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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2449790 No.2449790 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Fallout better as a tbs then a fps?

Also /fallout/ thread.

>> No.2449835

Its not.
We're on fall out 4 and doom is and has always been better.

>> No.2449853

The combat in the old games is lame and it's more of a point and click adventure than turn-based strategy.

>> No.2449865

Wow, /vr/ really isn't worth visiting anymore.

>> No.2449876
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>this is what millennials actually believe

>> No.2449882

I don't know, I kinda like it in a first person perspective but overhead ain't bad. I think games that have the option to switch between various perspectives is a better idea, but I'm getting off topic.
I just started playing the first fallout recently and it's pretty good albeit I'm pretty shit at the game. I intend on playing through the 1st, 2nd, and tactics before getting back into FO3 because it felt stupid starting a series at the 3rd game. I might sound stupid, but even if a game isn't story heavy, I always like starting at the beginning. Also
>That intro

>> No.2449901

Because 3 and NV look and feel like an FPS but the shooting is fucking atrocious.

>> No.2449984

The older games definitely had certaub style that I absolutely loved playing. Remember to save you game constantly.

>> No.2449991

they look and feel like FPS games, but they are really more RPGs and it helps if you think of them as such, also I always played it in third person mode anyhow. But that is partially because I always made customized trap bimbo sluts and wanted to look at them, lol.

>> No.2449994

>Remember to save you game constantly.
Oh trust me, I am

>> No.2449995

I'm 35 and I somewhat agree. And the point and click adventure analogy is pretty accurate for 2, though not at all for 1

>> No.2449996

nah, the first one you replied to is just a doomfag being a doomfag, he should go back to his containment thread.

>> No.2450005

no one seems to realize, but you can change perspective in fallout 3 and new vegas, but no overhead of course.

>> No.2450012

I'm aware that there's a 3rd person view, but it doesn't look as nice as you'd expect, but it's nice of them to include it.

>> No.2450064

Because Bethsoft can't into FPS. The gunplay is slow and inaccurate. Clunky to say the least.

>> No.2450078


Played through the original twice, but it just never engaged me that much. And I liked the combat even.

>> No.2450106

I don't mind the art style, I like the idea of specializing your character, and I can even get over zig-zagging your way through the whole game
but what I can't stand is the controls, god damn. I hate clicking for some things, right clicking and scrolling through a dumb menu for other things, I just want to be able to run up next to something and press a key on the keyboard to perform a specific action, not control it all with the mouse.

>> No.2450148
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I just started my first playtrought Fallout 1. I'm planning to make a full run in Fallout 1 and 2 before the 4 launchs.
Just got Ian as compannion, The days left run too fast, a minor travel and 2-3 days gone. I am in need of some tips.
The game looks fun by the way, same experience I had playing Balgur's Gate

>> No.2450152

You can go to the Hub and ask the water merchants to supply the vault giving you more time.

>> No.2450168

Hey, thanks. I can now explore without some pressure

>> No.2450169

No problem. If I'm not mistaken it might cost a bit, do some runs with them and get on that cash flow.

>> No.2450172

i just really fucking dig squad tactics type RPGs that have something more than squad tactics RPGs. fallout had the writing and arts, JA2 has the pure depth, x-com has strategic base building stuff and FUCKING FEAR, Jim.

the new FOs are okay i guess, FO4 might be good. i'm just not a fan of even TES games or that general beth RPG style. the new FOs got the music going for them.

>> No.2450196 [DELETED] 

>Why is Fallout better as a tbs then a fps?
because FO 1&2 were good rpgs a decent combat system and loads of personality, FO3 is a shitty fps/rpg hybrid that is inspired and boring as hell.

>> No.2450198

>B E T H E S D A

>> No.2450205

>Why is Fallout better as a tbs then a fps?
because FO 1&2 were good rpgs with a decent combat system and loads of personality, FO3 is a shitty fps/rpg hybrid that is uninspired and boring as hell.

>> No.2450210

>I'm 35 and I've never played a FPS other than F3/NV.

>> No.2450219

Fuck this stupid cunt, won't move.

>> No.2450224
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>> No.2450237

if that is 2, you can push people blocking paths/doors

>> No.2450243

Can't push her, assuming she's part of a quest where I have to give her an intensive to move.

>> No.2450310

Because the combat allowed you to do more stuff. Most extreme example being you can't shove a cattle prod in a kid's balls in the later games.

>> No.2450313

If it were not for their "containment" thread this board would have been dead in less than a week. You should be going to Doom general right now and thanking them for allowing you to post on this board for as long as you have.

>> No.2450320
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Doom is pretty good turn based

>> No.2450321

Yes, she has a daughter getting loved tenderly in the guard shack or something.

>> No.2450374

I just don't like the idea of picking an old franchise, change it to the point where it's another genre, and then releasing it as a sequel, and not spin off or something.

It's like GTA6 being turned into an RTS

>> No.2450549
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That's because it's not entirely FPS. It's a First Person Perspective but still uses the dice roll style of combat for determining damage and such. That's why if you have a shitty
small guns skill at 23% ad you have your sights set perfectly, there is still the skill factor that can send your shot off target because of a bad dice roll.

It's a strange and unique amalgamation of FPS Feel & RPG Numbers. They're staying true to the roots of the game.

