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2456395 No.2456395 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussing the Baldur's Gate series and any other IE games you want to talk about.

Complaining about Enhanced Editions, why Saerileth is the purest waifu in the Realms, party discussion, modding, etc.

Glorious scenery-chewing David Warner edition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z3aY0uELTQ

>> No.2456423

Superhuman strength and dexterity aside, single classed thieves are just awful. Hexxat would be much more useful with fighter levels, dualed or multiclassed. Or at least a kit, since assassin would fit her quite well and a single class thief is swimming in skill points to the extent that it doesn't have much of a drawback for one.

>> No.2456519
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Man, that anon wasn't kidding when he said Durlag's Tower was god tier. I already had more fun solving the first floor than with everything else I've done in this game so far combined.

And I think I've learned an important lesson today. Fucking wardens wiped out my entire party in less than 30 seconds. So for the first time ever I actually prebuffed. And realized that swarming magic resistant enemies with an army of trash mobs is actually a pretty great way to keep them from murdering the shit out of me.

Yep, figuring this out seriously took me about 70 hours. I'm so fucking proud of myself right now.

By the way, is this dungeon expansion content? Because if it isn't, filling the whole place with level 5 scrolls, but only one of each, so you can either use them once, or write them but never use in the base game, well that would be some serious cock tease if I've ever seen one.

>> No.2456538

I figured out basically any enemy can be beaten with 2 ranged weapon characters and preferrably as many casts of Sleep and Magic Missile as possible for weak mobs and tougher foes. Just pause a lot and dance around with the ai's aggro.

>> No.2456540

>loli npc fluffly romance


>> No.2456542

>By the way, is this dungeon expansion content?
Yes, Durlag's Tower and Ulgot's Beard come from Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack.
Can't mages on max lvl use 5lvl spells from spellbook, though? I'd never know, because I'm used to playing BG: Trilogy, which removes exp cap in BG1.

>> No.2456570

Yeah, that's been my default strategy until now, except I never used Sleep. But since in this battle every enemy resisted magic, relying on offensive magic to control the situation was not an option.

Ranged weapons are ridiculously good though. And Kivan is a fucking beast. He has thrice as much kills as anyone else in my party. Not that it's surprising, guy has three shots per turn with THAC0 6.
But super sanic Khalid with Boots of Speed and Gauntlets of Ogre Power is getting there too.

That explains it then.
I think the base game's level cap for mages was 6, although it was damn close. Something like only 1000 more exp needed for level 7. So they wouldn't be able to cast these spells.

>> No.2456674

What's a good start to planescape torment? From what I've heard the combat is really bad, but it has very few required fights. Is something like 18WIS, 18INT, and 12CHA good for starting? I figured I'd make a mage type character

>> No.2456687

I haven't tried Valen mod yet since there's no romance aspect
I've heard her level drain utterly breaks the game though.

>> No.2456706

Yeah the mod maker said she's very strong, when not exposed to the light, and if she dies she's gone for good

>> No.2456718

The only part of the game I can think off offhand where that would be a big deal is Suldanesselar, or parts of TOB if Valen has content for that. Most of the big fights in BG2 are inside.

>> No.2456745

I usually forget about her during fights, i used the script where she constantly hides in shadow to backstab but most of the times the enemies are dead before she gets behind them, so now she just stand around doing nothing.

Also, just finished the game and thought the combats were becoming tedious in the end, not sure if i want to go through ToB now.

>> No.2456781

Assassin would have been perfect, but it doesn't fit her story. They also probably didn't want PC assassins to feel completely useless.

Look at it like this: you don't need *any* other characters to have your skills covered.

>Man, that anon wasn't kidding when he said Durlag's Tower was god tier. I already had more fun solving the first floor than with everything else I've done in this game so far combined.

I hated Durlag's Tower. The story is shit, it's flooded with magic items you'll never get to use because you're always finding more, and it doesn't fit the rest of the game. I played through it for the first time this january and thought "who would even like this?"
I'm a huge fan of the rest of the game, though, so if that's not your thing, then I guess it makes sense.

Dungeons are the games weak point, though. It has several, but none of them really get it. The designers apparently think they're supposed to be mazes that you walk through slowly.

>> No.2456784

who is gonna pirate adventure y?

>> No.2456824

If you thought SoA got tedious, you'll hate ToB.

BR1=Dragon Ball

>> No.2457283

I use her with a sling, similar effect as Vic with sling and her STR enhanced.

>> No.2457328

I like to think of it as placing one actual challenge in the game, where the magical items are only really useful for finishing that particular challenge, it's just a way to boost up your XP before BGII and cap off BGI with a solid test of your skill. Taking off the training wheels, you know?

>> No.2457335

>The designers apparently think they're supposed to be mazes that you walk through slowly.
That was the part of Durlag's Tower I hated most.

>inch Imoen forward with Detect Traps
>inch more
>inch more
>inch more
>inched too quickly, ran into a trap before she detected it
>Imoen dies
>reload quick save
>disarm trap with meta-knowledge
>inch forward
>inch forward
>inch forward
>room full of mobs! run back to the group!
>handle mobs
>inch forward
>inch forward

>> No.2457359

This is what actual DnD is like tho

>> No.2457425

In actual DnD a DM could decide that shit is taking too long and that there are no more traps.

Or y'know, just have traps in logical places like doors and treasure chests.

>> No.2457448

>I think the base game's level cap for mages was 6, although it was damn close.
Thanks for clearing that up.
This information is irrelevant now, but in base game of Shadows of Amn, you could find 9th lvl scrolls in Sulldaneselar. Mages couls never use it wthout ToB, because of the exp cap. So devs did the same, as in the case of TofSC expansion.

Combat is just like in other Infinity Engine games, when it comes to mechanics. Overall though, it's more boring, there's not a lot of challenging fights. Your main fighting force will be your companions. You'll get the best tank in the game at the very beginning of the game.

The stats you mentioned are a solid start, but it wouldn't hurt to get more CON or STR. You dont need to put any points in DEX, it's only useful either for thieves or for a few skill checks in the game, that are not important.
To be honest, I'd recommend playing any way you want for the first time, Fighter is good for that too. You'll understand the game and its plot after every playtrough after the first one. I've played PS:T at least 5 times and there's always something new I didn't discover previously.

Widescreen mod is recommended.

>> No.2457474

How the fuck did Imoen became a mage in BG2 ?
She's all right as a thief.

>> No.2457490

In BG1 she isn't the best thief, and has good stats for dual-classing to mage. Since it was so common amongst players and it fit BG2, Black Isle wrote it into the story.
I've heard that Imoen was supposed to die in BG2 and that her being an NPC was a last minute decision but I've never seen the source myself.

>> No.2457494

>you didn't dual her, anon?

She's built for it.

>> No.2457496

>I've heard that Imoen was supposed to die in BG2

That would be a bummer. I really like the feeling of having three Children of Bhaal wreaking havoc in ToB, not even a fucking Demogorgon stands a chance with them.

>> No.2457512

You're probably right, i completed SoA multiple time but always gave up during ToB

>> No.2457517

To be fair, with the right build you could probably solo Demogorgon with fucking Cernd.

>> No.2457521

ToB certainly lacks the charm and in-depth detail the other two have

it's basically a middle-school power-fest

at least it looks cool

>> No.2457524

I've always seen TOB as the rushed third game rather then the expansion to the second. It's pretty much just large fight after large fight with no breaks to dick around cities or wilderness areas to explore or whatnot.
I like it but it could some more content.

>> No.2457652

>Spell trigger (breach-LR-LR)
>Chain contingency (Triple AHW)
>literally dead
Draconis is the hardest boss they said

>> No.2457662

>hardest boss
>can be killed in a single Sorc timestop

>> No.2457704

was thinking about an evil run on bg2, which I've never done.

-charname, NE half-elf bard with crossbows, not sure what for melee
-Dorn, longbows/greatswords/halberds
-Korgan, axes/hammers
-Viconia, usual stuff
-Edwin, usual stuff
-Hexxat, longsword/shortsword/dagger/shortbow

Should be fun.

>> No.2457730

What kind of bard?
Also i'd use slashing one handed weapon and maybe maces

>> No.2457741

Whenever I think about doing an evil run I remember that A, base BG2 doesn't have 5 evil NPCs around at the same time, and B, evil usually gets shittier rewards/paladins and cowls following them everywhere.

>> No.2457748

And i gave up once again, i guess i'll never finish this part of the game

>> No.2457847

Isn't there a spell for detecting traps that works a lot better than having a thief do it? Yeah I know that kind of defeats the purpose of having the thief, but welcome to the D&D world

plus it's total bullshit how a thief apparently can't hide in shadows and detect/disarm traps at the same time. defeats the entire point of having a thief scout ahead

>> No.2457858

regular bard
I want full pickpocket and lore, and I actually prefer remove fear to confusion
I know blade and skald are strictly better, but Im not going for full power here

I dont have anybody using spears, and crossbows are two-handed, so I'll probably use them, after that it'll be bastard swords since nobody else will use them, then scimitars probably

I'll extend Hexxat's list to accompany all thief weapons since she only gets one point for each

that way, I'll be using every type of weapon
I hate getting weapons nobody uses

>> No.2458184

Isn't it because of Irenicus that she becomes a Mage? Weaving spells in her mind while torturing her?

>> No.2458189

>A thief with 18 Dex and 17 Int

Yeah, she shouldn't have EVER been a Thief.

>> No.2458198

Anyone play through Ascension?
Does it make the plot of ToB any better?

>> No.2458209

Plot stays mostly the same, fights are just getting much tougher.

>> No.2458445

prepare for bugs.

Get console ready.

>yaga shura never dies
>the final batlle and those fucking triggers when they have 1hp that never worked

I hate that shit so much

>> No.2458454
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Adventurers 1
Kangaxx 0

>> No.2458473

Will you use the rogue rebalancing mod? Playing a kitless bard sounds pretty boring

>> No.2458560
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Except Elder Spoppy Liches

>> No.2458578

>protection from magic x2
You sure showed him

>> No.2458596

Not him but fuck Kangaxx and his Imprisonment, i fought him fair once but now it's protection against undead scroll and the Mace of Disruption every time

>> No.2458598

Wail of the banshee is also a pain as well

>> No.2458647

i totally did not use the ring of the ram to blast his demi-lich form into the corner of the room where i had placed 3 traps either

>> No.2458701
File: 28 KB, 292x296, whywhywhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upgrade Flail of Ages to +5
>"Free Action"

>> No.2458743

to use AoE party unfriendly spells such as entangle and grease on crowds and sending your "free action" tanks in?

>> No.2458914

I used Flametongue +1 and Spell Immunity: Abjuration and Necromancy to counter most of his bullshit instant kills and imprisonment.

>> No.2458957
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>> No.2459003

>entangle and grease more important then haste in TOB
You aren't serious, are you?

>> No.2459015

I found the commentary for that speedrun and the TOB one more interesting then the actual video. It was nice to know that I already knew half the exploits they were using, but there's some cool stuff they've found out.

