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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 420 KB, 1600x900, And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon, Little Boy Blue and The Man In The Moon. When ya home Dad I don't know when, we'll get together then.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2456107 No.2456107 [Reply] [Original]

>announced for the Saturn
>moved to the Dreamcast
>Shenmue is released on the Dreamcast worldwide
>Shenmue II only in Europe
>Shenmue II is re-released on the XBOX
>but not Shenmue I
>Shenmue Online is announced but later dropped
>What's Shenmue got a fan-translation
>it's shit
>Shenmue II ends in a cliffhanger
>sequel will never happen

This series is a nightmare.

>> No.2456114

I agree, I feel bad for dropping this game. I was enjoying every second up until I got to the forklift job.

>> No.2456115

I'm currently playing through Shenmue I for the first time, on Dreamcast. This game is just amazing. Even today.

>> No.2456139
File: 401 KB, 638x478, WS_Yukawa_and_Dreamcasts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2456193
File: 97 KB, 1200x518, 3615save shenmue !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget next month and every month on the 3rd

>> No.2456249

You mean the Dreamcast game, Shenmue?

>> No.2456294
File: 788 KB, 1500x1500, forklift-number-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you didn't even talk about the shitty one page comics that poorly explain some of the shit people wondered, Suzuki poorly trying to squeeze three of the "chapters" in one game and the idea that he initially wanted to make like five or six shenmue games.

>> No.2456302
File: 112 KB, 1888x1000, nullDC_Win32_Release 2015-06-07 07-12-28-82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking cat

100% agree.
the level of detail is amazing.
I often find myself standing in a ramen shop just looking at everything or following people to map out their routines

>> No.2456443
File: 52 KB, 400x504, 04e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2456448

I never got the appeal.

Its boring as hell, its basically all QTE gameplay which is horrid, and its not even that interesting of a story.

>> No.2456463
File: 94 KB, 1896x990, nullDC_Win32_Release 2015-05-31 06-07-34-91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2deep4u then

>> No.2456505

>Shenmue needed to sell 4 times more than dreamcasts sold in order to just break even
To be fair, it had dead series written all over it from the starting gate.

I loved the first game, it's more build-up than action but I really enjoy the 'life-sim' aspect of it. I tried to pirate the European DC version of 2, but the game froze right in the middle. I actually got lucky and bought a copy for the Xbox, but then my Xbox got stolen along with Shenmue 2, JSRF, and Panzer Dragoon Otra.
I now have a modded Xbox, but I just don't think I could make that investment into the game again, just because if I finish it I'm probably still going to be disappointed.

>> No.2456517
File: 67 KB, 715x530, yu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shenmue only cost $47 million
and dreamcast was projected to sell many more units than it did.
that budget was also allocated for the whole series and included alot of work for shenmue 3&4

the PS2 sold 155 million units.
in comparison to the 10.6m dreamcasts.

and thats still more than the xbone wiiu and vita hueheuhuehue


>> No.2456567

In all actuality, AM2 easily made back the money they hemorrhaged when making Shenmue with Virtua Fighter revenue.

That doesn't really change the fact that Shenmue was fucked as a product though, just that it didn't fuck over Sega as badly as people think.

>> No.2456584

>only cost $47 million
It was the most expensive game development until GTA IV. 47 million is not a drop in the bucket.
>that budget was also allocated for the whole series and included alot of work for shenmue 3&4
That might have been the justification used, but it's clear after moving development from Saturn to Dreamcast Sega was dealing with a sunk cost. I doubt the executives were planning on continuing the series unless it sold way way WAY beyond expectations. They just wanted to recover some revenue from the project so they split chapter 1 into Shenmue 1 & 2.

They may have made the money back with VF, but that didn't stop Shenmue from being a huge red mark. Any business would cut development on the product making a loss while continue to produce the profitable product.

>> No.2456895

>basically all QTE gameplay which is horrid

You obviously never played it if you seriously think this.