>> No.2450556

>They're staying true to the roots of the game
seems we have a comedian here

>> No.2450565

too bad the characters models look like shit without mods

>> No.2450569 [DELETED] 

>I'll be honest, I never played anything past 2... so I can't give an informed opinion but... just thinking about fallout being an FPS took away all my desire to check it out. Nothing against FPS btw.

>> No.2450578 [DELETED] 

>I'll be honest, I never played anything past 2... so I can't give an informed opinion but... just thinking about fallout being an FPS took away all my desire to check it out. Nothing against FPS btw.
You're saying it's something similar to SW:KotOR, but with FPS view???

>> No.2450582

>>2449790 (OP)
I'll be honest, I never played anything past 2... so I can't give an informed opinion but... just thinking about fallout being an FPS took away all my desire to check it out. Nothing against FPS btw.
You're saying it's something similar to SW:KotOR, but with FPS view???

>> No.2450589

Obviously they changed a lot, but they still kept the RPG core intact. When you boil it down to the root the fallout games are all about the numbers & math, as opposed to the twitch reflexes of the modern FPS. It's a thinking mans game.

If there is a better way to do it than the way Bethesda incorporated it, than I am all ears. I for one, love the direction of the newer fallout games. Keeps The heart of the series alive.

Unfortunately Obsidian was the Soul, so it remains to be seen how good fallout 4 will stand without the core writers that made New Vegas so awesome

>> No.2450591

Basically, it's kinda like KotOR in that you can pause the action.

>> No.2451158

Is it really an FPS if I play the entire game in third person with VATS? Because that's how I've played every Fallout game.

>> No.2451184
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>those death animations

I'm yet to see better ones

>> No.2451201

While I am a massive fan of the first two games, I have to admit that the combat system in Fallout is really lackluster, and the game, even though you *can* beat it as a pacifist, still gives you lots and lots of combat encounters and some of those aren't that convenient to skip, especially if you want to get the most value off a playthrough.

Not a bad thing, for certain - some of the best RPGs I've played have really weak combat (Arcanum, Planescape:Torment), in others it's not very intricate (World of Xeen).

I would really like it, however, if Fallout could have things like throwing grenades behind corners, or just making Throwing stronger other than the cheesy Flare-throwing build. The FPS games went in the right direction with segregating the weapons differently.

I really like Fallout Tactics for making the Fallout combat more serivcable, though it's a couple tiers below stuff like JA2.

But yeah, when it comes to replaying Fallout, I'm not that excited about the combat, unless I were to play some really gimp variant like roleplaying a cowboy with just leather armor and a revolver, or a self-induced carrying capacity limit.

>> No.2451219

The trappings of the FPS format leave little space for reflection and pondering. When dealing with a game as rich in content, story-telling and atmosphere as were any of the original three installments, appropriate trappings must be set up for the player, for them to experience the telling as something uncanny. The famed isometric engine, the tbs base did just that for the original three, amongst other elements, squaring the circle.

>> No.2451228

>That's because it's not entirely FPS. It's a First Person Perspective but still uses the dice roll style of combat for determining damage and such. That's why if you have a shitty

This is why Fallout 3/NV is better in VATS and not FPShootin mode.
>8 perfectly lined up headshots.
>guys survives.

>> No.2451287
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They're not without flaws, but I love ALL Fallout games for making "punch your enemies to death" a very viable and fun way of playing an RPG. Bonus points for the fact that if you have the right equipment or perks your punches can tear them apart.

What other RPGs allow the player to make their character an unarmed killing machine? Besides the DnD ones with their monk class.

>> No.2451308

>What other RPGs allow the player to make their character an unarmed killing machine? Besides the DnD ones with their monk class.

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic kinda counts

>> No.2451387

Shadowrun comes to mind

>> No.2451396

Unarmed/Explosives have always been my favorite fallout build, F1/2's flavor text made it especially satisfying.

>> No.2451405

One of my greatest moments with video games was with Fallout 2 boxing championship. Starting the fight with the last opponent, readying myself for a though fight, i punch him in the face.
Critical hit. I fucking kill the guy with one punch, puddle of blood and everything, getting the exp for the victory and the kill. And you weren't even supposed to kill guys in this tournament.

>> No.2451740

I'm looking at steam now, and all the games are on sale. I've played FO3 and NV but Tactics, FO1 and FO2 are tempting me. Are they all worth getting or should i just grab the most enjoyable one?

>> No.2451775

A short and small indie game, can be completed fully in one sitting from morning to evening (though, of course, if you already know where to go). Very charming, tight, and keeps getting better because the developers are learning as they go, and even if you find the early parts a little bland, game picks up speed soon enough. Really good, engaging endgame. Try it first, it's not a huge time investment, and it's arguably the best in the entire series.

It features a ton more content and a much bigger world than its precedessor, as well as certain UI improvements to smoothen the gameplay (commanding companions, for instance, is much better). In terms of gameplay it's top notch, you can really do a shitload of things. In terms of worldbuilding and atmosphere, it's a little bit too themeparkish, filled to the brim with 90s popculture references that might feel out of place; you'll meet Yakuzas, huge mobsters with Tommy Guns and hats, Scientologists (with a Tom Cruise parody) and a literal kung fu town. Still, a very, very good game. If you're a contentfag, you will love it over FO1, but if you're not, you might feel a little dragged down. Still a solid 9,9/10 at least.

