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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[SPOILER] No.2461763[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Games you would take a bullet for or more , for another sequel. Keep it /vr/ related.

I will remove my testicles with an icepick if i need to make this happen, fuck you capcom

>> No.2461814


>> No.2461951

I would give both of my left nuts for a remake of Secret of Evermore, but we're talking about sequels here...

Chrono Break is probably my current favorite idea. Trigger and Cross are great games, and they had plans for Break, but the folks who worked on the series at Square left the place after putting up with a bunch of shit, and so they didn't have a sufficient crew to make it with.

For what it's worth, Yasunori Mitsuda has said that if they were to make another Chrono game, he would compose for it in a heartbeat.

>> No.2461952

A new Star Control, only good this time.

>> No.2461954

You have two left nuts? Wouldn't that make one of them the middle nut?

>> No.2461962
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>> No.2461982

Who says I don't have two right ones?

>> No.2462001
File: 470 KB, 1584x1000, bk3cov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it 2D with sprites and basically what SoR/BK would've looked like had it pushed the Saturn to its limits.

>> No.2462162

But that pic isn't Ecchi at all! Ecchi Guy, what are you doing?

>> No.2462172

Yeah how come megaman never got a sequel

>> No.2462193
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>> No.2462212
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Fine, fine.

Alternatively, another dose of Wild Guns would be nice.

>> No.2462216
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I wanna fuck blaze so bad.

>> No.2462876
File: 596 KB, 240x160, balbao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he can't read
>another sequel

>> No.2462892

The thumbnail made me believe Axel was doing so.

Pic very related.

>> No.2462895
File: 122 KB, 400x392, Theme_Hospital.front_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.2462904 [DELETED] 

i dont fap to cartoons but that pic almost makes me want to fap to cartoons

is real hot

that cunt looks so goddamn splendid.

>> No.2462936
File: 97 KB, 650x650, 52745-Road_Rash_-_Jailbreak_(E)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2462945

This guy has at least five nuts

>> No.2462973
File: 72 KB, 512x448, sim-ant-1256404992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Secret of Evermore
I wish they had ported Seiken Densetsu 3 instead of giving us that mediocre piece of shit

>retro games that deserve a sequel/remake
pic related. An ant colony sim with modern hardware has the potential to be epic

>> No.2462980

I was gonna say Nights into Dreams but then I remembered they made a pretty bad-looking Wii game that I never tried because I never got a Wii. I wonder if Saturn hacking will ever become a thing because really want I want is just new courses for the old game. I guess what I'm saying is be careful what you wish for?

>> No.2463037

A proper fucking Mechwarrior title that isn't handled like the garbage the PGI pulled with MWO.

There's so many possibilities with modern technology, but they just pissed it all away for cash grabs.

>> No.2463045

>still perpetuating the rumour that it was either SD3 or SoE
Come on, anon.

>> No.2463057

Well, if there's a guy with 2 penises...

>> No.2463061

The fact stands that Japan got one of the great masterpieces of sprite-based JRPGs and the United States got an obvious attempt at pandering.

>> No.2463068

There is:

sage and spoiler for offtopic and nsfw


>> No.2463072

I can't think of any games that I'd do that for. Most games rarely need sequels. If we're talking about another installment, then maybe Valkyrie Profile.

While I like SD3, it's a buggy mess. I actually prefer SoE over it, it's more fun.

>> No.2463570

Terranigma was complete you fool and honestly Ark should have died at the end instead of what happened during that gay ass last 2 seconds of the game[\spoiler]

>> No.2463597
File: 21 KB, 188x268, jsrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the CEO of Sega told me that he'd make a JSRF3 if he could shoot me in the head after I played it, I'd agree in a heartbeat, I'm 100% serious.

>> No.2463601
File: 21 KB, 227x222, jgr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realized JSRF isn't /vr/ I'll go with Jet grind radio 3 instead, please forget that I posted such heresy.

>> No.2463616


MegaMan fags don't have any right to be complaining about a lack of sequels when there are literally over 100 games already out there. How about actually playing them all instead of just bitching on the internet? That would certainly show how eager you are to see more.

>> No.2463626

>While I like SD3, it's a buggy mess
You're seriously going that route man? Come on. Evermore had more bugs than any other Mana games.

