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File: 55 KB, 523x757, 1383970-loz_y_a_malon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2444965 No.2444965 [Reply] [Original]

Alright. We all agree he should've ended up with her right?

>> No.2444984

Which one, Cremia or Romani?

And he left Termina anyway so there was no chance of him ending up with either.

>> No.2445001

Romani was my first waifu, I think. And Cremia's hug made me feel things I'd never felt before.

>> No.2445032

what the hell for, anon?
Link is from Hyrule. why would he give a fuck about two dumb bitches?
He's better off being single anyway. just like most people on /r9k/. Because what does he do when he's not saving the world? sleeping, that's right. a bitch around him would only bitch at him for that (see: Tetra).

>> No.2445227

>harvests milk
>farm is a rupee goldmine
>takes care of Epona
>probable daddy issues
Best girl confirmed

>> No.2445313
File: 6 KB, 90x90, Mah Nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2445317
File: 155 KB, 400x630, Malon is adorable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If not Cremia or Romani, then at least Malon.

Farm raised and aged to perfection

>> No.2445345 [SPOILER] 
File: 756 KB, 500x209, 1433273388493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twilight Princess Link confirmed to be descended from OoT Link
>So OoT Link had to have knocked up someone
>Twilight Princess Link already knows Epona's Song
>Twilight Princess Link already owns a horse named Epona

It is pretty obvious that Link returned to Hyrule, settled down at Lon Lon Ranch with Malon--

>> No.2445430
File: 255 KB, 500x369, 19931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only she wasn't braindead.

>> No.2445435

To be fair link doesn't end up with Zelda either.

>> No.2445462 [SPOILER] 
File: 72 KB, 350x268, 1433276593925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are absolutely right, OP. He SHOULD have ended up with her. it's a match made in heaven.

>> No.2445571 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 105x200, 1433279365304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anyone other than pic related is waifu material in Harvest Moon 64

>> No.2445591

>Twilight Princess Link confirmed to be descended from OoT Link
No. Hero's Shade was confirmed as OoT Link. That's all.
There's still no bloodline relation between any of the Links.

>> No.2445592
File: 402 KB, 850x1020, Malon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Malon bare feet ever

>> No.2445797

Why you gotta cockblock Link like that?

>> No.2445802

I think OP meant Malon but used a picture of Romani and Cremia for some reason.

>> No.2445808

It's a simple mistake to make considering...

>> No.2445821

That's bullshit since Hero's Shade had text dialogue.

>> No.2445863

That pic is Cremia and Romani, not only are they both together but young Malon doesn't have a bow

>> No.2445867

I find it odd that there is no official artwork of adult Malon. Is it because they didn't want to ruin the surprise of her adult form?

>> No.2445868

I know this may sound a bit farfetched, but Link - get this - can actually talk! He just doesn't in the games to make the player more immersed (except for when you aren't playing as him, i.e. Hero's Shade)

>> No.2445892

she got fat

>> No.2445925

Mmmm, braindead lolis.

>> No.2445968
File: 1.69 MB, 352x240, blasphemy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2445981

if he can scream like a complete retard and everything he slices and while falling from a cliff, he can talk.

I'm not surprised.

>> No.2446032

It makes Majora's Mask all the more poignant. Because Link was in the Lost Woods without a fairy, he was doomed to become a Stalfos. Termina could be seen as purgatory, his adventure a coming-of-age so his spirit could rest in peace; as Hero's Shade, he's filled with regret from such an early death, as he never got the chance to pass on his techniques to others

>> No.2446072


No, Hyrule Historia states TP Link is the Hero of Time's descendant.


No, Hyrule Historia makes it clear that Termina is a real place where the game's events really happened. Please cut out the 2deep4u nonsense.

The reason the Hero's Shade exists is because of OoT Link's regreat over not being remembered as the Hero of Time in the child timeline.

>> No.2446096

That's stupid.
Regret doesn't make you a Stalfos.

>> No.2446107

It's strongly implied that all Heroes of Time are direct descendants of the original in Skyward Sword. Demise's curse is that his incarnation (Ganon) will appear and fight with the Hero's descendants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r580S90NECo&t=5m22s

>> No.2446115


Stalfos aren't sentient ghosts that can turn into spiritual wolves and have their own fucking pocket dimension. He just happens to look skeletal. This whole Stalfos thing is old and stale fanon bullshit on the level of "Link is Dead in MM".


The spirit of the hero gets reincarnated, but the only confirmed blood relation is between OoT and MM. Wind Waker Link is 100% not blood related because OoT Link left that timeline without having kids. For all the others it may or may not be the case.

>> No.2446118


*between OoT and TP. Pardon me.

>> No.2446203

Thank you

People really go out of their way to make Majora's Mask more creepy and dark than it already is. Great game, but the fanbase likes to dissect it and overanalyze it to the point of insanity.

These are the same people who write those long-winded theories on why their favorite childhood cartoon characters were really dead the whole time, in a coma, or suffering from mental illness.

>> No.2446224

That doesn't explain the hero's shade at all.

"Regret" doesn't do that to people.

>> No.2446229

a lot of stories in japanese mythology are about demons born out of regret

>> No.2446232
File: 51 KB, 369x491, 1410915224351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should have ended up with her.

>> No.2446235


>> No.2446242

I'm pretty sure Tingle regrets being a massive fucking faggot his whole life, but you don't encounter Faggot's Shade.