>> No.2459039

No, she was a mage before she got captured. I'll be interested to see what class Beamdog gives her in the BG1.5 they are making, although judging from Neera/Rasaad/Dorn it's going to be shit.

>> No.2459057

I love how his last companion is Yoshimo

>> No.2459084

>Imoen Lore in BG2
The entire starting dungeon in BG2 is Imoen being the most tortured, most special, most "LOOK AT ME" ninja-rescue-Mary-Sue she's ever been.
I don't even like using the term "Mary Sue", but she's just. Sooo. Much. Of it.

I'm kinda happy you don't have her with you again until after Spellhold, because imo she's gone from the cheery sidekick to full-on Shadow the Hedgehog between TotSC and BG2.

>> No.2459094

It's entirely likely that Imoen's stats are better than at least 80% of the characters people rolled.

>> No.2459095

I don't think you actually know what a mary sue is. You probably mean edgy, but Imoen isn't really edgy either. She gets all emo but that's about it.

>> No.2459115

>I don't think you actually know what a mary sue is
Probably. I read some stuff on what makes a Mary Sue and it turns out I got it kinda wrong. Shows me for using concepts I don't know the right definition of, but I'll admit when I'm wrong at least.
>You probably mean edgy, but Imoen isn't really edgy either
It's more that almost everything in Irenicus' dungeon turns out to be about her, even when, say, you find Khaleid laying dissected on a table.

I'll refrain from calling her a Mary Sue in the future, I guess "self-centered" is the best word I can use for her.

>> No.2459148
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A mary sue is a character that is perfect in every way, the superior of all other characters, skilled in all aspects from academia to combat, and beloved with no faults, or that their faults are actually positive traits disguised as faults (they are shy but that just manifests as everyone finding them cute or whatever). Every event, action and character revolves around the mary sue and they are integral to all.
Imoen having a conversation about everything in Chateau Irenicus is more a holdback from when that was the only time in the game you could have her as an NPC and she died afterwards, which is why Imoen has far fewer banters and interrupts then all the other NPCs after Spellhold. They only were having a returning character who turns out to be your half-sister in one area, so they gave her lots of content in that one area.
I agree that the other NPCs should have more shit in that first area, Jaheria only has Khalid and Minsc has nothing, but considering that you can quite easily ignore Imoen for the rest of the game after the tutorial dungeon it's not that bad, most people just tell her to fuck off after rescuing her because of the XP gap and already having a full party.
She is kind of self-centered though, no tact or social grace.

>> No.2459154

is there any "new" good mod recently?

>> No.2459167

I don't know how "new" they are, but the colours of infinity series of mods are pretty cool

>> No.2459183

lmao... well, I was thinking about ways to use free action. Sure, movement and attack speed is what you want

>> No.2459186

Those always looked like pretentious arty shit. Are they actually good?

>> No.2459208

Tales of the deep garden is pretty good, rather short area with some interesting equipment available to buy, like a cloak with a 10% chance to defend against time stop, a longsword that protects you against level 1 spells, a staff that has a 20% chance to cause an enemy to go berserk and another 10+ or so items. No new party members, a couple challenging fights. Nothing that makes you too overpowered in the later parts of the game, but it's a fun side moment in the game, just make sure you have a bunch of money and can take down a fairly powerful mage before you talk to the accepting the mysterious wizard's quest, doing it starts a 3 day restricted item hunt you have to finish which forces you into the new world.

Yvette is ok, a neat idea but the romance isn't that great. Class she has is unusual, a choice between a cleric of Sune, or a cleric/thief. There's definitely worse NPC mods out there.

Still in the middle of trying innershade and the white queen so I don't know enough about them

>> No.2459221

Well, that was kind of the conclusion I came to as well after reading up on more of what a Mary Sue is.

So I guess we agree on this?
I mean, I still don't like what Imoen became in BG2, but I admit she's not a Mary Sue. Just unlikable to me, and stealing the spotlight in the first dungeon when it should have gone to Jaheira for most of it.

(Can't say the same about Minsc though. I only thought he worked with Dynaheir being his Straight Person. Mostly because how they interacted in the first game).

>> No.2459245

Imoen is a pretty divisive character. I remember seeing a poll that was something like 30% of players really dislike her. For me she just doesn't have enough content, not to mention shes just one of the what, 3 mage/thieves in BG2? If she had a decent expansion mod that wasn't that godawful romance she would be better.
I've always thought Minsc was overrated in BG2 though.

>> No.2459304

>Just unlikable to me, and stealing the spotlight in the first dungeon when it should have gone to Jaheira for most of it.

You're missing the point then, because it was all about getting Imoen to surrender her essence of a Bhaalspawn. That's why her "self-centerdness" can be justified. She went through some dark shit.

>> No.2459335

Basically every character in BGII reads like a toss away law and order character. Awful shit happens to them solely to try and snatch your interest and make the game seem edgy and engage some sort of morbid fascination.

But it comes off as really pandering to some people and rightly so, they tossed in a lot of Imoen's shit just because, it's not really part of any greater vision or theme, there is nothing that ties it all together in a storytelling way. It's just edgy shit to fuck with the player and be all grimdark.

>> No.2459431

Wut? Evil works fine, there are more than enough npcs, the reward thing is not true, and having a few more bounty hunters to kill is just harmless fun.

>> No.2459518

>the reward thing is not true
It is though, take the hell's trial and tell me the good rewards aren't better

>> No.2459564

>But it comes off as really pandering to some people and rightly so, they tossed in a lot of Imoen's shit just because, it's not really part of any greater vision or theme, there is nothing that ties it all together in a storytelling way. It's just edgy shit to fuck with the player and be all grimdark.

The part where Imoen was experimented upon by Irenicus, because he wanted to give her soul to Bodhi, somehow slipped your mind, right?
Because that's actually a part of greater vision.

>> No.2459569

Isn't there a mod that allows Bards to cast 9th level spells?

I need it because reasons

>> No.2459649

If you aren't using mods or BG2EE, there are only ever 4 evil npcs around at a time. And two of them can be turned not evil through dialogue.

>> No.2459657

ive never used mods and dont intend to

ive never played a bard
I think having spells, good weapons, and pick pocket will be fun enough, especially considering the rest of the party will be so good, and the fact that ive never done an evil run...I don't really need any extra stuff here

>> No.2460306

I really enjoyed the chosen of cyric fight.

>> No.2460332 [DELETED] 

Pillars of Eternity >>> all d&d games based on combat alone, and only torment has better writing

>> No.2460340

my current party is me as a Bounty hunter, Korgan , Haer'daelis, Edwin, Viconia and Imoen. Should i ditch Imoen in ToB for Sarevok or keep it as it is

>> No.2460348

ditch her.

You've got skills and magic, but only one real melee guy.

>> No.2460350

haha thanks for the laugh man

>> No.2460362

>done with SoA
>start ToB
>"Hello Bhaalspawn, I'm bhaalspawn myself, this guy here is bhaalspawn too, and this guy and that girl, and that drunkard in the corner, yeah, he's bhaalspawn. Everyone in that fucking city is bhaalspawn, btw can you go kill a bunch of bhaalspawns?"
Shit, Bhaal should've been Lord of Fucking. Granted I didn't play BG1 but in SoA your Bhaal essense is treated as special snowflakeness, here its like people sharing same blood type

>> No.2460375

ahh you make it seem as it if were all just shallow storylines, sure the writers created tragic moments for the NPCs, but just to make it edgy and "strike" because of the edginess? Not in my opinion.

As >>2459564 says, the Imoen storyline is globally important and comes back from your childhood, so the edgy part of her being tortured and raped by Irenicus, for a purpose you later discover, shouldn't just strike you because "oh the pain and the misery", we're talking about your childhood friend, the one who was there from the begining, so many battles faught together, and later you find out she's your sister that went through the "edgy" stuff because she suffered a similar fate as you, in the hands of Irenicus, regarding your soul.

Or Minsc, finds the body of her witch Dynaheir "all bloodied up and desecrated -edgy" becuase that was Irenicus' method to move the Bhall escence in Imoen... anyway, what strikes the char should be the loss, in a way similar as to when you and Imoen get separated (we're talking kind of canonically here: you helped him rescue her in BG1 and both of them, such as you and Imoen were on a journey of unknown consequences) to later meet another caster which he grows fond of, Aerie, who can also become your romance interest. So the stories tie... And so on with other NPCs, if not all. Sure, some storylines seem more of an excuse to create minor sidequests, like Jan's... that one isn't edgy at all though, iirc.

>> No.2460389
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Wait till you see the kobold bhaalspawn

>> No.2460491

Just pasta the content of MxSplWiz into MxSplBrd.

>> No.2460564

it's not a laugh it's objective truth
Bioware was never good

>> No.2460708

ellaborate please, anon. Tell us your standards to what "good" is, or what was that Bioware did to make them "not good", then...

>> No.2460712

Comedian material right here.

>> No.2460997

I can see why some people want to become the next Bhaal, Lord of Bitches

>> No.2461123

I cant fucking do anything to Melissan in a third fight. Literally. Is that normal? My character wields Crom and Unyielding, both +5 weapons. Yet, I can't seem to scratch her. I run 3 man party with MC f/m and two mages, who keep showeing her with breaches/speekstrikes/RRR/blabla you know, it doesnt matter. I got her to "injured" after wasting billion spells and dancing around entire arena for 30 minutes

>> No.2461260

>not using skull traps

>> No.2461316

I don't remember her being one of the harder fights, but it's been a decade since I've done it. I'd say that if you've gotten to her without cheating, then I don't know why you can't beat her, beacuse you've fought harder things already.

>> No.2461623
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I just started a sorcerer run in BG1. What are the big important spells I need to get so the MC isn't a huge burden till BG2?

>> No.2461630


>> No.2461635

Sleep is the most important. Blindness, colour spray, chromatic orb and magic missile for BG2 are also good.

>> No.2461674

>isn't a huge burden till BG2?
Sleep is important in BG1, but in BG2 not... just to let you know. For Sorcerers, I always try sticking to spells that don't allow saving throws (such as magic missile) and avoid the ones that are limited by levels (such as sleep) as much as I can. Sleep allows a saving throw at -3, which is nice, but monsters with more than 4 hit dice + 3 hit points are not affected by this spell... Read the spell descriptions and figure out how you want to build your Sorc.

>> No.2461901

magic missile, color spray or chromatic orb, identify (if you don't have anyone else to do it and dont want to pay for it), friends, mirror image, dunno what else is preferable for 2nd level (they're all okay and none are great), dispel magic, fireball uh i mean skulltrap, haste, improved invisibility, minor globe, couldkill

thats what i would pick

>> No.2461941

I wonder why no one mentioned Grease. This spell with Web is one of the best combos, still useful in SoA and ToB.

>> No.2461978

I almost did, but it's not vital.

I shouldn't have mentioned color spray, it's limited by hit die like sleep. Go with chromatic orb instead.

>> No.2461985

Breach, Skull trap, Magic Missile, Chromatic orb, Spook, Mirror's Image, Stoneskin, Improved Invi, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting.