>> No.2463648

I'd like a "sequel" to REmake. but that would just be a remake of RE2... Oh well, whatever. I want it.
And not how everyone else wants it either. I want it to have the REmake treatment:
Animated prerendered backgrounds, tank controls, ass rapingly difficult, unlockables out the ass, reimagined puzzles from the original version with depth and layers added, all of it.

I'd also have loved to have seen a direct sequel to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Just use the exact same gameplay and such, but in a larger castle with more power ups and more types of weapons. And also harder. Maybe implement CV3 elements like multiple playable characters, just for fun.

I'd fucking die for a demake of Soul Reaver 2. Just take the existing game and remake it with the original game's graphics and gameplay. Add in some content (like box puzzles and actual new powers gained from killing bosses) to make it more like the original game as well.
And while we're at it, add in the entire original game to the beginning of it and then Raziel's side of Defiance to the end of it as well. Make it one long, but complete game with one engine and consistent... Well, everything, honestly.

For that matter, I'd fucking love a demake of Blood Omen 2 and Kain's side of Defiance with Blood Omen 1's graphics and gameplay. Also combined with he original for one long ass, yet consistent, game.

Maybe an actual direct sequel to Blood Omen that chronicles Kain's conquering all of Nosgoth and the training of his "sons". Once again, with Blood Omen 1's gameplay at least.

I'd honestly just love to see a level pack based on SMB3. Just like, 100 or so totally new levels that I've never seen before in the old game engine. Maybe a few new power ups or something, but I'd honestly be totally happy with just the levels.

And call me crazy, but I'd love to see a demake of RE4. RE2's graphics and RE3's gameplay, redesign the areas to be more survival horror like and then just make a classic style RE4.

>> No.2463671
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>> No.2463749
File: 46 KB, 483x480, Lunar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played both the Lunar PlayStation titles once a year since I was about 11 (born in 1990). Dragon Song was so bad I wonder to this day if it was the final nail in the coffin of the series.

>> No.2463765 [SPOILER] 
File: 252 KB, 550x552, 1434009688506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would put a nail through my foot and get a tetris shot for a 2d sequel by a developer who could actually do the arcade games justice.

>> No.2463772
File: 36 KB, 418x417, b65436b5b45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay so this got a sequel but it wasn't very good. A decent sequel or just remake/online multiplayer battles would be great.

>> No.2463780

>I'd honestly just love to see a level pack based on SMB3. Just like, 100 or so totally new levels that I've never seen before in the old game engine. Maybe a few new power ups or something, but I'd honestly be totally happy with just the levels

This. I really want that parabeetle grasslands screenshot to be developed into a full level.

Also StarTropics. I love StarTropics. Damn Nintendo for ignoring that lovely series.

>> No.2463967

I liked the 3D Shinobi but yeah, it played nothing like the originals.

>this got a sequel but it wasn't very good.
Are you crazy? It was basically more of the same but with more characters and a better rhythm mechanic. Both games rule.

>> No.2464065

>I liked the 3D Shinobi but yeah, it played nothing like the originals.
The Genesis games didn't play like the originals either

>> No.2464076

I would erase every megaman game from history for a half-finished buggy prototype of Zombie At my Neighbors 2

>> No.2464080

Adding attacks in the 3 Gen/MD games didn't change the formula, it only enhanced the game like arcade Shadow Dancer did to the original arcade Shinobi.

>> No.2464198

>Zombie At my Neighbors 2
You mean Ghoul Patrol?

>> No.2466257

A remake of Link's Awakening. The style of Wind Waker would fit it perfectly. Changing the puzzle system around a bit - less key hunting, more environmental puzzles like you'd expect from a dilapidated dungeon. More fights for dungeon items like in the fifth dungeon instead of finding them in chests. More dangerous bosses -, and I'd pay through the nose for it.
I'm on board for that. SoE had its problems, but the sheer creativity that went into the game, the willingness to experiment was fantastic.

>> No.2466607

And it was still more fun. My only problem was its linearity (and thereby its length).

StarTropics was, like, the shit for me as a kid. If they remade it and it sold well enough, Mike might even end up being a Smash Bros. character. I know there are a good few people who've wanted it.

>I'm on board for that.
muh nigga

>> No.2466669
File: 63 KB, 640x448, 51516_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another game I'd love to see get updated would be X-Kaliber 2097. The soundtrack alone almost made buying the game worthwhile (it was chiptune remixes of Psykosonik songs, done by the group themselves, and they're probably the reason why I'm into techno of any kind, especially techno rock), and the idea behind the story as a dystopian New York about a century into the future is pretty damned cool.