>> No.2457216
File: 185 KB, 424x348, RyoWalkDobuita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those unique NPCs in Dobuita with their own routine and individualized backstories.
>Most of them say the same generic shit when you proceed to actually talk to them.
Shenmue had such a ridiculous attention to detail, but most of it was wasted on superfluous crap. Collecting toys, driving forklifts and playing older Sega games lose their novelty after a while.

I'm glad Shenmue II cut most of the unneeded fat from the first game, but some reason I lost interesting before even reaching the third disc.

>> No.2457348

>Collecting toys, driving forklifts and playing older Sega games
And taking care of a kitten, yeah. I agree with your assessment, I think it's just that the whole idea of an open world game -- sorry, F.R.E.E. -- was such a new thing, and to Yu Suzuki and team those activities made sense. Never mind the fact that the game was advertised as hyped as based on the Virtua Fighter engine and you did relatively little actual fighting. It was revolutionary in concept but lacked in execution.

>> No.2457354

I'm sure it's a good game, but is not a good idea to make the most expensive game at the time when you are having financial problems.

>> No.2457365

Is that $47 million adjusted for inflation and all that?

>> No.2457367
File: 4 KB, 419x196, never.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It began development well before Sega was truly in the shitter. The budget obviously bloated way over what any game in 1999 should have cost. It wasn't the nail in their coffin, there were many factors.

>> No.2457369
File: 1.95 MB, 1600x900, Shenfue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2457372
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they had a sense of humor about it.

>> No.2457374

Even these days I don't see how you could justify spending that kind of money.

>> No.2457402

Never played Shenmue and for whatever reason, it's the one first party Dreamcast game that Sega WON'T port to PC/current consoles.

So tell me, how well does it emulate in Null DC? Good enough that I don't have to hunt down a DC and burn a copy hopefully.

>> No.2457407

but I heard you were looking for sailors~

>> No.2457438

>basically all QTE gameplay
Fuck off back to /v/ nigger.

>> No.2457450

>for whatever reason, it's the one first party Dreamcast game that Sega WON'T port to PC/current consoles
Supposedly SEGA licensed some technology to make Shenmue, and the company who made the technology is now out of business and no-one's sure who owns the license now. It's a bit of a legal nightmare.

>> No.2457467

almost perfect except for some slight issues with ryo's hair transparencies and space harrier in the arcade. hang on in the arcade works, for whatever reason. these issues might be fixed by now?


>> No.2457480


You should go back to /pol/.
I had the same thought about the game when i completed it, only after three months i began feeling a strange sense of nostalgia toward the game.
It's not something you play just to complete it, you live that period of time in shenmue, i'm not surprised if some people don't like it, it's not a game for everyone.

>> No.2457553
File: 241 KB, 1888x1000, nullDC_Win32_Release 2015-06-07 08-26-27-60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$67 million in 2015)

Yu Suzuki sailed sega to victory several times before, this was gonna be the gaming revolution 'killer app' that everyone would buy a dreamcast and change gaming FOREVER.

I imagine the pitch went like that haha.

NullDC has its fair share of problems, I have to run it windowed, but the extra geometry is nice, DEMUL emulation is much more accurate and stable, but the sound emulates like fucking ass, it was unplayable for me.
as with all emulators you will have to play about with the set up, I recommend http://www.shenmuedojo.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=46995 and it seems the UNDUB rom has some problems on disk 2 as im finding out since yesterday with cutscenes not loading and being unable to progress.
if you do burn disks, the 80min will be downsampled audio unless you have 99m cd

oh yeah I think the hangon and space harrier dont emulate?

>> No.2457556


>> No.2457589

>change gaming FOREVER.
To be fair it did. It paved the way for 3D sandboxes, like GTA3, Yakuza, and much else. It made QTE popular. It explored the problems and the intricacies of big budget game developing. The problem is, SEGA never managed to capitalize directly from all of this, all they got was a non profitable series on a soon to die console.