A very fun little game that makes the most out of the SPECIAL system. For irony, out of the first three FO games, it's the one where Charisma has the greatest impact even though it's 100% combat-based. It plays like Jagged Alliance 2 Lite and has some really decent variety in weaponry; skills like Throwing are now way more useful, and being able to control all your party members and hire a variety of mercs (meleers, gunners, shock troopers, etc.) means plenty of playstyles available. Features a really fun co-op mode if you have a like-minded buddy that you'd like to do some tacticool skirmishes with (pump up that Sneak skill!). Fun romp; it mostly gets flak for being FO mostly in name.

>bottom line
All worth getting for sure.

>> No.2453448

so can someone tell me how to get into the first 2 fallouts? Is there still a lot of problems with the steam version? Do I have to go to GOG to get working copies?

Am I going to have to spend hours modding it to get the optimal experience?

>> No.2453452

>vault boy as PC in comics

this triggers me

>> No.2453460

Without stealing stuff, where do you guys get your armor in fallout 2? I'm trying to earn some money with the caravans but getting my ass handed to me because the hits are too much

>> No.2453467


He used that style for the characters in-game anon, since it's easier to draw.

>> No.2453471

Enjoy having your vault destroyed by mutants after revealing its location

>> No.2453475

Killing the guys in martial arts combat is a good way to avoid bugs. Otherwise you may end up having the opponent remain in the ring and mess up your next fight.
Worst you can do is knock them unconscious.

>> No.2453479

Fallout's combat is great, I don't see what is the problem with it.
Most other isometric rpgs had total clusterfuck combat where you don't now what's going on, like Baldurs Gate and Arcanum.

>> No.2453481

It has nothing much to do with perspective, and everything to do with the fact that Bethesda makes terrible RPGs.

>> No.2453671

It would have been better with direct control over your party.

>> No.2453726

Come on. The npcs having their own AI is part of what makes the party in Fallout memorable compared to all the suicidal meat shields in other games. It's ridiculous that more games don't take this approach.

Now, better AI, sure.

>> No.2453756

This is a well thought post 10/10

>> No.2455273

>it mostly gets flak for being FO mostly in name
And yet it's more Fallout than the so called FO3.

>> No.2455275

That guy who gets kids to steal for him?
Shoot him in the face until he's dead.
Nobody likes him, nobody will care.

>> No.2455284

>all the suicidal meat shields in other games
Are you sure you're not talking about Fallout 2?
Because suicidal meat shields is exactly how Ian, Tycho and Dogmeat behave in FO1.

>> No.2455345

Man I sunk so many hours into the original Fallout as a teenager, but replaying it I just can't engage with the combat or quests or anything.

>> No.2455953

Wow, you're a dick. Unless the time limit patch still counts...

>> No.2455959

Killing Flick and Tubby actually improves your karma and town reputation.

>> No.2455970

What Fallout did you play?

Of course, less meat shield and more "Holy Fuck do not give them a weapon with burst fire"

>> No.2455984

I just came back to this thread after forgetting it for a few days and found this reply to my post.

Fyi I'm 30 and I've only played the first two games. Nice memetexting though.

>> No.2455995

In that case they shouldn't have made it turn based. Or at least give an option to give orders that the AI can opt to follow or not.
Sulik taking poison/eating fruits/drinking is definitely memorable but not what I want. Maybe the best part is trying to keep Dogmeat alive despite having little control over him.

>> No.2456472

Replaying fallout 2 right now with the restoration mod.
I m fucking stuck! Goddamn i wanted to go to SF after clearing vault city by going to the west coast first than down. Where i am now there are only enclave patrols.
Well time to re roll

>> No.2456485

You know that's gonna be a problem when they have a behaviour modifier just for burst mode.

You know that's REALLY gonna be a problem when your choices are:
Be sure you won't hit me
Be really sure you won't hit me
Be absolutely sure you won't hit me

>> No.2456830

You think it would have been really freakin' easy to set it to "if burstconecheck:player=true set UseBurst =false

(I'm just making up the scripting, but the premise remains the same.)

>> No.2456868

Calm down, don't take advice from strangers next time. I didn't play the game in a few years so I forgot.

>> No.2456883

Are you playing the restored version?

>> No.2456953

Wasn't there actually a turn-based Doom RPG released for early mobile?

>> No.2456956
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>> No.2456968

The gameplay of fallout 3 and nv is better.

>> No.2456970
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>> No.2456971

There was indeed. It was surprisingly not shitty.

>> No.2456998

I hate turn based combat in any form, so in that regard I feel fallout is a better FPS combat wise, but everything else feels better in the black isle games and they were better over all yes, but the combat keeps me from coming back to them.

>> No.2457004

there's also one called DoomRL which I believe is turn based. It was meh but I guess itd be good if you like rogue likes, I however do not.

>> No.2457010

Obviously I didn't take the advice.

I know the patch pushes it out to 999 days without the caravans, but I can't remember if it does the same if you do use them.

>> No.2457017

>the screen doesnt center your character
>you have to move the screen manually with arrow keys
How did this even happen? Its so annoying because i grew up on diablo, and its just so damn tedious for me to have to do this that it makes the game unplayable.

