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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2454016 No.2454016 [Reply] [Original]

So I recently found an old Xbox in my rack of "things to work on" componants at home and remembered a ong forgotten project to turn it into an arcade cabinet.

I've looked up a few guides on how to load the custom OS onto the Xbox and all of them include some workarounds to install the OS, either using a bugged game or hot swapping the IDE drive.

As a good /vr/trooper, I have a computer with the old ATA standard, but... why has no one just upped an image of the softmodded hdd for us to clone over?

Side note: is coinops still the go-to for retro Xbox emulators?

Also applogies if this is not the correct board since I'm techincally asking about the OG Xbox, but it's for retro gaming so I figured this would be more appropriate than the other board

>> No.2454020
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>> No.2454023

he's talking about emulation on the xbox retard

>> No.2454026


I don't know the exact mechanics, but there are console-specific keys in use. Effectively, one HDD image is locked to one console, because they use different encryption keys.

>> No.2454028

Just a note, but in many regards the Wii is better as an emulation machine. Very easily hacked, cheap and abundant, compact, 240p support, has the legitimate Virtual Console etc.

>> No.2454030
File: 132 KB, 405x400, 1368406615014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize the Xbox is just a consolized, standardized, PC. Just use a modern day computer and you're good.

Also not /vr/

>> No.2454043

It must be awful not knowing how to read.
He's talking about emulating retro consoles.

>> No.2454045

It would probably be much more interesting running reactOS. Windows won't work though.

On the other hand, you could probably cludge in some pieces of standard windowses into a reactOS install on an Xbox, biggest issue I'd expect would be GPU drivers not being up to snuff.

>> No.2454051 [DELETED] 

Can you not use sarcastic smiley faces as pictures? It's obnoxious, especially when your own comment is retarded.

>> No.2454053

Using sarcastic pictures is obnoxious, especially when your own comment is retarded.

>> No.2454067


How easy is it to get Linux working on the original Xbox, given you already have a softmod?

>> No.2454070

I've heard this, but I also don't have a Wii onhand already. Plus I'd like to lock this away in a cabinet. If I had a Wii, I'd want to still be able to use it for a Wii as my desktop battlestation is not set up to accomidate space for wagglan' on Dolphin.

That actually explains a lot. I just ripped the HDD out to check to see if it was still good and my HDD scanner spat out that every available sector was bad... but upon booting up the actual Xbox everything was fine

Looks like I'll be hotswappin'. Is one method prefered over the other for CoinOps?

>> No.2454081


I'm afraid I don't know much modding about the original Xbox. I used the Splinter Cell hack, and didn't upgrade the hard drive until a much later date.

>> No.2454085

Just a side note, but without a modchip the original Xbox will not boot if it doesn't have a disc drive attached.

>> No.2454089

>Hi, my name is faggot, and I want to rage and shitpost as soon as possible thus I have no time for reading

>> No.2454109

Please don't hotswap. There's really no need to do that considering how cheap and easy the softmods are. There aren't any hotswap HDD clones because everyone stopped doing that once modchips and softmods became a thing.

Anyway I used my Xbox for retro emulation for a long time. It's a pretty great platform for it, and I've never had compatibility issues with anything 16-bit or older.

>> No.2454110

Also, it's dangerous to go alone. Take this:


>> No.2454116


>> No.2454117

Thanks for that heads up because I was definitely going to try to remove that. The optical drivecaddy is HUGE on this thing. I'll probably just disassemble the caddy to save space then. Or just make the cabinet larger to accomidate the extra size. I was hoping to avoid soldering at all and use two xbox arcade sticks for the input. Or is there a better solution?

>> No.2454124

I did it with Gentoo, and it wasn't too hard. Not sure where you would find the installer for the binaries anymore though.

>> No.2454134

What do you use now and why?

>> No.2454153

Splinter Cell softmod. Splinter Cell and memory cards are cheap, and the only special equipment you need is an Xbox controller to USB cord, and it works every time with minimal risk. Your total investment will be under $20. The only downside is that it's harder to upgrade the hard drive with softmod, but the stock HDD is fine as long as you're using DVDs for your Xbox and PSX backups.