>> No.2446245
File: 278 KB, 353x700, hero of grave robbing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.2446252


How about it was his regret coupled with his highly magical properties of being a hero of destiny and a Triforce bearer that left a ghostly imprint whose only purpose is to pass on his fighting prowess?

It's magic, anon, they don't need to explain shit that much. And Zelda especially has loose as fuck lore and canon and very few rules of what the supernatural can or cannot do.

>> No.2446274

I'll take that over emo/creepypasta bullshit

>> No.2446295

So you're rejecting a fairly concrete explanation because you don't like it, and instead offer an alternative explanation, being "its magic don't gotta explain shit."

>> No.2446297


It's not my explanation. The thing about the Hero's Shade being caused by OoT Link's regret is a statement in Hyrule Historia, which is canon information. Anon complained about that, to which I responded with an offhand fanwank attempt to enhance the canon information a little.

>> No.2446303

>grim dark fanfiction derrived from overanalyzing and reading too deeply into the game
>official canon

Pick one

>> No.2446317

Seriously, people talk about how shippers are so awful and ruining their respective fanbases but the truth is that the dark angsty fantheory crowd is actually worse.

I'll take people who dedicate themselves to insane fan pairings (James and Meowth from Pokemon for example) over those "LOL ASH HAS BEEN IN A COMA FOR THE ENTIRE SERIES" dumbasses.

>> No.2446325

Which statement? I don't have a copy myself.

>> No.2446330



>> No.2446332
File: 157 KB, 300x300, Malon... no Bowser Medallion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then this all but proves Link had to nail someone.

And that someone was most likely superior farm girl waifu

>> No.2446346

>Hyrule Historia states TP Link is the Hero of Time's descendant.
No, it only states that the Hero's Shade is OoT Link.

Skyward Sword strongly implies that the Heroes of Time are reincarnations, dude.
And Wind Waker outright states it.

Nnno it doesn't.

>> No.2446352

check anon's citation-

Sorry Link didn't die a forever alone virgin

>> No.2446359

Well, I guess you're right, but that's still fucking retarded.

>> No.2446375

It's probably Zelda

Considering Miyamoto said Navi fucked off because she was envious of Zelda it's safe to say that Link developed feelings for her, even if Zelda didn't reciprocate.

>> No.2446381

Can't be Zelda because TP Zelda is a princess living in a castle and Link is a village peasant

So even though they're related, the girl gets to grow up a pampered royal and the boy has to live in squalor? That's some Luke and Leia bullshit right there.

>> No.2446385

well are they actual direct blood descendants or reincarnations?

If we are going strictly by what's offered in OOT, I'd say Zelda was Link's choice based on what Miyamoto said about Navi.

>> No.2446387
File: 133 KB, 634x900, 1418106672192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TP Zelda is obviously a descendant of OoT Zelda, but she's not related to TP Link, who is a confirmed blood-related descendant of OoT Link. So OoT LinkxZelda can't have happened unless you're willing to make up a convoluted scenario.

Meanwhile TP Link lives in a farming community and knows Epona's song, so...

>> No.2446393
File: 11 KB, 230x271, Malink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and he actually owns a horse named Epona who is widely believed to be an actual descendant of Epona.

>> No.2446396

>We all agree he should've ended up with her right?

But isn't Link gay?

>> No.2446401
File: 84 KB, 744x1053, 1371176545170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He obviously went for Malon because he needed to relive this feel.

>> No.2446402

Link pretty much fucks whatever he so desires.

Every living soul in Hyrule owes him ass.

>> No.2446507
File: 1.57 MB, 430x3201, legend of zelda girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 more years, dick. Just 7 more years

Yeah, Malon makes the most sense. A kid who grew up in (and was raised by) a tree belongs with a girl who shares his love of the outdoors. Zelda's too sheltered

>> No.2446981

About that comic, to be fair, isn't Gannon only interested in the piece of Triforce Zelda posseses?

>> No.2447179

When I was younger I was pretty big into reading fanfiction (my early teens were a dark and shameful period) and Malon was the main character of like 60% of all the stories in the Zelda section. I'm pretty sure it's because most of them were just romance stories written by girls and Malon is an easier character for them to project onto than someone like Zelda.

Not sure if it's because I just read stories with her in them all the time but Malon was my waifu. Not even being 4chan ironic or anything, it was a legit fantasy for me to be with her.

Looking back it was unhealthy as fuck but this thread is making me nostalgic for it. I almost want to read fanfiction again but now I know that all of it's fucking garbage.

self saging for blogshit

>> No.2447582

>implying Ganondorf doesn't want to rail on Zelda for a solid weekend all the while NTRing Link to the point of tears

Ganon has dick doesn't he?

>> No.2447864
File: 219 KB, 334x599, Ganondorf_Artwork_(Oracle_of_Ages_and_Seasons).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, but isn't that all the more reason for him to get excited? He's been hunting for this girl for 7 years. A fuck is fleeting, but the Triforce is forever

>> No.2448292

I wish Malon/Romani/Cremia was a futa and I could milk her big fat cock the same way she milks her cows

>> No.2448306

God damn that outfit is fucking dumb.

>> No.2449272

I knew that would be the response given and I posted anyway. You do have a point though.

>> No.2449983

That's probably why Ganondorf was never included in the Oracle games, and only Ganon.