>> No.2457229

>makes the game unplayable
Hyperbole. Anyways, it's so you can see around the map, not too difficult to understand. It's a turn based game with a lot more complexity than Diablo.

>> No.2458273

just fix the resolution so you can see a whole town on your screen, that way you never have to move it

>> No.2461492 [DELETED] 

Really combat, stealth, lockpicking. All of is better in the later games.

>> No.2461496 [DELETED] 

Really combat, stealth, lockpicking. All of it better in the later games.

>> No.2461509

Really combat, stealth, lock picking. All of it is better in the later games.

>> No.2461515

>It's like GTA6 being turned into an RTS
Or Dune 2.

>> No.2461586

GOG used to carry the original Fallout games and made them work on modern systems, but Bethesda pulled them from the store once it regained all rights to the series. The Steam versions of Fallout 1 & 2 can be an absolute pain to get working on modern systems because Bethesda doesn't give a shit.

>> No.2461605

It was free on gog to add to your account for 48 hours before they acquired the rights and removed it from their store.

>> No.2461609

Unfortunately if you did not grab it before it was too late you'll have to mod the Steam version be able to legally play a good version of Fallout 1 or 2.

>> No.2461612

The problem with the GOG copies were that they were the EU versions so you had to mod kids back in and fiddle with shit since they're censored.

>> No.2462046

That was such a fuck you to Bethesda, I love it.

>> No.2462116

>giving money to bethesda
Who gives a shit just torrent the gog version.

>> No.2462461

that shit never happened to me with the GOG versions, i don't understand

>> No.2462720

eitherway, nobody should be playing Fallout 1 without Fallout Fixt. Your own fault.

>> No.2462735

you will be surprised to know that the default male Courier is supposed to look like Vault Boy.

>> No.2462786

>now listen here
>twice in the same comic
the real crime here

>> No.2462793

Don't get hit. If you can't avoid getting hit, don't take the fight - random encounters (including caravans) are some of the most dangerous fights in the game, since obstructing scenery is very limited with most of the map being open ground and the enemies are clumped together with no chance to pull them, and the maps are extremely small as well.

You can get safer money doing quests and killing enemies in any of the towns or dungeons of the game. Weapons looted from random encounters ARE worth a lot of money when sold, but you should be very careful about when to pick a fight since they're very dangerous. Caravans are really bad for that, since you have to fight or the caravan job will fail; just fight normal random encounters since you can pick your fights in those instead.

With pretty much all dungeons, you have a lot of space, doorways, corners, all that jazz to maneuver around and pull enemies without taking risk. In random encounter maps, you get nothing of the sort and start out close to the enemy to boot instead of getting the jump - spamming A when the encounter is loading to get the jump and get some distance helps, but it's not perfectly reliable.

>> No.2462803

I remember downloading it without paying much attention to "why". Actually I hadn't even noticed it got removed.

>> No.2462886


96 fag here.
You people realize that people born in 1982 are still milennials right? I see people using that term on /v/ all the time trying to sound smart but most of the time you are just shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.2463024
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>> No.2463052

That's less true here on /vr/ though. We have a lot of posters in the mid-30s and early 40s. We did an "admit your age" thread maybe half a year ago, and aside from one guy saying he was 18, the next youngest age was 27.

>> No.2463056

Lots of people say lots of things just to fit in with other anonymous people which is pretty weird if you ask me.

>> No.2463079

Most people seemed truthful. Even the 18-year-old expressed that he doesn't post much because he doesn't feel comfortable talking about games he didn't even play before 2000.

There wasn't any posturing or ego-stroking from the 40-year-olds, they just related their experiences growing up in the heart of the 2nd generation and lamented that we don't talk about anything from before NES that much.

Yeah, so anyways, I could never the hang of the so-called godly unarmed build, I vastly preferred being the brilliant sharpshooter who shot Gauss rifles through the eyes of his opponents from 30 hexes away.

>> No.2463091

Fist of the North Star build.

10 Agi, fast shot, extra unarmed attacks.

10 1 AP power fist punches per turn. And they even explode.

>> No.2463130

>We have a lot of posters in the mid-30s

Which, depending on who you ask (who you ask meaning not someone from 4chan) is a millenial. And if not that, they're barely not a millenial, just like those awful kids who were born in 1988 or 1989 and tried to separate themselves from 90s kids.

>> No.2463134

You're awfully trusting. I know for a fact that I lied in that thread about my age twice, I posted a big long thing about having kids and revisiting the retro of my youth and another about being in my late 20s and picking up games I never had a chance to play.

I've never posted authentic information on the internet and I don't know why anyone would.

>> No.2463145

Why would you bother lying about something so stupid? Stop projecting your compulsive lying habits on everyone.

>> No.2463149

I'm going to start Fallout 1 for the first time, any thing I need to know before starting? Patches??
Should I just start out at fallout 2?
I got the free Fallout 1 off GoG a while ago before they removed it.

>> No.2463167

Some sort of combat skill should be your priority.

Make sure your repair skill isn't too low, it is very handy to have for the main quest, but don't waste large amounts of points on it or anything.

>> No.2463171

>any thing I need to know before starting?
If you get a quest to go to a certain place in the south-east corner of the world map (you'll know when you get it):
Keep a save file from before you go there. If you save there and die from it because you forgot to pack certain equipment, your save will probably be ruined with no way of leaving without dying.