Also, you get to hack apart mutants and aliens and robots with a sword from another dimension, so there's that aspect for people who just wanna bust shit up instead of bothering with a plot.

Game's main theme

Is a remix of

>> No.2467782

Grew up on SCD Lunar.
I loved them as a kid.
Replayed them as an adult. They've lost their charm. The PSX versions have way better story but far shittier gameplay (eight spells per character? really?), IMO. I can't understand how anyone could play and replay either the originals or the PSX versions over and over.

I like the Saturn one. Still haven't played it in English to this day. It was good.

LA seems like nostalgiaware to me. I found the game too simplistic to be too enjoyable. Wasn't bad, mind you... just the worst of the pre Ocarina Z games. Ocarina ushered in the complete shittifying of the franchise, which was already going to shit straight away after the first game, IMO.
Nonetheless, I would definitely be okay for a direct sequel or remake of LA. Sorry if I'm overly harsh. I just really detest handholding in games.

Fat chance, but either Dark Wizard, Popful Mail, New Adventure Island or a non-metroidvania Castlevania. Holy fuck, DW was a damned fine game, if buggy at times. And PM was just magical. It was a magical fantasy adventure, after all.

>> No.2467786

OR MOTHERFUCKING SOMER ASSAULT! Forgot about that game for a minute. Holy fuck, did I love the fuck outta that game as a kid.
>be EU-born kid
>move to america because dad gets sent there on mission
>get tg16
>love the games
>live in US a few years
>dad gets reassigned to a mission to SG
>no can bring games
>brother finds out about turbo express
>parents baller as fuck and buy that expensive ass machine for me
>move to SG but still have all my TG16 games with me
>play somer assault and soldier blade and neutopia and all the other games like a boss

>> No.2467807

Fuck you I was eating a orange.

>> No.2467821

Mega Man 9 and 10 were a great ending for the series. I'm glad it ended on a high note.

I want another classic Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.2467837

i always wondered if square could have released a 16bit rpg to rival ff6 and chrono trigger in scope and impact. note that i'm not saying anything about their relative quality, people can have all kinds of opinions, but they did come out towards the end of the SNES rpg era and they still stand as the two prime examples of that era for most people. so i always wondered if they could have made something to challenge or even top those two games. would have been nice to see.

>> No.2467949

>i always wondered if square could have released a 16bit rpg to rival ff6 and chrono trigger

>> No.2467975

I played the shit out of this game as a kid. I'm pretty sure the game was sold by my mother at some point but I had it, and loved it. Loved the pvp mode and got to test and play as all the characters.

100% agree.

>> No.2468031

The only issue I'm really thinking of with the idea is whether Paul Sebastien and Daniel Lenz (who pretty much were Psykosonik, everyone else was essentially there to assist them with things two guys couldn't do at once) would be willing to revisit the soundtrack. Paul is the vice president and general manager at Udemy now, I think, and so he'd be busy as fuck, but him and Daniel have occasionally had some fun; Daniel made an album back in '08 and had Paul featured in one or two of the songs.

This one's got a sound that's a cool throwback to Psykosonik's time (can't find a proper video for it on YouTube): https://soundcloud.com/daniel-lenz/aliens-featuring-paul-sebastien

Paul also has a really fucking hot daughter now too, for what it's worth.

My favorite character to play as in the PVP was a tie between Raptor and Dr. Blast for a long time, then I just went with Raptor. My older brother favored Spuke (the weird clown guy who could spit fire), and my little brother really liked Tattoo (green dude who shot vines from his chest).

>> No.2468041
File: 419 KB, 1280x1024, The+shock+and+horror+you+see+is+because+the+idea+_891a9a8f5decda448c718bde85717b61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody wants an Advance Wars sequel? What's wrong with you all? All I'm asking is the bright colours and fun of the original games.

>> No.2468052

Not /vr/ and it got one under a new name anyways.

>> No.2469083

>>>2466257 (You)
>LA seems like nostalgiaware to me. I found the game too simplistic to be too enjoyable. Wasn't bad, mind you... just the worst of the pre Ocarina Z games. Ocarina ushered in the complete shittifying of the franchise, which was already going to shit straight away after the first game, IMO.
>Nonetheless, I would definitely be okay for a direct sequel or remake of LA. Sorry if I'm overly harsh. I just really detest handholding in games.
Did you play the original B&W or the DX version?
B&W isn't particularly bad about the handholding. There is a little, but nothing unreasonable, and a first-time player can be stumped for a bit every now and then.