>> No.2461992

>in BG1
u wot m8

>> No.2461996

Oh right, thought he meant in general

>> No.2462021
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>want to do a no magic run for fun
>it's not fun in the slightest, protection from magical weapons rapes my asshole
Fucking wizards

>> No.2462037

if i have bg2ee from steam, how can I "uninstall" it so that I can install it under mygames or something so I can edit the fucking baldur.ini file?

>> No.2462047

You can't edit baldur.ini with the steam version?

>> No.2462051

it wont stick no matter what I do.

changed it to a non read-only, tried to change permissions, nada

I somehow got it to work with bg1ee back in december, but its not working with bg2ee

>> No.2462053

Maybe turn off automatic patching/start in offline mode? Or copy the .ini, edit it outside of the directory and copy it back in?
If nothing works you could either pirate it because fuck it you already paid for it, or play normal BG2 with mods since BG2EE didn't add too much that isn't in the fix/tweakpack, except those shitty new NPCs.

>> No.2462056

>Or copy the .ini, edit it outside of the directory and copy it back in?
forgot, tried that too

I dont see what the first thing you mentioned would change, but I'll try it

>> No.2462059

Man pure druid sure are boring, i wish they were more like the one in Nwn

>> No.2462060

okay, I got it
finally found the right advice online elsewhere

i had to take the baldur.ini file from bg1 and put that one in the bg2 file, replacing the one that was there

now it works

sadly, pretty much pure anything is boring. You gotta multi or dual for the good shit.

>> No.2462061

I was just thinking that maybe the game is autodetecting the file change and resetting it with the cloud steam version.
I know some games do that when you try to mod them, no idea about BG2EE and I would assume it doesn't since it's easily modded, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

>> No.2462062

>pure sorcerer
And druids are just trash in general, kits or not. I'm convinced that druids are OP while mages are UP in Pillars because of their relative strengths in BG.

>> No.2462067

>And druids are just trash in general, kits or not
This, the guy who implemented them in bg probably got raped by a druid in his youth

>> No.2462079

i meant pure classes that can otherwise be dualed or multi-ied

sorcerers can only ever be just sorcerers

>> No.2462087

I know, I was being facetious. In seriousness, if you are playing a ranger or mage no kits is probably the best way to go, mage kits lock you out of spells and the ranger kits are awful. You can multiclass the mage but there's not really any point to multiclassing a ranger.

>> No.2462091

>if you are playing a ranger or mage no kits is probably the best way to go
Maybe if you're playing solo
Wild mage is one of the most powerful class and conjurer only lose 2 good spells. Archer and Stalker are pretty good too

>> No.2462097



>> No.2462102

Stalker is just a shitty thief and I always use rangers front line since they can get decently tanky. Wild surges always fuck me over as well. They can all be argued to be useful though, that's true.
Except druid.

>> No.2462124

>but it's not vital.
I guess you're right, when talking about a casual play on Easy/Normal difficulty mode.
This spell is a must though on higher difficulties or with tactics/SCS mods.

>> No.2462126 [SPOILER] 
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;_; every time

>> No.2462127

And still, Yoshimo was a good companion to you.
You can at least carry his heart with you through adventures in the Underdark.
Ilmater, have mercy on this poor soul. ;_;7

>> No.2462135

Reading Yoshimos journal after his death is a nice touch, although it would have more impact if he had had more conversations then 'hey charname, load me with some exposition'. The Yoshimo friendship mod helps with that quite a lot. Never tried the romance mod though, don't really want to either.

>> No.2462146

he went out with a bang though , 1 hit killing imoen via backstab ( because i forgot to bring a spare set of mage robes for her) and Haer'daelis though i'm not quite sure how he died it might have been friendly fire

>> No.2462158
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i can drop the hand and crystal after spellhold right? been ages since i played this last and don't want to be sitting there in the underdark and suddenly realise i still need these

>> No.2462159


>> No.2462209
File: 590 KB, 800x600, Screenshot 2015-06-10 13.50.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems a shame i'm gonna have to kill this beholder

>> No.2462217

you won't have to

>> No.2462224

yeah but sparing a Beholder even if he is just sitting around guarding a chest seems pretty un adventurer like

>> No.2462225

Killing a bro just because he is a monster seems pretty un adventurer like. He helps you, you help him.

>> No.2462235
File: 574 KB, 800x600, Screenshot 2015-06-10 14.17.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you've convinced me

>> No.2462243

hm no.

>> No.2462246
File: 1017 KB, 665x663, 1413250180720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never go babe hunting in the hive with spectator beholder

>> No.2462278

so many gay mods and drow mods but no good Spectator NPC mod

>> No.2462307

What is actually wrong with the Enchanced editions of Baldur's Gate 1 and 2? I heard mostly is that both games are full of bugs.

>> No.2462325

Most people don't like additional NPCs.
Everything you have in EE you can have with BG: Trilogy/TuTu and some time invested into modding.
The only good thing that EE has is GUI.

>> No.2462326

It's more like neither of them add anything of consequence that hasn't been done in a free mod. Even updating BG1 to the BG2 engine is a mod. The only real original content is the mod NPCs, who, while filling in important but overlooked roles in BG2, are written like shit.

>> No.2462329

I heard bg1ee bugs were fixed now, now idea about bg2 but i haven't encountered any, except for the new content where some quest don't appear in the journal

>> No.2462330
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>are written like shit.
I'm no D&D specialist but aren't vampire always evil aligned in it?

>> No.2462332

People who don't have evil alignments can become vampires. I don't know if the change affects their alignment, but you can get good aligned liches so I would assume not.

>> No.2462351

You immediately become Chaotic Evil if you become a vampire. Bitch is lying, she's evil too (I think she's NE, but that's technically against the rules).

A vampire is undead, therefor the person is dead, their soul has gone to the afterlife. The brain and body, however, are animated by negative energy (and therefor evil). The brain is still a brain, and has all the knowledge, memories, and aspects of personality the person had before. There's just a new landlord, so to speak.

>> No.2462361

If all undead are inherently evil how come you can get good aligned liches like baelnorns then?

>> No.2462370

Has anyone done a run with the Wizard Slayer kit? It seems like the worst kit in the game

>> No.2462442

because some people with authority at tsr or wotc don't really get it

eberron had the decency to make them positive energy based

...can you? You'd have to have your party do pretty much everything.

>> No.2462464

actually just went and looked at them; didnt know they can use magic weapons and armor.

with a really fast weapon, like darts or daggers or whatever, they could really fuck up a caster, but then, if you've hit a caster enough times for the spell failure to really matter, they oughta be dead anyway.

Still a really shitty class

>> No.2462469

I thought Jester is the worst class kit?

>> No.2462473

Isn't the confusion real good?

>> No.2462474

It pales in comparison to blade and skald but you can still quite easily build a strong bard without his bard song. Wizard slayer is no rings, belts, amulets, cloaks, helmets, whatever. Just sword n clothes.

>> No.2462496

>dat fukken dialogue

Holy Christ, kill all nerds.

>> No.2462509

The new companions are pretty obviously written by people who prefer the newer bioware games. Even if someone though the dialogue is well written, almost every single exchange is
>good option
>joke option
>bad option
It's formulaic, you can progress through their questlines and get the best ending by just hammering 1.

>> No.2462519

>like darts
Wizard Slayer's debuff isn't applied while using ranged weapons. You need to install kit mod, to have it.

>> No.2462539

Is there any point to playing as Wizard Slayer when Inquistor is a kit? You even get Carsomyr that way.

>> No.2462567

...or Spectator romance mods.
They're ok. They've been patched, still getting official support and modders are updating their old mods for them.
She seems deceptive and knows her way with words.

>> No.2462587

Well, not really. WS doesn't provide anything good that Inquisitor can't do.

>> No.2462656

Are spears useful in BG2?

>> No.2462764

Yeah they're okay, you get a pretty strong one (+3 with an extra +10 to damage) in the Sahuagin city.

>> No.2462813

They're alright but there's not a lot of unique one

>> No.2462875

Why is Viconia flirting with Dynaheir? They not even related in anything. At first I thought they speak to player character, but they don't as described at wiki.

>> No.2462962

Navigating through Durlag's tower feels like a damn chore

>> No.2463015

Jester is perfectly suitable to solo the entire game and his confusion is really strong plus you can sing while invisible. The normal bard song is horrible anyway, so you're not losing anything on choosing Jester.

>> No.2463023

Totemic Druid in all the BG->BG2 conversion mods has the I Win button in his summon, and the Avenger kit in vanilla BG2 is a very solid character with lots of entertaining combat options. And, of course, Fighter/Druids are pretty good. IMHO, the one NPC Fighter/Druid in this game, Jaheira, may very well be the single best late-game tank (GWWing a Staff of the Ram with Iron Skin support + Druidic summons). It isn't so bad, it's servicable. Certainly not as bad as Druids in games like Might and Magic where their only purpose is to cast Waterwalking.

>> No.2463050

>Everything you have in EE you can have with BG: Trilogy/TuTu and some time invested into modding.

Nice meme

>> No.2463063

I managed to beat her after all. Apparently Dark Planetars can fuck her shit up. I guess this boss fight is particulary annoying for small parties (mine was basically solo and 2 terribly underleveled casters who didn't do anything productive expect throwing breaches, hasting my main and summoning said planetar) because Melissan keeps spawning demons non-stop like its christmas party. Plus there was the whole 'design' decision where in the third take she teleports behind pillar of light and you can't see shit

>> No.2463215

>the third take she teleports behind pillar of light and you can't see shit

the trick (for meta lovers) is put like 10+ skull traps there.

>> No.2463745

Why is that? It's not a labirynth like that one under ice island you're sent to by wizard in Ulgot's Beard.
I'm curious about your reasoning here.

Prove me wrong, shitter.

>> No.2464094

What about kits for monks?

>> No.2464104

Not him, but things that are EE exclusive: EE NPCs and their quests, the less ugly & colour coded character circles, displayed damage ranges and why your THAC0 and damage are what they are (as in, showing which bonuses you get from what,) zooming in and out, scaling UI, being able to have sorcerer & monk kits and various scripting functions that allow more to be done with modding.

There's probably a few things I'm forgetting, and obviously some of this is pretty minor, but it does do some things that can't be replicated.

I'm still bitter that they managed to code it in such a way that lots of mods have to be fixed to work with it, rather than keeping things that mods were actually dependent on the same or coming out with some kind of scripted converter to plug in a mod and have it come out EE compatible, though. Since most mods will never be updated and the people who made them are gone.

>> No.2464146

You should end your sentence with just that:
>EE NPCs and their quests, the less ugly & colour coded character circles, displayed damage ranges and why your THAC0 and damage are what they are (as in, showing which bonuses you get from what,) zooming in and out, scaling UI
The last one is moddable though.
Other changes are not exclusive to EE.

>> No.2464173

>the less ugly & colour coded character circles
Gotta disagree with you there. Light colors look too white and many are indistinguishable.

The zooming in and out was in BG2 already, IIRC.

>> No.2464448

>The zooming in and out was in BG2 already, IIRC.

Nice try.

>> No.2464525

No zooming in BG2.

>> No.2464570

I swear I remember it being a thing the last time I played through.

