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File: 3.71 MB, 2100x1536, Banjo-Kazooie_Boxart_(North_America).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2450280 No.2450280 [Reply] [Original]

Best N64 game?

also general N64 thread.

>> No.2450289

when are cartridge connector pins really done for good definitely? most of mine have only a middle one worn off, and I'm pretty sure I got one of them to work at some point.

>> No.2450306

nevermind, it was the fucking component cable.

>> No.2450324

on a related note, any better solutions for fixing a component cable than petroleum jelly? This shit works once per applicatoin, i swear, if that.

>> No.2450358
File: 747 KB, 1600x1109, StarFox 64 (Nintendo 64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all probably busy and have a lot to do so I'll just end this thread now by posting the absolute best game on the N64. No need to thank me.

>> No.2450367
File: 971 KB, 1277x957, BK_Almostend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Banjo Kazooie's "ending" before the final boss.

>> No.2450369

The New Tetris, the gameplay is the best version of Tetris and the graphics are astounding, it's one of the only games that showcases what the N64 is capable of.

I cannot say enough good things about that game, I would buy an N64 just for that game and be content to keep my collection at only that.

>> No.2450371
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I love Banjo Kazooie's Game Over screen

>> No.2450397
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>> No.2450401

Am I the only one that thinks the n64 is extremely overrated and is backpacked hard by a handful of god tier games?

>> No.2450407

No, I'm with you on that. When people talk about N64 games, they talk about a small number of really good games, and then run out of stuff to talk about.

>> No.2450409

Yes. The only one. Seven billion humans inhabit This Island Earth and you, anon, are the chosen one who must bear this terrible burden. You are like unto Atlas to must carry the awful weight of knowing that the N64 is overrated so that others may live on in blissful ignorance of the otherwise crushing truth. I wish I could help you, anon, but some must always live on alone...

>> No.2450413

N64 also had a lot of underrated games like Mischief Makers, WinBack, and Jet Force Gemini.

There were way more games on PS1, but there were plenty of games on the N64 that really made it worth owning.

A true example of quality over quantity.

>> No.2450417

Excuse me, sir. I tripped over your super-thick witty sarcasm. I was wondering if we could settle this out of court.

>> No.2450434

Fuck you anon I made this thread to post this.

>> No.2450459
File: 142 KB, 299x410, 1375236092183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Tetris is the only Tetris variant that successfully added to the formula. Making perfect squares is a brilliant idea, and really plays into the mathematics of tetrominos.

>> No.2450486

I think most people who aren't completely deluded agree with this. I was a Nintendo kid until I was about 10 years old then my dad got me a Playstation once the price dropped to $100. I realized how much I was missing once I got that console. I'll always love the great games on the N64, but as a kid there just weren't enough of them.

>> No.2450494

Just because the N64 is overrated doesn't make the PS1 less overrated.

Both are shit.

>> No.2450516
File: 82 KB, 640x440, papermario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2450517

>Best N64 game?
That's not Blast Corps, tho.

>> No.2450524
File: 46 KB, 640x470, msusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this game so under-rated? Because it's a licensed game?

It's better than Mario Kart 64.

>> No.2450528

Tetrisphere was better.

>> No.2450542

Nor is that Mystical Ninja

>> No.2451016
File: 25 KB, 278x345, SinandPchara.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There was actually a troll a few weeks ago who would spam "n64 is overrated" bait threads daily, so no, you're not the only one. Although everytime people say the N64 is overrated, and then talk about what games they know, it's evident they haven't delved into its catalogue too much and only know about 1st party/Rare games, but that can't be helped.
At any rate, N64 is both overrated and underrated. Lots of people praise it because of the same games everytime, while others trash it without really knowing much about the catalogue.

>> No.2451067

Wave Race and F-Zero are the best N64 games. Because they play more like SEGA games.