That's the only thing I can think of. Also, no matter what kind of character you roll, even if it's a smooth talking doctor with insane gambling skills, put as many points in Agility as you can.

Regular Fallout without patches works just fine. In Fallout 2 you might look into bug-fixing patches.

>> No.2463175
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>FO3 is a shitty fps/rpg hybrid that is uninspired and boring as hell.
But that's wrong, Jim.

>> No.2463192


>> No.2463204

You nailed it I'ma compulsive liar. I'm just saying that you shouldn't believe what you read on the internet. Hell I could be lying about lying. I probably am.

>> No.2463207

Thanks for the advice guys

>> No.2463228


The fuck is repair necessary for?

>> No.2463231

You fucking kidding me? Burst-fire Sulik was actually killing those black alien motherfuckers with a 10mm smg. The ammo is common, and you stay the fuck out of his way.

>> No.2463240

/v plz go, fo3 is poor

>> No.2463325

Fallout 1 NEEDS the Fallout Fixt patch. It's dumb to not use it and people should be recommending it to new players.

>> No.2463471

>Regular Fallout without patches works just fine.

That's like saying refusing treatment for treatable cancer is a good idea.

>> No.2463720

Your taste is poor

>> No.2463735

Eh not gonna be like him and send you to /v/. Will tell you to go here tho >>2463627. Maybe you can still be fixed.

>> No.2463739

>You fucking kidding me? Burst-fire Sulik was actually killing Marcus and Vic and whoever else steps in front with a 10mm smg.
Sledge Sulik or no Sulik. At the very least give the man a .223.

>> No.2463740

lel another one. You lot are carved from a mould, identically predictable and ready to swarm at the mention of FO3.

>> No.2463741

no it isn't

>> No.2463754
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Everything Bethesda added missed the point of the story completely but lucky for them the theme is classic and lets face it they didnt have much competition in the "post apocalyptic RPG" department when it came out. Couple that with vanilla characters, mediocre gunplay and a tacked on, completely pointless vats system and you get something that was only good because of what elements they purchased from interplay.

It may be OK but it sucks in comparison. Not only is this not retro its not an opinion that is easy to properly illustrate unless you have played 1-2 first hand when it was hot shit. Meticulously beating a room of raiders with not quite enough ammo and stimpacks turn by turn was a better rush than unloading 500,000 rounds into an adimantium mirelurk again and again.

>> No.2463770

>missed the point of the story completely
I have yet to hear an genuine, intelligent example of this. In what way did the added features miss the story's point? I don't see how this can logically make any sense.

>mediocre gunplay
It's as mediocre or great as most real time/3d rpg combat. It isn't a fps.

>completely pointless vats system
Incorrect. It allowed the employment of rpg elements (stats) in an effective way. It retained part of the more tactical combat of F1&2 by allowing you to target specific body parts, use ammo wisely etc.

>> No.2464437
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The new story's direction is contradictory to the established lore. Even the original writers commented on how the story went over Bethesdas head.

>its got shitty gunlpay because its NOT EVEN AN FPS!
Nice try
It supposed to simulate the turn based aspect but is only serves as an auto aim and without being able to zoom out and move strategically it has little purpose.

>> No.2464741

can't comment on steam version.
I got 1&2 through gog and both played without issue on win7. I think there may have been a handful of crashes combined from beginning of 1 to the end of 2,but nothing game-breaking.

played vanilla/10 will play again.

Just save often like any other game without auto-save.

>> No.2465005

Allright, /vr/ you've convinced me to start Fallout from the beginning. I'm downloading fallout fixt right now. Anything else I need?

>> No.2465010

With Fixt, should I do fixes-only, half-purist, or the whole shebang?

>> No.2465019


especially if it's your first time playing. only masochist like buggy games.

>> No.2465039

lmao doombabby got out of his cage. get back to your proto-CoD

>> No.2465045

Whatever you do, make a character with 9 or 10 agility.

>> No.2465054

I played through that on a pre-smartphone. By far one of the better games available.

>> No.2465065

started a game. 8 agility. some int and charisma. killed a bunch of rats in the cave. didn't save. got killed by some praying mantis fucks in my first random battle.

looks like I'm rerolling. lol.

>> No.2465078

Random battles can be a bitch, save often.

If you want easy-mode, choose the trait "gifted" - it's actually crazy overpowered though.

>> No.2465117

Learn how to set your companion AI. You can shift them in the middle of combat as well, if someone is in someone else's line of fire.

Hold everyone back, set Sulik to Charge! and bam. Body parts spraying left and right. ENEMY body parts, mind you.

>> No.2465138

I think of millennials as people who grew up with smartphones and the web. And even then it's more of a state of mind.

>> No.2465260

Charisma is an absolutely useless stat in Fallout 1. Even if you go full-on politician who talks his way out of everything, it doesn't benefit you at all save for giving you a few extra points in Speech in the beginning.

>> No.2465265


Yeah, Charisma is useless in the first game.

I think there's all of one point in the game where it checks that stat, and it's just to see whether you can fuck a unimportant NPC.

>> No.2465337

wut are some must have mod fixes for fo1

Mostly the hud is too small and its hard to read and the colours thing of windows 7 is my two biggest problems,

>> No.2465602


"Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation or Generation Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates when the generation starts and ends. Researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s."