>> No.2464893

Of course you do. You sure also remember kits for monks and sorcerers, adjustable font size option ingame and the quick loot bar.

>> No.2465091

The colour coded circles are a matter of preference, displayed damage range and THAC0 is for people who are on their first playthrough, zooming in and out is purely cosmetic. Sorcerer and monk have mod kits already, it's just those specific ones that are BG2EE exclusive.
The most meaningful new content by far is the new NPCs and quests, which is a matter of pure opinion for whether or not you like them.
When you add that the majority of BG2 mods still aren't BG2EE compatible, the only time you should ever play BG2EE is if it is your very first run and you have no idea how AD&D works.
Honestly the only feature introduced in BG2EE that I would mod into normal BG2 if I could is the colour changes on scrolls for if your mage has learned it or not.

>> No.2465115

Quick question here guys, are there any BG2 NPC mods that don't suck? It's hard to trust people on mod sites where bullshit like Saerileth gets praised.

>> No.2465134

Saerileth is one of the best comedy mods out there. She LITERALLY dies of a broken heart if you do something like bang a hooker. The mod is amazing for a laugh but if you went into it not knowing I would feel so sorry. Honestly I can't think of any mod NPCs that I would call good, I usually pick up ones that I know are bad and do joke playthroughs, which backfires sometimes when you get characters who are so bad they aren't funny, like Chloe. Tyris Flare and Tashia were alright. I get the impression that most of the mods that put BG1 characters like Branwen or Xan into BG2 are decent since the characters personalities are already defined, so if you liked them in BG1 just don't romance them.

>> No.2465157

Yeah, I know, I had a playthrough with Saerileth and Tsujatha, both are absolutely terrible; the praise part was referring to the non-ironic full-on fanboy praise - check the mods website. Also forgot about Xan and can confirm, he is a decent port.

If you like bad NPC mods you should check out the anthropomorphic sex racoon. It might be kinda hard too find though, the only link I knew is dead.

>> No.2465169

I've avoided Tsujatha and Soulafein like the plague, gary stu drown turn me off. And yeah, if you google 'bg2 mod reviews' you can find some real, unironic praise for Saerilith but she is still probably the most hated mod.
Just googled, Coondred the homosexual raccoon (my fucking sides) seems to have been removed from the net by its creator. Too bad there doesn't seem to be a mirror.

>> No.2465178

Just started my first palythrough and Imoen died at the Friendly Arm ambush.

I hadn't planned on reviving anyone.
How much will I miss by letting her rot?

>> No.2465180

An early game thief who isn't evil. That wizard is piss easy to beat if you just ignore him and grab Jaheria/Khalid before fighting him.

>> No.2465187

WHy not the displayed damage range and THAC0? You do realize some people ARE playing this for the first time? You say that like it's negative, when the EEs really brought in a fresh audience to the games who are now going on to support games like Torment, PoE, and generally keeping the genre alive.

>> No.2465189

There wasn't too much content in it apart from pretty heavily detailed sex scenes. As far as I remember he asked for sex immediately after you let him join the party.

I can actually tolerate Solaufein to some extent, I don't pay much attention to his shit. It was also one of the first mods I ever installed, along with the rest of weimers mods, so I guess there might be some unfortunate nostalgia placed there. My biggest problem with npc mods is that they either try too hard or just completely steal the spotlight from charname. Jailbait/Gary Stu make the game about them for the time they are in your party. Is making an NPC that somewhat fits the game, has one quest maybe and doesn't fucking talk all the time that hard? ;_;

>> No.2465191

> early game theif who isn't evil
Ok then, no big loss because I rolled a theif.

Something told me to just lie about who I was, but I didn't want to risk missing the ones I was supposed to meet and well...
RIP childhood friend. Some may say you were lucky to have died young.

>> No.2465195

Apparently it is. BG2 NPC mods are a real fucking crapshoot since so much disinformation and awful opinions about each one are out there, you get unironic recommendations for Saerileth or Chloe about how they fit the setting and are seamless and all this shit, or you get 'mod recommendations' that are entirely just fanboy/girling over some twilight tier romance.
Unfortunately the only reliable measure is to check the mods out yourself.

>> No.2465196

> theif
> theif

too stubborn for autocorrect to save me.

this game's gonna kick my butt

>> No.2465204

BG1 is brutal until you get bows

>> No.2465205

Fuck that, I'd rather just write my own and have my roommate voice it when he's drunk. Even if it ends up terrible, we will have some fun making it. And it surely won't be a 15 year old paladin or a sex racoon.

>> No.2465208

People have already done that kind of stuff, just look at some of the one day NPCs.
>not making your roommate voice gay romance lines while you casually begin to undress because 'it's a bit hot in here bro'

>> No.2465218

Displayed damage and thAC0 is good for old and new players, imo the more info you have, the better. You can adapt the zooming if you want better view on a close quarters combat which is pretty neat (to make it look like the old school game @ 640*480 and zoom out when you want a bigger picture of whats going on around you (on the old game you could only have a fixed resolution that you could change in the menus)... cosmetic? yeah, from a point of view, it's not "necessary", but a really nice thing to have.

I have both the old and EEs... played the old ones many times, modded and vanilla.... never going back to the old ones.

>> No.2465221
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One day NPCs actually sound much better than most of the proper ones I checked, thanks. I will probably check the code of some and if it's simple enough just rewrite it for my own NPC :^)

>> No.2465230

The makers of the ODNPCs didn't have enough time to give them special snowflake romance lines or extensive interruptions or whatever, so ironically they probably have some of the most natural NPCs in there. I don't think any have quests though, which is a downer. Every NPC should have one quest (looking at you Minsc)

>> No.2465430

>Sorcerer and monk have mod kits already,

Yes... only for EE. Keep trying.

Check Branwen in ppg

>> No.2465451

>people make sorcerer kits
>put them into the game but outside of the kit selection screen
>this somehow means they don't count
Yeah, no.

>> No.2465702

So Baldur's Gate is like playing DnD with a DM whose a humorless cunt?

>> No.2465820

Let's go over the traps in BG1.

The first ones are on the third level of the nashkel mines. You will walk over them if you don't disarm them, they are unavoidable (actually the second set is avoidable if you are hasted and run straight to the next level). Those make sense, as they are in a kobold infested area.

The next trap is in fact a chest; the one next to Ender Sai.

Next ones after that are spiderwebs in the cloakwood forest, made by ettercaps. This also makes sense.

My memory of the cloakwood mines is fuzzy, but the traps I remember are right before Davaeron, in, you guessed it, the only hallway that leads to him. Makes sense.

I think the sewers have some traps, not sure. I can't remember if the Seven Suns has any, and I'm pretty sure the Iron Throne doesn't, unless the basement vault has one or the chests on the top floor. Flaming Fist doens't, that I remember.

Candlekeep; just the catacombs, in places you wouldn't expect (which makes sense, since there shouldn't be anybody down there at all).

Thieves guild basement is a maze meant for practice, if I remember. The traps have signs on the wall, so you know they're there (for whatever reason).

Temple of Bhaal has some on the symbol on the floor, for those that rush straight ahead.

Not seeing anything douchey there, really.

Pirate cave has some in places that make sense. Firewine has them all over the place, but it's built to be a maze to fuck over intruders (and is full of kobolds, who do shit like that). Ulcaster...can't remember. I fucking hate that worthless place.

>> No.2465850
File: 14 KB, 210x330, your love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, I found Coondred:

Pic related, it's him.

>> No.2465853
File: 104 KB, 210x330, 1395589984017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems legit
>Coondred is part of the Furry race I'm introducing to Baldur's Gate II. He was raised by a half-elven druid clan, and is accepted in both human and Furry societies. He will speak of his race and home in his dialogue. If the PC is male, Coondred will ask for some intimate time together. It's not required to accept. Accepting will not affect your romance with others in any way (mainly because I'm lazy). He is voiced by me (Aion). The soft and thin voice is intentional. Yes, I'm aware there are some audio anomalies. Maybe I'll try to fix them later.
Fuck me this looks like it might be even better then Saerileth. You're a pretty cool guy anon, I'll give this a spin when I get around to using the 10 NPC mod.

>> No.2465901

>Something told me to just lie about who I was, but I didn't want to risk missing the ones I was supposed to meet and well...
It it makes you feel better, lying wouldn't have changed anything

>> No.2466020


Again, nice try. Enjoy those kits in vanilla, oh wait, you can't.

>> No.2466028

He can enjoy them in vanilla with ~5 minutes invested into modding.
Stop being a prick, you cunt.

>> No.2466032

>There's fuck all in EE you can't get through mods
>Sorc and Monk kits
>you can totally mod those
I don't understand your point.

>> No.2466035

Sure buddy. You also can zoom if you move your head.

>> No.2466038


Monk, sorcerer and barbarian can't have kits in bg2

>> No.2466040

Several posters already stated there's no such thing in base BG game.
The funniest thing is, it's the only feature of EE that can't be replicated. Continue on being a prick and live in delusion.

>> No.2466041

Unless you use mods. Which is what the whole conversation is about. What you can and can't do in vanilla is irrelevant.

>> No.2466042

ok, lets see. Which mods?

>> No.2466046

Druidic sorcerer or Geomantic sorcerer.

>> No.2466051

Druid kits with different names. I see. Worse than tdd kits.

>> No.2466054

>Druid kits with different names
Did you even read the descriptions? Druidic is a sorcerer that can use druid spells and limited shapeshifting. It learns spells like a sorcerer, uses items restricted to sorcerer, is recognised in game as a sorcerer for shit like the strongholds and uses intelligence as its main attribute, it's selected through the Druid list since the programmer was lazy but he explicitly states 'this is intended to be, and works functionally as, a sorcerer kit'. Geomantric is the same but he doesn't even go through the Druid kit, he just puts it into the game that if you meet the requirements you can choose it as its own class.
Neither of the classes works anything like a druid. Please stop acting like a retard.

>> No.2466165
File: 578 KB, 640x480, Drizzt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just acquired the EE for my mac. Spent the last few hours trying to get some of my choice mods working for it (NPC Banter, Additional Kits, Containers, Drizzt Saga) and have been pounding my head in frustration.

I never would have guessed modding on a mac was this complicated. I lost all my saves & Game Data (Had BG;Tutu) on my old PC a few months ago when I moved, so I was hoping to pick up right where I left off, but it seems my luck has just completely lost out.

At least I found a good Custom Portrait for a character I wanted to play. I'm looking to play a Magic user that can also hold his own in a sword fight if the need arises, so to that end I was having a hard time deciding between;

- Half-Elf Multiclass Fighter/Mage
- Human Kensai Dual Classed to a Specialist Mage at like 3rd or 6th level

Of the two, which do you guys think would better/more fun in the long run? Keep in mind I'm looking to to lean more towards the magic aspects of the character, for melee I just want him to be capable of holding his own in a one-on-one fight, not take down whole groups with a single slice.

>> No.2466167


Nice portrait, faggot

>> No.2466182


This is what is wrong with your life.