The DX version literally doubled the number of hints, and yeah, it's annoying. Finishing a dungeon feels less like an accomplishment, more like a chore.

Of course, the DX version also supplied you with free life-restoring potions in the last three dungeons. B/W, you had to pay for it (Though you can haggle by refusing to buy. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. Ideal scenario, you can get it down to one rupee because she likes you).

I suppose there is also the 'Reveal overworld map bit by bit' part, but while less 'Open world' than its predecessors, I thought it worked well as a motivator - the game always gives you a hint of the next area, makes you want to explore it as well. And 2/3 of the island are accessible after the second dungeon, 3/4 after the fourth, so hey.

Plus, unlike LttP, it doesn't literally tell you where exactly to go. You've to at least find the dungeons yourself.

tl;dr: Your criticism isn't without merit, particularly insofar as it concerns DX, but it's still a great game, IMO

>> No.2469685


>> No.2470147

Imagine this fucked up gecko with the graphic of today. Also there aren't any good jump'n'run games anymore..

>> No.2470170

Not the same guy, but Advance Wars (or Game Boy Wars/Famicom Wars in Japan) is very much rooted in /vr/, we just never got any of the older ones in the west.

>> No.2470239


Raptor/Dr. Blast represent.

Interestingly enough, my sister was a fan of Spuke, though no one really liked Tattoo.

And yeah, the sequel just wouldn't be the same without them (or at least something similar) for the music. The music for that game was so good. So good.

>> No.2470269

Lots of stuff is "very much rooted in /vr/" but not open for discussion here. /vr/ is not what you grew up with. /vr/ is any platform released before 11.59PM 31st December 1999 + Dreamcast.
GBA was released in 2001, so it is not in any way /vr/. Its last game was released in 2008 and consoles capable of playing GBA were still manufactured by Nintendo as recently as 2011.

No matter how you slice it, it's not /vr/, sorry. I like GBA, too, but I worry about including it here so readily for fear it can start a whole slippery slope I just don't wanna see here.
I forgot the site, but there's another /vr/ on some other *chan that allows GBA and remakes for discussion. I've been. It's not bad, even if considerably slower than this one. I'm sure if you googled it, you'd find the one I'm talking about.
I'm just a curmudgeony old man, yelling at the damned kids to get off muh /vr/ lawn, but trying to do it in the most reasonable way possible. Apologies if I've come off as gruff and unpleasant here.

Both DX and B/W. The one-area-at-a-time thing is handholding to me. Same reason I dislike aLttP, actually. At least with aLttP, each area that opened up for exploration was fairly huge, so it never felt as stifling as LA. LA is definitely better than OoA/S, at least.

>> No.2470287

I would absolutely love to see a Phantasy Star 5.

>> No.2470298

>tfw sega promised there would never be a PSV
Hold me, Anon.

>> No.2470306
File: 69 KB, 410x300, Rocket_Robot_on_Wheels_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the only sequel I would take a bullet for is Shenmue III, but I'd love to see a sequel to some random 3D platformers of the time like Rocket: Robot on Wheels or something. We don't get enough of that genre anymore.

>> No.2472782

I need a sequel to Galerians: Ash very very very bad. I don't even care if the second game isn't technically /vr/, I just need more Galerians.

>> No.2474663

I've been wanting to draw a bunch of the characters in groups, kind of like how Soul Calibur has done with its art in earlier games (pic related).

As for the music, if Paul and Daniel wouldn't be able to get together, Kristopher Carter would be a good alternative, what with him doing stuff like this:


>> No.2474667
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>> No.2474715
File: 210 KB, 256x424, Dragon_Force_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved everything about this game except for the lack of diversity in the ending.

>> No.2474884
File: 63 KB, 800x600, summoner_screen002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 2000 /vr/? This was a PS2 release title. Played it on pc though.

>> No.2474885

The game was great when I was 10, but I played it few months ago and it was deadening.

The game is actually pretty hard but pretends to be baby's first tycoon.

>> No.2474896

Nope. It was a good game though.

>> No.2475131


Garou 2 - I want closure on that story dammit!

>> No.2475135

You got your wish, anon.