>> No.2454154
File: 7 KB, 214x235, vane_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello faggot, I'm CIA. You don't get to bring friends.

>> No.2454171

Fuck off, CIA, and go back to kissing Mossad's ugly ass.

>> No.2454175

someone needs a nap.

>> No.2454257
File: 98 KB, 400x400, 9293d5a89dc80ac86a61ef06087c3b5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more about Mossad, why does he wear a mask?

>> No.2454717

>It must be awful not knowing how to read.
Guess you'd know.

>> No.2455540

You're best bet is to load the OS the old fashioned way. It's really not that hard. Fuck, I softmodded by machine back when I was 14. (Fun story, I bought all the components I needed from a local gamestop--007 Agent Under Fire and some shitty keyboard that had the USB connector I needed for the Xbox. The clerk gave me a sideways glance and asked "you're actually going to play this game, right?")

Follow this guide: http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/threads/new-easy-way-to-softmod-usb-noob-friendly.1090166/

Then use the links here:

You may also want to invest in good component wires--the composite signal sucks and you're prone to get distorted pixels in 480i. Don't get the cheapo ones on Ebay, either--Monster cables or official are the way to go if you don't want to see annoying noise on top of the image.

Best way to load the emulators is FTP, by the way. Don't waste your CDs. Also, there's a character limit on filenames, so be mindful--you likely won't be able to drag and drop a hundred at a top from a romset unless you do a batch rename.

>> No.2455583


Can Xbox emulators read out of a zip file? I imagine that would get rid of character limit issues.

>> No.2455614

Depends on the emulator. It's not so much the emulator reading it, though, it's that the XBOX won't even store it.

>> No.2455618


Because it's a filesystem limitation, I get that. My point is that the contents of a zip file should be free of that limitation.

>> No.2455825

>"you're actually going to play this game, right?"
I played Splinter Cell for all of fifteen minutes I think

>> No.2455897

hotswapping is fine you scaremongerer,
it's probably less hassle than ordering that james bond game

>> No.2455907

I kinda miss my OG xbox (I bent some pins on the mobo for one of the ribbon cables a while back)
I had final burn legends, with a full neo geo romset, and video previews etc

was pretty cool and looked great over component

>> No.2456049


Hotswapping is perfectly fine, I did it half a year ago with zero technical expertise in Xbox classic modding before deciding to do it and still succeeded without any problems.

>> No.2456238

There's plenty of tutorials online but I used the Splinter Cell hack to install custom firmware then hot swapped the HDD for a 320gb IDE. I've done a few for friends and they are all flawless.

>> No.2456376


>> No.2457163

u wot m8? I had to do some hotswapping to softmod my OG Xbox. I used an old Pentium 2 to do it.

>> No.2457202

What is with these "emulation on 6th gen consoles" threads? There was one about emulating on a PS2 a few days ago.

Are you guys trying to normalize 6th gen discussion?

>> No.2457625

What is your fucking problem? We talk about emulation on Pis and smartphones, which are much newer than 6th gen consoles, all the fucking time. Do you cry at people whenever they do that too?

>> No.2457963

>in one year the ps2 will be considered retro on this board

yeah man can't wait till your faggot ass shitposting goes about the ps2

>> No.2457987


PS2 will never be /vr/.

>> No.2458015

>in one year, a console that was still in production up until 2013 will be retro

>> No.2458305

Would a raspberry pi 2 be good choice to emulate some stuff and play with my friends? I just want to play stuff like ikaruga and streets of rage with them. I can get one of these with case/sdcard/cables for about 50-60 bucks.

>> No.2458324


Track down a Wii instead. You can even play Ikaruga natively on that with Nintendont.

>> No.2458338

jesus, I came to /vr/ to escape summer 4chan but it seems even you guys get it

>> No.2458353

Darn, is the raspi that bad? It just seemed cool to me because it's pretty portable and has all those emulators in one place. Also, can the wii run psx games?

>> No.2458361


The raspi isn't that bad, it'll probably be a better PS1 emulator than the Wii to be honest.