>> No.2451076

Banjo kazooie is garbage though

Apparently every kart racer is better than mario 64 according to hipsters these days.

>> No.2451121

Possibly because it's fucking terrible

>> No.2451129


>> No.2451132

Mario Kart 64 isn't even a better game than its predecessor. Diddy Kong Racing was the best racer on the console.

>Banjo kazooie is garbage
I disagree but I'm not about to call you a hipster since I'm not a fucking faggot.

It isn't, though. It's alright.

>> No.2451143

It's really pretty damn bad. Only time a Rare game disappointed me on the N64, just seemed like rushed shovelware. They couldn't even manage to have music playing on the stages in multiplayer.

>> No.2451146

>They couldn't even manage to have music playing on the stages in multiplayer.
Mario Kart 64 is guilty of that as well.

>> No.2451163
File: 60 KB, 256x176, OgreBattle64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best game on the system coming through, make way.

>> No.2451170

My nigga

>> No.2451172

Yeah, no shit. What games does the N64 have besides Mario, Zelda and Rare? Not a lot. But, hey, you can say the same thing about every Nintendo console since the SNES.

>> No.2451187


I wonder guys... are you retarded? or just too young to be posting on /vr/?

The N64 had a fuck loads of sports, racing and other multiplayer games, on top of the ones we all remember today like Goldeneye and Mario Kart, the N64 had a lot of ports from arcade racers, not to mention the wrestling games made by AKI which are to this day the best.

the N64 was the multiplayer system and it has a lot of great games other than Mario, Zelda and Rare. If you believe that, you're just proving that you either didn't own a N64, or were a little kid and could only play the titles your parents bought you (Mario, Zelda, etc). I was an idort back then and honestly played the N64 and Saturn a lot more than the PS1. PS1 is the most overrated console of 5th gen, despite having a lot of good games, it had more shovelware than anything else and it wasn't that great of a console hardware-wise except for the MPEG video codec for FMVs.
If you had a PC, N64 and a Saturn for multiplats and arcade ports the PS1 was kind of a JRPG and MGS console mostly.

>> No.2451205

It's my least favorite Nintendo console. It has a very good, if limited library hindered by some questionable hardware design choices and of course cartridges.

>> No.2451207

See >>2451016. Many people just aren't willing to look deeper into the libraries and only experience the popular surface level games. Not retro but the Wii's library is severely underappreciated for example.

>> No.2451394

Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Blast Corps
Mischief Makers (personally I got bored of it but a lot of people like it)
Sin & Punishment (again seemed good but I got bored of it)
Legend of Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Goemon's Great Adventure
Pokemon Stadium
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Jet Force Gemini
Rayman 2
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Paper Mario
Space Station Silicon Valley (hear it's good haven't been able to emulate it)

>> No.2451494

Are you seriously using Sin and Punishment as an example of "good obscure N64 games"? That's not remotely obscure.

>> No.2451497
File: 20 KB, 340x475, 000004-12224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nop, I didn't. I just posted it because it's my favorite N64 game.

I'm not even sure if there are obscure games for any system anymore at this point. Especiallized sites and youtubers have pretty much covered most of what there is.

A lot of people who don't know japanese will miss on some japanese games though, like Shiren 2 or pic related.

>> No.2451509

agreed. often fanantic n64 fanboys will cite OOT and mario 64 as reasons why it's the greatest console ever. which themselves are pretty overrated games.

>> No.2451523


Every system has its overrated (but still good) games.

The thing here is that I don't really see anyone claiming N64 is "the best ever", you're just exaggerating to channalize your hateboner for the N64.

>> No.2452021

I played that for the first time recently
I have no idea how it got such good reputation, worst famous 3D platformer Ive played of that era.
Mario 64 is better, crash is better, spyro is better, ape escape is better

Why is banjo so popular

>> No.2452054

There are things about it I like but it's extremely tedious. I don't know why people act like DK64 is the most backtracky N64 rare game, in Banjo-Kazooie you have to get the same notes all over again every time you have to go back to a level and raise your note total. Nothing in DK64 is that shitty.

