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2460634 No.2460634 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh yeah there will be probably a ZSNES 1.52? release coming in the following days, with some stuff we had unfinished in SVN and some security fixes. Don't expect anything major different from 1.51 and this is not reflective of what is in development.


>> No.2460636

people will still download version 1.51 and complain about the same old errors anyway just like how they do with snes9x

>> No.2460667

People still use ZSNES?
Does it at least have a non-shit tier GUI now?

>> No.2460694

>People still use ZSNES?

Like everyone. The only reason plebs are moving away from it and Kega Fusion is that they are having some issues with Windows 8. A later Windows will break it entirely, so we can finally bury that garbage.

>> No.2460705

Hell, at least Kega is still a breddy gud emulator with very high compatibility across most Sega systems. ZSNES is just outdated as shit.

>> No.2460723


There are NO, 0, zilch, nada, ZERO arguments for ZSNES. Except maybe that it can generate ZST files. But that's it.

>> No.2460725

Apparently some romhacks will only work with ZSNES because they were made to work alongside its shit emulation accuracy. So its one remaining use is for playing half-baked romhacks with a half-baked emulator.

>> No.2460728


You could create a version of snes9x or bsnes that had those same hacks and innaccuracies, which was cross platform and played those romhacks right.

>> No.2460731

kega fusion is almost perfect though

>> No.2460737

or you could not play shitty romhacks
works too

>> No.2460761

Its good on old or low powered computers

>> No.2460775

As in Pentium IIIs. Which no one living in the first world (hell, arguably even the third world save the shittiest of all shitholes) should be using. Snes9x will work on Pentium 4 and above.

>> No.2460790

Can't wait. Zsnes is my shit.

>> No.2460829

What's so bad about Kega? Far as I was aware that's the best Sega multi-emu as far as PCs go.

We need to maintain ZSNES though, for the sake of not losing those Mario World hacks that use impossible custom sounds.

>> No.2460845

Kega's still good, just that it's been surpassed by Genesis Plus GX in most ways except for its lack of 32X support.

>> No.2460859

hey don't be knocking on Kega, despite it's age there's nothing jarringly wrong with it

>Can't wait. Zsnes is my shit.
have fun with nothing new, i bet they aren't even going to reintroduce netplay

>> No.2460874

Yeah, I know. I really only use it for the GUI.

>> No.2460880

This is stupid. Older rom hacks needing zsnes is just reflective of the knowledge and tools available at the time and has little to no bearing on the quality thereof.

>> No.2460882

Pretty pointless when you can get Mednafen and just drag your games onto the exe

but to each their own

>> No.2460886

>security fixes
Who knew what would turn the tide in the American-Chinese cyberwar would be malicious SNES roms?

>> No.2460906

>just drag your games onto the exe
I can't imagine doing this. Even having a relatively simple interface like vanilla MAME where you just type the name of the rom is 1000x better.

>> No.2460914

Just set smc/sfc files to open with mednafen

>> No.2460930

>Does it at least have a non-shit tier GUI now?

The inteface is the best part. Dat falling snow

PS Eat shit google, if I wanted to help tune a computer vision algorithm I'd get on MTurk

>> No.2460936 [DELETED] 

[anon@awesomecomputer ~]$ mednafen "~/Emulation/SNES/Super Metroid (JU) [!].srm"


>> No.2460941

But... I thought emulation was perfect...

>> No.2460943

lol anon, running snes emulators from the terminal to feel like a hacker. Are all linux users this insufferable

>> No.2460946

[anon@awesomecomputer ~]$ mednafen "~/Emulation/SNES/Super Metroid (JU) [!].zip"


lol anon, clickyclicky around like a fucking grandma because you're too dumb to type simple commands. Are all Windows users this braindead?

>> No.2460947
File: 27 KB, 128x128, zsnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2461001

No, I map buttons and navigate the program with the controller so I can have it hooked up to my TV without a bunch of cords all over.

>> No.2461005

I honestly have fun using ZSNES's interface even though it took getting used to. It may be weird to say, but I have some really good memories of playing some games and using that interface.

>> No.2461027

Is there any reason to use a better snes emulator than snes if you're not playing obscure games or doing netplay?

>> No.2461530

You are entirely incorrect.
There are some DAMN good hacks that only work on ZSNES and I wish to god they worked on other emulators.

>> No.2461535

>Not using ZMZ and getting ZSNES's GLORIOUS god-tier GUI alongside any libretro core you want
awwww yeaaaah

>> No.2461539

>with some stuff we had unfinished in SVN and some security fixes. Don't expect anything major different from 1.51 and this is not reflective of what is in development.
Does it matter? If it's not fixing major issues like shit sound, who cares if they update it with a few minor fixes. Yeah progression is a thing, but still not going to make it worth using.

>> No.2461540

look up ZMZ

>> No.2461556

That is using a ridiculously outdated version of zsnes

>> No.2461558

Everyone uses Kega because it's good, if not absolutely perfect (but it has no known issues with any commercial games and the best sound emulation of any Genesis emulator). Used to be loads better than the other major emulator, Gens (recent forks are fine, like GensGS, but old-fashioned Gens isn't particularly accurate).

but yeah, Genesis Plus GX is way more accurate (and is a lot more useful for testing if romhacks work on real HW than Kega, which lets some things that shouldn't work through)

everyone uses ZSNES because it's well known and a LOT of romhacks only work with it
otherwise, Snes9x is more accurate if you have a toaster, and bsnes/higan/whatever the fuck it's called this week is fine on any recent non-netbook CPU

the GUI is the best thing about ZSNES
it's great

as someone who did mturk work, this new captcha really bothers me
I could actually be getting paid for this shit.

well, the old captcha was like that too, but I didn't make the connection with it

it's actually a real issue, if not a terribly major one
but yeah, trojan savestates/ROMS can be a thing (but it'd be emulator dependent)

>> No.2461560

Best of both worlds
I fuckin love it

May as well stick with Snes9X, since Byuu dropped bsnes/higan and all

>> No.2461710

>what is no$sns