>> No.2457593
File: 51 KB, 250x250, 1429572472461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sega rep said "We got Shenmue HD in the works, just a matter of time on when we're gonna release it!"

>3 years and nothing

I am not even wanting them releasing it with the delusion of "MIGHT MAKE INTEREST IN 3", but I wouldn't mind playing Shenmue on my newer consoles or PC at this point.

>> No.2457597

every aspect of the dreamcast was ahead of its time.
just had unfortunate timing and marketing in comparison to the ps2

I am personally glad I had a dreamcast and not a ps2 at that time.

>> No.2457631

>>announced for the Saturn

Did they ever make a Saturn announcement? AFAIK we only knew about the Saturn version after they released that video in the Shenmue II extras

>> No.2457636

>its basically all QTE gameplay
Confirmed never having played it.
The marketing push around the QTE stuff at the time really did a number on the game. To this day I still find a lot of people that think that Shenmue is all about a QTE button presser, when in fact it's just a really small part of the game.

>> No.2457641

I doubt Shenmue had any influence on GTA3. Everything about GTA3 seemed like a natural progression from top-bottom to a ground camera. You can obviously build an argument for it, but I just doubt it, everything was just moving in that direction at the time.

>> No.2457660
File: 183 KB, 467x619, ryoandnozomioutsideflowershop[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Running around a small Japanese town in the 1980s
Shenmue seemed to be built purely to be comfy.

>> No.2457664
File: 722 KB, 851x777, mJXROM9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>every aspect of the dreamcast was ahead of its time.

>> No.2457673

;~; want

>Alternatively, a games channel will be made available for a fee of $20 per month that will allow unlimited access to Dreamcast software

>Pace claims that up to 60 games may be held on the hard drive at once and that each game will take approximately three minutes to download

>the possibility for videoconferencing exists that would allow players to see whom they are playing during online competition.


>> No.2457675

Don't forget that it was so expensive that it would never be profitable no matter what they did.

>> No.2457678


Wow, they sound like Sony talking about the PS3 before release. Or maybe like the RDI Halcyon.

>> No.2457684

>le $190million menme!

Sure thing, MR.CEO
you sure are wasted, here on 4chins!

Maybe if they sold 155million Dreamcast units like the PS2, it could have been profitable?

>> No.2457713

>Did they ever make a Saturn announcement? AFAIK we only knew about the Saturn version after they released that video in the Shenmue II extras

Sort of, as Virtua Fighter RPG. Which was the initial concept that turned into Shenmue.

>> No.2457716

I'm not sure Virtua Fighter RPG was announced either, I could be wrong though, but I think that never passed outside the initial pitch inside SEGA.

>> No.2457718
File: 37 KB, 286x287, 2096082-shenmue_city_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot Shenmue City. The final release we'll ever get to see of this IP.

Yu Suzuki is almost 60 at this point and already left what remains of the company so called "SEGA" that bares almost no resemblance to what they were in the past. The dream is fucking dead. RIP Ryo Hazuki, in the end Lan Di won, you'll never get to avenge your father.

>> No.2457719

I want to find Xiuying's brother more than I want to avenge Ryo's dad.

>> No.2457720

You know who's to partially blame for Sega being a shell of their former glory?
Yu Suzuki.

Shenmue should have been canceled after it failed to come out on the Saturn, straight up. It was a huge money sink that Sega couldn't recover from, they would have probably lived to see another day after the Dreamcast without Shenmue being produced.

>> No.2457723
File: 10 KB, 234x250, 1433599278668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was a huge money sink that Sega couldn't recover from
Nigga that shit was debunked in this very thread.

>> No.2457728

No it wasn't. Software sales were abysmal for the Dreamcast, and the adoption rate in multiple regions was very low.

Shenmue was a very expensive game (at the time) to produce and didn't turn a profit. That paired with the Dreamcast not performing well was a pretty damn good one two punch to Sega.