>> No.2466185

Dualed Kensai is for power-games and is actually quite boring to play.
I'd rather choose multiclass, especially if you're gonna take him through the whole saga without the exp caps.

>> No.2466201

Multi for fun, dual for cheese.

>> No.2466229


consider an elf fighter/mage/thief (my personal fav)

high str, bonus from high con, 2 dots, bonus to longswords/bows, 19 dex, can sneak/backstab (with high str)/cast/wear robes/full-plate/shields/deal with traps/scout....it's pretty sweet.

>> No.2466328

Not BG2, but I've been trying out Inara and Finch for BG1. They've been ok so far, no bullshit romance, although Finch's soundsets get annoying after awhile.

>> No.2466384

I've never bothered with mod NPCs for BG1 since there are so many more normal NPCs then BG2. Are there any really good ones?

>> No.2466394
File: 7 KB, 200x200, thumb-16d99eca4252063f25b27378096e5e8a-rh-isral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently did a playthrough with the Isra NPC mod and found it to be very good. I was also playing with the NPC Banter mod, so she not only interacted with the party at times, but would occasionally (usually after major event) initiate special dialogues with the player character. I would recommend it highly.

Apparently if you carry your file over into BG2 with Isra, then if you struck up a friendship with her in BG1, you could open up a path for a romantic relationship in BG2. I really wanted to see the quality of the BG2 Isra, but I unfortunately lost my save games files when I lost my flash drive a few months ago. I am very upset by this.

>> No.2466402

Sounds good, I'll look into it. If Isara is like any other BG1+BG2 mod you will be able to romance her in BG2 without importing a save anyway.

>> No.2466446
File: 328 KB, 1366x768, 2015-06-12_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you struck up a friendship with her in BG1, you could open up a path for a romantic relationship in BG2.
Like >>2466402 said, teh romance can be started in BG2 without importing, you just have to say you knew her at one point

>> No.2466480

F/M > kensai dual
at least late game, critical strike HLA is too good

>> No.2467924

Which content/adventure mods are actually worth using?

>> No.2467935

The Longer Road for BG2:ToB.

>> No.2467939

Tweak/fixpack, Unfinished Business and Assassinations are good.

>> No.2468363


>> No.2469751

personal favorite game guys?

IW for sure for me

>> No.2469804

BG2. Yes I'm an IE game pleb, I just like how it's got that balance between combat and non-combat.

>> No.2469934

Definitely BG, due to modability and added 200h+ of quests and shit.
IWD/IWD2 for music and atmosphere.
ToEE for combat - this hasn't been beaten yet. It's a shame the game overall wasn't that good. But still, it had great animations for its time and pretty cool music.

>> No.2470445

I've invested more time in BG saga than the others, PS:T is a totally diferent ride though, so is Icewind Dale.

I'd advise any person who has played only one of those and liked it, to play all 3.

>> No.2470913

Go 16 16 16. Raise them in the "wisdom, intelligence, charisma" order.
Ideally you want them all maxed out to 25 by the end of the game.

>> No.2470927

I thought Breagar was a pretty good NPC mod but I haven't played the English translation, so I don't know if they found a dwarfy voice for him which fits.

>> No.2472893

It's generally better to have higher wisdom than intelligence, because the bonus XP from higher wisdom isn't retroactive, and because once you're a mage you can get away with 12 charisma + the level 1 mage spell, friends. Also, even if you don't cast it/aren't a mage, there are vastly more wisdom checks than charisma ones.

>> No.2473023

How do you play a non-Blade bard, do you just sing and cast spells once in a while?

>> No.2473205

pretty much

>> No.2473218

I actually go 18 wis, 13 cha, 14 dex, and put the rest of points into int increasing int at level ups. I don't think you ever need more than 16 Int to end up hitting 19 with extra bonuses from ravel and such, at which point any more is useless.

once you get 16 int you might as well put every other point in to Con until it hits 25

you can generally cheat strength checks by making dakkon buff you anyway

>> No.2475038

Why have they nerfed ranged so much between bg and bg2?

>> No.2475040

Actually, I think that stats optimisation should be left for second playtrough.
We're already spoiling a lots of people telling them, that WIS and INT and statchecks are important. It'd be better if they just dived into the game and found that themselves so they would also find the urge to play PS:T more than once. There's no way that any human being could understand the whole story of PS:T in just one playtrough.

>> No.2475042

It wasn't really nerfed. There's only so much you can do with this D&D edition when monsters are getting much more hp in BG2, but ranged dmg isn't getting any bonuses.

>> No.2475052

>It wasn't really nerfed
Yes it was, Fire Arrow do 1d6 piercing dmg + 1d6 fire dmg in bg1 and in bg2 the do 1d6 + 1d2. Acid arrow do 1d6 + 2d6 in bg1 and 1d6 + 1d3 in bg2
Also i think +1 arrow gave a bonus to damage in bg1 but they don't in 2

>> No.2475059

It's probably a reaction to ranged blowing melee out of the water in BG1, they nerfed it for BG2. Either that or someone cocked some numbers up.

>> No.2475065

>It's probably a reaction to ranged blowing melee out of the water in BG1, they nerfed it for BG2
You're probably right, which is stupid because in bg2 melee get great dmg bonus from high strength and there's item to increase it everywhere. I guess i could use sling to get a bonus from my high strength but an elven Archer using slings doesn't feel right.

>> No.2475076

Hey man, slings are absolutely deadly. People have been using them to kill each other for thousands of years. Besides, elven scum should be made to feel as uncomfortable as possible.

>> No.2475086

>slings are absolutely deadly
I know man, i keep the one that doesn't need ammunition on the side just in case. It's too bad halfling can't be ranger.

>> No.2475092

That's what mods are for.

>> No.2475759

What's the level cap for BG I:: EE?

>> No.2475792

oh come on anon the story isn't that complex

I mean I agree that it's pretty unlikely that a normal person would ever find all the routes through the dialogue trees and uncover every little flag to get the full story on their first try, but the story that's there isn't all that excessively complex that you couldn't play it once with a guide and then never have to pick it up again.

>> No.2475836

You're right, of course. But you're talking about story that is presented to the player directly.
There's lots of backstory and things you're bound to miss on playtrough with no proper preparation to experience everything. I guess the best example for that are the stones that are in the Sensates Hall. There's no way in hell you're gonna understand what they are really about if you don't meet with the Ravel first or dont talk to the Paranoidal Incarnation.

>> No.2475943

When's the best time to do EE and TotSC quests? I'm in chapter 5 currently.

>> No.2476094

I wanted to go to Watcher keep early to grab the Quiver and bag but i heard the monster that spawn in the dungeon depends of your level during your first visit. Is that true?

>> No.2476836

You can do the EE quests whenever but they might be a bit of a challenge, and do the TotSC quests as the last thing you do before the final chapter.

>> No.2476858

161k xp. You can remove it with mods though.

>> No.2476880

Should i travel alone or i can get that cap with full party?

>> No.2476916

I don't think it's possible to hit the cap with a full party, but if you travel alone you are going to hit it really early. Hitting the cap doesn't matter at all, I would just do full party.

>> No.2477057
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can i skip 1 and go straight to 2?

>> No.2477060

First game is great, why don't you want to play it?

>> No.2477062

i dont know man. i just heard 2 is flat out better than 1

>> No.2477064

it is but why not just play both

>> No.2477067

You could, but you're gonna miss a lots of things, subtle ones and the greater ones.
BG1 is still a solid rpg and adventure game, I'd gladly play it for the first time again, If I could.
Try Enchanced Edition if you're newcomer to Infinity Engine games.

>> No.2477069

fine you guys have a point

>> No.2477075

2 is better then 1 in a lot of ways, but 1 undeniably has better exploration. It's got a more varied cast of NPCs as well, even if none of them have as much content as the BG2 ones.
BG2 is a direct sequel to BG1, but it's not as connected as you would think. You can play BG2 without BG1 but you would miss out references with a bunch of NPCs and enemies, as well as a couple of quests, as well as some fairly major references in TOB.

>> No.2477108

Fighter/mage or Specialist /vr/?

>> No.2477128

why is CHA important for paladins bards and druids?

>> No.2477137

Neither. Do something creative instead.

>> No.2477145

CHA is almost entirely useless in BG1 and BG2 outside of store discounts. It affects a couple of quest rewards but there is no combat benefit in any way, shape or form.
The tooltip says CHA is important for those classes because it's lifted from DND.

>> No.2477147

Oh, actually I forgot that CHA can affect morale breaking and party members murdering each other, which is gameplay.
That shouldn't be much of a problem if you know what you are doing though.

>> No.2477242

>no combat benefit

So you don't think a Paladin's turn undead and lay on hands affects combat? Or a Bard's spellcasting abilities?

>> No.2477245

I am fairly sure that charisma has absolutely no effect on Turn Undead and Lay on Hands in IE games.

>> No.2477246

Yeah, those definitely affect combat.
But they aren't affected by CHA in BG1 or BG2.

>> No.2477251

Are you fucking serious.

Now I don't feel bad that I skipped these games if they can't implement basic fucking D&D design in them.

>> No.2477256

Like? I mean i pretty much played every class already except maybe cleric/thief. Is that a fun class to play? How to justify it rp wise?

>> No.2477259

Turn Undead is level based and Bard/Sorcerer spellcasting is INT based. It's not quite accurate but they don't just straight up ignore it.

>> No.2477262

That sounds exactly like they're straight up ignoring how the characters are designed and balanced to me.

>> No.2477273

BG1 and BG2 change a lot of stuff from DND that isn't obvious or even told to you by the game, all the IE games do it. It's not how the characters are designed for tabletop but it's how they are designed and balanced for in the videogame.
In saying that, some parts of the game weren't balanced particularly well.

>> No.2477676

Sorcerers have no casting stat. There's literally no difference to a sorcerer with 11 INT or 18 INT. Even mages don't really need INT per se, it doesn't affect spell slots, and for learning spells you can drink the +INT potions. WIS is a more important stat by far because it affects Wish outcomes. Even CHA is more useful than INT because INT is only good for Mind Flayer protection, using wands (you need 10 INT to use wands) and some random quest resolutions like convincing Phaere you're an eunuch, so CHA at 18 gives you more than INT at 18, de facto (lower prices and better quest resolutions)

>> No.2477685

Also this means that a Bard can easily dumpstat his INT (as in, leave it at 13).

>> No.2477773

I think INT affects the maximum spell level (18 is enough for lvl 9) you can cast as a mage - you can't really fix it with potions, because the buffs will wear off when you rest and your spell slots will be gone.

>> No.2477779

It should work like that, but it doesn't. The only thing INT affects is amount of spells you can have in mage's spellbook.

>> No.2477845

Apparently in the Enhanced Edition you need 18 int to learn level 9 spells. Still, it's crazy the amount of misinformation around that game 20 years after it's release. There are still some people who thinks Wisdom gives you better saves

>> No.2477920

What exactly affects number of spells and max level of spells? I play as a mage and my character has less spells than same level Dynaheir.

>> No.2477943

Are you a specialist mage? Specialists get more spell slots than normal mages at the cost of not being able to learn certain magic school.
Dynahaier is an evoker, thus she gets more spells than standard mage.

