

>> No.2472002
File: 278 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're not even talking scan lines. We're talking aperture grille mask. Which in my opinion is even better...

>> No.2472021

>what's a pvm

Nigga, it's called Google. But since I've been put on this planet to educate dumb poor people like you...

>pic related , my pvm
It's just a really nice broadcast monitor that has double scan lines and pictur perfect crt display. They were like $3k when they first came out.

>> No.2472028

more like 10k

nice pic

>> No.2472035
File: 934 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic damn it

>> No.2472042


Maybe if we were talking Australian funny money.
3-1k at release. Check link dummy

>> No.2472049

Broadcast monitor aka pro video monitor.

>> No.2472050

>as retro games rarely used square pixels.
Do you have any proof for that? My experience is that most of the time they used square pixels so not playing them in 4:3 is the obvious choice.
I can still get integer NN scaling with aspect ratio correction for 320x200 due to my 1920x1200 display.

>> No.2472053

I...I...Is that a Japanese model 1 sets Saturn in the right?

>> No.2472070
File: 776 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good eye sir. That is indeed
>pic related
>inb4 muh model 1 black controller is shit

Fuck you I have big hands and prefer that controller

>> No.2472075
File: 232 KB, 717x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been over this 100 times.
Google snes actual resolution.

It's not even 4:3 it's like 7:5 or some shit

>> No.2473287


He's probably talking about this:


>> No.2473298

I must have had a really nice TV growing up. They looked as good on my CRT as they do emulated.

>> No.2473316


>> No.2475213

I think the far left looks by far the best. I grew up with CRTs and have always hated that blurry shitty look they have. I'd far rather just see straight pixels.

>> No.2475221

25% scanlines is the perfect spot
no point in going any higher

>> No.2475228

it makes the awfully low resolution less awful to my eyes
easy way of making it look less blurry

>> No.2475348


Don't know how many percent that has but I like SNES9Xs...sssss TV Mode filter.

>> No.2477995

dude thats well fucking sweet