So we have a game that cost almost 50m to produce, had a bloated development cycle, compounded with lackluster software adoption (partially thanks to piracy) on the system. Sega was never going to recover from that.

Now let's play a fun game, let's add the development costs to Shenmue II on top of that, and factor in that the game never even saw the possibility to make some money back off of the US market.

I don't get how you can defend the series being produced with a straight face. Suzuki has claimed many times that the 2.5:1 Shenmue:Dreamcast ratio was blown out of proportion, but still confirmed that almost every Dreamcast owner would have had to purchase the software for it to become profitable.

Keep screaming into your pillow and pretending Shenmue didn't help fuck Sega. It doesn't really change anything.

>> No.2457740
File: 192 KB, 1888x996, nullDC_Win32_Release 2015-06-07 05-25-39-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paired with the Dreamcast not performing well
>compounded with lackluster software adoption (partially thanks to piracy)

(not to mention the PS2)

>let's add the development costs to Shenmue II on top

the $47m was the majority of the cost of the WHOLE series of games, shenmue 1 through 4
It is not known to the public how much was completed, but the whole story was done, you can even see from the saturn version upto shenmue 2 was complete before the port to dreamcast.

So yeah, keep screaming into your pillow that you are the best armchair CEO on the planet that could have saved sega and that you know your stuff, because you clearly dont.

>> No.2457743

>the $47m was the majority of the cost of the WHOLE series of games, shenmue 1 through 4

This, plus how exactly do we count the 47 million? Like, from 1995 when they started the whole VF RPG concept? Because it is small potatoes that way; plus remember that they churned our VF2 Saturn, Vipers, Megamix, and VF3 Arcade during that time.

>> No.2457772


Bro, you said that SEGA couldn't recover from Shenmue's costs. Virtua Fighter 4 alone offset them. That's my point, not that Shenmue was a wise investment.

>> No.2457786

Sega had a near 1 billion $ deficit by 2001.

Shenmue made up 0.5% of that, and this is if you count the entire development costs under 1 fiscal year, which is asinine since the game was in development for half a decade. If you even it out for 4-5 years, then it comes out as 0.1% of their financial problems.

>> No.2459740
File: 208 KB, 1900x998, nullDC_Win32_Release 2015-06-09 05-36-56-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2459757

It is the closest you will ever get to living in Japan.

>> No.2459781

The Sony hype machine sold systems with nothing but Kessen and EA Sports with no anti-aliasing. It didn't matter what Sega did or didn't do. After the previous Sega add-on misfires and the success of the original Playstation, Sony coasted into the 6th generation on name alone.

>> No.2460051

>that fucking resolution

c'mon man bring some justice, that's screen is awful

>> No.2460070
File: 47 KB, 1920x1080, nullDC_Win32_Release 2015-05-26 06-29-49-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyyyy I know man sorry, shitty emulator gonna shit.
1080 full screen has a tenancy to crash when mousing over from my other monitor, auto hide menu is a demon
>NullDC has stopped working.

know how annoying it is to have gone through the same thing multiple times because you can only save at night, use the resume function then reload and the emulator crashes?
rip your resume file, and you have to start from your last bedtime save.

the only fix I found was windowed.
I love the extra geometry hack and there is no way to 'set' a windowed resoloution, 640x480 or stretch.
so I just stretch it.
so, enjoy you're trigger mang

>> No.2460108

>The Sony hype machine sold systems with nothing but Kessen and EA Sports with no anti-aliasing
And it was an inexpensive DVD player that could play your PS1 backlog as well as Timesplitters and a couple other decent launch games. It was a good deal in 00/01.

>> No.2460124

Playstation 2s at the time were 150€ less expensive than the cheapest DVD players. Many families bought PS2s as DVD players first and then gave them to their kids once DVD players turned cheap as dirt. It was a really good deal at the time and companies have been trying to do it again since.