And what I meant here >>2477779 was about number of spells you can learn, not the amount you can cast.

>> No.2477953

No, pure mage.

>> No.2477957

Probably because all that misinformation is in the manual.

>> No.2477959

Well then, you're always gonna have lesser amount of spells than any other specialist mage. Unless you find some items that add spell slots, but there's not much of them in BG1.

>> No.2478830

>party members murdering each other
Huh, I never knew that could even happen. I just assumed that the leaving due to reputation thing was the extent of Good and Evil.

>> No.2478835

Nah, a bunch of them hate each other. Apparently you can stop that with high enough CHA but I always just removed the fights with mods

>> No.2479149

BG uses 2nd edition rules. You're thinking about 3rd edition.

>> No.2479467

I loved BG 1 but absolutely hated BG2. The city was small as shit, not a lot of exploration even the party members quotes weren't as good.

Although I did get teary eyed at the end with the party members legacies.

>> No.2479468

Athkatla was bigger than Baldur's Gate.

>> No.2479471

Didn't feel like it. Even the story wasn't as good, I got no satisfaction when I beat Irenicus.

>> No.2479476

I think Athkatla feels smaller since you start the game there, while you don't get to Baldur's Gate until you are used to towns like Nashkel and Beregost.

>> No.2479480

I found Irenicus to be a much more deeply personal and worthwhile villain than Sarevok. Granted, Sarevok kills your foster father... but Irenicus kills off two of your party members, leaving their grieving loved ones with you. He then forcibly rips out you and your sister's soul. The game also peppers you with cinematics of what he's up to as a means of keeping him fresh in your mind as you progress through the story. Sarevok shows up at the beginning and very end of his game. That's it.

>> No.2479705

I would agree, except the early dream sequences in SoA with Sarevok gave the rivalry far more depth.

>> No.2479712

Sarevok appearing in TOB gave it more depth as well, but that was kind of late to affect BG1 much.

>> No.2479724

Sarevok in TOB was the only good thing about TOB. He was way more interesting than he ever was in BG 1.

>> No.2479729

You would hope so, he had god knows how many more lines then in BG1.
Not to mention he's overpowered.

>> No.2480002
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I haven't completed a playthrough of BG 1 & 2 in a long time.
Recently started one as a bard but got bored of my class midway through BG 1.
Whats a fun class to play? I've previously only completed either game as a pure fighter

>> No.2480008

Dualclassed human Berserk/Cleric - or plain multiclassed Fighter/Cleric
Multiclassed Fighter/Mage
Solo Fighter/Thief/Mage with difficulty increasing mods

>> No.2480460

How to complete Dorn's quest in bg:ee? I've killed Simeon and have had two dialogues, but he don't talk anymore and quest still marked as incomplete in the journal.

>> No.2480471

funnest for me is elf fighter/mage/thief

you can do everything

>> No.2480475

Did they make the game actually work like the book says it does?

>> No.2481176
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>if you are eligible for the fighter stronghold and have Nalia in your party the game will NOT let you refuse it and keep her as an NPC
I don't even like Nalia, she's just filling in the Imoen slot since they are both dual class mage/thiefs.

>> No.2481981

this image makes me happy.

>> No.2481982

would you fuck edwina ?

>> No.2482576
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>Let's try this cursed Helm of Opposite Alignment
>Everything looks exactly the same

>> No.2482672

I would rape her, does that count?

>> No.2482773

>complaining about enhanced editions
Why? What's wrong with them?

>> No.2482840
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Is a multi-class Fighter/Thief worthwhile as a MainChar?

>> No.2482869

Well, originally, adding a bunch of bugs not there in the original games, though those are pretty much all fixed now. Most people think the quality of the writing for the new content is below the base game (but then, so is almost all modded content and most people here still use at least some of that.) Changing how things are coded and scripting meaning that mods have to be individually updated in a lot of cases, in a modding community where the majority of mods have been made by people who have since moved on and as such won't ever be around to fix their stuff.

Only the last one actually bothers me personally, to the extent that it stops me playing the EE since I prefer a heavily modded game. I really think Beamdog ought to have put effort in to some kind of converter that changed references to the various things they changed in the base game into the new format, because I'd like to use some of the features they have in it.

>> No.2482874

Yes, a thief PC is one of the most worthwhile PCs in BG2 since there are no thieves.
Still good in BG1 too since bows and all.

>> No.2482915

Nevertheless I reached cap in chapter 5.

>> No.2483159


>> No.2483176

Jan's obnoxious.

>> No.2483271

Does that make him not a thief?

>> No.2483275

It means I've very rarely used him so I've never considered him for the role of thief. You're right though, Jan is a thief. Doesn't stop a PC thief from being useful though. Even if the thief stronghold is garbage.

>> No.2483303

Multi-class Fighter/Thief is one of the strongest characters.

>> No.2483307

Is there a mod that turn the bard song into an ability with round per level duration?

>> No.2483309

Might add: I usually play my Fighter/Thief with Carsomyr, Human Flesh Armor, Ring of Gaxx, Amulet of Magic Resistance and the 10% magic resistance bonus you can get in hell. All that adds up to 100% magic resistance. And you can protect yourself with stoneskin scrolls.

>> No.2484501

>man I love this city!
>why the fuck are we always out sleeping in the weeds?

>> No.2484504

Yup, one of the best.

A half-orc fighter/thief is one of the best choices for BG1.

>> No.2484507

Not possible

>> No.2484610

Currently playing BG1EE (and Wasteland 2), should my next game be BG2, Icewind Dale 1/2, or Planescape: Torment.

>> No.2484672

I'd pretty much stick with the order you listed, to be honest. Finish it out with Pillars of Eternity.

>> No.2485032

How's Icewind Dale 1/2 in terms of story or lore?

>> No.2485052

The Icewind Dale games aren't too big on story. Mostly about combat. I like to think of them as D&D tactical combat simulators.

>> No.2485064

How exactly to import my character from bg:ee to the second game? Should i have bg2:ee already installed before end the first game?

>> No.2485070

You copy your final-save into the BG2EE save directory and load it from the import menu in game.

>> No.2485085

While you could do the final save thing that's no good if you did the Tales of the Sword Coast stuff after the final boss (unless you fought him again). What I would do is load your absolute most recent save and use the export feature on your character sheet and then copy that character file to BG2 and select "import" at character creation.

>> No.2485240

How well does dual-classing work for this combo? Start with fighter up til 7 or 9 for HP, or start with thief for better THAC0 later (but would you miss out on awesome thief HLAs?)

>> No.2485283

Does importing with BG2/BG2:EE import anything at all besides my character and his stats?

>> No.2485321


You lose most your loot, keep Balduran's helm and the pantaloons

Fucking Irenicus

You can mess with a man's soul, fuck his sister, kill his companions and send an agent to spy on him

But selling his loot? Fucking asshole

>> No.2485325

You keep one of your armors, usually Mail of the Dead +2, and a weapon, the best being Flametongue +1, which is fantastic for being +4 vs undead.

>> No.2485350

Beyond that there's nothing else? No choices being carried over or something?

>> No.2485360

Your new is showing

>> No.2485384

Items must be in the PC inventory?

>> No.2485754

Both are more linear, and you spend a lot more time in dungeons. You also make your own party, no NPCs will join you (without mods).

Protip: the pally weapon in IWD1 is a 1-handed long sword. the pally weapon in IWD2 is a 2-handed sword.

>> No.2485845

Protip 2: Never let a paladin do the talking in IWD2, he or she will refuse all rewards.

>> No.2486785

Is wasteland 2 any good? I played it for a bit but couldn't get into it. Does it pick up at all?

>> No.2486789


Not really

>> No.2486984
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There's a lot of text...in the items descriptions. A lot of magical items have a cool story of its own.

>> No.2487594

Is backstab truly useless in ToB? I wanted to make a Shadow dancer but since they can't use trap i fear they will quickly become boring.

>> No.2488428

In Baldur's Gate I broke into Entar Silvershield's home and french kissed his wife. Does BG2 have shit like this?

>> No.2488469

The Paladin NPC in BG2 is a literal cuckold.

>> No.2488561

Is this vanilla BG1 with no mods? Never heard of that happening before.

>> No.2488603

He gets cucked by a guy who swears he can't get an erection. It's all kinds of retarded and I think my favorite thing to do is to convince him to murder his family and then just leave him to rot.

>> No.2488621


Maybe it's content from the BG1 Unfinished Business mod?

>> No.2488716

I enjoyed it, the only issue I have with the game is it feels too long, especially once you leave Arizona.

>> No.2488775
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99% sure that I had no mods. I didn't stumble upon it accidentally though - I was looking through a guide at the time.


>> No.2488924

kinda depends on the reviews and whether you can just BGT BGEE/AdvY/BGIIEE

>> No.2489014

BG1 here.
I've just reached Candlekeep for the second time (Chapter six). Am I close to the end of the game? I haven't even looked at Durlag's tower or anything, and I don't want to miss out on anything if the game ends after the main story.

>> No.2489124

>(Chapter six). Am I close to the end of the game?
Yes, chapter six is close to the end.

>> No.2489158

Will I be able to continue playing after the main quest?

>> No.2489195

Not unless you're using the Baldur's Gate Trilogy mod. You get a saved game once you finish the main story which can be imported into the second game, but can't do anything else in BG1, so you might as well do any TotSC content once you get out of Candlekeep.

>> No.2489304

I was unable to.

>> No.2489610
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>mfw finally pass through final fight from black pits

>> No.2489786

>Baldur's Gate Trilogy mod
I'm using Enhanced Edition. But thanks, I'll keep it in mind and finish it after Candlekeep.

>> No.2490371

Definitely do Durlag's tower and Ulgoth's Beard before you return to Baldur's Gate after clearing Candlekeep.

After you beat BG1, make sure any items (like golden pantaloons) that are important are in the PC's inventory (and not in any container). Otherwise, they won't make it to Amn.

>> No.2490774

Where's the silver pantaloons?

>> No.2490853

Thanks. Are there any other specific items I should keep? Will everything my main character has transfer to BG2?

>> No.2491170

Aren't Dispel Magic supposed to cure Dire Charm? My kensai almost killed several members of my party because I couldn't cure him.

>> No.2491249

It's called Dire for a reason.

And if you play the real version of Baldur's Gate 1, it lasts as long as stated in the Player's Handbook.

>> No.2491340

There's also exist table 3 with weapons for bg2ee v1.3.

>> No.2491441

In this case your best bet is to counter-charm your party member. Dispel is tough to pull off in BG2 unless you're an Inquistor or a really overleveled caster (from doing parts of Watchers Keep early) because most enemy spellcasters outlevel your own when you encounter them.

>> No.2491543

If you uninstall an NPC mod, do you have to delete your saves and start over or can you continue? Assuming that I haven't interacted/met with the NPC.

>> No.2491584

in Amn

>> No.2491615

Is it just me or bg2ee v1.3 makes game harder? It's like AI has improved.

>> No.2491714

It should be fine, unless it's done in some bizarre way. If the NPC mod also adds encounters or quests in areas you've already been to, that might cause an issue.