"Generation Z refers to the cohort of people born after the Millennial Generation. There is no agreement on the name or exact range of birth dates. Some sources start this generation at the mid or late 1990s or from the mid 2000s to the present day."

Personally I think Millennials are 1980 to 2000, but they certainly are not 2000 - present day.

>> No.2466308

The main stat governing dialogs is INT, since it gives you the "normal" way of speech, plus some spurious bonus choices, much like CHA. What's really important is that it gives you more skill points per level, skill points you can spend in improving you Speech skill, which is the actual gamechanger in conversations.

>> No.2466314

Shitting on the established lore is kinda what every designer involved in FO did until now. Look at ghouls for instance, there is still no consensus about how they become like that and how they work, beside "nuclear magic" and "whatever the writers feel it's cool".

>> No.2466318

Fixt is still in alpha, btw.

You've been warned. Don't come crying if your characters start teleporting.

>> No.2466324
File: 39 KB, 453x470, 1396387999220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have a lot of posters in the mid-30s and early 40s
This is blatantly not true. A lot of us here are very likely somewhere between teenagers and 20 somethings who grew up with the 4th and 5th generation of games

How do I know this? Just look at the bulk of the content on this board at any given day. Most of the time, we're talking about 4th or 5th gen things. Or alternatively we're talking about things that we couldn't have possibly experienced in our days like Japanese computer gaming or emulation. You wanna see what a retro website is like where everyone is ACTUALLY 30 or 40? Go look at Nintendoage or Assembler, a bunch of manchildren jerking off over their super rare atari protos and betas and other rare shit they refuse to share or backup or even show footage of.

>> No.2466358

You'd be surprised. I'm 38. I'm not saying there's a lot here, but a significant amount.

>> No.2466361

36 here. There's definitely more of us than this guy >>2466324 thinks. I suspect the surge in discussion of "newer" retro stuff is either summertime or just people gradually migrating from /v/ when they get tired of dank memes and console wars.

>> No.2466372


I'm an over 25 and i started with the NES, i like to talk about it but i personally prefer 5th gen for various reasons.

>> No.2466378

>You'd be surprised. I'm 38. I'm not saying there's a lot here, but a significant amount.
I probably wouldn't be. You know where I think I'd see more middle aged people? /diy/, /ck/, /o/, /n/ and other far more serious hobbies where nostalgic college kids and teenagers looking to talk about older video games don't go or have an interest in.

>I suspect the surge in discussion of "newer" retro stuff is either summertime or just people gradually migrating from /v/ when they get tired of dank memes and console wars.
>/vr/ isn't like this all year round
Granted there is a lot more GBA posting than normal, but otherwise it's like this all year round.

>> No.2466380

There's quite a few people here in their 30s and 40s, but there's also younger third-worlders like me in their early 20s that grew with Famiclones and such.

>> No.2466381

>otherwise it's like this all year round.

Didn't used to be like this anyway, although I admit I'm not on this board every single day. I posted much more frequently when it first opened.

Also, being 36, I was still a kid when I got an SNES, and I was still a teenager when I got a N64. I have a lot of nostalgia associated with both. I'm not sure why you'd assume that anyone discussing 4th or 5th gen hardware is most likely a teenager or 20something.

>> No.2466386

>far more serious hobbies

Do you really want to go there anon ?
And i'm telling you this as a model hobbyist and a /lit/fag that hates /lit/.
Hobbies tend to be neutral, the people in it have a tendency to be more immature, retro gaming is not much worse than other hobbies.

>> No.2466404


Also let me specify that immaturity has little to do with the actual age of the person.

>> No.2467103
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Why the fuck is my luck 2? It's supposed to be 8

>> No.2467105

I know what the "official" definition is, but it's arbitrary and doesn't mean much if anything.

>> No.2467106


Nevermind, it was that fucking dog, didn't even pay attention.

>> No.2467121

>Or alternatively we're talking about things that we couldn't have possibly experienced in our days like Japanese computer gaming or emulation.
Pretty sure almost no one here lived in Japan in the 80s~90s and was into obscure text-based adventure/porn games.

>> No.2467130


I'm a 29 year old ancient sage. grew up on NES/SNES/n64, and 16 bit is my favorite era.

>> No.2467131

Bro wtf, Fallout is great as a fucking fps, right up there with CoD, man. You don't even know I could 360 noscope you right off the toilet without even trying bro. E3 ain't got shit on this care package I'm supplying. (Not to talk shit about E3 though it's actually pretty cool)

>> No.2467134

i wish we didnt retro games. i like this gens new taste in vidya.

>> No.2467135 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 259x194, big black dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I feel about retro games.

pic related

>> No.2467136 [DELETED] 


>> No.2467335

well your wrong as fuck

>> No.2467474

Is the fallout fixt mod worth the try? I'm about to start playing this game for the first time, does it require more time and updates before being worth the try?

>> No.2467479

Fixt is still in alpha and very buggy.

>> No.2468191

stop saying such discouraging things. Fixt actually works just fine.

>> No.2468360

In some. In others, it can cause characters teleporting to the entrances of areas and the game crashing.
I'm not saying you CAN'T use it, I'm just stating that it's not in a flawless working state. Don't be surprised if you run into some bugs or problems.

