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2451357 No.2451357 [Reply] [Original]

How are the first two Warcraft games in terms of storytelling?

Having started playing on a vanilla WoW server I got interested in the lore and wondered if I should play the first two and then replay the third one.

>> No.2451386

They are RTS games and not rpgs.
Fun though. Second one regarded as the best retro one.

>> No.2451390

You should check them out FOR SURE, and they tell a decent enough story.

>> No.2451392

Starcraft is actually better than either of those games

>> No.2451409

You misspelled "different" there champ. They are all fun in their own way and gameplay is varied enough to give each one its own unique feel. 2 is the best

>> No.2451450

Gameplay in WC1 is very restricted.
The only thing it had that the others may have lacked are walls and those are very complicated compared to say Age of Empires. Roads and have to build things to close each other is incredibly annoying and works terribly with the limited AI and complicated controls.
Maybe the balance is a bit better than WC2 but that doesn't say much due to the advantage Orcs have there.

>> No.2451474

I like 2
>naval units

>> No.2451512

I always enjoyed maps that let you use naval units extensively.
Sucks how multiplayer back then and today stagnate on GoW.

>> No.2451528

I miss roads and walls a great deal :(

>> No.2451551

Roads as a way to speed up movement are fine but the only RTS I can think of that has that is Empire Earth 2. In WC1 it was just an added annoyance to restrict your expansion.

>> No.2451575

The storytelling is simply 5 paragraphs of text between each mission, and every 4 missions you get a short cinematic that barely relates to what's going on.

Also, half the campaign material is non-canon (entire Human campaign for WC1, entire Orc campaign for WC2).

>> No.2451584

Was Beyond the Dark Portal canon?

>> No.2451595

As far as I remember, yes. The map doesn't match current canon and some names are different, but all the characters in it did canonically go to Draenor and do all the shit they did, although all of the alliance heroes except for Khadgar have "mysteriously vanished".

>> No.2451876

The Warcraft lore died a terrible death after WC3. WOW shit all over the lore and storytelling of the franchise.

tl;dr it's all dead

>> No.2451880

Where's your server, OP? I miss vanilla WoW

>> No.2451896

is WC3 good? i never played it.

>> No.2451902

I still remember Blizzcon where Chris Metzen asked the audience if they wanted Illidan to come back, to be met with raging applause.

I unsubbed from WoW immediately after and haven't touched a Blizzard game since. They will literally pander to the lowest common denominator, and do whatever they want.

Illidan has CANONICALLY died TWICE. (Once in Warcraft3: FT, and once in WoW) and even the SUGGESTION that they bring him back again is fucking insulting.

>> No.2451904

I think Warcraft 3 is fucking terrible. All the damage types are fucked up and most of the units aren't fun to use because of it. Sure a mountain giant should just fuck shit up, but it does siege damage, which is only good against buildings which means its shit against other combatants.

I played the shit out of Warcraft 1 and Warcraft 2. Warcraft 2 is a lot easier to get into then Warcraft 1 though.

Honestly you could probably just completely ignore the series. Theres nothing super noteworthy about it, and Blizzard is just going to continue raping it into the ground with retcons. I honestly wouldn't even expect a Warcraft 4 at this point because they are so focused on fucking Hearthstone.

>> No.2451984

>set up Arthas to be major villain
>he could have the WC4 story centered around him instead of the burning legion his lore is that in depth
>kill up off in WOW by unnamed player with little to no story depth

That's when I stopped caring. What a fucking waste.

>> No.2452261

>he could have the WC4 story centered around him instead of the burning legion his lore is that in depth
Arthas has literally zero agency in WC3. All he does is follow either the Lich King's manipulation pre-Frostmourne, or the Lich King's direct orders post-Frostmourne. He is Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker with the word "Jedi" replaced by "Paladin".

>kill up off in WOW by unnamed player with little to no story depth
Did youjust not do any of the content in WotLK other than get boosted through ICC once?

>> No.2452635

I'd rather play warcraft 2 than starcraft any day, for multiplayer.
Starcraft multiplayer feels like a chore; whoever blinks first loses, because it turned into too much of an e-sport. In warcraft you get weird shit like naval bombardments, unexpected dragon attacks, invisible transports full of troops, unbalanced spells... It's a less serious game.

>> No.2452867

War Wind had also roads boosting movement.

>> No.2452908

As mentioned, most of the story is relegated to the mission briefings. There are a few missions themselves which are set up in a fashion to relate the story, such as the assault on Karazhan in the first game. There is also a good deal of story in the manuals.

Thinking about it, I seem to remember War Wind focusing more heavily on story than Warcraft I or II. If OP, or anyone else, were looking for a RTS with a story focus it might be worth checking out.

>> No.2452925

I would be happy to play through WW's story... if that shit wouldn't crash every couple clicks.