>> No.2452069


I'd rather they did it that way, for a couple of reasons. One, it's easier to get all notes in a level when you're into the rhythm of it. Going back and searching for one or two notes would be a massive pain and you'd have no idea where to start. This is equally true if you were using a guide to collect them. You'd have to check every area anyway to make sure where the ones you'd missed were.

It's not half as bad as Tooie making default note values 5, and the clef 20. Why the hell would the lowest denomination be 5? Just make it 1, and make the clef 5 or 10 or something. Even when I was young that shit annoyed me.

>> No.2452074
File: 48 KB, 499x374, screen_ConkersBadFurDay-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jet Force Gemini
The bears killed that game for me.
And pick related is my favorite game on the N64. To this day it's still the funniest game ever made.

>> No.2452383 [DELETED] 

I agree. I'll tell you why mainstream like BK better than DK64 - it's because DK64 was much harder, bigger and more complicated. It's a beast of a game. BK is still really good, but it's just a lot simpler compared to DK.

Another complaint about BK is I really don't like the kiddy fairytale theme. I've never understood it at all, why we should overlook that. People talk about "kiddy" and Mario... Mario in no way kiddy, it's just colourful, neither is donkey kong. But BK imo, just from.... everything, from the extremely "cute" sound of the banjo onwards, is kiddy and I don't like that. Otherwise a very, very good game, though not as amazing as DK64.

>> No.2452391

I agree. I'll tell you why mainstream like BK better than DK64 - it's because DK64 was much harder, bigger and more complicated. It's a beast of a game. BK is still really good, but it's just a lot simpler compared to DK.

Another complaint about BK is I really don't like the kiddy fairytale theme. I've never understood it at all, why we should overlook that. People talk about "kiddy" and Mario... Mario in no way kiddy, it's just colourful, neither is donkey kong. But BK imo, just from.... everything, from the extremely "cute" sound of Banjo onwards, is kiddy and I don't like that. Otherwise a very, very good game, though not as amazing as DK64.

DK64 is also so hard and it feels like the game code is messy, so it's impossible to emulate the game properly, which further alienates people from discovering the game.

>> No.2452529

love you too anon.

>> No.2452532

Mario Kart 64.
Also, Goldeneye of course

>> No.2452538

Everything in DK64 is misplaced though, like you will find red bananas and purple coins in the same site. That makes the game awful for me.

>> No.2452582

I've often seen it thrown around here that the N64 had about 40 good games. Divide that by the 296 total North American titles and that means %13.5 of the N64's library was "good." Does that make the system overrated? Perhaps, but what do you compare it to? Well the logical system would be its direct competition, the PlayStation 1.
I can't find an exact number of total unique playstation titles. I see as low as 900 and as high as 2188. It seems the like of demo disks are often included in these lists. Just for agument's sake, and for the PS1's benefit, let's lowball it to a nice even 1000 total games. So let's apply that %13.5 to the PS1 library to equal 135 games. So the question is, did the PS1 even have 135 really good games? Perhaps? I can't say myself, but I doubt it could have been any more than that.

So when it's all said and done, the 5th gen systems, as a percentage, were on par with each other. The n64 is rated exactly as high as it should be by its detractor's own standards.

>> No.2452587

Smash is objectively the best 64 game.

>> No.2452593

The issue was really the huge holes in the N64's library. It's when Nintendo started a trend of losing third party support, losing multiplatform games, missing genres completely, and focusing on the same franchises that they are still today. Of course there's great, worthwhile games on the system; but you can't ignore the issues Nintendo had then, and still does.

>> No.2452596

For me is either Goemon's Great Adventure or Mischief Makers

>> No.2452619
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, heck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best N64 game?

>> No.2452649

Nintendo... the complicated and troubled genius.