>> No.2469373

How high should I raise my skills in Fallout 1? I'm doing a standard Guns/Speech/Lockpick and am planning to take Energy Weapons later on

Also is there even a use for the Repair skill here? Weapons don't seem to degrade at all.

>> No.2469397

Repair is for certain objects in the game world, like a broken generator and other stuff. Equipment doesn't degrade like it does in later games. It's not really worth spending skill points on since there's skill books that boost it up anyway and using tools on things you can repair gives you another +20 to your repair.

>> No.2469410

I see. So I should just focus on buffing my tagged skills for now.

>> No.2469424

lol just bought fallout 1 and fallout 2 on steam! cheap as hell!

>> No.2469446

>Buying Steam and not pirating GOG


>> No.2469613

will there ever be a modern fallout?

>> No.2470146

Wasteland 2 is pretty close, or so I've heard.
Also the company behind that just trademarked the working title for the original Fallout 3, Van Buren, and has been talking to a writer from the originals about some ideas they have for it.

Who knows what they'd come up with.

>> No.2470209

finally got around to playing fallout 1. I've had it forever but never got too far. Currently I'm at the hub. Loving it so far now that I actually know how the game mechanics work.

That said, sometimes the NPC scripting can be a pain in the ass. For instance, in shady sands I've been nothing but nice to everyone there and helped Seth by killing the radscorpion nest just out of the kindness of my heart. And when I get back, he tells me the raiders kidnapped his GF tandi. He pretty much orders me to go rescue her, and I ask for a reward. He immediately becomes hostile and he and the entire town attacks me just because I asked for a reward. Even though I had previously helped the village just prior.

That's some fucking bullshit. I'm a bad guy because I don't want to go fight a dozen heavily-armed raiders by myself for no compensation or items to help me out? Armor, bullets, and stimpacks aren't cheap.

>> No.2470447
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I recently started playing Fallout 2 and I keep dying of unexpected reasons, I suppose it can be cause of the radiation but i don't have the pop up box that warns me in the screen, just the character screen warning.

>Can't travel nor rest because I die in the next 3 hrs.
>I'm in Klamath, where nobody seems to have radaway or radX.
>I lost almost all my perception points by using healing powder.

What /vr/ suggest is my cause of death or what can I do.

>> No.2470457

You can say "Yes." then go to Razlo for free shit. They can't give you weapons since they don't have any for you.

>> No.2470489

If you're in a local map causing radiation damage, move off of it and click on your map icon to load a local travel map.

Sit down and doctor/medicine yourself as much as you can, then sleep for 8 hours, continue doing this until your hit points stop dropping from the radiation.

NPCs don't get irradiate, don't waste drugs on them. (unless you have some crazy mod maybe)

>> No.2470493

The only notable radiation I can remember in FO2 is the Gecko cave and the well outside of Vault City? so that was probably it?

>> No.2470524

There's also the inside of the reactor in Gecko.
At least from what I remember.

>> No.2470526

I'm in Klamath, downtown, my HP is full, if I rest longer than 3 hrs I die, and for no reason I gain radiation points after the first hour.

>> No.2470549

You have the red warning 'IRRADIATED' box in the normal game screen, not just the warning in the menu?

Do you still die while you're doctoring yourself? Each doctor test is an hour I think.

>> No.2470553

I just have the character screen warning and i still die while doctoring/healing myself.

>> No.2470554

Toxic caves seems to be the most likely candidate given that he's in Klamath.

>> No.2470558

You only take rad damage if you have the red 'IRRADIATED' warning in the main screen, so it's something else.

Did you take a bunch of super stim packs? I can't imagine how you would have got enough to kill yourself though. Do you only have like 20 hp?

>> No.2470615

I have 40 hp, it never decrease, I just die and thats it. Thats why I'm confused.

>> No.2470616

Do you have the EU version?

>> No.2470643

Might just have to restart or go back a save.

Fallout is so bad it's what got me in the habit of save scumming just because crits and bugs were so bad and random. And sometimes the bug wouldn't come up for 40 minutes or an hour and I'd have to go back 10 saves.

I'd save every time I got to a town/new map/new floor of dungeon, and then quicksave every couple minutes I could think of.

Playing with any of the fan patches? They usually fix more bugs than they cause.

>> No.2470693

your post is possibly the most pathetic thing i've ever seen

>> No.2470694

Does Fallout Tactics have a resolution mod like Fallout 1 and 2?

>> No.2470706

I hard a hard time getting into the first 2, never got too far in them. Everything felt real clunky. I played fallout 3 for about a week and gave up since it just felt like a timesink. This was all a few years back, should I delve back into one?
Fallout 4 hype is big right now and its making me wonder if I was wrong about the series.

>> No.2470729

Fallout is a game that you play for the atmosphere and humor, so if you can enjoy that, you'll love Fallout.

If you don't explore or enjoy the atmosphere, then Fallout can be pretty boring.

>> No.2470747
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I do like the concept and atmosphere, the first 2 just felt tedious when I was playing them. I think it had more to do with the mechanics. I just dont think I can play time invested games anymore, I just dont have the time like I did when I was a kid, which is a reason why I love "retro" games. I can just pop in the cartridge and few seconds later im already in the game.
It kind of bums me out when I think about it

>> No.2470752

Honestly, that's how I felt at first when I played 1&2, but once you get into it and get a companion (read Ian) it's not so bad and the gameplay feels less clunky once you get a hold of the controls.