>> No.2491913


>> No.2492186

>accidentally hit a Shadow thief after paying 15000 gold
>come back hours later
>they all turn hostile and some faggot one-shot me
Fuck and i have no saves from before that point

>> No.2492259

The game makes a "final save" when you enter the final boss room. You can easily continue playing from there after you beat the main story.

>> No.2492263

get infinite money using the pickpocket cheat

>> No.2492267

How would that help in any way?

>> No.2492314

If you load final save, you just get back to main menu.

>> No.2492570

Well you could always export your main character and start a new and if you want to keep your equipment, start a new multiplayer game, save after the first cutscene and import that character in the new multiplayer save

>> No.2492691

You're really not. There's a bug in BG1 wherein sometimes when you counter-Dire Charm when your Charm wears off, they turn permanently hostile.

>> No.2492879

I've been playing these things since BG1 dropped. Instead of going on my xth run through an IE game, are there any *good* total conversions or even robust expansions that aren't a super pain in the ass to get running on linux? Or should I just wait for Tides?

>> No.2494095

Oh? Must be extended edition rubbish. The original version loads the game just as you enter the room.

>> No.2494412

arrows were too powerful in bg1 by a long shot, no pun intended

archers (the ranger kit) only get special stuff with bows and crossbows, and elves only get bonuses to bows

also, slings have low attack rates

>> No.2494423

Yeah, that's my bg:ee experience. Never played the original.

>> No.2494478

>only get special stuff with bows and crossbows
They can only get grand Mastery in bows and crossbows but the +1 to thaco and damage works with all ranged weapons

>> No.2495087

I'm playing kensai in BG1:EE. My INT is too low to dual to mage. Is it retarded to dual to thief when I get to BG2:EE? I guess this is around lvl 9.

>> No.2495098

>Kai powered backstab
>overrides disadvantage once you get UAI
It's op anon

>> No.2495172

It lacks the raw utility and solo power of a Kensai/mage (Mirror image, stoneskin, haste, mislead/simulacrum), but but as >>2495098 said it turns you into the ultimate weaboo fightan machine with no weaknesses other than lack of inherent spells (UAI and scrolls offset this).

>> No.2495178

At what level should you dual to mage as Kensai if you wanna be a ultimate weaboo fightan machine?

>> No.2495204

7 if you want to walk out of Irenicus' starting dungeon with your kensai levels reactivated, 9 if you want to get your kensai levels back early in chapter 2/3 missing out on only 1/2 an attack per round but with nearly optimal HP and THAC0, or 13 if you want all your attacks but possibly without your kensai levels until the underdark (unless you're brave brave few levels of Watchers Keep early).

>> No.2495213

samefag here, I usually go for 9 unless I'm soloing or using a small party then I do 13. But that's personal taste.

also my phones autocorrect is lagging out and repeating/overwriting words randomly.

>> No.2495563

>ultimate weaboo fightan machine
Now that i think about it a Ken/thief is literately
>teleport behind you
>unzip katana

>> No.2496067

That actually sounds kinda fun, guess I'll just turn up the difficulty. Is dualling at lvl 9 ok?

>> No.2496207

Never mind, I didn't think about the fact that I can't dual class as a half-orc. Guess I'm stuck as a kensai. ;_;

>> No.2496385

If it makes you feel any better, Half-Orc is the best race hands down for a pure Kensai.

>> No.2497320

Yeah, it sure feels strong now at the end of BG1. I read somewhere that pure kensai was absolute crap in BG2 though, let's hope I manage to stay alive long enough to get a decent party.

>> No.2498616

They're still fine, though the THAC0 bonuses they get matter less since you're fairly rapidly hitting most enemies almost all the time anyway because of broken AC vs THAC0 scaling.

>> No.2499789

I'd much rather be a Gnomish or Dwarven Kensai for the saving throw bonus. AC can be alleviated with a friendly mage's Ethereal Armor and a bonus STR point never struck me as particularly relevant, there's plenty of strength enhancing potions for tougher battles.

>> No.2499905

Half orc is good because you can start at 19 str without fucking around with exceptional strength percents, very useful through most of BG and BG2.

Not sure why you'd pick a gnome, but a dwarf is good if you're shooting shooting for high con for regen. Also, I'd agree that the shorty bonus to saves will eventually be more useful than high base str, but not for a while into BG2.

>> No.2499928

>Half orc is good because you can start at 19 str without fucking around with exceptional strength percents

I never fucked around with those, always leave them at base, it's not worth killing yourself over and there are shitloads of ways to raise strength over 18.
>Not sure why you'd pick a gnome
Fighter/Illusionists are awesome, but sticking to single-classed Kensai in a vanilla game, they get the same shorty bonuses as every other shorty, they don't get any minuses to any relevant stats (for those who hate dex penalties), can romance Aerie and are just cool.

>> No.2500098

>they don't get any minuses to any relevant stats (for those who hate dex penalties)
A very good point that I never considered, but you can raise your dex to 18 from 17 with a book, and there is no functional difference between 18 and 19 for a kensai

>> No.2500826
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Is that normal?

>> No.2501013

Is there a Blackguard nearby (Dorn in EE or certain Githyanki enemies in Watcher's Keep)? Or, if he hasn't finished his knighthood quest yet (still neutral alignment), he could potentially turn hostile paladins.

>> No.2501050

>play IWD2
>whack goblins
>clean the warehouse and cave
>NPC tells me a guy will give me a reward
>go to the guy
>he tells me to whack more goblins instead

what did I do wrong

>> No.2501382

Whacking goblins is its own reward, anon.

>> No.2501608

Nope, i have a good aligned Paladin from a mod and Anomen finished his quest

>> No.2501923

There are some really stupidly flagged creatures in the base game; priests of Lathander who are chaotic evil, and the like, but I'm not sure if there was ever something where a paladin creature was flagged as being undead. I guess that's a possibility.

>> No.2501940

If I recall, The Crypt King guarding Namarra in the graveyard is an undead paladin.

>> No.2503169
File: 13 KB, 252x184, that feel when your ufo crashes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find that picture of Yoshimo with sunglasses, anyone have it?

>> No.2503251

So.. are Monks much better in the EE versions? Haven't played ANY baldur's gate in 5 years now.

(Background: LONG time BG player since the games came out. Beat the games multiple times, used to get into arguments about class tiers, etc. Pretty knowledgeable about the original games.)

I haven't played the EE versions yet, but just browsing around I noticed that monks get a few new goodies.

For instance:

New gauntlets that does 1 less damage than Gauntlets of Crushing but can spec more damage.

Some kind of new helmet. Forgot the stats but pretty good.

Sun Soul Monk has that ability that adds fire damage to monk's attack for up to 5 rounds.

Obviously, monks are going to use nothing but GWW since they can't be Improved Hasted (so Critical Strike is pointless). So seems pretty damaging if they do 9 attacks per round (1d20+4 ++ STR bonus ++ 3 dmg from new gauntlets ++ 15% chance 1-10 dmg ++ 2d6 dmg from sun soul ability which I'm assuming works with GWW because it lasts for 5 rounds)

So, on paper monks look devastating now, but in practice is it so?

Also, EE uses fixed boots of speed? Meaning, not based on haste, but based on boosting movement speed? Then do monks become SUPER fast when wearing them?

>> No.2503308

>Also, EE uses fixed boots of speed? Meaning, not based on haste, but based on boosting movement speed? Then do monks become SUPER fast when wearing them?

No, just tested this.
Made a monk in BG, cheat leveled to exp cap (8th in this case), gave him the cheetah boots. Exited candlekeep, got imoen, gave her cheetah boots as well.
They move at the same exact speed.

>> No.2503327

Ah, okay. But I wonder if that might be because the monk's innate speed bonus doesn't really kick in until the higher levels.

>> No.2503372

they start with +2, and get another +1 every 5 levels, so he had a +3

>> No.2503385

I am yet to go through the sequels, only played BG1 with expansion. Just can't get around to it. There's always something else to play or do. One of these days.

>> No.2503490

It's a shame that IWD2 (and PsT) are so different engine-wise from BG1/BG2/IWD-in-BG2 since it means it has next to no WeiDU mods and not many total mods. The non-WeiDU mods have no load order or compatibility notes that I'm aware of and them being based on overwriting files means HYUKYUKYUK, GOOD LUCK ON OS X/LINUX.

(Any mods you're running with?)

The problem I've encountered with IWDEE (and I presume IWD2 has it too) is that on core rules the game is too linear and you underlevel quick, meaning you just have to git really gud and I refuse to play on non-core difficulty.

Even though Beamdog has stated that doing IWD2EE is a gigantic effort if they ever go through with it, I think it'd benefit the most (at least the fixed improved initiative feat, hopefully a new mod scene, easy widescreen, better AI scripts).

>> No.2503581

What makes the Staff of Mafi so good? I feel like i'm missing something here

>> No.2503626

A +5 staff that adds AC and saves that you can use to go invisible in a pinch is pretty good, it's the best staff in the game unless you prefer the Ram and chancing a mage in melee with TOB enemies.
It works great with a mage/thief or UAI for backstabs as well.

>> No.2503640

8 hour Spell Trap
+2 saves
Free-action Invisibility at-will
Dispel at-will

>> No.2503774

So it's mostly for solo/multiclassed mage then?

>> No.2504067

If we ever get IWD2EE I hope someone demakes NWN and NWN2 for it.

>> No.2504071


They never going to do it

We adventure Y now

>> No.2504091

10 days until announce or release? What do y'all think?
(Also I can't for the life of me stand NWN's controls and menus, plus it aged horribly whereas isometrics and spritework age better, generally speaking)

>> No.2504096


Announce, maybe a proper trailer

Either way I'm probably gonna replay EE in preparation

>> No.2504397

Does anyone still play online?

>> No.2504738

Any worthwhile BG2 mods? About to play this again, haven't touched it in a couple years, I think I only have the tweak pack installed

>> No.2504820

To be honest, I don't use many mods (and none of the so called "big mods"), but I can give you a tip - the BiG World Setup installer is pretty good - you can choose all the mods you want to have in your game (with specific components), let's you check the conflicts between them and afterwards downloads them all automagically. It really makes installing many mods together much easier.

Also, one pixel productions and one pixel productions hq music, check these out.

>> No.2504858

The one that replaces the BG 2 paperdolls with BG 1 paperdolls.

BG 2 paperdolls were so bad that they actually added this feature in the EE.

>> No.2505118

Fixpack/tweaks, unfinished business, banter packs, some of the more polished questpacks like assassinations, dungeon be gone for convenience even if the insert character is awful.
Just stay away from mod NPCs.

>> No.2505123

new baldur's gate game countdown.

>> No.2505134

This is the BG1.5 thing right? Set between 1 and 2 with you pissing off Baldurs Gate then joining some crusade before Irenicus fucks your boypussy.

>> No.2505159

wish i knew

>> No.2505162

After playing through the stuff Beamdog actually wrote in EE, I'm apprehensive about them doing the writing for an entire game.
The new NPCs aren't Saerileth or Chloe tier, sure, but they sure as hell stick out as bad.

