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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2463342 No.2463342 [Reply] [Original]

Does this game worth my time? A friend wants to sell it to me for $15, but I'm trying to get some money for splatoon. Should I buy it?

>> No.2463345

It depends, if you're looking specifically for a Chrono Trigger sequel then no, otherwise yes.

>> No.2463346

Fuck yeah.

Talk him down to 10 though

>> No.2463350

You can get it for cheaper if you have a Sony device, it's on PS1 classics. $15 isn't a bad price for a physical copy though.

Splatoon is a completely different game. Do you want a 60+ hour RPG or a third person shooter?

>> No.2463375

Why are you BUYING PS1 games when you could be burning them?

Burn both of the games you want to a CD, spend the money you saved on some wax, take a fat ol' dab and get lost in your gameses.

>NOTE: If you are doing the swap trick it may be easier to do it BEFORE taking your dab.

>PS: Dabs aren't optional.

>> No.2463384

You are unquestionably the worst tripfag on ./vr/ right now.

>> No.2463385

splatoon is a game

chrono cross is an experience

>> No.2463387

Just a long game with a good story, but I also want an online game that's kinda fun too. The reviews of this games are between the 7 to 10 ,so i don't know what to do.

>> No.2463606

>spend the money you saved on some wax, take a fat ol' dab and get lost in your gameses.
Holy shit you are so fucking lame.

>> No.2464078

Get Splatoon, download Chrono Cross OST since it was honestly the best thing about the game.

>> No.2464092

>this entire post
Holy shit, what a faggot.

>> No.2464093

Paying $70 for a game with only 7 multiplayer maps and a single player campaign that ends in 5 hours is almost retarded.

Cross is worth $10.

>> No.2464095

pretty much this

play chrono cross OP

>> No.2464103

it's ok imo

>> No.2464128

I played this game when it came out, and I have played it again as an adult and I felt the same way about it both times

The game is fucking awesome until you are forced to be a different main character. There is a sharp dip in quality after that, but it climbs steadily upward until you become the original main character again. After that, the game takes a huge shit and just continues to flush everything it had going for it down the toilet by tossing you into a giant info dump that doesn't care what the first half of the game even was because DRAGONS

You can get Chrono Cross on PSN sometimes for $5, which is how you should obtain it if you are to do it legally. Otherwise, borrow I mean download Chrono Cross, play the first couple hours AMAZING hours of it, and then when you are forced to be a different character you can do some dicking around, but it's just not the same anymore and it never will be.

>OST is best in all of video game history
This is true, though. I give Chrono Cross, as a whole, a 5 or 6 out of 10, but the soundtrack is in its own tier above every other game in existence, and is still worth a playthrough... at least until you grown bored of it

>> No.2464134

Just curious, did you consider the low-point of the game to be when you met & fought that archeologist fucker too?

>> No.2464142

I do consider that to be *a* low point and the music is a huge fucking bummer (not bad, just a real downer), but he does answer some questions so I don't think it's the worst part

For me, he's more like the catalyst for the worst part of the game, which is most of the things that happen after him

>> No.2464338

Samefag. If you don't like retro games then go back to /b/.

>> No.2464352

Chrono Cross is a turd that doesn't deserve the honor of being called a sequel to Chrono Trigger.

From the clunky, retardedly crafted battle engine to the nonsensical plot to the massive cast of characters you couldn't give less of a shit about to the shitty art and character designs, Chrono Cross was a mistake.

Go get Splatoon instead.

>asking /vr/ whether you should get a new or old videogame
>implying all the retrofag hipsters won't go for the old game

>> No.2464372

Hey, I agree with you except that the battle engine is pretty alright

Personally, I fucking can't stand when every RPG I play is ATB. I like when they change it up because then it's something different than the same god damn game in a different shell a hundred different times. Anything that deviates from standard jRPG fare and doesn't suck is good in my book, and Cross's system is interesting.

Cross's battle system was actually one of the better things about it

>> No.2464384

Trigger niggers are the worst.

Get cross, it's a good game if you actually play it without people shouting in your ear the whole time "LOOK AT IT, WHY IS THIS NOT TRIGGER, COMPLETE HORSESHIT"
Give it the chance it deserves and you'll enjoy it. Plus it's only $15 for a really long game.

>> No.2464410

I told him i would get it for $7 dollars plus a mini serge figurine. Physical copy though.

>> No.2464416

Jesus man, why are you low balling your friend so bad

>> No.2464439

>Trigger nigger
Cross fans confirmed immature unclever racists.