I was one of those kids

>> No.2460125
File: 112 KB, 1280x956, demul 2015-05-25 06-55-43-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added Shenmue UNDUB by smith and ReviveDC
now that they're ded
795mb .cdi 3 disks

The Revive DC final undub version: Optimized, PAL Region, JP Speech/ENG Subs, CDDA, Complete


>> No.2460553

>>Shenmue Online is announced but later dropped>What's Shenmue got a fan-translation>it's shit>Shenmue II ends in a cliffhanger>sequel will never happen
it's like he's saying "fuck this we will go bankrupt"

>> No.2460589

Am I the only one who thought all those little things you could do are what made the game?

>> No.2460604

>It made QTE popular.

I'm pretty sure Dragon's Lair was pretty popular, bruh.

>> No.2461934

E3 people, would you kindly show us a teaser image of Virtua Fighter 6 now?

>> No.2462152

Shenmue 1 is my favorite game of all time. I read on /v/ someone calling this "Shenmue with mechs", has anyone tried it?

>> No.2462153
File: 191 KB, 256x363, Steambot_Chronicles_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.2462187

It's more like megaman legends

>> No.2462248

The only game that is remotely close to Shenmue is Shenmue 2.

In before someone says Yakuza series, which I strongly disagree.

>> No.2462262

>Yakuza series, which I strongly disagree.
Curious, why? I wouldn't have made the comparison, but I can see why others do. I think there's a pretty clear legacy there, although Yakuza takes more after GTA.

>> No.2462274

Not that guy, but other than both being by SEGA and being set in the 80s, I can't really see how they're even remotely similar. I love them both but Yakuza always seemed more like a 3D Streets of Rage than anything to me.

>> No.2462286

Shenmue is essentially an adventure game focused around exploration and dialogue with some mini games thrown into the mix, being fighting one of them. The world building is the most important factor of the game, everything is very carefully placed and every NPC is either very important or at least gives the illusion of importance. No NPC is repeated, every single one is a different character with different dialogues and different routines. The attention to the detail of the world is ridiculous to the point that you can spend hours just opening drawers and finding different things in them, and picking them up and inspecting them.

Yakuza is a 3D brawler with a city as a hub world. It has a pretty neat story just like Shenmue, but even though you get to walk around a big city the exploration aspect is pretty barren.

On the surface they kind of look the same, but they focus on completely different things.
Both great games though, and both pretty unique in a lot of aspects, but I find perplexing seeing them compared.

>> No.2462316

It's a great game, one of my top 5 PS2 games, you should check it out.

But back on topic, no, it's not Shenmue with mechs.

>> No.2463469


>> No.2463536

That, plus the actions are not "Press X to not lose" and actually make sense.

>> No.2463835
File: 64 KB, 640x480, shenmue2-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be real here, Shenmue also has terrible QTE segments

>> No.2464438

I think pic related is supposed to be annoying. Even Ryo is fucking pissed afterwards.

>> No.2464469

>You know who's to partially blame for Sega being a shell of their former glory?

You know who can take nearly all the glory for Sega even getting to where they were?
Yu Suzuki.

>> No.2464473

>E3 people, would you kindly show us a teaser image of Virtua Fighter 6 now?

I'll be honest, if they do a new Virtua Fighter and release it on all major platforms including Steam, I'd be more interested in that than in Shenmue 3.

>> No.2464479

> I'd rather take muh generic fighting game sequel

>> No.2464481
File: 113 KB, 503x338, gianttomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virtua Fighter
>generic fighting game
Not mad anon, just disappointed.

>> No.2464853

Well they surely accomplished their goal then. BRAVO YU SUZUKI

>> No.2466891
File: 79 KB, 1896x998, nullDC_Win32_Release 2015-06-11 06-03-51-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for shenmue?

>> No.2466909

You really want a sequel to a game with the dumbest ending too?