>> No.2505318

Thoughts on BG1 NPC project?

>> No.2505319

is that the one where Imoen finds the mage book in BG1 and gets interested in *ooc voice* DUAL CLASSING?

>> No.2505359


>> No.2505378

never did find a place where I could get it identified (partially due to non-EE IE games having shitty/less well marked maps) and the banter progressed to the point where Dynaheir and Imoen were talking shop together

>> No.2505506

I haven't had too much experience with it but the NPCs talking to each other more is nice. The BG2 returners get a lot of stuff too.
The romances are probably awful though.

>> No.2505569

Thankfully, all of the romances are in their own components so you can just skip them.

>> No.2506118

I just wanted to get the Unfinished Business mod for Baldur's gate and noticed that pocketplane.net is offline.

Has this been like this for a while or is this just temporary?

>> No.2506137

>wanting to get into Baldur's Gate and crpgs in general
newfag here, where should I start?

>> No.2506158

By playing Baldur's Gate. Hell, go for Enchanced Edition, we'll forgive you.

>> No.2506181

The EE's are only good really for a complete first timer, and if you get too used to the BG2 engine it's going to be harder to switch into Arcanum or PS:T. Of course, jumping straight into vanilla BG1's engine would drive almost all modern gamers away.
Baldurs Gate is a good starting point though, it's got that nice balance between story heavy stuff like PS:T and combat heavy stuff like ID. Great exploration too.

>> No.2506193

Honestly though, vanilla BG with widescreen mod and a fixpack will pretty much feel the same for a beginner. Font is smaller (tricky to change, too) and that's about it.

>> No.2506194

You are in for a treat, friend. A lot of treats that each last you a really long time. You just need to get used to opening the packaging, and before you know it it's second nature to you.

>> No.2506196

>tfw lowering the difficulty from Insane to core in ToB
Am i a casual?

>> No.2506206

If you need to ask, the answer is yes.

>> No.2506214

But it's so fucking tedious, it reminds me of the enemy wave shit in Dragon Age 2

>> No.2506224

Less of a casual than me, I completed the whole series on normal, as do most people I reckon. But you know that. Here's your pat on the back

>> No.2506234

>But you know that.
Not really, i thought most people here would play on insane with those difficulty enhancing mods

>> No.2506274

So, how's the enhanced editions of the game? I played the first one with Tutu installed and I really liked the party banter mode and adding some shit in it like being able to pick up your party members in Nashkel if you tell them to fuck off.

I finished the second one in the early 2k's and thought of replaying it on enhanced, but does it offer enough in such a version that I can do without the rich mod community and stay interested?

>> No.2506316

Name of that mod?

>> No.2506345

If you already have the game down, it just adds a group of new NPCs who are inferior to the originals completely, even if they have longer personal quests. That's an opinion though, you might like them. Theres also a bunch of cosmetic stuff like zooming in and colour coded character markers. Theres a bunch of ez use stuff like THAC0 and damage indicators.
Since not all mods are adapted to either EE, right now best choice is mod the vanilla game.

>> No.2506367

Dorn and the Wild Mage are not 'inferior to the originals completely'. Hell, in 2 the monk gets good if you go out of your way to level a bit and keep the party small.

I'd still agree that vanilla has a more serious mod community, but that's the benefit of years.

>> No.2506379

Best keep about the EE is how it remembers what spell you memorized before getting level drained

>> No.2506401

Literally two seconds in google.


>> No.2506905

Not to say it was already mentioned here

>> No.2507209

Is there any mod for BG2 that unnerfs magic arrows?

I miss BG1-style arrows, they'd go a long way towards making archers worth playing

>> No.2507308

Any mods you guys recommend for BG2EE? Doesn't matter if it's for EE or not, I can probably find out if it's compatible with it.

>> No.2507812

Gonna try a no reload/ironman run of the whole series, give me a fun class to play that's not kensai/mage dual class

>> No.2508070
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>> No.2508072

Just go through here and have a look, you should be fine as long as you ignore the NPC mods. I recommend the item randomiser, stops repeat games being just rush for hidden super items then cheese.

>> No.2508130

Inquistor, Stalker, or Blade.

>> No.2508140
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Monk is great but you'll be basically a fast peasant for half of BG1 and will make an ironman run tough.

>> No.2508159

the optical illusion on that image is really cool

>> No.2508180

Too bad the game is in the 'will never be made' group along with Pressure.

>> No.2508556
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So if the main char dies, the run is over? Seems a bit tough with all the instant death spells in the game

>> No.2508562


There's a mod where you won't get a game over on PC death, but it's totally cheating. At the end of combat, the PC will revive with 1 hit point. It does reduce the amount of savescumming though.

>> No.2508576

Thanks for that list. I know that applying mods for the original version took downloading some shit aside for only mods. Is it any different for this, or just download and place it in correct folder?

>> No.2508620

It's the same as vanilla which is exactly opposite to what you said. All it takes is downloading and placing it in the correct directory. Have fun.

>> No.2508834

>basically a fast peasant
lol, that is exactly true

or fighter/mage/thief, or max str/con halforc fighter/thief

>> No.2508851

I don't see the appeal of Ironman at all, but, I don't think there are any points in BG 2, at least, where you cannot avoid having an instant death spell cast on you. All wizards can be abused, including Jon Irenicus.

>> No.2508856

It's only appealing to masochists.

>> No.2508887

or people who dont like managing a whole party and who like a challenge

or even just people who want to give all their best stuff to one guy

>> No.2508991
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Ironman doesn't necessarily mean solo
>All wizards can be abused, including Jon Irenicus
Based traps

>> No.2509092 [DELETED] 

Barbarian or Berserker Dual-class are nice for ironman runs since Rage makes you immune to most bullshit spell effects (including Imprison).

Best dual class for Berserker is mage but it's cheesy like the Kensai/Mage. Try a druid or cleric dual class, but make sure you master a druid/cleric weapon during your Berserker levels or the proficiency points will be wasted.

>> No.2509097

Barbarian or Berserker Dual-class are nice for ironman runs since Rage makes you immune to most bullshit spell effects (including Imprison).

Best dual class for Berserker is mage but it's cheesy like the Kensai/Mage. Try a druid or cleric dual class, but make sure you master a druid/cleric weapon during your Berserker levels or the proficiency points will be wasted

>> No.2509116

right, dont know what i was thinking

>> No.2510112

Fuck kobold commandos and fuck firewine in particular

A creature with endless magic arrows and low thac0 should be worth more than 35 xp tbh

>> No.2510116

I face-tanked the entire dungeon with a level 6 fighter.

>> No.2510189

>getting through the dungeon
>not using the secret door that leads directly to the ogre mage

>> No.2510242

>missing XP and loot, especially a ton of fire arrows

>> No.2510250

there are a lot of better sources of XP in the game that are renewable making that pointless.

You also tend to get so much money that you can buy as many enchanted arrows as you want.

Last time I had something like 120000 gold at the end of the game that I had no real particular use for and I just loaded up on acid arrows and called it a day, I couldn't even spend it, because there was nothing left that was worth getting.

>> No.2510307

You miss 1500xp from the quest with the ghost and a couple hundred from the kobold hardly worth the effort. By using the secret entrance you can still kill the ogre, the human mage and a few ogrillon easily. There's no noteworthy loot and fire arrows are cheap as fuck

>> No.2510315
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>spend hours modding Baldur's Gate
>follow instructions to the letter
>spend another few hours fixing bugs
>finally get the game to run
>start up in Candlekeep
>filled with minor glitches and errors
>think it will get better
>get ouside and game slows to a crawl
>Imoen joins party as a level 18 mage
>game crashes when I talk to the fat guy

modding is suffering

>> No.2510319

>spend hours modding Baldur's Gate

>> No.2510324

because I've lost control of my life

>> No.2510351

What the fuck did you install? I mod my BGs quite a bit, and never met any kind of problems.

Did you install everything from BGT or some other kitchen sink mod?

>> No.2510354

why not masturbate all day instead?

>> No.2510364

this may be stupid to ask, but did you make sure everything was working before you started modding it? did you pirate different versions of BGII or BGI that used different cracks and try to merge them?

I'd recommend you pirate each one and mod it separately and try to convert save data instead

>> No.2510525

I've encountered similar problems in the past, including game ending bugs, like CTD's at tazok's, or escaping the cell at Candlekeep.

The mod combinations that work the best for me is to not use megamods and to limit the number of tweak mods (i.e. BG tweaks only).

>> No.2511497

>pirating IE games
>not still having the CDs
cum on son

>> No.2511584

Who says he's not doing both?

>> No.2511597

It's honestly better if you just mod the games themselves, since EE is essentially the same game with a bunch of mods. I probably would pick it up for convenience if they didn't through in some NPC that sound like their personal fanfiction.

What it does do great though is mobile. Your only choice there is GemRB. Also, all of the NPCs are optional purchases.

>> No.2511608


Stupid auto spellcheck.

>> No.2511665

GemRB will straight up be better once that 10 person party mod gets finished.

>> No.2511693

Who will be in your party?
> My Choices
> Illusionist/Thief
> Imoen
> Minsc
> Jan
> Viconia
> Mazzy
> Jaheira
> Korgan
> Edwin
> Keldorn/Sarevok

>> No.2511747

I'd use it to get more use out of NPCs I never take. So Cernd, H'D, Valygar, Jan, Mazzy, Korgan, Anomen, Minsc and Nalia.

>> No.2511754

I still have my copied CDs that I got when BG1 was released.

>> No.2511869

Has anybody else here played the games since day one but never got into the deepest mechanics?
I still play it instinctively for the most part, never cheesed if not accidentally.

>> No.2512312

Sometimes I still make a party with no mages and no ranged on the easiest difficulty just to fuck around. I didn't really get into all the different spells for a couple of years after getting the game, just used straight up damage spells even on the clerics.
Of course, over a decade later it's sorcerer ironman solo runs.

>> No.2512345
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>never take Minsc

>> No.2512362
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>> No.2512578

What's Minsc actually good for? AFAIK he's not the best fighter, he can't be a great tank, and he's not the best ranged option. Something in between?

>> No.2512584

His Rage ability makes him immune to pretty much everything.

>> No.2512693

I see. I haven't really looked into it yet, guess I should try using it more often.

>tfw finally completed Durlag's Tower.
That was... kinda tedious.

>> No.2512703

Don't know what you mean by deepest mechanics but personally i'm lazy and find magic tedious so i just cast breach/remove magic and let my fighters handle the rest

>> No.2512738

He's a ranger so he can dual wield and read divine scrolls.

>> No.2512746

>buff him
>zerk him
>throw him at enemies

>> No.2513262

Really? According to http://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/36584/divine-scrolls you need 9 INT to read the scrolls, which Minsc doesn't have. I haven't been able to make him read anything either. Guess I'll need a tome?

>> No.2513270

Can we have a new thread?

>> No.2513952

Go for it.

>> No.2514643

Not him, made it anyway.

NEW: >>2514641

>> No.2514981

or potions of genius

that's what i use to get yeslick to use wands of divine wrath