>> No.2458392
File: 48 KB, 500x282, pepe-the-frog-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in 5-6 years the PS3 and 360 will be considered retro as well

>> No.2461410

vita or PSTV with TN-X is GOAT PS1 emulation

>> No.2461414

Wii doesn't emulate PS1, but it does have really good N64 emulation. Plus you can play wii/gamecube games and full speed on retroarch even if you oc the FX chip. Raspberry Pi is a bad idea if you want to emulate. There's dozens of other, cheaper devices that do a better job.

>> No.2461418 [DELETED] 

yes get off my board

>> No.2461420

>people actually think this

laffin tbh

>> No.2461429

>will be considered


>> No.2461506

I really dig the scan lines

>> No.2461523

Don't listen to >>2454081 or >>2456238. I used a bootable CD with a program called Ndure on it with a specific file for the firmware my Xbox was running. It tells you when to hotswap the drive, you then hit any key, it does it's stuff, and boom. Softmodded

>> No.2461534

I miss mine too. The DVD drive took a shit and I was too young and dumb to order a new one.

>> No.2461572

>Wii doesn't emulate PS1
there's a PS1 emulator but it was kinda shitty the last time i used it

>> No.2461769

Srsly the scanlines make this shitpost.

Honestly, the og Wii is the go-to retro emulation console.

The ported ReactOS?

They're still *working* on ReactOS?!?!?!

Eitherway, you'll want something running natively. A cludged API OS is not the answer...

>> No.2463583

>2 gen's ago
>hitting 15th b-day soon

yeah, its old enough. Time to move "retro" up past the year 1999.

>> No.2463587 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 285x327, 1433999931580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for the Ninth gen of consoles.

>> No.2466663

I don't think it's a question of how EASY it is to run linux. I think it's a question of HOW WELL *wine* works, and if you actually want to play those games! running reactos though seems too fanatical a way to that stuff IMO.

>> No.2466667


Well, you don't need Wine unless you intend on running Windows applications. Emulators exist under Linux.
Although, you could simply use native Xbox emulators.

>> No.2466693

Hah, it's hardly that cut and dry! A lot of motorola 680X0 emulators are written in X86 assembly language, so the selection of emulators made for windows are likely to work better than the ones for linux, at least on a limited speed machine like the XFat.

Although even if that was the case for the best Saturn emulator, it doesn't sound very appealing, with those speed limitations stacked on top of the problems of saturn emulation.

So, like my point before was, the interesting thing about running an XFat as an emulation box would be running windows games, not just open source stuff, be it emulators or open source games cause you could run that just as well on any ARM system or even a Wii.

>> No.2466703

Then again, you could probably get the assembler based emulators compiled natively for XFat linux, however much fussing around that would involve.

>> No.2466770
File: 93 KB, 600x450, Xbox_astronomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was such a ridiculous letdown that we never received an xbox slim. That would have actually been a good system to run in a hacky way. If it was a good bit cheaper. And just in general, with all the XBMC development progressing for longer, it would have been that much better. But that way you could have actually had a proper appliance sized system to repurpose as a linux box. Oh yeah, and ReactOS for Xbox would have progressed much more, ReactOS as a whole would be a bit ahead even.

>> No.2466861

That would have been especially nice. If the CPU and GPU had undergone a die shrink, overclocking it could have been quite a phenomenon, the xbox would have been pushed up into an excellent deal. And if they switched to a big radial fan, that would have been even better.

Hell, ANY xbox revision would have been good, smaller or not, the die shrink is what would have been awesome. If it had undergone two die shrinks, or just one double one, to 90nm, that would have been the best.

>> No.2467716


I hear that Nvidia's deal with Microsoft gave them a large amount of control about the design of the machine, and it's part of the reason the console was dropped so quickly.

>> No.2468132

Not surprising, chipset, GPU, sound chip...

>> No.2468145

Holy shit, I saw that pic like twelve years ago, or something. Thought it was really fun back then, but forgot to save it, and could never find it again afterwards.
It's nothing special to me anymore, but I'll save it regardless to end this chapter of my life. Thanks OP.

>> No.2469757

>emulators ON a console is console discussion

>> No.2469935

>emulators ON a smartphone is smartphone discussion
>emulators ON Linux is Linux discussion
>emulators ON OSX is OSX discussion