Reading the manual is a must to get the most out of the game.

>> No.2470762

youre probably right, I hadnt gotten it off GoG, I dont remember if they had a pdfd type of manual

>> No.2470794

GOG has the manual in full color and tons of other goodies.

Steam has the manual in B&W if you right click on the game.


>> No.2472335

If I'm not mistaken, in the Arroyo's backyard where all those geckos are there are a pretty amount of radioactive puddles. That may have affected you. And no, in FO1/2 you had to find a geiger counter module for your Pip-boy, otherwise how much irradiated you are is an information hidden to you, save for a popup when you really are starting to glow and a generic "Radiated" message in the stats.

>> No.2473017


I don't understand how people have problems with caravan missions in FO2, unless you are playing with no followers + a pacifism build.

Apart from a random Super Mutant encounter, there is nothing a caravan party + Vick/Cassidy/Sulik + PC can't handle.

>> No.2473024


Doesn't work in FO2.

>> No.2473034


Except that's not even remotely true, as only Bethesda did that.

FO1 left a lot of blank spots, which FO2 filled up in a consistent way. FNV did the same thing.

FO3, and in all likelihood FO4, didn't fill in the blanks, but explicitly contradicted previously established facts. Hell, FO3 was so inconsistent that it contradicted itself at every opportunity.

>> No.2473491

What torrenting sites could i search for a a copy fallout 1. I dont want to buy it on steam since ive played through the game several times already

>> No.2473498

actually nevermind I found something

>> No.2473538

I don't see how it's any different to the change gta itself went through tbh.

>> No.2473634

Are you for real? GTA has always been about roaming the streets, stealing cars, and escaping polive in open city environment. The only radical change the series went though is from top down to a traditional 3d camera. The gameplay, otherwise, has remained largely the same, being slowly upgraded with each intallment.

Falout 1/2 were isometric turn based rpgs with with 2 static environments. Fallout 3 turned it into and first person shooter with rpg elements in an open world. The method the player traveled the world was vastly changed, not to mention how the combat changed, as well as the details provided to the player vie the diologue box that had unique flavor text for characters, monster, the kinds of hits dealt in combat, and even the stats of the enemy. Fallout 1/2 are completely different games than 3/NV/4

>> No.2473650

Yeah gta has always been about roaming around stealing cars and breaking the law, the same way fallout has always been about roaming around in a post nuclear wasteland.

The game mechanics have changed drastically for both series. In fact pretty much every specific change you mentioned also changed for gta.

>> No.2473687

Won't be buying Fallout 3 or 4 because of FPS faggotry, purchased Underrail instead.

>> No.2473706
File: 72 KB, 640x480, fallout1_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trolling me? I feel like you're trying to ruse me. Just in case you're being serious though:
I myself am a fan of both gta and Fallout, played gta 3 first and fallout 1 first and have played every game in each series since. Its true that things in both series have changed radically but the scale of those changes in either series are not equal. The scale of these changes can be easily exemplified in just the control scheme alone.

For the sake of this argument, I haven't played much of gta 1/2 but i do know that it had the same basic control scheme that is still used to this day in GTA 5. A button to enter cars and control that car, running the streets and firing weapons being pressed with the face buttons (or specific keys if played on PC) input actions that play in real time and are dependant on the players reaction speed and teh abilty to make judgement while mpoving at high speeds in a 3d environment. The same rules that apply to the entire series has remained stable and consistent. It's also been with the same developer for all these years as well.

What makes Fallout different is that it has changed devs (Interplay to Bethesda) and that has dramatically changed the control scheme of the game to suit a different genre of play. 1/2 were controlled primarily by the mouse (Where in GTA, the mouse typically only handled controlling the player's vision) and the player navigated their character ona 2d plane divided by hexagonal grids, like a tabletop board game, and te game paly was not dependant on the player's reaction in real time but their ability to deduce the most efficient outcome for their character model in turn based combat. Success was dependant on the player's ability to manage a group of statistics represented by the Vault Dweller against other groups of stats (raiders, mutants, dialogue, etc).

Fallout 3 changed it to reaction based action game set in a realtime 3d environment where the stats were secondary to the player's skill...

>> No.2473718
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... this is radically different from GTA's transition to a 3d engine, a game that had always relied on reaction and quick judgement in tense scenarios. Fallout had become a game that was no longer concerned with stimulating the player's imagination via numbers and stat comparison but instead providing a simulated open world where victory was, like GTA, decided on manipulating the player character in 3 area.

>> No.2473991

how about you tell me why i should care about Underrail, mr shill?

>> No.2474228

'Cause it's isometric & shite

>> No.2474295

Are there any mods that fix the controls? It's like a point and click game with how much work you have to do with the mouse. Fallout 3/NV got it right.

>> No.2475205
File: 119 KB, 547x609, 1433351506571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're asking is, are there any mods that make a 2d isometric RPG play like a FPS?

No, there are no mods like that.

>> No.2476620

Am I the only one who sometimes gets this option in combat where I can steal stuff from people during the fight? What causes that?

>> No.2476891

>that first time you hit a mutant with an rpg and 2/3 of his body was blown apart

One of my best vidya feels evar.

>> No.2477769

Those shotgun kills were da best