>> No.2475363

I cant remember was summoner or summoner 2 but it was one long ass game difficult too which i have never mannaged to complete

>> No.2475379

>You mean Ghoul Patrol?
Don't... speak that name

>Adding attacks in the 3 Gen/MD games didn't change the formula, it only enhanced the game like arcade Shadow Dancer did to the original arcade Shinobi.

Don't completely agree

>no hostages
>life bar
>limited ammo
>selectable magic

2&3 were one style, original and both versions of Shadow Dancer were another. The GG games are yet another. 3DS game was like 3 mixed with the Ninja Gaiden remake, a pretty natural evolution imo. Great series, in spite of a couple duds.

>> No.2475395

>Shenmue III
Have a shot of whiskey and bite down on a piece of leather. We'll do this quick and gentleman-like.

>> No.2475396 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 256x256, 1434469346510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I dont want a sequel or reboot because there is not much else that can be added to the story, reboot would only improve graphips, however I want original team to back together again to make another original masterpiece (same with chrono cross)

>> No.2475726

Unfortunately, Amy Hennig's mostly doing Uncharted stuff now, isn't she? I know she's a Naughty Dog writer at this point in time.

As for the other one, yeah, that would be great. Kato would get to write just as darkly and philosophically as he wants, and he won't have to deal with it being loaded with shock value for fans of a prequel.

>> No.2475795

We need to use the whiskey to clean the wounds though, they are just going to have to bite the leather.

>> No.2475990

System Shock 3 when?

>> No.2476823


>> No.2476931

Oh. I don't bother with IGN, honestly, and if it was mentioned in an issue of Game Informer, I never saw it.

>> No.2477187

Not before 2017. Let me play the game first, damn.

>> No.2477925
File: 5 KB, 300x300, 134801744558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there will never be another good fallout game
Fucking Chris Avellone left obsidian too, so there's absolutely no hope for a good spin off like NV.

>> No.2480402

not a sequel but: Decent 2D Dragon Ball fighting game
I remember there was a few homebrew games for the PC called Mugen or something. the ones on GBA were really dissapointing for me

>> No.2482359 [DELETED] 

pretty straight. settlers is still going. carrier command had a remake that was ok.if koei and paradox got together and made a modern p.t.o I would be on top of the world.

>> No.2482528
File: 38 KB, 600x365, tombi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to this thread searching for Tomba! and was disappointed. Sad

>> No.2482676
File: 1 KB, 256x224, goemon2fc-ending3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my first nut, Mega Man Legends. I'm still bitter about how Capcom handled that. Feels twice as bad when the entire "classic" Mega Man timeline ends with killer robots re-awakening around the world with no control and the chronologically last Mega Man trapped in space. Plus, unlike some Mega Man sub-series, it doesn't have more than 3 entries already. Plus, something inexplicably irritates me about characters who constantly keep popping up in crossovers or cameos but never had many of their own games.

For my second nut, a new Goemon/Mystical Ninja. I'm not in much of a position to ask for one given all the existing games, but I just wish Konami would remember the guy from time to time in a way that didn't involve slot machines.

>> No.2484852
File: 85 KB, 500x471, 1364901133842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading through this thread and thinking of Tomba. Thank you.

Dreaming is free, so here's my dream:

Motor of the first one, period. The second game hit the polygon ceiling so hard it broke its neck and its developer. Nowadays they could go to the smooth and beautiful rendering of Rayman Legends and the precise and sturdy controls of a Super Mario. And I say sturdy as opposed to flow-wy like in Rayman, where everything seems to be moving all the time.
Keep the toilet humor and the absurdity from the original. I remember that little sidequest where you had to get a yam for a constipated lady. Also, who woulda thunk that pigs turn into flowers when exposed to ass gas.
More weapons. More lore. More power to gain and hone. The wind/fire/water jewels were plot coupons and its powers were irrelevant. The reward was lesser than what was picked up along the way.
Make it hard but welcoming. In one word: challenging, however stupid the game might look at a first go.

Man, this was the first game I ever played in my own PSX. Demo disc that came with the console. Good times :')

Seriously though, Tomba 3 for the nintendo wii u, then Tomba in the next Smash Bros
>Implying nintendo wouldn't just botch it up and make it for kids
>Implying any sane developer will make a full game for this
>Implying indie dev's will ever try and do this
>Implying my dream will be real someday.


>> No.2486096

>tetris shot