>> No.2464442

CC you'll play for maybe 40 hours to beat if you like it and will never touch again.

Splatoon has potentially infinite replay value, being a multiplayer game and all.

I wonder which one is the better buy...

>> No.2464446

Been a joke here for a while. Someone post the triggered.jpg with Chrono hair, I don't have it.

>> No.2464453
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Nah, everyone thinks you're a faggot.

>> No.2464458

You know, it's possible to dislike CC while liking CT without also being a trigger nigger

I love BoF games, and I even love BoF5 because it's a good game. Cross, unfortunately, does not share this trait, and fuck every single person who correlates a games length with its price

I would pay $100 for the best game I've ever played in my life even if it was only 1 hour long

>> No.2464480

Nice shoop.

>> No.2464494

You do realize it's only your opinion that CC is bad, right? So when you say it doesn't share that trait, that is only applicable to you.

>> No.2464504

That was their point exactly. That it's possible to like some things but not other things.

>> No.2464512

>tfw says screenshot_information here
Literally the worst tripfag, get lost

>> No.2464526

>it's possible to like some things but not other things.
Exactly. Liking CT while not liking CC seems to be a popular enough opinion to coin the term "trigger nigger", but it's possible to dislike CC without even comparing it to CT

There will always be biased opinions, but that doesn't make every opinion biased

>> No.2464539

haha my man !

>> No.2464551

>potentially infinite replay value

A few years is infinite? How are all those online modes for Wii games doing again?

>> No.2464673

>he doesn't know about private servers for Wii games!

>> No.2464707

>he doesn't know about law!


Also I can't believe you're defending the idea of spending $70 on a game with a pitiful amount of content. You guys had no problem whatsoever nailing The Order 1886 to the wall for doing it, why is it different when Nintendo does the same thing?

You get two online multiplayer modes which are exactly the same save for rankings. It's always 4vs4, 3mins. There's no team chat, no custom matchmaking, and no gameplay modifications. Also you can't alter your loadout during your current session, so you have to quit to change anything. Also you have to sit through a super fucking annoying introduction every goddamn time you play it. Also the netcode can hang the game and force you to have to restart - this WILL alter your ranking if you care about that sort of thing, and it happens about once every seven games.

Offline multiplayer is a strictly 1vs1 affair, again, you're locked into one style of play - get 30 points in 5 mins or less.

Single player is the only interesting portion of the game so of course it's over in about five hours.

I couldn't care less if you dislike Cross or not but I'm telling you that Splatoon's worth is nowhere near the price they're asking for - OP stands a pretty good chance of getting frisked for nothing particularly special, believe me, the shine wears off on that game within days.

>> No.2464718

>it only applies to MMO's

Literally who cares.

>> No.2464726

That sucks

I mean, I don't have a Wii U. I was going to get one, but Smash Bros for 3DS is a worse game than PM and it was the only reason I was going to get a U, so it doesn't matter to me at all, but if I did have a U then I think I'd get Splatoon? Sucks to hear that it's 4v4, randoms only, 1 mode only, 3 mins only. What a waste

I guess that's why I stick to retro

>> No.2464837

>There will always be biased opinions, but that doesn't make every opinion biased
Disagree. It is impossible to form an opinion without bias. The only totally bias-neutral statements I can think of are facts.

>> No.2464856

Cross is an awesome game, as long as you're ready to dump lots of hours into it. However
>"friend" wants to sell it to me
Just download it.

>> No.2464870

Sure is dumbler in here.

>> No.2464872

> opinions can't be facts

get your relativist garbage out of here.

>> No.2464945

Cross is an unique essay on self-discovery and individual worth. Anyone who didn't experience it deserves pity and anyone who scoffs at it is a bloody manchild.

>> No.2464958

"Cross' biggest mistake was being affiliated with one of, if not the greatest SNES RPG of all time."

-Hironobu Sakaguchi

>> No.2464964

I don't remember it being affiliated with FF6

>> No.2464980

I was meaning biased in comparison with another thing

Of fucking course opinions are "biased", which is why I thought calling them biased would infer the extra level of it that I'm speaking of

Like, people don't go around saying it was a "hot desert", right?

>> No.2464984

FFags pls go and stay go.

>> No.2464987

I'm gonna need a citation for that.

>> No.2465007

please leave /vr/, you cancerous shit

>> No.2465008
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>> No.2465017

Why? What about my post was cancer?

>> No.2465038

a true friend would just lend you it for free